We are a Shelbyville based young adult group of college aged to 28 year olds who explore the Bible on topics that are relevant to the unique realities that affect this generation. Jon is from the small town of Mayfield, KY and has lived in Louisville for 7 years. Join other men from the Bullitt County community to connect, study God's Word, and pray for one another. Developing relationships is something both cherish. Join us for Fun and Engaging activities that help kids learn more about our God and their role in the BIG God Story! Led by Dale Hall and Jake Bryant. There are no home groups that match your selection. Join us as we study through the One at a Time material Tuesdays, starting Feb 15th at 6:30 PM. Cody Hellard leads this group on Sunday mornings at 12:00pm. Paul and Melanie have been married since June 1994.
This form failed to load. It can be difficult to find Christian community when you step into parenthood. Excited to find a group that best fits you! This Home Group is for those who are from the deaf community or are hard of hearing. No matter what stage of life you find yourself in, we want to help you find the perfect group for you. If you're looking for a fun loving group full of laughter, growth from God's Word and connecting with others this group is for you! We are a women's walking group that will be discussing the current sermon series as we walk together at Bernheim Forest. They enjoy sports, even when rooting for opposing teams in the commonwealth. In her spare time, if there ever is such a thing, she enjoys watching football and basketball, working jigsaw and word puzzles along with watching Hallmark movies. For more information on Shelby County Home Groups, please contact Bryan Elliott at belliott@secc.org. Join this in-person men's sermon-based Bible study to connect with other men in the community, study God's Word, and pray for one another. Kathie is looking forward to seeing women come together to build relationships, find support and to be encouraged spiritually.
Contact mike@southeast.cc for more information about materials and meeting days and times. High School and Jr. High Bible Study (6-12th Grade)- Sundays at 11am at Southeast in the basement. This small group started out with four couples five years ago and has now grown into four dozen families, couples and singles gathering twice-a-month to learn more about how God is reconciling his image-bearers back to himself. Want to study the book of John with other women from BC Campus? Whether youre going to school, just working, doing both or none of those things, this group is for you. Melanie enjoys tending to her blackberry garden, sewing and connecting with others! We gather for regular social events in our community to build friendships, encourage one another, and share our lives together. We can chat in the grass while the kids play in the water. Jackie is from the south end and has lived in Louisville her entire life. A group for 18-25-year-olds to hang out, eat food, and encourage one another to live like Jesus by studying God's word together. They met in church and have lived in Louisville, Chicago (where they started their family) and back to Louisville - where they raised their son (who is adopted from Romania), and their daughter. They have 5 children, ages 7, 18, 19, 23, and 30. A Home Groups are a community of believers committed to loving where they are in their neighborhoods. This group is happening every Sunday at 6pm. Jon and Jackie have been married for 6 years. Weekend Group of the Shelby County Campus, begins 8:00am July 18th, 2021. We have young adult small groups all across the Louisville area. They came to Southeast Christian Church in 2013, They became members in 2015. Jon is an accountant and auditor, while Jackie is an elementary literacy and math interventionist. Led by Chris Harris. Led by Sara Beth McCrady. Contact Garry at guptonmedia@gmail.com for more details. We share a potluck themed meal from 6-6:30pm followed by teaching from Amos Martin and Garry Gupton that concludes at 7pm sharp! We equip women to impact their world by being a disciple who makes disciples and leading others to be the same.
Join this in-person men's group to connect with other men in the community, study God's Word, and pray for one another. hosted by Sarah Salisbury meeting on Monday nights, moms & kids are welcome. Henry and Tracey will be celebrating 20 years of marriage this August. The server may be having issues, or this websites administrator may have deleted the form. Gary serves on the Production Arts Team at the Southwest Campus of Southeast, and Mary is a greeter and Bible study table group leader there.
