[42] Matt Zoller Seitz of Salon.com compared the filmmaking in "Box Cutter" to that of works by Alfred Hitchcock and the Coen brothers, and called the best example of television's ability to "take an elastic approach to narrative and let certain incidents or moments expand to fill up most or all of an episode" since "The Suitcase", an episode of the television series Mad Men. Victor worked for Gus as he watched over the meth superlab, in which Walter and Jesse worked for Gus operation. Walt has an anti-hero/anti-villain breakdown when losing his composure due to Victor remembering his cooking steps by rote. She calls Saul Goodman to ask where Walt is, but Saul is paranoid because of Walt's falling out with Gus and busy checking his office for listening devices. Gilligan considered changing the episode based on audience responses to the third-season finale, "Full Measure", on whether Gale would be killed or not, but ultimately decided against it.
As Walt says in Season 5 Episode 3-: Victor trying to cook that batch on his own? [18] He called the scene "painful, but beautifully crafted, and reasonably so", and commented on the contrast between Gus' calm demeanor and Walter's "tap-dancing to stay alive". [13] Gilligan stated that he named the episode "Box Cutter" mainly because "it just sounded like a cool title", but also because he was concerned that the climax of the episode took so long to build to that, by calling it "Box Cutter", "Perhaps I was thinking on some level, 'We'd better let the audience know that there's something at the end of this. "[27], The scene when Walter pleads with Gus demonstrates the paternal sense of protectiveness Walter has developed for Jesse. These chemists that he's cultivated, the people that work for him, bodyguards, and everyone else, the people in the laundry, the people in the chicken place he cares about them. This is a man with amazing instincts. Gus probably wanted his subsequent actions to act as a punishment to Victor for crossing the limits, being careless and substandard. At the lab, Walt explains to Mike and Victor that he is now the only available cook, and that they need to stay on schedule. He slowly leaves in a daze. Gustavo Fring hired the German-American chemist Gale Boetticher to help set up the superlab to manufacture methamphetamine. Mike is concerned that Victor was seen at Gale's apartment and calls to inform Gus. [8] A copy of Everything's Eventual, a collection of short stories by Stephen King, can be seen in Gale's apartment. Humiliated, he asks Marie to help him use his bedpan. Esposito said he was concerned about filming the scene "without really hurting my spirit and my soul", and he concentrated so hard that he remained silent and focused during filming, rarely speaking to others on set. Jeremiah Bitsui The episode marked the final regular performances of actors David Costabile and Jeremiah Bitsui as Gale and Victor. [12][16] Esposito said he did not want to "take any of [the scene] home with me" and had "some deep concern about being able to do it and coming out of it unscathed, without really hurting my spirit and my soul". This prompted theater officials to briefly interrupt the screening and ask for a doctor in the audience, causing a brief panic among the crowd. In the end, Gus probably should have put more thought into taking Walt and Jesse out of the equation. [1][10][11], "Box Cutter" featured the final regular appearances of recurring Breaking Bad actors David Costabile and Jeremiah Bitsui who, respectively, played Gale Boetticher and Victor. Gus' henchman Victor arrives at Gale's apartment and finds him dead, surrounded by neighbors who have called police. When he realized that their fight could have been avoided, Walt tried to apologize. However, Gilligan said they instead decided to follow their original plan,[14][15] saying "At the end of the day, the choice we made for how to press forward was the choice we felt was the most honest, and the one that would best continue the story."[14]. Jessica Grose, also of Slate magazine, said while she prefers episodes that mixed its darker aspects with black humor, "Box Cutter" was "all claustrophobia and fear". Come prendere appuntamento al consolato ucraino a Milano?
Before the. Likewise, Victor boasted about how he knew Walts recipe and smiled (foolishly of course) after he was seen on Gales murder scene. In the super lab, Walt and Mike stare one another down before Victor arrives with Jesse and delivers the news that Gale is dead. During the wait, Walter frantically insists that they need to start cooking to keep on time with their schedule. No-Doze overstepped his boundaries when he tried to speak for Tuco. The scene was so bloody it made Cranston's daughter faint during a screening. To prove that he was not a man to be trifled with, Gus had to kill someone in the room specifically because his plans to use Gale and eliminate Walt and Jesse had been circumvented. Bent over by a river, Mike told Walt to shut up and "let me die in peace. [20] Following that scene, Jesse lifts the barrel with a forklift and it is lit in a way that the barrel can be seen through. He praised the dark humor that kept the tension of the show balanced, and particularly complimented the pre-credits scene and the ramifications it had for the show and its characters. [17] Esposito felt the scene was a pivotal moment not only for his character, but for Gus' relationship with Walter, and a warning that Walter should continue to operate Gus' way or risk death. He also complimented Cranston's desperate monologue while trying to convince Gus not to kill him, claiming it provided a deep insight into Walt's