To provide knowledge and training in individual and group counseling methods; consultation and basic interviewing and helping skills. Students will apply career theories to a range of counseling cases relevant to the settings in which they plan to work. Refer to Graduate Admissions and Graduate Studies, Transfer Credit from Other Institutions for more information. Please refer toCALPCCfor more information. Applicants are admitted as conditionally classified graduate students in the fall semester only - there are no spring admits. These sites are carefully screened to meet our standards. To provide a working knowledge of assessment tools and research findings useful to the practitioner. Graduates meet all the academic and pre-degree fieldwork requirements for the California Professional Clinical Counselor License (LPCC) as set forth in Section 4999.33 of the Business and Professional Code for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors. Generic Counseling. Fieldwork placements are viewed as an integral part of the training of prospective counselors.
Satisfied by demonstration of English competency on the culminating experience paper for COUN892. Personal Growth Factors. To view PDF files, please download Adobe Reader, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Accounting, QR Cat III/IV & Stretch English Roadmap, Certificate in Information Technology Auditing, Graduate Certificate in Business Principles, Business Certificate in Ethics & Compliance, Graduate Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence, Graduate Certificate in Enterprise Cybersecurity, Graduate Certificate in Enterprise Information Systems, Graduate Certificate in International Business and Global Leadership, Graduate Certificate in Marketing in the Digital Economy, Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Decision Sciences, Master of Science in Quantitative Economics, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Finance, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Minor in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in International Business, Bachelor of Arts in Labor and Employment Studies, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Management, Graduate Certificate in Ethics & Compliance, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing, Graduate Certificate in Marketing in the Digital Economy Certificate, Education Degrees, Certificates, and Teaching and Educational Specialist Credentials, Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education, Equity, Leadership Studies, and Instructional Technologies (ELSIT), Certificate in Training Systems Development, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Adult Education, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Educational Administration, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Equity and Social Justice in Education, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Instructional Technologies, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Special Interest Area, Certificate in Inclusive Early Childhood Practices, Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Concentration in Special Education, Education Specialist Credentials: Special Education, Education Specialist Added Authorization in Orthopedic Impairments Credential, Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential, Early Childhood Special Education Credential, Bachelor of Science in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Certificate in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Master of Science in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Teaching and Educational Services Credential Programs, Education Specialist Added Authorizations, Bachelor of Arts in American Indian Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Asian American Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Latina/Latino Studies, Latina/o & Ethnic Studies SF State Scholars Roadmap, Bachelor of Arts in Race and Resistance Studies, Minor in Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, Minor in Critical Pacific Islands & Oceania Studies, Race, Ethnicity, and Health, Bachelor of Arts, QR Cat III/IV and Stretch English Roadmap, Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Studies Extended Learning, Bachelor of Arts in Ethnic Studies Extended Learning, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Community, Health, and Social Services, QR Cat I/II & Stretch English Roadmap, QR Cat III/IV & Stretch English Roadmap, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Early Care and Education, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Early Childhood, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Elementary Education Teaching Pre-Credential, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in School Age Child and Family, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Youth Work and Out of School Time, Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Master of Science in Counseling: Concentration in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling, Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Counseling Designation Post-Masters Level, Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies: Concentration in Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Certificate in Climate Change Causes, Impacts, and Solutions, Bachelor of Arts in Family and Community Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Apparel Design and Merchandising: Concentration in Design, Bachelor of Science in Apparel Design and Merchandising: Concentration in Merchandising, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics: Concentration in Dietetics and Nutrition Science, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics: Concentration in Foods and Community Nutrition, NUTR Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Roadmap, Master of Arts in Family and Consumer Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology: Concentration in Exercise and Movement Sciences, KIN Associate Degree for Transfer Roadmap, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology: Concentration in Integrated