When a known dangerous condition exists for as long as the condition exists. rights& obligations COMM1746-11-11-AI-XX, AT YOUR SERVICE 2013 2014 Maryland Customer Rights, RBCU Online/Mobile Banking Access Agreement, RULE NO. Copies of any part or all of the Cooperative s tariffs will be furnished for a nominal reproduction charge. If you miss the due date, you need to pay the amount shown below it, which includes late fees. The YRAC is based on customer protection rules adopted by the Public Utility Commission of Texas ( PUCT. Your bill for electric service is issued monthly and is due and payable at the Cooperative s office on or before the due date, which is sixteen (16) days after issuance. Member B, however, only uses a high of 600 kilowatt-hours during the summer and a low of 400 kilowatt-hours during the rest of the year. CONTACT US: Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation PO Box W. Tyler Street Gilmer TX Member Service Numbers: Outage Reporting Numbers: Automated Pay By Phone Number: Address: SmartHub App: The SmartHub App can be downloaded off our website or by searching for SmartHub in your app store. It is obvious that Member B s peak summer kilowatt capacity requirements are approximately the same as all other months, and in fact contributes very little to the ratchet capacity cost of the Cooperative. Main Panel, Frequently Asked Questions about AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) Meters. 2022 Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative. If the member has a complaint against any Cooperative action, the member may request a supervisory review. View power utilization graphs to determine excessive utilization developments. COLUMBIA POWER & WATER SYSTEMS RULES & REGULATIONS.
Effective. Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative Inc.was incorporated in 1937 to provide electricity to rural areas of Central Texas.
Extension Cords What are some potential hazards involving extension cords? If you are planning to plant any trees, locate the power lines before any digging. Step 3. Provides a handy method to monitor information which will have an effect on your service such as price adjustments, outage info and upcoming events. Welcome Home Customer Service --- -hour Emergency Hotlines Electric Emergency/Lights Out --- Gas Emergency/Gas Odor ---, Xcel Energy Contact Information Tear off this portion. Mail: Send the payment stub included with your bill. Bank of Brodhead PO Box 108 806 E Exchange St Brodhead WI 53520-0108 Consumer Internet Banking Agreement and Disclosures 1. We have identification requirements that are put in place to protect you when you call in. By Bank Draft You can sign up through our SmartHub App or a form is available on our website at By Phone Use our free and secure, automatic pay by phone system Simply dial and follow instructions. It helps absorb the highs and lows of summer and winter. We accept Visa and Mastercard or you can pay with an electronic check. Account Number c. Cash to pay your bill and fee of $1.50 d. For faster payment posting, make sure to use the BLUE Express Payment form. We are working, How to stay safe at home, work and play Electricity is dangerous It s hard to imagine life without electricity but as we get more comfortable using it we can also become more complacent. Introduction II. Please know that our employees are here and working around the clock in very adverse conditions to restore service to all our members as quickly as possible. Sometimes, damage will occur on the service line between your house and the transformer on the nearby pole. If April 15 falls on a weekend, applications will be due the following Monday. www.lipower.org 1-800-490-0025 Printed on Long Island using recycled paper FC 11381 6/12 www.lipower.org, YOUR RIGHTS AS A CUSTOMER This document summarizes Your Rights as a Customer ( YRAC ) and is based on customer protection rules adopted by the Public Utility Commission of Texas ( PUCT ). Autopay: Automatically have your payment withdrawn from your bank account or charged to your credit card. 2, 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) Page 4 ACCOUNT VERIFICATION Page 4 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE Page 4 BANK DRAFT Page 4 BUDGET BILLING Page 5 BY-LAWS Page 5 CONTACT US Page 5 DEFERRED PAYMENTS Page 6 DEPOSIT INFORMATION Page 6 DISCONNECT WITH NOTIFICATION Page 7 DISCONNECT WITHOUT NOTIFICATION Page 7 DISCONTINUING SERVICE Page 8 ETREYS Page 8 FEES Page 8 GENERATOR SAFETY TIPS Page 8 HOURS OF OPERATION Page 9 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Page 9 LINE LOCATES Page 10 MONEYGRAM Page 10 OUTAGES Page 10 OUTAGE PREPARATIONS Page 11 OUTAGE RESTORATION Page 11 PAYMENTS Page 12 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS Page 12 PEAK MONTH ENERGY ADJUSTMENT Page 12 PRE-PAID METERING- Power2Go Page 14 RATE SCHEDULES Page 14 RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS Page 14 SAFETY Page 15 SCHOLARSHIPS Page 15 SECURITY LIGHTS Page 15 SERVICE AREA Page 16 SMARTHUB Page 16 SPEC SHEETS Page 16 TARIFFS Page 16 TREE TRIMMING-DEAD TREE ISSUES Page 16 TREE TRIMMING-RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE Page 16 UTILITY ASSISTANCE Page 17 YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER Page 18 3, 4 ACCOUNT NUMBER(s): Member Account Number(s): Record your account number (or numbers if you have more than one account) here so it will be handy in case you might have a question on your statement or in the event of a power outage. = Location of damage, RESPONSIBILITY FOR GAS PIPING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Capital City Bank Mobile Deposit, BUSINESS POLICY ELECTRIC SERVICE PRACTICES SP 1.1 INTRODUCTION, RC930 Manual 6/10/99 1:23 PM Page 1. 11, 12 PAYMENTS: Payments for your electric bill may be made in several ways.
Box 1 Johnson City, Texas 78636-0001, ENERGY EDUCATION. A right of way easement form must be on file in our office before a service will be set. Our territory covers 2,180 square miles. DEPOSITS AND SERVICE CHARGES: SECURITY DEPOSITS A standard residential deposit of $300.00 will be required prior to the establishment, Electrical Safety Tips Help us keep you safe To help you stay safe when using electricity, ActewAGL has compiled these electrical safety tips. OUTAGE PREPARATIONS: Upshur Rural Electric wants you to be prepared in the event of an outage.
