It was discovered in Alberta, Canada in 1904 and has become popular around the world for its compact, cone-shaped growth.
But like I said, from your pictures it really looks like your tree is really healthy and is probably going through its routine changing of the guards; but needles. Good article here:, Thank you! This will encourage the roots to grow out into the bed rather than continuing to grow in a circle. I also had a couple cedars that had branches going brown from the ground up. If all else fails, organic and biological insecticides, like Nuke Em and BotaniGard ES, can quickly kill and prevent spider mites as well as other pest from spreading through your shrubs. Wait 10 seconds, gently tip the paper to allow excess plant debris to fall off, then hold the paper flat and swipe it with the back of your hand. We bought a 2-foot dwarf Alberta spruce this spring. If your spruce tree has a habit of developing dead spots of brown or completely losing needles, they can easily be shaped around the area into fun styles and shapes for your yard. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (User Agreement updated 1/1/21. around the trunk, or a root that has encircled it. Then the needles turn brown and fall off. Follow us on Twitter. The Spruce states this transition can be done naturally or artificially. and rap them soundly to dislodge mites onto the paper.
Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. A: Needles that are shed will not grow back, but this doesn't necessarily mean the plant is dead. They are slow growing tree; therefore, you don't have to worry too much about them outgrowing their area and work wonderfully as potted plants. This summer's cooler-than-normal weather would be good for this mite and might increase plant damage. with the back of your hand. As long as you get nice cold nights for at least 2mo this tree should do fine.
The control to consider would be a summer-weight horticultural oil or insecticidal soap spray. Q. If the browning is the more recent growth then you may have a problem, and it's usually spidermites. Mites that fall to the paper will look like small specks of soil or pepper. All you can do at this point is plant the tree, water it once a week during any dry spells this spring, and wait to see if anything grows. Good luck! There is no webbing or signs of pests. Turn it into your own Bonsi tree! If so, this very likely spells doom for the plant. It doesn't look like a blue spruce to me. The Spruce mentions another problem with dwarf Alberta spruce shrub is the browning of their vibrant, evergreen needles. Depending on how many smears you see determines how bad of a problem you The Spruce encourages dwarf Alberta spruce owners to present their shrubs with plenty of sunlight as well. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. only grow an inch or so a year, you will usually have only a couple inches If you are looking for an easy plant that can perfectly accent your yard, the dwarf Alberta spruce shrub (Picea glauca "conica") is the plant for you. You can gently scratch several twigs with your thumbnail to see if there's moist, light green tissue beneath. Water the spruce well a few days before transplanting. Spider mites are sucking pests that settle on the needles and suck the juices out of them.
Could you let me know why the tree is dying and is there any way I can save it? That can cause it to brown unless you're using peat which holds water forever. The first reason Dwarf Alberta Spruce can drop its needles is winter burn. It's possible that, due to our extremely wet spring, the roots actually got TOO much water. Hold a white piece of paper beneath the branches and rap the branches soundly. Dwarf Alberta spruce trees will perform best in full sun. Repeat this several times. Then spray the spruce with a water solution of horticultural oil. All You Need To Know To Take Care Of Dwarf Alberta Spruce Shrubs. In the first year after planting, do not let the soil dry out more than 1 inch. Another potential problem with container-grown plants is that they tend to be rootbound. This is a job for an insecticide labeled for use on spruce trees. A. Marianne, I believe your trees have fallen victim to an insect that is destructive to many types of spruce - the spruce spider mite. By the pictures it looks like you took out a lot of root and "to me" some die back would not be uncommon. The lack of broad foliage makes conifers very interesting to look at. slightly tip the paper to let plant debris fall off, then smear the paper It looks like it has soft needles? The cool and wet spring should have been good conditions to get your spruce settled in. Lastly, the Tiny Tower shrub has a perfect pyramid form made of bright, evergreen needles. The next cause of needle loss is root rot. I am still trying to save the cedars. In a garden, they can also line paths and add a bit of formality to the area. Any help very much appreciated!! summer rate listed on the label. the tree, and are another potential cause for the needle loss. A: It actually sounds like there is nothing wrong with your dwarf Alberta spruce. It stays small, making it a good choice for a tight spot or as a specimen plant. The interior needles are supposed to be cast off as new growth continues outward. And, you'll need to start treating to control the mites. So, whether you're looking for a tree to accent your yard or a Christmas tree to decorate for the holidays, the dwarf Alberta spruce shrub would be a beautiful and safe option. It is however, showing signs of new growth and would appreciate any and all help you can provides so we can save the shrub. Could be totally wrong though. It occurs randomly over the tree, but mostly at the bottom. Instead, give preference to a cloudy day. Look closely at Dwarf Alberta Spruce and if you see cobwebs between the needles and small creatures, they are spider mites. The first thing to do to remedy the situation is to stop watering too often. Check for the mites by lightly tapping a branch while holding a piece of white paper underneath it. bad guys), but if there aren't enough good guys to take care of the bad Wrap the spruce in burlap or plant protection material for the winter. Sometimes there is webbing between needles. Below you will find out the most common reasons for needle loss and how to fix them. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Both of these can choke It is even said to be high in vitamin C. For pets, The Spruce Pets states that spruce trees and their relatives are non-toxic to household pets. A:If the needles that are shedding are on the interior of the plant, it might just be normal needle drop of older, non-productive needles. To prevent moisture build-up in humid environments, ensure your shrub has proper air circulation. Frosty winds can quickly dry out the needles and they will fall off. I can comment but hope that someone from your climate/area pipes in on this. In this case, the needles will burn on the south side of the crown.
