We will break down the most important What are SQL Data Types? It is the simplest form of business structure for a business with two or more owners. Also, unlike an S-corporation, which is subject to a limit of 100 shareholders, there is no limit to the number of shareholders in a limited liability company. A legal form of doing business that creates a separate legal entity from the individual owners. Taxation: An LLC is considered a pass through entity for tax purposes. Liability: Owners typically have unlimited personal liability. The different business structures are discussed in detail below: A sole proprietorship is the simplest business structure and involves one individual who is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the business. It is possible to self-insure yourself against the personal liability assumed by this structure. Then, when earnings are distributed, the owner is taxed again on that business income. The information featured in this article is based on our best estimates of pricing, package details, contract stipulations, and service available at the time of writing. Also, if a driver for your company accidentally kills a pedestrian, your business can become liable. A legal form of business that makes no legal distinction between the individual owner and the business itself. Owner has absolute control over the business. A corporation is a type of business structure that gives the entity a separate legal entity from its owners.
Often times, this prolongs the decision making when multiple shareholders or investors are involved. Owners are only taxed one time. Some structures will limit your liability to your investment, whereas others will make you and your personal possessions liable for the damages and debts of the business. All members of your LLC should enter into an operating agreement, setting forth the rights and rules of the newly formed company. It depends on the type of structure. Who is responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business? Formation: To form an LLC, you must pay a filing fee ($100-$800) and must have articles of organization when at the time the entity is established. Pros of General Partnerships:
The company no longer has the funds to pay off the debt, and is structured in a way that makes Bob personally liable for the debts of his business. One of the major disadvantages of a corporation is the high level of governance and oversight by the board of directors. The flip side of that is also true; by not setting up your business structure correctly, you will make yourself worse off in both scenarios. High level of governance and oversight by the board of directors. There are a number of business entities available to help shield you such as forming a corporation, limited-liability company (LLC), limited-liability partnership (LLP) or limited partnerships (LP). Before making a choice on the type of legal structure, business owners should first consider their needs and goals and understand the features of each business structure. How much in taxes am I willing to pay?
The process to establish the business is more rigorous and costly. Large amounts of administrative work and costs. Unlike a limited liability company, a sole proprietorship is not required to meet ongoing requirements such as shareholder meetings and voting or election of directors. For example, if you end up going bankrupt and still have outstanding bills, the creditors will come after your personal assets. Can lead to management and oversight issues absent a partnership agreement. Pathway Lending is an Equal Opportunity Lender. Most states permit an LLC with only one owner, called a single member LLC.. Visit our attorney directory to find a lawyer near you who can help. Owner is only taxed once on his or her personal return, Liability can be limited (for limited partners see other comments below), More complex filing and administrative requirements than a general partnership. How you choose to structure your business at the outset can have lasting implications into the future and affect your profit margin. Creditors cant reach personal assets of the LLC members, except in cases of fraud or illegality. Here is a simple checklist to complete as you begin to set up your business structure: Remember, setting up your business structure is not the most exciting part of starting your business, but can be a burden if you fail to select the best structure. The best structure depends on your businesss unique needs and characteristics. An organizations legal structure is a key determinant of the activities that it can undertake, such as raising capital, responsibility for obligations of the business, as well as the amount of taxes that the organization owes to tax agencies. 2022 Pathway Lending. FAQs, tax primer, set-up guides, owner buyout agreements and other information about partnerships. A lawyer or accountant can help you to sift through the final layer of detail before you set up your business. Li>Seek professional help to ensure that you are not overlooking any details (city permits, licenses, etc.). The costs of both money and time can be cumbersome, especially for a startup with fewer resources. All in all, these administrative procedures take up a good amount of Bob's time and money. Once you have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of the different business structures and decided which is the right one for you, you will need to actually form and set up the business. Understand the main differences between business structures (taxes, liability and administrative costs), Understand the relative advantages and disadvantages of each type of structure.
Tutorials on how to start a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC or a nonprofit. Consider avoiding the sole proprietorship model if you want maximum asset protection. In most states, the only costs associated with running a sole proprietorship are business taxes and operating license fees.
