If you havent done so already, its not too late to enter our Oscar competition, and win all Best Picture nominees on Blu-ray or DVD. However, the result was the same, as Gone Girl remained in first place. Here are the costs and revenues as our experts see them: THE BOTTOM LINE The Best Adapted Screenplay category is about as competitive as the Best Original Screenplay, which is to say it isn't competitive at all. For a description of the different acting role types we use to categorize acting perfomances, see our Glossary. This includes a first place, 10.01 million opening on 582 theaters in the U.K. If Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't win, there will be rioting in the streets. That is to say, two people won horror movies and the third won movies that were so bad it is scary they exist. It also earned overall positive reviews, while Pan will go down as one of the worst major releases of the year. To get close to that mysterious end of the equation, Deadline is repeating our Most Valuable Blockbuster tournament, using data culled by seasoned and trusted sources. Had every film in the top five matched expectations, then this gap would have been reduced to just a percent or two.
In particular, we adjust weekly sales figures for the quarter once the total market estimates are published by the Digital Entertainment Group. More Just a week after Hotel Transylvania 2 broke Septembers weekend record, The Martian has a shot at setting a new mark for October, although its going to be a challenge. The Writers Guild of America nominees were announced and there are only a few surprises here. The 33 barely managed a spot in the top five and will quickly leave theaters. In general, were looking at quite a few steep drops from last weekend thanks to an unfavorable comparison with the Columbus Day long weekend and a batch of new releases. This might be more than both new releases will finish with combined. Sicario is expanding its theater count to 2,500, which should push it into the top five. The film had a similarly strong opening in Australia earning first place with $4.28 million on 582 screens.
By comparison, Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day had an opening day of $5.30 million. Add in the films better reviews and its family-friendly target audience and it should have a solid internal multiplier, perhaps in the vacinity of Alexander and the Blah, Blah, Blah. While Scott was inexplicably snubbed for an Oscar, Damon was rewarded with a Best Actor nomination. company. All Rights Reserved. Hopefully it will do well enough that we can pretend the past two weeks never happened. Year-to-date, 2015 is now ahead of 2014 by a 4.9% margin at $8.89 billion to $8.48 billion.
Two, David Bowie passed away over the weekend. The Oscar nominations were announced at 5:30 am Pacific time. $500 million worldwide is enough to save face, but the film will need reach at least $600 million worldwide to have a shot at breaking even any time soon. Not sure that's a good idea. It didn't quite set the record, but it came close enough to be the big story all weekend. Fortunately, Steve Jobs is expanding wide and should earn first place at the box office.
Deadline is a part of Penske Media Corporation. This weekend last year, there was only one new release in the top ten, Nightcrawler, which earned second place with just over $10 million. On the other hand, the nominees within each category are not presented in alphabetical order. Appropriately, the first song played is "I Will Survive," which features the lyric "And so you're back, from outer space.". Fortunately, that seems very likely. It looks like it will be up to the depth films from both years to determine which year comes out on top. Comparing all four movies, The Martian looks set to move easily past $200 million, and perhaps settle around $225 million, unless it tops that number thanks to a re-release around Oscar time. Gravity went on to earn $55.79 million opening weekend. If it can get to $300 million worldwide, then we start talking about profitability. Almost no one saw this coming. In June of 2016, an extended cut was released on Blu-Ray and Ultra HD 4K Blu-Ray that adds 10 additional minutes of footage. Figures will therefore fluctuate each week, and totals for individual titles can go up or down as we update our estimates. In comparison, Goosebumps was up just 9% on Saturday, which leaves it too much to do to steal top spot.
The first weekend of October has only one wide release, The Martian. So, lets start by saying that Fridays box office chart was led by The Martian, while Goosebumps has a shot at repeating on top of the chart, with each film earning about $14 million to $15 million. Year-to-date, 2015 now has a 6.0% lead over 2014 at $8.14 billion to $7.68 billion. Finally, we will be choosing an entrant from the group of people who haven't won, or haven't won recently, and they will also win a Frankenprize consisting of two previously reviewed DVDs or Blu-rays. Much the way that Sandra Bullock pulled that off in Gravity and Tom Hanks did the same in Cast Away, Matt Damon proved to be the ideal actor with the charm and humor to hold the screen while still investing the audience in the emotional core of a man trying to survive for years by growing food and creating water on a planet that has neither. However, this was 7.6% lower than the same weekend last year.
