why arent the same marks everywhere on the map or was that the only place that was mapped by boat? Anyhow: what kind of a city is build in blocks about 10 km long or wide??!! One theory that's gained more traction is that these marks might be the ruins of the lost city of Atlantis. But we could map the whole ocean using ships. Google is overlaying sonar data into their global maps. If you can find a copy of the book (now out of print but doing the rounds on the used bookstore web sites) it is worth the read. Most were initially dissed by the experts of the day, one wonders if they were often petty and jealous and unwilling to admit that a commoner found something first that they had looked for for many years. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, Atlantis sank into the ocean in a single day and night of misfortune. By the way, sonar uses sound waves, not light waves. Its not the first, and probably will not be the last one found eather. They probably thought there was something interesting so they did it muliple times. Enlarge a 80x80x 5kb pic to 16001200 or larger and you get interesting patterns depending on the persons state of mind=people see different things lol. Just be warned that while he may be a good cartographer hes a bit of a lousy writer. If you look closely, you can see this ridge connects with others around the globe, forming a nearly continuous mountain range that is over 60,000 kilometers long.But so far nothing has sparked quite as much interest as this funny looking pattern off the west coast of Africa:Patterns like this can actually be seen over much of the ocean floor in Google Earth. For all we know, we humans have migrated here on Earth sometime around 20,000BC. In other words, its a waste of money to look for E.T. Egypt: Trial Project One: the Stepped Pyramid several temples (mastabas), each one built on top of the previous one. That is NOT artifact gathering data crap. This report reminds me of a book I read a year or so ago written by a man who provided thoroughly researched information about a possible early Chinese settlement in Northeastern Canada Prince Edward Island, as I recall. Rational mind, rational grid. As for not seeing it elsewhere, there my yet be other found and we actually dont know the exact process by which they stitched together the sonar data. This allows us to make a best guess as to what the rest of the sea floor looks like, but still at relatively low resolutions (the model predicts the ocean depth about once every 4000 meters). If you are in a mapping mission then of course you can turn any way of interest. That may seem like a lot of money, but it's not that far off from the price tag of, say, a new sports stadium.For now, keep exploring the ocean in Google Earth, and continue to share what you discover. that sounds like a lie an artifact of the data process?? Not just in one little area. Lol. Rey are you a Scientologist by any chance? Note: Only a member of this blog may post a comment. Reportedly a British aeronautical engineer was playing around with the new Google Earth 5.0, which includes undersea data, and noticed an interesting pattern about 600 miles west of the Canary Islands, that resembled a street grid. Try this scenario: It has recently come to light there may have been a meteor, asteroid or cometary impact over North America roughly 12,500 BCE. The changes in water height are measurable using radar on satellites. But Im not a COMPLETE idiot here. Sunlight, lasers, and other electromagnetic radiation can travel less than 100 feet below the surface, yet the typical depth in the ocean is more than two and a half miles. - Ed. Ones profession does not preclude one from coming to quacky conclusions. Atlantis was probably a culture that was far ahead of its contemporaries and may indeed been near Santorini in the Agean Sea, Greece or in the Andes-both areas fell due to climate change or nasty volcanic eruption about year -2000BE-years of B_S_ made such cultures seem legend or myth- if anyone watches the discovery, science channels, or read books or E-books, some of the Greek, Chinese, and other cultures were far ahead of anyone else but lost it due to stealing technology at that time or culture decline due to climate change etc-for instance, Greek Fire for opponents of the ones who had Greek Fire, was terrifying as water did not stop the fires-the formula died with the inventor and not re-discovered until 1000-2000years later!!!.
