Those pieces were written so as to have something to play & to get cats interested enough to come to rehearsal! The server responded with {{status_text}} (code {{status_code}}). But I fell in love with Max at that session. Be ready to think a little weirder! Re: the half-diminished / minor 6th thing, that wasn't just Monk's perspective; lots of bebop-era players treated that chord that way. And I fell in love with the composition Brilliant Corners because it was just so different. Theloniouss piano technique was actually his own idea, you know, that flat fingers approached, that percussive approach to the keyboard, and he broke up that constant back-and-forth rhythm from the left hand in classical music. Rob ! He was rambling on about Ornette Coleman. If I wear these glasses, everybody will look at me. And my mother was working two jobs, and Thelonious wasnt working, but they took a couple of weeks salary. While the triadic chords are fairly straightforward, such alterations may be applied to jazzier chord progressions as well, as shown in. And so he pushed, and ultimately the rest of the guys pushed on rhythm and came out with an absolutely brilliant recording, as brilliant as the title, Brilliant Corners.. Is this to be understood as a chord with a minor third and a major sixth? Are these licks actually lifted from Monk recordings or are the in the style of Monk? Always loved Monks music but never thought of using many Monk licks in my own playing. He picks up the phone and he calls Art Blakey. And theyd say, that last take, that was alright? And Thelonious would say no, and the engineer would say lets do it again, fellas. So that was a bit of a departure from what most of those guys were used to doing in the studio. First, it is now the second best selling jazz album, other than Kind of Blue by Miles Davis. Even though the server responded OK, it is possible the submission was not processed. But he wasn't rambling on about what Coleman was playing, because Ornette was doing his own thing. But I understood what Max Roach was doing on drums and consequently, almost 10 years later, I became a drummer. And Thelonious just wasnt that type of guy to toot his own horn all the time. It wasnt until I was 19 that I realized why he wasn't going in that direction, and it was because it wasn't him. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for topics then please let me know. 5. Check out this article by Ethan Iverson). I remember the room was very lit. On some days Miles would come in and Thelonious was wide awake, and theyd just just go to the piano and start going over Round Midnight or Straight, No Chaser, or anything like that. Look for motifs, references. When Miles started doing stuff like A Tribute to Jack Johnson and all that, he got criticized, I remember people calling him a traitor. How To Learn Great Concepts From Thelonious Monk, Sign up for my newsletter Get the II V I Ebook, The Real Secret About Chromatic Phrases And Great Jazz Licks, Jazz Chords Easy To Advanced in 5 Levels, 5 Things That Stop You From Learning Jazz. You don't really see the nuanced things about a studio. What I valued more than anything to this day is when I watched him play. But it is very rare on the day of the recording that everyone is satisfied. Because today, if you wear a funny colored hat and you wear a mink suit, you can get on the cover of Time magazine.{handler: function(opt){ AdButler.register(168183, 208209, [300,250], 'placement_208209_', opt); }, opt: { place: plc208209++, keywords: abkw, domain: '', click:'CLICK_MACRO_PLACEHOLDER' }}); This article is free to read, but it isn't free to produce! 0:39 Exercise for using composition to solo better. In fact, I'll be very candid with you, by the time I was 16, I remember going to a couple of concerts with my father, which were exceptional concerts, but at the same time I kind of knew he was struggling, and I remember, to my own embarrassment today, I was saying to myself, why doesn't Daddy play like all those other piano players? Dont play what the public wants. Thanks very much. I used to get upset because Dizzy was very television friendly, and he would go on the Tonight Show and really suck up all the credit for be bop. No, I dont. It seems that Thelonious Monk was quite the family man. Wonderful interview! I ran into Monk. But nobody believed it, because you didn't see much writing about the impact of Monk and Coltrane, they were saying he had gone off in this new direction on his own. And when their collaboration was over think about it both of them adopted the quartet format as their staple. But it wasn't on his own, it was because Thelonious gave him the freedom and pushed him. And so you get this history that Monk didn't like to talk, but they brutalized him for the first 35 years of his career, so he didnt want to talk to no critics. And its not the case at all. So nobody's going to punch anybody in the mouth. But people didnt know about the history of African Americans, so they just thought hes eccentric, he's just spinning in circles cuz he's crazy. With a strong focus on polyphonic lines, playing two or more notes at once, as well as a unique rhythmic approach to improvising, Monks lines are full of material that can be translated from the keyboard to the fretboard as you expand your jazz guitar soloing vocabulary. So there was some criticism again, from the same critics, who said that the label denied Monk permission to record his own music. And if you know anything about the Village Vanguard, it's kind of V-shaped. Tasteful licks, everyone and presented really well. You can do this on the guitar by using open strings in novel ways. var plc208209 = window.plc208209 || 0; I remember those microphones like it was yesterday. His playing technique is so different, how do I go about learning to play like him? Pretty sure that is one of the keys to his phrasing and overall sound. So they had to work much harder than usual. 