character and his inability to accept responsibility for his actions. [45] Andy Vineberg of the Bucks County Courier Times called it "a great start for a show that just keeps getting better". [c], Gus arrives at the lab but says nothing. The captivating series centered around the erratic anti-hero Walter White features a stellar lineup of characters who face an array of exigent obstacles. Gale asks Gus about the blue meth being produced by chemist Walter White. Box Cutter (Season 4 Episode 1), Gus Frings decision to brutally kill Victor not only came out as a shocker but was also significant considering who Victor was. Gus decided to kill Victor as the latter was spotted at Gales murder scene. The episode received positive reviews, and was watched by 2.58 million households, according to Nielsen Media Research. [39] The episode was seen by 1.4million household viewers in both the 18 to 49 and the 25 to 54 age groups, a 21percent increase in the former group and a 26percent increase in the latter.[38]. Hank is cold and disparaging to her and claims he hadn't made any impressive progress at all. If he could kill his most trusted assistant, he could easily kill anybody who screws up and does not fall in line. Walt and Jesse mop up the blood, and with Mike's help, dispose of Victor's body, his gun and the box cutter in one of their hydrofluoric acid barrels. Through the episode . Instead, Gus chose to slit his throat horrifically using a box cutter. Mike also learns Victor was seen at Gale's apartment. His public persona is a meticulously constructed charade, and his criminal undertakings are a means to a hidden end. Although on opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of personality, both Gus and Tuco maintained their control through fear. He startles everyone by slicing Victor's throat, then coldly eyes Walt and Jesse to ensure his message was received. In Breaking Bad Season 4, Gus brutally slit Victors throat in the presence of Walter and Jesse, which left everyone shocked. Too bad he implicated himself at the crime scene. It refers to the name of X-Files creator Chris Carter's production company Ten Thirteen Productions, which in turn is a reference to Chris Carter's birthday, October 13. Gus explains he has reservations about hiring Walt, but Gale insists Gus hire him because of his superior product. Victor was long known before making an appearance in Season 2 of Breaking Bad via Better Call Saul. Someone did something, they got seen. Walt and Jesse dispose of Victor's body, the gun that killed Gale, and the box cutter in a barrel of hydrofluoric acid. Inside, she finds nothing that tells her where Walt is, but chances upon the glass teddy bear eye from the plane crash. Gus calmly drops the box cutter, washes Victor's blood off, gets dressed again, and prepares to leave, but not before uttering a single line: "Get back to work.". Cosa intendiamo con gestione del risparmio? Skyler attempts to locate Walt by speaking with a paranoid Saul Goodman, who has hired a bodyguard, Huell, in case of fallout in the Gus/Walt feud. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from thestaff@tvtropes.org. [1] Filmed in January2011,[2] the episode was edited by Skip Macdonald, one of a handful of editors who have regularly worked on the series. Written by series creator Vince Gilligan and directed by Adam Bernstein, "Box Cutter" originally aired on AMC in the United States on July 17, 2011. "[29] "Box Cutter" also illustrated Skyler's growing involvement in Walter's illegal activities through the subplot in which she lies to a locksmith to break into Walter's house, going so far as to use her baby as a prop in her facade. [7] During the final scene of "Box Cutter", when Walter walks back to his car, the Alex Ebert song "Truth" plays in the background. [1] Time magazine writer James Poniewozik said the episode demonstrated how effective Breaking Bad can be even with a minimal amount of dialogue, such as Gus' silence during his scene in the lab, and Jesse's wordlessness throughout the episode as he processed what he had done to Gale. This had to be done, but I could do it in a way that also sent a message to the people who weren't listening. [46] Paste magazine writer Brent Koepp praised the transformation of Walter, and said few other shows would risk making their protagonist so unlikeable. Victor Was Spotted At Gales Murder Crime Scene. [5][6] While Breaking Bad scripts are generally 50pages long, the screenplay to "Box Cutter" was 43pages long, and Gilligan was originally concerned because he did not want to stretch out the episode simply to pad the running time. Victor realizes his own position is precarious, and reveals he observed Walt and Jesse's work by starting to cooking meth himself, hoping to prove his value to Gus. Come si imposta una tesi di laurea triennale? As Walt returns home to find his car gone Skyler greets him, tells him where it is, and asks if all is well. [4] AMC officials delayed the fourth-season premiere until July because they felt the Nielsen ratings would be better during the summer. Out of the other four people present in the room, Victor was the most obvious choice because-: So Gus murdered Victor, literally splattering his blood all over Walt and Pinkman, to assert his dominance while sending out a vivid warning to everyone else in the room as to what would happen if they dared to cross him. [31] RedEye writer Curt Wagner found that the cinematography, pacing and tension were so effective in "Box Cutter", that "I think I broke a sweat just watching". Victor was Gustavos henchman and a fierce enforcer of Gus drug empire alongside Mike Ehrmantraut.
