[11][23], Jo Storm commended Don S. Davis in her book Approaching The Possible for "bring[ing] out his character's actions and motivations with the confidence and thoughtfulness that only a professional of many years can".
They found a group of 12 mixed human, Jaffa, and Tok'ra survivors, including Major Greene and M'zel, some of them seriously injured. On a mission to P3X-513, he went along with Hanson's initial decision to pretend to be gods, before Hanson went nuts and started believing it for real. He led his team and SG-5 as backup for SG-1 on P3X-439 when SG-1 tried to recover an Ancient repository of knowledge from a colonnade.
(The Sentinel), Probably the SG-11 soldier who fired on and killed an Unas who was just trying to retrieve a necklace lost in an earlier battle. (Lost City, part 1), The first SG-1 member she spoke with was Daniel, who immediately began impressing on her the need for and urgency of SGC operations, especially regarding Jack (who had an Ancient database slowly unspooling into his brain). (Point of View), Under orders to integrate the Russian team more thoroughly into SGC missions, after a period when that team was kept largely separate. Base monthly pay of roughly $11,738, not including allowances. Scientist attached to the SGC. Later episodes reveal that this network is capable of spanning not just planets within the Milky Way, but with sufficient powe, A pious people, the Tyreans are devoted to the Can, Just four days after Major Kawalsky's death, Colon, The team visit an advanced alien planet which may , When a Crystal Skull is discovered beneath the Pyr, The sequel to A Matter of Honor - the team attempt, When a Stargate malfunction throws Lieutenant Colo, When SG-1 encounter the Pack - a nomadic space-far, The Stargate SG-1 team find themselves transported, SG-1 are asked by the Tok'ra to rescue a creature , Shortly after Daniel Jackson returns from his time, Shortly after the events of season4 episode, Benea, SG-1 discover a creature of unimaginable evil lurk, Stranded in Ancient Egypt at the end of the Starga, When Dr Daniel Jackson discovers the location of a, It was meant to be an easy mission, a walk in the , When the only surviving member of SG-7 brings Kali, Far Horizons: Volume One of the Travelers' Tales, Points of Origin: Volume Two of the Travelers' Tales, Homeworlds: Volume Three of the Travelers' Tales, Ten years after STARGATE SG-1: Fragile Balance, Ge, Outsiders is a short story which was published b.
(Zero Hour), He worked as an analyst at the CIA for eight years, mostly doing background checks, but had top-level clearance. (The Other Guys), He and Felger were offworld with SG-1 at one point, and got caught up in some of SG-1's dealings with the rebel Jaffa and the Goa'uld. ), One of the scientists analyzing the moon where the SGC was hoping to set up a permanent research station.
(Avalon part 1), Used to work at Area 51 -- he was the major who guided SG-1 on their tour of the facility while they were trying to figure out what had happened to the second gate. He puts Carter at ease, then tells her he read her researchs on the naquadah reactor. (Heroes, part 1), Seemed to be having a good time flirting with Bregman. (Prodigy), Assigned to help Sam figure out the (presumably) Furling technology to try to find Jack and Maybourne after they vanished through a portal.
second-in-command at the SGC. He came through it with just a few scrapes, to the SGC's alpha site. (Moebius part 1), Flew second seat in Mitchell's F-302 in the dogfight over Antarctica. [14] Despite his admiration for Dr. Daniel Jackson's enthusiasm in the beginning, Hammond has a hard time understanding Daniel's unorthodox and non-military approach to problems until Hammond comes to realize the importance of a civilian viewpoint to SG-1's mission. (NB: this is a complete guess -- he's never mentioned by name in the ep, but he was leader of SG-11, which is the team that was captured and killed).
(Prometheus Unbound), After the al-kesh was repaired and had caught up to the Prometheus, he was the one on weapons firing at other al-kesh and gliders to protect the Prometheus. After Hammond appears in season 9's "The Fourth Horseman" in a civilian suit instead of a military uniform, Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter confirms Hammond's retired status in season 10's "The Road Not Taken".
Member of the SGC's research division, working both on the base (Crystal Skull) and in the field (The First Ones). Hero-worships Jack and SG-1. (Children of the Gods). (Redemption, part 1), Brilliant at astrophysics during her time at the Academy, she beat records all over the place -- except Sam's. (Revelations), Ordered Samantha Carter to investigate time-travel possibilities regarding the stargate after the initial mission to Abydos, knowing that at some point, a team would wind up back in 1969. (Evolution, part 1), A month later, he appeared completely recovered from his injuries at the hands of Anubis's forces. [17], The producers wrote season 4's "Chain Reaction" as "a bit of a Hammond episode"[18] after they had not devoted an episode to Hammond during the first three seasons. (Prometheus Unbound), Reynolds and SG-3 were on Earth and on base at the SGC when the Replicators under Replicator-Sam's command invaded. "Divide and Conquer"06. He also disapproved of the fact that US forces weren't being mobilized, again in favor of lying low to keep the Goa'uld from knowing that Earth (or at least one little corner of it) was forewarned. (Heroes, part 1), After SG-13 took out the Goa'uld remote probe, Balinsky asked for and got permission for them to stay longer, to explore the ruins.