It all depends on how much its global advertising campaign cost. International Box Office: Spectre has Spectacular Start, Weekend Wrap-Up: Box Office is in Crisis Mode, Weekend Estimates: Martian Avoids the Burnt Zombie Crisis, Friday Estimates: Halloween Haunts the Box Office, International Box Office: Martian Completes Another Orbit, Weekend Wrap-Up: New Releases were Hunted Down, Weekend Estimates: Martian Avoids the Wreckage, Weekend Predictions: Moviegoers Should be Scared to See a New Release this Weekend, International Box Office: Ant-Man is Big Man in China, Weekend Wrap-Up: Goosebumps Leads Unstimulating Weekend, Weekend Estimates: Goosebumps Set to Win Tight Race, Friday Estimates: Close Race for First makes for Interesting Weekend. I've been working at The Numbers for 13 years. Goosebumps is a live-action family film and as we saw with Pan, those are rarely big hits. The overall box office fell 14% from last weekend to $105 million. See production, box office & company info. Will the movie still be in theaters come New Year's Day? It does mean Spectre has a real shot at a $100 million opening weekend here. Of these, The Martian is the biggest and the best. THE FILM The previous similar weekend was in 1998, but while Vampires is a closer match to Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, the box office has changed too much to compare the films. Our DVD and Blu-ray sales estimates are based on weekly retail surveys, which we use to build a weekly market share estimate for each title we are tracking. There's only one or two that will even come close. This is a great sci-fi movie that's realistic enough to not be weighed down by being unrealistic or ridiculous in that way. As far as holdovers go, the film remained in first place in the U.K. with $5.96 million in 582 theaters over the weekend for a two-week total of $20.44 million. It also remained in top spot in the U.K. with $11.96 million in 617 theaters over the weekend for a three-week total of $118.39 million. Its biggest new market of the weekend was South Korea where it earned first place with $11.09 million on 1,132 screens over the weekend for a total opening of $13.00 million. Doesn't it require precise planning to rendezvous with an object in orbit? International Box Office: Milestones for The Martian, Weekend Wrap-Up: Box Office Celebrates Double-Milestone on Top, Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day, Weekend Estimates: Martian, Jobs Red Hot; Pan Fried, Friday Estimates: Pan Doesn't Fly with Moviegoers, International Box Office: Mars is in Ascension, Contest: Rescue Mission: Winning Announcement, Weekend Wrap-Up: Martian and Transylvania Help Box Office Remain Strong, Weekend Estimates: The Martian Orbits Gravitys Record, Friday Estimates: Martian Cant Quite Escape Gravitys Pull. IMDb The best new release, The Last Witch Hunter, barely cracked the $10 million mark. Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension has a review embargo, which is never a good sign, while the other three wide releases are all earning less than 20% positive reviews. An astronaut becomes stranded on Mars after his team assume him dead, and must rely on his ingenuity to find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive and can survive until a potential rescu An astronaut becomes stranded on Mars after his team assume him dead, and must rely on his ingenuity to find a way to signal to Earth that he is alive and can survive until a potential rescue. As for the actual nominees, the big winners here are Bridge of Spies and Carol, both of which earned nine nominations. Drama The Martian should top Gone Girl's performance, while Hotel Transylvania 2 and Pan should match Dracula Untold and Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day. However, as we've seen recently, the overall box office is weaker than the these numbers look, as we've seen few major hits and many, many bombs. Adventure
2015's overall lead over 2014 shrunk from 5.2% to 4.7%. The past two weekends were worst back-to-back weekends that I can recall and the numbers back that up. The Directors Guild of America spread out the nominations, which I always felt hurt the buzz.
