(So, dont spend too much time figuring out how to sneak in keywords.) Create compelling copy that nicely complements your tweet and the title.
Keep in mind that the text shown on a Facebook feed is in bold and extremely eye-catching. Have you ever shared a link on Facebook only to find that the thumbnail was missing, or there was a totally different picture than you expected? Just dont exceed the 5MB size limit. When a link is shared, both Facebook and Twitter scrape the associated web page and read its tags to display the appropriate information. Here are some quick references to the documentation of how to use open graph tags with some of the social media sites: While adding your image as og:image should often be enough, sometimes it can be challenging to get your image to show up correctly. This will help encourage people to check out your content and inevitably click through to your content. Like Facebooks Open Graph tags, Twitter Cards let you stand out from the crowd of tweets. Weve all seen the ubiquitous Facebook and Twitter icons, among others, just begging to be clicked. You should not use a generic image such as your website logo, author photo, or other image that spans multiple pages. The title, headline or name of the object. Keep it short and sweet.
It should be at least 600315 pixels, but 1200630 or larger is preferred (up to 5MB). Any tags with og:before a property name are Open Graphtags. Open Graph is an internet protocol that was originally created by Facebook to standardize the use of metadata within a webpage to represent the content of a page. This comes as no surprise as sharing via social media, the internet incarnation of word-of-mouth, is one of the most effective ways for businesses and individuals to gain awareness.
If you choose summary_large_image for instance, Twitter will show your links with big high resolution images as long as youre providing it in the in the og:image tag.
Facebook assumes content without this tag is written in this language.
The number of times this article was shared on Twitter. With tags. Facebook offers developers various options on how a shared web page appears in its timeline depending on the websites content. HTML already has a proper title and meta:description tag and FB can perfectly well use those instead. In fact, if you dont define a type, Facebook will read it as website by default. , This sets the canonical URL for the content you are sharing. Now, other social media sites also are taking advantage of social meta tags. Leave a comment or ping me on Twitter.
It also adds other useful OG tags like image dimensions. Fill this in to set the og:title, og:description, and og:image tags. Just run a crawl, then go to the Social tags report to see all issues related to Open Graph and Twitter Cardtags. Similar to the others, this is unique for each page. Unless otherwise specified, every website defaults to the type called, appropriately, website, which is the example well use.
Here are some examples from our guide to becoming an SEO expert: People are arguably more likely to see and click sharedcontent with optimized OG tags, which means more social media traffic to your website. If your title is longer than 100 characters, Facebook will truncate it to only 88! The thumbnail will stay the same. Note that, for our purposes, Facebook is referring to the shared Web page when using the term object: Since these proprietary tags are, in the end, referring to the same elements, it would be ideal if there were somehow a way to reconcile the two. You can customize the OG title, description, and image for each page in the Social share settings. Surprisingly, not many sites take advantage of these tags. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The URL of an image for the social snippet. You can get View summary for summaries, View photo for photos, etc. At this time, their card types include: This will help you choose how your links are used in their feed. Not to mention the fact the OG meta tags are also recognized by some other websites or apps (I think about e.g. You should see a Yoast SEO box.
In some cases, depending on a link/title/domain, Facebook can display up to 300 characters, but I suggest treating anything above 200 as something extra.
Also, @Chris & @Adam, THANKS for this awesome article!!! Click on a flagged warning to see the explanation and advice on how to fixit. This is how you describe the kind of object you are sharing: blog post, video, picture, or whatever. Its useful if you happen to have more than one URL for the same content (for example, using parameters). You also can check what the og:image looks like, what your description is, and so on. Twitter limits this part to 200 characters.
This is because of the cache. Imagine this: you post a link to Facebook, but then you see a mistake in the thumbnail, so you go back to your site and adjust the OG tags, and you post it again on Facebook.
Consequently, the ability to harness the power of social meta tags is a vital skill for todays marketers. The best way to get them is to install one of the WordPress plugins.
