Warrior merc generally works best. Since mercenaries do not draw any aggro just by moving around (similarly to pets), this means the cleric will be aggro-free and able to resurrect the fallen player. The use of Assist mode as just described also works well for characters who want to tank the mobs themselves but still use a warrior merc to increase DPS and provide emergency offtanking. This is going to be a rough area as you're going to level up really fast, refer to Enchanter guide and the Enchanter Items section for some advice on quests and items to help out. Post A discussion community about the greatest MMO of all time! After many many years of absence I have returned. Moloing is short for mercenary soloing, which consists of forming a group only with one's mercenary companion and going forth to kill mobs or complete quests.
If you want more of a challenge you can try the The Darkwoods or Eastern Plaguelands - the NPCs here are a lot harder though. You need to figure out how to charm effectively to make it work for solo or grouping. I only use mes in emergency cases, as its just a lot more economical to use root so the pet can move from target to target, and as more classes get root you can have more help with crowd control. Heal over time (HoT) spells have better mana/heal ratio's, but aren't always the best in combat if the pet is low on health (more of a post fight recovery). Also, your +faction spells will help with the quest, though it's still a lot of camping. I suggest binding in zone for this, as you'll probably die pretty often. I've been charm fighting in the East Freeport Gate area, but its kind of slow here. Moloing did not exist as a strategy prior to the fifteenth expansion, Seeds of Destruction, which introduced mercenaries to the game. Most clerics take a warrior merc at all levels. Age of Conan Unchained Leveling Guide 1-80. He is the solo spawn in the "castle" looking area, and his PH is a royal guard. Thanks for any and all help :). The berserker is a fragile fighter unless highly equipped, and kiting by throwing axes is not very practical at the higher levels unless it is assisted by other players. The way experience is setup really lends itself to grouping, and it makes things much easier. Shift + 2 for example will be all of your pet commands, while shift + 1 will bring up all your spells and character commands. The spectres that spawn near the mid-zone camp drop 5-10pp each +trade skill stuff you can sell, and have fairly low hp. Paired with a merc Mages are some of the best soloers in the game. You can join any of the 3 factions here (required for the main quest), but I chose the gnomes (Council of Innovation quests) - they seem to be the "neutral" faction, and the last thing I needed was to be kos with the Blackscale or Silver Crown traders. Beware of the two wandering giants, and know that ALL the green mobs will attack you when you sit so either have the pet kill them or find a spot they seem to not wander near very often. They can also summon everything they need, like food, water and pet weapons. At higher levels, a cleric merc is basically required. Once you start getting a bit higher, there are some areas a little farther in (just above the Undertaker area) that you can fight in. Once you get the timing down, you can recharm the pet immediately after breaking the old charm (assuming it's not resisted).
However, such a monk could (almost) as easily solo without the merc for full experience gain as well.
All rights reserved. To start out, there's a great Enchanter guide setup that has some great explanations, suggestions for low to mid gear, and some quests that give some decent lowbie stuff - Good place to start. I strongly recommend you choose a guide from this list though as these will be the guides I will continue to roll out updates to as time goes on. Always charm melee type mobs, as these will do more damage than casters who will run out of mana. i'm currently a level 91 wizard, and i can image what it'll be like at level 105. wizards are suppose to be kings of group dps both sustained and burst right? Bards do a lot of things and are desired in groups for their varied skills. Druids can do a lot of thing. https://www.almarsguides.com/eq/leveling/RoS/. It seems like the shaman pets can aggro the orcs, so I just pacify them to be careful, though often I'll still pull more than one. Luckily, the camps become easier as you level; the southern camp is very nice, only 4 spawns and, if things go bad, the zone to Oasis is right there. by Cimmaron Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:16 am, Post Once you get 50 just keep grinding, levels and spells are more important than AA's until you get to 65. Might as well get your subscription now and get the good merc, cause if you want, you can be 60 in an easy day.