Yes, we think so. 10. Listed below are the utility assistance providers in our service area. You can also sign up for bank draft. These tragedies are, Page 1 of 5 V061515.YRAC YOUR RIGHTS AS A CUSTOMER SHYNE ENERGY PUCT REP License #10221 2121 Sage Rd. SECTION IV RULES AND REGULATIONS Page 2.1 ENTERGY TEXAS, INC. Sheet No. 1. Table of Contents. Primary Line: We will send a serviceman to determine is the tree is a threat to the main service. The deadline for scholarship application submission will be April 15. If a dispute lasts less than 60 days, the disputed amount does not have to be paid until the dispute is resolved. MOUNT PLESANT POWER SYSTEM SCHEDULE OF CHARGES AND PROCEDURES A. Acceptance of Electricity Service By establishing or requesting a POD or by continuing an, Your Guide to Electrical Safety AN INTRODUCTION Electricity is an important part of our daily lives. Subchapter R. CUSTOMER PROTECTION RULES FOR RETAIL ELECTRIC SERVICE. Instead of paying an initial deposit, you may furnish the Cooperative a written guarantee sufficient to cover the amount of deposit you otherwise would have to pay by a cosigner. However, if the member requests subsequent test during a four year period and the meter is found to be within acceptable accuracy standards, the Cooperative will charge the member a testing fee not to exceed $35 for a residential consumer. You also can view invoice historical past including PDF variations of paper payments instantly in your cellular gadget. Service Description: Whatever is printed here is how we describe your meter location in our system. Customers can view their utilization and billing, manage payments, notify customer support of account and service issues and obtain particular messaging from REC.Additional Feat BGEs free app allows you to easily entry your account information on the go. In Person (after hours) Our kiosk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Customer of Rockland Electric Company As a utility customer, it s important for you to be aware of your basic consumer rights.
SERVICE RULES AND POLICIES Table of Contents 1.1 General Information Introduction Description of Operations Statement of Non Discrimination. Tutorials for Apple and Android are available on our website if you need help or you can contact a Member Service Representative. Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. Business Rules 201 South Avenue F P. O. MoneyGram-Go to to find the closest bill pay location to you. Keep for future reference. Everyday someone loses his or her home or business due to an electrical fire. You can see rate codes and the rates that go along with them at MedinaEC.org/Rates. By attending ETREYS, you have the opportunity to be selected to attend Youth Tour. We have developed this booklet. Hurricanes, Original Sheet No. Hughes Natural Gas, Inc. The amount of guarantee shall be clearly indicated on any documents or letters signed by the guarantor. Box 70; Gilmer, Texas 75644, or from the Cooperative s business office located at 1200 West Tyler Street; Gilmer, Texas Se puede obtener una copia de esta enformacion en espanol escribiendo a Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation a P.O. A list of sizes of lights and pricing is located in the Tariffs. Rights and Responsibilities, Welcome. MISCELLANEOUS 27 Effective 01/28/2015, P.U.C. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS The Cooperative may make payment arrangements in which you pay an outstanding bill after its due date, but before the next bill is due. Welcome HOME Customer Service --- -hour Emergency Hotlines Electric Emergency/Lights Out --- Gas Emergency/Gas Odor ---, Generator Transfer Switch Model # HTS15-AUTO Congratulations on your purchase of our Single Circuit Generator Transfer Switch, We hope this meets and exceeds your expectations. DEPOSIT INFORMATION: A. This document summarizes Your Rights, 200 Service Policy 200.1 Condition of Service The Cooperative s Service Policy applies to all locations within its service area, according to the type of service delivered and subject to the provisions, ! Wage & Hour enforces many aspects of labor law including the collection of unpaid wages and benefits, GREENVILLE UTILITIES COMMISSION UTILITY REGULATIONS PART D CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Table of Contents Effective Date Page(s) 1.0 Scope 11-19-97 D-2 2.0 Definitions 10-01-08 D-2-3 3.0 Customer Deposits 11-19-97. PayNow: Easily make an online payment with just an account number and the last name on the account. Read all the information on installation, safety and maintenance, and follow instructions regarding maintenance and testing. Easily contact your service provider by e-mail or cellphone. If the dispute lasts more than 60 days, the disputed amount must be paid under protest. ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Revised 02/09/16; Effective 04/01/16 1 Table of Contents Rule Number & Title Page # 1. 3 Gulf Power Ready for the storm. Tariff For Electric Service Provided by Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. 201 South Avenue F P.O. Payment Stub: If you pay your bill by mail, return this portion with a payment in the provided envelope. It is the aim of Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation to make reliable electric energy available to its member-owners at the lowest cost consistent with sound economy and good management. *Qualified electricians should install and check wiring *Homes should be 100-amps; 200+-amps for homes heated by electricity *Electric appliances should have a three-prong plug *Keep cords away from water and heat *Never wrap cords around metal-keep them away from foot traffic *Weatherproof outdoor electrical outlets *Major electrical appliances should have their own circuits *Never use appliances when you are wet or on a wet surface *Never use electric tools/appliances outdoors if it is raining or wet *Use power tools with durable, grounded or double insulated cords *Never operate an electric lawn mower in wet grass *Teach your children to not fly kites near power lines *Never touch fallen power lines-they might be energized *Never enter an electrical substation *Never use any type of metal near power lines *Teach your family where the main fuse/circuit breaker is located *Inspect cords-do not use a damaged cord *Never pull a plug from a wall outlet by the cord *Unplug irons and heat appliances when not in use *Plug power tools or heavy appliances into wall outlets only SCHOLARSHIPS: Since the passage of HB3203 in 1999, Upshur Rural Electric has been able to fund scholarships for students in rural areas from unclaimed capital credit monies. To explain PMEA and its electric rate design concept, we will do so by answering some questions members have asked. In October 2003, the 186 MW combined cycle plant began operations. Help us keep you safe, Hughes Natural Gas, Inc. https://poweroutage.us/area/utility/383Sam Houston Electric Cooperative. https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-profiles.sam_houston_electric_cooperative_inc.ea38f35ab55a9d8c525de48e2412b170.htmlFind company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Sam Houston Electric Cooperative, Inc. of Coldspring, TX. This clause applies to all bills that are billed under rate Schedule A Residential Service and rate B Small Commercial and General Service. By Mail Use the envelope provided with your bill. In our opinion, the disadvantages of this rate is that all Members share in paying the high summer capacity cost and they pay it at the time their electric bills are at their highest. Interest is earned from the date of the deposit through the date the deposit is refunded. It is located to the left of our main office doors and it will accept cash, debit cards, credit cards (Visa or Mastercard) and electronic checks.