If Gus wanted to kill Victor solely for his flagrant lack of caution, he could have had one of his henchmen do it for him, and they could have easily gotten rid of Victor. One deed on his part that did justice to this character analysis was him killing Victor, who was his loyal henchman and enforcer. When Gus arrives, Victor is immensely proud of himself, while Walt appears visibly worried. "Box Cutter" is everything a Breaking Bad episode should be. In the simplest of terms, Gus killed Victor to effectively send a warning message to Walt and Jesse. Jesse Pinkman shot Gale at his apartment, and Victor found him dead as he arrived (late, of course) to stop Jesse. [7] "Full Measure" ended with Jesse's pulling a gun on Gale and firing directly into the screen, with Gale's death not visibly revealed on-screen. Where does the One of us! Mike, Gus' most loyal underling, is shocked and disturbed by his boss's brutal murder of Victor. 'Breaking Bad's' Andrea: Brock Was Allowed to Watch My Devastating Scene (Q&A) [Spoilers for the Sept. 23 episode of Breaking Bad]. The boots he was originally given were too large and he was concerned that he would slip, which would be out of character for Gus, who was otherwise completely calm and in control. [33] Michael Arbeiter of Hollywood.com called it a "great and intriguing way to start the season" and particularly praised Aaron Paul, who he said was "phenomenal" despite barely speaking any dialogue in the episode. The episode also illustrates Jesse's moral decline and feelings of guilt over his killing of Gale, and Skyler's growing involvement in Walter's illegal activities. glass teddy bear eye from the plane crash. Skyler breaks into Walt's condominium with the aid of a locksmith but finds little of interest. act, Walt talked about how Victor was not as good a cook, and he needed Jesse alive to cook.
This speculation continued up until the original broadcast of "Box Cutter", which confirmed Jesse indeed killed Gale. This is a deliberate reference to the number 1013, which frequently appeared in The X-Files, where Vince Gilligan worked as a writer and producer and Bryan Cranston as an actor. Alan Sepinwall of HitFix said the episode demonstrated how effective the creators of Breaking Bad are at manipulating the emotions of their viewers. So he devised a plan (involving Jesse) to kill Gale as Gales death would make Walt the only person to lead the meth-cooking. He quietly returns to his street clothes, then walks out, pausing only to say, "Get back to work.".
Jeremiah Bitsui (born Septem in Chinle, Arizona) is an American actor, best known for his portrayal of Victor in the AMC series Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.Television. It was the most watched Breaking Bad episode in the series and the second highest rated season premiere for any AMC show, falling behind only the series premiere of The Walking Dead, which drew 5.3million household viewers. Back at the White house, Marie drops in to say hi to Skyler and notes that Walt's car is in the driveway, assuming a reunion. In Season 4 yes Gus is the main antagonist but a majority of the reasons why he stated to hate Walt is Walt's fault. Tyrus Kitt was a member of the Los Pollos Hermanos security staff and a prominent enforcer of Gustavo Fring. Victor served as an aide to Fring, even supervising Walt and Jesse in the meth lab during season three. In the present, following Walt's order, Jesse Pinkman has killed Gale[b] to foil Gus' plot to kill them. In the season four opening episode, Box Cutter, Walt and Jesse are forced to wait in the meth lab until Gus arrives. Victor seemed over-ambitious and overstepped his line when he used the superlab and tried to cook Blue Sky, taking liberties he was not supposed to. Is Tony In Love With Gina In Scarface (1983)? [36][37] It was also a 32percent increase in viewership compared to the third-season premiere, "No Ms". This led to wide speculation among fans and reviewers that Jesse did not actually kill Gale, but rather aimed away from him and fired the gun. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Jesse believes it will be too much trouble for Gus to find another drug manufacturer, though Gus might make them wish they were dead. Come muore Mary nella casa nella prateria? [40], Matt Richenthal of TV Fanatic praised the episode for its effectiveness in scenes featuring little dialogue, particularly with Jesse and Gus, claiming, "No show does silence like Breaking Bad." Come nato il cristianesimo in Italia?
With no other options, Skyler goes to Walt's apartment and calls a locksmith, faking a panic attack and purse robbery so that he will let her in. Here are the reasons behind Gustavos pitiless murder of Victor. ", Copyrights 2020-2022 Tutti i diritti riservati. Here are the reasons behind Gustavos pitiless murder of Victor. [49] June Thomas of Slate magazine called it a "fine opening episode" that did not advance the plot significantly but "served as an artful reminder of where the characters stand psychologically". In. He's very distant, and he's turned to just utter chaos and destruction to keep his mind busy. [11][30] The T-shirts are deliberately not explained in the episode, but Vince Gilligan said he believed Mike simply bought the first articles of clean clothing he could find for Walter and Jesse after their clothes were soaked with Victor's blood. [16], In writing the script, the Breaking Bad staff decided early on that Gus would not speak much during the scene because they felt it was more dramatic that way and more appropriate for his character. While Victor destroys lab equipment in frustration, Mike makes the call to Gus as Walt sits apprehensively hoping that his plan has worked. Victor responds by beginning the meth cooking process, claiming he knows all the steps from watching Walt for so long. Sepinwall described the story as "remarkably simple" but the execution as extremely effective, and he called the amount of screen time dedicated to Gus calmly changing his clothes before and after killing Victor "a move so ballsy and so brilliant I actually started giggling the second time they did it". Victor was loyal to Gus and could have done anything for him, so why did Gus kill him? As Gus silently walks down the stairs, changes out of his suit and tie and puts on a bio-hazard outfit, Walt begins rationalizing his actions as necessary steps to defend himself, growing more panicked as Gus continues to dress. Nevertheless, he said it was "a difficult moment for me" to slit Victor's throat, and that during one take he tried to hush the character to make him die more calmly. In 2012, Gilligan received the Writers Guild of America Award for Best Episodic Drama for his work on this episode. [1][22][30] After Skyler breaks into Walter's apartment, she finds the plastic eyeball of a teddy bear that has been part of the series since the second season.
