I wanted to play to our uniqueness of being a sibling team. Before we start, heres a quick background on who this guide is meant for, and why winning a hackathon is even worth the effort of reading this long-ass guide. In March 2017, I found myself on Both Sides of a Hackathon". Educator 3000 brings the power of the Now Platform to solving the issue of education during COVID-19. This is why hardware hacks work wonders at Hackathonstheyre far more fun and visual to demo than is a backend project; you cant help but walk past some new contraption and stop to ask the team what it does. An example of an idea that included a great demo was my friends project at HackUVA2018. So, try to describe your project in a few words, in a tweet, and in a 2-minute pitch. All gold medal winners will be contacted and sent one of these limited edition gold Supabase tees (one per team member), and all runners up will receive the same design in silver. How well does it demo? Project JustView was one of the winners. Ive dedicated a whole section to creating and presenting the demo. MedicoNow app is built to provide better communication between healthcare specialists and patients. You want to be maximally approachable during the demo/judging time. It can (and should) be used for the benefit of the community, just like weve seen in this brilliant use case example. It then converts the service agents typed reply back into synthesized speech. This project was a huge success since it addressed CTT's key pain point and solved it with a simple and effective tool. If youre among them, I encourage you to subscribe to my newsletter where Ill be explaining in greater detail about one of the biggest revelations Ive had, not just about Hackathons, but about startups and technology in general. And being on both sides of a Hackathon also helped me pinpoint and articulate why my teams did NOT win Greylock Hackfest in 2016 or HackDuke in 2014. Obviously, we know that satellite navigation isnt easily accessible and replicable. Finally, determine how feasible it is to successfully make by your team. Doctors and Researchers can create their ServiceNow pages using UI builder, then they will be able to schedule a web conference call, where ServiceNow Agents api can help them to translate their voice on the fly.. If you really want to stand out from the crowd, you need to understand the context of each project and how they won the hackathon. The introduction of Extended User Profile - highly customizable, interactive user profiles - can be a starting point towards better employee interactions, increased workplace visibility and company-wide initiatives. Some products are about driving customer counts, some are competition blockers. If one or two people are passionate about an idea, go ahead and agree to it. RAID (Request Automated In-office Delivery). We knew it would feel and look like magic. Ill talk more about the risks of API prizes in the Execution section of this guide. Have a few test cases lined up that you know you can handle and that makes your product look good. And go read my book, Ace the DataScience Interview while you are at it! Presented a visualization of the carbon footprint of an enterprise.
A system that allows office employees to order and receive supplies from drones. Will a Proof of Concept be able to show Juries the core value of my project? The application had to be able to recognize all of the information on the code and display iton the screen. I'd love to see these shared in an open way afterwards. JetVet helps streamlines due diligence processes in procurement. Also, it shows that your product is real and not completely hard-coded to just a few test inputs. Other functions include social media integration, visual effects, nicknames, and more. The core usage of an obscure AWS service most likely caught a judges eye and led to the win. He built an app to better manage his mood and keep himself mentally healthy. Nuclear Disaster as a Service - This application would enable disaster recovery teams to send a robot into a disaster area and have it execute a task. Youll get back the energy and enthusiasm you put in. But if youre trying to win the whole hackathon, be very careful about chasing API prizes. Our demo amazed many people, so it was one of the deciding factors when it came time for the judges to pick the winners.
DrawPlatformer was inspired by my Computer Vision class. This hackathon was extremely popular and brought together more than 570 participants! Its about how large an influence story ,marketing, and positioning play for tech startups and technical hackathons and how the role of superior technology is smaller than we think. We received way more entrants than expected and therefore it took our judging panel a little longer than expected to get through their deliberations. This way, during judging time, we were completely in-sync. Our rationale was that this would be useful in cases where you run out of mobile data but can still send SMS texts.