If dissatisfied with the review, the member may contact the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Xcel Energy. 1.99% introductory APR 1 for the first 6 months. We provide power to light the homes and businesses in our rural communities. 8-5 M-F CST Toll Free: 888-256-2823 (24 X 7) Fax: 832-932-9256. PC Connect Agreement & Disclosure This agreement provides information about the Sutter Community Bank PC Connect Online banking service and contains the disclosures required by the Electronic Funds Transfer. For Electric Service Provided by. View bill history including PDF versions of paper payments directly in your cell device.My Usage - Bandera Electric Cooperative included in 1938, and has served the Texas Hill Country for greater than eighty years. 1 Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Member Handbook, 2 Seven Cooperative Principles Voluntary and Open Membership Democratic Member Control Members Economic Participation Autonomy and Independence Education, Training and Information Cooperation Among Cooperatives Concern for Community Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative is a non-profit electricity provider to rural areas in ten northeast Texas counties. Billing Overview: A breakdown of the account balance for the billing period. This assessment allows Empire. If you receive a call from someone stating that they are an Upshur Rural Electric employee requesting information, please call one of our Member Service Representatives. Customers can view their utilization and billing, manage payments, notify customer support of account and repair issues and receive special messaging from SHEC.Additional Features: 1v1.LOL - Online Building and Shooting Simulator, Baonifa Casino-Wang Shixian, Zeng Wanting's only recommendation-slot machines, fishing machines, baccarat, mahjong, sic bo, roulette, blackjack, English initials, roots and suffixes that you must learn throughout your life, in traditional Chinese, 10X Fire Headshot - Sensitivity Tool and GFX. They may do so by telephone by calling , by writing the Commission, the address being: PUC Customer Protection; P.O. In the event that the largest month s kilowatt-hour usage is for a period more or less than a thirty (30) day period, the kilowatt-hour usage will be prorated to thirty (30) days usage for the purpose of this clause. The service territory of the cooperative spans across the following counties:Bell, Bosque, Coryell, Falls, Hamilton, McLennan and Milam. 11. If the Cooperative for any reason has disconnected service, it will be necessary for the member to contact the Cooperative and comply fully with the Cooperative s tariffs before service will be reconnected. Your bill for electric service will become delinquent if unpaid by the due date. Citizens Water Customer Rights and Responsibilities Citizens Water Customer Service & Water Quality Information Monday Friday: 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Local: (317) 924-3311 Toll-Free: Electrical Safety Electricity can be a friend, but it can also hurt if you do not treat it with respect. COLUMBIA POWER & WATER SYSTEMS RULES & REGULATIONS April 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. If the dispute is not resolved, the Cooperative will inform the member of the complaint procedures of the Commission, and the customer shall not be required to pay the disputed portion of the bill, which exceeds the average monthly usage pending determination of the dispute. Utility Systems Electrical. 6, 7 E. The Cooperative shall pay interest on member deposits based on the average yield on twenty-six (26) week Treasury Bills during the past twelve (12) months, as established by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Electricity is, Online Fixed Energy A Guaranteed Deal Online Fixed Price Energy September 2016 Prices effective from 27th August 2015 Subject to availability and may be withdrawn from sale at any time. 2) If all of your power is out, check with your neighbors to see if they have power. Track electrical energy utilization, obtain alerts, pay your bill and get 24/7 customer support. Utility Outages: 1. Deadline for applications to be submitted to our office is May 1. A handbook for residential customers in Indiana, Storm Ready. If a member has a dispute with a bill from the Cooperative, the member should contact the Cooperative s Member Service Department and state the nature of the dispute. Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could, Important Customer Information customer rights& obligations COMM1746-11-11-AI-XX Your Electric Service In most cases, applications for electric service can be accepted by telephone, in writing or through, AT YOUR SERVICE 2013 2014 Maryland Customer Rights Contents 2 Customer Service 4 Your Electric Service 5 Pepco s Electric Meter 7 Billing Information 7 How to Read Your Bill 12 Paying Your Bill 13 Payment, RBCU Online/Mobile Banking Access Agreement I. Consider your typical monthly deposit needs when determining which service, ELECTRIC SERVICE PRACTICES SP 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Saskatchewan Power Corporation (SaskPower) exists to provide electrical power to its customers. Bill Payment and Adjustments. SmartHub supplies utility and telecommunications clients account administration at their fingertips. Conserve package. Your service may be disconnected if you fail to meet the payment arrangements. 233 A. NONPERMISSIBLE REASONS TO DISCONNECT SERVICE 1. 2010 United Water unitedwater.com, BILLING & COLLECTIONS SERVICES STATEMENT OF GENERALLY AVAILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Description of Service This Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions ( Statement ) provides details under, Terms & Conditions For Electricity Supply your energy solution Introduction 1 Our contract with you In these terms and conditions, we or us is used to mean Prime Energy Limited, and you is used to mean. 1 P.S.C.
