Any citizen may participate in the meeting during Citizen Participation. The Board of Elections and Registration may consider any other business it deems necessary, and may move into executive session to discuss matters deemed exempt under the Open Meetings law. 125 North Court Street
ATT: Marsha Herbert The Superintendent is now recommending reinstituting a Southern Area Redistricting Committee to complete the work of making recommendations to balance enrollment and capacities for all schools in the region. Please select the plus symbol to view each item. The SharePoint site is accessible to the public and does not require login or special access.
125 North Court Street Please. Forms, Applications, and Candidate Materials, Secretary of State Voter Frequently Asked Question. Pleaseclick herefor additional information. ATT: Donna Sivigny 125 North Court Street The Boards Ethics Policy, which is based on Maryland law, governs annual financial disclosures of Board of Education officials and certain employees, conflicts of interest as defined in the law and Board policy, and rules for lobbyists. Special meetings are called by the President. The Council consists ofschool directors, principals, representatives from all employee groups, and parents, as well as members from the law enforcement and emergency management community. The Ethics Panel is appointed by the Board of Education to ensure compliance with the Ethics Policy. The agenda and back-up materials for Board meetings are available for review prior to the meeting inthe CCPS Board of Education document library link below. Kenneth A. Kiler The Superintendent serves as the Board's Executive Officer, Secretary and Treasurer; and a student representative is selected each year by the Carroll County Student Government Association. 125 North Court Street Please. If you wish to view more recent minutes, you can visittheAgendas section above. As with the original committee, this one would include key staff, County partners, and parent representatives. All documents and information contained in the document libraryare added within 24 hours of the Board of Education meetings. Executive leadership, with appropriate staff, will officially meet with two assigned Board of Education members monthly to review in advance instructional systemic initiatives. The committee would form in January 2022 and meet the timeline in Administrative Regulation JCAA of bringing a report in September 2022. This collaboration enables the director of special education to make positive changes in the delivery of special education services. 410-386-1670 In addition to providing information to the Board, the Community Advisory Council may be called upon by the Superintendent and/or Board of Education to make recommendations on matters related to the education of students inCarrollCounty Public Schools. The law provides for the County Commissioners to serve as non-voting, ex-officio members of the Board. The CCPS Curriculum and Instruction Committee will take place earlier in the month prior to the official monthly Board meeting to provide ample time to inform the Board of items being brought to future meetings for Presentation, Report or Action. Westminster, MD 21157 Board of Education Monthly meetings are held in the Elections Office, 423 College Street, Carrollton.
Portions of the handbook are excerpted from the Maryland Annotated Code Education Article, the Maryland Association of Board of Education (MABE) Manual, The Maryland School Law Deskbook, and Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) operating policies and procedures., Patricia S. Dorsey The Carroll County Public SchoolsBoard of Educationis composed of five elected members. Where do I get a copy of my birth certificate? Please click on the link button below to access the document library. Meetings will start at the above advertised time and will end upon Adjournment. CCPS Board of Education Agendas & Documents. The Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.04.18.01(D)(2)(c) requires that each school system provide a comprehensive family life and HIV prevention education to students in schools as a part of comprehensive health education. This monthly Board committee meeting will be in addition to the CCPS Curriculum Council that takes place four times a year and the traditional monthly Board of Education meeting. Time for public comment is provided at each of our regular monthly Board meetings, which are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Public participation is held at approximately 5:15 and 6:30 p.m. Members of the community are also encouraged to provide comments to the Board via the contact form below. This Council participates in interview projects, serves on program advisory committees, reviews student senior projects and portfolios, and reviews the Local Plan for Program Improvement (Career and Technology Education Perkins grant), The Curriculum Council reviews and recommends instructional materials proposed for adoption and provides input and response to the Superintendent regarding issues facing Carroll County in its challenge to bring about continuous school improvement. Board meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of the month. The primary responsibility of the SAC is to provide input and recommendations to the Supervisor of School Security to improve and enhance security procedures, training, and equipment for the school system. Term expires Dec. 2024 TheCarroll County Public Schools Security Advisory Council (SAC) was created to generate input on school security related matters from the various stakeholders. Board of