Teacher Education Program in Physical Education, Graduate Certificate in Exercise Physiology, Graduate Certificate in Physical Activity: Social Scientific Perspectives, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ADN-BSN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Prelicensure), Master of Science in Nursing (Entry Level), Master of Science in Nursing: Concentration in Family Nurse Practitioner, Physical Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Science, PHS Associate Degree for Transfer Roadmap, Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration, Master of Science in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism, Certificate in Youth and Human Services Nonprofit Administration, Master of Arts in Human Sexuality Studies, Minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies and Planning, Bachelor of Arts in Art: Concentration in Art History and Studio Art, Bachelor of Arts in Art: Concentration in Studio Art, Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, Master of Arts in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, Master of Fine Arts in Broadcast & Electronic Communication Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Comparative and World Literature, Minor in Comparative and World Literature, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design: Concentration in Product Design and Development, Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication Design, Bachelor of Arts in English: Concentration in English Education, Bachelor of Arts in English: Concentration in Linguistics, Bachelor of Arts in English: Concentration in Literature, Bachelor of Arts in English: Concentration in Professional Writing and Rhetoric, Undergraduate Certificate in Computational Linguistics, Graduate Certificate in Computational Linguistics, Certificate in Teaching Post-Secondary Reading, Certificate in Technical and Professional Writing, Certificate in the Teaching of Composition, Certificate of Special Study in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Master of Arts in English: Concentration in Composition, Master of Arts in English: Concentration in Linguistics, Master of Arts in English: Concentration in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Minor in Professional Writing and Rhetoric, Certificate in Historical Research (Honors), Graduate Certificate in History Education, Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Integrated Teacher Preparation, Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, International Relations SF State Scholar Roadmap, Master of Arts in International Relations, Minor in Global Peace, Human Rights, and Justice Studies, Certificate in Migration and Refugee Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Modern Jewish Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Bilingual Spanish Journalism, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism: Concentration in Photojournalism, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism: Concentration in Print and Online Journalism, Bachelor of Arts in Chinese: Concentration in Chinese Language, Bachelor of Arts in Chinese: Concentration in Chinese Literature & Linguistics, Bachelor of Arts in Chinese: Concentration in Flagship Chinese Language, Minor in Chinese Literature and Linguistics, Modern Language Learning and Teaching Certificate, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy: Concentration in Philosophy and Law, QR CAT III/IV & Stretch English Roadmap, Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts: Concentration in Design/Technical Production, Bachelor of Arts in Women and Gender Studies, Master of Arts in Women and Gender Studies, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Marine Science, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Microbiology, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Physiology, Master of Science in Biology: Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology, Master of Science in Biology: Concentration in Integrative Biology, Master of Science in Biology: Concentration in Physiology and Behavioral Biology, Master of Science in Biomedical Science: Concentration in Biotechnology, Master of Science in Biomedical Science: Concentration in Stem Cell Science, Master of Science in Chemistry: Concentration in Biochemistry, Certificate in Data Science and Machine Learning for Biotechnology, Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering, Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Data Science for Biology and Chemistry, Graduate Certificate, Hydrology Emphasis GEOL Transfer Roadmap, Ocean, Weather and Climate Emphasis - GEOL Transfer Roadmap, Earth Sciences BS and Geosciences SF Scholars Roadmap, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Master of Arts in Geography: Concentration in Resource Management and Environmental Planning, Master of Science in Geographic Information Science, Interdisciplinary Marine and Estuarine Sciences, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics: Concentration in Mathematics for Advanced Study, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics: Concentration in Mathematics for Liberal Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics: Concentration in Teaching, Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, Master of Science in Statistical Data Science, Bachelor of Arts in Physics: Concentration in Astronomy, Bachelor of Science in Physics: Concentration in Astrophysics, Bachelor of Science in Physics: Concentration in Physics for Teaching, Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Master of Arts in Psychological Science: Concentration in Developmental Psychology, Master of Arts in Psychological Science: Concentration in Mind, Brain & Behavior, Master of Arts in Psychological Science: Concentration in Social, Personality, and Affective Science, Master of Science in Industrial Organizational Psychology, Master of Science in Psychology: Concentration in Clinical Psychology, Master of Science in Psychology: Concentration in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Master of Science in Psychology: Concentration in School