A Total War Saga Troy made a comeback earlier this year with its Mythos expansion. If youre familiar with previous Total War games, Rhesus Thracian units are essentially the equivalent of barbarian factions from those previous titles. Ultimately, both Rhesus and Memnon are great and worthy additions to A Total War Saga Troy. However, the problem with the Greek factions is that most of them have similar generic units, which gets really old quite fast. 3) I couldn't find how to recruit the elephants or war elephants for the Egyptians. Of course, you can still choose to engage with the Olympian gods mechanic, which is still accessible for Rhesus and his faction. This site is not endorsed by the Creative Assembly or Sega. Did you try to post into this forum after logging in to the site?
A Thracian thinks himself unequalled by others. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Most basic unit of all. Each Bastarnae warrior also carries a small shield, which other than his helmet is his only protection, not that this lack of armour worries these fearless fighters for a moment. The Rhesus and Memnon expansion alleviates this problem by adding two new factions with not only new mechanics but also brand new units not shared with any of the other factions. google_ad_height = 90; Their bows have a short range, but each warrior carries a good selection of hunting and war arrows, designed to cause massive bleeding and pierce armour respectively.
Unpack into your Rome Total War folder (your main one) Meanwhile, the Trojan factions usually have more variety compared to the Greeks, but a lot of them are still similar and repetitive in a lot of ways. 4) This looks like a mod that could go onto the Total War Center forums. They get access to both aggressive melee infantry and Phalanx style troops, which is unusual. Thrace starts on the western coast of the Black Sea. The graphical images and content enclosed with this document are viewable for private use only. post, but I'll go ahead and make one once the new version is released/authed (whichever one is later), and see what happens.
They offer refreshing experiences with brand new mechanics and units not shared by any of the other factions, which is important in selling a DLC or expansion as a must-buy. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Historically, this is one of the few weapons that made the Romans change their standardised armour, as they added reinforcing bars to legionary helmets after encountering falxmen. They should definitely be kept away from enemy cavalry, which they have no protection against. Out of the two new factions, Memnon was definitely the bigger highlight of this new expansion. Cookies help us deliver our services.
https://wiki.twcenter.net/index.php?title=Thrace_(RTW_Faction)&oldid=86037, Tylis: Thracian Large Town; Region - Thrace, Campus Getae: Thracian Large Town; Region - Tribus Getae. Yeah, in SP campaign, they can be the best. It would only require you to open a thread in the
They are superior, but somewhat ill-disciplined warriors who are willing to charge into a fight without orders.
I took a few of the better ideas from there ;P. Have fun! Feeble unit. You seem to be obsessed with creating a forum for your mod.
We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. They are armed with spears. STrangely, it's about the only one who can go into wedge formation (!). Earlier on in a campaign their infantry can be very effective but in the late game their roster is weak overall and outclassed by most other factions. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Falxmen are used to carve a path into enemy formations. Bastarnae: Fierce warriors adept at close quarters against other infantry, Bastarnae may attack without orders. to get and keep a mod thread on the forums, so I haven't made one, or am I just missing the point? Hope everyone enjoys it! In the game, however, they are spear-armed shock cavalry, whose success or failure depends to a large extent on the personal characteristics of the general who they are guarding his effect on their morale, for example, or on their discipline, will play a large role in determining how they fight. Copyright 2004-2022 HeavenGames LLC. and Susa (Persia). Valve Corporation.
. Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. Light support cavalry, used to harass the enemy, relying on hit-and-run tactics. once you get your revised mod approved here. However they can be made playable by simple modifications to the game files (more information on which can be found here). To be used with the Falxmen. What distinguishes them from your normal armies is that they dont add to your Administrative Burden, which means that theyre a lot cheaper to raise and maintain. Oops. A Total War Saga Troy is still one of the most stable and optimized modern Total War games out there with a compromise for fans of both the historical and fantasy titles, even if that only really applies to the Mythos version of the game (check out my full review for why that is). Problem is, I don't have time to set up a TWC forum for it at the moment, but when I do have time, I will, and thanks for the suggestion! RealRome is the name of the actual folder, and you're right; I should have said that in the file description. The potential is ripe. There was previously only one other horde faction in A Total War Saga Troy and it was one of the two Amazon tribes.
