Speaking smooth and slick, Saul could probably make his way to the Pentagon. Certainly ESFx. Much of the development of the Breaking Bad story takes place almost entirely within the minds of its characters, and the audience has to understand them inside and out to really see things from their point of view. His ability to put up with Hanks personality leaves only a handful of types that will not only deal with the loudmouth, racist jokes, but accept them for what they are. However, he focused his energy on dark topics and could become obsessed with esoteric ideas. My writing likely reflects my curiosity at one point, which can mean anything from an article about why the MCU needs Dr. Doom so much more than Fantastic Four or something about what its like to be a millennial who has dated. Logicians will cling to whatever source they can learn from, which could explain Gales immediate infatuation with distant WW. NEXT: 10 Great Crime Movies To Watch If You Loved Breaking Bad, Owen Wilson gives acting advice to Richard E. Grant in hilarious Loki BTS video. For example, a score of 1/100 for "hot (not cold)" is equivalent to a score of 100/100 for "cold (not hot)". This one took me forever. Stories are what interests me and writing has always been the way I express it. Another ISTJ weakness? Yet none of this stops him from helping ruin another marriage, spending money given to him on a Mercedes, and then refusing to keep the rest to pay his taxes on the grounds that nothing is going to change even if he uses the money. It is difficult for Saul to hide his joy when he tells an opponent that the situation is not going to turn out the way they think. Hank might have played well when Walt confronted him about the tracker in his car, but thats not what Hank is. Often times Marie gets involved with others lives in situations that are none of her business, acting as though her entire world is being torn apart when it really has nothing to do with her. What?! His death is especially satisfying as was his nephews. This website has recruited more than 3 million volunteers to rate characters on descriptive adjectives and other properties, which can be aggregated to create profiles that users can be matched to as part of a personality test. With ESFJs Ti last, it makes sense that the only head Ted would think with was the one in his pants. To me he seems to be driven by his emotions and the need to get high more than by his logical thinking. His one flashback however, also led to ESTP; pissing in his own bosss pool while still doing his jobof shooting Gus partner. If thats what the guys are doing!
ESFP, no-brainer! The one who touches. Gale is the type of person who devises a new way of making coffee because he needs the quinic acid levels to be right. Still, nice guy that he was, this scene was great and made it easy to see a show starring Goodman and his A-Team.. Mike is a man of very few words most of the time, but he does go on some rough dates. Jesse spends his time utterly demolished as a human being and starts a never-ending party that hes paid for in full just to keep people around him long enough to keep him from hitting rock bottom. Your email address will not be published. RELATED: Every Character Arc Wrapped Up In The Breaking Bad Ending, Ranked. Through flashbacks, were given his story to show that hes really not that different from Walt, were just seeing him at his prime, then his downfall; rather than his struggle upward like Walt. Marie is no introvert!! ISFJs are quiet and dutiful as spouses and workers but a bored one can be that little splinter in your thumb you forget about until you pick something up. Walter White is a fictional character from the series Breaking Bad. This entry was posted on 10/03/2013 at 7:10 pm and is filed under MBTI Artisans, MBTI Guardians, MBTI Rationals, MBTI Stuff with tags breaking bad characters, esfj, esfp, estj, ESTP, intj, isfj, istj, mbti in fiction. Their unprofessional business of making meth in an RV quickly escalated to a full business and eventually their own drug cartel. To me this would make him an ESFP. I think there is a great argument for either ESFJ or ESFP. In reality or fiction, its good to have a character to say Man, I dont know if thats a good idea.. care system. Walter White left a large number of bodies in his wake. If this man is not ESTP, he cannot be typed! *Leave it to an INTJ for showing me the light on this one. We explore Walter Whites personality type, best personality matches, zodiac sign and Enneagram type. This isnt so much the sign of a healthy ISFJ, but one thats cut off the rest of the world save for her husband and a couple family members. Most MBTI enthusiasts seem to assume that N types will automatically be super intelligent and full of great ideas and thoughtful ponderings which is often the case, but not always so especially in instances of people brought up with little education or any other number of less than desirable circumstances. This is perfect. INTJ also has that inferior Se wannabe badass and self serving Fi. Skyler is often considered to be one of the most hated supporting characters in Breaking bad, but many of the criticisms are unwarranted or unfair. Either of them could easily be iNtuitives (probably not with dominant judging functions though) who arent using their Ne or Ni for more intellectual purposes. ESFJs are wonderfully caring and compassionate partners, dedicated to friends and family. He was convinced that he was right and was closed-minded to other points of view, no matter how they were presented to him. As an unhealthy INTJ, he likely struggled to deal with his own emotions and this didnt help matters. Hes not exactly a big fan of permissions when it comes to his work. Its funny that Skyler would get as much criticism as she does when Marie always seemed more obnoxious by tenfold. of parenting. Fox News' Jeanine Pirro Worries Immigrants From Mexico Might Be Alcoholics (Video). Set and filmed in Albuquerque, New Mexico, the series tells the story of Walter White (Bryan Cranston), a struggling and depressed high school chemistry teacher who is diagnosed with lung cancer. zombiesruineverything@yahoo.com. The world of Breaking bad its cold and corrupt, so naturally aspects of character traits are taken to dark places. I am really looking forward to your next post!