Keep for future reference. We are closed for the following holidays: New Year s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4 th ), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Day Following, and Christmas Day. BEC presently serves more than 26,000 members and offers highly reliable electric service to more than 36,000 meters across seven counties in the Texas Hill Country. Gateway 2 Range Extender 3 Smart Plug 3 Thermostat 4 Website 7 App and Mobile Devices 7, SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Tariff Manual - Public Utility Commission of Texas, FIXED CHARGE: This is a cost that goes towards making the service available, including, Important Customer Information. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE: An application for membership may be downloaded off our website at you may contact a Member Service Representative and have an application mailed or faxed to you, or you may come to our office at 1200 West Tyler Street in Gilmer, Texas. Step 4. Online Fixed Price. The rate is set each December for the following year. On the homepage of our website, www.netfcu.org, TABLE OF CONTENTS I. You will not be required to pay more than 1/3 of the total deferred amount when entering into a deferred payment plan. Browse jobs. STECs headquarters was moved from Foster Field (by the airport) to the Nursery location in 1981. C. Complete your transaction at the cash counter.
Box 1 Johnson City, Texas 78636-0001 Adopted June 15, 2009; Amended August 16, 2010; September 20, 2010; December 20, 2010; Page 1 of 5 CenterPoint Energy responds to frequently asked questions Houston Sept. 19, 2008 CenterPoint Energy responds to the questions customers are asking. From this illustration you can easily see that Members such as Member A contribute more to the ratchet capacity cost than Member B and therefore should pay more of the cost. The Cooperative will promptly refund the deposit and accrued interest in the form of credit to the member s account. The app makes it easy to manage more than one account at a time and is available to each residential and business customers on your smartphone or pill. ACCOUNT VERIFICATION: With phone scams on the rise, please be aware that Upshur Rural will never call you requesting account or credit card information. If you are paying at a form free location, use the RED MoneyGram phone. A cooperative may have several local distribution substations, each serving thousands of members. 9, 10 LINE LOCATES: Make sure to call 811 before you dig. SPEC SHEETS: TARIFFS: Spec sheets for different applications can be downloaded from our website at Click on the About Us tab, click on Reports & Forms then scroll down to the description of the spec sheet you need. 8. Camp County Ore City Ministerial Alliance Community Services of Northeast Texas Wedena Oliver Verna Hawkins FM 450 N 200 W. Marshall Harleton TX Pittsburg TX, 18 Cass/Morris County Smith County Community Services of Northeast Texas Greater E TX Community Action Program Laura Dossey Tina Anderson 211 N Pinecrest, Suite B 1630 S. Vine Street Atlanta TX Tyler TX Gregg County Upshur County Greater E TX Community Action Program Tri-County Community Action Pam Hoye Teresa Jones 411 N. Fredonia Street, Suite W. Tyler Street Longview TX Gilmer TX Harrison County Upshur/Wood County Tri-County Community Action Aid Bank Teresa Jones Velma Clay 505 E. Travis Street, Suite 108 PO Box 833 Marshall TX Gilmer TX Marion County Angel Network Community Services of Northeast Texas Wendy Quinn/Patsey Williams Deanna House 3300 W. Loop N. Walcott-B Longview TX Jefferson TX (children under 18 with medical problems) YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER: A copy of this information in Spanish may be obtained by writing to Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation at: P.O. B. PAYMENT OF BILLS 5 C. BILLING POLICIES 5 D. RETURNED CHECKS 6 E. SERVICE TERMINATION, Interest Rates and Interest Charges Retail Installment Agreement Revolving Accounts Plan for NOVEL Dual of Banco Popular Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases APR for Balance Transfers APR for Cash, Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Utility Consumer October 2012 The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) prepared this guide to summarize the regulations regarding Standards and Billing Practices, Revolving Retail Installment Agreement for Banco Popular / AAdvantage Visa Infinite Interest Rates and Interest Charges Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases 1.99% introductory APR 1 for the first, WELCOME TO INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER Answers to Questions About Your Electric Service Michigan (Learn how on page 7) www.indianamichiganpower.com Contents When You need to contact Indiana Michigan Power1. To sign up for this program, simply fill out the Bank Draft Form and return the form with a voided check. E-18 Original Sheet No. Website: 5, 6 DEFERRED PAYMENTS: If you are a residential member and cannot pay your entire bill, you may enter into a deferred payment plan if the Cooperative has not issued more than two termination notices on your account in the previous twelve (12) months. It's everywhere. The East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar (ETREYS) gives students a chance to enhance their leadership and problem-solving skills in a positive learning environment while experiencing life on a college campus. Dear Neuton Owner, This is a helpful hint to guide you in getting the most out of your NEUTON Battery and Charger. Conservation of energy saves dollars on electric bills and with the PMEA concept in rates, if you conserve during the summer months you not only reduce your summer electric bills but also reduce your bills in all the following months. Organization: Require the Federal ID number and Incorporation Date (if applicable). Member A has a high kilowatthour usage during the summer months, say a high of 3000 kwh, but during the fall, winter, and spring, the usage drops to 1000 kwh. South Texas Electric Cooperative gladly gives back to the communities we serve. As a result, a line crew working on the system would be put in danger. While striving to provide the most affordable rates possible, we work to educate our members on energy efficiency which not only helps our members manage their bills; it benefits the environment. Bill Payment Special Services Community Assistance Saving Money Contacting MLGW, YOUR RIGHTS AS AN ELECTRIC OR NATURAL GAS UTILITY CUSTOMER, TOWN OF CLAYTON Utilities & Billing/Customer Service utilities@townofclaytonnc.org, Maryland Customer. Line crews fix the remaining outages based on restoring service to the greatest number of members. www.lipower. In this event, Members would benefit not only in lower monthly bills through conservation but also from lower purchase power adjustments. SUBSTANTIVE RULES APPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC SERVICE PROVIDERS. Bluebonnet Electric Cooperatives free cellular app provides residential and commercial members quick, easy entry to their accounts, permits them to securely pay their invoice, and offers numerous different priceless tools to assist them monitor and manage their vitality use and costs.M mySamHouston supplies Sam Houston Electric Cooperative prospects account management at their fingertips. PEAK MONTH ENERGY ADJUSTMENT The Peak Month Energy Adjustment (PMEA) clause contained in URECC s Rate Schedules A and B recovers the ratchet demand portion of URECC s purchase power cost. Wage & Hour Frequently Asked Questions WHAT EXACTLY DOES WAGE & HOUR DO AND WHAT SERVICES DOES IT PROVIDE? 5. As a residential utility customer, you, Rules and Regulations of Johnson City Power Board (JCPB) Effective November 1, 2015 1) Application/Contract for Service Each prospective Customer desiring electricity, herein referred to as service, will, Home Electrical Safety Lomond Business Center 10323 Lomond Drive Mailing Address: P.O.
