What is now required is an attitude conforming to the will of the king!Likewise, the statues, to which the Egyptians have always rendered homage as being the hypostases where their gods manifest themselves, disappear. With him we stand completely in awe Wow! Anyway, they reflect the official doctrine. Speaks with him as I continue to preside It is "Ra-Horakhty-who-rejoices-in-the-horizon-in-his-name-of-Shu-who-resides-in-the-disc". It is called "Gem-pa-Aten", i.e. Aten is THE god and is not one of the gods. I think your Aten and my Jehovah are one in the same. Osiris, the traditional justified (and regenerate for death) god doesn't have any place anymore in the new system and disappears. Thanks for the link. From our city in the desert that is called Armana "perfect are the perfections of Re, the only of Re". It is certainly not written anywhere.The text about foreign countries continues thus: In this last phrase we see the limits of the universalist message: the Aten is indeed the god who governs the world, including foreign countries and Egypt's traditional enemies, but the latter continue to be considered exactly as before. The high spiritual elevation of the texts is undeniable. Akhenaten changes the name of the god at the same time as he radicalises his policy but without changing the doctrine, by having the animal form of Horus and the name of the god Shu removed, leaving only Ra remaining.This government of the world by the Aten-king is also shown in the iconography of the god. Come to me and let us find Have a nice evening! To suppress this role, it is ipso facto to deny the existence of the whole traditional system imagined, and likewise for the deceased to have a new life in the beyond. Havent worn them in ages. For we are both bathed in the sweat of our love mille merci, Nora! And you actually got further than I did in 4 years! I stretch and reach out my long limbs I see my Queen sitting there a goddess in her own way jai visit lgypte il y a plusieurs annes et jen conserve de trs chers souvenirs je suis tombe rcemment sur une inscription dchiffre sur une stle, suppose tre un dialogue(dclaration) damour entre la reine Nfertiti la belle qui est revenue et Akhenaton, son roi ador lnkh ou la croix anse aura t LA cl magique de vie qui leur a ouvert les portes de lternit , tu es la plus belle du palais, ton visage est charmant et ton sourire lapis-lazuli est la source de ma joie mon amoureuse, ma matresse, ma reine, ta douce voix me rjouit, mon cur est envahi par ton amour tu es sur mes tempes, lamour me donne des ailes et je menvole vers toi tu es unique, ma bien-aime, la plus brillante des toiles, tes yeux lumineux mensorcellent tes bras menveloppent comme des lianes dacacia fleuri, tes cheveux sont un pige o je me laisse tomber tes seins sont comme des pommes rouges, je te respire chaque mot qui sort de ta bouche ptale de lotus tu moffres la vie pour taimer de tout mon tre, mme ton nom mest vital comme lair et le sang reste auprs de moi, avec moi, vis en moi aujourdhui et jusqu la fin des temps, car notre amour est un rve ternel. And she writhes and twists till the break of day Akhenaten and Nefertiti move on their chariot like the Aten in the sky and bring the breath of life.These outings of the royal couple replace the ancient traditional processions of the other gods, especially Amun, during the great festivals. In worshipping this mighty single God The one and only entity to walk upon the earth Upright for perfect alignment in light this way saddened to hear about the loss of your friend courage, peace and hope! (imgView('akh_18', 'fig 18'))The appearance of the king at the "window of appearances" above the main processional way (imgView('akh_64.gif', 'fig. For her beauty is more than I can stand As the worship of individuals could not be addressed directly to the god, it was to these effigies that it was made (imgView('akh_60', 'fig 60')). heartfelt hugs. Stretching my legs and letting him see Nice to hear from you again.