Her precise function was never stated, but she gave Colonel Ronson general status reports, and was the person who opened the hyperspace window once they had a go, and ran the diagnostics after it shut down. This investigation is classified. He brought Jack word that Siler and five other people were trapped on level 8 during the evacuation, and went with Jack to rescue them. He called to warn Jack that Gilmor was a plant, sent by the president to check up on Jack before the president's visit. Rank confirmed in Prometheus Unbound -- there'd been no indication prior to that. Commanded SG-11. (SGA: Rising pt 1), When she was getting ready to leave for Atlantis, she created a videotape for him, explaining what she was doing and why, in the hope that President Hayes would grant him the security clearance he needed to see it. Grogan was an academy graduate, so there's no way he was a sergeant. (Solitudes), In charge of briefing at least some of the 'alpha teams' preparing to go through the stargate to the alpha site ahead of the Goa'uld attack on Earth. Claimed to be fed up with ordering people to their potential deaths, but was actually blackmailed into it by the NID, who had his granddaughters taken by two men just to prove they could (the kids were returned unharmed). Davis is now Sgt. (The Menace), Very possibly was in command of SG-3 during a joint mission with SG-1 to Latona, where SG-3 chased Jaffa all over the place while SG-1 attempted to repair the planet's defense systems (team leader is listed in the credits as Major Lawrence, but that seems unlikely -- the actor, Colin Lawrence, has played Warren since Children of the Gods, and I believe 'Major Lawrence' to be an accidental misnomer for Warren). (Lost City, part 1), Still in command of SG-3 as of early eighth season. (Death Knell), Assuming he was still in command of SG-3 (no reason for him not to be), he went with his team to P3X-666 to provide backup for SG-13 while they stayed on the planet to explore some ruins, just in case Goa'uld or Jaffa showed up. When Teal'c's heart actually did stop, his only option was to inject a drug (probably epinephrine) directly into his heart -- which he didn't dare do a second time. In the space of roughly four hours, it grew from a seed to a small plant, and it just kept going from there. His corpse was tied up to a frame as a warning to the other humans. (2000, Chain Reaction), A surgeon and member of the medical staff of the SGC. SG-1 become enmeshed in a fierce battle straight o, Recently promoted to the rank of General, Jack O'N, The story of Stargate SG-1 begins two years after the events of the feature film. (The First Ones).
He was all for going in guns blazing to take out the Unas, convinced they were little more than animals, but eventually followed Daniel's lead, and allowed a peace to be brokered.   (Lockdown), Jack took Kearney with him to the room with the manual self-destruct, and ordered him to ready his key. Following the naquadah incident, General Hammond's command was reinstated and Bauer was reassigned. (Lockdown), Immediately afterward, Anubis-possessed Jack praised him, then zatted him. The general encouraged O'Neill to take some time off from SG-1 and he reassigned Samantha Carter to work on his naquadah bomb project. He kept himself in the loop as Hammond decided what to do, and wasn't afraid to ask questions if he didn't understand something, or to offer solutions to problems (e.g., he immediately suggested that his team take Alabran back through the stargate after hearing the boy could be booby-trapped). (multiple eps), Seems to respect and like President Henry Hayes, who respects and likes him back. By Crystal Skull, she'd been promoted to major (she was wearing oak leaves). (Serpent's Lair), Wasn't happy about being ordered to incorporate the AR Kawalsky and Dr. Carter into his command -- he believed that 'some lines weren't meant to be crossed' and was uncomfortable with them staying in this reality.
(New Order). Daniel assumed that Rothman would be his replacement on SG-1 if he should leave (Forever in a Day) -- and that Jack wouldn't like Rothman. (Prometheus Unbound), When President Hayes put Hammond in charge of the Prometheus mission to check on the Atlantis expedition once the Asgard hyperdrive was working properly, he chose to put himself in command of the mission. (Zero Hour), Reynolds was the spokesman for every SG team member still on base during the crisis, when they all gathered in the gateroom to tell Jack they were behind him one hundred percent, no matter what he decided to do. (Heroes, part 2), Eventually he relented completely -- Bregman and co were at Janet's memorial at the SGC, which has to have been with Hammond's blessing. He was part of the security detail bringing the Goa'ulded Kinsey to the brig when the al-kesh attacked the Prometheus, causing enough confusion for Kinsey to escape. [7], In the season 7 finale "Lost City", newly inaugurated President Henry Hayes is pressured into replacing General Hammond with Dr. Elizabeth Weir for a three-month review process of the SGC. (Heroes, part 1). Jedoch mchte Bauer schnellstmglich Ergebnisse und Waffen fr den Kampf gegen die Goauld. (Lost City, part 1), A day or two after Hayes told Hammond he was going to need him and that Hammond couldn't retire yet, while Hammond was in a meeting with Hayes, Kinsey, and Maynard, General Jumper arrived to announce that space-based radar had picked up three Goa'uld ships heading for Earth. (Fair Game), Scientist -- Felger's assistant. He'd figured out that Hammond was being blackmailed, and wanted whatever Hammond had on Kinsey that had allowed him to return to the SGC.
Shortly after, Daniel Jackson and Major Samantha Carter comment on Bauer's speech while they're heading to Carter's lab. (Proving Ground), The SF on duty outside the isolation quarters on level 22 when all of SG-1 was put in quarantine after an electronic object (which later turned out to be Urgo) was found in all of their brains.
