St. Johns was founded in 1887 under the direction of the Rev.
Midstocket Parish ChurchMidstocket RoadAberdeenCity of AberdeenGrampianAB15 5JDScotlandOS Grid Ref: NJ 92317 06527Denomination: Church of Scotland. free online. On top of the steeple was placed a hand carved wooden ball ornament. It was purchased from St. Louis, Missouri as we find that city printed on the bell. The services were conducted entirely in the German language. Hello brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,I have a question Id like to ask. But how. In November of 2000, we were blessed to hire Rev. Frank helped the Beechwood people draw up their constitution in 1887 under the name of The German Evangelical St. Johns of Beechwood. Usa. Foremost was the founding of a Sunday School, which at times numbered in the thirties. Dave Schleiter was accepted 100% by the congregation.
hesitant in His actions; the principles and purposes behind His actions are all clear He served us well. The church itself, originally a rectangular structure, could forever boast of its beautiful steeple above the bell tower. Frank had come to St. Pauls in Silver Creek as early as 1868 and was helping that congregation grow. Since 1988 IWM's War Memorials Register has been creating a national register of UK war memorials and the names of the individuals they commemorate. their relationship was previously not so harmonious, because of the pressure Lexin William Kesting served the 3-point charge. Rev. 2022 All rights reserved. Rev. Oct. 1, 2006: New Horizon held its first service at new location in the temporary set-up. Albert Meiller:June 1941 to Oct. 1944, Rev. Faith and Worship section shares with you articles of how Christians built a This means you may reuse it for non-commercial purposes only and must attribute it to us using the following statement: For queries, please contact [emailprotected], Help update these details if the condition is wrong, Condition: Fair [last updated on 30-11-2018]. We strive to have all ministries, programs, missions, and worship - all that we do - aligned with our vision of life change. Rev. It was the hopes and prayers, that New Horizon would be able, in due time, to worship in a one centrally located site.
William Wiederanders was serving our congregation at this time. It was under the name of the Free Will Baptist Society of Boltonville with the understanding that all Orthodox denominationswould have the privilege of holding religious service in said church when not occupied by the Free Will Baptist Society. The merger went into effect. Please enter the correct information below. Many people have heard of Christian schools but what does it mean St. Johns began with having youth groups, a brotherhood, dartball teams, and not to forget having a choir. Music was an intricate part of the worship service as well. April 4, 2004. As long as the history of the church, there was choir music.
The desire to have a bell in the tower inspired Gotthelf Risse, a charter member, to make a trip to Germany to purchase a bell from the Bechumer Verein Gusstahl Fabrik for which he paid $500.00.
(this sale did not pass). Kesting was in charge of the Boltonville, Silver Creek and Beechwood congregations. Much work was put in by all our members to clean and make a temporary sanctuary. After Rev.
that it proved to be dangerous with the next wind. Christian pioneer immigrants from Saxony, Germany settled in and around Morgenroth, Carl Laatsch G.A. From 1900 to 1905 no regular services were held in the building. From the very beginning, St. Johns supported a Sunday School, as did their sister church, St. Pauls of Silver Creek. Rev. In the early 1900s, St. Pauls built a parsonage for the pastors and their families. With horse and dump wagon, the ground was hauled and dumped into the Beechwood Lake forming the pier. Robert Grunewald;Fall of 1892 to May 1903, Rev. Seaters help toprepare a constitution with most accuracy. He continued to serve both congregations until 1909. In 1993, there was a need to insulate and put vinyl siding over the clapboards. The present beautiful stained glass windows were purchased in 1908. In 1976, the Five Star Larger Parish was begun which served St. Johns Beechwood, St. Pauls of Silver Creek, St. Johns of Boltonville, St. Johns of Random Lake, and St. Martins of Fillmore. St. Johns Church was completed and dedicated Oct. of 1888. Hilda Seater:Interin Pastor 1991 to July 1992, Rev. In 1872, the St. Pauls congregation began worshiping in the log school house. The original steeple of the church was much higher but wind damaged it considerably so it was lowered to its present height. the Bible, By QingxinThe Bible says, Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).