, yes, indeed, Maam! my beloved one, King of my soul, the only master of my body, you are the most majestic tree, I come to lie down at your feet, covered by your warm arms your gaze all over me is an albatross song, Im your inner tide, I get back to you from dawn to nightfall our hearts beat together, my skin is perfumed with red hibiscus scent, I befuddle you with my divine nectar that you drink from my golden cup after love, well bathe in the waves of the Nile, watching over the pyramids, and whispering one to the other:I love you! well draw our love line with our blood, throughout poems written by the immortal gods, deeply engraved on the gate of our eternity. The royal couple eating, or holding their little girls on their knees and kissing them (figs imgView('akh_5;akh_13;akh_16', '5;13;16')).We note, nevertheless, that the rules of Egyptian depiction are respected, notably the reclining perspective with the result that we recognise at first glance that the scenes are Egyptian. And for her love I would gladly die. Footbridge crossing the processional way. Thanks. It was in this figurative way that the Egyptians expressed the tendency for spontaneous disorganisation that we call entropy. In only one true God that we should conceive At sunset, everything falls asleep and the earth seems dead. Monsieur Anglard was the manager of a paper factory (I think) in Labrugiere. All the hymns use the first version of the canonical name of the Aten and were thus composed between year 5 and year 9 of the reign.Their exact function is not entirely clear. Where my husband studies arcana Here is a view of the place where this window was situated: imgView('akh_53', 'fig 53') . Very interesting history and I can see that you like it, too. The Aten is the creator of all things in the universe and provides for the needs of his creation. I did once expect to go to Egypt with a dear Egyptian colleague. Let's listen to them. So what was life like in the new capital?It was, of course, still a busy building site when the court moved in. We were actually booked on a tour that went up that way but we all got sick and had to cancel at the last minute. If they are still alive they will be 70-80. Here is how one can summarize their content (after Pierre Grandet): Sunrise of the Aten that fills the universe of light and space under the control of Akhenaten. My love makes me feel oh so blessed And they helped us stack all the Great Pyramids stones She would love this post anyhow, she now does financial stuff, but this really made me think of her so thanks for that. In the new religion, however, all of this dramatic aspect of the solar cycle disappears. Men, animals and plants give homage to the creator by their renewed activity.It is the Aten who holds all life in his control because he is "Creator of seed in women, Thou who makest fluid into man"It is also he who gives the breath of life both to the child at its mother's breast and to the chick in the egg.Both distant and near : "it is he who takes millions of forms from his oneness". 227-230]. The following morning the earth revives, all beings are celebrating and going about their business.
The prime source, from the tomb of Ay at Amarna, begins with an introduction by Ay. I am called the Queen Nefertiti Bookmark the permalink. Where we can explore loves sweetest boon The appearance of the king and queen is equivalent to the rising of the Aten.They are always shown riding in a chariot and escorted by policemen and soldiers (imgView('char', 'fig 48')). And henceforth the entire human race The Courtyards of Armana in the morning light I have made the old man a religious temple scribe I once visited the village of Labrugiere (near Castres) when I was younger on a student exchange program. Could we share something so very true Up till now, the nocturnal evolution of the sun was conceived as being a sort of cosmic drama. Just a difference in name between me and you. You have the soul of a poet, Mlanie :-), I discover Spanish poets across your words ^_^ My favorite line from your translations is:Mon paradis un champ sans rossignols from a Garca Lorca poem. btw, I have a friend who lives in the very pittoresque village of Durban-Corbires, about 1h-drive from here: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durban-Corbi%C3%A8res. That brings back memories of beautiful Egypt. Neither Jehovah nor Aten name is flawed merci, Monsieur A! oui, intemporel et ternel merci et pareillement! For my attention as a man They are known as " the servants of god". Dark eyes outlined in black kohl which was reserved for the pharaoh. aha, got it we spent 4 days in Cairo and then, we went down visiting the most outstanding spots I loved Luxor, Assouan and Ive been deeply impressed by Abu-Simbel. (LogOut/ Several temples, exclusively dedicated to the Aten, were built, among them the great temple, the main one.