Psychology, Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Psychology Designation, International Student Admission Requirements, Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures, Average Support Cost per Full-Time Equivalent Student and Sources of Funds, Determination of Residency for Tuition Purposes, Refund of Mandatory Tuition and Fees, Including Nonresident Tuition Fee, Availability of Institutional and Financial Assistance Information, Procedure for the Establishment or Abolishment of Campus-Based Mandatory Fees, Career Placement: Data On Former Students, Nondiscrimination Policy and Complaint Procedures, Privacy Rights of Students in Education Records, Requirement and Use of Social Security Number, Student Concerns or Complaints about Actions Taken on Behalf of San Francisco State University, Academic Advising for Undergraduate Students, Campus Recreation & Mashouf Wellness Center, Division of Equity & Community Inclusion, Educational Outreach Programs and Services, Information Resources: Library, Academic Technology and Information Technology, Literary, Performing, Visual & Media Arts, Centers & Institutes in the Lam Family College of Business, The Marian Wright Edelman Institute for the Study of Children, Youth & Families, The Poetry Center & American Poetry Archives, Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts (BECA), Credit by Evaluation for Experiential Learning (CEEL), Interdisciplinary Studies Education (ISED), Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences (SLHS), Graduate Admissions and Graduate Studies, Transfer Credit from Other Institutions, Download entire Bulletin as a PDF (32 MB), Biopsychosocial Aspects of Health, Behavioral Health, Aging, & Disability, Social and Cultural Foundations in Counseling, Professional Issues, Clinical Case Management and Systems of Care. Students will articulate the professional role of a counselor including individual and systemic interventions including use of community resources, knowledge of cultures of the various agencies service the public, and advocacy. To provide knowledge of career information, job satisfaction, job-seeking skills, and instruments used to assist career choice. Assessment, Evaluation, and Research. A minimum undergraduate GPA of 3.0 in the last 60 units is required by Graduate Studies. Students will distinguish and apply knowledge of legal directives and ethical standards specific to the field of counseling generally as well as specialization specific standards. The student combines the core sequence of classes with their specialization or emphasis. Students will acquire and demonstrate basic individual counseling skills through practice. These sites are carefully screened to meet our standards. Applicants are admitted as conditionally classified graduate students in the fall semester only - there are no spring admits. The Department uses a holistic admissions process that considers past academic success, work and volunteer experience, letters of recommendation, personal statement, and other factors. To understand theories of counseling. Courses taken at other institutions after admission to the graduate program may not be counted toward the masters degree. Applicants may request to take a course in the department by submitting a formal request. program either as a full-time student or as a part-time student. To provide knowledge about the professional, legal, and ethical foundations of counseling, and to be aware of the community resources and cultures of the various agencies service the public. Students will apply a working knowledge of assessment tools to practice as a counselor. Selection of students is based on academic as well as personal background. Once admitted to the program, students may petition the departments program coordinator and chair for up to 12 units of appropriate post-baccalaureate degree work taken in other institutions within seven years from the date students plan to graduate. Professional Development. Trained through a biopsychosocial and pluralistic lens, students are oriented towards conceptualizing clients' multiple, intersecting identities, contexts, vulnerabilities, and assets, using contemporary classification systems relevant to today's practicing counselor. To become an LPCC, graduates must obtain 3,000 post-graduate hours under a qualified supervisor, and pass the National Clinical Mental Health Counselor Examination (NCMHCE) and the California Law and Ethics Exam. It may be possible to complete the M.S. The DoC strongly suggest that students consider some kind of counseling hat will enable them to focus upon themselves in a meaningful way. Students must, however, expect that their personal and work schedules will need to be sufficiently flexible to accommodate fieldwork requirements and department class schedules (must be able to takedaytime, late afternoon, and evening classes at various times in the program). Students will analyze assessment data and hypothesize the relationship between data gained through career assessment tools and case material and apply that to career and life decisions and challenges. Paid or volunteer experience working with people of diverse backgrounds is an important factor for admission. Students will apply concepts of normal development to counseling cases including physical, sexual, emotional, social, cultural, personality, cognitive, and career development. Selection of students is based on academic as well as personal background. Applicants may request to take a course in the department by submitting a formal request. Our program strives to graduate students who are not only therapeutically skilled and culturally competent counselors, advocates and clinical case managers, but who also understand and challenge the political, sociocultural, and systemic factors that negatively impact the health and well-being of our clients, their families, and their communities. The Department uses a holistic admissions process that considers past academic success, work and volunteer experience, letters of recommendation, personal statement, and other factors. Students will develop self-understanding and a counseling