Herbert Tetzlaff:June 1939 to Feb. 1941, Rev. Now the women could have a kitchen, a fellowship room for their meetings, and some classes met in the basement. The most important one is spending time with God, studying and reading the ), Rev. (Search committee continues seeking for full time pastor). Search committee still searching for full time pastor. The site provided parking and is visible from highway 144 and 28. Dec. 30, 2007: Rev. Unfortunately, Rev. Seater had his farewell service also in Feb of 2008. The Womens Guild was organized in 1907 with 23 charter members. May 21, 2006: The final vote was taken and passed to purchase the TWC building and remodel it to our needs. Kesting was hired. It did the ministries as all Evanagelical churches did. You can read this article to get the There is a beautiful stained glass circular window on the back outside wall of the channel. The church did not include the alcove chancel area nor did it have a basement. In 1871, the president of the Wisconsin District of the German Evangelical Synod of North America, realized that there was not a pastor of the Evangelical Synod in this area and immediately asked Rev. By Baoai, South Korea The words Its so hard to be a good person who speaks the Beechwood is with Kewaskum. Prior to the formation of a congregation in Beechwood, the people had worshipped either in Silver Creek or Campbellsport. Julius Frank to come to Wisconsin and serve these churches. St. Johns U.C.C. Mineau resigned, there were several years, that St. Johns Boltonville were served by supply pastors. Gods changing of His intentions toward the people of Nineveh involved no Gordon Mineau served St. Johns Boltonville fromn 1969 to 1970. It also had a very tall pulpit which was finally lowered in 1951. tolerance. This information is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC licence. The entire ceiling was covered with this tin facing. Kesting:served from Jan. 1978 to July 1989. St. Johns of Beechwood was located in the hamlet of Beechwood, in the southernmost tip of Sheboygan Co. WI County roads A and S intersected right in heart of Beechwood. St. Johns is proud to have two of its members enter the ministry. It was clapboarded and had pane-glass windows. all want to act in accordance with Gods will a Mom, you used to be so strict with my studies that I never had any time to Subscribe to Beechwood Reformed Church updates. Jan. 2003: Search Committee was formed hoping to hire a full time pastor.
We do have a fewredundant churches that are currently available for sale. Because regardless of whether. The first organ was purchased in 1883 and the bell for the church was first purchased in 1888. Financial records showed closing the doors might need to be an option. So the three churches continued on as best as they could, Sunday School attendance was down to just a few students. Please help this page visitors by submitting Beechwood Reformed Church Service Times. Roof boards and shingles were replaced, the interior was tinned and painted and a concrete porch was erected in front of the church. Eternal Life section, Prayer can narrow the gap between us and God. The pews are those of its beginning. Now that we were one church, it was time to appoint a site committee. the area now known as Silver Creek. The choir never dissolved. John Klindt accepted the call to be the first full-time pastor and to assume the duties of administrator of the Five Star Parish, and to be responsible for the Fillmore and Random Lake congregations.
Seater, that serious thoughts of merging became a reality. Rev. Six ornate glass windows were donated to add beauty to the church. A vote was also taken to choose a name for our new Merger. Above the church entrance there is a half moon shaped stained glass window bearing the inscription, Ev. Rev. Riederanders was in a serious car accident. Rev. We strive to have all ministries, programs, missions, and worship - all that we do - aligned with our vision of life change. When looking out from the church balcony window, to the west, one sees the quiet and peaceful Beechwood Lake. March 2001: New Vision Task Force Committee was formed to explore the possibilities of a merger. The first windows consisted of several smaller rectangular panes of clear glass. The Evangelical and Reformed church merged with the Congregational Christian Denomination, thus our new name and present name, St. Johns United Church of Christ. Bernard Fresenborg: August 1951 to June 1957, John Clausing (summer supply student1957), Rev.
After Rev. We also hold ocassional Sunday afternoon walks and various social events. three.
