To improve throughput, create additional connectors. For total assurance, Cloudiway provides auditing tools, secure, authenticated data connections and a logging system. Cloudiway will automatically convert popular file formats. As the Office 365 interface is different from G Suite, provide training and consider a short tip sheet for users to help them remember the basics. Google Sites and SharePoint site collections are set up differently, which makes it difficult for some elements to be migrated successfully. This option rewrites email addresses found in the header of mail being migrated and replaces source email addresses with their corresponding target email addresses. Follow this checklist to minimize any hiccups: Its easy to overlook whats required on a target system prior to migration, particularly if its new to the business. Cloudiways audit tool builds a list of all Google Drive IDs and their respective owners, as well as the file location. How about we understand G Suite and Office 365 closely and then demonstrate how to migrate from G Suite to Office 365 step by step? Every migration is different, so you might want to add further items to the bottom if you have other considerations. Google Drive files can be embedded in Google sites, but file owner information is not stored within the links, making it impossible to assign an owner and give permissions during migration. GALSync can be configured to check for address list changes as often as required, so each global address book remains up to date without any manual input. *, Labels (primary label converted to folder; other labels discarded), Announcement pages (become discussion lists), Google list pages (become list libraries), Google Gadgets (if they have web part equivalents), Ratings and resolution status (no equivalent), Pinned topics are migrated, but not pinned (no equivalent), Announcements and Discussions are migrated as simple conversations (no equivalent). Well then, lets us start with the migration process. More specifically: *For the delta pass mechanism, an objects unique ID is used (eg, messageID or file ID). We recommend that you run this audit as many times as required prior to migrating to ensure your migration list is fully prepared and ready. tidy up any sites and groups due to be migrated (in conjunction with Cloudiways free auditing tools). For example, you could perform a multi-pass migration where you migrate most items before performing the final cutover. We are renowned professionals of software development. This change in file organization is rarely the desired outcome.
A general checklist for the target system includes: After mailbox migration, your target system might need an updated global address book, or user terminals might need tweaks if mail is accessed through a client. Cloudiway provides some additional tools to enhance and simplify your file migration. After you have switched your MX records to point to the new system, you start migration. No data is overwritten, and no data is duplicated. Please get in touch if you would like this functionality. Particularly useful during company mergers of different systems, coexistence may also be useful during longer-term migrations. However, with the right tools and support, migrating data between business apps is a painless process for IT staff, managers and end-users. Components are modular, allowing you to purchase only the tools you need to ensure all data migrations remain cost-effective. The following items are not migrated. If youd like to test Cloudiways data migration platform, you can set up a free trial account today. It makes it possible to migrate both a single user as well as domain users data to Office 365 from G Suite. Although the actual data migration process should be as transparent as possible to the end user, keeping them informed prior to migration is beneficial. Migration is fully flexible, allowing you to pinpoint a single file or to mass-migrate an entire Google Drive. If you choose not to use the tool, none of the Google Drive files can be migrated (even if theyre public). To maximize throughput and limit throttling, Cloudiway follows Microsoft best practice and uses impersonation. Yes, this tool guarantees 100% data security. Cloudiways mail migration tool also works alongside its other migration tools, including file migration, mail archive migration, site migration, group migration and, of course, enterprise coexistence. You can select and implement any method as per your preference. Cloudiway are the only migration solution to offer a coexistence solution between G Suite and Office 365 for free/busy calendar queries and automatic global address list updates. The Cloudiway mail migration platform uses the first label applied to an email and creates a folder with the same name, where the email will be stored. This tool automatically creates Outlook profiles for PCs via a command line, saving the hassle of manual creation and the time involved. End-users who access mail via Outlook have their mailbox locally cached (in .ost file format). ), Target server preparation complete (licenses purchased, resources provisioned etc. Some content from Google Groups cannot be migrated. Therefore, if many users are likely to access Outlook at around the same time after migration, your bandwidth might slow down due to a glut of downloads. SharePoint stores each sites pages in a flat library; to avoid page naming conflicts, Cloudiway migration platform renames Google Sites pages as mainpage_subpage. You can follow the guide to add a domain in office and configure DNS by clicking, In the next step, Verify the domain and click on, Enter the email address of any G Suite user for testing the connectivity and click on, Now, input the name of the users you wish to notify about the migration process. Using the example from the diagram above, the project files would be migrated together to a Project X folder on SharePoint. For businesses who expect migration to take longer than a weekend, co-existence offers a means for users on different remote systems to share calendar free/busy time, synchronize global address lists. However, they are unable to find a reliable method to do so. An account that has impersonation privileges can impersonate 100 users concurrently. The Get Sites tool returns a list of all sites from any domains youve identified. This strategy is the simplest to implement. Its also impossible for the Cloudiway site migration platform to determine where files are stored. global address list synchronization (GALSync).