The Serpent's Spine Everquest Leveling Guide, Seeds of Destruction Everquest Leveling Guide, Call of the Forsaken Everquest Leveling Guide, The Darkened Sea Everquest Leveling Guide, The Broken Mirror Everquest Leveling Guide, Empires of Kunark Everquest Leveling Guide. Monks are great! It is a few different factors. But I've accidentally following hot zones and good exp zones lvls fly till about 70. Don't worry about being low on mana, if you have to just sit and use the non-combat meditative trance to get your reserves up. Additionally, make social macro's for pet commands, the one's I usually use are /pet attack, /pet guard here, /pet follow me, /pet back off, and /pet report health, and put them all on the 2nd hotkey pad. Notice something wrong, missing, or inadequate? It is especially helpful for speeding up the completion of faction quests (such as the Fenden Helter combat series) that require a certain number of kills. Haste the pet, give it a weapon or two, use the cleric to give it HP/AC buffs, and just keep it healed. Some of your gear is probably getting a little underpowered for your level. Each charm has a fixed maximum duration that it can last, but can randomly break before this limit. They are also a FTP class which makes them the best Free to Play alternative. Also have portal spell that allows fast travel all over Norrath. Applying coupons is now seamless! The Magician's Tower This makes them the fastest class to solo level AAs with. She spawns at the back of the zone and is an enchanter mob in the 40's. It's a nice improvement over your highest DoT otherwise, a nice debuff, and turn's the target into a froglok if they con even or lower. Additionally, with the cleric there you will be able to rez yourself, and usually 2-3 kills will erase any left over experience debt.
Spawn time in Paw is 30 min. Copyright 2020-2022. At higher levels, many enchanters use a caster merc instead of cleric and go completely without heals. by Arterian Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:02 pm, Post by Arterian Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:49 pm, Post Once you're done with your AA's, tomes such as Enhanced Charisma, Overpowering Calm I & II, Glyph of Shirti (if you're worked on your main quest, faction quest, and gone through Hate's Fury 6-man) are very useful. The lower part of the Halls of Mielech has some pretty decent mobs too, and some named that will give some alright n00b loot. Cleric merc usually works the best, since the beastlord's ability to heal targets other than its pet is quite limited, and since the pet already does adequate damage and makes an excellent tank. If nothing else, you can probably upgrade all your gear from doing a couple simple/very easy/easy maps. What do each of these classes play like at level 105? This can greatly increase DPS, but with the downside of reducing the necromancer's experience per kill. These are suggestions that the Enchanter may find helpful to be succesful in a solo environment. With the advent of Caster DPS and Melee DPS mercs, the Paladin with his inate healing ability has many choices at low and mid level. For an average discount of 22% off, buyers will enjoy the maximum online savings up to 80% off. Duo: Monk/Shm, SK/Shm are your classics. The ability to port is very nice when soloing as you minimize travel time. Just know that you will probably die from time to time. Once you're able to hunt on Ikisith, the Gruplok city in the Murk offers a quest to get a new damage over time spell, Misery of the Swamp. Ok, here's a little guide on what I've done to make Fluffy and me a decent team: A couple notes: Once I get to 100 and see What new AAs and tricks I can do, I'll update this. Beastlords are a mix of monks and Shamans. Overview: Basically what I've done is 2-box a cleric and an enchanter (this is particularly useful later on when the cleric gets complete heal). Paladins have high AC and heals to keep them alive. Most enchanter soloing strategies (e.g. This will be a long section, because anywhere you can level at 53 will pretty much still work at 65. The top offer available as of yesterday is 80% off from "Amazon x Daybreak Everquest | Best Deals What are the best classes for soloing, grouping, and raiding in EverQuest? Do Tesia's Task first, a little running around will get you ~40% exp of a level (at 43). If the shadow knight's lifetaps and other life-draining effects are adequate for self-healing, this may be desirable. The downside was that the rogue had some downtime between fights while soloing. Fighting in any of the newbie areas should suffice. You can basically run both toons from the keyboard doing this, which makes response time so much faster. One possible exception is a low- to mid-level monk who is twinked with survival-enhancing equipment like a fungi and powerful AC and HP items. The Great Divide can be a good place too. In the middle of Kaladim there's also a spectral librarian which drops the Book of Spectral Monsters - may or may not be an upgrade for you at this point. You'll regen your hp/mana super quick now. Cleric merc is typical except at low levels. Sometimes it will be resisted, sometimes it will be interrupted, but 95% of the time after a couple of tries you'll get it. Keep the pet away from your group a bit, just target incoming mobs and have it attack. Shamans do a bit of everything but they excel at buffing and regeneration spells. Eastern Badlands is great for this level range, just charm a spider and buff it up, or one of the zombies from the camps here, and just waste stuff. A kiting strategy using snares and other spells to hold aggro while the warrior hits the mob from behind is possible for later levels, although its efficiency compared to tanking with a cleric merc is questionable, depending on the equipment and AAs of the ranger. They also have feign death. Captain Tigribl drops a nice necklace, and The Water Mage has some pretty decent caster loot too (Robe of Woven Fog, Seaweed Covered Sleeves - the wiki says he drops 2 more items but I have not seen them at all. There's really no way to speed this up, as the real power will be from level 12 onwards. Teamed up with a merc they can be very good soloers.