We offer a wide range of activities with the hope that there is something for everyone! They are looking forward to meeting others with young children, creating an intimate community, and walking through life together! New groups are forming right now and will be beginning soon!. We will be gathering each week on Sundays at 6:00 p.m. to talk through that week's sermon. Jason was born and raised in Norwich Connecticut and Tawnya was born in Vine Grove KY. This will be an open environment for women of all levels of understanding. Bring a lawn chair, sunscreen, and your kiddos if you need to. The goal of this group is to connect to C.H.R.I.S.T as we connect to one another through Community, Honest consistency, Real love, Intentionality, Sacrifice and Testimony. This group is for anyone who is college age. Please fill out the form below and one of our pastors would love to reach out and help you find a group that fits your stage of life. Come Join us! We have home groups all across the Louisville area specifically geared towards senior adults. Sometimes our groups change plans, so be sure to let us know you are coming if this is your first time. This form may capture sensitive data (credit cards, bank accounts), yet this site isnt sufficiently secured. roundedfacebookroundedinstagramroundedyoutube. A group is a great way to start! 28) and the Greatest Commandment (Mt.22). Jason loves God, spending time with his family and the Louisville Cardinals. Are you 25 to 35 years old and looking to find Christian community! We meet Tuesdays at 7pm in the home of Ray and Heidi Whitlow. Gary and Mary have been living in this log home, that this team of two Drechsel's literally built, for 8 years. In this online Zoom small group, we will study God's Word, encourage one another, and walk through this journey together. Tawnya, loves God, Kentucky basketball (keeps their marriage interesting), family, reading a good book, and history on Indians. Please fill out the registration link below and one of our Pastors will reach out soon to help find a group thats best for you. He also enjoys to read when he can and Is a big Disney freak (just ask his family). Meet other women at Broadrun Park for an hour each Saturday morning to start your weekend with friends, discussion on our latest sermon or devotional, and an easy walk (no big hills!) Join our men's home group with other guys ranging from our mid 40s to 60s in age as we gather together weekly to study together and grow with one another. We will be meeting outdoors weather permitting. Their next meeting is on June 15th. New Testament In Its World- Meets at Southeast every month. They have served in kids ministry for the last 5 years. The group will be digging into the topic of motherhood from a biblical perspective and will be a great place for young moms and moms of littles to connect with each otherand Jesus. Gary and Mary have been happily married almost 16 years. Click here for campus contact info . Young Adults. Find a group that interests you by selecting a location, date and/or ministry. Join Dana Murphy at the new park in Mt Washington (Sports Complex) every other Wednesday. Feel free to use the form below. ROMEO Lunch- Meets every other month at 1pm on the third Wednesday at the Ft. Union Golden Corral. We are a hybrid women's home group that meets in person on the first and third Wednesdays of the month and on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesdays. Adult, Children's, and Teen's Groups are at 10:45am. Cant make it every week? Join this group of mothers who meet online on Tuesday evenings from 8:00 to 9:00 to study God's Word and pray for one another.
Mary has been a writer since she was 8 years old and discovered an old Royal typewriter, on which she taught herself to type. The group will focus on building great friendships, supporting each other, serving others and studying God's Word. If you would love to be a part of a group that loves God, loves others, and desires to grow in Christ, then they would love to have you join no matter the stage of life you are in. Please contact the site administrator to resolve this issue. They love to play games, cook-out, and watch "Tough as Nails." If you are single, married or mom all are welcome! They love having people in their home and sharing their love of the Lord there. We have another connection opportunity for you! In this season they also have taken on an older family member. Are you a senior adult looking to find rich community as you grow in the Lord and with other people? Henry enjoys fishing, playing the guitar, and worshiping. For more information on Crestwood Home Groups, please contact Scott Gordon at sgordon@secc.org. Henry is a master electrician and Tracey just recently resigned from JCPS after 14 years. Alexis Jones will be hosting an all women's group in Etown. Ryan and Christine Fitzgerald To find a home near you, enter your address and choose the distance you'd like to travel. Todd volunteers at church as a camera shader for the past 2 years and loves it. You can narrow your search further by choosing whether or not you need the home to be handicap accessible or have childcare available. Are you looking for ways to connect with other women at your Southeast Christian Church Bullitt County Campus?