ISTJ and ESTJ would have respected the man that was paying them, while an ISTP wouldnt have cared enough to disobey orders. It is quite possible that your substance abuse ends up amplifying the ENFPs propensity to live in the moment and read the underlying patterns of your world. The perfect team for Saul Goodman. However, when audiences meet Tuco, he lights up like a Christmas tree every time he appears on screen. ESFJs are one of the most well-behaved types due to dominant Fe and auxiliary Si but like a true SJ, he really is a product of his environment. INTPs are frequently lost in their own world. For more information about how the ratings were collected and how they are used, see the documentation. Stories and storytelling have been my passions for as long as I can remember, whether its stories written about superheroes, villains, or just people living in this world doing amazing and meaningful things. RELATED: 5 Reasons Hank Was Breaking Bads Best Supporting Character (& 5 Reasons He Was Skyler). Inordinate love of food and drink. Oddly enough, weve got no Idealists on this show. Everything is just practice. So long, Gus! On the autonomous side of things, I tend to focus on entertainment, geek culture, vegan life, and LA culture. Gustavo shines in manipulating the many small pieces of a much larger whole. Amazing writing about stellar shows. Artisans seem to have the wheel while Guardians ride shotgun and Rationals sit in the back and tell the driver where to go. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Todds psychotic tendencies are bizarre but his Uncle Jack is a little more on-the-surface type of crazy. So Syncd helped us find love, even in this difficult time. Im confused why you think Tuco is an ESTP. This is also a good explanation as to his farewell to his dad in the final episode where he goes off. In fact, were now married! Virgo belongs to the Earth element of astrology, along with Taurus and Capricorn. Aside from his palsy making it a bit more difficult to get a bead on his personality, and the fact that hes a clueless son that just does teenager things- eats, watches TV, goes to his friends house and uheats- makes it all the more confusing. ISFJs will often do this to be in control of a world by their own design and any outside influences are perceived as a threat. the personality type dating app. He lacked empathy and kindness, only thinking about his own well-being. What is the personality type of Breaking Bad (2008)? Not that they always listen. In his legitimate professional life, Gustavo Fring displays many ESTJ characteristics. Soon afterward, the company made a fortune, much of it from Walts research. This was done so that all the traits that are most distinctive for a character are at the top of the table. Well heres a new one over a year later. Gus is the clearest example of an INTJ fiction can present. Id say theyre more difficult and challenging (directly proportional to fun). Skylers biggest sin seems to be caring too much about her family and wanting Walt to be okay, at first. An ISTJ is not only more focused on a goal they have in mind but if their routine is upset, they get especially anxious as Lydia is shown to be through most of her screen time as her normally smooth-running operation is upset by Gus death. They are uncomfortable in social situations and really flourish in solitude, where they can afford to lose themselves in thought or study. And, -1 implying that if a character is high on specific trait, the other one is low on it. INTJs tend to stay alone or in small groups and function well within defined structures. Marie didnt seem to understandtrueproblems until death came a-knockin and she thought Hank might die. ISTJs get into their surroundings, and take a while to adapt, but once they do, racist jokes? The twins only had two options- ISTJ or ISTP.
