Mens Ministry Catalyst has conducted hundreds of father/child events, mens retreats, and family camps. For more information on any of the positions about, please contact us and indicate your area of interest. The goal of the Indiana District Mens Ministry is to help local pastors: Encourage men to pursue God through prayer & the Word. Distinctive #9 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are national mens conferences.
It is designed for men of all ages and seasons of life. They occur once a year every year in the same location and in the same place in the calendar.
Please type the four characters above into the box below. 7545 US Highway 29 Equipping Men Devotionals, Podcasts and more! Conferences and retreats are a big part of the plan that brings men together into dynamic relationships that build stronger leaders and followers of Christ. To see a biblical spiritual awakening come to men, and to empower leaders to establish a ministry to men in churches across the globe. Benjamin Abouelkheir
The focus is on training and resourcing men to live for Christ in all areas of life. Men in full-time vocational ministry lead these local, boots-on-the-ground ministries. All rights reserved. This is not your normal conference.
We are ready to Go! oversee and support Host Sites from registration through conference follow up. CAMPGROUND DORMS (available for $12 each night per registrant) Registration opens February 2023. We have lots of size options. To encourage them to be authentic men of action. Seminars are targeted for Emerging Men (age 13-19); Pioneering Men (age 20-29); Full Throttle Men (age 30-55) and Seasoned Men (age 55+).
To restore the identity and role of men according to Gods purpose for their revival, their families, churches, and their communities, Brave Mens Ministries is a service under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Youssef and Auxiliary Bishops Basil and Gregory of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Southern United States.
Would you like to receive professional, confidential counseling? The conference does open and close with all the men together for a time of masculine worship and exhortative keynote messages from gifted national speakers, but the meat of the day are the equipping seminars. We seek to create an atmosphere that encourages relaxation and renewal and provides opportunities for life-changing experiences. This includes healing of spirit, soul and body through the Word of God, anointed prayer, counseling and supportive relationships.
Distinctive #4 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are for men of all ages (13 and up). This involves working with a strategic focus and then evaluating and reviewing our actions. The keynote speakers have a national platform with men and the seminar presenter line-up is comprised of leaders who are nationally known for their expertise in ministry to men. Men can begin their day at home and have dinner at the end of the day at home. Austin, Texas everything is BIGGER in Texas, so we thought there is no better place to hold this HUGE event. Distinctive #3 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences offer sixteen different equipping seminars designed specifically for men.
Iron Sharpens Iron is a network of ministries, not a national organization. Through the annual, psst(this is a link to the giving page). The statement of faith is that of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE).
Seminars are designed to be specific to different men in different seasons of life. Create an atmosphere of support, encouragement and prayer for the pastor that is driven by Mens Ministry. Lets get together and change our MENtality about living according to our calling. Request a Promotion Packet for the 2021 Season. Supporting No Regrets creates an eternal impact on the kingdom of God. The ISI Mens Conference is a reliable resource that can be added to the calendar of the local church. 407-644-5000 | 2021 by Florida Conference Men's Ministry. Mens Ministry Downloads 5011 Northwest GainesvilleRoad Ocala, FL 34475(352) 622-5724, (There are no promotional rates for hotels). Have a question or comment for one of our leaders or ministries?
Uplift men through our district-wide Mens Conference. Everyone is welcomed at OCBF. 3:16-17, Romans 12:1-2, I Peter 1:22-23, Hebrews 4:12, Family: We believe that the church is called to bring healing to the wounded family. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates. Fr. No Regrets Men's Ministry exists to empower the local church to develop its men into an army to reach the world for Christ. It is a great time for your men to experience being with other men from other churches in your community and region, fostering unity in the Body of Christ. 1. Subscribe to our mailing list today to receive news and updates. Proceeds from this one-day golf event supports the life-changing No Regrets Mens Ministry. Come and enjoy a relaxing Caribbean cruise while at the same time getting certified in Men's Ministry. LOCATION Teach men how to pray and teach men to pray. The conference is a one-day resource but the regional ministry leadership serves local churches fifty-two weeks each year. Thank you. The seminar topics are specific to men and are rarely offered in the context of local church ministry. The conviction is that manhood begins early and that men of all ages need encouragement to finish strong for Christ. Distinctive #6 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are one-day conferences. Benjamin Abouelkheir is the priest for The Holy Cross Coptic Orthodox Church located in Austin, TX. P.O. Distinctive #1 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are a resource offered by a regional ministry that serves local churchesbyequipping them to reach, disciple and mobilize men. Paid and volunteer positions available. Fr. So we need your help to accomplish that goal. Genesis 12:3, Ephesians 5:21-23, Community: We believe that the larger community is our responsibility. Dont limit your mens ministry leadership to just a few.