They have a Daughter Abby Grace In heaven from a miscarriage and 2 adopted sons Willie and Andrew. Alexis loves to play the piano, read, work puzzles, go fishing and spending time with her 8 grandchildren. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at The Guptons Home in Simpsonville. They invite you to join their home group, where they hope to connect you to God and one another. Next meeting is Saturday March 26th @ 6:00pm, Mi Tierra Restaurant, 4773 Fox Run Road in Buckner. Try reloading this page. We believe that everyone is better together. He enjoys to sing, play guitar, percussion, and learning new instruments. We would love to help you find a small group that best fits your availability. Join us each Friday at 10:30am at Broad Run Park near the Splash pad for a way to connect, make new friendships, and fellowship with your BC church family. We will meet in the Lake Nevin parking lot at 8:30 a.m. on Fridays starting in January, weather dependant.
Desires for this group are to focus on God, being faithful and obedient, build strong relationships, and developing positive strategies on parenting through the Covid Pandemic. 3thirds Groups are small groups of people growing to become more like Jesus. If you're an empty nester looking for community in the Prospect/Goshen area, this is the group for you. No worries; sign up and come when you can. Paul is a cook, can quote back just about anything from movies and enjoys a good game of Risk. We are a homegroup for Parents of High Schoolers meeting once a week to talk through the sermon from this past week as well as pray for one another. We will be studying "One at a Time" as we go through the sermon series together in community. Come and join us! Kathie has been a part of Southeast and the life of the Southwest campus for the past six years. Gary Williams- Adult Bible Study - Sundays at 11am at Southeast in Room 13, Bob Randolph- Adult Bible Study - Sundays at 11am at Southeast in Room 14, Jamie Packer- Women's Bible Study - Sundays at 11am at Southeast in Room 16, Mike Fausett- Men's Bible Study- Mondays at 6:30pm at Southeast in Room 13, Men's Prayer Group led by the Southeast Elders- 6:30-8:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month in Room 30, Women's Coffee- 9am on the first Saturday of each month at The Corner Bakery Caf at Fashion Place Mall, Senior Lunch- 10:30am on the second Monday of each month at Southeast in Room 30, Community Garden- Meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month for a Garden Work Party. SE!KIDS Small Groups will be meeting Weekly at PR on Sundays at 9:30 or 11:15 AM and in various homes in the North Oldom area, on different days and times throughout the week. Click on the image to see more details or to register. The Raypole's have been attending the Southwest Campus of SECC since day one. They Have been attending the Southwest campus of Southeast since November 2018. Call or text (502) 558-8279 for more information. He must enable SSL. Heather and Todd have been married since August 21, 2004. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Southeast Campus you attend. Brand NEW Mom's Group starting on Monday, May 2nd from 6:30-8:00pm. Please fill out the registration link below and one of our pastors will reach out to you shortly! Tracey enjoys crafting, swimming, and watching documentaries, and true crime tv. Their desire for this group comes from the Fellowship of Believers (Acts 2), The Great Commission (Mt. This is done through a high level of transformational, loving accountability. For information on upcoming events, contact Debbie Pierce at (502) 876-0723 or pierceservinghim@att.net. They like to watch sports, movies and hang out with their dog Daisy. They have 2 young boys and a beagle, who keep them on their toes! Connect with other Bullitt County families navigating life with a special needs child. For more information on La Grange Home Groups, please contact Eric Lutz at elutz@secc.org. We're excited for you to be part of our Home Group gatherings! Sunday Worship Services and Children's Classes are at 9:30am. We would love to help you find a young adult home group that best fits your stage of life. Jason and Tawnya have been married a little over 20 years. We would love to help you find a group that best fits your stage of life. Gary, who enjoys woodworking, decided in 2007 to expand on this talent and build a log home. We would love for you to get connected! Are you looking to get involved at Southeast? If you are post-college age to mid-30s in age, this is the home group for you!!! They've almost entered the empty nester season of life, as both adult children are still at home.