Walt and Jesse are, respectively, appalled and infuriated by the scene as well.
When Victor arrived at Gales apartment with the intent to stop Jesse, he was too late, and Gale was left lying in a pool of blood with a gunshot wound. Fring went to great lengths to protect his secretive drug empire, which included killing his devoted henchman Victor in episode one of season four. [30] Not all reviews were positive. [8][9] Gilligan said he never intended for that scene to be a cliffhanger and he thought it clearly conveyed that Gale had died. [9][12] Stand-up comedian Lavell Crawford also made his first of several guest appearances in "Box Cutter" as Huell, Saul's new bodyguard. He could not kill Jesse because Walt made it clear that he would not work without Jesse. [48] BlackBook magazine writer Chris Mohney strongly praised Esposito's performance, and described his silence and calm during the climactic scene as "one of the great recent moments of TV menace". The most tragic part of Mike's death is that it was needless. Before the credits roll, we see a glimpse of the crime scene at Gale's apartment, police investigating, and Gale's lab notebook sitting in full view on a coffee table. One deed on his part that did justice to this character analysis was him killing Victor, who was his loyal henchman and enforcer. However, she said it felt like Victor was killed rather than Walter or Jesse simply because the writers could not kill the two main protagonists.
Finally, Gus selects a box cutter from the tool bench, the same used by Gale in the Cold Open to open boxes of lab equipment, and looms over Walt and Jesse as they both wait for his next move. Gustavo Fring, alias Gus, is one of the most enigmatic characters in the, world. He also praised the color scheme of the blood-red meth lab as an illustrator of Walter and Jesse's descent into hell. "[12] Bryan Cranston said he was not expecting the episode to take the direction it did. One of us! chant originate. Tyrus died alongside Gus in the explosion at Casa Tranquila, caused by Hector Salamanca. Jesse appears totally detached and unconcerned, seeing their lives as safe for the time being because Gus does indeed need them, reluctant though he is to keep them around. Breaking Bad (20082013) was a critically acclaimed American AMC drama about a 50-year-old high school chemistry teacher. Meanwhile, Skyler White (Anna Gunn) breaks into her husband Walter's condominium to investigate his sudden disappearance, and Marie Schrader (Betsy Brandt) struggles to help Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) recover from his injuries. Koepp called the climactic scene with Gus "brilliant" and complimented the script for taking its time in building the tension. This development began during the latter episodes of the third season and would continue to be a major theme throughout the fourth season. You kill Jesse, you don't have me." [11] Entertainment Weekly writer Ken Tucker said of the episode, "Its eloquent silences, its breath-taking pictorial compositions these are pleasures that transcend 98% of television's usual attempts at dirty realism or fashionable pessimism". [51], 1st episode of the fourth season of Breaking Bad, "Season premiere review: 'Breaking Bad' 'Box Cutter': The waiting is the hardest part", "Exclusive Interview: Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan breaks down Season 4", "Breaking Bad Postmortem: Giancarlo Esposito Reacts to the Premiere's Most Gruesome Scene", "Vince Gilligan walks us through season four of, "Chuck Barney: 'Breaking Bad' continues to cook up addictive TV", "Breaking Bad, Season 4, Episode 1: "Box Cutter", "Breaking Bad "Box Cutter" Recap: Or, As We Like To Call It, Gus' Murder Weapon", "Bloody scene prompts fainting spell at 'Breaking Bad' premiere", "Sunday Cable Ratings: 'True Blood' Slips, 'Falling Skies' Steady + 'Breaking Bad,' 'Leverage,' 'In Plain Sight,' 'The Glades' & More", "Return of 'Breaking Bad' Breaks Series Record", "Breaking Bad Recap (Season 4, Episode 1): "Box Cutter", "Review: AMC's 'Breaking Bad' still addictive in Season 4", "Breaking Bad Season 4 Premiere Review: Silent and Deadly", "Breaking Bad Recap: Season Four Gets Off to an Incredibly Bloody Start", "Dave on Demand: Gore on TV: Clot enough for you? It was believed that Gus killed Victor for exposing himself at the scene of Gale's murder and is now a risk for his drug empire. After a terse argument, Walt lost his head and shot Mike with his own gun. Gus maintains his silence while changing into hazmat gear and picking up the box cutter Gale used during the lab setup. [9][33] During this scene, they are wearing matching T-shirts with country music singer Kenny Rogers on them. When the cops came around to investigate the murder, the neighbors would have certainly described Victors appearance, which inadvertently caused a serious threat to Gus entire operation. Jesse is visibly moved by the statement, which Aaron Paul described as "the first moment that Jesse realizes that Walt's loyalty is to Jesse. [1][8], "Box Cutter" was first publicly shown on June28,2011, at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. [8][31], During a scene when Gale's neighbor calls police to report his murder, a clock in Gale's apartment reads 10:13.