This includes equipping and training for the work of ministry. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates. The conference platform intentionally promotes and encourages inter-generational ministry. Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Florida Conference Men's Ministry website. We are building our team. Paid and volunteer positions available.. In-Person Worship Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You just never know who God is incubating a new ministry in.
This, in turn, leads to disciples making disciples which in turn strengths the church body.
Have you thought in depth about the wounds of the devil in your life? Lodge: Double Occupancy (2 meals)- $137Lodge: Double Occupancy (5 meals)- $189, Lodge: Single Occupancy (2 meals)- $178Lodge: Single Occupancy (5 meals)- $229, Cabin: 1 Night Occupancy (2 meals)- $106Cabin: 2 Night Occupancy (5 meals)- $159, Registration Only: Drive On (0 meals)- $35Registration Only: Drive On (1 meal)- $45Registration Only: Drive On 3 Days (0 meal)- $65, Lodge: Double Occupancy (2 meals)- $154Lodge: Double Occupancy (5 meals)- $204, Lodge: Single Occupancy (2 meals)- $185Lodge: Single Occupancy (5 meals)- $234, Cabin: 1 Night Occupancy (2 meals)- $120Cabin: 2 Night Occupancy (5 meals)- $171, Registration Only: Drive On (0 meals)- $40Registration Only: Drive On (1 meal)- $50Registration Only: Drive On 3 Days (0 meal)- $72, Are you a North Texas Assemblies of God minister or family member? Browns Summit, NC 27214. 351 S. State Rd. Receive Our Latest Email Updates In Your Inbox! 214-672-9100. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates.
We equip leaders in the local church to develop an intentional plan to disciple the men of their church and community. The ISI conference network reaches out to churches all over the nation. The conference is intentionally a safe place where denominational distinctives are not emphasized but rather there is an emphasis on the unity found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The intention of the conference is to be a resource that local churches can trust and depend on. Homosexuality, Marriage, and Sexual Identity. 434 PHONE: 336-656-7936, MAILING ADDRESS: Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Southern United States, Team building challenge courses grow like your life depends on it, Archery take aim to take out the enemy, Basketball bring your A-Game out of retirement. We'll analyze where you are now and help you to make the most of what MMC has to offer.
Our annual conference is held on the 2nd weekend in. Through the annual No Regrets Mens Conference, Host Site churches, our Leadership Development Training and relevant Discipleship Resource Materials, we are helping equip churches to build men into discipling leaders who develop and disciple other leaders. This will be achieved by holding various Men's Conventions in various languages, providing resources in creating and maintaining a Men's Ministry in the local church, as well as other resources provided through our website. Nathanael Guirguis Supporting No Regrets is an investment into seeing men love better, live better, and work better because they were discipled to know Jesus Christ better. If you have questions about any of our services or would like for us to custom tailor a service package specifically for your ministry or organization, please email us or fill out the short form below. Founded in 1954 on the beautiful shores of Lake Travis, Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center is a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 2. A believer can increasingly grow into an intimate, vibrant relationship with Christ as he or she becomes more grounded in His Word. You may have a man sitting in the wings right now that God is preparing to use to minister to other men. Matthew 5:35-42, Luke 4:18, Acts 4:29-30, Excellence: We believe that Biblical excellence (doing the very best with what God has given) honors God and inspires people. MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to build mens faith, relationships and ministry, through resources we obtain, events we produce and ongoing leadership development. Nathanael Guirguis is the priest for St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church located in Atlanta, GA. Fr. We are committed to one another and team ministry. Sunday @ 8:00 & 11:00 am, 1808 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Please visit our pages: VISION STATEMENT: The vision of the Cornerstone Conference Mens Ministry is to assist every congregation in developing an effective Mens Ministry. This website is intended to encourage and support North Texas families, churches and ministry leaders. Altamonte Springs, FL, 407-644-5000 | 2021 by Florida Conference Men's Ministry. 2022 North Texas District of the Assemblies of God. The music will be from the ISI Worship Band and will be Spirit-filled praise and worship blending both classic hymns and contemporary Christian music geared towards men. Iron Sharpens Iron is an equipping conference for men. Over the years we have found that successful and maintainable ministry to men is very challenging for churches to do. Rewatch the Virtual 2021 No More Excuses Mens Conference! We are excited to announce this year's Mens Conference Generations!General Council Assistant SuperintendentRick Dubosewill be our keynote speaker. I truly believe that this could be the vehicle that ignites a revival in your local church as the hearts of the men come alive. Our main objective is to support you, the local church pastor and your mens ministry leaders. This conference model is ideal in serving the majority of men.
