Register for Highlands summer camps or plan your unique retreat or program (family reunion, wedding, educational event) located in the Rocky Mountains. We couldn't put a picture here because if you aren't a girl you can't see what goes on, and if you aren't a boy you will probably never know what happens at guy time. This camp is located 10,000 feet above sea level in the grandeur of the Rocky Mountains.
We are adhering to COVID best practices and are making a safe and enjoyable experience for our campers. THIS INDICATES NO DEPOSIT HAS BEEN MADE ANDYOUR CAMPER 'S SPOT HAS NOTBEEN RESERVED. Send your camper free of tuition. Spots are only reserved if a deposit is made. There will be a $200 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit PER SESSION for Base Camp, SHIFT, or. A special time to celebrate your camper! We pack up all the fun and the staff of Camp Timberline and take it on the road. Outta Bounds Day Camp is chalked full of fun and faith! We have a short message every morning with worship and a structured bible study called a "chalk talk" every afternoon after lunch. WHAT IF MY CHILD HAS SPECIAL MEDICAL, DIETARY OR BEHAVIORAL NEEDS? SPOTS ARE ONLY RESERVED IF A DEPOSIT IS MADE. Outta Bounds is a$75.00 NON-REFUNDABLEdeposit. Campers will have the opportunity to experience every component of our ropes course during their week at Camp T. Aside from being tons of fun, high ropes are all about experiential learning. It is our goal that each camper fully understands that they are knownand lovedfor exactly who God created them to be. Beyond Timberline to secure your camper's session(s). If you receive an email stating you are enrolled but not registered, we have your information BUT this indicates no deposit has been made and therefore your spot has NOT been reserved. We are in need of housing for our amazing Outta Boundscounselors this summer during Sessions 1-10. Camp Timberline greatly values each familys investment in camp. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. We must fund them. Additional questions may be directed to Past issue archives: starting with most recent, back to late 2009. We believe learning about God should be fun and done by enjoying His amazing creation. Cherryvale Day Camp is based in Jewish values and open to children of all backgrounds and religions. If so, then you too can experience camp for a week! Friday: Camper Hoe Down at 1:00, so cowboys and cowgirls get ready to swing! Use tab to navigate through the menu items. Click here for the Summer 2022 Party Themes!! We pack up all the fun and the staff of Camp Timberline and take it on the road to a church near you! Beyond Timberline to secure your camper's session(s). Join us for a two week adventure with the chance to serve camp and play outside in a way unlike any other. Registration is NOW OPEN. RETURNING CAMPERS WE DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY CHARGE YOUR CARD ON FILE. IF YOU RECEIVE AN EMAIL STATING THAT YOU ARE "ENROLLED" BUT NOT "REGISTERED", WE HAVE YOUR INFORMATION BUT YOUR CAMPER IS NOTCONFIRMED. During Outta Bounds Day Camp Campers will choose 2 sports every day to play/practice. Boys may choose the "All-Around" option which consists of several sports as well as non-traditional games like ultimate frisbee or our Workshop where campers build a variety of things and learn how to handle tools. I am full of tears as I write that the campers started chanting we love your girls over and over as we drove out.
If a camper cancels for any reason prior to May 1st, all monies paid over and above the initial $200/$75 non-refundable deposit will be refunded. We are in need of housing for our amazing Outta Bounds, counselors this summer during Sessions 1-10. We are adhering to COVID best practices and are making a safe and enjoyable experience for our campers. Talk about a profound experience. Click hereto check out dates and availability for Outta Bounds Day Camp! It is our goal at Camp Timberline to make each and every child feel KNOWN and LOVED for exactly who God created them to be. Please join us for a Christian Day Camp unlike any other in Colorado---. Sessions run June 7 through Aug. 13. Camp sessions are broken up by age group. AEI Base Camp With a standard 4 to 1 camper to counselor ratio your child is sure to receive the attention they deserve. At the JCC, we know the journey is just as important as the destination. Since 1953, the JCC Ranch Camp has been creating Jewish memories and friendships that last a lifetime. Monday through Friday to a church near you for only $275! Teaching them the scripture and different ways to love God and Jesus. Football | Basketball | Lacrosse |Tennis |Vollebyall | Soccer |All Around |Dance | Arts & Crafts. Welcome to (un)affordablea podcast about affordability solutions in Boulder County brought to you by Boulder Weekly and KGNU. If a camper cancels for any reason, the $200/$75 deposit is non-refundable. If a camper cancels for any reason after May 1st, 2022 no monies will be refunded. Our mission at Camp Timberline is to "Reach and Strengthen kids for Christ through Sports and Mountain Adventure". At Camp Timberline our mission is to reach and strengthen kids for Christ, through sports and mountain adventure. IF YOU RECEIVE AN EMAIL STATING THAT YOU ARE "ENROLLED" BUT NOT "REGISTERED", WE HAVE YOUR INFORMATION BUT YOUR CAMPER IS NOTCONFIRMED. We want your child's experience at camp to not just be a ton of fun but eternally impactful as well. We strive to honor your funds and also cover fixed costs to make this the best experience for your child. My girls were crying tears of joy and sadness for leaving. Several