What premigration planning is required? During migration, access rights are prioritized over location, so any shared files which have been organized into other folders within a Google Drive will be bundled together into OneDrives Shared with me area. The Cloudiway platform doesnt use any Google APIs to access Google Groups. When you perform too many API calls, the remote server will begin throttling and decrease the number of calls that can be performed each minute, thus reducing the migration throughput. A general data migration checklist is included at the back of this document to help you plan for a successful migration from G Suite to Office 365. check the user list contains no aliases (use primary SMTP addresses); create one or more migration accounts to use solely for migration, and then delete after; set migration account passwords to never expire; inform users of any tasks they should perform before migration (eg, consolidating/pruning files and identifying files that cant be migrated); and. With a variety of plans & sub-plans, it offers a lot of flexibility to users but can be a little confusing too. It further pushes you towards Office 365, isnt it? Complex migrations can be completed without disrupting end users. During the days or weeks leading up to your cut-over, you would migrate all items older than a week or month from mailboxes, Google Drives, groups, sites and vaults, then on the day or weekend of your cutover, you would run a delta pass to migrate the remaining items. This is highlighted in the fact that Office 365 started 2019 with more than 180 million customers compared to the 5 million users of G Suite. A data migration will fail if it doesnt have the right information from the source system. Google Site menu depth is unlimited, whereas by default, SharePoint is limited to two nodes. By default, Google Site menus with a depth of more than two nodes cannot be migrated. If you have opted to preserve all target files, the file from the source will be migrated with _OLD appended to the file name (eg: Timesheet_OLD.xls). GALSync automatically checks and updates user details, contact lists and group information stored in your global address lists on G Suite and Office 365. One alternative is to move everything to SharePoint, where shared files will remain within their parent folders regardless of owner. Google limits migration to 2.5 GB per user per day. Step 7: Validate the users and click Start to start the migration process. Shared files and folders are treated differently in Office 365, which means your shared project folder in Google Drive ends up scattered between your own OneDrive folders (for any files youve contributed) and the Shared With Me folder (for any others other team members have contributed). ), Post-migration tasks identified and included in migration plan, Any tweaks to end user local email clients identified and included in plan, Any MX record updates identified and included in plan, Any global address list updates to be made identified and included in plan, Outlook profiles recreated at destination, if required, Identify and find manual workarounds for any items unable to be migrated (eg, custom site gadgets, native Google file formats), Cloudiway develops a SaaS-based platform that allows Information Technology businesses to migrate mailboxes, files, drives, groups, teams, conversations, and more between different tenants and collaboration tools. Google Vault archives can be migrated directly into an Office 365 inbox, or to the In-Place Archive folder, or an entirely separate mailbox, if required. If your target already contains files and one has the same name as a file in the source, you have the option to overwrite it or preserve it. in the cloud as opposed to executing them in on-premise systems. The data would remain online and accessible from each users inbox as an In-Place Archive folder. If you are also performing a Google Drive migration, bear in mind that any embedded files in a migrated group will continue to be accessed from the source rather than the target. Its also a cost effective solution for all business types and sizes, with two free support tickets at any time during the migration process, plus consulting services are available, if required. The Cloudiway migration process is therefore both easy to automate and flexible to suit your needs. This can be avoided by partially migrating data to the online archive. If you want to carry out G Suite to Office 365 migration in step by step manner, you can try professional software applications. In this case, during the days or weeks leading up to your cutover, you would migrate all mails, files, sites and groups older than, say, a week or a month, along with calendars and contacts, then on the day or weekend of your cutover, you would run a quick delta pass to migrate the remaining items. As a Chief Technical Writer, I know the technical issues faced by home and professional users. Make sure you take time to analyze your migration goals and the details of what, how and when all data should be migrated. The following components/features of a Google Groups can be migrated to Office 365 (groups or shared mailboxes). Halfway 2019, Microsoft delivered on its promise and stated a method to migrate G Suite to Exchange Online using the EAC( Exchange Admin Center). Take note of the source and target system details, the size and type of data to be migrated, and the timeframe for migration. Mailboxes can only be migrated to a Office 365 if its ready to receive the data.