Effective. Heart of Texas Electric Cooperative Inc.was incorporated in 1937 to provide electricity to rural areas of Central Texas.
Extension Cords What are some potential hazards involving extension cords? If you are planning to plant any trees, locate the power lines before any digging. Step 3. Provides a handy method to monitor information which will have an effect on your service such as price adjustments, outage info and upcoming events. Welcome Home Customer Service --- -hour Emergency Hotlines Electric Emergency/Lights Out --- Gas Emergency/Gas Odor ---, Xcel Energy Contact Information Tear off this portion. Mail: Send the payment stub included with your bill. Bank of Brodhead PO Box 108 806 E Exchange St Brodhead WI 53520-0108 Consumer Internet Banking Agreement and Disclosures 1. We have identification requirements that are put in place to protect you when you call in. By Bank Draft You can sign up through our SmartHub App or a form is available on our website at By Phone Use our free and secure, automatic pay by phone system Simply dial and follow instructions. It helps absorb the highs and lows of summer and winter. We accept Visa and Mastercard or you can pay with an electronic check. Account Number c. Cash to pay your bill and fee of $1.50 d. For faster payment posting, make sure to use the BLUE Express Payment form. We are working, How to stay safe at home, work and play Electricity is dangerous It s hard to imagine life without electricity but as we get more comfortable using it we can also become more complacent. Introduction II. Please know that our employees are here and working around the clock in very adverse conditions to restore service to all our members as quickly as possible. Sometimes, damage will occur on the service line between your house and the transformer on the nearby pole. If April 15 falls on a weekend, applications will be due the following Monday. www.lipower.org 1-800-490-0025 Printed on Long Island using recycled paper FC 11381 6/12 www.lipower.org, YOUR RIGHTS AS A CUSTOMER This document summarizes Your Rights as a Customer ( YRAC ) and is based on customer protection rules adopted by the Public Utility Commission of Texas ( PUCT ). Autopay: Automatically have your payment withdrawn from your bank account or charged to your credit card. 2, 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACCOUNT NUMBER(S) Page 4 ACCOUNT VERIFICATION Page 4 APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE Page 4 BANK DRAFT Page 4 BUDGET BILLING Page 5 BY-LAWS Page 5 CONTACT US Page 5 DEFERRED PAYMENTS Page 6 DEPOSIT INFORMATION Page 6 DISCONNECT WITH NOTIFICATION Page 7 DISCONNECT WITHOUT NOTIFICATION Page 7 DISCONTINUING SERVICE Page 8 ETREYS Page 8 FEES Page 8 GENERATOR SAFETY TIPS Page 8 HOURS OF OPERATION Page 9 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS Page 9 LINE LOCATES Page 10 MONEYGRAM Page 10 OUTAGES Page 10 OUTAGE PREPARATIONS Page 11 OUTAGE RESTORATION Page 11 PAYMENTS Page 12 PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS Page 12 PEAK MONTH ENERGY ADJUSTMENT Page 12 PRE-PAID METERING- Power2Go Page 14 RATE SCHEDULES Page 14 RIGHT OF WAY EASEMENTS Page 14 SAFETY Page 15 SCHOLARSHIPS Page 15 SECURITY LIGHTS Page 15 SERVICE AREA Page 16 SMARTHUB Page 16 SPEC SHEETS Page 16 TARIFFS Page 16 TREE TRIMMING-DEAD TREE ISSUES Page 16 TREE TRIMMING-RIGHT OF WAY MAINTENANCE Page 16 UTILITY ASSISTANCE Page 17 YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER Page 18 3, 4 ACCOUNT NUMBER(s): Member Account Number(s): Record your account number (or numbers if you have more than one account) here so it will be handy in case you might have a question on your statement or in the event of a power outage. = Location of damage, RESPONSIBILITY FOR GAS PIPING FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Capital City Bank Mobile Deposit, BUSINESS POLICY ELECTRIC SERVICE PRACTICES SP 1.1 INTRODUCTION, RC930 Manual 6/10/99 1:23 PM Page 1. 11, 12 PAYMENTS: Payments for your electric bill may be made in several ways.

Yes, we think so. 10. Listed below are the utility assistance providers in our service area. You can also sign up for bank draft. These tragedies are, Page 1 of 5 V061515.YRAC YOUR RIGHTS AS A CUSTOMER SHYNE ENERGY PUCT REP License #10221 2121 Sage Rd. SECTION IV RULES AND REGULATIONS Page 2.1 ENTERGY TEXAS, INC. Sheet No. 1. Table of Contents. Primary Line: We will send a serviceman to determine is the tree is a threat to the main service. The deadline for scholarship application submission will be April 15. If a dispute lasts less than 60 days, the disputed amount does not have to be paid until the dispute is resolved. MOUNT PLESANT POWER SYSTEM SCHEDULE OF CHARGES AND PROCEDURES A. Acceptance of Electricity Service By establishing or requesting a POD or by continuing an, Your Guide to Electrical Safety AN INTRODUCTION Electricity is an important part of our daily lives. Subchapter R. CUSTOMER PROTECTION RULES FOR RETAIL ELECTRIC SERVICE. Instead of paying an initial deposit, you may furnish the Cooperative a written guarantee sufficient to cover the amount of deposit you otherwise would have to pay by a cosigner. However, if the member requests subsequent test during a four year period and the meter is found to be within acceptable accuracy standards, the Cooperative will charge the member a testing fee not to exceed $35 for a residential consumer. You also can view invoice historical past including PDF variations of paper payments instantly in your cellular gadget. Service Description: Whatever is printed here is how we describe your meter location in our system. Customers can view their utilization and billing, manage payments, notify customer support of account and service issues and obtain particular messaging from REC.Additional Feat BGEs free app allows you to easily entry your account information on the go. In Person (after hours) Our kiosk is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Customer of Rockland Electric Company As a utility customer, it s important for you to be aware of your basic consumer rights.