If they weren't half-naked, I would call them awesome. The damage from any blow is done with a pulling motion, meaning that any blow that lands will hack off a limb or decapitate a foe at the least. However, they can still hold off an enemy for a substantial amount of time, particularly a mounted enemy. Could you send me a link to your channel? The Greek medium cavalry unit, these cavalry go to war without either shields or armour. Even their weapon of choice the rhomphaia is a cruel looking, curved blade sharpened on the inner edge, like a sickle. 1) Iberian Skirishers in the mod should be Iberian Skirmishers. The members of the warband are lightly armed and equipped, relying more on speed as a protection from foes. Some scribes would have it that there are no fiercer men in battle, and they are a formidable resource for any Thracian commander: they are highly unlikely to break and run.
I couldn't find the post you mentioned.
As their name may suggest, militia hoplites are drawn from civilian ranks in times of great need, and therefore cannot be expected to be either skilled or disciplined fighters. They are armed with an enormously long pike, or sarissa, often 4-5m in length. Well, just like Rhesus, Memnon may be tied to the Trojans but his faction is neither Greek nor Trojan. Also, while theyre allied with the Trojans, theyre not culturally Trojan, or Greek, for that matter. ;P rome II is my favorite but I still gotta get my rome I fixes once in a while for nostalgia. Previous Total War games like Total War Rome 2 have suffered from issues like having paid DLC that felt like merely lazy reskins. First (and prossbily only) release of the mod. 1) I think you should mention that this is a mod-foldered mod. They share cavalry with the Greeks, meaning it is very poor, tied for the worst in the game except for a surprisingly very strong general after the Marian Reforms. By the Pharaoh, its goddamned fun, and I say this as someone whos played thousands of hours of Total War. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Similar to the Amazons or the Huns in Total War Attila, part of the fun in using a horde faction is in not having to worry about building or defending an empire, as well as having the luxury of always going on the offensive. We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, to browse all available. In addition, Memnon doesnt have access to traditional Total War agents, but he can employ camp followers using the Resourceful Strategists, which comes with pretty OP buffs like being able to disable settlement towers in siege battles and more. Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. The Rhesus and Memnon DLC doesnt have that problem. PSN: AlleefAshaari, Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy Launch Trailer Teases Mystery Villain. Memnon himself hails from Aethiopia (which is now the African nation of Ethiopia), but he comes to the aid of the Trojans on behalf of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Light attack cavalry. In phalanx formation these men can advance in a disciplined mass and push against an enemy line, often breaking through in the process as few enemies will stand in the face of so many spear points coming towards them! Nice unit! Like the Town Watch, only Hoplites. All rights reserved. /* 120x90 Rechtsboven content pagina */
The last option of any desperate army (except perhaps slaves or convicts), peasants are good for increasing your numbersand not much else. I ripped apart armies thrice the headcount of my own, with nothing more than a general, one unit of barbarian cavalry and three basic horse archer units. Federal law provides criminal and civil penalties for those found to be in violation.
The forums are for the big, big mods like Europa Barbarorum or Roma Surrectum which have a lot of discussion. They come with limitations to avoid players from spamming them too much.