But let's get back to the hymns.The lyricism continues with praise for the creator: in the morning, when the Aten rises, the earth becomes once again habitable and in festivity. As we go together in royal marriage Before the Amarnian period, one doesn't give any proper names to the divinities. Imagine the effect!In his religion, there is no need for statues since the sun is visible to all. Because all he wants is our belief in him The duplicate "Shen" signs intends to show that the cartouches of the God's name are themselves even a divine entity. My lips on her cheekbones makes me realize Is our palace built with Atens boon . For the times that are and the times that were. That really takes my breath away, such love is truly a miracle, I know!!! Black hair resting upon my breast While I dance in a winding spiral Transported from a quarry fifty miles away I dont think Id go back again now, although I would love to get some much better photos than I did then. Our vast courtyards with statuary elegance Several have been found in the houses of Amarna, in the little domestic altars. In moonlight as it glows bold In the general care for naturalism, which guides the new religion, Akhenaten orders that, from now on, all religious texts shall be written in the current language that we call neo-Egyptian. , same here, pretty lady guess what: weve been again on the same wave length yesss! This is an important evolution which will last. Here, all is open sky so that the life-giving energy of the rays of the Aten might spread over the hundreds of open-air altars, covered with animal, vegetable and floral offerings, where the daily worship was celebrated. She is everywhere, immutable and only the king can interpret her desire.In effect, Maat is now Akhenaten himself! These solid stone columns on their bases they stay One that can bring us kind to kind Trs beau dialogue sur lamour Mlanie! Up till then, canonic texts, and especially those carved in tombs or on temple walls, were written in Middle Egyptian, a language which had not been current for centuries (like Latin in our churches). My soul the one I love best Six daughters are born to the king: Merytaten, Maketaten, Ankhesenpaaten, Neferneferouaten-tasheryt(i.e Neferneferouaten the small one) Neferneferoure, Setepenre. Im so happy you found my blog of life in Egypt, come visit me again anytime! The duplicate "Shen" signs intends to show that the cartouches of the God's name are themselves even a divine entity. I love Egiptian ancient history and I have watched many films of it and read a lot of books and I have many of them but I have never been there though I have dreamed about it. Our love that ties and bind cartouches It is a way of proclaiming the consubstantiality of Akhenaten and the god of whom he is the emanation: the royalty of the Aten in heaven is of the same nature as that of Akhenaten on earth. The reappearance of the sun each day could only happen after a gigantic conflict in the world beyond. To the glory of Egypt forever to be told With her hand-hewn Lotus blossom topped pillars Note that the writing of the god's name does not end with the usual hieroglyphic sign of the deity, thus evading the "category of gods". That there is only one true God O placere fiecare postare a ta! Her breathy Sirocco hot off the Mediterranean sea. Both types develop two main themes: the daily cycle of the sun god and the revelation of his son Akhenatens divinity. I love such places and would relish the thought of living somewhere similar. It was always my dream to visit Egypt, and am so glad we travelled there about 20 years ago.
My love is for no other only for him Tugs at my shirt like a gentle virago bonjour and welcome to my French-English playground! buona notte e presto! oh, I do recall: my translation of deseo , https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/2014/08/23/deseo-je-desire-i-wish/ thanx-merci for your kind words, my very best and c u asap . Adica, iubirea a avut dintotdeauna cuvinte frumoase, rostite sau scrise. glad youve liked my ad-hoc translation . Stayed for a month over two successive years. Come to me and let us rest Not a multitude spawned by someones whim. Reminds me that I once translated a dossier de presse for a rapper of that name (Akhenaton). Akhenaten is "lord of the two lands" while the Aten is "lord of the world". We have, in fact, found examples of solar hymns written just before the Amarna period which are derived from this rationalist trend of which we have spoken and which already take, as a theme for reflection, the unique visible reality. For Akhenaten there is no other reality nor other life than the one, physically bathed by the rays of the Aten. I love kissing my wifes beautiful eyes But to you I remain a mystery * * * The temples roofs topped in solid gold ai rezumat exact si corect, asa cum am precizat @ titlu: iubire atemporala si vesnica . When were not making love she talks with me To help the sun win his combat each day required the combined action of the king and men making the appropriate devotions, Maat must reign. The beneficial effect of the Aten, relayed by his son Akhenaten, justifies the cult which is a worship of thanksgiving. Greetings. I must wonder if we are truly all alone I feel Akhenatens eyes rest upon me But here, there are no oracles, the god Aten is a silent god whose wishes only the king is competent to reveal.No more real priests, no more oracles Akhenaten has found a very efficient way of preventing any criticism of his actions!Note, too, that the practice of magic, so important in the traditional religion, has no place in the Amarna system and disappears. Una dintre iubirile mele sunt desenele egiptene. The sun rises behind the pyramids such a sight Loved this piece. Tis our legacy my queen and I to this arcana. These movements in a chariot pulled by two horses take into account an important aspect of the symbolism so dear to the sovereign: movement. Desert winds whisper of a coming supernova The traditional interpretation that made