(Endgame), He wasn't happy that they were determined to go get captured so they could speak with Zarin, with absolutely no backup, but made no attempt to stop them once he'd said his piece, respecting their decision. Basically, a smart, capable officer, and an asset to the SGC. (Forever in a Day), Spoke at least some Mayan. Member of SG-9 -- served as the team's anthropologist. Rothman was assigned to SG-11 to study the original Goa'uld homeworld -- P3X-888 -- and was infested with a primitive Goa'uld. (Lockdown). (Lost City, part 2), The negotiations with the High Council of the System Lords (in the persons of Yu, Amaterasu, and Camulus) were her first interplanetary negotiations. (Endgame), He was the voice of reason when Teal'c and M'zel were headed for (understandable) unreasoning fury when they heard that millions of Jaffa had died as a result of a Tok'ra-developed weapon (symbiote poison). (Enemy Mine), Member of SG-14. Reynolds went very cool and distant and told him about Jack being tortured and killed repeatedly at Baal's hands, and how SG-1 never gave up on him -- he said Jack wouldn't give up on them now, and neither would a single man or woman on the base. He stayed very calm, very in control.
(Prometheus Unbound), While he was there, he also laid claim to the office chair he'd left behind, saying his new one wasn't as comfortable. Part of the original mission to Abydos (Stargate the movie).
(Lost City, part 2), With the military shifted to DEFCON 1 after Anbusis's fleet took up station around Earth and began attacking power and communication grids, Hammond began his new (likely temporary) command -- of the Prometheus, launched to buy SG-1 some time to complete its mission. Kitchen area opens onto living room area, which has walls full of windows with miniblinds -- no curtains.
(Legacy), Despite this, he was willing to listen to Daniel when Daniel insisted that he knew what had happened to him he made the phone call to the base that Daniel had requested to check on Teal'c, delayed Daniel's medication as requested, and asked Jack to come see Daniel, then released Daniel. Military pay was adjusted in July 2000 don't have those numbers. with plans to make the naquadah bomb technology a powerful defense against the Goa'uld. Friends with Whitlow?--at least good acquaintances with him. Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney. (Lost City, part 2). (Inauguration), Despite handing over the disk, Hammond still wasn't sure he could trust Woolsey. [15], Davis appreciated Hammond's closeness to the SG-1 team and his willingness to compromise.
"[20], After playing General Hammond for nearly 150 episodes in seven seasons, Don S. Davis decided to leave Stargate SG-1 in late 2003. He wound up going with Sam to the world where they'd originally put the first virus, to re-re-engineer it and 'reset' the stargate network. When M'zel volunteered to go along, once Teal'c announced that he was going to visit an undercover Tok'ra in command of one of Baal's garrisons, Pierce tried to talk them both down again, telling them it was suicide -- Zarin might well sacrifice them just to maintain her cover. "Small Victories"02. (Into the Fire). (Shades of Grey), He warned Jack and the others that they'd made a mistake, because the NID went higher than they could imagine. (Prometheus Unbound), Safely back aboard the Prometheus, he had to scrub the rest of the mission to Atlantis -- the ship's hull had taken too much damage to risk such a long journy in hyperspace. (Enemy Mine), Assigned to explore an abandoned naquadah mine on P3X-403. (Enemy Mine), Nimiziki | Novak | Nyan | O'Brien | O'Neill | Pearson | Pendergast | Penhall | Peterson | Pierce | Plunkett | Quinn |  Redmond  | Reynolds | Riley | Ritter | Robbins | Ronson | Dr. Rothman | Rothman | Rundell | Sanchez | Satterfield | Shandler | Shefield | Siler | Simmons | Smith | Stevens | Sumner, Died almost as soon as he joined the program. Colonel Reynolds either found out himself or was given the information that he brought to Jack, that the Replicators had blocked access to the self-destruct mechanism before anyone could reach it. General Bauer is already here, much to their surprise. (Lost City, part 1), When he was relieved of command, effective immediately, he went to Jack's house to let him know. (Tok'ra, part 2), While SG-3 was scouting a planet ending in -254, they found several Tok'ra, who told them where SG-1 were being held prisoner. [9] Hammond appears in the season 1 episode "Home" of Stargate Atlantis, and appears in seasons 8 through 10 of Stargate SG-1. When Amaterasu implied (pretty broadly) that the System Lords would just let Baal know that Earth's Ancient weapon wasn't working, to trick him into going to Earth so Earth would have to destroy him anyway, Weir appeared to cave, agreeing to take him on. Electrocuted (non-fatally) after helping Jack pull the main electrical breaker in an attempt to shut off the wormhole that was connected to a black hole. (Heroes, part 2), Ivanov | Jackson | Johnson | Kawalsky | Kearney | Kovacek |  Lam  |  Landry  | Langford |  Larson | Lawrence | Lee |  Lindsey  | Loder | Lorne | Louis | Lowel | MacKenzie | Makepeace | Mansfield | Matthison | McCaffrey | Menard | Morrison, Commander of the Russian team.   (Prometheus Unbound), When the Prometheus went into hyperspace it threw a monkeywrench into his plans, but nothing insurmountable. (Reckoning part 2), Siler apparently had Jack in his will -- when Jack joked that he expected to be put in Siler's will because of the rescue, Siler (apparently seriously) replied 'Already in it, sir.' The episode ended up "very different" from writer Joseph Mallozzi's original pitch, which he had envisioned as "a Hammond story in which the general faces a court martial after being implicated in the death of an off-world SG team leader".