Copyright 2022 MMORPG Tips by MMORPG.GG. Just look up Almar's Ring of Scale Leveling Guide. No pain, no gain though - at lvl 46 these orcs were about 2% per kill, and earning ~22 CHA to help with spell resists is worth it. However, diehard necromancer kiters often use warrior mercs instead, since they effectively function like a second pet to attack the mob from behind while it is being kited. Most intelligence casters likewise pick cleric mercs for the resurrection and mid-kite healing they can provide. My plan was to level him to 60 as a silver character, then buy a subscription for all the free AAs, and then keep going that way. The usefulness of maintaining a warrior merc wanes at higher levels unless the bard still plans to use chant kiting as his or her main soloing method (as opposed to the mass DS killing methods that become available with a cleric merc). The stuff around the upper levels will be low enough to fight, just charm a froglok (get a melee, not a caster). Charming is much harder now because your Enticing Lights spell will no longer work for a short fix to charm breaking. With the availability of pet toys, however, low level magicians rarely need too much help in that department. by Potawatomi Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:31 pm, Post With the new expansion and the loot pinata that RoF trash mobs are, you could really improve your mana situation rather rapidly. by Potawatomi Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:30 pm, Post For example, lets say you notice you can kill 4-5 mobs before your pet breaks, I would recharm the pet after every 3-4 then, just to be safe (as its unlikely charm will last it's longest each time). Depending on the zone, It may be more efficient for the Paladin to stun/heal/tank while a dps merc kills the mob. They are very easy to play and have high dps. Again, just as with your AA's, your goal should be to maximize your potential - tomes that affect mesmerization firstly, followed by survivability and general casting improvements. If you'd like to see every single zone in the game that I have a guide for, head over to my Everquest Index Page. At Coupongini.com, we have thousands of coupons and promo codes to help you save money when you shop at your favorite online stores. The wiki doesn't say what level he is, but I bought it from a player for 65pp.
Also, keep an eye out in auction for low/moderate priced gear. Any of the listed classes shouldn't have problems grabbing groups either.
Once you get a feel for how long the current charm usually lasts, factor that into your routine and just break and recharm your pet. Fire Grottos is good too, though charm is very difficult/impossible so it's more of a group thing. Warriors have high AC and damage output, Thats about it.