SERVICE RULES AND POLICIES Table of Contents 1.1 General Information Introduction Description of Operations Statement of Non Discrimination. Tutorials for Apple and Android are available on our website if you need help or you can contact a Member Service Representative. Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. Business Rules 201 South Avenue F P. O. MoneyGram-Go to to find the closest bill pay location to you. Keep for future reference. Everyday someone loses his or her home or business due to an electrical fire. You can see rate codes and the rates that go along with them at MedinaEC.org/Rates. By attending ETREYS, you have the opportunity to be selected to attend Youth Tour. We have developed this booklet. Hurricanes, Original Sheet No. Hughes Natural Gas, Inc. The amount of guarantee shall be clearly indicated on any documents or letters signed by the guarantor. Box 70; Gilmer, Texas 75644, or from the Cooperative s business office located at 1200 West Tyler Street; Gilmer, Texas Se puede obtener una copia de esta enformacion en espanol escribiendo a Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation a P.O. A list of sizes of lights and pricing is located in the Tariffs. Rights and Responsibilities, Welcome. MISCELLANEOUS 27 Effective 01/28/2015, P.U.C. PAYMENT ARRANGEMENTS The Cooperative may make payment arrangements in which you pay an outstanding bill after its due date, but before the next bill is due. Welcome HOME Customer Service --- -hour Emergency Hotlines Electric Emergency/Lights Out --- Gas Emergency/Gas Odor ---, Generator Transfer Switch Model # HTS15-AUTO Congratulations on your purchase of our Single Circuit Generator Transfer Switch, We hope this meets and exceeds your expectations. DEPOSIT INFORMATION: A. This document summarizes Your Rights, 200 Service Policy 200.1 Condition of Service The Cooperative s Service Policy applies to all locations within its service area, according to the type of service delivered and subject to the provisions, ! Wage & Hour enforces many aspects of labor law including the collection of unpaid wages and benefits, GREENVILLE UTILITIES COMMISSION UTILITY REGULATIONS PART D CUSTOMER SERVICE POLICY Table of Contents Effective Date Page(s) 1.0 Scope 11-19-97 D-2 2.0 Definitions 10-01-08 D-2-3 3.0 Customer Deposits 11-19-97. PayNow: Easily make an online payment with just an account number and the last name on the account. Read all the information on installation, safety and maintenance, and follow instructions regarding maintenance and testing. Easily contact your service provider by e-mail or cellphone. If the dispute lasts more than 60 days, the disputed amount must be paid under protest. ELECTRIC SERVICE RULES Revised 02/09/16; Effective 04/01/16 1 Table of Contents Rule Number & Title Page # 1. 3 Gulf Power Ready for the storm. Tariff For Electric Service Provided by Pedernales Electric Cooperative, Inc. 201 South Avenue F P.O. Payment Stub: If you pay your bill by mail, return this portion with a payment in the provided envelope. It is the aim of Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation to make reliable electric energy available to its member-owners at the lowest cost consistent with sound economy and good management. *Qualified electricians should install and check wiring *Homes should be 100-amps; 200+-amps for homes heated by electricity *Electric appliances should have a three-prong plug *Keep cords away from water and heat *Never wrap cords around metal-keep them away from foot traffic *Weatherproof outdoor electrical outlets *Major electrical appliances should have their own circuits *Never use appliances when you are wet or on a wet surface *Never use electric tools/appliances outdoors if it is raining or wet *Use power tools with durable, grounded or double insulated cords *Never operate an electric lawn mower in wet grass *Teach your children to not fly kites near power lines *Never touch fallen power lines-they might be energized *Never enter an electrical substation *Never use any type of metal near power lines *Teach your family where the main fuse/circuit breaker is located *Inspect cords-do not use a damaged cord *Never pull a plug from a wall outlet by the cord *Unplug irons and heat appliances when not in use *Plug power tools or heavy appliances into wall outlets only SCHOLARSHIPS: Since the passage of HB3203 in 1999, Upshur Rural Electric has been able to fund scholarships for students in rural areas from unclaimed capital credit monies. To explain PMEA and its electric rate design concept, we will do so by answering some questions members have asked. In October 2003, the 186 MW combined cycle plant began operations. Help us keep you safe, Hughes Natural Gas, Inc. https://poweroutage.us/area/utility/383Sam Houston Electric Cooperative. https://www.dnb.com/business-directory/company-profiles.sam_houston_electric_cooperative_inc.ea38f35ab55a9d8c525de48e2412b170.htmlFind company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for Sam Houston Electric Cooperative, Inc. of Coldspring, TX. This clause applies to all bills that are billed under rate Schedule A Residential Service and rate B Small Commercial and General Service. By Mail Use the envelope provided with your bill. In our opinion, the disadvantages of this rate is that all Members share in paying the high summer capacity cost and they pay it at the time their electric bills are at their highest. Interest is earned from the date of the deposit through the date the deposit is refunded. It is located to the left of our main office doors and it will accept cash, debit cards, credit cards (Visa or Mastercard) and electronic checks.