It also checks the G Suite credentials to ensure migration can begin. Step 2: Select G Suite and Office 365 as Source and Destination respectively. Another Migration Scenario: How to Switch from Office 365 to G Suite? After a mail migration, Outlook will download all migrated mailboxes the first time users access their mailboxes. Copyright 2022 Cloudiway. It is clear that this process is too complex and time-consuming. You will need to create additional migration accounts in your remote system first, then use each one in a single connector. It also discovers Google Gadgets and helps to identify if the platform can migrate them to an equivalent web part or not). When completed, all parties can send and receive appointment updates. This tool checks all mailboxes in the user list and tries to link appointments for owners and attendees (including resources such as rooms). You can combine your cutover migration with pre-staging, if required. It means that the software and data are centrally hosted and accessed by clients using a web browser and internet connection. However, there are limitations. The process is dotted with hurdles that can cause unforeseen problems for businesses with little or no experience in data migration. You can even perform delta migration of all the G suite mailboxes & labels. The auditing tool helps you identify potential errors prior to migration, such as unfound sites or broken items. Thats why G Suite and Office 365 are so common nowadays.
In addition, Cloudiway can perform file migrations where the destination SharePoint site has already been used to migrate a Google Sites website. Therefore, its important that you have planned your approach thoroughly prior to starting any migration. It provides a seamless connection between G Suite and Office 365 users who wish to look up free/busy time of users on either or both remote systems. It also detects Google Drive folders that are heavily shared and that are de facto good candidates for being migrated to SharePoint Online. These folders with specific destinations on SharePoint Online would need to be migrated prior to the general migration because Cloudiway only migrates a file once. And even if the migration is a success, how do you get your users on board with embracing the new products? Our company has been developing high-quality and reliable software for corporate needs since 2008. Its important to distinguish between attachments and embedded files. An informed user is a happy user! Announcements are migrated to SharePoint discussion boards. Select the preferred options to start and complete the migration batch. All Rights Reserved. Moreover, the tool also provides date filters and the option to select data category during the migration process. Cloudiway provides a cloud-based application hosted in Windows Azure. Cloudiway offers you additional flexibility in your approach to a staged migration. G Suite excels in mobility, speed, and integration. In addition, Cloudiways SaaS benefits from Windows Azures certifications, ensuring security of the infrastructure, network and physical security layers of the Cloudiway cloud. SaaS has become the next big thing for businesses. However, this also means that a new reply on a group that has already been migrated will never be migrated. New mails are received in the target messaging system. The most important aspect of a mail migration is a happy end user.
A users shared files and folders can be migrated to a SharePoint site while private files and folders are migrated to their OneDrive. In addition to converting the file format of migrated files, Cloudiway provides some additional tools to enhance and simplify your file migration.
No, by using delta migration only the newly arrived data between the same drives will get migrated. Another is that the admin password expires during the course of migration. Mail items and their attachments can be migrated. Enterprise coexistence what it does. If any of your users have created a group, they will also need to add the new Google user to the group with manager permission. In comparison, if a OneDrive user moves a shared file, any existing sharing rights will be broken and the file will take on the sharing rights of its new parent folder. Office 365 throttling policies limit migration to 1500 to 1800 mails per user per hour. This provides a solution to the challenging problem of file locations and sharing which are dealt with differently in each product (discussed later). However, discussion boards do not support attachments. We automatically delete inactive projects and/or accounts after 90 days, or upon request. The straightforward plans and realtime team collaboration are among its essential features.