In the present day, most of Thrace is now Bulgaria and the rest of the Balkans. Usual Peltasts; spread throughout the greek world. Rhesuss faction features two new unique campaign mechanics; Countless Host and Thracian Rituals. Go to steam, right click on RTW, and click properties I have a Total War YouTube channel. Rhesus and Memnon will add hours and hours of gameplay even if youve already sunk in a chunk of time into the game. There were some forty tribes of Thracians who shared a common language and culture, inhabiting a vast area north of the Greek city-states. Poorly armed and with little military experience, their morale and discipline are both understandably low. In that way they are similar to most barbarians and despite being considered Greek they have barbarian influence. Privacy Statement | Disclaimer | Forum Code of Conduct | Legal Information. Greek cavalry, as compared to militia cavalry, was a more professional force, with better training and more experience. The most famous Thracian 'general' of all never actually fought an action in Thrace or in command of a Thracian army; he was Spartacus, the commander of the last great slave rebellion against Rome in 73-71BC. The Gods may help you if they bring their nobles Well, I happen to know that the size of the enemy army is irrelevant when you're playing as Scythia and are halfway decent as a commander. A Total War Saga Troy Rhesus and Memnon will release on both Steam and Epic Games Store on 14 December 2021. Plus, I know I initially wrote above that reaching and capturing Troy is exciting, but it gets repetitive as hell when all Greek factions have the same endgame goal. PSSHT i believe you've mistaken them for Gaul. The hoops were described in the "want a forum for your mod?" Yeah, I realised that error on my part last night. Indeed, from the front a phalanx can be almost invulnerable. The most basic archers of all, however, always useful. It is a frightening weapon: a curved scythe-like blade on the end of a long handle that is sharpened on the inner curve of the blade. However, it's useful if you want to "transfer population" from one settlement to another (Show me How).
At the Battle of Raphia in 217BC there were Thracians in both opposing armies, ready to do bloody work.
First things first, lets look at Rhesus. Alright, the AI is a piece of crap, I freely admit that. I need a link for it. Thats huge in terms of spicing things up and making your campaigns interesting again. They are cheap to train, however, and their one advantage is an ability to hide well. I've got no objection to you youtubing the mod at all, and thanks for considering it! They can also be useful for acting as a distraction to the enemy, to lure them into an ambush, or to create a diversion by attacking some target. Average damage but low armour penetration. The peltasts were the original Thracian warriors. They almost always fought in phalanxes, presenting an impenetrable wall of iron to their foes. As a horde faction, Memnon cant occupy settlements at all, which means that youll be rampaging through Greece, sacking and razing the land.
I believe they do have a "problem" in the late game, even in SP, since I think they can't build/upgrade to major cities. I checked it out briefly and have the following comments. The forward curving rhomphaia with its razor-sharp blade and long handle could lop off limbs in the hands of a skilled user, and Thracians were certainly skilled. However, unlike Rhesus, Memnons faction is even more unique, in that its not tied to any one culture or race.
Please Read. These archers are at their best in wooded country, where their superior stalking skills learned on the hunt can be put to use. You can use Devotion and other resources to enact rituals for a bunch of bonuses, including access to special elite units, economic/military buffs, and more. Veteran Total War fans will understand how even something as simple as where a factions starting settlement location can determine not only how easy or hard the ensuing campaign will be, but also the different strategies and plans youll have to think of in terms of growing and expanding your empire. Rome 1 was great, but was wildly innacurate and a little unbalanced, so here's my solution to that, filled with some little and not so little changes. Aspiring writer. I forgot about local recruiting. It is popular because the first five ranks can present their pikes to the enemy creating a mobile forest of sharpened metal, while those further back hold them at a 45 degree angle to deflect enemy arrows. Hoplites formed the core of the Greek armies for centuries, with their long spears that stretched out more than a dozen feet in front of them. It was a pleasant surprise when the developer announced earlier this month that the game would receive new playable DLC leaders/factions with the Rhesus and Memnon expansion. Militia cavalry, like militia hoplites, were recruited from civilian ranks only when necessary. This page was last edited on 1 April 2022, at 17:34. A bodyguard was, historically speaking, a functional unit, rather than a type of soldier. What other Greek or Trojan faction can beat that level of diversity? Many Greeks dreaded a time when they would be united under a single leader and sweep southwards. They are in all cases excellent troops the Thracian generals bodyguard, while among the weakest in the game, must be the only capable of going into wedge formation, although how useful this actually is up in the air. Phalanx pikemen, or phalangites, are well-drilled infantry who fight best as solid mass of men. The Bastarnae are a particularly ferocious tribe from the northern Balkans who rejoice in man-to-man combat. Any faction, in the player's hands, can be the best (maybe for the exception of Gaul and Numidia. That means he can raise armies with units not only from Aethiopia and Egypt but also from other nations of the Bronze Age era, including Canaan (what is now parts of Syria, Israel, Palestine, etc.) It finally gave fans of the franchise what they wanted; proper full-fledged mythological and historical modes instead of the half-baked truth behind the myth approach the game originally had at launch. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Long campaign: Hold 50 provinces including Rome.