This left The Martian in first place; in fact, the top three spots and four of the top five were held by holdovers. At this pace, Spectre will definitely fail to match Skyfall, but anything close to $800 million will be enough to break even, perhaps before it reaches the home market. Due to Mars' low atmospheric pressure, the effective wind pressure in martian wind storms is much lower than shown in the movie, very unlikely to be sufficient to tip a spacecraft. It could be close and any gain or loss in the year-over-year comparison should be in single digits, so there's no reason to be overly concerned. The Martian was close behind with an average of $14,176. That included $94M in China, a country that figured in the plot of the film and was portrayed glowingly. This will leave Spectre and The Peanuts Movie on top of the charts once again, while we will have a one or two other holdovers in the top five, depending on how well the new wide releases match low expectations. Whoever comes the closest to predicting the film's opening 3-day weekend box office (Friday to Sunday), without going over, will win a Frankenprize consisting of two previously reviewed DVDs or Blu-rays. It is the only film on this week's list with a shot at $20 million.
This weekend last year Dumb and Dumber To opened with $36.11 million. The Martian is expected to repeat on top, while Hotel Transylvania 2 should have another strong hold remaining in second place. Its Oscar day and, if all goes to plan, I will be live-blogging the ceremony tonight. More All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 101-200), All Time International Box Office (Rank 101-200), All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 101-200), Golden Globe Winner Best PictureMusical or Comedy, Veterans Day (All Movies, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted), Halloween (All Movies, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted), Columbus Day (All Movies, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted), Columbus Day (All Movies, 4-Day, Fri-Mon), Columbus Day (All Movies, 4-Day, Fri-Mon, Inflation Adjusted), Top Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Weekend Domestic, All Time Domestic Inflation Adjusted Box Office (Rank 301-400), Top 2015 Movies at the Domestic Box Office, All Time Domestic Box Office for Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for Live Action Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for Science Fiction Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for Thriller/Suspense Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for PG-13 Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for 20th Century Fox Movies, All Time International Non-Sequel Box Office, Top 2015 Movies at the International Box Office, All Time International Box Office for Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Movies, All Time International Box Office for Live Action Movies, All Time International Box Office for Science Fiction Movies, All Time International Box Office for Thriller/Suspense Movies, All Time International Box Office for PG-13 Movies, All Time International Box Office for 20th Century Fox Movies, Biggest Film in a Single Market (Rank 201-300), Top 2015 Movies at the Worldwide Box Office, All Time Worldwide Box Office for Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for Live Action Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for Science Fiction Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for Thriller/Suspense Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for PG-13 Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for 20th Century Fox Movies, not too late to enter our Oscar competition, and win all Best Picture nominees on Blu-ray or DVD, 2015 Awards Season: Oscar Highlight: Best Picture, 2015 Awards Season: Oscar Highlight: Best Lead Actor, 2015 Awards Season: Oscar Highlight: Best Adapted Screenplay, Home Market Releases for January 19th, 2016, Featured Blu-ray / DVD Review: The Martian, Home Market Releases for January 12th, 2016, 2015 - Awards Season: Golden Globes - Winners, 2015 - Awards Season: BAFTA - Nominations, 2015 - Awards Season: Golden Globes - Nominations, International Box Office: Major Milestone for Hunger Games, International Box Office: Martian Feels Some Hunger Pangs, International Box Office: Another Week, Another Milestone for Spectre, Weekend Wrap-Up: New Releases feel Unloved. More Because Halloween is a dead zone for the box office when it lands during the weekend, it has a major effect on the box office.
Nope. Even though Spectre didn't break the record for the Bond franchise, it still did almost as well as all of the box office did last weekend. For Carol, this is just another impressive score, but this was a pleasant surprise for Bridge of Spies. In order to win, one must simply predict the opening weekend box office number for The Martian. The Martian landed seven Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, and our experts place its net profit payout to Fox at $150M, for a Cash on Cash Return of 1.4. There are ten categories of awards, but only three of which pertain to theatrical releases. Both Spectre and The Peanuts Movie opened well enough to be considered hits, but didn't quite reach the high marks I had expected. Most of the new releases were not expected to do well at the box office. Whoever comes the closest to predicting the film's opening 3-day weekend box office (Friday to Sunday), without going under, will win a Frankenprize consisting of two previously reviewed DVDs or Blu-rays. There should be huge growth compared to last year, when Big Hero 6 and Interstellar earned just over $100 million combined.