Education - BC - Financial Disclosure Statement Form 1, Board of Education - BC - Financial Disclosure Statement Form 2. ArchivedFreedom Elementary Redistricting Committee. The Carroll County Public SchoolsBoard of Educationand the Superintendent welcome suggestions for the continued improvement of the policies and procedures of the Carroll County Public School System. The Carroll County Public Schools, Board of Education meeting agendas arehoused on a Microsoft SharePoint site. Westminster, MD 21157 The same EFMP suggested that capacity at the Southern Area middle schools be monitored. James "Pete" Gamble, Chairman - Term Expires 12/31/2022, Seth Hobson, Vice Chairman - Term Expires 12/31/2021, Catherine Huckeba - Term Expires 12-31-2022, Jennifer Schelp Ruiz - Term Expires 12-31-2023. The Board meeting schedule is subject to change. The Superintendent serves as the Board's Executive Officer, Secretary and Treasurer. Redistricting & Facility Utilization Documents, ArchivedFreedom Elementary Redistricting Committee, Special Education Citizen's Advisory Committee, Carroll County Career and Technology Center, Board of Education Closed Session - July 21, Board of Education Meeting Thursday, July 21, Revised Schedule for Summer Board of Education Meetings, Advisory Council onCareer & Technology Education, Redistricting and School Closure Committee, The Carroll County Advisory Council on Career and Technology Education participates in the development of annual program plans and accountability reports and provides local educational agencies and post-secondary education institutions with advice on current job needs and on the relevancy of curriculum being offered in meeting such needs. The Board of Education of Carroll County is composed of five Members elected for terms of four years. Meetings are broadcastlivethroughout the month on Carroll Educational Television Channel 21., Emilie Tedeschi The Council also provides advice and recommendations to the Board and Superintendent regarding issues related to instruction and learning, as requested or as initiated by the Council. Specific meeting dates and times are listed on the Meeting Schedule tab. To review the Ethics Policy, please click on the links below. Westminster, MD 21157 ATT:Kenneth Kiler The purpose of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee is to provide additional transparency and oversight when reviewing new curriculum, instructional programs, state, or federal legislation which impacts curriculum, instruction, or school administration, and provide recommendations, as appropriate, to the Board. CCPSPolicy Book is available in the Superintendents office and the Principals office of each school.
To that end, the Ethics Panel reviews annual financial disclosure forms, issues advisory opinions concerning the application of the Ethics Policy, and decides complaints alleging a violation of the provisions of the Ethics Policy. The Board of Education Ethics Panel is established in accordance with Board Policy BC Ethics. Board of Education ATT:Patricia Dorsey Board of Education The Board of Education of Carroll County welcomes public input on the topics they discuss. Alternatively, citizens may send written comments to the Board through the US mail. The CarrollCounty Teacher Advisory Council makes recommendations to county teachers and administrators regarding effective strategies that provide for student achievement. Westminster, MD 21157 At its December 8, 2021, business meeting, the Board of Education approved a recommendation to implement a Southern Area Redistricting Committee. That committees work was interrupted and then postponed by the impact of the pandemic on enrollment. All documents and information contained in the SharePoint siteare added within 24 hours of the Board of Education meetings. The committeewill be responsible for examining all instructional materials being proposed to support the CCPS Health Curriculum. The Ethics Panel does not address general complaints about Board of Education officials or employees or issue advice on whether the actions of an individual are appropriate beyond the specific provisions of the Ethics Policy. Click on the Meeting Agendas button to be taken to the files. Student Representative Members develop a working knowledge of curriculum goals, trends, and issues and network with supervisors to communicate local concerns and issues regarding curriculum and school improvement., Donna M. Sivigny, Marsha B. Herbert The SharePoint site is accessible to the public and does not require login or special access. Board of Education 410-386-1670 Please click on the link button below to access the agendas. President Board Member Term expires Dec. 2022 Below you will find the list of archived Board Meeting minutes. Curriculum development, instructional resources and instructional methodologies will be shared and reviewed prior to the monthly Board of Education meetings. The Board of Educations Ethics Policy is created to comply with Marylands Public Ethics Law and is approved by the State Ethics Commission. The Community Advisory Council serves as a forum for public concerns, advice, and communication to and from the Board of Education. Each year, a student representative is selected by the Carroll County Student Government Association. The current EFMP indicated that we would review September 2021 enrollments and make recommendations when appropriate. Please select the plus symbol to view each statement. 410-386-1670 Contact information for Board Members is listed under the Board Members tab above. Carroll County citizens are encouraged to attend Board meetings.