If dissatisfied with the review, the member may contact the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Xcel Energy. 1.99% introductory APR 1 for the first 6 months. We provide power to light the homes and businesses in our rural communities. 8-5 M-F CST Toll Free: 888-256-2823 (24 X 7) Fax: 832-932-9256. PC Connect Agreement & Disclosure This agreement provides information about the Sutter Community Bank PC Connect Online banking service and contains the disclosures required by the Electronic Funds Transfer. For Electric Service Provided by. View bill history including PDF versions of paper payments directly in your cell device.My Usage - Bandera Electric Cooperative included in 1938, and has served the Texas Hill Country for greater than eighty years. 1 Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Member Handbook, 2 Seven Cooperative Principles Voluntary and Open Membership Democratic Member Control Members Economic Participation Autonomy and Independence Education, Training and Information Cooperation Among Cooperatives Concern for Community Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative is a non-profit electricity provider to rural areas in ten northeast Texas counties. Billing Overview: A breakdown of the account balance for the billing period. This assessment allows Empire. If you receive a call from someone stating that they are an Upshur Rural Electric employee requesting information, please call one of our Member Service Representatives. Customers can view their utilization and billing, manage payments, notify customer support of account and repair issues and receive special messaging from SHEC.Additional Features: 1v1.LOL - Online Building and Shooting Simulator, Baonifa Casino-Wang Shixian, Zeng Wanting's only recommendation-slot machines, fishing machines, baccarat, mahjong, sic bo, roulette, blackjack, English initials, roots and suffixes that you must learn throughout your life, in traditional Chinese, 10X Fire Headshot - Sensitivity Tool and GFX. They may do so by telephone by calling , by writing the Commission, the address being: PUC Customer Protection; P.O. In the event that the largest month s kilowatt-hour usage is for a period more or less than a thirty (30) day period, the kilowatt-hour usage will be prorated to thirty (30) days usage for the purpose of this clause. The service territory of the cooperative spans across the following counties:Bell, Bosque, Coryell, Falls, Hamilton, McLennan and Milam. 11. If the Cooperative for any reason has disconnected service, it will be necessary for the member to contact the Cooperative and comply fully with the Cooperative s tariffs before service will be reconnected. Your bill for electric service will become delinquent if unpaid by the due date. Citizens Water Customer Rights and Responsibilities Citizens Water Customer Service & Water Quality Information Monday Friday: 7:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Saturday: 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. Local: (317) 924-3311 Toll-Free: Electrical Safety Electricity can be a friend, but it can also hurt if you do not treat it with respect. COLUMBIA POWER & WATER SYSTEMS RULES & REGULATIONS April 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS A. If the dispute is not resolved, the Cooperative will inform the member of the complaint procedures of the Commission, and the customer shall not be required to pay the disputed portion of the bill, which exceeds the average monthly usage pending determination of the dispute. Utility Systems Electrical. 6, 7 E. The Cooperative shall pay interest on member deposits based on the average yield on twenty-six (26) week Treasury Bills during the past twelve (12) months, as established by the Public Utility Commission of Texas. Electricity is, Online Fixed Energy A Guaranteed Deal Online Fixed Price Energy September 2016 Prices effective from 27th August 2015 Subject to availability and may be withdrawn from sale at any time. 2) If all of your power is out, check with your neighbors to see if they have power. Track electrical energy utilization, obtain alerts, pay your bill and get 24/7 customer support. Utility Outages: 1. Deadline for applications to be submitted to our office is May 1. A handbook for residential customers in Indiana, Storm Ready. If a member has a dispute with a bill from the Cooperative, the member should contact the Cooperative s Member Service Department and state the nature of the dispute. Failure to follow safety warnings exactly could, Important Customer Information customer rights& obligations COMM1746-11-11-AI-XX Your Electric Service In most cases, applications for electric service can be accepted by telephone, in writing or through, AT YOUR SERVICE 2013 2014 Maryland Customer Rights Contents 2 Customer Service 4 Your Electric Service 5 Pepco s Electric Meter 7 Billing Information 7 How to Read Your Bill 12 Paying Your Bill 13 Payment, RBCU Online/Mobile Banking Access Agreement I. Consider your typical monthly deposit needs when determining which service, ELECTRIC SERVICE PRACTICES SP 1.1 INTRODUCTION The Saskatchewan Power Corporation (SaskPower) exists to provide electrical power to its customers. Bill Payment and Adjustments. SmartHub supplies utility and telecommunications clients account administration at their fingertips. Conserve package. Your service may be disconnected if you fail to meet the payment arrangements. 233 A. NONPERMISSIBLE REASONS TO DISCONNECT SERVICE 1. 2010 United Water unitedwater.com, BILLING & COLLECTIONS SERVICES STATEMENT OF GENERALLY AVAILABLE TERMS AND CONDITIONS Description of Service This Statement of Generally Available Terms and Conditions ( Statement ) provides details under, Terms & Conditions For Electricity Supply your energy solution Introduction 1 Our contract with you In these terms and conditions, we or us is used to mean Prime Energy Limited, and you is used to mean. 1 P.S.C.
Keep for future reference. We are closed for the following holidays: New Year s Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, Independence Day (July 4 th ), Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the Day Following, and Christmas Day. BEC presently serves more than 26,000 members and offers highly reliable electric service to more than 36,000 meters across seven counties in the Texas Hill Country. Gateway 2 Range Extender 3 Smart Plug 3 Thermostat 4 Website 7 App and Mobile Devices 7, SOUTHWESTERN ELECTRIC POWER COMPANY Tariff Manual - Public Utility Commission of Texas, FIXED CHARGE: This is a cost that goes towards making the service available, including, Important Customer Information. APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP AND ELECTRICAL SERVICE: An application for membership may be downloaded off our website at you may contact a Member Service Representative and have an application mailed or faxed to you, or you may come to our office at 1200 West Tyler Street in Gilmer, Texas. Step 4. Online Fixed Price. The rate is set each December for the following year. On the homepage of our website, www.netfcu.org, TABLE OF CONTENTS I. You will not be required to pay more than 1/3 of the total deferred amount when entering into a deferred payment plan. Browse jobs. STECs headquarters was moved from Foster Field (by the airport) to the Nursery location in 1981. C. Complete your transaction at the cash counter.