The circumstances in both the killings were almost similar, as both No-Doze and Victor overstepped their respective boundaries. The Cold Open is a flashback to when Gus, Gale and Victor were setting up the super lab. Back in the present, Jesse is seen standing in Gale's doorway after shooting him. During the scene when Gus killed Victor, Bryan Cranston's daughter Taylor fainted in her seat inside the theater at the sight of all the blood. The eye has long been used as a symbol to identify Walter's gradual descent into a life of crime, and Skyler's discovery of it symbolizes her own similar descent. [16] He worked through these concerns by justifying Gus' actions in that, by killing Victor, he was protecting everyone else who works for him. Gus has one when upon finding out that Walter and Jesse. Victor acted desperately to prove his value, and that reflected in his actions. He also said the subplots involving Skyler, Hank and Marie kept the episode's pace well. AMCs Breaking Bad has been widely regarded as one of the most successful and gripping television shows of the modern generation. [4] Los Angeles Times writer Emily VanDerWerff praised the performance of Aaron Paul despite his almost complete lack of dialogue throughout the episode, and felt the script raised interesting contrasts between Walt, who acts impulsively and rash while captured, and Gus, who seems calm and in control. A major theme of "Box Cutter", and the entire fourth season, involved Walter's gradual change into a darker character who becomes more proactively violent and dangerous. Well, Gus decision was purposefully ambiguous for Walt & Jesse, so it may be impossible to say certainly what his motivations were. As Victor continues his cook, Walt's superiority lessens when Victor remembers a key step in the process. , perhaps the writers wanted to show that Gus was just as ruthless as Tuco when it meant serious business. In Breaking Bad season 5, Victor's death was mentioned by Walt while talking to Jesse. It made him a liability for Gus as the police could be interested to investigate Victor, leading to Gus. Jesse remains completely silent and motionless. No-Doze overstepped his boundaries when he tried to speak for Tuco. During breakfast, Walt insists that Gale's death was necessary, but expresses concern that Gus will kill them at his next opportunity. Here I have chalked down some reasons why Gus might have killed Victor. [28] During that scene, Walter tells Gus, "You kill me, you have nothing. Police investigate Gale's apartment but overlook his lab notes. In Breaking Bad Box Cutter (Season 4 Episode 1), Gus Frings decision to brutally kill Victor not only came out as a shocker but was also significant considering who Victor was. RELATED: Why Did The Salamanca Brothers Crawl? [24][25][26] Aaron Paul said of this, "Jesse's much more raw this season. So in order to protect them, he has to do this thing, because this person has been exposed, and he's gotta take care of business to protect the family. Gus then steps across and cuts Victor's throat, spraying blood over Mike, Walt, and Jesse and shocking all three. Walt He stated that Gus killed Victor because he "flew too close to the sun" and that greediness caught the attention of Gus. Now that Gale was dead, Gus needed Walt and could not kill him because he knew how capable and strategic Walt was. [18][22][23] The episode also introduced the ongoing theme of Jesse's moral decline and self guilt over his killing of Gale. Walt responds affirmatively, but walks off with an uneasy look in his eye. "Box Cutter" is the fourth season premiere of the American television drama series Breaking Bad, and its 34th episode overall. Then Gus enters the lab, to Victor's delight and Walt's dismay. Moreover, when Gus went to the police station for an interview with Hank Schrader, who was beginning to suspect Gus true intentions, Gus saw a sketched image of Victor. [30] The Philadelphia Inquirer columnist David Hiltbrand condemned the violent scene with Victor's death, which he called "totally gratuitous serv[ing] no plot or character purpose". He says that he could not produce meth of such high purity, and convinces Gus, against his better judgment, that the 99% purity of the sample is worth whatever risks might come along with the person who cooked it. Mike was a formidable opponent, and killing him was not only out of his capabilities but could also have proved too dangerous for Gus. [34][35] The violent scenes in "Box Cutter" proved so bloody that AMC included a disclaimer warning about the violence at the start of the episode and after the commercial break halfway through the episode. During a twist scene in "Box Cutter", Gus slices his loyal henchman Victor's throat with Gale's utility knife right before Walt and Jesse's eyes. [43], Seth Amitin of IGN called it a minimalist, deliberately paced episode but said it was never boring due to the excellent acting, dialogue and suspense which illustrates "just how quickly this show lost its innocence". Walt, Jesse, and Mike's reaction to Gus cutting Victor's throat. When he's left alone in his own thoughts, that's when things can get kind of dangerous and scary for Jesse. While it might not have been as explosive as the finale or "Half Measure", it played on all of the show's strengths, building tension effortlessly, while bringing out the high caliber acting and cinematography we've come to know. But with the way he slashed Victor, Gus showed that he was as deadly and unpredictable as any cartel boss and not someone who could be manipulated. Giancarlo Esposito said that when he first read the script for "Box Cutter", he was so shocked that he had to put it down and walk away from it. [32] After Walter and Jesse are released by Gus, they eat lunch at Denny's, a coffee shop and family restaurant chain.
He goes outside to find Jesse sitting motionless in his car, and takes him back to the lab. Prior to the act, Walt was under the assumption that Gus was a pragmatic businessman and not a crazy psychopath who could kill his employees over slight mistakes.