They may also be reachedvia the Contact Ustab above. 125 North Court Street 410-386-1670 Curriculum CouncilInformation. Comments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the Board meeting in order to be posted prior to the meeting. Term expires Dec. 2022 Pleaseclick herefor additional information. Board Member Carroll County Public Schools seeks individuals interested in serving on the Family Life Advisory Committee to ensure that members of the community are consulted about its family life education program. If you have concerns and desire to bring about positive change please consider becoming an active member in this constructive process. The Carroll County Public Schools, Board of Education document library is housed on a Microsoft SharePoint site. ATT:Emilie Tedeschi 410-386-1670 Term expires Dec. 2024 The Board Handbook is intended as a guide to the operations of the Board of Education of Carroll County, Maryland. Westminster, MD 21157 Board meetings are streamed live on the CCPS YouTube channel andviewable on the right side of this page under CETV LiveStream. In 2019, through approval of theEducational Facilities Master Plan(EFMP), the Board approved a Freedom Elementary Redistricting Committee. The County Commissioners serve as non-voting, ex-officio Members of the Board. Board of Education The Carroll CountySpecial Education Citizen's Advisory Committee is a committee established by Carroll County Public Schools to seek meaningful input from parents, community partners, service providers, educators, and administrators on local issues about the achievement of students with disabilities. Board Member
ATT: Marsha Herbert The Superintendent is now recommending reinstituting a Southern Area Redistricting Committee to complete the work of making recommendations to balance enrollment and capacities for all schools in the region. Please select the plus symbol to view each item. The SharePoint site is accessible to the public and does not require login or special access.

Portions of the handbook are excerpted from the Maryland Annotated Code Education Article, the Maryland Association of Board of Education (MABE) Manual, The Maryland School Law Deskbook, and Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) operating policies and procedures., Patricia S. Dorsey The Carroll County Public SchoolsBoard of Educationis composed of five elected members. Where do I get a copy of my birth certificate? Please click on the link button below to access the document library. Meetings will start at the above advertised time and will end upon Adjournment. CCPS Board of Education Agendas & Documents. The Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR) 13A.04.18.01(D)(2)(c) requires that each school system provide a comprehensive family life and HIV prevention education to students in schools as a part of comprehensive health education. This monthly Board committee meeting will be in addition to the CCPS Curriculum Council that takes place four times a year and the traditional monthly Board of Education meeting. Time for public comment is provided at each of our regular monthly Board meetings, which are held on the second Wednesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. Public participation is held at approximately 5:15 and 6:30 p.m. Members of the community are also encouraged to provide comments to the Board via the contact form below. This Council participates in interview projects, serves on program advisory committees, reviews student senior projects and portfolios, and reviews the Local Plan for Program Improvement (Career and Technology Education Perkins grant), The Curriculum Council reviews and recommends instructional materials proposed for adoption and provides input and response to the Superintendent regarding issues facing Carroll County in its challenge to bring about continuous school improvement. Board meetings are generally held on the second Wednesday of the month. The primary responsibility of the SAC is to provide input and recommendations to the Supervisor of School Security to improve and enhance security procedures, training, and equipment for the school system. Term expires Dec. 2024 TheCarroll County Public Schools Security Advisory Council (SAC) was created to generate input on school security related matters from the various stakeholders. Board of Education - BC - Financial Disclosure Statement Form 1, Board of Education - BC - Financial Disclosure Statement Form 2. ArchivedFreedom Elementary Redistricting Committee. The Carroll County Public SchoolsBoard of Educationand the Superintendent welcome suggestions for the continued improvement of the policies and procedures of the Carroll County Public School System. The Carroll County Public Schools, Board of Education meeting agendas arehoused on a Microsoft SharePoint site. Westminster, MD 21157 The same EFMP suggested that capacity at the Southern Area middle schools be monitored. James "Pete" Gamble, Chairman - Term Expires 12/31/2022, Seth Hobson, Vice Chairman - Term Expires 12/31/2021, Catherine Huckeba - Term Expires 12-31-2022, Jennifer Schelp Ruiz - Term Expires 12-31-2023. The Board meeting schedule is subject to change. The Superintendent serves as the Board's Executive Officer, Secretary and Treasurer. Redistricting & Facility Utilization Documents, ArchivedFreedom Elementary Redistricting Committee, Special Education Citizen's Advisory Committee, Carroll County Career and Technology Center, Board of Education Closed Session - July 21, Board of Education Meeting Thursday, July 21, Revised Schedule for Summer Board of Education Meetings, Advisory Council onCareer & Technology Education, Redistricting and School Closure Committee, The Carroll County Advisory Council on Career and Technology Education participates in the development of annual program plans and accountability reports and provides local educational agencies and post-secondary education institutions with advice on current job needs and on the relevancy of curriculum being offered in meeting such needs. The Board of Education of Carroll County is composed of five Members elected for terms of four years. Meetings are broadcastlivethroughout the month on Carroll Educational Television Channel 21., Emilie Tedeschi The Council also provides advice and recommendations to the Board and Superintendent regarding issues related to instruction and learning, as requested or as initiated by the Council. Specific meeting dates and times are listed on the Meeting Schedule tab. To review the Ethics Policy, please click on the links below. Westminster, MD 21157 ATT:Kenneth Kiler The purpose of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee is to provide additional transparency and oversight when reviewing new curriculum, instructional programs, state, or federal legislation which impacts curriculum, instruction, or school administration, and provide recommendations, as appropriate, to the Board. CCPSPolicy Book is available in the Superintendents office and the Principals office of each school.