A guy opens his door and gets shot, and you think that of me? Theyre stupid meth-heads! ISTJs are considered the most loyal type of all and will often remain around the same people even after being betrayed by them. A white supremacist with strong prison ties, its Jack that really sends everything to hell by showing up at Walts arrest when he was specifically told not to. Its not even that they are cold, but her guard wouldnt have seemed as abnormal if it were a guy acting that way toward Jesse. (Im an INTJ who added this in after typing what follows; Im trying to add some Fe in so I dont sound overly critical haha). Copyright 2022 | So Syncd Ltd | All Rights Reserved. Gus has anal Si that takes care of every last detail of his operation. In addition to that and his compulsion to torment Hector, he is completely detached from her actions. Statistical "Which Character" Personality Quiz, focused on the future (not focused on the present), The survey data used to construct this profile is. Its a bit obvious isnt it? His fast talking, con man act between helping Skyler get the car wash and keeping the stalled truck on the tracks. Skyler spends the entirety of the series trying to protect her family from any danger. But thats whats fun about the show- even with the characters written well enough for you to think youve known people exactly like them, you never really know whats going to happen. While Walt is cool and collected, preferring to examine the world internally and holding his cards close to his chest, Hank is almost the exact opposite. Hey, thanks man. Performers are comfortable in any room and always seem to have something to say. Nice guy to the co-workers and loyal to no end- yet to the majority of the characters not involved in law enforcement, he just came of like any other Dick. While ESTPs and ESFPs often get confused, the big difference is the drive that backs the ESTP, having them strive toward a goal an ESFP may not have. Gus is cold and robotic in his interactions like an INTP.
Im telling you, whatever you think is supposed to happen, Im telling you the exact opposite of that is going to happen. Imagine finding out your dad isnt the guy you thought he was and youd been defending him through thick and thin. So many of the type casting memes I see posted are so off, its ridiculous. Tuco is an example of someone with the most toxic characteristics of your personality type come to light. Walter White was tough on people and dismissive of those who outwardly expressed their emotions, writing them off as weak and illogical. As a Virgo zodiac sign, Heisenberg could be judgmental and critical. With +1 implying that every trait one character is high on the other one is high on too, to an equal degree. .And Hector Salamanca, who was wheelchair ridden and rang a freaking bell until he blew up. ESFJs are known to put others ahead of themselves without thinking of the long-term repercussions. INTPs are lifelong, self-taught learners who actively seek knowledge throughout their lives. The profile image for the character on this page belongs to its original owner and is used under the fair use doctrine of US copyright law.
Youve really changed our lives. Walter White is a character from Breaking Bad. ESFPs are the life of the party, even as they struggle to exist, as in the case of Jesse.