This site and its contents 2000-2006. The result was unimaginable.
(Avalon part 2), When Daniel and Vala used the unit and promptly collapsed, Lee refused to let anyone try turning off the machine, not knowing how much damage it might to to disconnec them suddenly.
(Zero Hour), He led his team to the world Camulus told Jack about, and found the Ancient device as promised ('about the size of a room'). (Zero Hour), When Gilmor overheard Jack say that the exchange was 'on the table', he asked Reynolds if it wasn't already too late. (Reckoning part 2), He was still with Jack on the base when Jack sent word to Hammond to detonate the bomb as soon as possible, believing the Replicators to be heading for the surface. (Prometheus Unbound), Part of the Prometheus' crew, assigned to the Asgard hyperdrive, during the mission to the Pegasus galaxy to check in on the Atlantis expedition. As of third season, he'd been promoted to Captain and given command of SG-11 (Into the Fire). As of 2002 (based on the military pay calculator and an educated guess or two): about $142,710/year in regular compensation (including allowances). Died from a Reetou weapon blast during the search. (First Commandment), Hanson didn't stop at killing natives: when two of his men, Frakes and Conner, tried to flee back to Earth to warn the SGC what was going on, he chased them down and shot Frakes himself. (Message in a Bottle, The Fifth Race, A Matter of Time, Serpent's Song), Worked on gate diagnostics to try to figure out what was holding it open for so long when the team was under attack from Anubis -- seemed to be over his crush. (New Order), After listening to an impassioned plea by Oshu (who basically told her that Baal's power would put Anubis's to shame if he succeeded in conquering the System Lords, and asked that she free them all to fight him, or at least to die with honor), she went to her superiors and was told to free the Goa'uld delegates. [10] In his last appearance in the alternate timeline film Stargate: Continuum, General Hammond acts as a military advisor to President Henry Hayes.
(Lost City, part 1), All offworld teams were recalled as of early Monday morning, either by her order or as Hammond's last order.
(New Order), Her last official act as head of the SGC was to introduce the SGC to its new commanding officer -- Brigadier General Jack O'Neill. (Reckoning part 2), A technician who also works in scientific research on the base.
She, along with the rest of the crew, escaped the ship during a battle with an unknown alien ship, and was then captured by the alien vessel (by unknown means, for an unknown purpose). Hammond broke off, and they watched the fleet get destroyed in front of their eyes. (Heroes, part 2), He reported to Hammond that Bregman had been caught trying to sneak into the infirmary.  When Hammond decided to kick Bregman and his team off the base, Rundell gave them the word (and stood over the airmen while they packed, pretty much). He was intent on unlocking the secrets and full potential of naquadah, particularly when enhanced with a nuclear warhead.
(mid-2000, Divide and Conquer). For his portrayal of Hammond, Don S. Davis was nominated for a 2004 Leo Award in the category "Dramatic Series: Best Supporting Performance by a Male" for the season 7 episode "Heroes, Part 2". Working offworld on R& D for the SGC, after first trying to go public about aliens on Earth (without knowing about the program itself) and then being framed by the Trust for securities fraud and facing a jail sentence. Builds dioramas of scenes with SG personnel and stargates (either he builds the stargates himself, or he uses action figures/sets from Wormhole X-Treme [the show-universe tv show about the SGC]), and has action figures that are clearly meant to represent SG-1, which are not kept in storage (at least two were on his couch).
Scientist attached to the SGC. [14] When the alien Jonas Quinn joins SG-1 in season 6, Davis compared Hammond's response to Jonas to his reaction to Teal'c in season 1. Landry thought he was crazy at first. (1997, First Commandment), Rank unknown, but likely either major or lt. colonel -- he calls both Jack and Reynolds 'sir'. (Prisoners), The second was to join Teal'c and Bra'tac in a desperate bid to rescue SG-1 and the teams that had gone in to rescue them earlier from Hathor. (Zero Hour), After the base was exposed to gamma radiation to kill off the alien plant, the ZPM began glowing in a way it shouldn't. When Daniel (who'd shut it down personally) came into the gateroom to explain that the System Lords were sending a ship to attack Earth to test its defenses, Weir declared that an act of war, and took Yu, Camulus, and Amaterasu (and Oshu, by default) prisoner, stripping them of diplomatic rights.
One of the two men escorting Vala to the stargate when she was leaving. (Zero Hour), He was part of a team (possibly the leader) that was working on a virtual reality chair, based on technology gained from the (former) Residents on P7J-989. (Avalon part 2), When Jack offered her the job, he failed to tell her that General Landry - her father - would be her boss. (Heroes, part 1), He seemed to be trying to be relatively helpful for the most part, but at the same time was clearly sympathetic to the SGC's closed-door policy on active missions, and steadily blocked Bregman from seeing any of it. (1969) , He remembered it his whole life, well enough that he recognized a wound on Carter's hand as the one he'd seen thirty years earlier, and sent himself a note to help them when they went back in time a few minutes later. (Grace), A two-time decathlon champion in college. [6] At the time, Davis had suffered burnout from teaching acting classes at the University of British Columbia for ten years, and later considered the work on MacGyver "a new lease on life". He was the one who greeted Teal'c and filled him in on the fact that they'd been out of contact with Earth for several hours (after the Trust stole Earth's stargate). Whitlow was the man from the intelligence community Hammond turned to for information in Touchstone. (Into the Fire), Made it offworld for the third time to be part of the command/control center that was coordinating the attack on Anubis. (Evolution, part 2), He was hesitant when Daniel started breaking them out during the middle of the day, but went along with it.
