A bump to see if @Rolandwill allow this mod, seeing as it has @Misho's seal of approval for being both well made and kept up to date, as well as being wanted by several people. Suggestions. Otherwise known as the B95, the Sawed Off Blaze can fire 2 .308 rounds in quick succession, or expel both rounds at the same time with a double shot. Gonna just bumperinio this thread, please daddy @Rolandcan we have this superb mod added to the server? Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! I know that I can use PgUp and PgDn to zero the scope to different distances. I'm using the Long Range Scope with the Mosin. The Mosin is very powerful at long distance, but due to the Mosin being bolt-action like many Sniper Rifles in DayZ, it is more difficult to use in close quarters combat. Anyone know where to find one? It is best described as being a hybrid of the M70 Tundra(Winchester) for its damage and range, and the CR 527 for its external magazine. Wanted a Mosin with an ACOG or a long range hunting scope? The CR 527 is otherwise known as the CZ 527 and functions much like the CR 550 Sniper Rifle.
The Sawed Off Blaze can be crafted by combining a Blaze with a hacksaw. The SKS rifles can still be found in regular use in conflict zones across the globe. The VSS is not only suppressed as standard, but always has subsonic bullet speeds and won't make a weapon crack sound as a result. https://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/1743342466033995409/. -------- SKS. With the Mosin 9130's Accuracy stat of 0.001, Max Zeroing Distance of 1000 and Muzzle Velocity of 824.25 meters per second, the Mosin 9130 has a Base Range of roughly 615 meters without any attachments. If I zero the scope to 300m, does that mean it's zeroed to 300m only for the default (right mouse button click) zoom level? So, my question is this. For example, when you find the special Mosin mount, you can attach ANY picatinny rail scope to it, including the newer scopes seen in the mod. Copyright WOBO Tools 2021 - 2022. The Sawed Off Blaze is very powerful at range due to the double shot inflicting twice the damage, but not as good as the regular Blaze. PU scope Also included is a special AK pattern rail that allows picatinny attachments to your favorite AKM or SVD, allowing further customization over the vanilla scope options. The Mosin 9130 uses 7.62x54 Rounds and can fire at 27.27 RPM (Rounds Per Minute) inflicting 150 health damage and 150 shock damage per shot with 519 recoil rating. All rights reserved. The inventory size of the Mosin 9130 is 30 total slots, weighing 4000 grams with a length of 122.271 centimeters without any attachments. The hunting scope makes this weapon very powerful at sniping objects at a range and the 10 round magazine makes your true RPM better than most Sniper Rifles in DayZ. While not all Snipers in this weapon category perfectly suit being called a Sniper Rifle due to characteristics like the round they use or their weapon damage, they certainly have most of the capabilities of a long range firearm. WOBO Tools is a website dedicated to helping players learn about online games such as DayZ using videos, tips and tools. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Yes, i would love to use an ACOG or Barraka sight on my AKM. a[data-uid='49400'] span { Love eastern weaponry this would extend its use. Fires 9x39mm Armour Piercing rounds. Image explains it all. Stack Exchange network consists of 180 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Can you elaborate I am not familar with that term. Most of the content is uploaded and updated by gamers themselves. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Zeroing the Long Range Scope with multiple zoom levels. It helps if you're looking in the right places. Ranging from valuable collectible military surplus rifles to those made for the commercial market, it is a very popular rifle with shooters and collectors alike. Please. Blender on Linux and Win10 How to use the same file paths? The SK 59/66 is a semi-automatic carbine in DayZ Standalone. The damage mostly comes from the ammunition used by the firearm but nearly all Sniper Rifles in DayZ are great at long range combat. Otherwise known as the B95, the Blaze can fire 2 .308 rounds in quick succession, or expel both rounds at the same time with a double shot. The Hunting Scope makes this weapon very powerful at sniping at a range, and allows the Improvised Suppressor so you can be stealthy while using this firearm. Weapons in DayZ can be split into serveral weapon categories that are as follows: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Sub Machine Guns, Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Projectile Firearms. Also known as the SVD, the VSD is arguably the best Sniper Rifle in DayZ with its quick rate of fire and high damage. Similar to the AS VAL in terms of stats. a[data-uid='49400'], Mosin 91/30. Sure, its a bolt-action sniper rifle, but its quite versatile. This weapon bridges the gap between medium and short-range engagements, allowing players to load 10 rounds at a time and fire them in quick succession. I seriously think this mod will open up new and more exciting weapon combos, as well as make civilian weapons more appealing for hunting or self defense from wolves and bears. Below you will find more screenshots of different games that are not related to dayz. The CR 550 Savanna is also known as the CZ 550. View all the ammo types and how projectiles can impact weapon performance, View all of Asmondian's infographics to learn a lot about DayZ quickly, How weapon attachments can impact the performance of weapons, Learn about the stats in DayZ and what they mean on this website, Understand how player stats and statuses impact your character, How stats impact weapons and how weapons compare to each other. I think scopes right now are very bland, so this would be great thing to see. Otherwise known as the Scout Rifle, the Pioneer has been moved to the Sniper Rifle category due to its long distance damage, optic weapon attachments and other capabilities. The SKS is a Russian semi-automatic carbine found in DayZ. -1 from me. Be aware that when sawing off the Mosin in DayZ, you will lose the ability to accurately use the iron sights. The M 70 Tundra is also known as the Winchester and is widely considered to be one of the best Sniper Rifles in DayZ. One of the quietest weapons in DayZ as standard. +1, Will give a lot more weapon customization and personality. I know SKS shoots much faster than mosin, holds more ammo, but has less range and damage. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. +1. First, Iron sight mosin is incredible, so hush with that nonsense. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Second, The little resorts by dams, general stores, and hunting stands of all sorts spawn them. how to Get All tokens against a specific Walllet Addresse. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Simple mod with great additions and gives far more tinkering to weapons. The most consistent spots are hunting cabins, followed by castles, then small chances in deer stands/feed shacks. KA-M(AKM) Highly customizable mid to long-range AK variant. I support this suggestion and believe this would benefit the server if added. Below you will find some extra DayZ screenshots like Mosin Scope screenshot. The Hunting Scope provides a significant reduction to the weapons dispersion cone, increasing the overall accuracy of the weapon. Munkhuush cFG 2022 Best Source cs 1.6 cs config. font-size: 80%; Ive found many Mosins and would have to resist the urge to pick them up because Ive never found a PU scope and a Mosin without a scope isnt very good. It is said that a lot of the SKS rifle has been imported into the USA since the 1980s. Fires 9x39mm rounds. Players are able to attach different accessories to the SKS, including the PU scope that can be found in Residential areas. +1, Well made mod from a good developer I'm personally involved with, will be maintained and would not affect the server negatively in any way I can think of. DayZ weapons have a lot of stats that impact how a weapon will react to different situations. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If it does not apply to the additional zoom levels, then how do I compensate while zoomed in further? Castles, Deer stands, hunting/resort cabins (not sure what to call these exactly, but they're clustered together in an area with an Inn nearby), civilian barracks. Only decent scope right now in my opinion is the 12x-25x scope but you can only put it on very few guns. However, most weapon attachments don't do much to improve your weapon. Using .308 rounds, this sniper rifle has high damage and is best used at range due to its slow rate of fire. The CR 527 used to be classed as a rifle but has been moved to the Sniper Rifle category due to its increased damage and accuracy. The SK 59/66 is a semi-automatic carbine in DayZ Standalone. Forgot about this until now, bumping to get more exposure, and to once again annoy @Roland with adding this cracker of a mod. If any of the information is wrong, please report it on one of the social media links above. It's a "hunting" item spawn. Do I have to learn computer architecture for underestanding or doing reverse engineering? It only takes a minute to sign up. Also in the small stores, behind the counter. That's justasking for trouble. More variety without negative impact on the server is always a good thing. WOBO mostly covers survival games like DayZ due to their indepth game mechanics that may require external resources, such as a website about learning survival games, to fully understand the game. T141896: Mosin 91/30 with PU Scope have bad view, https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9cgv6j/how_do_i_switch_to_look_down_scope_instead_of/, https://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/1743342466033995409/. Fires 7.62x39 rounds. As of January 2019 on xbox, I found that the best place with the lowest chance needed to hop servers is for sure the Summer/Holiday Camps. Fires 7.62x54 rounds. (instead of occupation of Japan, occupied Japan or Occupation-era Japan), Scientifically plausible way to sink a landmass. I meant in comparison to an M4 or Ak. The reticle is not dependent on an illuminated reticle and features a regular black cross hair so when the batteries die you can still rock and roll. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Story: man purchases plantation on planet, finds 'unstoppable' infestation, uses science, electrolyses water for oxygen, 1970s-1980s.
The pioneer fires 5.56x45 rounds so does not inflict as much damage as the other Sniper Rifles, but does allow great gun optics and the same suppressor that attaches to the M4A1. Do weekend days count as part of a vacation? All Rights Reserved. You do not have permission to vote in this poll, or see the poll results. The Sawed-off Mosin uses 7.62x54 rounds and still allows the attachment of weapon Optics/Sights. Works on moded weapons as well. The scope has multiple zoom levels: the default zoom which is activated by clicking the right mouse button, and additional zoom levels activated by pressing the + key on the num pad. I also know that the Mosin has a longer range, but slow reload and rate of fire, and holds half the ammo that the SKS holds, but it can have a long range scope and it deals more damage (I think). Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.