1 until you can play it smoothly at the prescribed tempo (80 bpm). document.write('<'+'div id="placement_208206_'+plc208206+'">'+'div>'); He is viewed as not only one of the most singular musicians to ever be placed on a piano stool but also a man full of unrivalled exuberant joy. Maybe try going to soundcloud, just click the little soundcloud word in any example and then in the upper right corner you can adjust the volume for all future tracks. Monk could play 50 choruses, and make every single chorus slightly different than the one that preceded it. And he said that is an extraordinary ability. But that school came up with a way to keep me on that campus, they just wouldnt expel me. var abkw = window.abkw || ''; And he was a threat, too. He listened to everything you were doing when you were practicing, and he knew when you were ready, even when you didnt know you were ready. And I am certainly grateful for that. Your email address will not be published. And the piano was right outside me and my sister's bedroom. But at the time Thelonious was on the cover in 1964, that cover was reserved for the likes of John F. Kennedy. He opened the door for Coltrane. My father, aside from being one of the greatest musicians of all time, was a really good man and a good father. Sort of like if you heard a sentence and repeated it to yourself so many times that it stopped making sense, and then you jumbled the words up and put it back into its original context. In fact, his three primary devotees were Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Bud Powell.[]=https%3A That is pure genius, because jazz is actually hard to play. A little bit of mystery is fine in the whole-tone universe. He's a very large, very independent African American male back in the 40s, 50s and 60s. I can't say enough about how much I appreciate that because I've had the fortune or sometimes the misfortune of knowing the children of great jazz artists who had really no associations with their father. That was some different, very different stuff, man. In terms of my awareness, one of the biggest, most important albums that Thelonious ever did was that tribute to Duke Ellington. Call it "a minor chord with it's 6th in the bass." Everyone has probably played Straight No Chaser or Blue Monk at one time or another, but the music of Thelonious Monk runs much deeper than these frequently called blues heads. Monk is the first great jazz player I heard. If youve just discovered the music of Monk, the best thing to do is to immerse yourself in his records and absorb the distinct style of this musical innovator. So many things that Thelonious did were actually normal, but people just wanted to assign some eccentricities to him. for Allabout This is spot on.
Drummers went from being just simply living metronomes to actual musicians who played the song, and played the melody on the job. Get to know Monks signature tune Round Midnight by listening to as many different recordings as you can find. Listen at the piano sometimes and plunk along.
They tried to get me to hate white people, but someone would always come along & spoil it. Because if you read about Monk, youd think that Monk was just this strange dude, he didnt talk to anybody, all that bullshit. Just do your thing, the best you can do it. So he was right about that, too. var abkw = window.abkw || ''; latterr. Dont sound anybody for a gig, just be on the scene. But back then, I still couldn't understand or explain very much about "How to play like they do.". GoogleThelonious Monk advice.
They were pushing the envelope in new directions. He really, really was a good cat, and a fun cat, and I cant tell you how much I miss him. var abkw = window.abkw || ''; This makes chords such as the B9(b5) in measure 1 sound right at home. There s a very common Monk s phrase (a run)that he played in at least 75% of the songs and in most of the improvisations; at least 1 time per song. I remember one night, my father came home. To help you add a bit of Monk to your improvised lines and phrases, here are five classic Monk lines over major ii V I and minor ii V I progressions, as well as static dominant 7th chords that you can study, break down to their component parts and add to your jazz guitar soloing ideas today. about the making of Brilliant Corners 65 years ago, what it was like growing up as the son of a jazz legend, and his fathers legacy. Ex. Because he was always reaching for something that he didn't know, that he wasn't quite sure about, and that's genius. You can check out my Patreon Page here:, Join 1500+ Other Jazz Guitarists Join us in the Facebook Jazz Guitar Group Community: This interview is very helpful in my research. (Heck, it took me forever to get the head of Straight, No Chaser right!)