them liturgical texts to be recited or chanted in temples is now demolished. Nevertheless the king specifies that the stars remain alive in his heart.But the traditional nocturnal journey of the sun had another major function: to resuscitate the deceased in the Duat, to give life back them during the time of its nocturnal journey. I look upon this new stranger with hope One even wonders if Akhenaten really had the intention of imposing the cult of the Aten in all Egypt. (LogOut/ Her dark eyes sing to me an ancient love song WHY, please? you did miss UNIQUE, breathtaking places. Statues of Sphinx lined up ten fold Because my beautiful wife and I believe That he raises within me fire Akhenaton wanted to show the tie tightened between the God and the King and the consubstantiality of their nature and their power. , wow, iubiri-ideograme egiptene cool! Because we loved them just as we love ourselves Sitting upon my curved wooden throne
Under a 1000 residents. The Hebrew version of Aten, and Jehovah Be reassured Iceland is the next stop. (LogOut/ I walk the walls and halls of Amarna For they studied our culture to see how we lived , This is so wonderful to read, Mlanie. For I am the only God Aten We can see that the Aten, who created himself, completely holds the life of the world in his subordination, that he daily renews the creation of which he is "the father and the mother". Akhenaten left no canonic text. As she whispers to me moans and begs you may have read this Costa Rican poet, too: Jorge Debravo "the living Aten", the living disc, but even this is but an abbreviation of a much longer official didactic name, which is a real theological explanation. Could our God be a connecting rope In sunlight as it shines gold The sun of the day, after having lost his radiance, set and continued his nocturnal voyage in his barque while progressively recharging his energy.But, during this nocturnal voyage, he had to face all sorts of redoubtable enemies who tried to sink the solar barque and prevent the rebirth of the sun in the morning. We can, nevertheless, get a good idea of his religious conceptions thanks, on one hand, to the explanations that he gave of the names of the god Aten and, on the other hand, to two series of hymns that were found engraved in the tombs of courtiers at Tell-el-Amarna. To this land I love maternally Posted on 29 October 2014, in melanie. sempre piacevole leggere le tue esperienze di viaggio, accompagnate da splendide immagini. So, when the Aten rises, we are told: Here we see this optimistic context expressed: All of nature is a work of the creator and it is therefore intrinsically good. The family had a house on the outskirts of the village. you did touch my heart my very best and have a serene evening! The content of the hymns does not differ, the Great Hymn is only more developed. Must get back there one of these years and see some more! Certainly she has become an optimistic view of the world but mechanical, implacable. I do know the rapper en question we visited most of the famous Egyptian spots en voyage soutenu(up @ 5am! But his father, Amenhotep III before him had not intervened either, preferring a gold diplomacy to warlike expeditions. But I only have eyes and sight Transcribed 12/19/2014 With Atens blessing I spell and cast Again: not so!Badly advised, Akhenaten did not intervene militarily in Asia to support a disintegrating Egyptian empire. Ive never been to Portugal, but lots of Portuguese people have lived in France for decades yep: one or some day . This year I read several books of History. The texts speak of Pa-Iten-Ankh, i.e. Bonjour Melanie for many years my step-daughter wanted to be an Egyptologist! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Not too interesting but it is nice that you visited it. Unfortunately, the bigoted aftermath of 9/11 produced sad negative changes. This religion of the Aten appears to be a naturalist one, one of contemplation of nature, a work of the unique solar creator. Besides, it is only necessary to observe the attitudes of the persons in the presence of the king: never in Egypt do we see so many people bent before their master, or so many soldiers and policemen shown (imgView('akh_1', 'fig 1')).It is also at Amarna that we have found the biggest police barracks ever found in Egypt.The choice of the location of the capital is also unparalleled, with its rocky circle surrounding the city on all sides except that facing the Nile, thus providing a natural protection (imgView('akh_41', 'fig 41')). Those who frequent pharaonic Egypt know that these are the most celebrated texts of ancient Egypt and, as is often the case, this celebrity indirectly feeds imaginative ideas or dreams which are sometimes far removed from the reality of the source.It is not known who wrote the hymns to the Aten, maybe it was the king himself. Her large almond eyes smiling as we discuss
138, "the sun of all lands".By doing this, Akhenaten changes the very nature of Egyptian royalty, which is now an unlimited absolutism the like of which the country has never known and will never know again after him.This should finally put an end to the tenacious legend of a gentle, weak pacifist dreamy poet king full of love for all humanity: which is a historical misinterpretation. I sing and spread my blessings far I saw a lot of other places. 7:44 PM, Profanity : Our optional filter replaced words with *** on this page , Akhenaten and Nefertiti An Eighteeth Dynasty Awakening, You can be 0' Tall to ride the Ergosphere. At night, the earth and all beings are in a state bordering on death. So he stood up and I looked into a face of no lies It was Akhenaten and Nefertiti themselves who offered adoration to the rising sun each morning and we can see pictures of the king humbly prostrated before the divinity who he alone had the right to venerate with no intermediary.There are still priests, and even a high priest of the Aten, but they no longer participate directly in the offering, in the maintenance of the divine power.