This is possible through the use of several tools offered by Cloudiway (the file migration tool and the site migration tool) and carefully planning your migration path. These credentials are stored encrypted using AES 256. The instructions for step by step G Suite to Office 365 migration are: (In some cases, it may take up to 24 hours for these settings to propagate.). Step 5: Now, move to the Destination Screen and fill out the details carefully. How can migration occur without business interruption? The Cloudiway platform typically sees throughput between 200 Mb and 300 MB per user per hour. You migrate everybody over a weekend and perform a single migration pass. As a result, their links will continue to work after the migration is complete. We provide coexistence services, and batch migration of users, which you can define in any way you like. If you followed the suggestion, it will be verified automatically. Pre-migration utility to create a comprehensive list of groups to be migrated, and automatic creation at the Office 365 target of groups or shared mailboxes as well as their members and permissions. Throttling is often unavoidable on both G Suite and Office 365, but being prepared for it and mitigating it through a planned approach can often avoid a lengthy migration disaster. The following components/features of a Gmail inbox can be migrated to Office 365 mail. So, I decided to share all my knowledge via this blog. To avoid this, heavily-shared Google Drive folders are best published to a SharePoint library a better destination for collaboration. Cutover migration is therefore a strategy where the entire company is switched at the same time. Copyright 2007 2022 EmailDoctor. Decisions of what to include in a migration are needed for: As discussed earlier, data migration can slow down due to throttling at both the source system and the target system. Cloudiways migration platform helps businesses perform elaborate technical migrations through a simple SaaS interface. Prestaging is also an option on the Cloudiway platform. Its also not suitable for a shared folder with files owned by a variety of people; after migration to OneDrive, those files will no longer be grouped together. Data migration is a major part of moving from one business app suite to another. Therefore, any folders with alternative targets will take priority. Vault archive migration to inbox, archive or mix of both. Basically, you can choose who, when and what gets migrated during each pass. You have full flexibility over how a partial archive is created. When it does begin, the Cloudiway platform will attempt to migrate 10 GB of data per user, then sleep for 6 hours and automatically restart the migration where it left off. Your users can start using all components of Office 365 immediately. Step 1: Complete the simple pre-requisites and run the Migration tool. purchase licenses for all resources at the target; and. The Cloudiway migration platform can migrate Google Drive files to different targets. Cloudiway is a cloud-based migration platform that contains a broad suite of tools and solutions. To resolve these problems, consider using Cloudiways file migration tool, which can locate files and assign correct user access permissions. 6.9. As soon as all the settings are propagated, G Suite is now configured for data migration. Many of these fast, secure solutions are tailored specifically for migrations from G Suite to Office 365, with nothing to download or install. Many users wish to switch from G Suite to Microsoft 365 to increase their scalability and productivity. In addition, Cloudiways SaaS-based migration platform is installation-free, saving you time, effort and end-user interruption. Step 3: Select Category that you want to migrate and apply filters. In addition, because the Cloudiway platform needs credentials to connect to the source and the target, you define connectors to connect to them and enter credentials that will be used for the connection. Its also possible to mitigate the effects of throttling, when using the Cloudiway platform to migrate. Both Office 365 and G Suite are a cloud-based suite of productivity tools. During mail migration, mailbox item count is also a factor. However, if these are constructed manually, they can be migrated. Choice of destinations for files including OneDrive, SharePoint or a mix of both. The Get Groups tool returns a list of all groups from any domains youve identified. Within document libraries, folder structures are entirely recreated. Inbox migration to inbox, archive or mix of both. You can also create connectors for each type of migration youre performing, allowing you to migrate mail, files, sites, groups and vaults in parallel. The on-demand migration engine allocates the capacity that you need to migrate the volume of data of your choice in the time slot you have allocated. A migration might also involve a domain name move, and these processes will need to be addressed before, during and after migration.
How can you be sure that all data has been migrated? You can also create connectors for each type of migration youre performing, allowing you to migrate mail, files, sites, groups, and vaults in parallel. Cloudiway continuously attempts to migrate email at the maximum capacity allowed to achieve the highest throughput. With this software, one can concurrently migrate multiple G suite user mailboxes in batch. The planning checklists included will help any business save time and money through each stage of migration. To work around this, announcement attachments are migrated in a SharePoint library with the post title. For example, for your email migration, you could migrate the last six months of emails over a weekend and leave older emails and email archives to be migrated after cutover, explaining to users that their older emails will appear soon. As well as data migration, logging, and a migration dashboard, Cloudiways solutions include the following, which will also be discussed in this whitepaper: We take your privacy and security seriously at Cloudiway, and we have invested significant effort into making our platform and your data secure. G Suite uses labels rather than folders to organize received emails, which means users can apply more than one label to a single email. Allows more time before final cutover, avoiding tight deadlines. Staged migrations tend to be more complicated than single cutover migrations. Office 365 mail doesnt offer labels, so storage for each email is limited to one folder. For complete peace of mind, we recommend that you create a temporary migration account for each remote system during your migration which you can delete at the completion of your project. Relinking migrated calendar events to Office 365 users, Cloudiway doesnt store your mail, files or site data. A file can only be migrated once, so this requires careful planning (as is discussed elsewhere in this whitepaper). Any additional labels are ignored during migration. Theyll be even unhappier if they start their computer on Monday morning and it grinds to a halt because of a poorly performed migration. It provides scalability, flexibility, is easy to use, and comes with performance-rich features. Migration goals made (eg, to get merged businesses on same mail/business app platform), List of items to be migrated made (eg, mail, trash, contacts, calendars, delegations, tasks, metadata, source files with the same name as any existing files at the target), Any existing Vault archives identified and destination chosen (eg, inbox or separate archive), Migration strategy chosen (eg, cutover or staged), If staged migration strategy, migration order/batches defined, Decision made about archiving older mail, and destination defined, Number of mailboxes to be migrated established, Expected total size of migration established, Migration timeframe established (eg, start date, end date), End users notified of planned migration (and training performed/tip sheets provided), Source server preparation complete (user list ready, special migration account(s) set up etc.