(Shades of Grey), Implied very strongly that he'd kill Teal'c rather than sentence him to a life of solitary confinement and the threat of being taken over by a mature Junior, if they couldn't find a way to save Teal'c from Apophis's brainwashing. (Moebius part 1), He had to brief Jack about the properties of some minerals his team had found -- troilite (non-magnetic iron sulfide), and a mesostasis phase which contained micrometer crystals -- and he was being very careful about making it sound exciting and interesting, obviously aware that Jack was bored to tears. (Heroes, part 2), Apparently in charge of readying the SGC for President Hayes's visit, at least in terms of decoration and such.
They found a group of 12 mixed human, Jaffa, and Tok'ra survivors, including Major Greene and M'zel, some of them seriously injured. On a mission to P3X-513, he went along with Hanson's initial decision to pretend to be gods, before Hanson went nuts and started believing it for real. He led his team and SG-5 as backup for SG-1 on P3X-439 when SG-1 tried to recover an Ancient repository of knowledge from a colonnade.

(Zero Hour), He worked as an analyst at the CIA for eight years, mostly doing background checks, but had top-level clearance. (The Other Guys), He and Felger were offworld with SG-1 at one point, and got caught up in some of SG-1's dealings with the rebel Jaffa and the Goa'uld. ), One of the scientists analyzing the moon where the SGC was hoping to set up a permanent research station.
(Avalon part 1), Used to work at Area 51 -- he was the major who guided SG-1 on their tour of the facility while they were trying to figure out what had happened to the second gate. He puts Carter at ease, then tells her he read her researchs on the naquadah reactor. (Heroes, part 1), Seemed to be having a good time flirting with Bregman. (Prodigy), Assigned to help Sam figure out the (presumably) Furling technology to try to find Jack and Maybourne after they vanished through a portal.
second-in-command at the SGC. He came through it with just a few scrapes, to the SGC's alpha site. (Moebius part 1), Flew second seat in Mitchell's F-302 in the dogfight over Antarctica. [14] Despite his admiration for Dr. Daniel Jackson's enthusiasm in the beginning, Hammond has a hard time understanding Daniel's unorthodox and non-military approach to problems until Hammond comes to realize the importance of a civilian viewpoint to SG-1's mission. (NB: this is a complete guess -- he's never mentioned by name in the ep, but he was leader of SG-11, which is the team that was captured and killed).
(Prometheus Unbound), After the al-kesh was repaired and had caught up to the Prometheus, he was the one on weapons firing at other al-kesh and gliders to protect the Prometheus. After Hammond appears in season 9's "The Fourth Horseman" in a civilian suit instead of a military uniform, Lieutenant Colonel Samantha Carter confirms Hammond's retired status in season 10's "The Road Not Taken".
Member of the SGC's research division, working both on the base (Crystal Skull) and in the field (The First Ones). Hero-worships Jack and SG-1. (Children of the Gods). (Redemption, part 1), Brilliant at astrophysics during her time at the Academy, she beat records all over the place -- except Sam's. (Revelations), Ordered Samantha Carter to investigate time-travel possibilities regarding the stargate after the initial mission to Abydos, knowing that at some point, a team would wind up back in 1969. (Evolution, part 1), A month later, he appeared completely recovered from his injuries at the hands of Anubis's forces. [17], The producers wrote season 4's "Chain Reaction" as "a bit of a Hammond episode"[18] after they had not devoted an episode to Hammond during the first three seasons. (Prometheus Unbound), Reynolds and SG-3 were on Earth and on base at the SGC when the Replicators under Replicator-Sam's command invaded. "Divide and Conquer"06. He also disapproved of the fact that US forces weren't being mobilized, again in favor of lying low to keep the Goa'uld from knowing that Earth (or at least one little corner of it) was forewarned. (Heroes, part 1), After SG-13 took out the Goa'uld remote probe, Balinsky asked for and got permission for them to stay longer, to explore the ruins.