As Walt says in Season 5 Episode 3-: Victor trying to cook that batch on his own? [18] He called the scene "painful, but beautifully crafted, and reasonably so", and commented on the contrast between Gus' calm demeanor and Walter's "tap-dancing to stay alive". [13] Gilligan stated that he named the episode "Box Cutter" mainly because "it just sounded like a cool title", but also because he was concerned that the climax of the episode took so long to build to that, by calling it "Box Cutter", "Perhaps I was thinking on some level, 'We'd better let the audience know that there's something at the end of this. "[27], The scene when Walter pleads with Gus demonstrates the paternal sense of protectiveness Walter has developed for Jesse. These chemists that he's cultivated, the people that work for him, bodyguards, and everyone else, the people in the laundry, the people in the chicken place he cares about them. This is a man with amazing instincts. Gus probably wanted his subsequent actions to act as a punishment to Victor for crossing the limits, being careless and substandard. At the lab, Walt explains to Mike and Victor that he is now the only available cook, and that they need to stay on schedule. He slowly leaves in a daze. Gustavo Fring hired the German-American chemist Gale Boetticher to help set up the superlab to manufacture methamphetamine. Mike is concerned that Victor was seen at Gale's apartment and calls to inform Gus. [8] A copy of Everything's Eventual, a collection of short stories by Stephen King, can be seen in Gale's apartment. Humiliated, he asks Marie to help him use his bedpan. Esposito said he was concerned about filming the scene "without really hurting my spirit and my soul", and he concentrated so hard that he remained silent and focused during filming, rarely speaking to others on set. Jeremiah Bitsui The episode marked the final regular performances of actors David Costabile and Jeremiah Bitsui as Gale and Victor. [12][16] Esposito said he did not want to "take any of [the scene] home with me" and had "some deep concern about being able to do it and coming out of it unscathed, without really hurting my spirit and my soul". This prompted theater officials to briefly interrupt the screening and ask for a doctor in the audience, causing a brief panic among the crowd. In the end, Gus probably should have put more thought into taking Walt and Jesse out of the equation. [1][10][11], "Box Cutter" featured the final regular appearances of recurring Breaking Bad actors David Costabile and Jeremiah Bitsui who, respectively, played Gale Boetticher and Victor. Gus' henchman Victor arrives at Gale's apartment and finds him dead, surrounded by neighbors who have called police. When he realized that their fight could have been avoided, Walt tried to apologize. However, Gilligan said they instead decided to follow their original plan,[14][15] saying "At the end of the day, the choice we made for how to press forward was the choice we felt was the most honest, and the one that would best continue the story."[14]. Jessica Grose, also of Slate magazine, said while she prefers episodes that mixed its darker aspects with black humor, "Box Cutter" was "all claustrophobia and fear". Come prendere appuntamento al consolato ucraino a Milano?

If Gus wanted to kill Victor solely for his flagrant lack of caution, he could have had one of his henchmen do it for him, and they could have easily gotten rid of Victor. One deed on his part that did justice to this character analysis was him killing Victor, who was his loyal henchman and enforcer. When Gus arrives, Victor is immensely proud of himself, while Walt appears visibly worried. "Box Cutter" is everything a Breaking Bad episode should be. In the simplest of terms, Gus killed Victor to effectively send a warning message to Walt and Jesse. Jesse Pinkman shot Gale at his apartment, and Victor found him dead as he arrived (late, of course) to stop Jesse. [7] "Full Measure" ended with Jesse's pulling a gun on Gale and firing directly into the screen, with Gale's death not visibly revealed on-screen. Where does the One of us! Mike, Gus' most loyal underling, is shocked and disturbed by his boss's brutal murder of Victor. 'Breaking Bad's' Andrea: Brock Was Allowed to Watch My Devastating Scene (Q&A) [Spoilers for the Sept. 23 episode of Breaking Bad]. The boots he was originally given were too large and he was concerned that he would slip, which would be out of character for Gus, who was otherwise completely calm and in control. [33] Michael Arbeiter of Hollywood.com called it a "great and intriguing way to start the season" and particularly praised Aaron Paul, who he said was "phenomenal" despite barely speaking any dialogue in the episode. The episode also illustrates Jesse's moral decline and feelings of guilt over his killing of Gale, and Skyler's growing involvement in Walter's illegal activities. glass teddy bear eye from the plane crash. Skyler breaks into Walt's condominium with the aid of a locksmith but finds little of interest. act, Walt talked about how Victor was not as good a cook, and he needed Jesse alive to cook.
This speculation continued up until the original broadcast of "Box Cutter", which confirmed Jesse indeed killed Gale. This is a deliberate reference to the number 1013, which frequently appeared in The X-Files, where Vince Gilligan worked as a writer and producer and Bryan Cranston as an actor. Alan Sepinwall of HitFix said the episode demonstrated how effective the creators of Breaking Bad are at manipulating the emotions of their viewers. So he devised a plan (involving Jesse) to kill Gale as Gales death would make Walt the only person to lead the meth-cooking. He quietly returns to his street clothes, then walks out, pausing only to say, "Get back to work.".