For this reason, it is best to have a secondary firearm for close range shootouts. And with this mod, we can! Mosin is a great sniper rifle but whats a sniper rifle without a scope? This website and its tools are updated manually by WOBO when he gets time. Edit: I dont mean the PSO1 scope if thats what some of you are thinking, that wont go on the Mosin. For example, the Mosin is a fine weapon, powerful, tough and ammo is easily found. I like it and adding more variation in scopes, especially for eastern guns is a big +1 for me ! The Mosin 9130 can be heard up to 3400 meters away without a suppressor(unless the suppressor is a fixed suppressor weapon), and has a Sway Rating of 8.125. How big is the barrel on a Browning Belgium? font-family: 'Press Start 2P'; What suppressor does the SKS take in DayZ? I've used this on other servers and it works. December 14, 2020 in Because the Muzzle Velocity is 824.25 meters per second and the caliber stat is 1 for the ammo used by the Mosin 9130(7.62x54 Rounds), this weapon has a Penetration Power of 824.25. The Blaze is very powerful at range due to the double shot inflicting twice the damage. What kind of rifle is in DayZ standalone?
Found one last night on the prison island in one of the little green guard towers as you cross the bridge from the officers bunkers I'm on xbox btw. Long-range sniper rifle with internally fed magazine. /r/dayz - Discuss and share content for DayZ, the post-apocalyptic open world survival game. Fire Mode: Semi Auto
We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. The gun it self can be found in civilian areas but the scopes are not on the civilian or military loot tables. What kind of scope do I need for a SKS rifle? +1 these scopes look amazing, I also love that massive scope on the MP5. Sign up for a new account in our community. Can the long range scope be found at non-military locations? Is "Occupation Japan" idiomatic? due to the nature of rule 1.5 I am unable to express my fondness of this post in simple terms and thus I must unnecessarily further argue why I approve of this addition. i think it would be nice to have a wider variation of scopes. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2143128974. CutieTaff, Think you can switch between sights (iron/PU), see for example: https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9cgv6j/how_do_i_switch_to_look_down_scope_instead_of/ This only seems to have support for vanilla weapons, and wouldnt fit well with the already wide set of weapons on the server. The Mosin Nagant uses 7.62x54 rounds and is a favourite for many players since the birth of DayZ. Anything that is more than 4x will be a bit of an overkill as the SKS rifle is a 3-4 MOA rifle. Some Camps have Pubs, thats one more spot it could spawn so go for those if possible. One of the quietest weapons in DayZ as standard. Daddy please we need new toys to play with. Plastic Bottle Suppressor SK 59/66 Bayonet. Press J to jump to the feed. I am missing the variations for different situations. Well you now can! The Monstrum tactical 3-9 power optic offers an illuminated reticle with options for either red or green and a variety of different brightness levels. Copyright Gamingcfg.com 2010-2022. What is the significance of the scene where Gus had a long conversation with a man at a bar in S06E09? However, the only scope available for it is the WW2 era PU scope and the incredibly rare x5 scope that seems to have stopped spawning? I have used this mod on a server and can confirm the scopes are interchangeable (such as using the Mosin night vision scope on a modded M700 sniper rifle). Its the obvious choice for anyone who wishes to be a sniper.
Please add this. GamingCFG is a gaming website that was originally designed for Counter-Strike and Call of Duty config files. It compensates for all zoom levels, aside from firing from the hip of course. excuse, what exactly is a hunting cabin? The mod introduces several new longer range scopes as well as special mounts that allow you to attach themto several different guns.
There are 81. [Top 10] DayZ Best Weapons and How To Get Them (2020 Edition). Is it patent infringement to produce patented goods but take no compensation?
By I'll say yes but apparently there's a thermal scope in the collectionmaybe toss that one. It also provides additional zeroing ranges, allowing the survivor to make more accurate shots at longer ranges. Using .308 rounds, this Sniper Rifle has high damage and is best used at range. I feel that while there is a good selection of weapons in game, there IS a lack of variety in what people use, and even more so the scopes that can be used with said weapons.
