On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben take a trip down memory lane and put their knowledge of past guests to the test. Speaking as a linguist, Spectacular Vernacular is the best language-oriented podcast out there. Apples New Voices Resonate With Some Black iPhone Users Spectacular Vernacular interview with VocalID founder Rupal Patel on choosing your voice Axios, Apple gives Siri a less gendered voice Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawnes podcast, Lingthusiasm Lingthusiasm on Patreon Subscribe to Slate Plus. And I dont appreciate the bait and switch. Ive learned something from every episode and I particularly like playing along with the language games.
Planet Word Email us at spectacular@slate.com. Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Learn more about your ad choices. Then John McWhorter replaced them, and the show got great.
Its only $1 for the first month. This is ghastly to listen to. Email us at, We are frequently asked often by young listeners who are fascinated by language how English could possibly accumulate the many thousands of words that make up its vast vocabulary. Show changed hands again, seems like Slate likes to rotate hosts every few years. And finally, we bring on a listener for some wordplay. On a podcast about words and language and how they matter, was disappointed with the use of normative language around neurodiversity (e.g. And finally, they put a listeners anagram skills to the test. Bens 2020 Atlantic piece on how geographic labels for diseases can encourage xenophobia Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben talk about the connection between football chants and language. It Can Be Hard for English Speakers Waller won the Linguistics Journalism award from the Linguistic Society of America for her New York Times piece Black, Deaf, and Extremely Online. Finally, we invite listener Ben Snitkoff to take part in some wordplay with an improv-comedy theme. dgyyKiS48oA6lor0RqFt Learn more about your ad choices. But it wasnt a bait and switch, as the title, form, and substance were the same.
And finally, Stefan Fatsis, co-host of Slates sports podcast Hang Up and Listen joins us for some wordplay. Strong recommend! Shame on you for piggybacking off of the success of others. And Nicoles shares some on-the-ground interviews from the Linguistic Society of America conference, at which she presented some of her own research. I look forward to more episodes. Here are some notes and references from this episode: The Yale Grammatical Diversity Project page for the done my homework construction A Facebook Live video of a conversation between Britney Trumpy and Patsy Kelly Black, Deaf, and Extremely Online, by Allyson Waller for the New York Times The Linguistics Society of Americas announcement of the 2021 Linguistics Journalism Award Nakia Smiths TikTok page The documentary Signing Black in America Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed, by Carl Zimmer Learn more about your ad choices. The new hosts are the epitome of the positive PC voice of death. Also, do French words change pronunciation more quickly among native French speakers? Its only $1 for the first month. Produced by Jasmine Ellis and Cheyna Roth. Please. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben talk about the new Siri voices. Email us at spectacular@slate.com. Its only $1 for the first month. Gawker, Taylor Swift is Lying About All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylors Version) New US edition of The Language Lovers Puzzle Book by Alex Bellos I initially subscribed because as a linguistics nerd Ive loved and followed Nicole Hollidays work on Twitter. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share?
You can also use that email address to let us know if youd like to take part in a future episode, where well bring in listeners for some challenging wordplay.
But all of his old episodes until recently are still on this feed, and I recommend digging past the recent Spectacular Vernacular episodes and listening to Johns, then subscribing to his new incarnation of Lexicon Valley and following that. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer discuss a regional grammatical construction that is most common in the Philadelphia area, though its also found in Canada and Vermont. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? They also interview the founder and CEO of Planet Word, Ann Friedman. I dont know, but its time to unsubscribe. Bad Analogies on Twitter Nicole Halliday and Ben Zimmer are delightful (and highly qualified) co-hosts, and this podcast has something to offer for amateur language lovers and professional linguists alike. American Dialect Society Word of the Year Thanks for listening and playing along with us! Subscribe to Slate Plus. They also interview the founder and CEO of Planet Word, Ann Friedman. Sponsored: How Can We Improve Our Communication Skills to Strengthen Our Relationships? Produced by Jasmine Ellis and Asha Saluja. Email us at spectacular@slate.com. You want your new word podcast to take off then make it take off dont just shove it into the old podcasts feed and hope that it survives without people noticing.
Its only $1 for the first month. Jesus-uh!!. Too awful to overcome the intellectual appeal of linguistics. To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus. Learn more about your ad choices. Email us at spectacular@slate.com.
We may receive a commission for purchases made via those links.Cache: This page was produced on July 11 at 16:01:17 UTC. You dont want to miss this! To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus.
Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben discuss Creole languages. Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Host Kristen Meinzer talks to three guests who have valuable insights and perspectives about communication dynamics, both on and offline: Erica Dhawan, communication expert and author of Digital Body Language and Get Big Things Done, and Michael and Matthew Atwood, co-owners of Atwood Management and hosts of the Realty Brothers podcast. a lighthearted but substantive podcast delving into language-related topics. Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Its only $1 for the first month. Email us at spectacular@slate.com. You could win a years membership to Slate Plus. Subscribe to Slate Plus.
And finally, we have our first guest joining us for a fun quiz segment that you dont want to miss. They also interview Cindy Blanco, senior learning specialist for the online language-learning app, Duolingo. To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus. Bully Pulpit examines politics, society and culture through interviews and commentary, with all of the Bobospherics youve come to expect. They also recap their participation in the American Dialect Societys annual Word of the Year vote, over which Ben presided. On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben take a trip down memory lane and put their knowledge of past guests to the test. Kudos to both of them! Cambridge Language Surveys, The Slavic Languages (including Russian, Ukrainian, Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian) ThoughtCo., What You Should Know About Creole Language Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Bens Wall Street Journal column, Who Dey?: A Chant With Roots in Black History New York Times profile of Everdeen Mason How to apply to the New York Times Diverse Crossword Constructor Fellowship Washington Post article on the latest reckoning over language in the puzzle world New York Times article on the acquisition of Wordle Peter Gordons Fireball Crosswords Subscribe to Slate Plus. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben talk about how the capital of Ukraine has become a linguistic hot take. Fortunately found Lexicon Valley with new episodes.
Keep up the good work! Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Planet Word Information on Planet Words new wordplay adventure, Lexicon Lane Ann Friedman, From the Founder: Disputes on the Language Front Subscribe to Slate Plus. Lila Gleitmans obituary in the New York Times Produced by Jasmine Ellis. Produced by Jasmine Ellis. And finally, were taking our final virtual trip, this time to Northern Ireland, for some cinematic wordplay. Its only $1 for the first month. Thanks! Email us at spectacular@slate.com. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? I was delighted to hear a coverage of Korean language, but the pronunciation of almost every vowels were bastardized by the hosts. Hear the raw and emotional stories of ordinary people who, as they pursued justice all the way to the Supreme Court, defined the limits of our First Amendment right to free speech. Thats bad form and a bad look over all. We hope youre ready! I was optimistic, it would be great to have an additional linguistics podcast from a different perspective. Spectacular Vernacular interview with VocalID founder Rupal Patel on choosing your voice That will share some data (like your IP address or details of your device) with them.Affiliate links: This page links to Apple Podcasts. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? Make a good podcasts and get subs from the ground up dont just swoop in. Produced by Jasmine Ellis and Asha Saluja.
Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? Narratively, The Dame of Dictionaries To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus.
To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus.
Its only $1 for the first month. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, hosts Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer recap the recent New Ways of Analyzing Variation conference for sociolinguistics. Its disingenuous and underhanded, and any inclination I may have previously had to listen to this new podcast has been killed. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben discuss Bens case against an accusation of anachronistic language use in the new version of her songAll Too Well. They also interview Michael Adams, Provost Professor and Chair of the English Department at Indiana University about the late Madeline Kripke. Subscribe to Slate Plus. Produced by Jasmine Ellis. You must Log In or Sign Up in order to subscribe. Its only $1 for the first month. Instead of clarifying the horrible translation they talk about, they add to the misrepresentation. Produced by Jasmine Ellis and Asha Saluja. To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus.