Leave a comment on the video or send me an e-mail. The greatest living composer we have in jazz is Wayne Shorter, hands down, man. Press J to jump to the feed. Yet it didnt include any original tunes, and neither did its follow-up, The Unique Thelonious Monk, although it was a superb artistic statement. He was a good cat. So I know he was crazy about my sister. Im just very, very proud. But critics didnt really understand him at the time he made this album. Because I don't think Thelonious was really up for doing that. His lines are full of musical jokes and puns. But they struggled with the title track, and legend has it that things got heated between Thelonious, Oscar Pettiford and Ernie Henry, and they almost came to blows. Minor triad plus major sixth. I can't even tell you what it was like in school when he was on the cover of Time magazine. Tenor players just dont mess with that tune, but Coltrane could play Trinkle Tinkle, and I mean crystal clear. He kind of fits the profile of the kind of people that they were investigating all the time. 5) is a note from the key youre in (C major). Well, you know, Thelonious was somewhat perturbed because the record company didn't quite know what to do with him. Brilliant Corners, your fathers third album for Riverside Records, is widely considered his masterpiece that put modern jazz on a different path. But I would advise you off as a Monk fan, if you listen to Brilliant Corners and I often tell this to students in university classes on Monk I tell them, just listen to the top 10 or 20 recordings from those same years, all the best of jazz, and it will become very evident how different Monk was from of everyone else. It was just guys trying to get it right and sometimes it can be very frustrating. Playing a dim7 arpeggio from the 3rd of a dominant 7th chord is something that Monk, and just about every jazz musician, uses to bring a rootless 7b9 sound to their lines and phrases. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Again, try applying this concept to one of your own compositions or an arrangement of a jazz standard. The FBI had a file on Thelonious just like they had a file on Malcolm X and so many great Black artists, like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington and Billie Holiday. This voicing works better for songs that change keys often. The idea that Thelonious wasnt of the tradition was totally absurd. I remember my father saying, You don't need my help. Theres a little method to the madness, as youll see. When I was a kid, I was listening to Bird, and listening to Duke and Count Basie and Art Tatum and all these other musicians, and Daddy just sounded very, very different. And let me tell you, I was not the best student in the world. He plays like no one else. And that told me they knew who he was. There were people who were always asking me will I play the piano? He also told me, I dont care if a cat comes in and copies what I play tonight, because Im gonna play some different shit tomorrow night. He was very aware of his ability to play things and structure things differently, everytime he sat down on the piano. document.write('<'+'div id="placement_208206_'+plc208206+'">'+'div>'); It was no different with Brilliant Corners. He was playing it all day and reworking the harmonics, reworking the melody over and over, and over again. I have to tell you, Pari, Ive had a very good childhood with Thelonious Monk. When Monk got ready to record Brilliant Corners in the summer of 1956, he spent weeks holed up at the house of the Baroness Pannonica de Koenigswarter, working out the music. But the private school that my sister went to was called Green Chimneys.
Like many of the innovators in this music, Monks music spanned across generations of musicians, even as the music underwent drastic changes. Monk could play 50 choruses, and make every single chorus slightly different than the one that preceded it. And he said that is an extraordinary ability. But that school came up with a way to keep me on that campus, they just wouldnt expel me. var abkw = window.abkw || ''; And he was a threat, too. He listened to everything you were doing when you were practicing, and he knew when you were ready, even when you didnt know you were ready. And I am certainly grateful for that. Your email address will not be published. And the piano was right outside me and my sister's bedroom. But at the time Thelonious was on the cover in 1964, that cover was reserved for the likes of John F. Kennedy. He opened the door for Coltrane. My father, aside from being one of the greatest musicians of all time, was a really good man and a good father. Sort of like if you heard a sentence and repeated it to yourself so many times that it stopped making sense, and then you jumbled the words up and put it back into its original context. In fact, his three primary devotees were Miles Davis, John Coltrane and Bud Powell.[]=https%3A That is pure genius, because jazz is actually hard to play. A little bit of mystery is fine in the whole-tone universe. He's a very large, very independent African American male back in the 40s, 50s and 60s. I can't say enough about how much I appreciate that because I've had the fortune or sometimes the misfortune of knowing the children of great jazz artists who had really no associations with their father. That was some different, very different stuff, man. In terms of my awareness, one of the biggest, most important albums that Thelonious ever did was that tribute to Duke Ellington. Call it "a minor chord with it's 6th in the bass." Everyone has probably played Straight No Chaser or Blue Monk at one time or another, but the music of Thelonious Monk runs much deeper than these frequently called blues heads. Monk is the first great jazz player I heard. If youve just discovered the music of Monk, the best thing to do is to immerse yourself in his records and absorb the distinct style of this musical innovator. So many things that Thelonious did were actually normal, but people just wanted to assign some eccentricities to him. for Allabout This is spot on.