Jeremiah Bitsui (born Septem in Chinle, Arizona) is an American actor, best known for his portrayal of Victor in the AMC series Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.Television. It was the most watched Breaking Bad episode in the series and the second highest rated season premiere for any AMC show, falling behind only the series premiere of The Walking Dead, which drew 5.3million household viewers. Back at the White house, Marie drops in to say hi to Skyler and notes that Walt's car is in the driveway, assuming a reunion. In Season 4 yes Gus is the main antagonist but a majority of the reasons why he stated to hate Walt is Walt's fault. Tyrus Kitt was a member of the Los Pollos Hermanos security staff and a prominent enforcer of Gustavo Fring. Victor served as an aide to Fring, even supervising Walt and Jesse in the meth lab during season three. In the present, following Walt's order, Jesse Pinkman has killed Gale[b] to foil Gus' plot to kill them. In the season four opening episode, Box Cutter, Walt and Jesse are forced to wait in the meth lab until Gus arrives. Victor seemed over-ambitious and overstepped his line when he used the superlab and tried to cook Blue Sky, taking liberties he was not supposed to. Is Tony In Love With Gina In Scarface (1983)? [36][37] It was also a 32percent increase in viewership compared to the third-season premiere, "No Ms". This led to wide speculation among fans and reviewers that Jesse did not actually kill Gale, but rather aimed away from him and fired the gun. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Jesse believes it will be too much trouble for Gus to find another drug manufacturer, though Gus might make them wish they were dead. Come muore Mary nella casa nella prateria? [40], Matt Richenthal of TV Fanatic praised the episode for its effectiveness in scenes featuring little dialogue, particularly with Jesse and Gus, claiming, "No show does silence like Breaking Bad." Come nato il cristianesimo in Italia?

Walt and Jesse are, respectively, appalled and infuriated by the scene as well.

Finally, Gus selects a box cutter from the tool bench, the same used by Gale in the Cold Open to open boxes of lab equipment, and looms over Walt and Jesse as they both wait for his next move. Gustavo Fring, alias Gus, is one of the most enigmatic characters in the, world. He also praised the color scheme of the blood-red meth lab as an illustrator of Walter and Jesse's descent into hell. "[12] Bryan Cranston said he was not expecting the episode to take the direction it did. One of us! chant originate. Tyrus died alongside Gus in the explosion at Casa Tranquila, caused by Hector Salamanca. Jesse appears totally detached and unconcerned, seeing their lives as safe for the time being because Gus does indeed need them, reluctant though he is to keep them around. Breaking Bad (20082013) was a critically acclaimed American AMC drama about a 50-year-old high school chemistry teacher. Meanwhile, Skyler White (Anna Gunn) breaks into her husband Walter's condominium to investigate his sudden disappearance, and Marie Schrader (Betsy Brandt) struggles to help Hank Schrader (Dean Norris) recover from his injuries. Koepp called the climactic scene with Gus "brilliant" and complimented the script for taking its time in building the tension. This development began during the latter episodes of the third season and would continue to be a major theme throughout the fourth season. You kill Jesse, you don't have me." [11] Entertainment Weekly writer Ken Tucker said of the episode, "Its eloquent silences, its breath-taking pictorial compositions these are pleasures that transcend 98% of television's usual attempts at dirty realism or fashionable pessimism". [51], 1st episode of the fourth season of Breaking Bad, "Season premiere review: 'Breaking Bad' 'Box Cutter': The waiting is the hardest part", "Exclusive Interview: Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan breaks down Season 4", "Breaking Bad Postmortem: Giancarlo Esposito Reacts to the Premiere's Most Gruesome Scene", "Vince Gilligan walks us through season four of, "Chuck Barney: 'Breaking Bad' continues to cook up addictive TV", "Breaking Bad, Season 4, Episode 1: "Box Cutter", "Breaking Bad "Box Cutter" Recap: Or, As We Like To Call It, Gus' Murder Weapon", "Bloody scene prompts fainting spell at 'Breaking Bad' premiere", "Sunday Cable Ratings: 'True Blood' Slips, 'Falling Skies' Steady + 'Breaking Bad,' 'Leverage,' 'In Plain Sight,' 'The Glades' & More", "Return of 'Breaking Bad' Breaks Series Record", "Breaking Bad Recap (Season 4, Episode 1): "Box Cutter", "Review: AMC's 'Breaking Bad' still addictive in Season 4", "Breaking Bad Season 4 Premiere Review: Silent and Deadly", "Breaking Bad Recap: Season Four Gets Off to an Incredibly Bloody Start", "Dave on Demand: Gore on TV: Clot enough for you? It was believed that Gus killed Victor for exposing himself at the scene of Gale's murder and is now a risk for his drug empire. After a terse argument, Walt lost his head and shot Mike with his own gun. Gus maintains his silence while changing into hazmat gear and picking up the box cutter Gale used during the lab setup. [9][33] During this scene, they are wearing matching T-shirts with country music singer Kenny Rogers on them. When the cops came around to investigate the murder, the neighbors would have certainly described Victors appearance, which inadvertently caused a serious threat to Gus entire operation. Jesse is visibly moved by the statement, which Aaron Paul described as "the first moment that Jesse realizes that Walt's loyalty is to Jesse. [1][8], "Box Cutter" was first publicly shown on June28,2011, at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Hollywood. [8][31], During a scene when Gale's neighbor calls police to report his murder, a clock in Gale's apartment reads 10:13.