We offer a wide range of activities with the hope that there is something for everyone! They are looking forward to meeting others with young children, creating an intimate community, and walking through life together! New groups are forming right now and will be beginning soon!. We will be gathering each week on Sundays at 6:00 p.m. to talk through that week's sermon. Jason was born and raised in Norwich Connecticut and Tawnya was born in Vine Grove KY. This will be an open environment for women of all levels of understanding. Bring a lawn chair, sunscreen, and your kiddos if you need to. The goal of this group is to connect to C.H.R.I.S.T as we connect to one another through Community, Honest consistency, Real love, Intentionality, Sacrifice and Testimony. This group is for anyone who is college age. Please fill out the form below and one of our pastors would love to reach out and help you find a group that fits your stage of life. Come Join us! We have home groups all across the Louisville area specifically geared towards senior adults. Sometimes our groups change plans, so be sure to let us know you are coming if this is your first time. This form may capture sensitive data (credit cards, bank accounts), yet this site isnt sufficiently secured. roundedfacebookroundedinstagramroundedyoutube. A group is a great way to start! 28) and the Greatest Commandment (Mt.22). Jason loves God, spending time with his family and the Louisville Cardinals. Are you 25 to 35 years old and looking to find Christian community! We meet Tuesdays at 7pm in the home of Ray and Heidi Whitlow. Gary and Mary have been living in this log home, that this team of two Drechsel's literally built, for 8 years. In this online Zoom small group, we will study God's Word, encourage one another, and walk through this journey together. Tawnya, loves God, Kentucky basketball (keeps their marriage interesting), family, reading a good book, and history on Indians. Please fill out the registration link below and one of our Pastors will reach out soon to help find a group thats best for you. He also enjoys to read when he can and Is a big Disney freak (just ask his family). Meet other women at Broadrun Park for an hour each Saturday morning to start your weekend with friends, discussion on our latest sermon or devotional, and an easy walk (no big hills!) Join our men's home group with other guys ranging from our mid 40s to 60s in age as we gather together weekly to study together and grow with one another. We will be meeting outdoors weather permitting. Their next meeting is on June 15th. New Testament In Its World- Meets at Southeast every month. They have served in kids ministry for the last 5 years. The group will be digging into the topic of motherhood from a biblical perspective and will be a great place for young moms and moms of littles to connect with each otherand Jesus. Gary and Mary have been happily married almost 16 years. Click here for campus contact info . Young Adults. Find a group that interests you by selecting a location, date and/or ministry. Join Dana Murphy at the new park in Mt Washington (Sports Complex) every other Wednesday. Feel free to use the form below. ROMEO Lunch- Meets every other month at 1pm on the third Wednesday at the Ft. Union Golden Corral. We are a hybrid women's home group that meets in person on the first and third Wednesdays of the month and on Zoom on the second and fourth Wednesdays. Adult, Children's, and Teen's Groups are at 10:45am. Cant make it every week? Join this group of mothers who meet online on Tuesday evenings from 8:00 to 9:00 to study God's Word and pray for one another.
Mary has been a writer since she was 8 years old and discovered an old Royal typewriter, on which she taught herself to type. The group will focus on building great friendships, supporting each other, serving others and studying God's Word. If you would love to be a part of a group that loves God, loves others, and desires to grow in Christ, then they would love to have you join no matter the stage of life you are in. Please contact the site administrator to resolve this issue. They love to play games, cook-out, and watch "Tough as Nails." If you are single, married or mom all are welcome! They love having people in their home and sharing their love of the Lord there. We have another connection opportunity for you! In this season they also have taken on an older family member. Are you a senior adult looking to find rich community as you grow in the Lord and with other people? Henry enjoys fishing, playing the guitar, and worshiping. For more information on Crestwood Home Groups, please contact Scott Gordon at sgordon@secc.org. Henry is a master electrician and Tracey just recently resigned from JCPS after 14 years. Alexis Jones will be hosting an all women's group in Etown. Ryan and Christine Fitzgerald To find a home near you, enter your address and choose the distance you'd like to travel. Todd volunteers at church as a camera shader for the past 2 years and loves it. You can narrow your search further by choosing whether or not you need the home to be handicap accessible or have childcare available. Are you looking for ways to connect with other women at your Southeast Christian Church Bullitt County Campus?