Also, the wind on Mars is much too weak to carry large rocks. It will need help from the holidays to get there. The Walk opened in IMAX screens on Wednesday, but it missed the top ten place and it will likely fall. Compare this performance with other movies. This is the the most poignant Rock'n'Roll death since Freddie Mercury and it seems fitting to give Blackstar the title of Pick of the Week.
There are very few surprises across these three categories, so the Oscar nominations today shouldn't be full of surprises either. More As expected, Spectre remained in first pulling in $117.8 million in 73 markets for totals of $223.1 million internationally and $293.1 million worldwide. Would Watney need to use antibiotics after being wounded in space. User Guide These two films should dominate the market and combined they might earn twice as much as all of the films last weekend earned. Daily |
This is equivalent to a $300 million opening week here, which would be the record for a seven-day box office here. (DVD) and All Things Must Pass (DVD or Blu-ray) were in the running. That might be too much to recoup. Harris Dresses Up With $1.9M Opening; Marcel The Shell Keeps On Steppin Specialty Box Office, 'The Walking Dead's Greg Nicotero & Jimmy Miller Prep Film On The Making Of George Romero's Zombie Classic 'Night Of The Living Dead', Howard Shore Returns & Bear McCreary Scores Amazons The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power, After 5-Emmy-Nom Haul, Get Backs Peter Jackson Plots Another Beatles Film With Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr, Netflix Streamlines Film Animation Exec Structure In Wake Of Animal Logic Acquisition; Karen Toliver To Lead Film Team As Melissa Cobb Becomes Producer, Not Everything Is In-Person As Confab Returns; Panels, Trailers & More From San Diego, Panel Hearings Are Riveting TV But A Rarity That Might Not Be Repeated; How To Watch, Issa Rae On Rap Sh!t Premiere, Insecure Emmy Noms & Pushing The Streaming Envelope, Amber Heard Launches Appeal Of Trial Verdict; Johnny Depp Confident About Outcome. However, there is a mitigating factor. Only two other movies earned more than one win, The Martian and Steve Jobs. Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue How did The MAV manage rendezvous with the HERMES if it was an emergency evacuation? Rich Purnell slips and falls after he finds a way to rescue Mark Watney and tells his boss "I need more coffee.". See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.
Of the movies on this list, I think The Martian is the best. Showdowns, Glossary This year, we should have the same number of $10 million movies, but at least two $20 million movies and perhaps even a $30 million movie. For example, if our weekly retail survey estimates that a particular title sold 1% of all units that week, and the industry reports sales of 1,500,000 units in total, we will estimate 15,000 units were sold of that title.
In particular, we adjust weekly sales figures for the quarter once the total market estimates are published by the Digital Entertainment Group. More Just a week after Hotel Transylvania 2 broke Septembers weekend record, The Martian has a shot at setting a new mark for October, although its going to be a challenge. The Writers Guild of America nominees were announced and there are only a few surprises here. The 33 barely managed a spot in the top five and will quickly leave theaters. In general, were looking at quite a few steep drops from last weekend thanks to an unfavorable comparison with the Columbus Day long weekend and a batch of new releases. This might be more than both new releases will finish with combined. Sicario is expanding its theater count to 2,500, which should push it into the top five. The film had a similarly strong opening in Australia earning first place with $4.28 million on 582 screens.
By comparison, Alexander and the Terrible Horrible No Good Very Bad Day had an opening day of $5.30 million. Add in the films better reviews and its family-friendly target audience and it should have a solid internal multiplier, perhaps in the vacinity of Alexander and the Blah, Blah, Blah. While Scott was inexplicably snubbed for an Oscar, Damon was rewarded with a Best Actor nomination. company. All Rights Reserved. Hopefully it will do well enough that we can pretend the past two weeks never happened. Year-to-date, 2015 is now ahead of 2014 by a 4.9% margin at $8.89 billion to $8.48 billion.
Two, David Bowie passed away over the weekend. The Oscar nominations were announced at 5:30 am Pacific time. $500 million worldwide is enough to save face, but the film will need reach at least $600 million worldwide to have a shot at breaking even any time soon. Not sure that's a good idea. It didn't quite set the record, but it came close enough to be the big story all weekend. Fortunately, Steve Jobs is expanding wide and should earn first place at the box office.