It has two very helpful functionalities. This includes types like website, article, or video. . When users choose to share these links, it is tasked to the web developer to make sure that the associated web pages are properly prepared, which is what well look at now. Depending on the type of content you choose, the link at the bottom of your tweet changes. (e.g., article, website, etc.). Facebook documentation recommends one additional tag, though its not required. Use the raw title. Knowing just a little about Open Graph tags can help you tackle these problems and improve your social media marketing. This is only one example of why you would want to use a proper Open Graph title. Not in HTML (optional), but trailing slashes used to be required in XHTML. :), This is not specifically about social meta tags, but might come in useful. You can edit the code if you needto. https://www.colbyfayock.com/newsletter/, If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Here are the results of a Facebook search for alternative search engines: It brings up popular articles that people have already shared on Facebook. The tag used will be a tag and should look like this pattern: So if I were to create a set four basic open graph tags for my website, colbyfayock.com, it might look like: The open graph protocol has a few variations of the type of website it supports.
It describes the type of content you are sharing. This is where you describe your content, but instead of it showing on a search engine results page, it shows below the link title on Facebook. You should not re-use the title as the description or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. Lets say someone has shared the home page of a fictional travel company Facebook displays it like this: Twitter, as well, has multiple ways to format shared web pages that appear in its feed, but well look at the one thats quite similar to the above example from Facebook, which Twitter calls the Summary Card with Large Image: As we can see, each features multiple attributes of the shared Web page: How do we specify these attributes? Yes, content is king, but that king is powerless without followers.
Tweet a thanks, Learn to code for free. (For more information, review the description for the equivalent Facebook Open Graph tag above. Just like with Facebook, there are plenty of plugins available for implementing Twitter Cards. Consider using a markup generator tool like Mega Tagsor Web Code Toolsto help reduce syntax errors. One thing you need to remember if you do this: lace your text, or the most significant part of it, in the middle of the image. If both values are not set, facebook will fall back to the smaller og:image in such cases. Make sure you set the og:image you choose, otherwise Facebook will show something stupid like an unwanted ad banner scraped from the page, or nothing at all (as below). . I like to use WordPress SEO by Yoast, but there is an official Facebook Plugin and others to choose from. are these two things combined legit or would there be repercussions?
Go to Online Store > Themes > Customize > Theme settings > Customize > Social media > select an appropriate image. Twitter for instance requires a ratio of 2:1 with a minimum size of 300x157 and a maximum size of 4096x4096 thats under 5MB and of JPG, PNG, WEBP or GIF format.
Keep it short to prevent overflow. Interesting that only 5 meta tags are needed! Helps that it doesnt require entering titles and descriptions in multiple places for each page/post. . This is how you set the picture to go with your tweet. Did we miss anything?
. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. This is a big opportunity to make your tweets stand out in crowded Twitter feeds.
Go to Settings > Social Share on the mainmenu. https://adactio.com/journal/9881. ], A description that concisely summarizes the content as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Twitter seems fine with things, but Facebook, on the other hand, lists one item as a warning: This provides a perfect segue to talk about. Now that youve deployed all the tags, you need to make sure theyre working as expected and are ready for sharing. Here are a few: How do you implement OG tags? To get the most out of this tool, Twitter recommends using the following tag that contains the Twitter username that you want associated with the shared Web page: Keep in mind, though, that if you have no particular interest in using these analytic tools, then omitting the above two tags has no effect on how a shared Web page appears on a Facebook timeline or Twitter feed. This is shown when no custom tag is set for a shared URL.
Hey, I'm Neil Patel.
The URL of the image for your object. It serves a similar purpose as the traditional meta title tag in your code. Unlike a regular meta description tag, it wont affect your SEO. Several other major platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn, recognize Open Graph tags. Squarespace uses the page title and meta description for og:titleand og:description.