We told the story of brothers who would play, draw and make art together. Reach can be customized and used by cities of any size. We are building a Smart Vernacular Video/Audio Conference Platform using ServiceNow Agents and UI form builder & Mobile Platform. THIS IS A HACKATHON GUIDE! That urge led to coming up with the idea for AutoCaption.co, an app that blazes through a corpus of quotes, jokes, and lyrics to deliver the most relevant caption for the users photos. MIPA is what we all dream about having, a personal assistant helping you though the day, week and next week. Im sure this went a long way toward helping us win. Design by committee leads to poor results. Brainstorm the questions you think the judges will ask in advance. The purpose of this hackathon was to find ways to improve and speed up the process of both issuing and validating digital tickets. Murphys Law is Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Mostly because the year before judging HackUVA, I had participated in the same event and won! If this makes the competition better, than that's great and my goal here. We created an interactive UI that allows users to create and attach NFT collections, add properties and attributes, and seamlessly nest them into the nesting tree. WantedApp makes the recruitement process easier by making all the different steps accessible from one toom (technical tests, HR meetings, etc.). But I digress lets actually talk technology. We were fortunate to win the grand prize (1st place) out of 35 submitted projects. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It was an eye-opening experience being a judge. Is the demo visually interesting (think fireworks, flashing lights, flying drones, etc.)? Make sure you have good chemistry with your teammates.
There were no awkward pauses to determine who would answer and no Gotcha! questions. For questions where both of us could potentially answer, we pre-planned who would actually answer it. We tried to poke holes. App NeutreNow to incentive healthy behavior (scroll down for full review). a blackjack gambling web site that lets users buy coins for play, interact with one another, read rules and FAQs, report issues, and submit questions. Most of the people we were competing against were using simple AWS services like EC2 servers or S3 for cloud storage. We're already looking forward to the next one. At PennApps in 2015, my team and I made AutoCaption.co, an app that barrels through a corpus of quotes, jokes, and lyrics to get you the most relevant caption for your photo. Am I taking full advantage of the technologies or assets the organization is providing. Whether youre a beginner or a seasoned participant, these hackathon ideas should get you inspired and ready to rock . They often have a project component attached to it for masters students, and thats a great place to look for inspiration. Another source of ideas for a compelling story is sharing something unique about you or your teams background.
With the increasing temperatures due to climate change, these routes are becoming more and more dangerous. Once again, the true power of AI is yet to be unleashed. After judging HackUVA and talking with several API prize judges, I now realize why our team won several years prior at PennApps. These are among the best ideas to emerge from the Knowledge 2021 CreatorCon Hackathon, held May 8-9.The hackathon serves as a forum for coders to design and display innovative apps on the Now Platform that can solve real business problems.This year, more than 100 teams competed in the hackathon. This has value for not only the community, but also as positive PR for the businesses that host or partake in using the application. You can assemble a team of the best coders and still not win a hackathon if the idea youre working on is, as the kids call it, lame AF. So, before we talk about pitching your project, or how to execute effectively, lets address what makes some ideas more win-worthy than others. They also aimed to increase the efficiency of operations, the accuracy of ticket validation, as well as the overall passenger experience. This way, it was both easy and fast for inspectors and passengers to show and validate their tickets, significantly reducing queue time and overcrowding. The goal of this great project was to collect the data, analyze it, and create an algorithm that could distinguish violent from non-violent footage. And feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter. For more long-form guides like this, join my monthly newsletter below so you don't miss anything (it's just one email a month!). You only have 24-hours. A tool allowing MetaMask users to enter IC ecosystem.
Quicker with a Sticker project not only had a clever name, but also a clever hackathon idea. If you're inspired to build, here's a collection of resources that will help you get started building with Supabase: Full Stack Development with Next.js and Supabase The Complete Guide, Auth Deep Dive - Learn everything there is to know about Supabase Auth, How to Integrate Supabase in Your Ionic App, Building a Slack clone with authentication and realtime data syncing using Supabase, Creating Protected Routes In NextJS With Supabase. A cloud based security awareness training in the form of a new, realistic, interactive and fun experience. What if we tell you that your day-to-day role as a student/teacher/parent would become much easier to manage by just a few configuration adjustments via cloud-based platform utilizing Mobile UI/Web Page UI as well a Chat UI? As our hospitals are stretched and new staff brought on board to deal with the increased pressure caused by COVID-19, we need better ways to bring people up to speed with understanding the processes as quickly as possible. Thats why, even if a judge isnt officially judging you, you still need to impress them since they might become a decision-maker later in the process. Rate each project on the metrics and then go with the project with the highest average score. Unbelievable that bdlukaa was able to build this in the space of a week. events. Digitizing and simplifying these processes can help our Medical workers to focus more on caring for their patients, and less on maintaining paperwork. You know this already. To create more accessibility for the hearing impaired to work in call center environments, Superconnectors created an app that leverages Service Portal and a web browsers speech API to convert a customers voice to text. We brainstormed ideas involving Matchbox cars, Legos, Toy Soldiers, Play-Doh, & PokmonCards. Take on the role of a hacker and encounter multiple security topics and 25 learning points. This video was played on the left-most laptop. They symbolized having fun and playing together before video games, YouTube and other digital toys took over as our favorite forms of play. Mobile Application using the Web3 blockchain with features Posting of polls, posting of products/listings(ads), payment for purchases using crypto, chat, video chatting, voice call, live stream, Creating opportunities for designers and consumers alike. Taking advantage of the fact that Virtual Agent can be set up to be public facing, the runner-up team created an app that automates customer identification for the process of renting or checking out cars. Your judges are human.
