5. Christadelphians do not believe that any of their members have received any special revelation direct from God. Belief and baptism allow us to share in the promises given to Abraham and in the future age described in Bible Prophecy. In particular we believe: 1. As a result the nature we have is mortal, prone to sin and cursed as a result of Adam's sin. 4. The Second Coming- Jesus Christ is to return from heaven to earth to establish the Kingdom of God; "Then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory" (Luke 21:27). It is Holy because it is 'of God' and used by him for specific activities, e.g. revelation of his thoughts, conception of his Son, establishment of the early Christian community, and the guidance of nations and individuals to achieve his purpose. The Bible- is the only true message from God and is sufficient to teach men and women the way of life. Suffering and famine will cease and all the world's problems will be resolved. Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin and sin when it is full grown, brings forth death" (James 1:14-15). We try to follow, as closely as we are able, the teaching and example of the Lord Jesus Christ, embracing the promises to Abraham and to David that he fulfilled, and will fulfill. 2. This symbolic death and resurrection enables disciples to have faith that, even if they literally die, they will be raised from death when Jesus returns and have a hope of eternal life in the Kingdom of God.
Christ will reign for God, establishing peace and goodness and a new world order. Organisation- Christadelphians are a community of ordinary men and women who have read the Bible, believe its teaching, and try to obey its demands.
"Through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and thus death spread to all men, because all sinned" (Romans 5:12). Sin, in the life of individuals, is the result of this inherited nature. The Kingdom will be worldwide and bring peace and righteousness to all people. Jesus Christ- was born of the virgin Mary, who was an ordinary woman of human nature. "Each man is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desire and enticed. Sin & Death- Adam and Eve failed to obey God and were judged guilty by God and punished. The name 'Christadelphian' means "Brothers and Sisters in Christ" and describes men and women who believe "the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ". Discipleship- Following baptism, a believer must try to obey the teaching of Christ and the Apostles by developing Christ-like characteristics and lifestyle. He was tempted yet was sinless.
He was the Son of God, conceived by the power of God but inheriting a human nature from his mother. We recognise that eternal life is an exciting journey that begins through belief in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, repentance and baptism, and salvation by the grace of God. Jesus did not pre-exist nor was he the second person of the trinity. He was raised from the grave because he was sinless and given immortality by his father. Baptised believers have a duty to meet with other brothers and sisters of similar belief, to regularly break bread and drink wine in memory of Christ's sacrifice, to pray, read, study the Bible together, and to preach the Gospel to others.
6. Promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Jewish fathers, and to King David all ultimately refer to Christ and to believers 'in Christ'. 3. We at the Newbury Christadelphian church rejoice in our understanding of the way of truth, as our common bond of belief provides a solid foundation upon which we build our lives in today's society and modern world. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10: 17). The only hope of life is resurrection for the believer, at the return of Christ. He died on a cross as a sacrifice for sins. 7. He is now the only mediator between men and God, and forgiveness is obtained through him. It will be at this time that Christ will raise the dead, judge those responsible, and give immortality. Christadelphians do not become involved in politics and associated activities as they see themselves as temporary citizens of this world - responsible and law-abiding but believing that the present constitution is temporary and that involvement in such organization is incompatible with the hope of the coming Kingdom. We do not have any central authority or committee structure, we seek to hold faith without distinction to race or class, and without bishops or clergy; we worship and witness in a simple and consistent way. We ask you to consider these things that you may also share in our fellowship by belief, baptism and a 'new life in Christ' to enable you to prepare for the return of Jesus from heaven to earth. We base our faith solely on the Bible as his Word; " all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16) and that "holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21). The Christadelphians are a Christian group with Bible-based doctrines. And it gives us reasons to be cheerful! These and other basic principles of Bible teaching are shared with many other Christadelphian congregations throughout the world and form the basis of our fellowship. We do not observe any day or feasts other than the breaking of bread each week, and practise few rituals (including baptism for the forgiveness of sins). Marriage and family life are important, care for those in need, and a commitment to sound principles in all aspects of life, will hopefully characterize our discipleship. Promises & Prophecies- Before the birth of Jesus, the Gospel was preached in the form of promises made to the Jewish Fathers. God- exists as a being with power and personality. But there is much more to our lives than just a statement of faith.