This conference is not just for the leaders. Department of Pastoral Care and Counseling Ministry. No Regrets Men's Ministry exists to empower the local church to develop its men into an army to reach the world for Christ. Proudly created with Each conference features national ministries and resources that are specific to men and church-based ministry to men. This includes individual, family and corporate prayer. Our proven model of great teaching, good food, recreational skills training, dynamic worship, and Christian fellowship have been used to build life-long relationships/friendships. This ministry is about men encountering Jesus Christ and being developed in their faith to be all that Jesus wants them to be. | All Rights Reserved|, Fine Arts Festival Information April 29-30, January 2022: Sanctity of Human Life Month, EVUSA Leadership Gathering: January 17-19 | Goldsboro, NC, Clergy Life Insurance Program (CLIP) Open Enrollment, CHRISTTOGETHER State of Leadership Infographic Available. Distinctive #7 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are live. You and all MEN you know, 18 and olderfathers, students, bachelors, eldersyes even the old men we need you too! Do you know how to heal from it and fight back? Younan William is the priest for St. Mary & Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church located in Houston, TX. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. We encourage you to bring any and all of your men to ISI. Distinctive #2 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences give regional visibility to the regional ministry. How Does Your Men's Ministry Stack Up? Please visit our page or Call CounselCare at 1.800.979.2270, Home | Privacy Policy | NTD Staff Resources | Give. The church is called to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do You Need To Request A Womens Conference Promo Packet? Each regional ministry believesit is the responsibility of the local church to reach and disciple men and that the regional ministry hosting the conference is present all year long to serve and to help churches. A one-day event that offers a great way to raise funds for a momentous ministry. As your conference Mens Ministry Director I want to challenge every pastor to take a long hard look at organizing and establishing Mens Ministry in your church. Get Important News From Cornerstone Conference! Daniel 5:12, Philippians 1:10, Prayer: We believe that prayer is one of Gods main ways of preparing His Church to become the end-time Bride. Copyright 2020 Cornerstone Conference IPHC. Our council is convinced that healthy, active and effective Mens Ministries are the key to growing strong churches. This includes strengthening marriage, encouraging parents, recovery from divorce, ministering to singles, children and youth. Reproducible ministry through ordinary people, Ministry nurtured through relationships. This conference is not targeted to individual men but rather to local churches. Dallas, TX 75232 Browns Summit, NC 27214. With top speakers and thought leaders; live worship, challenging stories and group discussion, the No Regrets Conference is a must for any and all ministries to men. Mens Ministry Charter Application, CORNERSTONE CONFERENCE IPHC My Northtexas is available to all of our district minister's to give, edit your profile, and checkout district archives. The Turn-Around Agenda, a Social Outreach. Bring as many men as you can and help them to spread their ministry wings. Host Site Coordinator (Volunteer)-oversee and support Host Sites from registration through conference follow up. Luke 5:30-32, Matthew 18:14. There are no webcasts, simulcasts, telecasts, or videotaped portions of the conference. Would you like to have church announcement slides and wallpaper for your smartphone and computer? Assist in equipping their men for spiritual service in their home, church, workplace, community and world. Lets come together, grill, climb, hike, camp, and compete. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up to receive your choice of Weekly Devotionals, Podcasts, and Tip of the Week straight to your inbox! WE ARE READY TOGO! Thank you! Revenue generated from the conference stays local and serves, in part, to help sustain the ministry year-round. Box 150 Registration opens February 2023. Genuine relationships should permeate every part of church life. Proudly created with. These local leaders raise their families in the area, know the local turf and are passionate for their region. We exist to provide support and resources for the men of the church to grow as Godly men so that they may be better equipped to fulfill the gospel commission as found in Matthew 28:19-20, in their