framework that integrates attention to cultural and sociopolitical contexts for individual clients, their families and communities including diversity related to various cultural, economic, ethnicity, disability, gender, sexuality, age, immigration, religion/spirituality, and life style. All students go through a basic core sequence of academic courses including four semesters of supervised counseling practicum and internship. Courses taken for another degree or credential may not be counted toward the masters degree. At least 60 units of approved graduate work are required for the Master of Science degrees. Theoretical Framework. Submit the Cal State Apply application by January 15 including all supplementary materials. All applicants must successfully demonstrate writing proficiency through a writing sample that is evaluated by the department after being admitted to the program but before enrolling.Those who do not meet the minimum writing expectation upon admission will be required to take a writing course, usually at an additional cost. The scope of this degree allows students the flexibility to focus their attention on specific areas of interest. Fieldwork placements are viewed as an integral part of the training of prospective counselors. Refer to Graduate Admissions and Graduate Studies, Transfer Credit from Other Institutions for more information. At least 60 units of approved graduate work are required for the Master of Science degrees. These requests will be considered on a case by case basis. Admission to the department involves the following procedures: Prior to enrolling for classes, it is recommended that an applicant complete the following undergraduate courses: theories of personality/counseling, development through the lifespan, and a psychopathology course and an undergraduate course providing an introduction to the field of counseling. ClinicalMental Health Counseling students are trained to work with some of the most vulnerable, marginalized communities who experience disabling health and behavioral health conditions that are often complicated by histories of poverty, trauma, homelessness, substance abuse, oppression, and criminal justice involvement. Students select electives according to their area of specialization. Courses taken at other institutions after admission to the graduate program may not be counted toward the masters degree. Students must earn a grade of B or better in the following courses: Students following earlier "Bulletin" requirements can access the appropriate year using this link: Previous Bulletins. The Clinical Mental Health Counseling program prepares counselors to address the wide array of intersecting psychosocial, cultural, vocational and systemic circumstances that are barriers to the health, wellness, and quality of life of those served. The M.S. Students learn and apply a broad spectrum of traditional and post-modern theories and modalities, including the Mental Health Recovery Model, and are expected to integrate health promotion, wellness, and evidence-based practices into their work. Two different academic year field placements are required. To learn the appropriate use of insight into self and others in the development of empathic, helping relationships. Students must earn a grade of B or better in the following courses: Students following earlier "Bulletin" requirements can access the appropriate year using this link: Previous Bulletins. The curriculum meets most of the educational requirements to be eligible for the Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor license. Counselors will be able to function in a wide variety of community agencies and work with individuals of all ages. All applicants must successfully demonstrate writing proficiency through a writing sample that is evaluated by the department after being admitted to the program but before enrolling. Paid or volunteer experience working with people of diverse backgrounds is an important factor for admission. Admission to the department involves the following procedures: Prior to enrolling for classes, it is recommended that an applicant complete the following undergraduate courses: theories of personality/counseling, development through the lifespan, and a psychopathology course and an undergraduate course providing an introduction to the field of counseling. Once admitted to the program, students may petition the departments program coordinator and chair for up to 12 units of appropriate post-baccalaureate degree work taken in other institutions within seven years from the date students plan to graduate. Students must, however, expect that their personal and work schedules will need to be sufficiently flexible to accommodate fieldwork requirements and department class schedules (must be able to takedaytime, late afternoon, and evening classes at various times in the program). To view PDF files, please download Adobe Reader, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Accounting, QR Cat III/IV & Stretch English Roadmap, Certificate in Information Technology Auditing, Graduate Certificate in Business Principles, Business Certificate in Ethics & Compliance, Graduate Certificate in Ethical Artificial Intelligence, Graduate Certificate in Enterprise Cybersecurity, Graduate Certificate in Enterprise Information Systems, Graduate Certificate in International Business and Global Leadership, Graduate Certificate in Marketing in the Digital Economy, Graduate Certificate in Sustainable Business, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Decision Sciences, Master of Science in Quantitative Economics, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Finance, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Minor in Hospitality and Tourism Management, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Information Systems, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in International Business, Bachelor of Arts in Labor and Employment Studies, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Management, Graduate Certificate in Ethics & Compliance, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Concentration in