LASTLY, I didnt do anything on it, any new posts, really. So, nothing new here.And the only trace we have of a military expedition led against the miserable Nubian peoples who dared, once again, to rise up against Egypt met with the same vigorous reprisals as was usual. [Source: Pritchard, James B., ed., The Ancient Near East - Volume 1: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1958, pp. I think that one can guess, in part, the origin of the representation of the Aton, when one looks at light fltering through a cloud: one has the impression of a strong mattial indeed (the rays) which fill a space (the one represented by the god Shu). And I cannot leave her alone for long Us their wisdom and science from themselves So now we have the royal family in their new capital. Another frequent image is that of the king offering the names of the solar disc to the solar disc! Marble gleams white in noontime light It is extremely clear; the king is the sole divine intercessor, the only one to have received the revelation of the Aten and who can convey it. The hymns were probably liturgical texts designed to be recited or chanted during venerations in the temples of the capital. We see, appearing in this expanded name of the Aten, the names of three other classic Egyptian divinities, all with a solar connotation: Ra, the great god of the sun, the falcon Horus who is its classic figurative manifestation, and the god Shu who represents the air, the space between heaven and earth.Then we notice that the divine names are incorporated into The god is far off, but his rays are upon the earth. , What an incredible duet of love verses! And a Hebrew man said to me one day with no shame I see my beautiful Queen watching us thanx, Sir! And they lived among us and were happy to give Temple scribes in the city of Armana The sun will necessarily and mechanically reappear, tomorrow as it did today. All beings, through their appropriate behaviour, praise him with thanksgiving. yep, I do agree and I do confirm about Egypt glad and honored by your kind visit!
Moreover, towards the end of the reign, the excesses of the beginning are abandoned and the models which we find in the sculptors' workshops give us a real picture of the king and queen (figs imgView('akh_3;akh_4;akh_6', '3:4:6')) though the dolichocephaly sometimes remains. ), we did get to the Red Sea, but no time for sun-bathing or diving yep, Egypt is an absolute must-visit/explore/see . The king and queen have changed their names. The meaning of the offering has radically changed: since there is no longer any need to maintain and renew the divine life each day, the offering has become an action of indulgence (imgView('akh_27', 'fig 27')). I walk in beauty along the night So we cool off atop of our temple above

The prime source, from the tomb of Ay at Amarna, begins with an introduction by Ay. I am called the Queen Nefertiti Bookmark the permalink. Where we can explore loves sweetest boon The appearance of the king and queen is equivalent to the rising of the Aten.They are always shown riding in a chariot and escorted by policemen and soldiers (imgView('char', 'fig 48')). And henceforth the entire human race The Courtyards of Armana in the morning light I have made the old man a religious temple scribe I once visited the village of Labrugiere (near Castres) when I was younger on a student exchange program. Could we share something so very true Up till now, the nocturnal evolution of the sun was conceived as being a sort of cosmic drama. Just a difference in name between me and you. You have the soul of a poet, Mlanie :-), I discover Spanish poets across your words ^_^ My favorite line from your translations is:Mon paradis un champ sans rossignols from a Garca Lorca poem. btw, I have a friend who lives in the very pittoresque village of Durban-Corbires, about 1h-drive from here: http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Durban-Corbi%C3%A8res. That brings back memories of beautiful Egypt. Neither Jehovah nor Aten name is flawed merci, Monsieur A! oui, intemporel et ternel merci et pareillement! For my attention as a man They are known as " the servants of god". Dark eyes outlined in black kohl which was reserved for the pharaoh. aha, got it we spent 4 days in Cairo and then, we went down visiting the most outstanding spots I loved Luxor, Assouan and Ive been deeply impressed by Abu-Simbel. (LogOut/ Several temples, exclusively dedicated to the Aten, were built, among them the great temple, the main one.