family, work and social lives. Motivate men with a hunger to hide the Word in their hearts. Word of God: We believe in the power and absolute truth of Gods Word. The Men's Ministry is here to provided the resources and means which will allow the men of the churches of the Florida Conference to grow in their Christian character and as men of God. This is for BRAVE MEN. Registration is now closed for the 2021 Conference. Supporting No Regrets is a decision to ensure that a movement of disciple-making happens in men's ministries the world over. John 13:34-35, Ephesians 4:16, Nehemiah 3, Character: We believe that we are called to live a life of character, which includes honesty, integrity, humility, meekness, self-discipline, teach ability, perseverance and a servant heart.
It is designed for men of all ages and seasons of life. They occur once a year every year in the same location and in the same place in the calendar.

The focus is on training and resourcing men to live for Christ in all areas of life. Men in full-time vocational ministry lead these local, boots-on-the-ground ministries. All rights reserved. This is not your normal conference.
We are ready to Go! oversee and support Host Sites from registration through conference follow up. CAMPGROUND DORMS (available for $12 each night per registrant) Registration opens February 2023. We have lots of size options. To encourage them to be authentic men of action. Seminars are targeted for Emerging Men (age 13-19); Pioneering Men (age 20-29); Full Throttle Men (age 30-55) and Seasoned Men (age 55+).
To restore the identity and role of men according to Gods purpose for their revival, their families, churches, and their communities, Brave Mens Ministries is a service under the auspices of His Grace Bishop Youssef and Auxiliary Bishops Basil and Gregory of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Southern United States.

Distinctive #4 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are for men of all ages (13 and up). This involves working with a strategic focus and then evaluating and reviewing our actions. The keynote speakers have a national platform with men and the seminar presenter line-up is comprised of leaders who are nationally known for their expertise in ministry to men. Men can begin their day at home and have dinner at the end of the day at home. Austin, Texas everything is BIGGER in Texas, so we thought there is no better place to hold this HUGE event. Distinctive #3 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences offer sixteen different equipping seminars designed specifically for men.
Iron Sharpens Iron is a network of ministries, not a national organization. Through the annual, psst(this is a link to the giving page). The statement of faith is that of the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE).

Uplift men through our district-wide Mens Conference. Everyone is welcomed at OCBF. 3:16-17, Romans 12:1-2, I Peter 1:22-23, Hebrews 4:12, Family: We believe that the church is called to bring healing to the wounded family. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates. Fr. No Regrets Men's Ministry exists to empower the local church to develop its men into an army to reach the world for Christ. It is a great time for your men to experience being with other men from other churches in your community and region, fostering unity in the Body of Christ. 1. Subscribe to our mailing list today to receive news and updates. Proceeds from this one-day golf event supports the life-changing No Regrets Mens Ministry. Come and enjoy a relaxing Caribbean cruise while at the same time getting certified in Men's Ministry. LOCATION Teach men how to pray and teach men to pray. The conference is a one-day resource but the regional ministry leadership serves local churches fifty-two weeks each year. Thank you. The seminar topics are specific to men and are rarely offered in the context of local church ministry. The conviction is that manhood begins early and that men of all ages need encouragement to finish strong for Christ. Distinctive #6 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are one-day conferences. Benjamin Abouelkheir is the priest for The Holy Cross Coptic Orthodox Church located in Austin, TX. P.O. Distinctive #1 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are a resource offered by a regional ministry that serves local churchesbyequipping them to reach, disciple and mobilize men. Paid and volunteer positions available. Fr. So we need your help to accomplish that goal. Genesis 12:3, Ephesians 5:21-23, Community: We believe that the larger community is our responsibility. Dont limit your mens ministry leadership to just a few.