Washington Post article on the latest reckoning over language in the puzzle world Refresh this page, https://lexiconvalley.substack.com/podcast, We list all the podcast directories to be in, Subscribe to our daily newsletter by email, free. Also, is it weird that "ask" has become a noun? Nicole Holliday has been a guest on so many of my favorite linguistics podcasts that its about time she got her own! Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben pay tribute to the late pioneer in linguistics and cognitive science, Lila Gleitman. Amanda Ripleys podcast, How To! Listen now (7 min) | Are June and jejune related and what does dinner have to do with anything? BUT the absolute joy I feel having Spectacular Vernacular to listen to now? You could win a years membership to Slate Plus. Time fir some vocal training. Its a topic thats just too fun not to revisit now and again. You could win a years membership to Slate Plus. Information on the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament (April 1-3) And finally, Barry Lam, host of Slates philosophy podcast Hi-Phi Nation stops by for some wordplay. Phillip M. Carter, Long before shots were fired, a linguistic power struggle was playing out in Ukraine
You could win a years membership to Slate Plus. And finally, Amanda Ripley, host of Slates podcast How To! A podcast about language, with host John McWhorter. As a linguistics professor, I have been following Holliday and Zimmer for years. lexiconvalley.substack.com, As a guest on The Late Show, John told Stephen Colbert that there was nothing especially interesting to say about the word I. Joel Andersons special episode of Hang Up and Listen on Michael Jordan and the Washington Wizards Email us atspectacular@slate.com. To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus. They also interview Peter Sokolowski of Merriam-Webster and Fiona McPherson of the Oxford English Dictionary about the keywords of 2021. A podcast about language, with host John McWhorter. Their love of language and expertise shine through in every segment and interview that they do, and they do a fantastic job distilling their linguistic background into information the average listener can understand. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, How the Grid Kid Became King of the Online Spelling Bee, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer share their thoughts on Pfizers official name for its COVID vaccine. Even though linguistic superstar, Ben Zimmer, and Nicole just got started, the show is off to a brilliant start. BBC Pidgin Email us at spectacular@slate.com. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, hosts Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer talk about Anthony Faucis old-school Brooklyn accent. If youd like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit lexiconvalley.substack.com/subscribe, Do you remember learning in grade school most likely the difference between a count noun and a mass noun? Ben, Nicole, and Will compete in Websters War of the Words, a fundraiser for the Noah Webster House Subscribe to Slate Plus. Your taste is great and I learn about musicals as I learn about language. Have a listen. You could win a years membership to Slate Plus. Who turned it around? This podcast is a good addition to the Slate Slate. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? And finally, they do some fun language puzzles, and you can play along at home. To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus. We hope youre up-to-date on your sports and dictionary knowledge.
They also interview Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne, hosts of Lingthusiasm, a podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics. We hope youve been practicing! Linguist Nicole Holliday and Wall Street Journal language columnist Ben Zimmer discuss the ways language is changing, talk to scholars and writers, and set and solve word puzzles. Hosted by long-time radio personality Bob Garfield. The play brings it down from 5 to 3 stars. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? We hope youre ready to take your investigation skills to the next level. They are a breath of fresh air. Why people disagree about how to pronounce the Ukrainian capitals name Jessi Grieser: The Black Side of the River: Race, Language, and Belonging in Washington, D.C. Bad Analogies on Twitter Subscribe to Slate Plus.
Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben talk about the new Siri voices. - Slate Magazine on Huffduffer, Possibly related to Lexicon Valley: The historical present in Seinfeld and the novels of Charlotte Bronte on Huffduffer, Possibly related to Lexicon Valley: resolving authorship controversies in the federalist papers and the wizard of oz - Slate Magazine on Huffduffer. You could win a years membership to Slate Plus.
Ben and Nicole are both highly qualified, and also bring a great deal of joy and years of experience and knowledge to the podcast.
Planet Word Email us at spectacular@slate.com. Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Learn more about your ad choices. Then John McWhorter replaced them, and the show got great.
Its only $1 for the first month. This is ghastly to listen to. Email us at, We are frequently asked often by young listeners who are fascinated by language how English could possibly accumulate the many thousands of words that make up its vast vocabulary. Show changed hands again, seems like Slate likes to rotate hosts every few years. And finally, we bring on a listener for some wordplay. On a podcast about words and language and how they matter, was disappointed with the use of normative language around neurodiversity (e.g. And finally, they put a listeners anagram skills to the test. Bens 2020 Atlantic piece on how geographic labels for diseases can encourage xenophobia Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben talk about the connection between football chants and language. It Can Be Hard for English Speakers Waller won the Linguistics Journalism award from the Linguistic Society of America for her New York Times piece Black, Deaf, and Extremely Online. Finally, we invite listener Ben Snitkoff to take part in some wordplay with an improv-comedy theme. dgyyKiS48oA6lor0RqFt Learn more about your ad choices. But it wasnt a bait and switch, as the title, form, and substance were the same.