R, Sorry to dash everyones myth-seeking hopesScholars dispute whether and how much Platos story or account was inspired by traditional stories of the time., You seem to imply in your article an either-or dichotomy within myths. It has to be done from ships or underwater vehicles, and they can't go very fast or they'll spoil the measurement. After all, every navel ship and research ship has that equiptment on those kind of ships and have been useing it sence it was invented some where around the last world war were subs were used in navel warfare. Some have speculated that these are the plow marks of seafloor farming by aliens. Its true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth including a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species and the remains of an Ancient Roman villa, a Google spokesperson said. You can see all of the soundings that produced this particular pattern with this KMZ file.Echosounding with sonar is currently the best method for collecting this kind of data, but it's not perfect. Hey Feenixx, wasnt there a Coast Guard LORAN station on Yap? Note that Im not familiary with Jim Allen nor his ideas so Im not calling him a quack. America: The Native Americans, from the early Olmec right through to the Post Classic Maya and Aztec built increasingly larger and steeper and more elaborate pyramids during a period of about 2500 years. As much as we'd love for that to be the case, there is a scientific explanation for the odd markings found on the seafloor. Astronomy is full of them. These civilizations used advanced knowledge from engineering, astronomy, mathematics and medicine, suggesting that there must have been a deeper background that supports these knowledgeand they occured around 4000BC, how about that. Unless, of course, the ancient Atlanteans were about 50 m tall. IF WE HAVE SEVERELY UNDERESTIMATED the timelines for the rise of civilization(s), and wanted to go deeper, one would almost certainly expect to find sunken cities. We probably couldn't do it with satellites man-made structures simply aren't big enough to be measured that way. A myth therefore has its place within culture (beyond the conspiracy theorists and so forth). lol. He, of course, was instantly criticised by the experts, but..who knows?? Is it real? Anyway in the Atlantis story, Plato was probably just writing the Great Greek Novel in an innovative style such that it was told as if it were true like Orson Welles classic radio adaption of H.G. Scholars dispute whether and how much Platos story or account was inspired by traditional stories of the time. We and our fellow oceanographers are constantly improving the resolution of our seafloor maps, so we promise to work with Google to keep the virtual explorers out there busy. Mars, Venus, the moon, and even some asteroids are mapped at far higher resolution than our own oceans (the global map of Mars is about 250 times as accurate as the global map of our own ocean). The lack of any other feature suggesting this land was once above the water is really all one would need to dispense with the myth part. Just another fact I thought Id mention.
You only have to be human. In this case, the soundings produced by a ship are also about 1% deeper than the data we have in surrounding areas likely an error making the tracks stand out more. If there really are little green men hiding somewhere, the ocean's not a bad place to do it. Also to mention, that even if one could SEE sound waves, they would NOT be that well defined from the altitude of the google telescope. So what is it? the pyramids in Egypt and South America were so modern without any traces of trial and error projects The Dark Ages or the years when the churchs rules all with their thugs and the church hierarcy living high on the hog and banning such evil thoughs kept the common populous ignorant of such technology or forgotten as the churches destoyed many formulas or advanced war weapons as evil
We do our best to predict what the sea floor looks like based on what we can measure much more easily: the water surface. One can be a cartogropher, or a scientiest, even a respected one, and still come up with a quack idea.
Just a thought people. But Google verified the pattern is just an artifact of the data collection process. Furthermore if we cant find this type of pattern spread out thought the ocean floor map, Id be going down to look for Noahs hammer and chisel. You have an awesome template . Darn!!! If you look around the same area and broader, there are many more lines with a similar look. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). but the markers for Wikipedia and Panoramia photos are still there, in mid ocean. During the Ice Ages, the ocean levels were hundreds of feet lower than at present, Im sure that there were communities, cities even, on what used to be the coastline at those times, one of which could easily have been Atlantis, or the real city upon which the myth was founded. Even an excited geologist was quoted as saying this deserved a better look.