But let's get back to the hymns.The lyricism continues with praise for the creator: in the morning, when the Aten rises, the earth becomes once again habitable and in festivity. As we go together in royal marriage Before the Amarnian period, one doesn't give any proper names to the divinities. Imagine the effect!In his religion, there is no need for statues since the sun is visible to all. Because all he wants is our belief in him The duplicate "Shen" signs intends to show that the cartouches of the God's name are themselves even a divine entity. My lips on her cheekbones makes me realize Is our palace built with Atens boon . For the times that are and the times that were. That really takes my breath away, such love is truly a miracle, I know!!! Black hair resting upon my breast While I dance in a winding spiral Transported from a quarry fifty miles away I dont think Id go back again now, although I would love to get some much better photos than I did then. Our vast courtyards with statuary elegance Several have been found in the houses of Amarna, in the little domestic altars. In moonlight as it glows bold In the general care for naturalism, which guides the new religion, Akhenaten orders that, from now on, all religious texts shall be written in the current language that we call neo-Egyptian. , same here, pretty lady guess what: weve been again on the same wave length yesss! This is an important evolution which will last. Here, all is open sky so that the life-giving energy of the rays of the Aten might spread over the hundreds of open-air altars, covered with animal, vegetable and floral offerings, where the daily worship was celebrated. She is everywhere, immutable and only the king can interpret her desire.In effect, Maat is now Akhenaten himself! These solid stone columns on their bases they stay One that can bring us kind to kind Trs beau dialogue sur lamour Mlanie! Up till then, canonic texts, and especially those carved in tombs or on temple walls, were written in Middle Egyptian, a language which had not been current for centuries (like Latin in our churches). My soul the one I love best Six daughters are born to the king: Merytaten, Maketaten, Ankhesenpaaten, Neferneferouaten-tasheryt(i.e Neferneferouaten the small one) Neferneferoure, Setepenre. Im so happy you found my blog of life in Egypt, come visit me again anytime! The duplicate "Shen" signs intends to show that the cartouches of the God's name are themselves even a divine entity. I love Egiptian ancient history and I have watched many films of it and read a lot of books and I have many of them but I have never been there though I have dreamed about it. Our love that ties and bind cartouches It is a way of proclaiming the consubstantiality of Akhenaten and the god of whom he is the emanation: the royalty of the Aten in heaven is of the same nature as that of Akhenaten on earth. The reappearance of the sun each day could only happen after a gigantic conflict in the world beyond. To the glory of Egypt forever to be told With her hand-hewn Lotus blossom topped pillars Note that the writing of the god's name does not end with the usual hieroglyphic sign of the deity, thus evading the "category of gods". That there is only one true God O placere fiecare postare a ta! Her breathy Sirocco hot off the Mediterranean sea. Both types develop two main themes: the daily cycle of the sun god and the revelation of his son Akhenatens divinity. I love such places and would relish the thought of living somewhere similar. It was always my dream to visit Egypt, and am so glad we travelled there about 20 years ago.
My love is for no other only for him Tugs at my shirt like a gentle virago bonjour and welcome to my French-English playground! buona notte e presto! oh, I do recall: my translation of deseo , https://myvirtualplayground.wordpress.com/2014/08/23/deseo-je-desire-i-wish/ thanx-merci for your kind words, my very best and c u asap . Adica, iubirea a avut dintotdeauna cuvinte frumoase, rostite sau scrise. glad youve liked my ad-hoc translation . Stayed for a month over two successive years. Come to me and let us rest Not a multitude spawned by someones whim. Reminds me that I once translated a dossier de presse for a rapper of that name (Akhenaton). Akhenaten is "lord of the two lands" while the Aten is "lord of the world". We have, in fact, found examples of solar hymns written just before the Amarna period which are derived from this rationalist trend of which we have spoken and which already take, as a theme for reflection, the unique visible reality. For Akhenaten there is no other reality nor other life than the one, physically bathed by the rays of the Aten. I love kissing my wifes beautiful eyes But to you I remain a mystery * * * The temples roofs topped in solid gold ai rezumat exact si corect, asa cum am precizat @ titlu: iubire atemporala si vesnica . When were not making love she talks with me To help the sun win his combat each day required the combined action of the king and men making the appropriate devotions, Maat must reign. The beneficial effect of the Aten, relayed by his son Akhenaten, justifies the cult which is a worship of thanksgiving. Greetings. I must wonder if we are truly all alone I feel Akhenatens eyes rest upon me But here, there are no oracles, the god Aten is a silent god whose wishes only the king is competent to reveal.No more real priests, no more oracles Akhenaten has found a very efficient