Breaking bad is a show built entirely around its credible and relatable characters, and many of them perfectly exemplify the personality types of the Myers-Briggs Indicator type and others are more difficult to fit into that framework, although it is by no means impossible. I hope you type the characters of The Walking Dead as well. Skylar is more reserved and her primary motive is protecting her family from the man (Walt) protecting her family. She is a literal defender. by Scott Stafford | Jul 24, 2015 | Personality Types, TV Shows and Fictional Characters Myers Briggs (MBTI) Types, Celebrities & Famous People: Myers Briggs (MBTI) Types, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress, Entire List of Personality Growth Articles, ENFP Ghosting: How they Deal with Ghosting People and Being Ghosted, How Each Personality Type is Valued in the Workplace, INFP- Celebrities & Famous People Myers Briggs Types, Truth in Motion: An INFJs Perspective on Movies, INTP Entrepreneurs: The Pros and Cons of Being an INTP Entrepreneur, INFP Mental Health: Jumping Into Online Therapy, ESFJ Personality & Enneagram Type 9 (9w8 9w1), ESFJ Personality & Enneagram Type 8 (8w7 8w9), ESFJ Personality & Enneagram Type 7 (7w6 7w8), ESFJ Personality & Enneagram Type 6 (6w5 6w7), How Each Personality Type Handles Failure, Heres How Mischievous You Can Be, Based on Your Personality Type, INTJ Intuition: Understanding the INTJs Sense of Intuition, ESTP Personality & Enneagram Type 9 (9w8 9w1), Do You Ever Feeling Like Running Away, According to Your Personality Type, INFP Post-Breakup: Dealing With The End of a Relationship, Heres How Misanthropic You Can Be, Based on Your personality Type, Heres What Makes You a Good Villain, Based on Your Personality Type, Fear the Walking Dead- Myers Briggs Types, Heres How Each Personality Type Feels About Irony, ENFP Personality & Enneagram Type 9 (9w8 9w1), INFP and INFJ Compatibility, Relationships, and Friendships. Hanks faithful partner really fits the stereotype of a cop. And the website might contain content from public resources like Wikipedia, IMDB or Lastfm. Still, he makes sense as Hanks partner, always playing the anchor of Im not so sure Something ESFPs need more of, as we mentioned. Many people seemed a bit confused by this as Jr. was in his dads corner the entire show. Bruh. (LogOut/ Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. However, he prefers to keep to himself and take care of his own affairs whenever possible. Carrying a certain arrogance, its clear that he thought he was better than everyone else. Enlighten me, scrote. An ESFP would use Fi, which asks who am I? thats not even a thought on the horizon for ESTPs. Btw funny that another Kristin in this comment section follows Walking Dead. Skyler is often considered to be one of the most hated supporting characters in. The symbol of Virgo is the virgin, which represents purity. So while The Great Heisenberg fills the streets with blood, coldly etching his name in the history of drug addicts, Jesse, who is especially in touch with his emotions and values, is left picking up the pieces. However, he prefers to keep to himself and take care of his own affairs whenever possible. Who doesnt love these guys? He resorted to manufacturing and sellingmethamphetamineswith a former student,Jesse Pinkman, in order to ensure his familys financial security after his death. ISTJs are usually dedicated, but routine is routine, disciplined or unhealthy. No! This produces a value from +1 to -1. While the Artisan variety is statistically overrepresented in prison, its the fact that any of the other choices Jack could be would havelistened Walt when he said not to come. While not the most ethical of characters, she was certainly business oriented. Walter White sought to understand before he proceeded. His entire goal in the beginning was to help and save his employees and to make sure they had a paycheck to take home, all while at the expense of himself, his business, and the employees future. Heisenberg was an unhealthy Virgo zodiac sign. IMO, they are of of the most maligned Myers-Briggs types. I am not in danger, Skyler. Typically, people of the Virgo zodiac sign strive for perfection in their careers. Good team-up, these guys.
The architect. As an Enneagram Five, Walter White was inventive and curious about how things worked. Jesse, you asked me if I was in the meth business, or the money business Neither. MBTI: Breaking Bad Cast | Zombies Ruin Everything, []If youre going to do one thing that includes risk, be sure to understand it, mitigate it and accept it.[]. Its no secret that meth heads undergo serious personality changes due to their addiction. I know INTJs are always the evil guys but not in this case. He faces possible jail time. Walt is the man with the plan. Which MBTI personality type best fits? I am the one who knocks!, Get So Syncd