The most plausible evidence Ive heard of for Atlantis has come from Jim Allens book Atlantis: The Andes Solution. what boat do you know that can take a 90 degree turn? The lines reflect the path of the boat as it gathers the data, she said. The legend of Atlantis has excited public imagination for centuries. The buiders had to chaqnge the slope half way through. In Platos account, Atlantis was a naval power lying in front of the Pillars of Hercules that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. one can not SEE sound waves from a sonar transmitter, and the google telescope is not designed to see them eather. You wouldnt have to be a hairbrained myth seeker to be taken in by such an image. There are plenty of websites that quote his name but I suspect none are actually his. The sound waves would be so widely dispersed by the time they reached orbit, the the image would be just a blur if anything at all. Lets call them refugees of some sort. Was it built a long time ago when the global water level was lower? As hundreds of thousands of boats are using sonar at any give time of any given day. Im no expert by any means, but I would think if in fact this is just sonar tracing then it would be safe to assume like paturns would be common place within the whole spectrum. The scientific explanation is a bit less exotic, but we think it's still pretty interesting: these marks are what we call "ship tracks." By measuring the time it takes for sound to travel from a ship to the sea floor and back, you can get an idea of how far away the sea floor is. Joseph Campbell does a pretty good job arguing for this. probably, but..stranger things have been found. This is absolutely not true. A published U.S. Navy study found that it would take about 200 ship-years, meaning we'd need one ship for 200 years, or 10 ships for 20 years, or 100 ships for two years. Rey says: A simple example: a nursery rhyme. Ok. Now I have heard of people shoveling B.S. Sorry to dash everyones myth-seeking hopes! Sound waves are more effective. Then, as now, there were earthquakes and tidal waves and tsunamis that devestated communities, and at the end of glaciation periods, there were enormous lakes created by dams of debris, most of which failed catastrophically, and could well have washed entire cities away. Bathymetric (or sea floor terrain) data is often collected from boats using sonar to take measurements of the sea floor. Wells War of the Worlds. Did it sink there? This is worth repeating when talking about myths and legends. Ok Webmaster genius guy (I love this site by the wayI visit it daily)but COME ONboats do not make 90 degree turns in the middle of the oceanI know data gathering is a tricky businessbut come onthis might not be Atlantisbut its probably not lines from a boat eitherand unless a diver goes down there (as the scientist suggested)no one really knowsunless of course it is boats making 90 degree turns (which is possiblebut seriously). Google telescope reliys on light not sound to see things. But seriously: This new Google Maps/Earth feature has led to some places vanishing completely. You see, it's actually quite hard to measure the depth of the ocean. this is important also to mention. The builder was Imhotep, who was awarded God status by Pharaoh Djoser for the achievement. The sonar data is separate data thats been incorporated with the optical data. These lines would therefor be all over the oceans. If that is the result of sonar readings or some other echo method of mapping, Then why does it not show up everywhere in the worlds oceans? And what do you mean that boats cannot turn 90 degrees?
I think whoever has enough time & money go for it!!
This image sure generates some thought! It costs about $25,000 per day to operate a ship with the right mapping capability, so 200 ship-years would cost nearly two billion dollars. In fact, the typical hole between tracks is about 20,000 square kilometers, or about the size of the state of New Jersey.Now you're probably wondering where the rest of the depth data comes from if there are such big gaps from echosounding. These seamounts actually increase gravity in the area, which attracts more water and causes sea level to be slightly higher.
one more thing What is the evidence here that shows this? all the Islands are gone. [Note: Last week we saw some interesting speculation that Atlantis had been found in Google Earth. The profession of the person should only be considered so far in evaluating their ideas. There was a bit of a buzz late last week about a Google Earth image that some said might show the location of the mythical city Atlantis off the coast of Africa. Its the first time I comment here and I should say you share genuine, and quality information for bloggers! In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process. There are amazing things waiting to be found all over this planet, and historically, many things have been found by chance by workmen or amateur explorers, from prehistoric bones to royal burial sites to discoveries in the sciences. I used to live in Yap State for a while and could even find my house. ], National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.