A general checklist for the target system includes: After mailbox migration, your target system might need an updated global address book, or user terminals might need tweaks if mail is accessed through a client. Cloudiway provides some additional tools to enhance and simplify your file migration. After you have switched your MX records to point to the new system, you start migration. No data is overwritten, and no data is duplicated. Please get in touch if you would like this functionality. Particularly useful during company mergers of different systems, coexistence may also be useful during longer-term migrations. However, with the right tools and support, migrating data between business apps is a painless process for IT staff, managers and end-users. Components are modular, allowing you to purchase only the tools you need to ensure all data migrations remain cost-effective. The following items are not migrated. If youd like to test Cloudiways data migration platform, you can set up a free trial account today. It makes it possible to migrate both a single user as well as domain users data to Office 365 from G Suite. Although the actual data migration process should be as transparent as possible to the end user, keeping them informed prior to migration is beneficial. Migration is fully flexible, allowing you to pinpoint a single file or to mass-migrate an entire Google Drive. If you choose not to use the tool, none of the Google Drive files can be migrated (even if theyre public). To maximize throughput and limit throttling, Cloudiway follows Microsoft best practice and uses impersonation. Yes, this tool guarantees 100% data security. Cloudiways mail migration tool also works alongside its other migration tools, including file migration, mail archive migration, site migration, group migration and, of course, enterprise coexistence. You can select and implement any method as per your preference. Cloudiway are the only migration solution to offer a coexistence solution between G Suite and Office 365 for free/busy calendar queries and automatic global address list updates. The Cloudiway mail migration platform uses the first label applied to an email and creates a folder with the same name, where the email will be stored. This tool automatically creates Outlook profiles for PCs via a command line, saving the hassle of manual creation and the time involved. End-users who access mail via Outlook have their mailbox locally cached (in .ost file format). ), Target server preparation complete (licenses purchased, resources provisioned etc. Some content from Google Groups cannot be migrated. Therefore, if many users are likely to access Outlook at around the same time after migration, your bandwidth might slow down due to a glut of downloads. SharePoint stores each sites pages in a flat library; to avoid page naming conflicts, Cloudiway migration platform renames Google Sites pages as mainpage_subpage. You can follow the guide to add a domain in office and configure DNS by clicking, In the next step, Verify the domain and click on, Enter the email address of any G Suite user for testing the connectivity and click on, Now, input the name of the users you wish to notify about the migration process. Using the example from the diagram above, the project files would be migrated together to a Project X folder on SharePoint. For businesses who expect migration to take longer than a weekend, co-existence offers a means for users on different remote systems to share calendar free/busy time, synchronize global address lists. However, they are unable to find a reliable method to do so. An account that has impersonation privileges can impersonate 100 users concurrently. The Get Sites tool returns a list of all sites from any domains youve identified. This strategy is the simplest to implement. Its also impossible for the Cloudiway site migration platform to determine where files are stored. global address list synchronization (GALSync).