After his departure, many pastors served both St. Pauls and St. Johns of Beechwood, and later St. Johns of Boltonville. Rev. Julius Frank, many of the congregation in the area called upon him to be their first Evangelical pastor. Kuno Kuenne organized the Womens Guild in 1922. This major task was completed in 1931. church located in the hamlet of Silver Creek, the St. Johns U.C.C. As Christians, we For more than 70 years, Bible App Pour Les Enfants has helped people around the world Rev. answers. This did not come easy, to close the doors, was not a welcome thought. He began his service in February of 2008 and resigned, effective December 31, 2018. In 1934, our congregation took part in the merger with the Reformed Denomination and were then called St. Johns Evangelical and Reformed Church. St. Pauls continued to grow under the leadership of Rev. St. Johannes Church. The interior was initially covered with plaster, however, in 1908 a decorative tin facing was installed over the plaster which still remains intact. The charter members of this newly formed congregation were: Andrew Kraetsch William Voigt, Jr. Herman Hiller Sylvester Wendel, Ed. Rev. May 2007: Beechwood church put up for sale on E-bay. It is already constructed with enough area to accommodate the present and immediate future needs of the congregation. All during the years, each church kept up their buildings appearances. Gadow:May 1935 to 1939 (Note:This is the only time that St. Johns of Beechwood is not with St. Pauls. Jan. 2003: A Constitution Committee was formed:Joyce Gerlach, Robin Lemkuil, Bernice Wendel, Shirley Birkholz, Lauie Schulz, Leon Stange, Sylvester Krahn, Jean Krahnand Rev. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, the Vanessa School of Dancing uses the building. Distance was a great factor in attending these churches and travel was difficult during the winter months. It was during the pastorates of Rev. mothers ear, and the young mothers face flushed with happiness.This young mothers This was the beginning of our third church that became part of our New Horizon U.C.C. play. Bierbaum was also serving a congregation in Fillmore at the time)Rev. The present altar was purchased at that time and placed in the middle of the chancel keeping with the Evangelical tradition of an altar-centered church. Please enter the correct information below. begin with St. Pauls of Silver Creek, because it is the oldest of the Rev. January 6, 2019 - January 3, 2021 Interim Paster Rev. During his term, a New Vision Task Force was organized. During the funeral service, breaths were held in anticipation of falling plaster. At present no image of this war memorial is available for online display. It is located about 1 mile north of Boltonville. of Beechwood became the second oldest church that became part of New Horizon United Church of Christ. Voigt, Jacob Kraetsch William Groeschel, Heinrich Hiller GustavLaatsch. Please check back as we are adding more names to the database. St. Johns Congregation never became independent. 607 S Hill St,Los Angeles, CA 90014, Seater. And we acknowledge that genuine, sustainable life change - authentic life change - comes only through the grace and truth of Jesus Christ. St. Johns was on the East side of County Road A. Robert Seater came to serve the 3-point charge as an Interim Pastor. St. Johns United Church of Christ---Beechwood. Sunday Funday for youth ages 3+ is also held at 11am. Result, St. Johns of Boltonville and St. Johns Of Beechwood andSt.Pauls of Silver Creekbecame a 3-point charge under the pastorage ofRev. During termtime, Brownies meet at 6-7:30pm on Mondays; Guides and Rangers at 6:30-8pm on Wednesdays and Rainbows at 5:45-6:45 on Thursdays. July 22, 2007:Removal of Bell from Boltonville Church. All were settled by German immigrants, were farmers by choice, spoke the German language and brought with them a strong religious faith. Melvin Schroer:May 1945 to May 1951, Rev. May 2007: Removal of Beechwood Church bell. There was a building already on this property. (It was tragically struck by lightning and burned beyond repair in 2004.). bestowed upon them in this new world of freedom. Robert Seater continues being interim pastor for New Horizon when needed. It always shared its pastors as did St. Pauls of Silver Creek. Desiring the use of the church for the funeral, the family called upon the community for help. Rev.
The steps taken to form this merger, will be described later. The youth group met with St. Pauls youth group. We wish them Gods Blessing. In 1887, the congregation began the task of building their church. It too, in time dissolved. The new congregation was faced with the task of renovating the church which had fallen into a sad state of disrepair. St. Johns also had an active Sunday School, but through the years, the membership declined to zero. Join us on Sunday mornings for a casual service at 10:00 AM in our Worship Center.
So, how can we gain the power of prayer? Nancy Wilkinson and Rev. placed on her daughter regarding her studies. Wiederander, now took full responsibilities in caring for the 3-point charge. name is Lexin, and when we hear her daughters simple expression, we can deduce that St. Pauls United Church of Christ - Silver Creek. Beechwood Church is committed to reaching people in our church, community, nation and world with the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ. Lets learn about each of these rural Washington/Sheboygan/Fond du Lac county, Wisconsin, churches in more detail: Well William Wiederander: began August 1992 (Note:Nancy Wilkinson resigned June 8, 1993 leaving Rev.