Corporations are generally more appropriate for larger established companies with multiple employees or when other factors apply (i.e. By setting up your business structure correctly, you will be better off in both scenarios. Also called a business ownership structure or business form, choices include LLCs, partnerships, sole proprietorships, corporations, non-profits, and co-operatives. Other structures form a separate tax entity that is taxed by itself. Management Structure An LLC is a US business structure that offers the personal liability protection of a corporation with the pass-through taxation of a sole proprietorship or partnership. Much like a partnership agreement or corporate bylaws, the LLC operating agreement sets out rules for ownership and operation of business. FAQs, checklists and information about how to set up an LLC. Its formation is subject to certain legal criteria such as a maximum number of shareholders. While the first two issues (taxes and liability) are more important overall, administrative costs should not be overlooked. Certain structures are called pass-through entities, and the income and losses are literally passed through from the business to the individual for tax purposes. There are several broad categories of business structures, with some of these categories having additional structures in them. Like a sole proprietorship, a partnership is not a separate legal entity from its owners. Distributions of profits/losses C-corporations, S-corporations, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, and partnerships are some of the more common options for business legal structures. on Form 1120S.
This project is funded under an agreement with the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development. A limited partnership (LP) allows one or more partners to serve as passive investors rather than directly managing the company. Pros and cons of running a nonprofit, eligibility and set-up information. In a simplified way, there are two scenarios.
Partnership agreements establish the terms of the partnership and typically cover topics such as: Capital Contributions Tax planning and preparation is key to minimizing tax liability for your small business. There are numerous federal, state, city, and local laws that you should be aware of depending on your location and the type of business you are running. There are four main types of business structures: The type of business structure you choose will affect how your business is regulated, taxed, and more. Name
Profits and losses of company are passed on to the member and are only taxed at the individual level. Each members share of profit represents taxable income, even if the profit wasntdistributed. Understanding each legal structure is important so that you can decide on the one that best fits your businesses goals as well as what is more beneficial to you as the business owners. Like us on Facebook - Click this link to visit our Facebook profile in a new tab. General partners are similar to those in general partnerships they operate the business and assume liability. Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA), Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Capital Markets & Securities Analyst (CMSA), Certified Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA). On the downside, since it is not a separate legal entity from its owners, the owners will be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, and obligations of the business. Schedule K-1, which records the profits or losses, should accompany Form 1065. A limited liability partnership (LLP) provides some amount of personal liability protection to all of the partners. Formation: The sole proprietorship is the simplest way of doing business.
Single member LLCs are allowed to report business expenses on Form 1040 Schedule C, E, or F. LLCs with more than one member usually file a partnership return Form 1065. On the downside, the partners are personally liable for the debts and obligations of the business, and their personal assets can be sold off to pay the business debts. Business structure refers to the legal structure of an organization that is recognized in a given jurisdiction.
Who is liable for the possible damages and debts incurred by your business? A corporation has the ability to enter into contracts separate from that of the shareholders, but it also has certain responsibilities such as the payment of taxes. Similar to a sole proprietorship but with multiple owners (a sole proprietorship cannot have more than one owner). Here are five steps to apply today for your business loan!
Weve outlined the four most common business legal structures with considerations for each below, including tax, liability, and formation of each. Even entrepreneurs who study the details of each type of structure are often left confused with information overload. Follow us on Twitter - Click this link to visit our Twitter profile in a new tab. Most corporations hire attorneys to oversee the registration process and to ensure that the entity complies with the state laws where it is registered. One of the advantages of a corporate structure is the ability to raise capital. Also consider what regulations you will have to follow depending on the structure you choose. The LLC entity is only required to file an informational tax return, similar in character to the general partnership. We Stand by our Reviews and when you Purchase something weve Recommended, the commissions we receive help support our Staff and our Research Process. The owner is required to file Form 1040, and the form must include Schedule C and Schedule SE for self-employment tax. You'll need to first files Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State. Members may include individuals, corporations, other LLCs and foreign entities. Cons of LLC Structure: So, what are legal structures and what type(s) should you consider? Investors typically would not invest in a business organized as a sole proprietorship. Corporate shareholders have limited liability, meaning the entity is responsible for all liabilities the company incurs. Small Business Information: Several articles, HCM Publishing: Business Structure Article, Special Offer on Antivirus Software From HowStuffWorks and TotalAV Security. Pricing will vary based on various factors, including, but not limited to, the customers location, package chosen, added features and equipment, the purchasers credit score, etc.