Her precise function was never stated, but she gave Colonel Ronson general status reports, and was the person who opened the hyperspace window once they had a go, and ran the diagnostics after it shut down. This investigation is classified. He brought Jack word that Siler and five other people were trapped on level 8 during the evacuation, and went with Jack to rescue them. He called to warn Jack that Gilmor was a plant, sent by the president to check up on Jack before the president's visit. Rank confirmed in Prometheus Unbound -- there'd been no indication prior to that. Commanded SG-11. (SGA: Rising pt 1), When she was getting ready to leave for Atlantis, she created a videotape for him, explaining what she was doing and why, in the hope that President Hayes would grant him the security clearance he needed to see it. Grogan was an academy graduate, so there's no way he was a sergeant. (Solitudes), In charge of briefing at least some of the 'alpha teams' preparing to go through the stargate to the alpha site ahead of the Goa'uld attack on Earth. Claimed to be fed up with ordering people to their potential deaths, but was actually blackmailed into it by the NID, who had his granddaughters taken by two men just to prove they could (the kids were returned unharmed). Davis is now Sgt. (The Menace), Very possibly was in command of SG-3 during a joint mission with SG-1 to Latona, where SG-3 chased Jaffa all over the place while SG-1 attempted to repair the planet's defense systems (team leader is listed in the credits as Major Lawrence, but that seems unlikely -- the actor, Colin Lawrence, has played Warren since Children of the Gods, and I believe 'Major Lawrence' to be an accidental misnomer for Warren). (Lost City, part 1), Still in command of SG-3 as of early eighth season. (Death Knell), Assuming he was still in command of SG-3 (no reason for him not to be), he went with his team to P3X-666 to provide backup for SG-13 while they stayed on the planet to explore some ruins, just in case Goa'uld or Jaffa showed up. When Teal'c's heart actually did stop, his only option was to inject a drug (probably epinephrine) directly into his heart -- which he didn't dare do a second time. In the space of roughly four hours, it grew from a seed to a small plant, and it just kept going from there. His corpse was tied up to a frame as a warning to the other humans. (2000, Chain Reaction), A surgeon and member of the medical staff of the SGC. SG-1 become enmeshed in a fierce battle straight o, Recently promoted to the rank of General, Jack O'N, The story of Stargate SG-1 begins two years after the events of the feature film. (The First Ones).
He was all for going in guns blazing to take out the Unas, convinced they were little more than animals, but eventually followed Daniel's lead, and allowed a peace to be brokered.   (Lockdown), Jack took Kearney with him to the room with the manual self-destruct, and ordered him to ready his key. Following the naquadah incident, General Hammond's command was reinstated and Bauer was reassigned. (Lockdown), Immediately afterward, Anubis-possessed Jack praised him, then zatted him. The general encouraged O'Neill to take some time off from SG-1 and he reassigned Samantha Carter to work on his naquadah bomb project. He kept himself in the loop as Hammond decided what to do, and wasn't afraid to ask questions if he didn't understand something, or to offer solutions to problems (e.g., he immediately suggested that his team take Alabran back through the stargate after hearing the boy could be booby-trapped). (multiple eps), Seems to respect and like President Henry Hayes, who respects and likes him back. By Crystal Skull, she'd been promoted to major (she was wearing oak leaves). (Serpent's Lair), Wasn't happy about being ordered to incorporate the AR Kawalsky and Dr. Carter into his command -- he believed that 'some lines weren't meant to be crossed' and was uncomfortable with them staying in this reality.
(New Order). Daniel assumed that Rothman would be his replacement on SG-1 if he should leave (Forever in a Day) -- and that Jack wouldn't like Rothman. (Prometheus Unbound), When President Hayes put Hammond in charge of the Prometheus mission to check on the Atlantis expedition once the Asgard hyperdrive was working properly, he chose to put himself in command of the mission. (Zero Hour), Reynolds was the spokesman for every SG team member still on base during the crisis, when they all gathered in the gateroom to tell Jack they were behind him one hundred percent, no matter what he decided to do. (Heroes, part 2), Eventually he relented completely -- Bregman and co were at Janet's memorial at the SGC, which has to have been with Hammond's blessing. He was part of the security detail bringing the Goa'ulded Kinsey to the brig when the al-kesh attacked the Prometheus, causing enough confusion for Kinsey to escape. [7], In the season 7 finale "Lost City", newly inaugurated President Henry Hayes is pressured into replacing General Hammond with Dr. Elizabeth Weir for a three-month review process of the SGC. (Heroes, part 1). Jedoch mchte Bauer schnellstmglich Ergebnisse und Waffen fr den Kampf gegen die Goauld. (Lost City, part 1), A day or two after Hayes told Hammond he was going to need him and that Hammond couldn't retire yet, while Hammond was in a meeting with Hayes, Kinsey, and Maynard, General Jumper arrived to announce that space-based radar had picked up three Goa'uld ships heading for Earth. (Fair Game), Scientist -- Felger's assistant. He'd figured out that Hammond was being blackmailed, and wanted whatever Hammond had on Kinsey that had allowed him to return to the SGC.
Shortly after, Daniel Jackson and Major Samantha Carter comment on Bauer's speech while they're heading to Carter's lab. (Proving Ground), The SF on duty outside the isolation quarters on level 22 when all of SG-1 was put in quarantine after an electronic object (which later turned out to be Urgo) was found in all of their brains.
(Endgame), He wasn't happy that they were determined to go get captured so they could speak with Zarin, with absolutely no backup, but made no attempt to stop them once he'd said his piece, respecting their decision. Basically, a smart, capable officer, and an asset to the SGC. (Forever in a Day), Spoke at least some Mayan. Member of SG-9 -- served as the team's anthropologist. Rothman was assigned to SG-11 to study the original Goa'uld homeworld -- P3X-888 -- and was infested with a primitive Goa'uld. (Lockdown). (Lost City, part 2), The negotiations with the High Council of the System Lords (in the persons of Yu, Amaterasu, and Camulus) were her first interplanetary negotiations. (Endgame), He was the voice of reason when Teal'c and M'zel were headed for (understandable) unreasoning fury when they heard that millions of Jaffa had died as a result of a Tok'ra-developed weapon (symbiote poison). (Enemy Mine), Member of SG-14. Reynolds went very cool and distant and told him about Jack being tortured and killed repeatedly at Baal's hands, and how SG-1 never gave up on him -- he said Jack wouldn't give up on them now, and neither would a single man or woman on the base. He stayed very calm, very in control.