Organizations want to show their support to promote social good in a consistent and continuous way. Art & Design Lovers had a niche platform to share their passion, access exclusive content, and communicate with each other. OAuth can be annoying! If thats your main goal (which is 100% completely okay) this guide isnt for you. Simply integrating it isnt enough. They've also integrated this system with the smartphone app, making it easier for courier distributors to operate on a daily basis. And processes reservations, of course. Mobile App Best-Selling Author of Ace theDataScience Interview and creator of Ace the Data Job Hunt. Example: So thats what my project does. In this section, I share tips on how to make the most of your 24-hours so you can effectively turn your idea into a reality. Dont fidget with your phone or exhibit negative body language. The app provides an end to end experience for patients and specialists to view/book appointments, connect via chat/VIDEO, join in social Q/A community. But this is an important element to consider even during your idea-selection phase. Our story resonated with many of our judges. Bring an external monitor if that will help you be more productive. Used all latest features like now mobile app, Agent Work space, Flow Designer, Virtual Agent, scoped application b Studio Development, Integration with Twilio. Dont bother having a login or account registration screen. A Mobile/Web/Desktop Slide Puzzle app made with flutter. This works well, since the judges will advocate for your project with the same enthusiasm you pitched them. Condensing your pitch forces clarity. This is another reason I mention ignoring API Prizes. This application will bridge the gap between HRs and employees by digitizing the leave tracker system - Will reduce management efforts. increase team productivity - Integrable application will ensure greater visibility towards organization KPIs, better project planning by the Project management department Cost management by payroll and invoicing departments wrt billable hours and non-billable hours IT department can take this as a feeder into the on-call scheduler and critical/priority task assignments. "We have 35 locations, 12 monsters, many items in there," Scott explained. You want your projects to be technically-advanced. They seamlessly integrated the digital sticker system within the mobile app and proved that you can find solutions through technology, without needing to re-design major infrastructures. ServiceNow Saving Lives. After reflecting more deeply on the experience, I finally understood the rationale for why my team had also won Best Use of AWS at PennApps in 2015, which (at the time) came as a complete surprise to our entire team. Id be happy to talk more in detail about the computer vision behind the project or the motivation for why we even made DrawPlatformer. There was no NLP, ML, AI, CV, IoT, or other over-hyped acronyms in this hack.
One way of getting technical inspiration is by reading research papers and seeing if you can replicate them or do something similar. Pick ideas to work on for which you can tell a powerful story. This app helps make Zoom meetings more productive. Enables companies to connect their employees with opportunities to volunteer in their communities. posting of products/listings(ads), marketplace, video chatting, voice, live stream of
His project was well-received by the judges and audience, and it all started with a good story. Make each column the metrics weve discussed: How good is the story? The ARC is US. With some rest, youll think better and be in a more pleasant mood during judging & demos (which matters and will be discussed later in this guide). Bonus points for the adorable Peach gif!
What good is an idea if you cant execute on it well? Find out the best data science projects to help you in your next hackathon. How I DID NOT Apply This Tip and, as a result, DID NOT Win: At Greylock Hackfest, the elite hackathon sponsored by the top VC firm Greylock (early investors in Facebook, Dropbox, and LinkedIn), they brought in top-notch judges including hotshot Directors and VPs of Engineering at top SV startups from the Greylock portfolio. The team decided to address social justice, in the form of a very controversial topic lately - police brutality. Organizations, galleries, museums, and other entities had a social channel to share their events and promote their offering. Flutter Dictionary App - by @KathirvelChandrasekaran. But if youre a competitor, read on! Plan for it. The judges found the design of this Flutter app to be super impressive, the animations and color palette are especially top drawer! Thanks to everyone who joined in, and made this hackathon awesome.