The Sawed Off Blaze can be crafted by combining a Blaze with a hacksaw. The SKS rifles can still be found in regular use in conflict zones across the globe. The VSS is not only suppressed as standard, but always has subsonic bullet speeds and won't make a weapon crack sound as a result. https://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/1743342466033995409/. -------- SKS. With the Mosin 9130's Accuracy stat of 0.001, Max Zeroing Distance of 1000 and Muzzle Velocity of 824.25 meters per second, the Mosin 9130 has a Base Range of roughly 615 meters without any attachments. If I zero the scope to 300m, does that mean it's zeroed to 300m only for the default (right mouse button click) zoom level? So, my question is this. For example, when you find the special Mosin mount, you can attach ANY picatinny rail scope to it, including the newer scopes seen in the mod. Copyright WOBO Tools 2021 - 2022. The Sawed Off Blaze is very powerful at range due to the double shot inflicting twice the damage, but not as good as the regular Blaze. PU scope Also included is a special AK pattern rail that allows picatinny attachments to your favorite AKM or SVD, allowing further customization over the vanilla scope options. The Mosin 9130 uses 7.62x54 Rounds and can fire at 27.27 RPM (Rounds Per Minute) inflicting 150 health damage and 150 shock damage per shot with 519 recoil rating. All rights reserved. The inventory size of the Mosin 9130 is 30 total slots, weighing 4000 grams with a length of 122.271 centimeters without any attachments. The hunting scope makes this weapon very powerful at sniping objects at a range and the 10 round magazine makes your true RPM better than most Sniper Rifles in DayZ. While not all Snipers in this weapon category perfectly suit being called a Sniper Rifle due to characteristics like the round they use or their weapon damage, they certainly have most of the capabilities of a long range firearm. WOBO Tools is a website dedicated to helping players learn about online games such as DayZ using videos, tips and tools. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Yes, i would love to use an ACOG or Barraka sight on my AKM. a[data-uid='49400'] span { Love eastern weaponry this would extend its use. Fires 9x39mm Armour Piercing rounds. Image explains it all. Stack Exchange network consists of 180 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Can you elaborate I am not familar with that term. Most of the content is uploaded and updated by gamers themselves. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Zeroing the Long Range Scope with multiple zoom levels. It helps if you're looking in the right places. Ranging from valuable collectible military surplus rifles to those made for the commercial market, it is a very popular rifle with shooters and collectors alike. Please. Blender on Linux and Win10 How to use the same file paths? The SK 59/66 is a semi-automatic carbine in DayZ Standalone. The damage mostly comes from the ammunition used by the firearm but nearly all Sniper Rifles in DayZ are great at long range combat. Otherwise known as the B95, the Blaze can fire 2 .308 rounds in quick succession, or expel both rounds at the same time with a double shot. The Hunting Scope makes this weapon very powerful at sniping at a range, and allows the Improvised Suppressor so you can be stealthy while using this firearm. Weapons in DayZ can be split into serveral weapon categories that are as follows: Assault Rifles, Sniper Rifles, Sub Machine Guns, Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols and Projectile Firearms. Also known as the SVD, the VSD is arguably the best Sniper Rifle in DayZ with its quick rate of fire and high damage. Similar to the AS VAL in terms of stats. a[data-uid='49400'], Mosin 91/30. Sure, its a bolt-action sniper rifle, but its quite versatile. This weapon bridges the gap between medium and short-range engagements, allowing players to load 10 rounds at a time and fire them in quick succession. I seriously think this mod will open up new and more exciting weapon combos, as well as make civilian weapons more appealing for hunting or self defense from wolves and bears. Below you will find more screenshots of different games that are not related to dayz. The CR 550 Savanna is also known as the CZ 550. View all the ammo types and how projectiles can impact weapon performance, View all of Asmondian's infographics to learn a lot about DayZ quickly, How weapon attachments can impact the performance of weapons, Learn about the stats in DayZ and what they mean on this website, Understand how player stats and statuses impact your character, How stats impact weapons and how weapons compare to each other. I think scopes right now are very bland, so this would be great thing to see. Otherwise known as the Scout Rifle, the Pioneer has been moved to the Sniper Rifle category due to its long distance damage, optic weapon attachments and other capabilities. The SKS is a Russian semi-automatic carbine found in DayZ. -1 from me. Be aware that when sawing off the Mosin in DayZ, you will lose the ability to accurately use the iron sights. The M 70 Tundra is also known as the Winchester and is widely considered to be one of the best Sniper Rifles in DayZ. One of the quietest weapons in DayZ as standard. +1, Will give a lot more weapon customization and personality. I know SKS shoots much faster than mosin, holds more ammo, but has less range and damage. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. +1. First, Iron sight mosin is incredible, so hush with that nonsense. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Second, The little resorts by dams, general stores, and hunting stands of all sorts spawn them. how to Get All tokens against a specific Walllet Addresse. Arqade is a question and answer site for passionate videogamers on all platforms. Simple mod with great additions and gives far more tinkering to weapons. The most consistent spots are hunting cabins, followed by castles, then small chances in deer stands/feed shacks. KA-M(AKM) Highly customizable mid to long-range AK variant. I support this suggestion and believe this would benefit the server if added. Below you will find some extra DayZ screenshots like Mosin Scope screenshot. The Hunting Scope provides a significant reduction to the weapons dispersion cone, increasing the overall accuracy of the weapon. Munkhuush cFG 2022 Best Source cs 1.6 cs config. font-size: 80%; Ive found many Mosins and would have to resist the urge to pick them up because Ive never found a PU scope and a Mosin without a scope isnt very good. It is said that a lot of the SKS rifle has been imported into the USA since the 1980s. Fires 9x39mm rounds. Players are able to attach different accessories to the SKS, including the PU scope that can be found in Residential areas. +1, Well made mod from a good developer I'm personally involved with, will be maintained and would not affect the server negatively in any way I can think of. DayZ weapons have a lot of stats that impact how a weapon will react to different situations. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. If it does not apply to the additional zoom levels, then how do I compensate while zoomed in further? Castles, Deer stands, hunting/resort cabins (not sure what to call these exactly, but they're clustered together in an area with an Inn nearby), civilian barracks. Only decent scope right now in my opinion is the 12x-25x scope but you can only put it on very few guns. However, most weapon attachments don't do much to improve your weapon. Using .308 rounds, this sniper rifle has high damage and is best used at range due to its slow rate of fire. The CR 527 used to be classed as a rifle but has been moved to the Sniper Rifle category due to its increased damage and accuracy. The SK 59/66 is a semi-automatic carbine in DayZ Standalone. Forgot about this until now, bumping to get more exposure, and to once again annoy @Roland with adding this cracker of a mod. If any of the information is wrong, please report it on one of the social media links above. It's a "hunting" item spawn. Do I have to learn computer architecture for underestanding or doing reverse engineering? It only takes a minute to sign up. Also in the small stores, behind the counter. That's justasking for trouble. More variety without negative impact on the server is always a good thing. WOBO mostly covers survival games like DayZ due to their indepth game mechanics that may require external resources, such as a website about learning survival games, to fully understand the game. T141896: Mosin 91/30 with PU Scope have bad view, https://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/9cgv6j/how_do_i_switch_to_look_down_scope_instead_of/, https://steamcommunity.com/app/221100/discussions/0/1743342466033995409/. Fires 7.62x39 rounds. As of January 2019 on xbox, I found that the best place with the lowest chance needed to hop servers is for sure the Summer/Holiday Camps. Fires 7.62x54 rounds. (instead of occupation of Japan, occupied Japan or Occupation-era Japan), Scientifically plausible way to sink a landmass. I meant in comparison to an M4 or Ak. The reticle is not dependent on an illuminated reticle and features a regular black cross hair so when the batteries die you can still rock and roll. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Story: man purchases plantation on planet, finds 'unstoppable' infestation, uses science, electrolyses water for oxygen, 1970s-1980s.

For this reason, it is best to have a secondary firearm for close range shootouts. And with this mod, we can! Mosin is a great sniper rifle but whats a sniper rifle without a scope? This website and its tools are updated manually by WOBO when he gets time. Edit: I dont mean the PSO1 scope if thats what some of you are thinking, that wont go on the Mosin. For example, the Mosin is a fine weapon, powerful, tough and ammo is easily found. I like it and adding more variation in scopes, especially for eastern guns is a big +1 for me ! The Mosin 9130 can be heard up to 3400 meters away without a suppressor(unless the suppressor is a fixed suppressor weapon), and has a Sway Rating of 8.125. How big is the barrel on a Browning Belgium? font-family: 'Press Start 2P'; What suppressor does the SKS take in DayZ? I've used this on other servers and it works. December 14, 2020 in Because the Muzzle Velocity is 824.25 meters per second and the caliber stat is 1 for the ammo used by the Mosin 9130(7.62x54 Rounds), this weapon has a Penetration Power of 824.25. The Blaze is very powerful at range due to the double shot inflicting twice the damage. What kind of rifle is in DayZ standalone?

Please add this. GamingCFG is a gaming website that was originally designed for Counter-Strike and Call of Duty config files. It compensates for all zoom levels, aside from firing from the hip of course. excuse, what exactly is a hunting cabin? The mod introduces several new longer range scopes as well as special mounts that allow you to attach themto several different guns.
There are 81. [Top 10] DayZ Best Weapons and How To Get Them (2020 Edition). Is it patent infringement to produce patented goods but take no compensation?