The first weekend of October has only one wide release, The Martian. So, lets start by saying that Fridays box office chart was led by The Martian, while Goosebumps has a shot at repeating on top of the chart, with each film earning about $14 million to $15 million. Year-to-date, 2015 now has a 6.0% lead over 2014 at $8.14 billion to $7.68 billion. Finally, we will be choosing an entrant from the group of people who haven't won, or haven't won recently, and they will also win a Frankenprize consisting of two previously reviewed DVDs or Blu-rays. Much the way that Sandra Bullock pulled that off in Gravity and Tom Hanks did the same in Cast Away, Matt Damon proved to be the ideal actor with the charm and humor to hold the screen while still investing the audience in the emotional core of a man trying to survive for years by growing food and creating water on a planet that has neither. However, this was 7.6% lower than the same weekend last year.

This left The Martian in first place; in fact, the top three spots and four of the top five were held by holdovers. At this pace, Spectre will definitely fail to match Skyfall, but anything close to $800 million will be enough to break even, perhaps before it reaches the home market. Due to Mars' low atmospheric pressure, the effective wind pressure in martian wind storms is much lower than shown in the movie, very unlikely to be sufficient to tip a spacecraft. It could be close and any gain or loss in the year-over-year comparison should be in single digits, so there's no reason to be overly concerned. The Martian was close behind with an average of $14,176. That included $94M in China, a country that figured in the plot of the film and was portrayed glowingly. This will leave Spectre and The Peanuts Movie on top of the charts once again, while we will have a one or two other holdovers in the top five, depending on how well the new wide releases match low expectations. Whoever comes the closest to predicting the film's opening 3-day weekend box office (Friday to Sunday), without going over, will win a Frankenprize consisting of two previously reviewed DVDs or Blu-rays. It is the only film on this week's list with a shot at $20 million.
This weekend last year Dumb and Dumber To opened with $36.11 million. The Martian is expected to repeat on top, while Hotel Transylvania 2 should have another strong hold remaining in second place. Its Oscar day and, if all goes to plan, I will be live-blogging the ceremony tonight. More All Time Domestic Box Office (Rank 101-200), All Time International Box Office (Rank 101-200), All Time Worldwide Box Office (Rank 101-200), Golden Globe Winner Best PictureMusical or Comedy, Veterans Day (All Movies, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted), Halloween (All Movies, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted), Columbus Day (All Movies, 3-Day, Inflation Adjusted), Columbus Day (All Movies, 4-Day, Fri-Mon), Columbus Day (All Movies, 4-Day, Fri-Mon, Inflation Adjusted), Top Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Weekend Domestic, All Time Domestic Inflation Adjusted Box Office (Rank 301-400), Top 2015 Movies at the Domestic Box Office, All Time Domestic Box Office for Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for Live Action Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for Science Fiction Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for Thriller/Suspense Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for PG-13 Movies, All Time Domestic Box Office for 20th Century Fox Movies, All Time International Non-Sequel Box Office, Top 2015 Movies at the International Box Office, All Time International Box Office for Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Movies, All Time International Box Office for Live Action Movies, All Time International Box Office for Science Fiction Movies, All Time International Box Office for Thriller/Suspense Movies, All Time International Box Office for PG-13 Movies, All Time International Box Office for 20th Century Fox Movies, Biggest Film in a Single Market (Rank 201-300), Top 2015 Movies at the Worldwide Box Office, All Time Worldwide Box Office for Based on Fiction Book/Short Story Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for Live Action Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for Science Fiction Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for Thriller/Suspense Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for PG-13 Movies, All Time Worldwide Box Office for 20th Century Fox Movies, not too late to enter our Oscar competition, and win all Best Picture nominees on Blu-ray or DVD, 2015 Awards Season: Oscar Highlight: Best Picture, 2015 Awards Season: Oscar Highlight: Best Lead Actor, 2015 Awards Season: Oscar Highlight: Best Adapted Screenplay, Home Market Releases for January 19th, 2016, Featured Blu-ray / DVD Review: The Martian, Home Market Releases for January 12th, 2016, 2015 - Awards Season: Golden Globes - Winners, 2015 - Awards Season: BAFTA - Nominations, 2015 - Awards Season: Golden Globes - Nominations, International Box Office: Major Milestone for Hunger Games, International Box Office: Martian Feels Some Hunger Pangs, International Box Office: Another Week, Another Milestone for Spectre, Weekend Wrap-Up: New Releases feel Unloved. More Because Halloween is a dead zone for the box office when it lands during the weekend, it has a major effect on the box office.