Secondly, a marketplace & hub meant that every party would use the platform, not just the artists: Community-oriented hackathons are absolutely fantastic because your work has a direct impact on peoples lives. Post it was the winner project of this hackathon. Then, answer them yourself and practice this Q&A. If youre a beginner and havent worked much with databases, its okay to simply store data locally in a text file, or to not have data persist between sessions.
Keep smiling and looking approachable. I couldnt believe that these exceptional judges would be swayed by the hype (it was 2016 and chatbots were all the rage). The demand is also higher than ever.
BitHacks is a platform for AI Social Impact. In stressful conditions like the current pandemic, it can be very difficult to find reliable information and access critical resources locally. I learned these tips during high school while competing in various science fair competitions at the state and national level. The initial two judges who were assigned to a project determined which were the few top projects they saw. Zoom Extra Crispy uses Predictive Intelligence, Performance Analytics and Integration Hub features in the Now Platform to intake all recordings from the Zoom cloud and create knowledge article transcripts. ), address isolation issues faced by care recipient and provide a performance monitoring system for Health care providers and regulatory body. Works on both, large and on mobile devices.
Based on quality of sentiment metrics, you can assign actions and tasks to prioritize follow up on conversations. A kind-of "corporate KickStarter" for incubating projects within an enterprise. The team ended up winning 1st place in the Safety track. "We use business rules to govern the behavior of all elements. Unfortunately strangers don't take too kindly to a vagrant in their midst, help Harold escape before the locals get wise. The judges quickly dismissed our project as being too simple because we glued the Uber API to the Twillio API and that was about it. An amazing example of where no-code is going. Amazon awarded us the prize for Best Use Of AWS, which surprised our whole team. Then, this sticker can be shown to the ticket inspector as proof of a valid ticket. Rehabilitation system based on Azure AI and an FPGA device which detects rehabilitation movements and gives feedback to the patient through Azure's AI services. On laptop #2, we had a more complicated level running with the actual hand drawing that created the game right by it to demo the power of our project. Extended User Profile is a response to the lack of interaction at the workplace due to the worldwide shift to remote work. They reached out to innovators to find solutions for existing social problems, through AI-based applications. But do work beforehand to assemble a team and pick an idea. Police officers are using bodycams to record their interactions with citizens, but even then, the large amount of camera data is not being reliably analyzed, leading to a lack of accountability. Feel free to email me if it helped you win a Hackathon, along with a link to the project you made. If you loose, you go back to square one and you loose all items. This is not the time and place to try the Javascript-framework-of-the-month. Empower your employees to launch and coordinate social good initiatives and promote this actions within the company to get support from other fellow employees to make actions for a better community and world. I enjoyed playing around with the different OpenCV APIs and trying out different filtering techniques. So, just to be safe, treat everyone from start to finish like a judge. Using machine learning, this app helps companies monitor consumer interactions in real time and spot patterns that result in unhappy customers, such as lack of knowledge about a particular product or agent behavior that escalates disputes. AI product & service applications are becoming increasingly popular. How technical is it? They can be a fun way to meet like-minded people and a place to learn and experiment with cool new technologies. Plus, when you go after an API prize, you might have more competition from other teams than anticipated. Youve picked a great idea and executed on it, its time to learn how to pitch the project and create an effective demo. Heres a shout out to a few other resources that can help you on your hackathon hacker journey. App to structure the interaction between teachers (give assignments and grades), faculty (biographies, tracking attendance), parents (check the grades, fill out all kinds of forms --- absence, dietary, holiday requests) and students (survey teachers, get assignments). Community-oriented hackathons are absolutely fantastic because you feel your work will have a direct impact on peoples lives. The team employed bus code technology to create a reading process that was swift, efficient, and, most importantly, capable of working without an internet connection in remote locations! A pain point you feel deeply is a great starting point because if you can keenly convey how excruciating and annoying the problem was to you and that you needed to solve it for yourself and other sufferers, thats one solid foundation! Learn why a good story is crucial, why demo-ability should be factored in when selecting ideas, and why NOT to chase API prizes.