A Thracian thinks himself unequalled by others. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Most basic unit of all. Each Bastarnae warrior also carries a small shield, which other than his helmet is his only protection, not that this lack of armour worries these fearless fighters for a moment. The Rhesus and Memnon expansion alleviates this problem by adding two new factions with not only new mechanics but also brand new units not shared with any of the other factions. google_ad_height = 90; Their bows have a short range, but each warrior carries a good selection of hunting and war arrows, designed to cause massive bleeding and pierce armour respectively.
They offer refreshing experiences with brand new mechanics and units not shared by any of the other factions, which is important in selling a DLC or expansion as a must-buy. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Historically, this is one of the few weapons that made the Romans change their standardised armour, as they added reinforcing bars to legionary helmets after encountering falxmen. They should definitely be kept away from enemy cavalry, which they have no protection against. Out of the two new factions, Memnon was definitely the bigger highlight of this new expansion. Cookies help us deliver our services.
https://wiki.twcenter.net/index.php?title=Thrace_(RTW_Faction)&oldid=86037, Tylis: Thracian Large Town; Region - Thrace, Campus Getae: Thracian Large Town; Region - Tribus Getae. Yeah, in SP campaign, they can be the best. It would only require you to open a thread in the
They are superior, but somewhat ill-disciplined warriors who are willing to charge into a fight without orders.
I took a few of the better ideas from there ;P. Have fun! Feeble unit. You seem to be obsessed with creating a forum for your mod.
We suggest you try the article list with no filter applied, to browse all available. They are armed with spears. STrangely, it's about the only one who can go into wedge formation (!). Earlier on in a campaign their infantry can be very effective but in the late game their roster is weak overall and outclassed by most other factions. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Falxmen are used to carve a path into enemy formations. Bastarnae: Fierce warriors adept at close quarters against other infantry, Bastarnae may attack without orders. to get and keep a mod thread on the forums, so I haven't made one, or am I just missing the point? Hope everyone enjoys it! In the game, however, they are spear-armed shock cavalry, whose success or failure depends to a large extent on the personal characteristics of the general who they are guarding his effect on their morale, for example, or on their discipline, will play a large role in determining how they fight. Copyright 2004-2022 HeavenGames LLC. and Susa (Persia). Valve Corporation.
. Your comment will be anonymous unless you join the community. Light support cavalry, used to harass the enemy, relying on hit-and-run tactics. once you get your revised mod approved here. However they can be made playable by simple modifications to the game files (more information on which can be found here). To be used with the Falxmen. What distinguishes them from your normal armies is that they dont add to your Administrative Burden, which means that theyre a lot cheaper to raise and maintain. Oops. A Total War Saga Troy is still one of the most stable and optimized modern Total War games out there with a compromise for fans of both the historical and fantasy titles, even if that only really applies to the Mythos version of the game (check out my full review for why that is). Problem is, I don't have time to set up a TWC forum for it at the moment, but when I do have time, I will, and thanks for the suggestion! RealRome is the name of the actual folder, and you're right; I should have said that in the file description. The potential is ripe. There was previously only one other horde faction in A Total War Saga Troy and it was one of the two Amazon tribes.