(Prometheus Unbound), While he was there, he also laid claim to the office chair he'd left behind, saying his new one wasn't as comfortable. Part of the original mission to Abydos (Stargate the movie).
(Lost City, part 2), With the military shifted to DEFCON 1 after Anbusis's fleet took up station around Earth and began attacking power and communication grids, Hammond began his new (likely temporary) command -- of the Prometheus, launched to buy SG-1 some time to complete its mission. Kitchen area opens onto living room area, which has walls full of windows with miniblinds -- no curtains.
(Legacy), Despite this, he was willing to listen to Daniel when Daniel insisted that he knew what had happened to him he made the phone call to the base that Daniel had requested to check on Teal'c, delayed Daniel's medication as requested, and asked Jack to come see Daniel, then released Daniel. Military pay was adjusted in July 2000 don't have those numbers. with plans to make the naquadah bomb technology a powerful defense against the Goa'uld. Friends with Whitlow?--at least good acquaintances with him. Law Office of Gretchen J. Kenney. (Lost City, part 2). (Inauguration), Despite handing over the disk, Hammond still wasn't sure he could trust Woolsey. [15], Davis appreciated Hammond's closeness to the SG-1 team and his willingness to compromise.
"[20], After playing General Hammond for nearly 150 episodes in seven seasons, Don S. Davis decided to leave Stargate SG-1 in late 2003. He wound up going with Sam to the world where they'd originally put the first virus, to re-re-engineer it and 'reset' the stargate network. When M'zel volunteered to go along, once Teal'c announced that he was going to visit an undercover Tok'ra in command of one of Baal's garrisons, Pierce tried to talk them both down again, telling them it was suicide -- Zarin might well sacrifice them just to maintain her cover. "Small Victories"02. (Into the Fire). (Shades of Grey), He warned Jack and the others that they'd made a mistake, because the NID went higher than they could imagine. (Prometheus Unbound), Safely back aboard the Prometheus, he had to scrub the rest of the mission to Atlantis -- the ship's hull had taken too much damage to risk such a long journy in hyperspace. (Enemy Mine), Assigned to explore an abandoned naquadah mine on P3X-403. (Enemy Mine), Nimiziki | Novak | Nyan | O'Brien | O'Neill | Pearson | Pendergast | Penhall | Peterson | Pierce | Plunkett | Quinn |  Redmond  | Reynolds | Riley | Ritter | Robbins | Ronson | Dr. Rothman | Rothman | Rundell | Sanchez | Satterfield | Shandler | Shefield | Siler | Simmons | Smith | Stevens | Sumner, Died almost as soon as he joined the program. Colonel Reynolds either found out himself or was given the information that he brought to Jack, that the Replicators had blocked access to the self-destruct mechanism before anyone could reach it. General Bauer is already here, much to their surprise. (Lost City, part 1), When he was relieved of command, effective immediately, he went to Jack's house to let him know. (Tok'ra, part 2), While SG-3 was scouting a planet ending in -254, they found several Tok'ra, who told them where SG-1 were being held prisoner. [9] Hammond appears in the season 1 episode "Home" of Stargate Atlantis, and appears in seasons 8 through 10 of Stargate SG-1. When Amaterasu implied (pretty broadly) that the System Lords would just let Baal know that Earth's Ancient weapon wasn't working, to trick him into going to Earth so Earth would have to destroy him anyway, Weir appeared to cave, agreeing to take him on. Electrocuted (non-fatally) after helping Jack pull the main electrical breaker in an attempt to shut off the wormhole that was connected to a black hole. (Heroes, part 2), Ivanov | Jackson | Johnson | Kawalsky | Kearney | Kovacek |  Lam  |  Landry  | Langford |  Larson | Lawrence | Lee |  Lindsey  | Loder | Lorne | Louis | Lowel | MacKenzie | Makepeace | Mansfield | Matthison | McCaffrey | Menard | Morrison, Commander of the Russian team.   (Prometheus Unbound), When the Prometheus went into hyperspace it threw a monkeywrench into his plans, but nothing insurmountable. (Reckoning part 2), Siler apparently had Jack in his will -- when Jack joked that he expected to be put in Siler's will because of the rescue, Siler (apparently seriously) replied 'Already in it, sir.' The episode ended up "very different" from writer Joseph Mallozzi's original pitch, which he had envisioned as "a Hammond story in which the general faces a court martial after being implicated in the death of an off-world SG team leader".
This site and its contents 2000-2006. The result was unimaginable.
(Avalon part 2), When Daniel and Vala used the unit and promptly collapsed, Lee refused to let anyone try turning off the machine, not knowing how much damage it might to to disconnec them suddenly.