A system that allows office employees to order and receive supplies from drones. Will a Proof of Concept be able to show Juries the core value of my project? The application had to be able to recognize all of the information on the code and display iton the screen. I'd love to see these shared in an open way afterwards. JetVet helps streamlines due diligence processes in procurement. Also, it shows that your product is real and not completely hard-coded to just a few test inputs. Other functions include social media integration, visual effects, nicknames, and more. The core usage of an obscure AWS service most likely caught a judges eye and led to the win. He built an app to better manage his mood and keep himself mentally healthy. Nuclear Disaster as a Service - This application would enable disaster recovery teams to send a robot into a disaster area and have it execute a task. Youll get back the energy and enthusiasm you put in. But if youre trying to win the whole hackathon, be very careful about chasing API prizes. Our demo amazed many people, so it was one of the deciding factors when it came time for the judges to pick the winners.
We told the story of brothers who would play, draw and make art together. Reach can be customized and used by cities of any size. We are building a Smart Vernacular Video/Audio Conference Platform using ServiceNow Agents and UI form builder & Mobile Platform. THIS IS A HACKATHON GUIDE! That urge led to coming up with the idea for AutoCaption.co, an app that blazes through a corpus of quotes, jokes, and lyrics to deliver the most relevant caption for the users photos. MIPA is what we all dream about having, a personal assistant helping you though the day, week and next week. Im sure this went a long way toward helping us win. Design by committee leads to poor results. Brainstorm the questions you think the judges will ask in advance. The purpose of this hackathon was to find ways to improve and speed up the process of both issuing and validating digital tickets. Murphys Law is Anything that can go wrong will go wrong. Mostly because the year before judging HackUVA, I had participated in the same event and won! If this makes the competition better, than that's great and my goal here. We created an interactive UI that allows users to create and attach NFT collections, add properties and attributes, and seamlessly nest them into the nesting tree. WantedApp makes the recruitement process easier by making all the different steps accessible from one toom (technical tests, HR meetings, etc.). But I digress lets actually talk technology. We were fortunate to win the grand prize (1st place) out of 35 submitted projects. MVP stands for Minimum Viable Product. It was an eye-opening experience being a judge. Is the demo visually interesting (think fireworks, flashing lights, flying drones, etc.)? Make sure you have good chemistry with your teammates.

With the increasing temperatures due to climate change, these routes are becoming more and more dangerous. Once again, the true power of AI is yet to be unleashed. After judging HackUVA and talking with several API prize judges, I now realize why our team won several years prior at PennApps. These are among the best ideas to emerge from the Knowledge 2021 CreatorCon Hackathon, held May 8-9.The hackathon serves as a forum for coders to design and display innovative apps on the Now Platform that can solve real business problems.This year, more than 100 teams competed in the hackathon. This has value for not only the community, but also as positive PR for the businesses that host or partake in using the application. You can assemble a team of the best coders and still not win a hackathon if the idea youre working on is, as the kids call it, lame AF. So, before we talk about pitching your project, or how to execute effectively, lets address what makes some ideas more win-worthy than others. They also aimed to increase the efficiency of operations, the accuracy of ticket validation, as well as the overall passenger experience. This way, it was both easy and fast for inspectors and passengers to show and validate their tickets, significantly reducing queue time and overcrowding. The goal of this great project was to collect the data, analyze it, and create an algorithm that could distinguish violent from non-violent footage. And feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter. For more long-form guides like this, join my monthly newsletter below so you don't miss anything (it's just one email a month!). You only have 24-hours. A tool allowing MetaMask users to enter IC ecosystem.