What premigration planning is required? During migration, access rights are prioritized over location, so any shared files which have been organized into other folders within a Google Drive will be bundled together into OneDrives Shared with me area. The Cloudiway platform doesnt use any Google APIs to access Google Groups. When you perform too many API calls, the remote server will begin throttling and decrease the number of calls that can be performed each minute, thus reducing the migration throughput. A general data migration checklist is included at the back of this document to help you plan for a successful migration from G Suite to Office 365. check the user list contains no aliases (use primary SMTP addresses); create one or more migration accounts to use solely for migration, and then delete after; set migration account passwords to never expire; inform users of any tasks they should perform before migration (eg, consolidating/pruning files and identifying files that cant be migrated); and. With a variety of plans & sub-plans, it offers a lot of flexibility to users but can be a little confusing too. It further pushes you towards Office 365, isnt it? Complex migrations can be completed without disrupting end users. During the days or weeks leading up to your cut-over, you would migrate all items older than a week or month from mailboxes, Google Drives, groups, sites and vaults, then on the day or weekend of your cutover, you would run a delta pass to migrate the remaining items. This is highlighted in the fact that Office 365 started 2019 with more than 180 million customers compared to the 5 million users of G Suite. A data migration will fail if it doesnt have the right information from the source system. Google Site menu depth is unlimited, whereas by default, SharePoint is limited to two nodes. By default, Google Site menus with a depth of more than two nodes cannot be migrated. If you have opted to preserve all target files, the file from the source will be migrated with _OLD appended to the file name (eg: Timesheet_OLD.xls). GALSync automatically checks and updates user details, contact lists and group information stored in your global address lists on G Suite and Office 365. One alternative is to move everything to SharePoint, where shared files will remain within their parent folders regardless of owner. Google limits migration to 2.5 GB per user per day. Step 7: Validate the users and click Start to start the migration process. Shared files and folders are treated differently in Office 365, which means your shared project folder in Google Drive ends up scattered between your own OneDrive folders (for any files youve contributed) and the Shared With Me folder (for any others other team members have contributed). ), Post-migration tasks identified and included in migration plan, Any tweaks to end user local email clients identified and included in plan, Any MX record updates identified and included in plan, Any global address list updates to be made identified and included in plan, Outlook profiles recreated at destination, if required, Identify and find manual workarounds for any items unable to be migrated (eg, custom site gadgets, native Google file formats), Cloudiway develops a SaaS-based platform that allows Information Technology businesses to migrate mailboxes, files, drives, groups, teams, conversations, and more between different tenants and collaboration tools. Google Vault archives can be migrated directly into an Office 365 inbox, or to the In-Place Archive folder, or an entirely separate mailbox, if required. If your target already contains files and one has the same name as a file in the source, you have the option to overwrite it or preserve it. in the cloud as opposed to executing them in on-premise systems. The data would remain online and accessible from each users inbox as an In-Place Archive folder. If you are also performing a Google Drive migration, bear in mind that any embedded files in a migrated group will continue to be accessed from the source rather than the target. Its also a cost effective solution for all business types and sizes, with two free support tickets at any time during the migration process, plus consulting services are available, if required. The Cloudiway migration process is therefore both easy to automate and flexible to suit your needs. This can be avoided by partially migrating data to the online archive. If you want to carry out G Suite to Office 365 migration in step by step manner, you can try professional software applications. In this case, during the days or weeks leading up to your cutover, you would migrate all mails, files, sites and groups older than, say, a week or a month, along with calendars and contacts, then on the day or weekend of your cutover, you would run a quick delta pass to migrate the remaining items. As a Chief Technical Writer, I know the technical issues faced by home and professional users. Make sure you take time to analyze your migration goals and the details of what, how and when all data should be migrated. The following components/features of a Google Groups can be migrated to Office 365 (groups or shared mailboxes). Halfway 2019, Microsoft delivered on its promise and stated a method to migrate G Suite to Exchange Online using the EAC( Exchange Admin Center). Take note of the source and target system details, the size and type of data to be migrated, and the timeframe for migration. Mailboxes can only be migrated to a Office 365 if its ready to receive the data.
It also checks the G Suite credentials to ensure migration can begin. Step 2: Select G Suite and Office 365 as Source and Destination respectively. Another Migration Scenario: How to Switch from Office 365 to G Suite? After a mail migration, Outlook will download all migrated mailboxes the first time users access their mailboxes. Copyright 2022 Cloudiway. It is clear that this process is too complex and time-consuming. You will need to create additional migration accounts in your remote system first, then use each one in a single connector. It also discovers Google Gadgets and helps to identify if the platform can migrate them to an equivalent web part or not). When completed, all parties can send and receive appointment updates. This tool checks all mailboxes in the user list and tries to link appointments for owners and attendees (including resources such as rooms). You can combine your cutover migration with pre-staging, if required. It means that the software and data are centrally hosted and accessed by clients using a web browser and internet connection. However, there are limitations. The process is dotted with hurdles that can cause unforeseen problems for businesses with little or no experience in data migration. You can even perform delta migration of all the G suite mailboxes & labels. The auditing tool helps you identify potential errors prior to migration, such as unfound sites or broken items. Thats why G Suite and Office 365 are so common nowadays.