This includes equipping and training for the work of ministry. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram for updates. The conference platform intentionally promotes and encourages inter-generational ministry. Welcome, and thank you for visiting the Florida Conference Men's Ministry website. We are building our team. Paid and volunteer positions available.. In-Person Worship Use tab to navigate through the menu items. You just never know who God is incubating a new ministry in.
This, in turn, leads to disciples making disciples which in turn strengths the church body.

We equip leaders in the local church to develop an intentional plan to disciple the men of their church and community. The ISI conference network reaches out to churches all over the nation. The conference is intentionally a safe place where denominational distinctives are not emphasized but rather there is an emphasis on the unity found in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The intention of the conference is to be a resource that local churches can trust and depend on. Homosexuality, Marriage, and Sexual Identity. 434 PHONE: 336-656-7936, MAILING ADDRESS: Coptic Orthodox Diocese of Southern United States, Team building challenge courses grow like your life depends on it, Archery take aim to take out the enemy, Basketball bring your A-Game out of retirement. We'll analyze where you are now and help you to make the most of what MMC has to offer.
Our annual conference is held on the 2nd weekend in. Through the annual No Regrets Mens Conference, Host Site churches, our Leadership Development Training and relevant Discipleship Resource Materials, we are helping equip churches to build men into discipling leaders who develop and disciple other leaders. This will be achieved by holding various Men's Conventions in various languages, providing resources in creating and maintaining a Men's Ministry in the local church, as well as other resources provided through our website. Nathanael Guirguis Supporting No Regrets is an investment into seeing men love better, live better, and work better because they were discipled to know Jesus Christ better. If you have questions about any of our services or would like for us to custom tailor a service package specifically for your ministry or organization, please email us or fill out the short form below. Founded in 1954 on the beautiful shores of Lake Travis, Highland Lakes Camp and Conference Center is a place to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. 2. A believer can increasingly grow into an intimate, vibrant relationship with Christ as he or she becomes more grounded in His Word. You may have a man sitting in the wings right now that God is preparing to use to minister to other men. Matthew 5:35-42, Luke 4:18, Acts 4:29-30, Excellence: We believe that Biblical excellence (doing the very best with what God has given) honors God and inspires people. MISSION STATEMENT: Our mission is to build mens faith, relationships and ministry, through resources we obtain, events we produce and ongoing leadership development. Nathanael Guirguis is the priest for St. Mark Coptic Orthodox Church located in Atlanta, GA. Fr. We are committed to one another and team ministry. Sunday @ 8:00 & 11:00 am, 1808 W. Camp Wisdom Rd. Please visit our pages: VISION STATEMENT: The vision of the Cornerstone Conference Mens Ministry is to assist every congregation in developing an effective Mens Ministry. This website is intended to encourage and support North Texas families, churches and ministry leaders. Altamonte Springs, FL, 407-644-5000 | 2021 by Florida Conference Men's Ministry. 2022 North Texas District of the Assemblies of God. The music will be from the ISI Worship Band and will be Spirit-filled praise and worship blending both classic hymns and contemporary Christian music geared towards men. Iron Sharpens Iron is an equipping conference for men. Over the years we have found that successful and maintainable ministry to men is very challenging for churches to do. Rewatch the Virtual 2021 No More Excuses Mens Conference! We are excited to announce this year's Mens Conference Generations!General Council Assistant SuperintendentRick Dubosewill be our keynote speaker. I truly believe that this could be the vehicle that ignites a revival in your local church as the hearts of the men come alive. Our main objective is to support you, the local church pastor and your mens ministry leaders. This conference model is ideal in serving the majority of men.