If they weren't half-naked, I would call them awesome. The damage from any blow is done with a pulling motion, meaning that any blow that lands will hack off a limb or decapitate a foe at the least. However, they can still hold off an enemy for a substantial amount of time, particularly a mounted enemy. Could you send me a link to your channel? The Greek medium cavalry unit, these cavalry go to war without either shields or armour. Even their weapon of choice the rhomphaia is a cruel looking, curved blade sharpened on the inner edge, like a sickle. 1) Iberian Skirishers in the mod should be Iberian Skirmishers. The members of the warband are lightly armed and equipped, relying more on speed as a protection from foes. Some scribes would have it that there are no fiercer men in battle, and they are a formidable resource for any Thracian commander: they are highly unlikely to break and run.
I couldn't find the post you mentioned.
As their name may suggest, militia hoplites are drawn from civilian ranks in times of great need, and therefore cannot be expected to be either skilled or disciplined fighters. They are armed with an enormously long pike, or sarissa, often 4-5m in length. Well, just like Rhesus, Memnon may be tied to the Trojans but his faction is neither Greek nor Trojan. Also, while theyre allied with the Trojans, theyre not culturally Trojan, or Greek, for that matter. ;P rome II is my favorite but I still gotta get my rome I fixes once in a while for nostalgia. Previous Total War games like Total War Rome 2 have suffered from issues like having paid DLC that felt like merely lazy reskins. First (and prossbily only) release of the mod. 1) I think you should mention that this is a mod-foldered mod. They share cavalry with the Greeks, meaning it is very poor, tied for the worst in the game except for a surprisingly very strong general after the Marian Reforms. By the Pharaoh, its goddamned fun, and I say this as someone whos played thousands of hours of Total War. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Similar to the Amazons or the Huns in Total War Attila, part of the fun in using a horde faction is in not having to worry about building or defending an empire, as well as having the luxury of always going on the offensive. We suggest you try the file list with no filter applied, to browse all available. In addition, Memnon doesnt have access to traditional Total War agents, but he can employ camp followers using the Resourceful Strategists, which comes with pretty OP buffs like being able to disable settlement towers in siege battles and more. Post article and help us achieve our mission of showcasing the best content from all developers. The Rhesus and Memnon DLC doesnt have that problem. PSN: AlleefAshaari, Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy Launch Trailer Teases Mystery Villain. Memnon himself hails from Aethiopia (which is now the African nation of Ethiopia), but he comes to the aid of the Trojans on behalf of the Egyptian Pharaoh. Light attack cavalry. In phalanx formation these men can advance in a disciplined mass and push against an enemy line, often breaking through in the process as few enemies will stand in the face of so many spear points coming towards them! Nice unit! Like the Town Watch, only Hoplites. All rights reserved. /* 120x90 Rechtsboven content pagina */
The last option of any desperate army (except perhaps slaves or convicts), peasants are good for increasing your numbersand not much else. I ripped apart armies thrice the headcount of my own, with nothing more than a general, one unit of barbarian cavalry and three basic horse archer units. Federal law provides criminal and civil penalties for those found to be in violation.
The forums are for the big, big mods like Europa Barbarorum or Roma Surrectum which have a lot of discussion. They come with limitations to avoid players from spamming them too much.
In the present day, most of Thrace is now Bulgaria and the rest of the Balkans. Usual Peltasts; spread throughout the greek world. Rhesuss faction features two new unique campaign mechanics; Countless Host and Thracian Rituals. Go to steam, right click on RTW, and click properties I have a Total War YouTube channel. Rhesus and Memnon will add hours and hours of gameplay even if youve already sunk in a chunk of time into the game. There were some forty tribes of Thracians who shared a common language and culture, inhabiting a vast area north of the Greek city-states. Poorly armed and with little military experience, their morale and discipline are both understandably low. In that way they are similar to most barbarians and despite being considered Greek they have barbarian influence. Privacy Statement | Disclaimer | Forum Code of Conduct | Legal Information. Greek cavalry, as compared to militia cavalry, was a more professional force, with better training and more experience. The most famous Thracian 'general' of all never actually fought an action in Thrace or in command of a Thracian army; he was Spartacus, the commander of the last great slave rebellion against Rome in 73-71BC. The Gods may help you if they bring their nobles Well, I happen to know that the size of the enemy army is irrelevant when you're playing as Scythia and are halfway decent as a commander. A Total War Saga Troy Rhesus and Memnon will release on both Steam and Epic Games Store on 14 December 2021. Plus, I know I initially wrote above that reaching and capturing Troy is exciting, but it gets repetitive as hell when all Greek factions have the same endgame goal. PSSHT i believe you've mistaken them for Gaul. The hoops were described in the "want a forum for your mod?" Yeah, I realised that error on my part last night. Indeed, from the front a phalanx can be almost invulnerable. The most basic archers of all, however, always useful. It is a frightening weapon: a curved scythe-like blade on the end of a long handle that is sharpened on the inner curve of the blade. However, it's useful if you want to "transfer population" from one settlement to another (Show me How).