(Zero Hour), He led his team to the world Camulus told Jack about, and found the Ancient device as promised ('about the size of a room'). (Zero Hour), When Gilmor overheard Jack say that the exchange was 'on the table', he asked Reynolds if it wasn't already too late. (Reckoning part 2), He was still with Jack on the base when Jack sent word to Hammond to detonate the bomb as soon as possible, believing the Replicators to be heading for the surface. (Prometheus Unbound), Part of the Prometheus' crew, assigned to the Asgard hyperdrive, during the mission to the Pegasus galaxy to check in on the Atlantis expedition. As of third season, he'd been promoted to Captain and given command of SG-11 (Into the Fire). As of 2002 (based on the military pay calculator and an educated guess or two): about $142,710/year in regular compensation (including allowances). Died from a Reetou weapon blast during the search. (First Commandment), Hanson didn't stop at killing natives: when two of his men, Frakes and Conner, tried to flee back to Earth to warn the SGC what was going on, he chased them down and shot Frakes himself. (Message in a Bottle, The Fifth Race, A Matter of Time, Serpent's Song), Worked on gate diagnostics to try to figure out what was holding it open for so long when the team was under attack from Anubis -- seemed to be over his crush. (New Order), After listening to an impassioned plea by Oshu (who basically told her that Baal's power would put Anubis's to shame if he succeeded in conquering the System Lords, and asked that she free them all to fight him, or at least to die with honor), she went to her superiors and was told to free the Goa'uld delegates. [10] In his last appearance in the alternate timeline film Stargate: Continuum, General Hammond acts as a military advisor to President Henry Hayes.
(Lost City, part 1), All offworld teams were recalled as of early Monday morning, either by her order or as Hammond's last order.
(New Order), Her last official act as head of the SGC was to introduce the SGC to its new commanding officer -- Brigadier General Jack O'Neill. (Reckoning part 2), A technician who also works in scientific research on the base.
She, along with the rest of the crew, escaped the ship during a battle with an unknown alien ship, and was then captured by the alien vessel (by unknown means, for an unknown purpose). Hammond broke off, and they watched the fleet get destroyed in front of their eyes. (Heroes, part 2), He reported to Hammond that Bregman had been caught trying to sneak into the infirmary.  When Hammond decided to kick Bregman and his team off the base, Rundell gave them the word (and stood over the airmen while they packed, pretty much). He was intent on unlocking the secrets and full potential of naquadah, particularly when enhanced with a nuclear warhead.
(mid-2000, Divide and Conquer). For his portrayal of Hammond, Don S. Davis was nominated for a 2004 Leo Award in the category "Dramatic Series: Best Supporting Performance by a Male" for the season 7 episode "Heroes, Part 2". Working offworld on R& D for the SGC, after first trying to go public about aliens on Earth (without knowing about the program itself) and then being framed by the Trust for securities fraud and facing a jail sentence. Builds dioramas of scenes with SG personnel and stargates (either he builds the stargates himself, or he uses action figures/sets from Wormhole X-Treme [the show-universe tv show about the SGC]), and has action figures that are clearly meant to represent SG-1, which are not kept in storage (at least two were on his couch).
Scientist attached to the SGC. [14] When the alien Jonas Quinn joins SG-1 in season 6, Davis compared Hammond's response to Jonas to his reaction to Teal'c in season 1. Landry thought he was crazy at first. (1997, First Commandment), Rank unknown, but likely either major or lt. colonel -- he calls both Jack and Reynolds 'sir'. (Prisoners), The second was to join Teal'c and Bra'tac in a desperate bid to rescue SG-1 and the teams that had gone in to rescue them earlier from Hathor. (Zero Hour), After the base was exposed to gamma radiation to kill off the alien plant, the ZPM began glowing in a way it shouldn't. When Daniel (who'd shut it down personally) came into the gateroom to explain that the System Lords were sending a ship to attack Earth to test its defenses, Weir declared that an act of war, and took Yu, Camulus, and Amaterasu (and Oshu, by default) prisoner, stripping them of diplomatic rights.
One of the two men escorting Vala to the stargate when she was leaving. (Zero Hour), He was part of a team (possibly the leader) that was working on a virtual reality chair, based on technology gained from the (former) Residents on P7J-989. (Avalon part 2), When Jack offered her the job, he failed to tell her that General Landry - her father - would be her boss. (Heroes, part 1), He seemed to be trying to be relatively helpful for the most part, but at the same time was clearly sympathetic to the SGC's closed-door policy on active missions, and steadily blocked Bregman from seeing any of it. (1969) , He remembered it his whole life, well enough that he recognized a wound on Carter's hand as the one he'd seen thirty years earlier, and sent himself a note to help them when they went back in time a few minutes later. (Grace), A two-time decathlon champion in college. [6] At the time, Davis had suffered burnout from teaching acting classes at the University of British Columbia for ten years, and later considered the work on MacGyver "a new lease on life". He was the one who greeted Teal'c and filled him in on the fact that they'd been out of contact with Earth for several hours (after the Trust stole Earth's stargate). Whitlow was the man from the intelligence community Hammond turned to for information in Touchstone. (Into the Fire), Made it offworld for the third time to be part of the command/control center that was coordinating the attack on Anubis. (Evolution, part 2), He was hesitant when Daniel started breaking them out during the middle of the day, but went along with it.
(Shades of Grey), Implied very strongly that he'd kill Teal'c rather than sentence him to a life of solitary confinement and the threat of being taken over by a mature Junior, if they couldn't find a way to save Teal'c from Apophis's brainwashing. (Moebius part 1), He had to brief Jack about the properties of some minerals his team had found -- troilite (non-magnetic iron sulfide), and a mesostasis phase which contained micrometer crystals -- and he was being very careful about making it sound exciting and interesting, obviously aware that Jack was bored to tears. (Heroes, part 2), Apparently in charge of readying the SGC for President Hayes's visit, at least in terms of decoration and such.