Midstocket Parish ChurchMidstocket RoadAberdeenCity of AberdeenGrampianAB15 5JDScotlandOS Grid Ref: NJ 92317 06527Denomination: Church of Scotland. free online. On top of the steeple was placed a hand carved wooden ball ornament. It was purchased from St. Louis, Missouri as we find that city printed on the bell. The services were conducted entirely in the German language. Hello brothers and sisters of Spiritual Q&A,I have a question Id like to ask. But how. In November of 2000, we were blessed to hire Rev. Frank helped the Beechwood people draw up their constitution in 1887 under the name of The German Evangelical St. Johns of Beechwood. Usa. Foremost was the founding of a Sunday School, which at times numbered in the thirties. Dave Schleiter was accepted 100% by the congregation.
hesitant in His actions; the principles and purposes behind His actions are all clear He served us well. The church itself, originally a rectangular structure, could forever boast of its beautiful steeple above the bell tower. Frank had come to St. Pauls in Silver Creek as early as 1868 and was helping that congregation grow. Since 1988 IWM's War Memorials Register has been creating a national register of UK war memorials and the names of the individuals they commemorate. their relationship was previously not so harmonious, because of the pressure Lexin William Kesting served the 3-point charge. Rev. 2022 All rights reserved. Rev. Oct. 1, 2006: New Horizon held its first service at new location in the temporary set-up. Albert Meiller:June 1941 to Oct. 1944, Rev. Faith and Worship section shares with you articles of how Christians built a This means you may reuse it for non-commercial purposes only and must attribute it to us using the following statement: For queries, please contact [emailprotected], Help update these details if the condition is wrong, Condition: Fair [last updated on 30-11-2018]. We strive to have all ministries, programs, missions, and worship - all that we do - aligned with our vision of life change. Rev. It was the hopes and prayers, that New Horizon would be able, in due time, to worship in a one centrally located site.
William Wiederanders was serving our congregation at this time. It was under the name of the Free Will Baptist Society of Boltonville with the understanding that all Orthodox denominationswould have the privilege of holding religious service in said church when not occupied by the Free Will Baptist Society. The merger went into effect. Please enter the correct information below. Many people have heard of Christian schools but what does it mean St. Johns began with having youth groups, a brotherhood, dartball teams, and not to forget having a choir. Music was an intricate part of the worship service as well. April 4, 2004. As long as the history of the church, there was choir music.
The desire to have a bell in the tower inspired Gotthelf Risse, a charter member, to make a trip to Germany to purchase a bell from the Bechumer Verein Gusstahl Fabrik for which he paid $500.00.
(this sale did not pass). Kesting was in charge of the Boltonville, Silver Creek and Beechwood congregations. Much work was put in by all our members to clean and make a temporary sanctuary. After Rev.
that it proved to be dangerous with the next wind. Christian pioneer immigrants from Saxony, Germany settled in and around Morgenroth, Carl Laatsch G.A. From 1900 to 1905 no regular services were held in the building. From the very beginning, St. Johns supported a Sunday School, as did their sister church, St. Pauls of Silver Creek. Rev. In the early 1900s, St. Pauls built a parsonage for the pastors and their families. With horse and dump wagon, the ground was hauled and dumped into the Beechwood Lake forming the pier. Robert Grunewald;Fall of 1892 to May 1903, Rev. Seaters help toprepare a constitution with most accuracy. He continued to serve both congregations until 1909. In 1993, there was a need to insulate and put vinyl siding over the clapboards. The present beautiful stained glass windows were purchased in 1908. In 1976, the Five Star Larger Parish was begun which served St. Johns Beechwood, St. Pauls of Silver Creek, St. Johns of Boltonville, St. Johns of Random Lake, and St. Martins of Fillmore. St. Johns Church was completed and dedicated Oct. of 1888. Hilda Seater:Interin Pastor 1991 to July 1992, Rev. In 1872, the St. Pauls congregation began worshiping in the log school house. The original steeple of the church was much higher but wind damaged it considerably so it was lowered to its present height. the Bible, By QingxinThe Bible says, Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you (James 4:8).