They have a Daughter Abby Grace In heaven from a miscarriage and 2 adopted sons Willie and Andrew. Alexis loves to play the piano, read, work puzzles, go fishing and spending time with her 8 grandchildren. The group meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at The Guptons Home in Simpsonville. They invite you to join their home group, where they hope to connect you to God and one another. Next meeting is Saturday March 26th @ 6:00pm, Mi Tierra Restaurant, 4773 Fox Run Road in Buckner. Try reloading this page. We believe that everyone is better together. He enjoys to sing, play guitar, percussion, and learning new instruments. We would love to help you find a small group that best fits your availability. Join us each Friday at 10:30am at Broad Run Park near the Splash pad for a way to connect, make new friendships, and fellowship with your BC church family. We will meet in the Lake Nevin parking lot at 8:30 a.m. on Fridays starting in January, weather dependant.
Desires for this group are to focus on God, being faithful and obedient, build strong relationships, and developing positive strategies on parenting through the Covid Pandemic. 3thirds Groups are small groups of people growing to become more like Jesus. If you're an empty nester looking for community in the Prospect/Goshen area, this is the group for you. No worries; sign up and come when you can. Paul is a cook, can quote back just about anything from movies and enjoys a good game of Risk. We are a homegroup for Parents of High Schoolers meeting once a week to talk through the sermon from this past week as well as pray for one another. We will be studying "One at a Time" as we go through the sermon series together in community. Come and join us! Kathie has been a part of Southeast and the life of the Southwest campus for the past six years. Gary Williams- Adult Bible Study - Sundays at 11am at Southeast in Room 13, Bob Randolph- Adult Bible Study - Sundays at 11am at Southeast in Room 14, Jamie Packer- Women's Bible Study - Sundays at 11am at Southeast in Room 16, Mike Fausett- Men's Bible Study- Mondays at 6:30pm at Southeast in Room 13, Men's Prayer Group led by the Southeast Elders- 6:30-8:30pm on the first Wednesday of each month in Room 30, Women's Coffee- 9am on the first Saturday of each month at The Corner Bakery Caf at Fashion Place Mall, Senior Lunch- 10:30am on the second Monday of each month at Southeast in Room 30, Community Garden- Meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month for a Garden Work Party. SE!KIDS Small Groups will be meeting Weekly at PR on Sundays at 9:30 or 11:15 AM and in various homes in the North Oldom area, on different days and times throughout the week. Click on the image to see more details or to register. The Raypole's have been attending the Southwest Campus of SECC since day one. They Have been attending the Southwest campus of Southeast since November 2018. Call or text (502) 558-8279 for more information. He must enable SSL. Heather and Todd have been married since August 21, 2004. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Southeast Campus you attend. Brand NEW Mom's Group starting on Monday, May 2nd from 6:30-8:00pm. Please fill out the registration link below and one of our pastors will reach out to you shortly! Tracey enjoys crafting, swimming, and watching documentaries, and true crime tv. Their desire for this group comes from the Fellowship of Believers (Acts 2), The Great Commission (Mt. This is done through a high level of transformational, loving accountability. For information on upcoming events, contact Debbie Pierce at (502) 876-0723 or pierceservinghim@att.net. They like to watch sports, movies and hang out with their dog Daisy. They have 2 young boys and a beagle, who keep them on their toes! Connect with other Bullitt County families navigating life with a special needs child. For more information on La Grange Home Groups, please contact Eric Lutz at elutz@secc.org. We're excited for you to be part of our Home Group gatherings! Sunday Worship Services and Children's Classes are at 9:30am. We would love to help you find a young adult home group that best fits your stage of life. Jason and Tawnya have been married a little over 20 years. We would love to help you find a group that best fits your stage of life. Gary, who enjoys woodworking, decided in 2007 to expand on this talent and build a log home. We would love for you to get connected! Are you looking to get involved at Southeast? If you are post-college age to mid-30s in age, this is the home group for you!!! They've almost entered the empty nester season of life, as both adult children are still at home.