way of preventing any criticism of his actions!Note, too, that the practice of magic, so important in the traditional religion, has no place in the Amarna system and disappears. Una dintre iubirile mele sunt desenele egiptene. The sun rises behind the pyramids such a sight Loved this piece. Tis our legacy my queen and I to this arcana. These movements in a chariot pulled by two horses take into account an important aspect of the symbolism so dear to the sovereign: movement. Desert winds whisper of a coming supernova The traditional interpretation that made them liturgical texts to be recited or chanted in temples is now demolished. Nevertheless the king specifies that the stars remain alive in his heart.But the traditional nocturnal journey of the sun had another major function: to resuscitate the deceased in the Duat, to give life back them during the time of its nocturnal journey. I look upon this new stranger with hope One even wonders if Akhenaten really had the intention of imposing the cult of the Aten in all Egypt. (LogOut/ Her dark eyes sing to me an ancient love song WHY, please? you did miss UNIQUE, breathtaking places. Statues of Sphinx lined up ten fold Because my beautiful wife and I believe That he raises within me fire Akhenaton wanted to show the tie tightened between the God and the King and the consubstantiality of their nature and their power. , wow, iubiri-ideograme egiptene cool! Because we loved them just as we love ourselves Sitting upon my curved wooden throne

138, "the sun of all lands".By doing this, Akhenaten changes the very nature of Egyptian royalty, which is now an unlimited absolutism the like of which the country has never known and will never know again after him.This should finally put an end to the tenacious legend of a gentle, weak pacifist dreamy poet king full of love for all humanity: which is a historical misinterpretation. I sing and spread my blessings far I saw a lot of other places. 7:44 PM, Profanity : Our optional filter replaced words with *** on this page , Akhenaten and Nefertiti An Eighteeth Dynasty Awakening, You can be 0' Tall to ride the Ergosphere. At night, the earth and all beings are in a state bordering on death. So he stood up and I looked into a face of no lies It was Akhenaten and Nefertiti themselves who offered adoration to the rising sun each morning and we can see pictures of the king humbly prostrated before the divinity who he alone had the right to venerate with no intermediary.There are still priests, and even a high priest of the Aten, but they no longer participate directly in the offering, in the maintenance of the divine power.
LASTLY, I didnt do anything on it, any new posts, really. So, nothing new here.And the only trace we have of a military expedition led against the miserable Nubian peoples who dared, once again, to rise up against Egypt met with the same vigorous reprisals as was usual. [Source: Pritchard, James B., ed., The Ancient Near East - Volume 1: An Anthology of Texts and Pictures, Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1958, pp. I think that one can guess, in part, the origin of the representation of the Aton, when one looks at light fltering through a cloud: one has the impression of a strong mattial indeed (the rays) which fill a space (the one represented by the god Shu). And I cannot leave her alone for long Us their wisdom and science from themselves So now we have the royal family in their new capital. Another frequent image is that of the king offering the names of the solar disc to the solar disc! Marble gleams white in noontime light It is extremely clear; the king is the sole divine intercessor, the only one to have received the revelation of the Aten and who can convey it. The hymns were probably liturgical texts designed to be recited or chanted during venerations in the temples of the capital. We see, appearing in this expanded name of the Aten, the names of three other classic Egyptian divinities, all with a solar connotation: Ra, the great god of the sun, the falcon Horus who is its classic figurative manifestation, and the god Shu who represents the air, the space between heaven and earth.Then we notice that the divine names are incorporated into The god is far off, but his rays are upon the earth. , What an incredible duet of love verses! And a Hebrew man said to me one day with no shame I see my beautiful Queen watching us thanx, Sir! And they lived among us and were happy to give Temple scribes in the city of Armana The sun will necessarily and mechanically reappear, tomorrow as it did today. All beings, through their appropriate behaviour, praise him with thanksgiving. yep, I do agree and I do confirm about Egypt glad and honored by your kind visit!
Moreover, towards the end of the reign, the excesses of the beginning are abandoned and the models which we find in the sculptors' workshops give us a real picture of the king and queen (figs imgView('akh_3;akh_4;akh_6', '3:4:6')) though the dolichocephaly sometimes remains. ), we did get to the Red Sea, but no time for sun-bathing or diving yep, Egypt is an absolute must-visit/explore/see . The king and queen have changed their names. The meaning of the offering has radically changed: since there is no longer any need to maintain and renew the divine life each day, the offering has become an action of indulgence (imgView('akh_27', 'fig 27')). I walk in beauty along the night So we cool off atop of our temple above