In addition, Cloudiway can perform file migrations where the destination SharePoint site has already been used to migrate a Google Sites website. Therefore, its important that you have planned your approach thoroughly prior to starting any migration. It provides a seamless connection between G Suite and Office 365 users who wish to look up free/busy time of users on either or both remote systems. It also detects Google Drive folders that are heavily shared and that are de facto good candidates for being migrated to SharePoint Online. These folders with specific destinations on SharePoint Online would need to be migrated prior to the general migration because Cloudiway only migrates a file once. And even if the migration is a success, how do you get your users on board with embracing the new products? Our company has been developing high-quality and reliable software for corporate needs since 2008. Its important to distinguish between attachments and embedded files. An informed user is a happy user! Announcements are migrated to SharePoint discussion boards. Select the preferred options to start and complete the migration batch. All Rights Reserved. Moreover, the tool also provides date filters and the option to select data category during the migration process. Cloudiway provides a cloud-based application hosted in Windows Azure. Cloudiway offers you additional flexibility in your approach to a staged migration. G Suite excels in mobility, speed, and integration. In addition, Cloudiways SaaS benefits from Windows Azures certifications, ensuring security of the infrastructure, network and physical security layers of the Cloudiway cloud. SaaS has become the next big thing for businesses. However, this also means that a new reply on a group that has already been migrated will never be migrated. New mails are received in the target messaging system. The most important aspect of a mail migration is a happy end user.
A users shared files and folders can be migrated to a SharePoint site while private files and folders are migrated to their OneDrive. In addition to converting the file format of migrated files, Cloudiway provides some additional tools to enhance and simplify your file migration.
No, by using delta migration only the newly arrived data between the same drives will get migrated. Another is that the admin password expires during the course of migration. Mail items and their attachments can be migrated. Enterprise coexistence what it does. If any of your users have created a group, they will also need to add the new Google user to the group with manager permission. In comparison, if a OneDrive user moves a shared file, any existing sharing rights will be broken and the file will take on the sharing rights of its new parent folder. Office 365 throttling policies limit migration to 1500 to 1800 mails per user per hour. This provides a solution to the challenging problem of file locations and sharing which are dealt with differently in each product (discussed later). However, discussion boards do not support attachments. We automatically delete inactive projects and/or accounts after 90 days, or upon request. The straightforward plans and realtime team collaboration are among its essential features.
This is possible through the use of several tools offered by Cloudiway (the file migration tool and the site migration tool) and carefully planning your migration path. These credentials are stored encrypted using AES 256. The instructions for step by step G Suite to Office 365 migration are: (In some cases, it may take up to 24 hours for these settings to propagate.). Step 5: Now, move to the Destination Screen and fill out the details carefully. How can migration occur without business interruption? The Cloudiway platform typically sees throughput between 200 Mb and 300 MB per user per hour. You migrate everybody over a weekend and perform a single migration pass. As a result, their links will continue to work after the migration is complete. We provide coexistence services, and batch migration of users, which you can define in any way you like. If you followed the suggestion, it will be verified automatically. Pre-migration utility to create a comprehensive list of groups to be migrated, and automatic creation at the Office 365 target of groups or shared mailboxes as well as their members and permissions. Throttling is often unavoidable on both G Suite and Office 365, but being prepared for it and mitigating it through a planned approach can often avoid a lengthy migration disaster. The following components/features of a Gmail inbox can be migrated to Office 365 mail. So, I decided to share all my knowledge via this blog. To avoid this, heavily-shared Google Drive folders are best published to a SharePoint library a better destination for collaboration. Cutover migration is therefore a strategy where the entire company is switched at the same time. Copyright 2007 2022 EmailDoctor. Decisions of what to include in a migration are needed for: As discussed earlier, data migration can slow down due to throttling at both the source system and the target system. Cloudiways migration platform helps businesses perform elaborate technical migrations through a simple SaaS interface. Prestaging is also an option on the Cloudiway platform. Its also not suitable for a shared folder with files owned by a variety of people; after migration to OneDrive, those files will no longer be grouped together. Data migration is a major part of moving from one business app suite to another. Therefore, any folders with alternative targets will take priority. Vault archive migration to inbox, archive or mix of both. Basically, you can choose who, when and what gets migrated during each pass. You have full flexibility over how a partial archive is created. When it does begin, the Cloudiway platform will attempt to migrate 10 GB of data per user, then sleep for 6 hours and automatically restart the migration where it left off. Your users can start using all components of Office 365 immediately. Step 1: Complete the simple pre-requisites and run the Migration tool. purchase licenses for all resources at the target; and. The Cloudiway migration platform can migrate Google Drive files to different targets. Cloudiway is a cloud-based migration platform that contains a broad suite of tools and solutions. To resolve these problems, consider using Cloudiways file migration tool, which can locate files and assign correct user access permissions. 