Quicker with a Sticker project not only had a clever name, but also a clever hackathon idea. If you're inspired to build, here's a collection of resources that will help you get started building with Supabase: Full Stack Development with Next.js and Supabase The Complete Guide, Auth Deep Dive - Learn everything there is to know about Supabase Auth, How to Integrate Supabase in Your Ionic App, Building a Slack clone with authentication and realtime data syncing using Supabase, Creating Protected Routes In NextJS With Supabase. A cloud based security awareness training in the form of a new, realistic, interactive and fun experience. What if we tell you that your day-to-day role as a student/teacher/parent would become much easier to manage by just a few configuration adjustments via cloud-based platform utilizing Mobile UI/Web Page UI as well a Chat UI? As our hospitals are stretched and new staff brought on board to deal with the increased pressure caused by COVID-19, we need better ways to bring people up to speed with understanding the processes as quickly as possible. Thats why, even if a judge isnt officially judging you, you still need to impress them since they might become a decision-maker later in the process. Rate each project on the metrics and then go with the project with the highest average score. Unbelievable that bdlukaa was able to build this in the space of a week. events. Digitizing and simplifying these processes can help our Medical workers to focus more on caring for their patients, and less on maintaining paperwork. You know this already. To create more accessibility for the hearing impaired to work in call center environments, Superconnectors created an app that leverages Service Portal and a web browsers speech API to convert a customers voice to text. We brainstormed ideas involving Matchbox cars, Legos, Toy Soldiers, Play-Doh, & PokmonCards. Take on the role of a hacker and encounter multiple security topics and 25 learning points. This video was played on the left-most laptop. They symbolized having fun and playing together before video games, YouTube and other digital toys took over as our favorite forms of play. Mobile Application using the Web3 blockchain with features Posting of polls, posting of products/listings(ads), payment for purchases using crypto, chat, video chatting, voice call, live stream, Creating opportunities for designers and consumers alike. Taking advantage of the fact that Virtual Agent can be set up to be public facing, the runner-up team created an app that automates customer identification for the process of renting or checking out cars. Your judges are human.
Organizations want to show their support to promote social good in a consistent and continuous way. Art & Design Lovers had a niche platform to share their passion, access exclusive content, and communicate with each other. OAuth can be annoying! If thats your main goal (which is 100% completely okay) this guide isnt for you. Simply integrating it isnt enough. They've also integrated this system with the smartphone app, making it easier for courier distributors to operate on a daily basis. And processes reservations, of course. Mobile App Best-Selling Author of Ace theDataScience Interview and creator of Ace the Data Job Hunt. Example: So thats what my project does. In this section, I share tips on how to make the most of your 24-hours so you can effectively turn your idea into a reality. Dont fidget with your phone or exhibit negative body language. The app provides an end to end experience for patients and specialists to view/book appointments, connect via chat/VIDEO, join in social Q/A community. But this is an important element to consider even during your idea-selection phase. Our story resonated with many of our judges. Bring an external monitor if that will help you be more productive. Used all latest features like now mobile app, Agent Work space, Flow Designer, Virtual Agent, scoped application b Studio Development, Integration with Twilio. Dont bother having a login or account registration screen. A Mobile/Web/Desktop Slide Puzzle app made with flutter. This works well, since the judges will advocate for your project with the same enthusiasm you pitched them. Condensing your pitch forces clarity. This is another reason I mention ignoring API Prizes. This application will bridge the gap between HRs and employees by digitizing the leave tracker system - Will reduce management efforts. increase team productivity - Integrable application will ensure greater visibility towards organization KPIs, better project planning by the Project management department Cost management by payroll and invoicing departments wrt billable hours and non-billable hours IT department can take this as a feeder into the on-call scheduler and critical/priority task assignments. "We have 35 locations, 12 monsters, many items in there," Scott explained. You want your projects to be technically-advanced. They seamlessly integrated the digital sticker system within the mobile app and proved that you can find solutions through technology, without needing to re-design major infrastructures. ServiceNow Saving Lives. After reflecting more deeply on the experience, I finally understood the rationale for why my team had also won Best Use of AWS at PennApps in 2015, which (at the time) came as a complete surprise to our entire team. Id be happy to talk more in detail about the computer vision behind the project or the motivation for why we even made DrawPlatformer. There was no NLP, ML, AI, CV, IoT, or other over-hyped acronyms in this hack.

What good is an idea if you cant execute on it well? Find out the best data science projects to help you in your next hackathon. How I DID NOT Apply This Tip and, as a result, DID NOT Win: At Greylock Hackfest, the elite hackathon sponsored by the top VC firm Greylock (early investors in Facebook, Dropbox, and LinkedIn), they brought in top-notch judges including hotshot Directors and VPs of Engineering at top SV startups from the Greylock portfolio. The team decided to address social justice, in the form of a very controversial topic lately - police brutality. Organizations, galleries, museums, and other entities had a social channel to share their events and promote their offering. Flutter Dictionary App - by @KathirvelChandrasekaran. But if youre a competitor, read on! Plan for it. The judges found the design of this Flutter app to be super impressive, the animations and color palette are especially top drawer! Thanks to everyone who joined in, and made this hackathon awesome.