It can be very helpful for your conversion rates. If you like clean code, I absolutely advise against redundant code/content and metas without a clear and measurable purpose. Dont include branding (e.g., your sitename). If you seem to be running into trouble, the open graph standard includes a few image tags such as og:image:url vs og:image:secure_url as well as the og:image:width and og:image:height. Marketer and content writer at Ahrefs.
The Essential Meta Tags for Social Media while the bottom part will show css-tricks.com as the website. Additionally, some of the social networks have image requirements. Its surprising how few people optimize these tags. If you miss or incorrectly set up less important tags, its not a big deal. This gives us the following, which could be considered the bare minimum of tags necessary to make a web page amenable for sharing on social media: Reconciling the guidelines for the image is simple: follow Facebooks recommendation of a minimum dimension of 1200630 pixels and an aspect ratio of 1.91:1, but adhere to Twitters file size requirement of less than 1MB.

It should be at least 600315 pixels, but 1200630 or larger is preferred (up to 5MB). Any tags with og:before a property name are Open Graphtags. Open Graph is an internet protocol that was originally created by Facebook to standardize the use of metadata within a webpage to represent the content of a page. This comes as no surprise as sharing via social media, the internet incarnation of word-of-mouth, is one of the most effective ways for businesses and individuals to gain awareness.
If you choose summary_large_image for instance, Twitter will show your links with big high resolution images as long as youre providing it in the in the og:image tag.
Facebook assumes content without this tag is written in this language.
The number of times this article was shared on Twitter. With tags. Facebook offers developers various options on how a shared web page appears in its timeline depending on the websites content. HTML already has a proper title and meta:description tag and FB can perfectly well use those instead. In fact, if you dont define a type, Facebook will read it as website by default. , This sets the canonical URL for the content you are sharing. Now, other social media sites also are taking advantage of social meta tags. Leave a comment or ping me on Twitter.
It also adds other useful OG tags like image dimensions. Fill this in to set the og:title, og:description, and og:image tags. Just run a crawl, then go to the Social tags report to see all issues related to Open Graph and Twitter Cardtags. Similar to the others, this is unique for each page. Unless otherwise specified, every website defaults to the type called, appropriately, website, which is the example well use.

In some cases, depending on a link/title/domain, Facebook can display up to 300 characters, but I suggest treating anything above 200 as something extra.
Also, @Chris & @Adam, THANKS for this awesome article!!! Click on a flagged warning to see the explanation and advice on how to fixit. This is how you describe the kind of object you are sharing: blog post, video, picture, or whatever. Its useful if you happen to have more than one URL for the same content (for example, using parameters). You also can check what the og:image looks like, what your description is, and so on. Twitter limits this part to 200 characters.
This is because of the cache. Imagine this: you post a link to Facebook, but then you see a mistake in the thumbnail, so you go back to your site and adjust the OG tags, and you post it again on Facebook.

It has two very helpful functionalities. This includes types like website, article, or video. . When users choose to share these links, it is tasked to the web developer to make sure that the associated web pages are properly prepared, which is what well look at now. Depending on the type of content you choose, the link at the bottom of your tweet changes. (e.g., article, website, etc.). Facebook documentation recommends one additional tag, though its not required. Use the raw title. Knowing just a little about Open Graph tags can help you tackle these problems and improve your social media marketing. This is only one example of why you would want to use a proper Open Graph title. Not in HTML (optional), but trailing slashes used to be required in XHTML. :), This is not specifically about social meta tags, but might come in useful. You can edit the code if you needto. https://www.colbyfayock.com/newsletter/, If you read this far, tweet to the author to show them you care. Here are the results of a Facebook search for alternative search engines: It brings up popular articles that people have already shared on Facebook. The tag used will be a tag and should look like this pattern: So if I were to create a set four basic open graph tags for my website, colbyfayock.com, it might look like: The open graph protocol has a few variations of the type of website it supports.