As a result, C-corps are subject to double taxation.. A c-corporation is subject to corporate income tax on any corporate profits (entity pays taxes). However, there are also other types of partnerships. When registering a limited liability company, the entity must file its articles of association with the Secretary of State where it intends to do business. You will need professional legal guidance to make this decision, but the first step is learning what the different structures are, depending on your situation, your long-term goals, and your preferences. Shareholders pay personal income tax on the corporate profits distributed by the corporation to the owners. An LLC with one owner is called a single-member LLC, and an LLC with more than one owner is called a multi-member LLC. Limited partners have personal liability protection. is an extremely popular structure. How much time, effort, and money will it cost you to set up and run the company? Liability: LLC members are protected from personal liability for business debts and claims, a feature known as limited liability. If a business with limited liability owes money or faces a lawsuit, only the assets of the business itself are at risk. Clarify all fees and contract details before signing a contract or finalizing your purchase. Often subject to additional taxes at the state level. A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and independent from the people who own or run the corporation, namely shareholders.
They do have limited liability. Create business banking and credit accounts. Depending on the business structure, your personal possessions may also be at risk.
Most likely, the lack of information stems from the multitude of structures available and the nuances of each. The type of business structure can affect how a business is regulated, taxed, and more. Cons of Corporations: Creating a limited liability company (LLC) requires you to take several important steps depending on your state. Ownership is easily exchanged between individuals, Company does not cease to exist with the death of owners, Easy structure for which to raise capital, High administrative costs to setup and run, More regulatory requirements than other structures, Higher administrative costs to setup and run than partnerships and sole proprietorships, More regulations than partnerships and sole proprietorships, Limited life of entity (usually limited to 30 years), LLC laws are not uniform and therefore doing business in multiple states as an LLC can be complex, No restrictions on the number of owners (S-corps limited to 75 owners), Can have non-U.S. citizens as members (S-corps cannot), More flexibility in distributing income (S-corps percentage of ownership determines the amount of pass-through income), Need at least two people to form an LLC (S-corps only need one person), LLC members need other members' approval to sell their interest (S-corps owners need no such approval). A partnership must file an annual information return (Form 1065) with the IRS to report income and losses from operations, but it does not pay federal income tax. A corporation is a registered business treated as a separate legal entity from its owners, also known as shareholders, and guided by a board of directors. Cons of a Sole Proprietorship: Excel shortcuts[citation A Complete Guide to Financial Modeling The net effect will be less tax paid by the owner, thereby leaving him with more after-tax income. Ready to apply for a loan from Pathway Lending? Ready? Choosing a business structure is one of the most important decisions you will make for your business. In some states, the entity may be required to file an operating agreement. In some instances, the LLC will also need to apply for a tax identification number. Visit our professional site . Because of this, choosing the best structure for your business is one of the most important decisions you will make. Liability: A corporation is a legal entity that is immortal, meaning it does not terminate upon the shareholders death. Failing to structure your business in the most appropriate way (given your goals) can lead to many bad outcomes including: In this edition of HowStuffWorks, we will look at each option and help you make sense of the details so you can select the right structure. There are differences and similarities in each that can dramatically affect the future of your company. Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Types of Business Entities, Business Form and Management of the Business: Pros and Cons, Business Form and Taxation: Pros and Cons, Business Structures: Which One is Best for Your Business, Do's and Don'ts: Choosing a Business Form, Investor Issues to Consider When Choosing a Business Structure, Picking a Business Form: Ten Things to Consider. Meeting with a lawyer can help you understand your options and how to best protect your rights. A partnership is a business owned by more than one individual that isn't formally organized. The four main forms of business structures in the United States include sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and corporation.
Pros of a Sole Proprietorship: The most common legal structures for business are sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC (limited liability company), corporation, and s corporation, but there are other options as well. Growing companies might choose a Corporation because they can have shareholders and issue stock. The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises several different data types that allow it to store different types of information What is Structured Query Language (SQL)? Whether you find yourself grappling with a business debt liability issue, or just need some guidance on whether to go with a sole proprietorship, you may need to turn to a small business lawyer. Also, partners are required to pay self-employment tax, depending on their share of the enterprises profits. The costs to create a sole proprietorship are very low and very little formality is required. Would maintaining a complex business structure be worth the effort and expense? Thank you for reading CFIs guide to Business Structures. Administrative setup and maintenance costs are low, Owner is only taxed once on his or her personal income tax return, Owner is personally liable for the actions of the company, Can be difficult to raise capital for the business. These expenses include tax-filing requirements, complexity of startup documentation with appropriate agencies (i.e. How much time and money will it cost to set up and run my business under this structure? More regulations than partnerships and sole proprietorships.