9. He ascended to heaven until he returns to the earth. God is all powerful. Baptism is a symbolic death in water and a 'resurrection' to a new life as a son or daughter of God with new brothers and sisters in the family of believers. Baptism- is total immersion in water of an adult (someone old enough to know and understand the Gospel) and followed by the life of discipleship. 11. The Holy Spirit- refers to God's power through which He has achieved all things and is everywhere present. We are therefore dying creatures - we return to dust and cease to exist. Salvation- is the gift of God given to those men and women who are obedient to his commandments, the first of which is to 'repent and be baptized'. We believe in a lifestyle which reflects our faith. 8. He is the father of Jesus Christ and has a purpose for his Son to reign on earth at a time in the future.
The Old Testament contains this information together with teaching about Israel and the affairs of the world - particularly with reference to the time of the second coming of Christ. 10. God's power is now revealed to us in His Word; "you received the word of God which also effectually works in you that believe" (1 Thessalonians 2:13). It allows the forgiveness of sins and the possibility of resurrection and eternal life.
6. Promises given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the Jewish fathers, and to King David all ultimately refer to Christ and to believers 'in Christ'. 3. We at the Newbury Christadelphian church rejoice in our understanding of the way of truth, as our common bond of belief provides a solid foundation upon which we build our lives in today's society and modern world. "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10: 17). The only hope of life is resurrection for the believer, at the return of Christ. He died on a cross as a sacrifice for sins. 7. He is now the only mediator between men and God, and forgiveness is obtained through him. It will be at this time that Christ will raise the dead, judge those responsible, and give immortality. Christadelphians do not become involved in politics and associated activities as they see themselves as temporary citizens of this world - responsible and law-abiding but believing that the present constitution is temporary and that involvement in such organization is incompatible with the hope of the coming Kingdom. We do not have any central authority or committee structure, we seek to hold faith without distinction to race or class, and without bishops or clergy; we worship and witness in a simple and consistent way. We ask you to consider these things that you may also share in our fellowship by belief, baptism and a 'new life in Christ' to enable you to prepare for the return of Jesus from heaven to earth. We base our faith solely on the Bible as his Word; " all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness" (2 Timothy 3:16) and that "holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit" (2 Peter 1:21). The Christadelphians are a Christian group with Bible-based doctrines. And it gives us reasons to be cheerful! These and other basic principles of Bible teaching are shared with many other Christadelphian congregations throughout the world and form the basis of our fellowship. We do not observe any day or feasts other than the breaking of bread each week, and practise few rituals (including baptism for the forgiveness of sins). Marriage and family life are important, care for those in need, and a commitment to sound principles in all aspects of life, will hopefully characterize our discipleship. Promises & Prophecies- Before the birth of Jesus, the Gospel was preached in the form of promises made to the Jewish Fathers. God- exists as a being with power and personality. But there is much more to our lives than just a statement of faith.
9. He ascended to heaven until he returns to the earth. God is all powerful. Baptism is a symbolic death in water and a 'resurrection' to a new life as a son or daughter of God with new brothers and sisters in the family of believers. Baptism- is total immersion in water of an adult (someone old enough to know and understand the Gospel) and followed by the life of discipleship. 11. The Holy Spirit- refers to God's power through which He has achieved all things and is everywhere present. We are therefore dying creatures - we return to dust and cease to exist. Salvation- is the gift of God given to those men and women who are obedient to his commandments, the first of which is to 'repent and be baptized'. We believe in a lifestyle which reflects our faith. 8. He is the father of Jesus Christ and has a purpose for his Son to reign on earth at a time in the future.
The Old Testament contains this information together with teaching about Israel and the affairs of the world - particularly with reference to the time of the second coming of Christ. 10. God's power is now revealed to us in His Word; "you received the word of God which also effectually works in you that believe" (1 Thessalonians 2:13). It allows the forgiveness of sins and the possibility of resurrection and eternal life.