And finally, Stefan Fatsis, co-host of Slates sports podcast Hang Up and Listen joins us for some wordplay. Strong recommend! Shame on you for piggybacking off of the success of others. And Nicoles shares some on-the-ground interviews from the Linguistic Society of America conference, at which she presented some of her own research. I look forward to more episodes. Here are some notes and references from this episode: The Yale Grammatical Diversity Project page for the done my homework construction A Facebook Live video of a conversation between Britney Trumpy and Patsy Kelly Black, Deaf, and Extremely Online, by Allyson Waller for the New York Times The Linguistics Society of Americas announcement of the 2021 Linguistics Journalism Award Nakia Smiths TikTok page The documentary Signing Black in America Science Ink: Tattoos of the Science Obsessed, by Carl Zimmer Learn more about your ad choices. The new hosts are the epitome of the positive PC voice of death. Also, do French words change pronunciation more quickly among native French speakers? Its only $1 for the first month. Produced by Jasmine Ellis and Cheyna Roth. Please. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben talk about the new Siri voices. Email us at spectacular@slate.com. Its only $1 for the first month. Gawker, Taylor Swift is Lying About All Too Well (10 Minute Version) (Taylors Version) New US edition of The Language Lovers Puzzle Book by Alex Bellos I initially subscribed because as a linguistics nerd Ive loved and followed Nicole Hollidays work on Twitter. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share?
You can also use that email address to let us know if youd like to take part in a future episode, where well bring in listeners for some challenging wordplay.
But all of his old episodes until recently are still on this feed, and I recommend digging past the recent Spectacular Vernacular episodes and listening to Johns, then subscribing to his new incarnation of Lexicon Valley and following that. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer discuss a regional grammatical construction that is most common in the Philadelphia area, though its also found in Canada and Vermont. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? They also interview the founder and CEO of Planet Word, Ann Friedman. I dont know, but its time to unsubscribe. Bad Analogies on Twitter Nicole Halliday and Ben Zimmer are delightful (and highly qualified) co-hosts, and this podcast has something to offer for amateur language lovers and professional linguists alike. American Dialect Society Word of the Year Thanks for listening and playing along with us! Subscribe to Slate Plus. They also interview the founder and CEO of Planet Word, Ann Friedman. Sponsored: How Can We Improve Our Communication Skills to Strengthen Our Relationships? Produced by Jasmine Ellis and Asha Saluja. Email us at spectacular@slate.com. You want your new word podcast to take off then make it take off dont just shove it into the old podcasts feed and hope that it survives without people noticing.
Its only $1 for the first month. Jesus-uh!!. Too awful to overcome the intellectual appeal of linguistics. To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus. Learn more about your ad choices. Email us at spectacular@slate.com.
We may receive a commission for purchases made via those links.Cache: This page was produced on July 11 at 16:01:17 UTC. You dont want to miss this! To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus.
Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben discuss Creole languages. Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Host Kristen Meinzer talks to three guests who have valuable insights and perspectives about communication dynamics, both on and offline: Erica Dhawan, communication expert and author of Digital Body Language and Get Big Things Done, and Michael and Matthew Atwood, co-owners of Atwood Management and hosts of the Realty Brothers podcast. a lighthearted but substantive podcast delving into language-related topics. Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Its only $1 for the first month. Email us at spectacular@slate.com. You could win a years membership to Slate Plus. Subscribe to Slate Plus.
And finally, we have our first guest joining us for a fun quiz segment that you dont want to miss. They also interview Cindy Blanco, senior learning specialist for the online language-learning app, Duolingo. To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus. Bully Pulpit examines politics, society and culture through interviews and commentary, with all of the Bobospherics youve come to expect. They also recap their participation in the American Dialect Societys annual Word of the Year vote, over which Ben presided. On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben take a trip down memory lane and put their knowledge of past guests to the test. Kudos to both of them! Cambridge Language Surveys, The Slavic Languages (including Russian, Ukrainian, Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian) ThoughtCo., What You Should Know About Creole Language Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Bens Wall Street Journal column, Who Dey?: A Chant With Roots in Black History New York Times profile of Everdeen Mason How to apply to the New York Times Diverse Crossword Constructor Fellowship Washington Post article on the latest reckoning over language in the puzzle world New York Times article on the acquisition of Wordle Peter Gordons Fireball Crosswords Subscribe to Slate Plus. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben talk about how the capital of Ukraine has become a linguistic hot take. Fortunately found Lexicon Valley with new episodes.