Box 1 Johnson City, Texas 78636-0001 Adopted June 15, 2009; Amended August 16, 2010; September 20, 2010; December 20, 2010; Page 1 of 5 CenterPoint Energy responds to frequently asked questions Houston Sept. 19, 2008 CenterPoint Energy responds to the questions customers are asking. From this illustration you can easily see that Members such as Member A contribute more to the ratchet capacity cost than Member B and therefore should pay more of the cost. The Cooperative will promptly refund the deposit and accrued interest in the form of credit to the member s account. The app makes it easy to manage more than one account at a time and is available to each residential and business customers on your smartphone or pill. ACCOUNT VERIFICATION: With phone scams on the rise, please be aware that Upshur Rural will never call you requesting account or credit card information. If you are paying at a form free location, use the RED MoneyGram phone. A cooperative may have several local distribution substations, each serving thousands of members. 9, 10 LINE LOCATES: Make sure to call 811 before you dig. SPEC SHEETS: TARIFFS: Spec sheets for different applications can be downloaded from our website at Click on the About Us tab, click on Reports & Forms then scroll down to the description of the spec sheet you need. 8. Camp County Ore City Ministerial Alliance Community Services of Northeast Texas Wedena Oliver Verna Hawkins FM 450 N 200 W. Marshall Harleton TX Pittsburg TX, 18 Cass/Morris County Smith County Community Services of Northeast Texas Greater E TX Community Action Program Laura Dossey Tina Anderson 211 N Pinecrest, Suite B 1630 S. Vine Street Atlanta TX Tyler TX Gregg County Upshur County Greater E TX Community Action Program Tri-County Community Action Pam Hoye Teresa Jones 411 N. Fredonia Street, Suite W. Tyler Street Longview TX Gilmer TX Harrison County Upshur/Wood County Tri-County Community Action Aid Bank Teresa Jones Velma Clay 505 E. Travis Street, Suite 108 PO Box 833 Marshall TX Gilmer TX Marion County Angel Network Community Services of Northeast Texas Wendy Quinn/Patsey Williams Deanna House 3300 W. Loop N. Walcott-B Longview TX Jefferson TX (children under 18 with medical problems) YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER: A copy of this information in Spanish may be obtained by writing to Upshur Rural Electric Cooperative Corporation at: P.O. B. PAYMENT OF BILLS 5 C. BILLING POLICIES 5 D. RETURNED CHECKS 6 E. SERVICE TERMINATION, Interest Rates and Interest Charges Retail Installment Agreement Revolving Accounts Plan for NOVEL Dual of Banco Popular Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases APR for Balance Transfers APR for Cash, Your Rights and Responsibilities as a Utility Consumer October 2012 The Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission (PUC) prepared this guide to summarize the regulations regarding Standards and Billing Practices, Revolving Retail Installment Agreement for Banco Popular / AAdvantage Visa Infinite Interest Rates and Interest Charges Annual Percentage Rate (APR) for Purchases 1.99% introductory APR 1 for the first, WELCOME TO INDIANA MICHIGAN POWER Answers to Questions About Your Electric Service Michigan (Learn how on page 7) www.indianamichiganpower.com Contents When You need to contact Indiana Michigan Power1. To sign up for this program, simply fill out the Bank Draft Form and return the form with a voided check. E-18 Original Sheet No. Website: 5, 6 DEFERRED PAYMENTS: If you are a residential member and cannot pay your entire bill, you may enter into a deferred payment plan if the Cooperative has not issued more than two termination notices on your account in the previous twelve (12) months. It's everywhere. The East Texas Rural Electric Youth Seminar (ETREYS) gives students a chance to enhance their leadership and problem-solving skills in a positive learning environment while experiencing life on a college campus. Dear Neuton Owner, This is a helpful hint to guide you in getting the most out of your NEUTON Battery and Charger. Conservation of energy saves dollars on electric bills and with the PMEA concept in rates, if you conserve during the summer months you not only reduce your summer electric bills but also reduce your bills in all the following months. Organization: Require the Federal ID number and Incorporation Date (if applicable). Member A has a high kilowatthour usage during the summer months, say a high of 3000 kwh, but during the fall, winter, and spring, the usage drops to 1000 kwh. South Texas Electric Cooperative gladly gives back to the communities we serve. As a result, a line crew working on the system would be put in danger. While striving to provide the most affordable rates possible, we work to educate our members on energy efficiency which not only helps our members manage their bills; it benefits the environment. Bill Payment Special Services Community Assistance Saving Money Contacting MLGW, YOUR RIGHTS AS AN ELECTRIC OR NATURAL GAS UTILITY CUSTOMER, TOWN OF CLAYTON Utilities & Billing/Customer Service utilities@townofclaytonnc.org, Maryland Customer. Line crews fix the remaining outages based on restoring service to the greatest number of members. www.lipower. In this event, Members would benefit not only in lower monthly bills through conservation but also from lower purchase power adjustments. SUBSTANTIVE RULES APPLICABLE TO ELECTRIC SERVICE PROVIDERS. Bluebonnet Electric Cooperatives free cellular app provides residential and commercial members quick, easy entry to their accounts, permits them to securely pay their invoice, and offers numerous different priceless tools to assist them monitor and manage their vitality use and costs.M mySamHouston supplies Sam Houston Electric Cooperative prospects account management at their fingertips. PEAK MONTH ENERGY ADJUSTMENT The Peak Month Energy Adjustment (PMEA) clause contained in URECC s Rate Schedules A and B recovers the ratchet demand portion of URECC s purchase power cost. Wage & Hour Frequently Asked Questions WHAT EXACTLY DOES WAGE & HOUR DO AND WHAT SERVICES DOES IT PROVIDE? 5. As a residential utility customer, you, Rules and Regulations of Johnson City Power Board (JCPB) Effective November 1, 2015 1) Application/Contract for Service Each prospective Customer desiring electricity, herein referred to as service, will, Home Electrical Safety Lomond Business Center 10323 Lomond Drive Mailing Address: P.O.