Owners of an LLC are called members. Check out our blog post 11 Steps to Start a Business in Tennessee or Alabama.. However, the entity is required to report income, losses, gains, deductions, credit, etc. We make decisions based on your opportunity. 11 Steps to Start a Business in Tennessee or Alabama, Success Story: Fender Bender Repair Center. Be sure to research U.S. tax codes, in addition to paying attention to changing tax laws each year. Our Highly Experienced Team recommends Products or Services after thoroughly researching them to ensure we provide an unbiased, comprehensive solution for your Home or Business. Every new business is required to form a business entity by choosing a legal structure under which the company will operate. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a specialized programming language designed for interacting with a database. Excel Fundamentals - Formulas for Finance, Certified Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Commercial Real Estate Finance Specialization, Environmental, Social & Governance Specialization. Shareholders are not personally liable, Higher administrative costs to setup and run than partnerships and sole proprietorships. That's right - it's not a matter of if you will pay tax, but rather how many times will you pay tax. Business structure refers to how a business is legally organized. There are three key issues that differentiate the various types of business structures. Pros of Corporations: There is also a professional limited liability company (PLLC) structure, which is designed for certain types of licensed professions, such as attorneys, architects, doctors, and engineers. Earnings are subject to double taxation, meaning that earnings are taxed at the entity level and the individual level upon distribution to shareholders. Dissolution. Copyright 2022, Thomson Reuters. Choosing a legal entity for your business takes research and effort to ensure you are complying with the laws. Get business advice delivered straight to your inbox!
Often times, this prolongs the decision making when multiple shareholders or investors are involved. Owners are only taxed one time. Some structures will limit your liability to your investment, whereas others will make you and your personal possessions liable for the damages and debts of the business. All members of your LLC should enter into an operating agreement, setting forth the rights and rules of the newly formed company. It depends on the type of structure. Who is responsible for the debts and liabilities of the business? Formation: To form an LLC, you must pay a filing fee ($100-$800) and must have articles of organization when at the time the entity is established. Pros of General Partnerships:
The company no longer has the funds to pay off the debt, and is structured in a way that makes Bob personally liable for the debts of his business. One of the major disadvantages of a corporation is the high level of governance and oversight by the board of directors. The flip side of that is also true; by not setting up your business structure correctly, you will make yourself worse off in both scenarios. High level of governance and oversight by the board of directors. There are a number of business entities available to help shield you such as forming a corporation, limited-liability company (LLC), limited-liability partnership (LLP) or limited partnerships (LP). Before making a choice on the type of legal structure, business owners should first consider their needs and goals and understand the features of each business structure. How much in taxes am I willing to pay?

Tutorials on how to start a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, LLC or a nonprofit. Consider avoiding the sole proprietorship model if you want maximum asset protection. In most states, the only costs associated with running a sole proprietorship are business taxes and operating license fees.
Corporations are generally more appropriate for larger established companies with multiple employees or when other factors apply (i.e. By setting up your business structure correctly, you will be better off in both scenarios. Also called a business ownership structure or business form, choices include LLCs, partnerships, sole proprietorships, corporations, non-profits, and co-operatives. Other structures form a separate tax entity that is taxed by itself. Management Structure An LLC is a US business structure that offers the personal liability protection of a corporation with the pass-through taxation of a sole proprietorship or partnership. Much like a partnership agreement or corporate bylaws, the LLC operating agreement sets out rules for ownership and operation of business. FAQs, checklists and information about how to set up an LLC. Its formation is subject to certain legal criteria such as a maximum number of shareholders. While the first two issues (taxes and liability) are more important overall, administrative costs should not be overlooked. Certain structures are called pass-through entities, and the income and losses are literally passed through from the business to the individual for tax purposes. There are several broad categories of business structures, with some of these categories having additional structures in them. Like a sole proprietorship, a partnership is not a separate legal entity from its owners. Distributions of profits/losses C-corporations, S-corporations, limited liability companies, sole proprietorships, and partnerships are some of the more common options for business legal structures. on Form 1120S.