Nope. Even though Spectre didn't break the record for the Bond franchise, it still did almost as well as all of the box office did last weekend. For Carol, this is just another impressive score, but this was a pleasant surprise for Bridge of Spies. In order to win, one must simply predict the opening weekend box office number for The Martian. The Martian landed seven Oscar nominations, including Best Picture, and our experts place its net profit payout to Fox at $150M, for a Cash on Cash Return of 1.4. There are ten categories of awards, but only three of which pertain to theatrical releases. Both Spectre and The Peanuts Movie opened well enough to be considered hits, but didn't quite reach the high marks I had expected. Most of the new releases were not expected to do well at the box office. Whoever comes the closest to predicting the film's opening 3-day weekend box office (Friday to Sunday), without going under, will win a Frankenprize consisting of two previously reviewed DVDs or Blu-rays. There should be huge growth compared to last year, when Big Hero 6 and Interstellar earned just over $100 million combined.
Also, the wind on Mars is much too weak to carry large rocks. It will need help from the holidays to get there. The Walk opened in IMAX screens on Wednesday, but it missed the top ten place and it will likely fall. Compare this performance with other movies. This is the the most poignant Rock'n'Roll death since Freddie Mercury and it seems fitting to give Blackstar the title of Pick of the Week.
There are very few surprises across these three categories, so the Oscar nominations today shouldn't be full of surprises either. More As expected, Spectre remained in first pulling in $117.8 million in 73 markets for totals of $223.1 million internationally and $293.1 million worldwide. Would Watney need to use antibiotics after being wounded in space. User Guide These two films should dominate the market and combined they might earn twice as much as all of the films last weekend earned. Daily |
This is equivalent to a $300 million opening week here, which would be the record for a seven-day box office here. (DVD) and All Things Must Pass (DVD or Blu-ray) were in the running. That might be too much to recoup. Harris Dresses Up With $1.9M Opening; Marcel The Shell Keeps On Steppin Specialty Box Office, 'The Walking Dead's Greg Nicotero & Jimmy Miller Prep Film On The Making Of George Romero's Zombie Classic 'Night Of The Living Dead', Howard Shore Returns & Bear McCreary Scores Amazons The Lord Of The Rings: The Rings Of Power, After 5-Emmy-Nom Haul, Get Backs Peter Jackson Plots Another Beatles Film With Paul McCartney & Ringo Starr, Netflix Streamlines Film Animation Exec Structure In Wake Of Animal Logic Acquisition; Karen Toliver To Lead Film Team As Melissa Cobb Becomes Producer, Not Everything Is In-Person As Confab Returns; Panels, Trailers & More From San Diego, Panel Hearings Are Riveting TV But A Rarity That Might Not Be Repeated; How To Watch, Issa Rae On Rap Sh!t Premiere, Insecure Emmy Noms & Pushing The Streaming Envelope, Amber Heard Launches Appeal Of Trial Verdict; Johnny Depp Confident About Outcome. However, there is a mitigating factor. Only two other movies earned more than one win, The Martian and Steve Jobs. Full financial estimates for this film, including domestic and international box office, video sales, video rentals, TV and ancillary revenue How did The MAV manage rendezvous with the HERMES if it was an emergency evacuation? Rich Purnell slips and falls after he finds a way to rescue Mark Watney and tells his boss "I need more coffee.". See the Box Office tab (Domestic) and International tab (International and Worldwide) for more Cumulative Box Office Records.
Of the movies on this list, I think The Martian is the best. Showdowns, Glossary This year, we should have the same number of $10 million movies, but at least two $20 million movies and perhaps even a $30 million movie. For example, if our weekly retail survey estimates that a particular title sold 1% of all units that week, and the industry reports sales of 1,500,000 units in total, we will estimate 15,000 units were sold of that title.