Marketing, Graduate Certificate in Marketing in the Digital Economy Certificate, Education Degrees, Certificates, and Teaching and Educational Specialist Credentials, Master of Arts in Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Arts in Early Childhood Education, Equity, Leadership Studies, and Instructional Technologies (ELSIT), Certificate in Training Systems Development, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Adult Education, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Educational Administration, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Equity and Social Justice in Education, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Instructional Technologies, Master of Arts in Education: Concentration in Special Interest Area, Certificate in Inclusive Early Childhood Practices, Doctor of Philosophy in Education: Concentration in Special Education, Education Specialist Credentials: Special Education, Education Specialist Added Authorization in Orthopedic Impairments Credential, Mild to Moderate Support Needs Credential, Early Childhood Special Education Credential, Bachelor of Science in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Certificate in Augmentative and Alternative Communication, Master of Science in Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences, Teaching and Educational Services Credential Programs, Education Specialist Added Authorizations, Bachelor of Arts in American Indian Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Asian American Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Latina/Latino Studies, Latina/o & Ethnic Studies SF State Scholars Roadmap, Bachelor of Arts in Race and Resistance Studies, Minor in Arab and Muslim Ethnicities and Diasporas Studies, Minor in Critical Pacific Islands & Oceania Studies, Race, Ethnicity, and Health, Bachelor of Arts, QR Cat III/IV and Stretch English Roadmap, Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Studies Extended Learning, Bachelor of Arts in Ethnic Studies Extended Learning, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Community, Health, and Social Services, QR Cat I/II & Stretch English Roadmap, QR Cat III/IV & Stretch English Roadmap, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Early Care and Education, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Early Childhood, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Elementary Education Teaching Pre-Credential, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in School Age Child and Family, Bachelor of Arts in Child and Adolescent Development: Concentration in Youth Work and Out of School Time, Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, Master of Science in Counseling: Concentration in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling, Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Counseling Designation Post-Masters Level, Bachelor of Arts in Criminal Justice Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Studies, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Studies: Concentration in Natural Resource Management and Conservation, Certificate in Climate Change Causes, Impacts, and Solutions, Bachelor of Arts in Family and Community Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Apparel Design and Merchandising: Concentration in Design, Bachelor of Science in Apparel Design and Merchandising: Concentration in Merchandising, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics: Concentration in Dietetics and Nutrition Science, Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics: Concentration in Foods and Community Nutrition, NUTR Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) Roadmap, Master of Arts in Family and Consumer Sciences, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology: Concentration in Exercise and Movement Sciences, KIN Associate Degree for Transfer Roadmap, Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology: Concentration in Integrated Teacher Education Program in Physical Education, Graduate Certificate in Exercise Physiology, Graduate Certificate in Physical Activity: Social Scientific Perspectives, Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ADN-BSN), Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Prelicensure), Master of Science in Nursing (Entry Level), Master of Science in Nursing: Concentration in Family Nurse Practitioner, Physical Therapy and Clinical Laboratory Science, PHS Associate Degree for Transfer Roadmap, Bachelor of Science in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Administration, Master of Science in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism, Certificate in Youth and Human Services Nonprofit Administration, Master of Arts in Human Sexuality Studies, Minor in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies and Planning, Bachelor of Arts in Art: Concentration in Art History and Studio Art, Bachelor of Arts in Art: Concentration in Studio Art, Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, Master of Arts in Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts, Master of Fine Arts in Broadcast & Electronic Communication Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Comparative and World Literature, Minor in Comparative and World Literature, Bachelor of Science in Industrial Design: Concentration in Product Design and Development, Bachelor of Science in Visual Communication Design, Bachelor of Arts in English: Concentration in English Education, Bachelor of Arts in English: Concentration in Linguistics, Bachelor of Arts in English: Concentration in Literature, Bachelor of Arts in English: Concentration in Professional Writing and Rhetoric, Undergraduate Certificate in Computational Linguistics, Graduate Certificate in Computational Linguistics, Certificate in Teaching Post-Secondary Reading, Certificate in Technical and Professional Writing, Certificate in the Teaching of Composition, Certificate of Special Study in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Master of Arts in English: Concentration in Composition, Master of Arts in English: Concentration in Linguistics, Master of Arts in English: Concentration