Walt moved toAlbuquerque, where he became a high school chemistry teacher. His wife is gone. . While not necessarily written to be as complex as Walt, since hes not our protagonist, hes still given enough layers for us to see past the head of a drug empire into a guy thats just running businesses to make himself money. Users who took the quiz were asked to self-identify their Myers-Briggs and Enneagram types. Together with his former student Jesse Pinkman (Aaron Paul), White turns to a life of crime by producing and selling crystallized methamphetamine to secure his family's financial future before he dies, while navigating the dangers of the criminal world. Breaking Bad is an American neo-western crime drama television series created and produced by Vince Gilligan. We can look at the average match scores of these different groups of users with Walter White to see what personality types people who describe themselves in ways similar to the way Walter White is described identify as. Todd, however, didnt see anything wrong with shooting a kid if it meant getting away. The table shows the average rating the character received for each descriptive item on a 1 to 100 scale and what that character's rank for the description is among all 2,000 characters in the database. Marie can be rash and impulsive, but she makes up for it with an intense love for her family, for whom she is always available. Walter White, also known by his aliasHeisenberg, is a chemist and graduate ofCalifornia Institute of Technology. First of all, I want to say that I love your MBTI posts, and they are generally my go-to for the most accurate typing I can find on the internet. Your email address will not be published. Matching people using personality types is such a simple and powerful concept. ISTPs can often seem minimalist in their approach, but minimalist or not, ISTPs will always get the job done. The similarity between two characters can be calculated by taking the correlation between the lists of their traits. Can someone explain why Im wrong? Jane is a tough one. These two stuck out as the most Hollywood of all the characters in Breaking Bad: The slow, synchronized movements, the scary relentlessness- its even possible one is ISTJ, but who would know? Then, all of her traits and likes can just as easily be translated into ISTP mannerisms. It is quite possible that your substance abuse ends up amplifying the ENFPs propensity to live in the moment and read the underlying patterns of your world. It seems that most sensor types, particularly sensor/feeling types get such a bad rap. As long as Jesse is really hurting throughout the series, hes likely trying to do something nice for other people. Marie loves being the center of attention and sincerely believes that the world is her stage. Its just that his environment is a white power group, theft, and meth. ENTPs are curious, avid learners, and they love to deliver bad news. Updated July 10, 2021 by Mark Birrell: The well-detailed characters of the Breaking Bad MBTI help to better understand its structure and, perhaps most importantly, its motivations throughout the story. There should be a new one by the time you read this. On his 50th birthday, he was diagnosed withlung cancer. It is believed that this applies because (1) the use is transformative, (2) only a small low quality portion of the total work is used, and (3) its use does not compete and harm the ability of the owner to financially profit off of their work. These standards often apply to co-workers, friends, and family too. I would argue ESFP due to her introverted feeling and extroverted thinking. This leads to a corruption of your dominant ENFP functions making you paranoid and unhinged when they should make you understand and connect with the people around you. Compare to Tuco, who was just as likely to kill the men he was working with as he was to actually follow through on the job. However, thanks to the fantastic writing and performances on the show, this is not that difficult and the Myers-Briggs type indicator helps develop them further. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site was initially started to help promote my zombie story, "The Dead and the Dying" but it just keeps expanding into weirder and weirder territory. Tucos outbursts and business ethics fit that not only of an immoral person, but an unhealthy ESTP. Still, as ISTJs go, Walt Jr. has no problem calling it like he sees it as ISTJs often do. 2022, The user generated content, where applicable is licensed under Creative Commons License. He was highly observant and noticed small details. Hank lives outwardly and out loud, preferring to take things as they come and apologize only when necessary. Read our blog post to learn more about INTJ compatibility. the most toxic characteristics of your personality type come to light. Special shout out to Combo, who might as well have also been typed as ESFP but then it begins to get redundant. Gus is not someone governed by emotions or feelings at all. RELATED: 10 Smarter Things Mike Did On Breaking Bad, Ranked. I follow my interests and let my passions guide my voice. In fact, the most emotional thing weve ever seen him is in a flashback related to the death of his partner. Thank you.. Compare the ESFJ Todd to the ESFP Jesse; Jesse was raised in a decent home and knows the difference between right and wrong, but chooses to do certain things anyway. In Flynns case, it usually has to do with calling his mom a bitch. The reasons for which will often fall on the fact that standing up for his dad, who he see as a helpless victim, is being picked on by mom. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a71f7b1eb7888c4e873126b221f08329" );document.getElementById("a4e1bcfd7c").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. INTJs arent robotic as much as they are assholes. Im in the empire business., You clearly dont know who youre talking to, so let me clue you in. Animators are aware and sensitive to the emotions of others. As the man who perhaps knows him best, Jesse Pinkman, cleverly puts it in one of his best quotes: He is smarter than you.