times throughout the week, campers will get to experienceall of our water activities on our alpine lake! Campers will experience all the fun of resident Camp Timberline at home on the Front Range! Campers will experience all the fun of resident Camp Timberline at home at Plum Creek Church! Retreat season is a great way to enjoy the beauty Camp T offers between August and November. ENTERING INFORMATION ONLY DOESNOTSECURE REGISTRATION. WHAT IF MY CHILD HAS SPECIAL MEDICAL, DIETARY OR BEHAVIORAL NEEDS? This is what makes Camp T famous - our overnight sports and mountain adventure camp in Estes Park, CO! Once again I feel I need to give some feedback on my girls experience at Camp T. What a wonderful two weeks they had!!!!! A day camp unlike any other for kids in Kindergarten to sixth grade, with 10 locations along the Front Range. Closing Ceremony at 3:00 for all families to attend. Our mission at Camp Timberline is to "Reach and Strengthen kids for Christ through Sports and Mountain Adventure." For emergency situations, the Estes Park Medical Center is the nearest facility for urgent care. From high quality sports instruction, wild camp games, parties, and wacky skits and songs, your child is sure to have a week they will never forget. Each element is unique in its purpose and challenge, varying in degree of difficulty, while encouraging the campers to reflect on their experienceand find ways to apply it to their life spiritually! We offer several different camps for your kids ages 6-18 Join us this summer for a summer camp experience unlike any other. WILL MY KIDS (IN DIFFERENT CABINS) No matter your childs interests, we know the lessons and values gained from a summer at the J will prepare them for a lifetime of exploration and personal success. There will be a $200 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit PER SESSION for Base Camp, SHIFT, or. There is no better placeon a hot summer day! Do you currently hold a Colorado Registered Nurse/Certified Doctor license? Our wonderful Day Camp staff needs housing in each city where we run, We are in need of housing for our amazing Outta Bounds, counselors this summer during Sessions 1-10. Camp Timberline's sports programs teach campers new skills, techniques, and conditioning guaranteedto up your game. THIS INDICATES NO DEPOSIT HAS BEEN MADE ANDYOUR CAMPER 'S SPOT HAS NOTBEEN RESERVED. Campers can choose to work on the same 2 sports all week or they may pick different sports every day and try them all. Libraries are the frontlines of democracy. Campers of all faiths and backgrounds should feel comfortable to attend camp and ask all kinds of questions and not feel pressured an any way as to what they should or shouldn't believe. Read our Statement of Faith. Just about every night, campers will end their day of camp with a wild and crazy gathering in the Party Barn known asRound Up. We want your child's experience at camp to not just be a ton of fun but eternally impactful as well. For moreinformation please contact Diane Dahm or fill out our host home formhere. ALL CAMPERS MUST MAKE A DEPOSIT TO CONFIRMREGISTRATION. ALL CAMPERS MUST MAKE A DEPOSIT TO CONFIRMREGISTRATION. There will be a $200 NON-REFUNDABLE deposit PER SESSION for Base Camp, SHIFT, or. If a camper cancels for any reason prior to May 1st, 2023, all monies paid over and above the initial $200/$75 non-refundable deposit will be refunded. IS THERE A NURSE ON SITE? At Camp Timberline our mission is to reach and strengthen kids for Christthrough sports and mountain adventure. We are in need of housing for our amazing Outta Boundscounselors this summer during Sessions 1-10. We have a short message every morning with worship and a structured bible study called a "chalk talk" every afternoon after lunch. Our mission at Camp Timberline is to "Reach and Strengthen kids for Christ through Sports and Mountain Adventure." Wednesday: WATER DAY! If a camper cancels for any reason after May 1st, 2021 no monies will be refunded. Held in one- to three-week sessions, the camp is a place where life-long friendships blossom, Jewish identities are discovered and nourished, and children are challenged to grow in mind, body and spirit. With this consideration, here is our cancellation policy: If a camper cancels for any reason, the $200/$75 deposit is non-refundable. Ranch Camp is also renowned for one of the most acclaimed equestrian programs in the country. Camp Timberline staff are also certified in CPR/First Aid. Everyday: A sack lunch, water bottle, sunscreen and any necessary labeled medication. Be sure to take a look at our Health/Behavioral Statement and the essential functions of a Camp Timberline Camper to ensure a great experience! Each week's theme is a metaphor to help us better understand God's unwaivering love for us. Camp Timberline greatly values each familys investment in camp. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. The day camp program does not have a registered nurse/medical personnel on site but. We build, evolve and support websites and applications. We believe learning about God should be fun and done by enjoying His amazing creation. If a camper cancels for any reason prior to May 1st, all monies paid over and above the initial $200/$75 non-refundable deposit will be refunded. Thursday: Party Day! Located in Colorados magnificent Black Forest, the Ranch Camp provides children entering grades two-11 with a truly Western Jewish experience. From high quality sports instruction, wild camp games, parties, and wacky skits and songs, your child is sure to have a week they will never forget. WHAT TYPES OF ACTIVITIES HAPPEN AT DAY CAMP?