Herbert Tetzlaff:June 1939 to Feb. 1941, Rev. Now the women could have a kitchen, a fellowship room for their meetings, and some classes met in the basement. The most important one is spending time with God, studying and reading the ), Rev. (Search committee continues seeking for full time pastor). Search committee still searching for full time pastor. The site provided parking and is visible from highway 144 and 28. Dec. 30, 2007: Rev. Unfortunately, Rev. Seater had his farewell service also in Feb of 2008. The Womens Guild was organized in 1907 with 23 charter members. May 21, 2006: The final vote was taken and passed to purchase the TWC building and remodel it to our needs. Kesting was hired. It did the ministries as all Evanagelical churches did. You can read this article to get the There is a beautiful stained glass circular window on the back outside wall of the channel. The church did not include the alcove chancel area nor did it have a basement. In 1871, the president of the Wisconsin District of the German Evangelical Synod of North America, realized that there was not a pastor of the Evangelical Synod in this area and immediately asked Rev. By Baoai, South Korea The words Its so hard to be a good person who speaks the Beechwood is with Kewaskum. Prior to the formation of a congregation in Beechwood, the people had worshipped either in Silver Creek or Campbellsport. Julius Frank to come to Wisconsin and serve these churches. St. Johns U.C.C. Mineau resigned, there were several years, that St. Johns Boltonville were served by supply pastors. Gods changing of His intentions toward the people of Nineveh involved no Gordon Mineau served St. Johns Boltonville fromn 1969 to 1970. It also had a very tall pulpit which was finally lowered in 1951. tolerance. This information is made available under a Creative Commons BY-NC licence. The entire ceiling was covered with this tin facing. Kesting:served from Jan. 1978 to July 1989. St. Johns of Beechwood was located in the hamlet of Beechwood, in the southernmost tip of Sheboygan Co. WI County roads A and S intersected right in heart of Beechwood. St. Johns is proud to have two of its members enter the ministry. It was clapboarded and had pane-glass windows. all want to act in accordance with Gods will a Mom, you used to be so strict with my studies that I never had any time to Subscribe to Beechwood Reformed Church updates. Jan. 2003: Search Committee was formed hoping to hire a full time pastor.
We do have a fewredundant churches that are currently available for sale. Because regardless of whether. The first organ was purchased in 1883 and the bell for the church was first purchased in 1888. Financial records showed closing the doors might need to be an option. So the three churches continued on as best as they could, Sunday School attendance was down to just a few students. Please help this page visitors by submitting Beechwood Reformed Church Service Times. Roof boards and shingles were replaced, the interior was tinned and painted and a concrete porch was erected in front of the church. Eternal Life section, Prayer can narrow the gap between us and God. The pews are those of its beginning. Now that we were one church, it was time to appoint a site committee. the area now known as Silver Creek. The choir never dissolved. John Klindt accepted the call to be the first full-time pastor and to assume the duties of administrator of the Five Star Parish, and to be responsible for the Fillmore and Random Lake congregations.
Seater, that serious thoughts of merging became a reality. Rev. Six ornate glass windows were donated to add beauty to the church. A vote was also taken to choose a name for our new Merger. Above the church entrance there is a half moon shaped stained glass window bearing the inscription, Ev. Rev. Riederanders was in a serious car accident. Rev. We strive to have all ministries, programs, missions, and worship - all that we do - aligned with our vision of life change. When looking out from the church balcony window, to the west, one sees the quiet and peaceful Beechwood Lake. March 2001: New Vision Task Force Committee was formed to explore the possibilities of a merger. The first windows consisted of several smaller rectangular panes of clear glass. The Evangelical and Reformed church merged with the Congregational Christian Denomination, thus our new name and present name, St. Johns United Church of Christ. Bernard Fresenborg: August 1951 to June 1957, John Clausing (summer supply student1957), Rev.
After Rev. We also hold ocassional Sunday afternoon walks and various social events. three.
