All individuals entering residential facilities must provide proper identification. Room and Board rates are typically updated each April for the following academic year. If a room change is the best option after mediation, students are encouraged to contact the residence life staff for assistance to locate an alternate space. The student will have the right to appeal any damage charges to the professional staff member assigned to the building.
2020 The University of Tampa. The housing agreement contains essential information including terms, conditions, responsibilities, conditions for release from the agreement and University regulations. If you have a smart TV or gaming device, please connect them to UoT_Rec. 330 0 obj <> endobj Rooms are to be kept clean and orderly at all times and must be clean upon departure. Appropriate conduct, as outlined by any and all University policies and procedures applicable to the students status at the University, including the Student Handbook and Student Code of Conduct, and the policies contained or referenced herein, is expected of all individuals living in University residence halls, especially when it pertains to another's legitimate use of a residential area for sleep, study or privacy. Mail, including package and flower deliveries, will not be received in the residence hall lobbies or at students doors including the Barrymore Hotel. The community at The University of Tampa strives to support the development of each student as a productive and responsible citizen who embraces the values of honesty, good citizenship, trust, respect and responsibility.
Any prohibited items found during room inspections or searches will be disposed of or impounded by University staff members. The University shall make every effort to provide privacy to the occupants of the residence halls. A student whose agreement is canceled, terminated or suspended or who is expelled from the University for disciplinary reasons may forfeit the semesters room charges. Notifications may include: Relocation of items or furnishings within the assigned space. Any student who withdraws from the University must cease use of the Universitys dining facilities and vacate the assigned residential room within 24 hours or be held liable for room and/or board charges beyond the last date of attendance and be subject to removal. Any property may be impounded by University staff members if it is prohibited under the Campus Living Policies, Housing Agreement or the Student Code of Conduct, or it is illegal under the City of Tampa ordinances, state of Florida law or federal law.
Alcohol containers (empty or full) or displays of any kind if the student is not at least 21 years of age; Vaping products of any kind if the student is not at least 21 years of age; Animals (alive or dead) except approved emotional support animals, service animals, service animals in training and fish kept as pets in a 10-gallon or smaller aquarium; Candles (with or without wicks), candle/wax melt warmers and incense; Halogen lamps, lava lamps and incandescent bulbs. Questions about this smoking policy can be directed to or (813) 257-1877. No items are permitted to block clear view into or out of a room, suite, apartment, or common space. Impounded items, with the exception of pets, will be disposed of or delivered to Campus Safety immediately upon completion of the search or inspection. This will be completed based on occupancy and at the discretion of the University. During the first week of the academic year, students are adjusting to the University and transitioning to a new living environment. Devices or other equipment intended for the moving of persons medically issued, including but not limited to Segways and self-balancing scooters, must be approved by. Guests and visitors in the residence halls are not a right but a privilege granted with the agreement of the roommate(s). "9H`T8H5``e`H}> 94x" A`.d4 ,|q`[D/ ( Authorized University personnel may enter, inspect and make repairs to the assigned space at reasonable hours.
Any student needing accommodations related to University housing or meal plan options should contact the associate director of Academic Excellence Programs in Student Accessibility Services to request appropriate accommodations and provide supporting documentation. Thereafter, students are responsible to pay $10 the fourth time a key is checked out, $15 for the fifth and $20 for a sixth. Resident assistants will complete a health and safety inspection at least once a semester. The student may be in jeopardy of housing termination or other disciplinary sanctions. Students who are living by themselves and/or have a vacancy, may be required to move in together. Students who fail to abide by the Campus Living Policies and Housing Agreement may be referred to the Office of Student Conduct who will determine potential violations of the Campus Living Policies and/or Student Code of Conduct and if found responsible for violations any applicable sanctions which may include a housing reassignment or termination of residency.
Guests and visitors must be escorted in the residence halls at all times. Students are billed for damages to their rooms or its contents and for lock changes because of lost or stolen keys. CSC Serviceworks Repair app can be downloaded by using one of the following links:CSC for AppleCSC for Android. Hanging, adhering or affixing any item to any fire equipment or ceiling, including sprinkler systems. For more information on purchasing rental insurance, please visit Any student who leaves the residence halls during the agreement period without official, written release from the Director of Residence Life or designee will continue to be billed for the charges during the agreement period and agrees to be financially responsible for such charges. There are limited services on the weekend. We will only consider individual requests to change rooms.