Keep up the good work! Here are some notes and references from this weeks show: Planet Word Information on Planet Words new wordplay adventure, Lexicon Lane Ann Friedman, From the Founder: Disputes on the Language Front Subscribe to Slate Plus. Lila Gleitmans obituary in the New York Times Produced by Jasmine Ellis. Produced by Jasmine Ellis. And finally, were taking our final virtual trip, this time to Northern Ireland, for some cinematic wordplay. Its only $1 for the first month. Thanks! Email us at spectacular@slate.com. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? I was delighted to hear a coverage of Korean language, but the pronunciation of almost every vowels were bastardized by the hosts. Hear the raw and emotional stories of ordinary people who, as they pursued justice all the way to the Supreme Court, defined the limits of our First Amendment right to free speech. Thats bad form and a bad look over all. We hope youre ready! I was optimistic, it would be great to have an additional linguistics podcast from a different perspective. Spectacular Vernacular interview with VocalID founder Rupal Patel on choosing your voice That will share some data (like your IP address or details of your device) with them.Affiliate links: This page links to Apple Podcasts. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? Make a good podcasts and get subs from the ground up dont just swoop in. Produced by Jasmine Ellis and Asha Saluja.
Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? Narratively, The Dame of Dictionaries To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus.
To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus.
Its only $1 for the first month. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, hosts Nicole Holliday and Ben Zimmer recap the recent New Ways of Analyzing Variation conference for sociolinguistics. Its disingenuous and underhanded, and any inclination I may have previously had to listen to this new podcast has been killed. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben discuss Bens case against an accusation of anachronistic language use in the new version of her songAll Too Well. They also interview Michael Adams, Provost Professor and Chair of the English Department at Indiana University about the late Madeline Kripke. Subscribe to Slate Plus. Produced by Jasmine Ellis. You must Log In or Sign Up in order to subscribe. Its only $1 for the first month. Instead of clarifying the horrible translation they talk about, they add to the misrepresentation. Produced by Jasmine Ellis and Asha Saluja. To learn more, go to slate.com/spectacularplus.
Washington Post article on the latest reckoning over language in the puzzle world Refresh this page, https://lexiconvalley.substack.com/podcast, We list all the podcast directories to be in, Subscribe to our daily newsletter by email, free. Also, is it weird that "ask" has become a noun? Nicole Holliday has been a guest on so many of my favorite linguistics podcasts that its about time she got her own! Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben pay tribute to the late pioneer in linguistics and cognitive science, Lila Gleitman. Amanda Ripleys podcast, How To! Listen now (7 min) | Are June and jejune related and what does dinner have to do with anything? BUT the absolute joy I feel having Spectacular Vernacular to listen to now? You could win a years membership to Slate Plus. Time fir some vocal training. Its a topic thats just too fun not to revisit now and again. You could win a years membership to Slate Plus. Information on the American Crossword Puzzle Tournament (April 1-3) And finally, Barry Lam, host of Slates philosophy podcast Hi-Phi Nation stops by for some wordplay. Phillip M. Carter, Long before shots were fired, a linguistic power struggle was playing out in Ukraine

They also interview Gretchen McCulloch and Lauren Gawne, hosts of Lingthusiasm, a podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics. We hope youve been practicing! Linguist Nicole Holliday and Wall Street Journal language columnist Ben Zimmer discuss the ways language is changing, talk to scholars and writers, and set and solve word puzzles. Hosted by long-time radio personality Bob Garfield. The play brings it down from 5 to 3 stars. Do you have any language questions or fun facts to share? We hope youre ready to take your investigation skills to the next level. They are a breath of fresh air. Why people disagree about how to pronounce the Ukrainian capitals name Jessi Grieser: The Black Side of the River: Race, Language, and Belonging in Washington, D.C. Bad Analogies on Twitter Subscribe to Slate Plus.
Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices, On todays episode of Spectacular Vernacular, Nicole and Ben talk about the new Siri voices. - Slate Magazine on Huffduffer, Possibly related to Lexicon Valley: The historical present in Seinfeld and the novels of Charlotte Bronte on Huffduffer, Possibly related to Lexicon Valley: resolving authorship controversies in the federalist papers and the wizard of oz - Slate Magazine on Huffduffer. You could win a years membership to Slate Plus.
Ben and Nicole are both highly qualified, and also bring a great deal of joy and years of experience and knowledge to the podcast.