It describes the type of content you are sharing. This is where you describe your content, but instead of it showing on a search engine results page, it shows below the link title on Facebook. You should not re-use the title as the description or use this field to describe the general services provided by the website. Lets say someone has shared the home page of a fictional travel company Facebook displays it like this: Twitter, as well, has multiple ways to format shared web pages that appear in its feed, but well look at the one thats quite similar to the above example from Facebook, which Twitter calls the Summary Card with Large Image: As we can see, each features multiple attributes of the shared Web page: How do we specify these attributes? Yes, content is king, but that king is powerless without followers.
Tweet a thanks, Learn to code for free. (For more information, review the description for the equivalent Facebook Open Graph tag above. Just like with Facebook, there are plenty of plugins available for implementing Twitter Cards. Consider using a markup generator tool like Mega Tagsor Web Code Toolsto help reduce syntax errors. One thing you need to remember if you do this: lace your text, or the most significant part of it, in the middle of the image. If both values are not set, facebook will fall back to the smaller og:image in such cases. Make sure you set the og:image you choose, otherwise Facebook will show something stupid like an unwanted ad banner scraped from the page, or nothing at all (as below). . I like to use WordPress SEO by Yoast, but there is an official Facebook Plugin and others to choose from. are these two things combined legit or would there be repercussions?
Go to Online Store > Themes > Customize > Theme settings > Customize > Social media > select an appropriate image. Twitter for instance requires a ratio of 2:1 with a minimum size of 300x157 and a maximum size of 4096x4096 thats under 5MB and of JPG, PNG, WEBP or GIF format.
Keep it short to prevent overflow. Interesting that only 5 meta tags are needed! Helps that it doesnt require entering titles and descriptions in multiple places for each page/post. . This is how you set the picture to go with your tweet. Did we miss anything?
. Donations to freeCodeCamp go toward our education initiatives, and help pay for servers, services, and staff. This is a big opportunity to make your tweets stand out in crowded Twitter feeds.
Go to Settings > Social Share on the mainmenu. https://adactio.com/journal/9881. ], A description that concisely summarizes the content as appropriate for presentation within a Tweet. Twitter seems fine with things, but Facebook, on the other hand, lists one item as a warning: This provides a perfect segue to talk about. Now that youve deployed all the tags, you need to make sure theyre working as expected and are ready for sharing. Here are a few: How do you implement OG tags? To get the most out of this tool, Twitter recommends using the following tag that contains the Twitter username that you want associated with the shared Web page: Keep in mind, though, that if you have no particular interest in using these analytic tools, then omitting the above two tags has no effect on how a shared Web page appears on a Facebook timeline or Twitter feed. This is shown when no custom tag is set for a shared URL.
Hey, I'm Neil Patel.
The URL of the image for your object. It serves a similar purpose as the traditional meta title tag in your code. Unlike a regular meta description tag, it wont affect your SEO. Several other major platforms, including Twitter and LinkedIn, recognize Open Graph tags. Squarespace uses the page title and meta description for og:titleand og:description.
It can be very helpful for your conversion rates. If you like clean code, I absolutely advise against redundant code/content and metas without a clear and measurable purpose. Dont include branding (e.g., your sitename). If you seem to be running into trouble, the open graph standard includes a few image tags such as og:image:url vs og:image:secure_url as well as the og:image:width and og:image:height. Marketer and content writer at Ahrefs.
The Essential Meta Tags for Social Media while the bottom part will show css-tricks.com as the website. Additionally, some of the social networks have image requirements. Its surprising how few people optimize these tags. If you miss or incorrectly set up less important tags, its not a big deal. This gives us the following, which could be considered the bare minimum of tags necessary to make a web page amenable for sharing on social media: Reconciling the guidelines for the image is simple: follow Facebooks recommendation of a minimum dimension of 1200630 pixels and an aspect ratio of 1.91:1, but adhere to Twitters file size requirement of less than 1MB.