To that end, the Ethics Panel reviews annual financial disclosure forms, issues advisory opinions concerning the application of the Ethics Policy, and decides complaints alleging a violation of the provisions of the Ethics Policy. The Board of Education Ethics Panel is established in accordance with Board Policy BC Ethics. Board of Education ATT:Patricia Dorsey Board of Education The Board of Education of Carroll County welcomes public input on the topics they discuss. Alternatively, citizens may send written comments to the Board through the US mail. The CarrollCounty Teacher Advisory Council makes recommendations to county teachers and administrators regarding effective strategies that provide for student achievement. Westminster, MD 21157 At its December 8, 2021, business meeting, the Board of Education approved a recommendation to implement a Southern Area Redistricting Committee. That committees work was interrupted and then postponed by the impact of the pandemic on enrollment. All documents and information contained in the SharePoint siteare added within 24 hours of the Board of Education meetings. The committeewill be responsible for examining all instructional materials being proposed to support the CCPS Health Curriculum. The Ethics Panel does not address general complaints about Board of Education officials or employees or issue advice on whether the actions of an individual are appropriate beyond the specific provisions of the Ethics Policy. Click on the Meeting Agendas button to be taken to the files. Student Representative Members develop a working knowledge of curriculum goals, trends, and issues and network with supervisors to communicate local concerns and issues regarding curriculum and school improvement., Donna M. Sivigny, Marsha B. Herbert The SharePoint site is accessible to the public and does not require login or special access. Board of Education 410-386-1670 Please click on the link button below to access the agendas. President Board Member Term expires Dec. 2022 Below you will find the list of archived Board Meeting minutes. Curriculum development, instructional resources and instructional methodologies will be shared and reviewed prior to the monthly Board of Education meetings. The Board of Educations Ethics Policy is created to comply with Marylands Public Ethics Law and is approved by the State Ethics Commission. The Community Advisory Council serves as a forum for public concerns, advice, and communication to and from the Board of Education. Each year, a student representative is selected by the Carroll County Student Government Association. The current EFMP indicated that we would review September 2021 enrollments and make recommendations when appropriate. Please select the plus symbol to view each statement. 410-386-1670 Contact information for Board Members is listed under the Board Members tab above. Carroll County citizens are encouraged to attend Board meetings.
They may also be reachedvia the Contact Ustab above. 125 North Court Street 410-386-1670 Curriculum CouncilInformation. Comments must be received by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the Board meeting in order to be posted prior to the meeting. Term expires Dec. 2022 Pleaseclick herefor additional information. Board Member Carroll County Public Schools seeks individuals interested in serving on the Family Life Advisory Committee to ensure that members of the community are consulted about its family life education program. If you have concerns and desire to bring about positive change please consider becoming an active member in this constructive process. The Carroll County Public Schools, Board of Education document library is housed on a Microsoft SharePoint site. ATT:Emilie Tedeschi 410-386-1670 Term expires Dec. 2024 The Board Handbook is intended as a guide to the operations of the Board of Education of Carroll County, Maryland. Westminster, MD 21157 Board meetings are streamed live on the CCPS YouTube channel andviewable on the right side of this page under CETV LiveStream. In 2019, through approval of theEducational Facilities Master Plan(EFMP), the Board approved a Freedom Elementary Redistricting Committee. The County Commissioners serve as non-voting, ex-officio Members of the Board. Board of Education The Carroll CountySpecial Education Citizen's Advisory Committee is a committee established by Carroll County Public Schools to seek meaningful input from parents, community partners, service providers, educators, and administrators on local issues about the achievement of students with disabilities. Board Member