This project is funded under an agreement with the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development. A limited partnership (LP) allows one or more partners to serve as passive investors rather than directly managing the company. Pros and cons of running a nonprofit, eligibility and set-up information. In a simplified way, there are two scenarios.
Partnership agreements establish the terms of the partnership and typically cover topics such as: Capital Contributions Tax planning and preparation is key to minimizing tax liability for your small business. There are numerous federal, state, city, and local laws that you should be aware of depending on your location and the type of business you are running. There are four main types of business structures: The type of business structure you choose will affect how your business is regulated, taxed, and more. Name
Profits and losses of company are passed on to the member and are only taxed at the individual level. Each members share of profit represents taxable income, even if the profit wasntdistributed. Understanding each legal structure is important so that you can decide on the one that best fits your businesses goals as well as what is more beneficial to you as the business owners. Like us on Facebook - Click this link to visit our Facebook profile in a new tab. General partners are similar to those in general partnerships they operate the business and assume liability. Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA), Commercial Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Capital Markets & Securities Analyst (CMSA), Certified Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA). On the downside, since it is not a separate legal entity from its owners, the owners will be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, and obligations of the business. Schedule K-1, which records the profits or losses, should accompany Form 1065. A limited liability partnership (LLP) provides some amount of personal liability protection to all of the partners. Formation: The sole proprietorship is the simplest way of doing business.
Single member LLCs are allowed to report business expenses on Form 1040 Schedule C, E, or F. LLCs with more than one member usually file a partnership return Form 1065. On the downside, the partners are personally liable for the debts and obligations of the business, and their personal assets can be sold off to pay the business debts. Business structure refers to the legal structure of an organization that is recognized in a given jurisdiction.
Who is liable for the possible damages and debts incurred by your business? A corporation has the ability to enter into contracts separate from that of the shareholders, but it also has certain responsibilities such as the payment of taxes. Similar to a sole proprietorship but with multiple owners (a sole proprietorship cannot have more than one owner). Here are five steps to apply today for your business loan!

As a result, C-corps are subject to double taxation.. A c-corporation is subject to corporate income tax on any corporate profits (entity pays taxes). However, there are also other types of partnerships. When registering a limited liability company, the entity must file its articles of association with the Secretary of State where it intends to do business. You will need professional legal guidance to make this decision, but the first step is learning what the different structures are, depending on your situation, your long-term goals, and your preferences. Shareholders pay personal income tax on the corporate profits distributed by the corporation to the owners. An LLC with one owner is called a single-member LLC, and an LLC with more than one owner is called a multi-member LLC. Limited partners have personal liability protection. is an extremely popular structure. How much time, effort, and money will it cost you to set up and run the company? Liability: LLC members are protected from personal liability for business debts and claims, a feature known as limited liability. If a business with limited liability owes money or faces a lawsuit, only the assets of the business itself are at risk. Clarify all fees and contract details before signing a contract or finalizing your purchase. Often subject to additional taxes at the state level. A corporation is a legal entity that is separate and independent from the people who own or run the corporation, namely shareholders.
They do have limited liability. Create business banking and credit accounts. Depending on the business structure, your personal possessions may also be at risk.
