We reiterate that aging is a gift to the entire faith community. Pope Francis Appoints Bishop chad to Shepherd New Ulm. A younger family member asks, "Why do you spend time volunteering?" Father Jose has written and self-published 3 books! By appointment - please call the Parish Center or the Rectory.
What else might be done to include them more fully in parish life?
Thank you for your interest in St. Raphael Parish. How does the parish use the gifts and experiences of older members? In your own experience, what are the rewards and the challenges of caring for an older family member or friend?
Schedule may vary - please check the bulletin for details. Group meets in the church. Please remember to donate to our Haiti Twinning Project - and thank you for your generosity! The only way to live well in old age is to live it in God. How have major lossesof family members, friends, health, or mobilityaffected your spiritual life? What religious practices are especially meaningful to you? (Linda Zaglio, age 101)13. Learn more, If you have not completed the mandatory training for all volunteers, Serving Vulnerable Adults, go to the Safe and Sacred website and make sure you are up to date: Go to Safe and Sacred If need help, contact Marie in the parish office and she will be happy to help you.. Are older people involved in parish decision-making, especially on issues that directly affect them? What qualities in them do you especially admire, and how can you begin to cultivate those qualities now? Al-Anon Meeting - Blue Room in the Parish Center. Have you talked with an older person to understand his or her perspective on aging. Click on the titles of the books for more information about their content and how to order. In writing this reflection, we have spoken about a phenomenon that is, in many ways, entirely new. We, the Catholic bishops of the United States, are pleased to celebrate this International Year of Older Persons by inviting older persons, their families, and their faith communities to help us develop new initiatives that encourage the participation of older persons in society and in the Church. The Saint Raphael Masses were not being watched on line so we are utilizing our volunteer help on other projects. Think about one or two older people whom you admire. The following questions may be used for individual reflection or to promote discussion within parish pastoral councils, seniors groups, young adult groups, caregiver support groups, or in adult faith formation programs. The parish office is open Monday-Thursday 10:00am-4:00pm and by appointment. Sixteen Sunday Year C. Marthas Hospitality is not a priority. Mailing: PO Box 10508 Fairbanks, AK 99710, On July 12th our Holy Father announced that Bishop Zielinski has been appointed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of New Ulm in Minnesota.See the official press release, With the announcement of Bishop Zielinskis appointment to New Ulm, he is now the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Fairbanks until his departure some time in early September. All members of the Parish are welcome to attend. Go to the Google Play Store for Android devices, or the App Store for Apple devices, and search for St Raphael Parish Application. 17th July 2022. For Pastors, Pastoral Staff, and Parishioners. What are your fears? What is your perception of aging? Community, St. Raphael's Live Stream (click on the LIVE icon below), Retrouvaille - a Lifeline for Married Couples, Blessed Gifts: Parish Store Offering Christian Gifts. What do you answer?
Protect our Children and Vulnerable Adults. 15th Sunday YC Good Samaritan - July 10, 2022, 14th Sunday YC - Be An Ambassador of Peace - July 3, 2022, 08-09 Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, 04-20 The Bread of Life - Food for the Journey, 11-27 Difficult Times - Infinite Possibilities, 09-29 Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, 2020-08-29 The Passion of John the Baptist. When that community reflects the contributions of allthe old as well as the youngit will truly proclaim the ageless Christ present among us. Sundays at 9:00am Mass is live streamed on our website and Facebook Live - every Sunday at 9:00am, https://www.facebook.com/straphaelglasgow/, Monumental VBS Online Registration Form (Click on the image below), Blessings of Age - Pastoral Message on Growing Older Within the Faith If you are looking for a new parish homeor returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or seeking to know more about theCatholic Church and faith, we are happy to have you here! On July 12th our Holy Father announced that Bishop Zielinski has been appointed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of New Ulm in Minnesota. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there, and I unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. The icon is the same as the previous parish app. How does the parish bring together older and younger members and encourage them to learn from each other? RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. If we cannot foresee all the ways in which they will change society and the Church, we can say with certainty that changewillhappen. What kinds of support do you need as a caregiver? Our country and our world have never had so many older peoplehealthy, active, gifted older people. The new Parish Appis ready to go! How do you continue to deepen your relationship with God in later life? Click on the titles of the books for more information about their content and how to order. Father Jose has written and self-published 3 books! If books are purchased at the Parish Office, all proceeds go to our Haiti Twinning Project! My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Please join us to pray the Rosary at 3:30pm on Saturdays and 8:30am on Sundays. With the announcement of Bishop Zielinskis appointment to New Ulm, he is now the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Fairbanks until his departure some time in early September. Please call 228-9800 (office) or 228-2962 (rectory). (Remember to delete the old app). Saturdays at 4:00pm.
What else might be done to include them more fully in parish life?

Protect our Children and Vulnerable Adults. 15th Sunday YC Good Samaritan - July 10, 2022, 14th Sunday YC - Be An Ambassador of Peace - July 3, 2022, 08-09 Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, 04-20 The Bread of Life - Food for the Journey, 11-27 Difficult Times - Infinite Possibilities, 09-29 Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, 2020-08-29 The Passion of John the Baptist. When that community reflects the contributions of allthe old as well as the youngit will truly proclaim the ageless Christ present among us. Sundays at 9:00am Mass is live streamed on our website and Facebook Live - every Sunday at 9:00am, https://www.facebook.com/straphaelglasgow/, Monumental VBS Online Registration Form (Click on the image below), Blessings of Age - Pastoral Message on Growing Older Within the Faith If you are looking for a new parish homeor returning to the practice of your Catholic faith or seeking to know more about theCatholic Church and faith, we are happy to have you here! On July 12th our Holy Father announced that Bishop Zielinski has been appointed as the fifth bishop of the Diocese of New Ulm in Minnesota. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you into my soul. Since I cannot now receive you sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. I embrace you as if you were already there, and I unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. The icon is the same as the previous parish app. How does the parish bring together older and younger members and encourage them to learn from each other? RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. If we cannot foresee all the ways in which they will change society and the Church, we can say with certainty that changewillhappen. What kinds of support do you need as a caregiver? Our country and our world have never had so many older peoplehealthy, active, gifted older people. The new Parish Appis ready to go! How do you continue to deepen your relationship with God in later life? Click on the titles of the books for more information about their content and how to order. Father Jose has written and self-published 3 books! If books are purchased at the Parish Office, all proceeds go to our Haiti Twinning Project! My Jesus, I believe that you are present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Please join us to pray the Rosary at 3:30pm on Saturdays and 8:30am on Sundays. With the announcement of Bishop Zielinskis appointment to New Ulm, he is now the Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese of Fairbanks until his departure some time in early September. Please call 228-9800 (office) or 228-2962 (rectory). (Remember to delete the old app). Saturdays at 4:00pm.