Drummers went from being just simply living metronomes to actual musicians who played the song, and played the melody on the job. Get to know Monks signature tune Round Midnight by listening to as many different recordings as you can find. Listen at the piano sometimes and plunk along.

They were pushing the envelope in new directions. He really, really was a good cat, and a fun cat, and I cant tell you how much I miss him. var abkw = window.abkw || ''; This makes chords such as the B9(b5) in measure 1 sound right at home. There s a very common Monk s phrase (a run)that he played in at least 75% of the songs and in most of the improvisations; at least 1 time per song. I remember one night, my father came home. To help you add a bit of Monk to your improvised lines and phrases, here are five classic Monk lines over major ii V I and minor ii V I progressions, as well as static dominant 7th chords that you can study, break down to their component parts and add to your jazz guitar soloing ideas today. about the making of Brilliant Corners 65 years ago, what it was like growing up as the son of a jazz legend, and his fathers legacy. Ex. Because he was always reaching for something that he didn't know, that he wasn't quite sure about, and that's genius. You can check out my Patreon Page here:, Join 1500+ Other Jazz Guitarists Join us in the Facebook Jazz Guitar Group Community: This interview is very helpful in my research. (Heck, it took me forever to get the head of Straight, No Chaser right!)
Leave a comment on the video or send me an e-mail. The greatest living composer we have in jazz is Wayne Shorter, hands down, man. Press J to jump to the feed. Yet it didnt include any original tunes, and neither did its follow-up, The Unique Thelonious Monk, although it was a superb artistic statement. He was a good cat. So I know he was crazy about my sister. Im just very, very proud. But critics didnt really understand him at the time he made this album. Because I don't think Thelonious was really up for doing that. His lines are full of musical jokes and puns. But they struggled with the title track, and legend has it that things got heated between Thelonious, Oscar Pettiford and Ernie Henry, and they almost came to blows. Minor triad plus major sixth. I can't even tell you what it was like in school when he was on the cover of Time magazine. Tenor players just dont mess with that tune, but Coltrane could play Trinkle Tinkle, and I mean crystal clear. He kind of fits the profile of the kind of people that they were investigating all the time. 5) is a note from the key youre in (C major). Well, you know, Thelonious was somewhat perturbed because the record company didn't quite know what to do with him. Brilliant Corners, your fathers third album for Riverside Records, is widely considered his masterpiece that put modern jazz on a different path. But I would advise you off as a Monk fan, if you listen to Brilliant Corners and I often tell this to students in university classes on Monk I tell them, just listen to the top 10 or 20 recordings from those same years, all the best of jazz, and it will become very evident how different Monk was from of everyone else. It was just guys trying to get it right and sometimes it can be very frustrating. Playing a dim7 arpeggio from the 3rd of a dominant 7th chord is something that Monk, and just about every jazz musician, uses to bring a rootless 7b9 sound to their lines and phrases. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Again, try applying this concept to one of your own compositions or an arrangement of a jazz standard. The FBI had a file on Thelonious just like they had a file on Malcolm X and so many great Black artists, like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington and Billie Holiday. This voicing works better for songs that change keys often. The idea that Thelonious wasnt of the tradition was totally absurd. I remember my father saying, You don't need my help. Theres a little method to the madness, as youll see. When I was a kid, I was listening to Bird, and listening to Duke and Count Basie and Art Tatum and all these other musicians, and Daddy just sounded very, very different. And let me tell you, I was not the best student in the world. He plays like no one else. And that told me they knew who he was. There were people who were always asking me will I play the piano? He also told me, I dont care if a cat comes in and copies what I play tonight, because Im gonna play some different shit tomorrow night. He was very aware of his ability to play things and structure things differently, everytime he sat down on the piano. document.write('<'+'div id="placement_208206_'+plc208206+'">'+'div>'); It was no different with Brilliant Corners. He was playing it all day and reworking the harmonics, reworking the melody over and over, and over again. I have to tell you, Pari, Ive had a very good childhood with Thelonious Monk. When Monk got ready to record Brilliant Corners in the summer of 1956, he spent weeks holed up at the house of the Baroness Pannonica de Koenigswarter, working out the music. But the private school that my sister went to was called Green Chimneys.
Like many of the innovators in this music, Monks music spanned across generations of musicians, even as the music underwent drastic changes.