This conference is not just for the leaders. Department of Pastoral Care and Counseling Ministry. No Regrets Men's Ministry exists to empower the local church to develop its men into an army to reach the world for Christ. Proudly created with Each conference features national ministries and resources that are specific to men and church-based ministry to men. This includes individual, family and corporate prayer. Our proven model of great teaching, good food, recreational skills training, dynamic worship, and Christian fellowship have been used to build life-long relationships/friendships. This ministry is about men encountering Jesus Christ and being developed in their faith to be all that Jesus wants them to be. | All Rights Reserved|, Fine Arts Festival Information April 29-30, January 2022: Sanctity of Human Life Month, EVUSA Leadership Gathering: January 17-19 | Goldsboro, NC, Clergy Life Insurance Program (CLIP) Open Enrollment, CHRISTTOGETHER State of Leadership Infographic Available. Distinctive #7 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences are live. You and all MEN you know, 18 and olderfathers, students, bachelors, eldersyes even the old men we need you too! Do you know how to heal from it and fight back? Younan William is the priest for St. Mary & Archangel Michael Coptic Orthodox Church located in Houston, TX. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. We encourage you to bring any and all of your men to ISI. Distinctive #2 Iron Sharpens Iron Mens Conferences give regional visibility to the regional ministry. How Does Your Men's Ministry Stack Up? Please visit our page or Call CounselCare at 1.800.979.2270, Home | Privacy Policy | NTD Staff Resources | Give. The church is called to heal the brokenhearted and set the captives free in the power of the Holy Spirit. Do You Need To Request A Womens Conference Promo Packet? Each regional ministry believesit is the responsibility of the local church to reach and disciple men and that the regional ministry hosting the conference is present all year long to serve and to help churches. A one-day event that offers a great way to raise funds for a momentous ministry. As your conference Mens Ministry Director I want to challenge every pastor to take a long hard look at organizing and establishing Mens Ministry in your church. Get Important News From Cornerstone Conference! Daniel 5:12, Philippians 1:10, Prayer: We believe that prayer is one of Gods main ways of preparing His Church to become the end-time Bride. Copyright 2020 Cornerstone Conference IPHC. Our council is convinced that healthy, active and effective Mens Ministries are the key to growing strong churches. This includes strengthening marriage, encouraging parents, recovery from divorce, ministering to singles, children and youth. Reproducible ministry through ordinary people, Ministry nurtured through relationships. This conference is not targeted to individual men but rather to local churches. Dallas, TX 75232 Browns Summit, NC 27214. With top speakers and thought leaders; live worship, challenging stories and group discussion, the No Regrets Conference is a must for any and all ministries to men. Mens Ministry Charter Application, CORNERSTONE CONFERENCE IPHC My Northtexas is available to all of our district minister's to give, edit your profile, and checkout district archives. The Turn-Around Agenda, a Social Outreach. Bring as many men as you can and help them to spread their ministry wings. Host Site Coordinator (Volunteer)-oversee and support Host Sites from registration through conference follow up. Luke 5:30-32, Matthew 18:14. There are no webcasts, simulcasts, telecasts, or videotaped portions of the conference. Would you like to have church announcement slides and wallpaper for your smartphone and computer? Assist in equipping their men for spiritual service in their home, church, workplace, community and world. Lets come together, grill, climb, hike, camp, and compete. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Sign up to receive your choice of Weekly Devotionals, Podcasts, and Tip of the Week straight to your inbox! WE ARE READY TOGO! Thank you! Revenue generated from the conference stays local and serves, in part, to help sustain the ministry year-round. Box 150 Registration opens February 2023. Genuine relationships should permeate every part of church life. Proudly created with. These local leaders raise their families in the area, know the local turf and are passionate for their region. We exist to provide support and resources for the men of the church to grow as Godly men so that they may be better equipped to fulfill the gospel commission as found in Matthew 28:19-20, in their family, work and social lives. Motivate men with a hunger to hide the Word in their hearts. Word of God: We believe in the power and absolute truth of Gods Word. The Men's Ministry is here to provided the resources and means which will allow the men of the churches of the Florida Conference to grow in their Christian character and as men of God. This is for BRAVE MEN. Registration is now closed for the 2021 Conference. Supporting No Regrets is a decision to ensure that a movement of disciple-making happens in men's ministries the world over. John 13:34-35, Ephesians 4:16, Nehemiah 3, Character: We believe that we are called to live a life of character, which includes honesty, integrity, humility, meekness, self-discipline, teach ability, perseverance and a servant heart.