Most likely, the lack of information stems from the multitude of structures available and the nuances of each. The type of business structure can affect how a business is regulated, taxed, and more. Cons of Corporations: Creating a limited liability company (LLC) requires you to take several important steps depending on your state. Ownership is easily exchanged between individuals, Company does not cease to exist with the death of owners, Easy structure for which to raise capital, High administrative costs to setup and run, More regulatory requirements than other structures, Higher administrative costs to setup and run than partnerships and sole proprietorships, More regulations than partnerships and sole proprietorships, Limited life of entity (usually limited to 30 years), LLC laws are not uniform and therefore doing business in multiple states as an LLC can be complex, No restrictions on the number of owners (S-corps limited to 75 owners), Can have non-U.S. citizens as members (S-corps cannot), More flexibility in distributing income (S-corps percentage of ownership determines the amount of pass-through income), Need at least two people to form an LLC (S-corps only need one person), LLC members need other members' approval to sell their interest (S-corps owners need no such approval). A partnership must file an annual information return (Form 1065) with the IRS to report income and losses from operations, but it does not pay federal income tax. A corporation is a registered business treated as a separate legal entity from its owners, also known as shareholders, and guided by a board of directors. Cons of a Sole Proprietorship: Excel shortcuts[citation A Complete Guide to Financial Modeling The net effect will be less tax paid by the owner, thereby leaving him with more after-tax income. Ready to apply for a loan from Pathway Lending? Ready? Choosing a business structure is one of the most important decisions you will make for your business. In some states, the entity may be required to file an operating agreement. In some instances, the LLC will also need to apply for a tax identification number. Visit our professional site . Because of this, choosing the best structure for your business is one of the most important decisions you will make. Liability: A corporation is a legal entity that is immortal, meaning it does not terminate upon the shareholders death. Failing to structure your business in the most appropriate way (given your goals) can lead to many bad outcomes including: In this edition of HowStuffWorks, we will look at each option and help you make sense of the details so you can select the right structure. There are differences and similarities in each that can dramatically affect the future of your company. Benefits and Drawbacks of Different Types of Business Entities, Business Form and Management of the Business: Pros and Cons, Business Form and Taxation: Pros and Cons, Business Structures: Which One is Best for Your Business, Do's and Don'ts: Choosing a Business Form, Investor Issues to Consider When Choosing a Business Structure, Picking a Business Form: Ten Things to Consider. Meeting with a lawyer can help you understand your options and how to best protect your rights. A partnership is a business owned by more than one individual that isn't formally organized. The four main forms of business structures in the United States include sole proprietorship, partnership, limited liability company, and corporation.
Pros of a Sole Proprietorship: The most common legal structures for business are sole proprietorship, partnership, LLC (limited liability company), corporation, and s corporation, but there are other options as well. Growing companies might choose a Corporation because they can have shareholders and issue stock. The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises several different data types that allow it to store different types of information What is Structured Query Language (SQL)? Whether you find yourself grappling with a business debt liability issue, or just need some guidance on whether to go with a sole proprietorship, you may need to turn to a small business lawyer. Also, partners are required to pay self-employment tax, depending on their share of the enterprises profits. The costs to create a sole proprietorship are very low and very little formality is required. Would maintaining a complex business structure be worth the effort and expense? Thank you for reading CFIs guide to Business Structures. Administrative setup and maintenance costs are low, Owner is only taxed once on his or her personal income tax return, Owner is personally liable for the actions of the company, Can be difficult to raise capital for the business. These expenses include tax-filing requirements, complexity of startup documentation with appropriate agencies (i.e. How much time and money will it cost to set up and run my business under this structure? More regulations than partnerships and sole proprietorships.
Owners of an LLC are called members. Check out our blog post 11 Steps to Start a Business in Tennessee or Alabama.. However, the entity is required to report income, losses, gains, deductions, credit, etc. We make decisions based on your opportunity. 11 Steps to Start a Business in Tennessee or Alabama, Success Story: Fender Bender Repair Center. Be sure to research U.S. tax codes, in addition to paying attention to changing tax laws each year. Our Highly Experienced Team recommends Products or Services after thoroughly researching them to ensure we provide an unbiased, comprehensive solution for your Home or Business. Every new business is required to form a business entity by choosing a legal structure under which the company will operate. Structured Query Language (SQL) is a specialized programming language designed for interacting with a database. Excel Fundamentals - Formulas for Finance, Certified Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Commercial Real Estate Finance Specialization, Environmental, Social & Governance Specialization. Shareholders are not personally liable, Higher administrative costs to setup and run than partnerships and sole proprietorships. That's right - it's not a matter of if you will pay tax, but rather how many times will you pay tax. Business structure refers to how a business is legally organized. There are three key issues that differentiate the various types of business structures. Pros of Corporations: There is also a professional limited liability company (PLLC) structure, which is designed for certain types of licensed professions, such as attorneys, architects, doctors, and engineers. Earnings are subject to double taxation, meaning that earnings are taxed at the entity level and the individual level upon distribution to shareholders. Dissolution. Copyright 2022, Thomson Reuters. Choosing a legal entity for your business takes research and effort to ensure you are complying with the laws. Get business advice delivered straight to your inbox!