The circumstances in both the killings were almost similar, as both No-Doze and Victor overstepped their respective boundaries. The Cold Open is a flashback to when Gus, Gale and Victor were setting up the super lab. Back in the present, Jesse is seen standing in Gale's doorway after shooting him. During the scene when Gus killed Victor, Bryan Cranston's daughter Taylor fainted in her seat inside the theater at the sight of all the blood. The eye has long been used as a symbol to identify Walter's gradual descent into a life of crime, and Skyler's discovery of it symbolizes her own similar descent. [16] He worked through these concerns by justifying Gus' actions in that, by killing Victor, he was protecting everyone else who works for him. Gus has one when upon finding out that Walter and Jesse. Victor acted desperately to prove his value, and that reflected in his actions. He also said the subplots involving Skyler, Hank and Marie kept the episode's pace well. AMCs Breaking Bad has been widely regarded as one of the most successful and gripping television shows of the modern generation. [4] Los Angeles Times writer Emily VanDerWerff praised the performance of Aaron Paul despite his almost complete lack of dialogue throughout the episode, and felt the script raised interesting contrasts between Walt, who acts impulsively and rash while captured, and Gus, who seems calm and in control. A major theme of "Box Cutter", and the entire fourth season, involved Walter's gradual change into a darker character who becomes more proactively violent and dangerous. Well, Gus decision was purposefully ambiguous for Walt & Jesse, so it may be impossible to say certainly what his motivations were. As Victor continues his cook, Walt's superiority lessens when Victor remembers a key step in the process. , perhaps the writers wanted to show that Gus was just as ruthless as Tuco when it meant serious business. In Breaking Bad season 5, Victor's death was mentioned by Walt while talking to Jesse. It made him a liability for Gus as the police could be interested to investigate Victor, leading to Gus. Jesse remains completely silent and motionless. No-Doze overstepped his boundaries when he tried to speak for Tuco. During breakfast, Walt insists that Gale's death was necessary, but expresses concern that Gus will kill them at his next opportunity. Here I have chalked down some reasons why Gus might have killed Victor. [28] During that scene, Walter tells Gus, "You kill me, you have nothing. Police investigate Gale's apartment but overlook his lab notes. In Breaking Bad Box Cutter (Season 4 Episode 1), Gus Frings decision to brutally kill Victor not only came out as a shocker but was also significant considering who Victor was. RELATED: Why Did The Salamanca Brothers Crawl? [24][25][26] Aaron Paul said of this, "Jesse's much more raw this season. So in order to protect them, he has to do this thing, because this person has been exposed, and he's gotta take care of business to protect the family. Gus then steps across and cuts Victor's throat, spraying blood over Mike, Walt, and Jesse and shocking all three. Walt He stated that Gus killed Victor because he "flew too close to the sun" and that greediness caught the attention of Gus. Now that Gale was dead, Gus needed Walt and could not kill him because he knew how capable and strategic Walt was. [18][22][23] The episode also introduced the ongoing theme of Jesse's moral decline and self guilt over his killing of Gale. Walt responds affirmatively, but walks off with an uneasy look in his eye. "Box Cutter" is the fourth season premiere of the American television drama series Breaking Bad, and its 34th episode overall. Then Gus enters the lab, to Victor's delight and Walt's dismay. Moreover, when Gus went to the police station for an interview with Hank Schrader, who was beginning to suspect Gus true intentions, Gus saw a sketched image of Victor. [30] The Philadelphia Inquirer columnist David Hiltbrand condemned the violent scene with Victor's death, which he called "totally gratuitous serv[ing] no plot or character purpose". He says that he could not produce meth of such high purity, and convinces Gus, against his better judgment, that the 99% purity of the sample is worth whatever risks might come along with the person who cooked it. Mike was a formidable opponent, and killing him was not only out of his capabilities but could also have proved too dangerous for Gus. [34][35] The violent scenes in "Box Cutter" proved so bloody that AMC included a disclaimer warning about the violence at the start of the episode and after the commercial break halfway through the episode. During a twist scene in "Box Cutter", Gus slices his loyal henchman Victor's throat with Gale's utility knife right before Walt and Jesse's eyes. [43], Seth Amitin of IGN called it a minimalist, deliberately paced episode but said it was never boring due to the excellent acting, dialogue and suspense which illustrates "just how quickly this show lost its innocence". Walt, Jesse, and Mike's reaction to Gus cutting Victor's throat. When he's left alone in his own thoughts, that's when things can get kind of dangerous and scary for Jesse. While it might not have been as explosive as the finale or "Half Measure", it played on all of the show's strengths, building tension effortlessly, while bringing out the high caliber acting and cinematography we've come to know. But with the way he slashed Victor, Gus showed that he was as deadly and unpredictable as any cartel boss and not someone who could be manipulated. Giancarlo Esposito said that when he first read the script for "Box Cutter", he was so shocked that he had to put it down and walk away from it. [32] After Walter and Jesse are released by Gus, they eat lunch at Denny's, a coffee shop and family restaurant chain.
He goes outside to find Jesse sitting motionless in his car, and takes him back to the lab. Prior to the act, Walt was under the assumption that Gus was a pragmatic businessman and not a crazy psychopath who could kill his employees over slight mistakes.