What you see in Google Earth is a combination of both this satellite-based model and real ship tracks from many research cruises (we first published this technique back in 1997). I agree about the dissapearing island syndrome. Myth?? Pretty Neat I will have to check it out!! looks like a road coming in from the east. That is an old city that now lays under the current global water level. Who knows how old those structures can be when the structures themselves is so difficult to date. The sonar is not seen by the optical satelites. The sonar data will not come from the satellite. [/caption] How can I ever become rich and famous now?? I just poked around on Google Maps, and I found a huge submerged Ancient Space Port just south of Puerto Rico.. with a runway that must be almost 200 km long and 10 km wide!!! While in the military, I was stationed at a charming place called Johnston Island, 800 miles SW of Hawaii. The fact that there are blank spots between each of these lines is a sign of how little we really know about the worlds oceans.. For Example: Search Google Maps for Yap Island, Micronesia. So the guy is just trying to be famous for his 15 minutes. Especially when you use GPS to know your location. If you want to see the image yourself, go to Google Earth at this location: 31 1515.53N 24 1530.53W. and can threaten their racket. Also, how do you know thats a city? Above large underwater mountains (seamounts), the surface of the ocean is actually higher than in surrounding areas. If that were the case, some of the city blocks would have to be over eight miles long - that's about fifty times the size of a city block in New York City (if you zoom in and use the measurement tool in Google Earth, you can do this comparison yourself). Google Earth is a truly amazing service, I can date the photo of my land by the color of the truck I owned at the time, and an old dirt road, a cart track really, that I have trouble following on the ground shows up clearly, and mine isnt even a particularly clear photograph,compared to some other locations Ive seen. They are indeed the paths the boats took that were looking at the floor. What is it? Oooh, the 90 degree turn executed within 2 miles or so; must be alien technology. before, but this guy is useing a bull dozer to move it at us. If that were true wouldnt the entire ocean floor mimic the boat movements that took the data like this? You can also clearly see the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, an underwater mountain range in the Atlantic Ocean where two tectonic plates are moving away from one another. Bad job, Google! That impact generally coincides with the end of the last Ice Age. City block sizes range from a few dozen to a few hundred meters length and width. p.s. Egypt: Trial Project Two: the Bent Pyramid it was too steep ant became unstable during construction. Jim is reportedly not a quack but a cartographer that hit on a neat theory. Heres a question no one has asked yet. The lines reflect the path of the boat as it gathers the data. I think its a great (and very necessary) idea to set the factual record straight, especially with all the sensationalists running amok. Google is willing to show me something, but its not the island I know and love.. Is our beloved Google getting censored???
R, Sorry to dash everyones myth-seeking hopesScholars dispute whether and how much Platos story or account was inspired by traditional stories of the time., You seem to imply in your article an either-or dichotomy within myths. It has to be done from ships or underwater vehicles, and they can't go very fast or they'll spoil the measurement. After all, every navel ship and research ship has that equiptment on those kind of ships and have been useing it sence it was invented some where around the last world war were subs were used in navel warfare. Some have speculated that these are the plow marks of seafloor farming by aliens. Its true that many amazing discoveries have been made in Google Earth including a pristine forest in Mozambique that is home to previously unknown species and the remains of an Ancient Roman villa, a Google spokesperson said. You can see all of the soundings that produced this particular pattern with this KMZ file.Echosounding with sonar is currently the best method for collecting this kind of data, but it's not perfect. Hey Feenixx, wasnt there a Coast Guard LORAN station on Yap? Note that Im not familiary with Jim Allen nor his ideas so Im not calling him a quack. America: The Native Americans, from the early Olmec right through to the Post Classic Maya and Aztec built increasingly larger and steeper and more elaborate pyramids during a period of about 2500 years. As much as we'd love for that to be the case, there is a scientific explanation for the odd markings found on the seafloor. Astronomy is full of them. These civilizations used advanced knowledge from engineering, astronomy, mathematics and medicine, suggesting that there must have been a deeper background that supports these knowledgeand they occured around 4000BC, how about that. Unless, of course, the ancient Atlanteans were about 50 m tall. IF WE HAVE SEVERELY UNDERESTIMATED the timelines for the rise of civilization(s), and wanted to go deeper, one would almost certainly expect to find sunken cities. We probably couldn't do it with satellites man-made structures simply aren't big enough to be measured that way. A myth therefore has its place within culture (beyond the conspiracy theorists and so forth). lol. He, of course, was instantly criticised by the experts, but..who knows?? Is it real? Anyway in the Atlantis story, Plato was probably just writing the Great Greek Novel in an innovative style such that it was told as if it were true like Orson Welles classic radio adaption of H.G. Scholars dispute whether and how much Platos story or account was inspired by traditional stories of the time. We and our fellow oceanographers are constantly improving the resolution of our seafloor maps, so we promise to work with Google to keep the virtual explorers out there busy. Mars, Venus, the moon, and even some asteroids are mapped at far higher resolution than our own oceans (the global map of Mars is about 250 times as accurate as the global map of our own ocean). The lack of any other feature suggesting this land was once above the water is really all one would need to dispense with the myth part. Just another fact I thought Id mention.