Behaviors that negatively affect the airflow and air quality of an assigned space will be communicated to students via their Spartan email address by the Office of Residence Life. If a student does not abide by this policy, the student will be asked to remove the pet and will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct. Students will be required to return their keys to the Office of Residence Life before they leave campus. Maintenance issues should be reported before they become emergencies. At no time should the noise coming from a room or apartment significantly disrupt the community. The prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to: Misusing, possessing or stealing the property belonging to others or The University of Tampa. A few days after making the housing deposit, students will receive their Spartan Domain information needed to access the housing application in Residence by Symplicity. Students are advised to acquaint themselves with the Housing Agreement and Student Code of Conduct. Damage billing is automatically applied to student accounts at the end of each semester. For the first two weeks of each term, no room changes will be granted while vacancies are being confirmed. If these items are found, they will be removed and disposed of immediately. Apartment, suite and room trash must be disposed of in the appropriately designated receptacles. Such staff members are also authorized to enter the room and conduct a search if it is reasonably believed that a violation of University regulations or policies, or local, state or federal laws, is occurring. Students must vacate the residence halls 24 hours after their last class/exam or at the end of the spring semester of that academic year (whichever is first), or within 24 hours of withdrawal from the University. %PDF-1.6 % Common violations include (but are not limited to): Students will have 48 hours to remove any items found in violation of housing policy. 0 Accommodation requests and documentation are due by May 1 for the fall semester and Oct. 1 for the spring semester. Students are not permitted to give their Spartan Cards or room keys for a guest or visitor to access the residence hall or room under any circumstances. Guests are defined as any persons who are not affiliated but invited to The University of Tampa by a member of the University community. No barbecue grills may be stored in residence hall rooms, apartments, patios or balconies. Students cannot ride on the top of any elevator at any time. Students living in Palm, Straz and Urso residence halls may keep a toaster oven in the kitchen area. Tampering with any fire safety signs and/or instructions. A new student who submits a written request to be released from this agreement to the Office of Residence Life before taking occupancy of the assigned room shall be released from this agreement. University staff members may enter rooms during fire drills to ensure cooperation. This amount will be billed to the students bursar account at the end of the semester. Vacuum cleaners and other basic cleaning supplies may be signed out from the residence hall front desks with a student ID card. 357 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<489C9EBB339740B7B3BD0C7D43ADDC4F><5E0E7DB764F1874E876D2945D4CA290A>]/Index[330 54]/Info 329 0 R/Length 127/Prev 508108/Root 331 0 R/Size 384/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream It is also recommended that students keep their doors locked whenever students are inside the room especially when they retire for the night. Permanent and semi-permanent (ex. paint, wallpaper, etc.) Maintenance personnel respond to these requests in the order they are received. Campus Safety will then send a written report of the findings to the Office of Student Conduct. Please read the housing agreement carefully for all terms, conditions and responsibilities. In residence hall rooms, fish contained in aquariums no larger than 10 gallons are acceptable. Residence Life staff will be locking your doors upon completion of the inspection. Fish must be removed from the premises during any semester break. While students are permitted to store smoking and tobacco products in their residential room assignment if over the age of 21, use of all forms of tobacco/nicotine, including cigarettes, chew tobacco, electronic cigarettes (including juul pods), bidis, cigars, cigarillos, shisha, hookah, and other paraphernalia is prohibited. Adjustments to the temperature of the assigned space. If you wish to anonymously report individual and common damages, please email us at No heat-emitting devices for cooking, including but not limited to George Foreman-type grills, hot plates, air fryers, instapots, crockpots and cooktop burners are allowed in the residence hall rooms. ), Items attached to or hanging off the ceiling, Unapproved animals and/or animal paraphernalia (please note that animals awaiting approval are not permitted on campus or in residence halls), George Foreman-type grills, hot plates and cooktops, Alcohol containers (empty or full) or displays of any kind if the student is not at least 21 years of age, Grocery carts/traffic cones/building signs/signs or any other property considered to be University, government or another's property. The University does not have adequate facilities to store personal belongings for students Service, Assistance and Emotional Support Animal Policy. Riding bicycles or using skates, skateboards or any other personal transportation devices in University buildings, breezeways, hallways and balconies. Student Accessibility Services and Residence Life work collaboratively in order to provide appropriate housing accommodations for eligible students living on-campus.