Secondly, a marketplace & hub meant that every party would use the platform, not just the artists: Community-oriented hackathons are absolutely fantastic because your work has a direct impact on peoples lives. Post it was the winner project of this hackathon. Then, answer them yourself and practice this Q&A. If youre a beginner and havent worked much with databases, its okay to simply store data locally in a text file, or to not have data persist between sessions.
BitHacks is a platform for AI Social Impact. In stressful conditions like the current pandemic, it can be very difficult to find reliable information and access critical resources locally. I learned these tips during high school while competing in various science fair competitions at the state and national level. The initial two judges who were assigned to a project determined which were the few top projects they saw. Zoom Extra Crispy uses Predictive Intelligence, Performance Analytics and Integration Hub features in the Now Platform to intake all recordings from the Zoom cloud and create knowledge article transcripts. ), address isolation issues faced by care recipient and provide a performance monitoring system for Health care providers and regulatory body. Works on both, large and on mobile devices.
Based on quality of sentiment metrics, you can assign actions and tasks to prioritize follow up on conversations. A kind-of "corporate KickStarter" for incubating projects within an enterprise. The team ended up winning 1st place in the Safety track. "We use business rules to govern the behavior of all elements. Unfortunately strangers don't take too kindly to a vagrant in their midst, help Harold escape before the locals get wise. The judges quickly dismissed our project as being too simple because we glued the Uber API to the Twillio API and that was about it. An amazing example of where no-code is going. Amazon awarded us the prize for Best Use Of AWS, which surprised our whole team. Then, this sticker can be shown to the ticket inspector as proof of a valid ticket. Rehabilitation system based on Azure AI and an FPGA device which detects rehabilitation movements and gives feedback to the patient through Azure's AI services. On laptop #2, we had a more complicated level running with the actual hand drawing that created the game right by it to demo the power of our project. Extended User Profile is a response to the lack of interaction at the workplace due to the worldwide shift to remote work. They reached out to innovators to find solutions for existing social problems, through AI-based applications. But do work beforehand to assemble a team and pick an idea. Police officers are using bodycams to record their interactions with citizens, but even then, the large amount of camera data is not being reliably analyzed, leading to a lack of accountability. Feel free to email me if it helped you win a Hackathon, along with a link to the project you made. If you loose, you go back to square one and you loose all items. This is not the time and place to try the Javascript-framework-of-the-month. Empower your employees to launch and coordinate social good initiatives and promote this actions within the company to get support from other fellow employees to make actions for a better community and world. I enjoyed playing around with the different OpenCV APIs and trying out different filtering techniques. So, just to be safe, treat everyone from start to finish like a judge. Using machine learning, this app helps companies monitor consumer interactions in real time and spot patterns that result in unhappy customers, such as lack of knowledge about a particular product or agent behavior that escalates disputes. AI product & service applications are becoming increasingly popular. How technical is it? They can be a fun way to meet like-minded people and a place to learn and experiment with cool new technologies. Plus, when you go after an API prize, you might have more competition from other teams than anticipated. Youve picked a great idea and executed on it, its time to learn how to pitch the project and create an effective demo. Heres a shout out to a few other resources that can help you on your hackathon hacker journey. App to structure the interaction between teachers (give assignments and grades), faculty (biographies, tracking attendance), parents (check the grades, fill out all kinds of forms --- absence, dietary, holiday requests) and students (survey teachers, get assignments). Community-oriented hackathons are absolutely fantastic because you feel your work will have a direct impact on peoples lives. The team employed bus code technology to create a reading process that was swift, efficient, and, most importantly, capable of working without an internet connection in remote locations! A pain point you feel deeply is a great starting point because if you can keenly convey how excruciating and annoying the problem was to you and that you needed to solve it for yourself and other sufferers, thats one solid foundation! Learn why a good story is crucial, why demo-ability should be factored in when selecting ideas, and why NOT to chase API prizes.