Very nice! Beastlord and SK are your strongest solo classes on live right now but SK is very hear dependent. This is one of the many reasons why cleric mercs are extremely popular in general, but especially for moloing. The orcs in Northern Waste of Tarhyl are great - you can work on Dawnlord Ghorlan's quest I, and receive Dawn Blessed Idol as well (great +cha for ranged) if you camp The Tomb King. Don't worry about the Seer's pets, they will die when the Seer does. I was able to clear the whole area (25+ mobs) with no problem - good exp, but the robe is rare drop. His supposed head piece is also attributed to a mob in Keep of Mielech, so I assume the wiki is wrong here). Once you're high enough to charm them, there are some that spawn in pairs around towers; just pacify one and charm the other. The different classes are also good at soloing different things, some are good at soloing old raid content, some are good at single mobs and others are good at soloing multiple mobs. In such a case, using a warrior merc to improve killing speed remains quite respectable, although replacing that merc with a cleric by the middle levels (if not sooner) is the norm. Help rebuild the Library of Knowledge for Magicians. High Keep is very nice for exp/cash drops and charming isn't too bad (just avoid the courtyard). On the Cleric, I have done the same thing with binding the spells, sit, run, etc., and made a social to /target Enc_name and on the next line, /follow, so basically shift + 2 changes to that keypad, 1 is /target and follow, and I'm good to go. In the early levels, warrior mercs can survive fights well enough without healing to be useful as a distraction while the enchanter's magic helps defeat foes and keeps too many from hitting the warrior at once. They are also very versatile and have abilities and spells like damage shields, heals, good dps and buffs to name a few. Cleric merc makes the most sense in almost every case, even from the early levels. Cleric merc, almost without question. You can save yourself a spell slot by getting the Aegis of Kildrukuan AA as well. A dps caster merc can speed up kiting considerably. by Mintalee Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:57 pm, Post Cleric merc is almost a given at the higher levels. charm killing) benefit much more readily from having a cleric on hand than they do from having a warrior, although such clerics must often be micromanaged heavily to keep them from healing a charmed pet that is meant to eventually be killed. The monk hits hard, tanks decently, and has numerous survival tricks up its sleeve, and all of these traits mesh well with the buffing and healing the cleric merc provides. Since shaman pets do not tank well at higher levels, even with vigorous healing support, the warrior merc provides a welcome addition to both the shaman's defenses and DPS. Combined with the shaman's best-in-the-game slowing abilities and potent buffs and healing, the warrior merc can survive impressively well while meting out good damage.

However, such a monk could (almost) as easily solo without the merc for full experience gain as well.
All rights reserved. To start out, there's a great Enchanter guide setup that has some great explanations, suggestions for low to mid gear, and some quests that give some decent lowbie stuff - Good place to start. I strongly recommend you choose a guide from this list though as these will be the guides I will continue to roll out updates to as time goes on. Always charm melee type mobs, as these will do more damage than casters who will run out of mana. i'm currently a level 91 wizard, and i can image what it'll be like at level 105. wizards are suppose to be kings of group dps both sustained and burst right? Bards do a lot of things and are desired in groups for their varied skills. Druids can do a lot of thing. https://www.almarsguides.com/eq/leveling/RoS/. It seems like the shaman pets can aggro the orcs, so I just pacify them to be careful, though often I'll still pull more than one. Luckily, the camps become easier as you level; the southern camp is very nice, only 4 spawns and, if things go bad, the zone to Oasis is right there. by Cimmaron Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:16 am, Post Once you get 50 just keep grinding, levels and spells are more important than AA's until you get to 65. Might as well get your subscription now and get the good merc, cause if you want, you can be 60 in an easy day.
The Serpent's Spine Everquest Leveling Guide, Seeds of Destruction Everquest Leveling Guide, Call of the Forsaken Everquest Leveling Guide, The Darkened Sea Everquest Leveling Guide, The Broken Mirror Everquest Leveling Guide, Empires of Kunark Everquest Leveling Guide. Monks are great! It is a few different factors. But I've accidentally following hot zones and good exp zones lvls fly till about 70. Don't worry about being low on mana, if you have to just sit and use the non-combat meditative trance to get your reserves up. Additionally, make social macro's for pet commands, the one's I usually use are /pet attack, /pet guard here, /pet follow me, /pet back off, and /pet report health, and put them all on the 2nd hotkey pad. Notice something wrong, missing, or inadequate? It is especially helpful for speeding up the completion of faction quests (such as the Fenden Helter combat series) that require a certain number of kills. Haste the pet, give it a weapon or two, use the cleric to give it HP/AC buffs, and just keep it healed. Some of your gear is probably getting a little underpowered for your level. Each charm has a fixed maximum duration that it can last, but can randomly break before this limit. They are also a FTP class which makes them the best Free to Play alternative. Also have portal spell that allows fast travel all over Norrath. Applying coupons is now seamless! The Magician's Tower This makes them the fastest class to solo level AAs with. She spawns at the back of the zone and is an enchanter mob in the 40's. It's a nice improvement over your highest DoT otherwise, a nice debuff, and turn's the target into a froglok if they con even or lower. Additionally, with the cleric there you will be able to rez yourself, and usually 2-3 kills will erase any left over experience debt.