At the Battle of Raphia in 217BC there were Thracians in both opposing armies, ready to do bloody work.
First things first, lets look at Rhesus. Alright, the AI is a piece of crap, I freely admit that. I need a link for it. Thats huge in terms of spicing things up and making your campaigns interesting again. They are cheap to train, however, and their one advantage is an ability to hide well. I've got no objection to you youtubing the mod at all, and thanks for considering it! They can also be useful for acting as a distraction to the enemy, to lure them into an ambush, or to create a diversion by attacking some target. Average damage but low armour penetration. The peltasts were the original Thracian warriors. They almost always fought in phalanxes, presenting an impenetrable wall of iron to their foes. As a horde faction, Memnon cant occupy settlements at all, which means that youll be rampaging through Greece, sacking and razing the land.
I believe they do have a "problem" in the late game, even in SP, since I think they can't build/upgrade to major cities. I checked it out briefly and have the following comments. The forward curving rhomphaia with its razor-sharp blade and long handle could lop off limbs in the hands of a skilled user, and Thracians were certainly skilled. However, unlike Rhesus, Memnons faction is even more unique, in that its not tied to any one culture or race.
Please Read. These archers are at their best in wooded country, where their superior stalking skills learned on the hunt can be put to use. You can use Devotion and other resources to enact rituals for a bunch of bonuses, including access to special elite units, economic/military buffs, and more. Veteran Total War fans will understand how even something as simple as where a factions starting settlement location can determine not only how easy or hard the ensuing campaign will be, but also the different strategies and plans youll have to think of in terms of growing and expanding your empire. Rome 1 was great, but was wildly innacurate and a little unbalanced, so here's my solution to that, filled with some little and not so little changes. Aspiring writer. I forgot about local recruiting. It is popular because the first five ranks can present their pikes to the enemy creating a mobile forest of sharpened metal, while those further back hold them at a 45 degree angle to deflect enemy arrows. Hoplites formed the core of the Greek armies for centuries, with their long spears that stretched out more than a dozen feet in front of them. It was a pleasant surprise when the developer announced earlier this month that the game would receive new playable DLC leaders/factions with the Rhesus and Memnon expansion. Militia cavalry, like militia hoplites, were recruited from civilian ranks only when necessary. This page was last edited on 1 April 2022, at 17:34. A bodyguard was, historically speaking, a functional unit, rather than a type of soldier. What other Greek or Trojan faction can beat that level of diversity? Many Greeks dreaded a time when they would be united under a single leader and sweep southwards. They are in all cases excellent troops the Thracian generals bodyguard, while among the weakest in the game, must be the only capable of going into wedge formation, although how useful this actually is up in the air. Phalanx pikemen, or phalangites, are well-drilled infantry who fight best as solid mass of men. The Bastarnae are a particularly ferocious tribe from the northern Balkans who rejoice in man-to-man combat. Any faction, in the player's hands, can be the best (maybe for the exception of Gaul and Numidia. That means he can raise armies with units not only from Aethiopia and Egypt but also from other nations of the Bronze Age era, including Canaan (what is now parts of Syria, Israel, Palestine, etc.) It finally gave fans of the franchise what they wanted; proper full-fledged mythological and historical modes instead of the half-baked truth behind the myth approach the game originally had at launch. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Long campaign: Hold 50 provinces including Rome.