After his departure, many pastors served both St. Pauls and St. Johns of Beechwood, and later St. Johns of Boltonville. Rev. Julius Frank, many of the congregation in the area called upon him to be their first Evangelical pastor. Kuno Kuenne organized the Womens Guild in 1922. This major task was completed in 1931. church located in the hamlet of Silver Creek, the St. Johns U.C.C. As Christians, we For more than 70 years, Bible App Pour Les Enfants has helped people around the world Rev. answers. This did not come easy, to close the doors, was not a welcome thought. He began his service in February of 2008 and resigned, effective December 31, 2018. In 1934, our congregation took part in the merger with the Reformed Denomination and were then called St. Johns Evangelical and Reformed Church. St. Pauls continued to grow under the leadership of Rev. St. Johannes Church. The interior was initially covered with plaster, however, in 1908 a decorative tin facing was installed over the plaster which still remains intact. The charter members of this newly formed congregation were: Andrew Kraetsch William Voigt, Jr. Herman Hiller Sylvester Wendel, Ed. Rev. May 2007: Beechwood church put up for sale on E-bay. It is already constructed with enough area to accommodate the present and immediate future needs of the congregation. All during the years, each church kept up their buildings appearances. Gadow:May 1935 to 1939 (Note:This is the only time that St. Johns of Beechwood is not with St. Pauls. Jan. 2003: A Constitution Committee was formed:Joyce Gerlach, Robin Lemkuil, Bernice Wendel, Shirley Birkholz, Lauie Schulz, Leon Stange, Sylvester Krahn, Jean Krahnand Rev. On Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays, the Vanessa School of Dancing uses the building. Distance was a great factor in attending these churches and travel was difficult during the winter months. It was during the pastorates of Rev. mothers ear, and the young mothers face flushed with happiness.This young mothers This was the beginning of our third church that became part of our New Horizon U.C.C. play. Bierbaum was also serving a congregation in Fillmore at the time)Rev. The present altar was purchased at that time and placed in the middle of the chancel keeping with the Evangelical tradition of an altar-centered church. Please enter the correct information below. begin with St. Pauls of Silver Creek, because it is the oldest of the Rev. January 6, 2019 - January 3, 2021 Interim Paster Rev. During his term, a New Vision Task Force was organized. During the funeral service, breaths were held in anticipation of falling plaster. At present no image of this war memorial is available for online display. It is located about 1 mile north of Boltonville. of Beechwood became the second oldest church that became part of New Horizon United Church of Christ. Voigt, Jacob Kraetsch William Groeschel, Heinrich Hiller GustavLaatsch. Please check back as we are adding more names to the database. St. Johns Congregation never became independent. 607 S Hill St,Los Angeles, CA 90014, Seater. And we acknowledge that genuine, sustainable life change - authentic life change - comes only through the grace and truth of Jesus Christ. St. Johns was on the East side of County Road A. Robert Seater came to serve the 3-point charge as an Interim Pastor. St. Johns United Church of Christ---Beechwood. Sunday Funday for youth ages 3+ is also held at 11am. Result, St. Johns of Boltonville and St. Johns Of Beechwood andSt.Pauls of Silver Creekbecame a 3-point charge under the pastorage ofRev. During termtime, Brownies meet at 6-7:30pm on Mondays; Guides and Rangers at 6:30-8pm on Wednesdays and Rainbows at 5:45-6:45 on Thursdays. July 22, 2007:Removal of Bell from Boltonville Church. All were settled by German immigrants, were farmers by choice, spoke the German language and brought with them a strong religious faith. Melvin Schroer:May 1945 to May 1951, Rev. May 2007: Removal of Beechwood Church bell. There was a building already on this property. (It was tragically struck by lightning and burned beyond repair in 2004.). bestowed upon them in this new world of freedom. Robert Seater continues being interim pastor for New Horizon when needed. It always shared its pastors as did St. Pauls of Silver Creek. Desiring the use of the church for the funeral, the family called upon the community for help. Rev.
The steps taken to form this merger, will be described later. The youth group met with St. Pauls youth group. We wish them Gods Blessing. In 1887, the congregation began the task of building their church. It too, in time dissolved. The new congregation was faced with the task of renovating the church which had fallen into a sad state of disrepair. St. Johns also had an active Sunday School, but through the years, the membership declined to zero. Join us on Sunday mornings for a casual service at 10:00 AM in our Worship Center.
So, how can we gain the power of prayer? Nancy Wilkinson and Rev. placed on her daughter regarding her studies. Wiederander, now took full responsibilities in caring for the 3-point charge. name is Lexin, and when we hear her daughters simple expression, we can deduce that St. Pauls United Church of Christ - Silver Creek. Beechwood Church is committed to reaching people in our church, community, nation and world with the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ. Lets learn about each of these rural Washington/Sheboygan/Fond du Lac county, Wisconsin, churches in more detail: Well William Wiederander: began August 1992 (Note:Nancy Wilkinson resigned June 8, 1993 leaving Rev.