Spawn time in Paw is 30 min. Copyright 2020-2022. At higher levels, many enchanters use a caster merc instead of cleric and go completely without heals. by Arterian Mon Dec 31, 2012 2:02 pm, Post by Arterian Mon Dec 31, 2012 4:49 pm, Post Once you're done with your AA's, tomes such as Enhanced Charisma, Overpowering Calm I & II, Glyph of Shirti (if you're worked on your main quest, faction quest, and gone through Hate's Fury 6-man) are very useful. The lower part of the Halls of Mielech has some pretty decent mobs too, and some named that will give some alright n00b loot. Cleric merc usually works the best, since the beastlord's ability to heal targets other than its pet is quite limited, and since the pet already does adequate damage and makes an excellent tank. If nothing else, you can probably upgrade all your gear from doing a couple simple/very easy/easy maps. What do each of these classes play like at level 105? This can greatly increase DPS, but with the downside of reducing the necromancer's experience per kill. These are suggestions that the Enchanter may find helpful to be succesful in a solo environment. With the advent of Caster DPS and Melee DPS mercs, the Paladin with his inate healing ability has many choices at low and mid level. For an average discount of 22% off, buyers will enjoy the maximum online savings up to 80% off. Duo: Monk/Shm, SK/Shm are your classics. The ability to port is very nice when soloing as you minimize travel time. Just know that you will probably die from time to time. Once you're able to hunt on Ikisith, the Gruplok city in the Murk offers a quest to get a new damage over time spell, Misery of the Swamp. Ok, here's a little guide on what I've done to make Fluffy and me a decent team: A couple notes: Once I get to 100 and see What new AAs and tricks I can do, I'll update this. Beastlords are a mix of monks and Shamans. Overview: Basically what I've done is 2-box a cleric and an enchanter (this is particularly useful later on when the cleric gets complete heal). Paladins have high AC and heals to keep them alive. Most enchanter soloing strategies (e.g. This will be a long section, because anywhere you can level at 53 will pretty much still work at 65. The top offer available as of yesterday is 80% off from "Amazon x Daybreak Everquest | Best Deals What are the best classes for soloing, grouping, and raiding in EverQuest? Do Tesia's Task first, a little running around will get you ~40% exp of a level (at 43). If the shadow knight's lifetaps and other life-draining effects are adequate for self-healing, this may be desirable. The downside was that the rogue had some downtime between fights while soloing. Fighting in any of the newbie areas should suffice. You can basically run both toons from the keyboard doing this, which makes response time so much faster. One possible exception is a low- to mid-level monk who is twinked with survival-enhancing equipment like a fungi and powerful AC and HP items. The Great Divide can be a good place too. In the middle of Kaladim there's also a spectral librarian which drops the Book of Spectral Monsters - may or may not be an upgrade for you at this point. You'll regen your hp/mana super quick now. Cleric merc is typical except at low levels. Sometimes it will be resisted, sometimes it will be interrupted, but 95% of the time after a couple of tries you'll get it. Keep the pet away from your group a bit, just target incoming mobs and have it attack. Shamans do a bit of everything but they excel at buffing and regeneration spells. Eastern Badlands is great for this level range, just charm a spider and buff it up, or one of the zombies from the camps here, and just waste stuff. A kiting strategy using snares and other spells to hold aggro while the warrior hits the mob from behind is possible for later levels, although its efficiency compared to tanking with a cleric merc is questionable, depending on the equipment and AAs of the ranger. They also have feign death. Captain Tigribl drops a nice necklace, and The Water Mage has some pretty decent caster loot too (Robe of Woven Fog, Seaweed Covered Sleeves - the wiki says he drops 2 more items but I have not seen them at all. There's really no way to speed this up, as the real power will be from level 12 onwards. Teamed up with a merc they can be very good soloers.