You only have to be human. In this case, the soundings produced by a ship are also about 1% deeper than the data we have in surrounding areas likely an error making the tracks stand out more. If there really are little green men hiding somewhere, the ocean's not a bad place to do it. Also to mention, that even if one could SEE sound waves, they would NOT be that well defined from the altitude of the google telescope. So what is it? the pyramids in Egypt and South America were so modern without any traces of trial and error projects The Dark Ages or the years when the churchs rules all with their thugs and the church hierarcy living high on the hog and banning such evil thoughs kept the common populous ignorant of such technology or forgotten as the churches destoyed many formulas or advanced war weapons as evil
We do our best to predict what the sea floor looks like based on what we can measure much more easily: the water surface. One can be a cartogropher, or a scientiest, even a respected one, and still come up with a quack idea.
Just a thought people. But Google verified the pattern is just an artifact of the data collection process. Furthermore if we cant find this type of pattern spread out thought the ocean floor map, Id be going down to look for Noahs hammer and chisel. You have an awesome template . Darn!!! If you look around the same area and broader, there are many more lines with a similar look. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window). but the markers for Wikipedia and Panoramia photos are still there, in mid ocean. During the Ice Ages, the ocean levels were hundreds of feet lower than at present, Im sure that there were communities, cities even, on what used to be the coastline at those times, one of which could easily have been Atlantis, or the real city upon which the myth was founded. Even an excited geologist was quoted as saying this deserved a better look.
The most plausible evidence Ive heard of for Atlantis has come from Jim Allens book Atlantis: The Andes Solution. what boat do you know that can take a 90 degree turn? The lines reflect the path of the boat as it gathers the data, she said. The legend of Atlantis has excited public imagination for centuries. The buiders had to chaqnge the slope half way through. In Platos account, Atlantis was a naval power lying in front of the Pillars of Hercules that conquered many parts of Western Europe and Africa 9,000 years before the time of Solon, or approximately 9600 BC. one can not SEE sound waves from a sonar transmitter, and the google telescope is not designed to see them eather. You wouldnt have to be a hairbrained myth seeker to be taken in by such an image. There are plenty of websites that quote his name but I suspect none are actually his. The sound waves would be so widely dispersed by the time they reached orbit, the the image would be just a blur if anything at all. Lets call them refugees of some sort. Was it built a long time ago when the global water level was lower? As hundreds of thousands of boats are using sonar at any give time of any given day. Im no expert by any means, but I would think if in fact this is just sonar tracing then it would be safe to assume like paturns would be common place within the whole spectrum. The scientific explanation is a bit less exotic, but we think it's still pretty interesting: these marks are what we call "ship tracks." By measuring the time it takes for sound to travel from a ship to the sea floor and back, you can get an idea of how far away the sea floor is. Joseph Campbell does a pretty good job arguing for this. probably, but..stranger things have been found. This is absolutely not true. A published U.S. Navy study found that it would take about 200 ship-years, meaning we'd need one ship for 200 years, or 10 ships for 20 years, or 100 ships for two years. Rey says: A simple example: a nursery rhyme. Ok. Now I have heard of people shoveling B.S. Sorry to dash everyones myth-seeking hopes! Sound waves are more effective. Then, as now, there were earthquakes and tidal waves and tsunamis that devestated communities, and at the end of glaciation periods, there were enormous lakes created by dams of debris, most of which failed catastrophically, and could well have washed entire cities away. Bathymetric (or sea floor terrain) data is often collected from boats using sonar to take measurements of the sea floor. Wells War of the Worlds. Did it sink there? This is worth repeating when talking about myths and legends. Ok Webmaster genius guy (I love this site by the wayI visit it daily)but COME ONboats do not make 90 degree turns in the middle of the oceanI know data gathering is a tricky businessbut come onthis might not be Atlantisbut its probably not lines from a boat eitherand unless a diver goes down there (as the scientist suggested)no one really knowsunless of course it is boats making 90 degree turns (which is possiblebut seriously). Google telescope reliys on light not sound to see things. But seriously: This new Google Maps/Earth feature has led to some places vanishing completely. You see, it's actually quite hard to measure the depth of the ocean. this is important also to mention. The builder was Imhotep, who was awarded God status by Pharaoh Djoser for the achievement. The sonar data is separate data thats been incorporated with the optical data. These lines would therefor be all over the oceans. If that is the result of sonar readings or some other echo method of mapping, Then why does it not show up everywhere in the worlds oceans? And what do you mean that boats cannot turn 90 degrees?