6.9. As soon as all the settings are propagated, G Suite is now configured for data migration. Many of these fast, secure solutions are tailored specifically for migrations from G Suite to Office 365, with nothing to download or install. Many users wish to switch from G Suite to Microsoft 365 to increase their scalability and productivity. In addition, Cloudiways SaaS-based migration platform is installation-free, saving you time, effort and end-user interruption. Step 3: Select Category that you want to migrate and apply filters. In addition, because the Cloudiway platform needs credentials to connect to the source and the target, you define connectors to connect to them and enter credentials that will be used for the connection. Its also possible to mitigate the effects of throttling, when using the Cloudiway platform to migrate. Both Office 365 and G Suite are a cloud-based suite of productivity tools. During mail migration, mailbox item count is also a factor. However, if these are constructed manually, they can be migrated. Choice of destinations for files including OneDrive, SharePoint or a mix of both. The Get Groups tool returns a list of all groups from any domains youve identified. Within document libraries, folder structures are entirely recreated. Inbox migration to inbox, archive or mix of both. You can also create connectors for each type of migration youre performing, allowing you to migrate mail, files, sites, groups and vaults in parallel. The on-demand migration engine allocates the capacity that you need to migrate the volume of data of your choice in the time slot you have allocated. A migration might also involve a domain name move, and these processes will need to be addressed before, during and after migration.
How can you be sure that all data has been migrated? You can also create connectors for each type of migration youre performing, allowing you to migrate mail, files, sites, groups, and vaults in parallel. Cloudiway continuously attempts to migrate email at the maximum capacity allowed to achieve the highest throughput. With this software, one can concurrently migrate multiple G suite user mailboxes in batch. The planning checklists included will help any business save time and money through each stage of migration. To work around this, announcement attachments are migrated in a SharePoint library with the post title. For example, for your email migration, you could migrate the last six months of emails over a weekend and leave older emails and email archives to be migrated after cutover, explaining to users that their older emails will appear soon. As well as data migration, logging, and a migration dashboard, Cloudiways solutions include the following, which will also be discussed in this whitepaper: We take your privacy and security seriously at Cloudiway, and we have invested significant effort into making our platform and your data secure. G Suite uses labels rather than folders to organize received emails, which means users can apply more than one label to a single email. Allows more time before final cutover, avoiding tight deadlines. Staged migrations tend to be more complicated than single cutover migrations. Office 365 mail doesnt offer labels, so storage for each email is limited to one folder. For complete peace of mind, we recommend that you create a temporary migration account for each remote system during your migration which you can delete at the completion of your project. Relinking migrated calendar events to Office 365 users, Cloudiway doesnt store your mail, files or site data. A file can only be migrated once, so this requires careful planning (as is discussed elsewhere in this whitepaper). Any additional labels are ignored during migration. Theyll be even unhappier if they start their computer on Monday morning and it grinds to a halt because of a poorly performed migration. It provides scalability, flexibility, is easy to use, and comes with performance-rich features. Migration goals made (eg, to get merged businesses on same mail/business app platform), List of items to be migrated made (eg, mail, trash, contacts, calendars, delegations, tasks, metadata, source files with the same name as any existing files at the target), Any existing Vault archives identified and destination chosen (eg, inbox or separate archive), Migration strategy chosen (eg, cutover or staged), If staged migration strategy, migration order/batches defined, Decision made about archiving older mail, and destination defined, Number of mailboxes to be migrated established, Expected total size of migration established, Migration timeframe established (eg, start date, end date), End users notified of planned migration (and training performed/tip sheets provided), Source server preparation complete (user list ready, special migration account(s) set up etc.