Copyright 2022 MMORPG Tips by MMORPG.GG. Just look up Almar's Ring of Scale Leveling Guide. No pain, no gain though - at lvl 46 these orcs were about 2% per kill, and earning ~22 CHA to help with spell resists is worth it. However, diehard necromancer kiters often use warrior mercs instead, since they effectively function like a second pet to attack the mob from behind while it is being kited. Most intelligence casters likewise pick cleric mercs for the resurrection and mid-kite healing they can provide. My plan was to level him to 60 as a silver character, then buy a subscription for all the free AAs, and then keep going that way. The usefulness of maintaining a warrior merc wanes at higher levels unless the bard still plans to use chant kiting as his or her main soloing method (as opposed to the mass DS killing methods that become available with a cleric merc). The stuff around the upper levels will be low enough to fight, just charm a froglok (get a melee, not a caster). Charming is much harder now because your Enticing Lights spell will no longer work for a short fix to charm breaking. With the availability of pet toys, however, low level magicians rarely need too much help in that department. by Potawatomi Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:31 pm, Post With the new expansion and the loot pinata that RoF trash mobs are, you could really improve your mana situation rather rapidly. by Potawatomi Mon Dec 31, 2012 5:30 pm, Post For example, lets say you notice you can kill 4-5 mobs before your pet breaks, I would recharm the pet after every 3-4 then, just to be safe (as its unlikely charm will last it's longest each time). Depending on the zone, It may be more efficient for the Paladin to stun/heal/tank while a dps merc kills the mob. They are very easy to play and have high dps. Again, just as with your AA's, your goal should be to maximize your potential - tomes that affect mesmerization firstly, followed by survivability and general casting improvements. If you'd like to see every single zone in the game that I have a guide for, head over to my Everquest Index Page. At Coupongini.com, we have thousands of coupons and promo codes to help you save money when you shop at your favorite online stores. The wiki doesn't say what level he is, but I bought it from a player for 65pp.
Also, keep an eye out in auction for low/moderate priced gear. Any of the listed classes shouldn't have problems grabbing groups either.
Once you get a feel for how long the current charm usually lasts, factor that into your routine and just break and recharm your pet. Fire Grottos is good too, though charm is very difficult/impossible so it's more of a group thing. Warriors have high AC and damage output, Thats about it.
Very nice! Beastlord and SK are your strongest solo classes on live right now but SK is very hear dependent. This is one of the many reasons why cleric mercs are extremely popular in general, but especially for moloing. The orcs in Northern Waste of Tarhyl are great - you can work on Dawnlord Ghorlan's quest I, and receive Dawn Blessed Idol as well (great +cha for ranged) if you camp The Tomb King. Don't worry about the Seer's pets, they will die when the Seer does. I was able to clear the whole area (25+ mobs) with no problem - good exp, but the robe is rare drop. His supposed head piece is also attributed to a mob in Keep of Mielech, so I assume the wiki is wrong here). Once you're high enough to charm them, there are some that spawn in pairs around towers; just pacify one and charm the other. The different classes are also good at soloing different things, some are good at soloing old raid content, some are good at single mobs and others are good at soloing multiple mobs. In such a case, using a warrior merc to improve killing speed remains quite respectable, although replacing that merc with a cleric by the middle levels (if not sooner) is the norm. Help rebuild the Library of Knowledge for Magicians. High Keep is very nice for exp/cash drops and charming isn't too bad (just avoid the courtyard). On the Cleric, I have done the same thing with binding the spells, sit, run, etc., and made a social to /target Enc_name and on the next line, /follow, so basically shift + 2 changes to that keypad, 1 is /target and follow, and I'm good to go. In the early levels, warrior mercs can survive fights well enough without healing to be useful as a distraction while the enchanter's magic helps defeat foes and keeps too many from hitting the warrior at once. They are also very versatile and have abilities and spells like damage shields, heals, good dps and buffs to name a few. Cleric merc makes the most sense in almost every case, even from the early levels. Cleric merc, almost without question. You can save yourself a spell slot by getting the Aegis of Kildrukuan AA as well. A dps caster merc can speed up kiting considerably. by Mintalee Mon Dec 31, 2012 3:57 pm, Post Cleric merc is almost a given at the higher levels. charm killing) benefit much more readily from having a cleric on hand than they do from having a warrior, although such clerics must often be micromanaged heavily to keep them from healing a charmed pet that is meant to eventually be killed. The monk hits hard, tanks decently, and has numerous survival tricks up its sleeve, and all of these traits mesh well with the buffing and healing the cleric merc provides. Since shaman pets do not tank well at higher levels, even with vigorous healing support, the warrior merc provides a welcome addition to both the shaman's defenses and DPS. Combined with the shaman's best-in-the-game slowing abilities and potent buffs and healing, the warrior merc can survive impressively well while meting out good damage.