I think whoever has enough time & money go for it!!
This image sure generates some thought! It costs about $25,000 per day to operate a ship with the right mapping capability, so 200 ship-years would cost nearly two billion dollars. In fact, the typical hole between tracks is about 20,000 square kilometers, or about the size of the state of New Jersey.Now you're probably wondering where the rest of the depth data comes from if there are such big gaps from echosounding. These seamounts actually increase gravity in the area, which attracts more water and causes sea level to be slightly higher.
one more thing What is the evidence here that shows this? all the Islands are gone. [Note: Last week we saw some interesting speculation that Atlantis had been found in Google Earth. The profession of the person should only be considered so far in evaluating their ideas. There was a bit of a buzz late last week about a Google Earth image that some said might show the location of the mythical city Atlantis off the coast of Africa. Its the first time I comment here and I should say you share genuine, and quality information for bloggers! In this case, however, what users are seeing is an artifact of the data collection process. There are amazing things waiting to be found all over this planet, and historically, many things have been found by chance by workmen or amateur explorers, from prehistoric bones to royal burial sites to discoveries in the sciences. I used to live in Yap State for a while and could even find my house. ], National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego.
What you see in Google Earth is a combination of both this satellite-based model and real ship tracks from many research cruises (we first published this technique back in 1997). I agree about the dissapearing island syndrome. Myth?? Pretty Neat I will have to check it out!! looks like a road coming in from the east. That is an old city that now lays under the current global water level. Who knows how old those structures can be when the structures themselves is so difficult to date. The sonar is not seen by the optical satelites. The sonar data will not come from the satellite. [/caption] How can I ever become rich and famous now?? I just poked around on Google Maps, and I found a huge submerged Ancient Space Port just south of Puerto Rico.. with a runway that must be almost 200 km long and 10 km wide!!! While in the military, I was stationed at a charming place called Johnston Island, 800 miles SW of Hawaii. The fact that there are blank spots between each of these lines is a sign of how little we really know about the worlds oceans.. For Example: Search Google Maps for Yap Island, Micronesia. So the guy is just trying to be famous for his 15 minutes. Especially when you use GPS to know your location. If you want to see the image yourself, go to Google Earth at this location: 31 1515.53N 24 1530.53W. and can threaten their racket. Also, how do you know thats a city? Above large underwater mountains (seamounts), the surface of the ocean is actually higher than in surrounding areas. If that were the case, some of the city blocks would have to be over eight miles long - that's about fifty times the size of a city block in New York City (if you zoom in and use the measurement tool in Google Earth, you can do this comparison yourself). Google Earth is a truly amazing service, I can date the photo of my land by the color of the truck I owned at the time, and an old dirt road, a cart track really, that I have trouble following on the ground shows up clearly, and mine isnt even a particularly clear photograph,compared to some other locations Ive seen. They are indeed the paths the boats took that were looking at the floor. What is it? Oooh, the 90 degree turn executed within 2 miles or so; must be alien technology. before, but this guy is useing a bull dozer to move it at us. If that were true wouldnt the entire ocean floor mimic the boat movements that took the data like this? You can also clearly see the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, an underwater mountain range in the Atlantic Ocean where two tectonic plates are moving away from one another. Bad job, Google! That impact generally coincides with the end of the last Ice Age. City block sizes range from a few dozen to a few hundred meters length and width. p.s. Egypt: Trial Project Two: the Bent Pyramid it was too steep ant became unstable during construction. Jim is reportedly not a quack but a cartographer that hit on a neat theory. Heres a question no one has asked yet. The lines reflect the path of the boat as it gathers the data. I think its a great (and very necessary) idea to set the factual record straight, especially with all the sensationalists running amok. Google is willing to show me something, but its not the island I know and love.. Is our beloved Google getting censored???