in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Minor in Professional Writing and Rhetoric, Certificate in Historical Research (Honors), Graduate Certificate in History Education, Bachelor of Arts in Liberal Studies Integrated Teacher Preparation, Bachelor of Arts in International Relations, International Relations SF State Scholar Roadmap, Master of Arts in International Relations, Minor in Global Peace, Human Rights, and Justice Studies, Certificate in Migration and Refugee Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Modern Jewish Studies, Bachelor of Arts in Bilingual Spanish Journalism, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism: Concentration in Photojournalism, Bachelor of Arts in Journalism: Concentration in Print and Online Journalism, Bachelor of Arts in Chinese: Concentration in Chinese Language, Bachelor of Arts in Chinese: Concentration in Chinese Literature & Linguistics, Bachelor of Arts in Chinese: Concentration in Flagship Chinese Language, Minor in Chinese Literature and Linguistics, Modern Language Learning and Teaching Certificate, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion, Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy: Concentration in Philosophy and Law, QR CAT III/IV & Stretch English Roadmap, Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Arts: Concentration in Design/Technical Production, Bachelor of Arts in Women and Gender Studies, Master of Arts in Women and Gender Studies, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Ecology, Evolution, and Conservation Biology, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Marine Science, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Microbiology, Bachelor of Science in Biology: Concentration in Physiology, Master of Science in Biology: Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology, Master of Science in Biology: Concentration in Integrative Biology, Master of Science in Biology: Concentration in Physiology and Behavioral Biology, Master of Science in Biomedical Science: Concentration in Biotechnology, Master of Science in Biomedical Science: Concentration in Stem Cell Science, Master of Science in Chemistry: Concentration in Biochemistry, Certificate in Data Science and Machine Learning for Biotechnology, Graduate Certificate in Software Engineering, Master of Science in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Data Science for Biology and Chemistry, Graduate Certificate, Geology Emphasis GEOL Transfer Roadmap, Hydrology Emphasis GEOL Transfer Roadmap, Ocean, Weather and Climate Emphasis - GEOL Transfer Roadmap, Earth Sciences BS and Geosciences SF Scholars Roadmap, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science, Master of Arts in Geography: Concentration in Resource Management and Environmental Planning, Master of Science in Geographic Information Science, Interdisciplinary Marine and Estuarine Sciences, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics: Concentration in Mathematics for Advanced Study, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics: Concentration in Mathematics for Liberal Arts, Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics: Concentration in Teaching, Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, Master of Science in Statistical Data Science, Bachelor of Arts in Physics: Concentration in Astronomy, Bachelor of Science in Physics: Concentration in Astrophysics, Bachelor of Science in Physics: Concentration in Physics for Teaching, Master of Science in Astronomy & Astrophysics, Master of Arts in Psychological Science: Concentration in Developmental Psychology, Master of Arts in Psychological Science: Concentration in Mind, Brain & Behavior, Master of Arts in Psychological Science: Concentration in Social, Personality, and Affective Science, Master of Science in Industrial Organizational Psychology, Master of Science in Psychology: Concentration in Clinical Psychology, Master of Science in Psychology: Concentration in Industrial/Organizational Psychology, Master of Science in Psychology: Concentration in School Psychology, Pupil Personnel Services Credential: School Psychology Designation, International Student Admission Requirements, Graduate Academic Policies and Procedures, Average Support Cost per Full-Time Equivalent Student and Sources of Funds, Determination of Residency for Tuition Purposes, Refund of Mandatory Tuition and Fees, Including Nonresident Tuition Fee, Availability of Institutional and Financial Assistance Information, Procedure for the Establishment or Abolishment of Campus-Based Mandatory Fees, Career Placement: Data On Former Students, Nondiscrimination Policy and Complaint Procedures, Privacy Rights of Students in Education Records, Requirement and Use of Social Security Number, Student Concerns or Complaints about Actions Taken on Behalf of San Francisco State University, Academic Advising for Undergraduate Students, Campus Recreation & Mashouf Wellness Center, Division of Equity & Community Inclusion, Educational Outreach Programs and Services, Information Resources: Library, Academic Technology and Information Technology, Literary, Performing, Visual & Media Arts, Centers & Institutes in the Lam Family College of Business, The Marian Wright Edelman Institute for the Study of Children, Youth & Families, The Poetry Center & American Poetry Archives, Broadcast and Electronic Communication Arts (BECA), Credit by Evaluation for Experiential Learning (CEEL), Interdisciplinary Studies Education (ISED), Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences (SLHS), Graduate Admissions and Graduate Studies, Transfer Credit from Other Institutions, Download entire Bulletin as a PDF (32 MB), Social and Cultural Foundations in Counseling, Biopsychosocial Aspects of Health, Behavioral Health, Aging, & Disability, Professional Seminar I - Structural Elements in School Counseling, Seminar for Counselors in Student Personnel Services, Organization and Administration of Student Services in Higher Education, Professional Seminar II - Functional Elements in School Counseling, Professional Seminar III - Professional Issues in School Counseling.