Well, it's survived in it's little pot and I thought it'd be a good time to repot it, but a couple of days after I've noticed a couple of the needles have started to drop off and some are browning. My inexperience will be compensated by my tremendous sentimental drive to breathe some life back into this little tree. You can also dislodge mites with a direct stream of water from the hose. I have looked in several lawn books and can't come up with the problem. Just my two sense. This can translate into symptoms like what you're seeing. To avoid transplant shock, move the spruce only in early spring or fall.
If the needles are shedding from the tips, then you may have a problem. Is it dying? To check for mites, hold a white piece of paper beneath some branches While the mites feed mostly in the fall and spring, the damage might not become apparent until the heat of the summer. Spruce trees are best suited for cooler, dryer environmental conditions; too much heat and humidity can cause harm to your dwarf Alberta spruce shrub. . The plant should remain in its sheltered environment for the same amount of time it spent indoors before being planting into its permanent position, or placed in a full-sun area. Because these shrubs are somewhat drought tolerant, once the roots have established in their new environment, you can start cutting back on the watering, but ensure the soil remains moist until the ground freezes in the winter (per SFGate). Another less toxic option is to sue kitty litter for small areas to improve traction on ice. It grows slowly and has the nicest soft green needles in the spring. Use something labeled for spidermite control. For the first two years, water the spruce after the soil has dried 1 to 2 inches. If you lose a second spruce in the same spot, you may want to consider switching to a different plant. This problem can be cause by a variety of things like exposure to harsh temperatures or environment, over-watering, or the shrub being overcrowded. I rarely repot any conifers as they tend to be a little picky where I am located. When used improperly, pesticides can actually cause the populations of spider mites to increase because they kill off the predators.. If your Picea glauca Conica has lost more than 10-20% of its needles on one side for example, then you are in trouble. Good luck with it and do not get depressed or give up if the tree should die, everyone loses trees when they start out. They were being poisoned by a "lawn care" service's chemicals.
Dwarf Alberta Spruce usually loses less than 5% of its needles per year. Q: When the needles of a dwarf Alberta spruce fall off will they grow back or is it dead? However, you haven't spotted any, nor their webbing, so I think the needle loss is probably just normal attrition due to shading out and aging of the interior needles. The cone will dry out and open, releasing the seeds. They spread most strongly in dry weather. They usually feed on the underside of the needles, giving the needles a dirty or sickish-yellow appearance.
Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement updated 7/1/2022). If you see green smears, you have spidermites. this. This year, the cool spring provided a longer time when they could have been active. One of my dwarf Alberta spruces is losing a lot of its needles. Continue filling in the soil until you reach 2 inches from the top of the pot. The classic check for mites is simple to perform: Hold a piece of white paper under foliage, or needles, that you think is infested. Although consuming large amounts needles from the tree can give your animal companion an upset stomach or cause oral irritation, they are not deadly; therefore, they are safe to bring to a household with pets. JavaScript is disabled. Since Alberta spruces Can Dwarf Alberta Spruce Be Grown in a Container. I've since moved it to the ground in a slightly more shady spot for the time being hoping the little gal perks up. Keep space between your shrubs, and always check to make sure the soil around the shrub remains moist (per Triblive). But continue to check periodically for spidermites -- they can sneak in undetected. The most common pest that can harm your dwarf Alberta spruce shrub is the spider mite. If there are stray roots exceeding the ball, remove them before placing the shrub into its new pot. Given the warm, sunny weather we had in early May, I suspect the mites are back and hungry. Be sure to completely throw the removed pieces away. Hey guys! The links below will give you more information. Spruce spider mites prefer cooler temperatures and are active in the spring (March through June) and fall (September through November). When removing, ensure the shrub's root ball stays intact through the transfer. Although these trees still have the ability to grow in warmer environments, they do not react well to extremely hot or humid weather. Q: I purchased a Dwarf Alberta Spruce around the beginning of December. It is the old needles that are located inside the crown. It was doinggreat. Wait 10 seconds, A blue spruce would most likly have a slow death in Texas, unless I'm mistaken as they need a cold spell in winter. This is especially true for the summer months. Before repotting, however, ensure that the pot you will be using has drainage holes at the bottom along with a tray that is at least 2 inches larger than the pot you are using. In most cases, root rot is caused by overwatering. Dig up Dwarf Alberta Spruce very carefully. If your dwarf Alberta spruce shrub is located in a pot on your patio or balcony, you need to think about repotting them as they continue to grow. World of Garden Plants mentions that when it comes to dwarf Alberta spruce trees, there are three main types you can choose from: Jean's Dily, Rainbow's End, and Tiny Tower. The dwarf Alberta spruce shrub, along with other species of spruce trees, are not poisonous plants. What do you think is causing this problem? It seems that it is dying. For readers not familiar with this tree, it is a lovely one. Although not many people are inclined to eat a spruce tree, their needles were once used to make tea, which Eat The Planet says is a rather flavorful tea. The other Ortho product is called Isotox; it differs from Orthene in that it kills on contact and has little residual killing power. Warmer environments tend to have a harsher afternoon sun, which could potentially fry your dwarf Alberta spruce shrub; therefore, avoid planting in direct sunlight if your environment tends to be rather hot. Garden Answers mentions that dwarf Alberta spruce shrubs are not tolerant to salt sprays. Then all of a sudden it started losing needles. If you have a lot of greenish streaks, you'll probably need to treat. After about three months, move the pot to a warmer, but still cool, environment, like the garage or basement. In too much shade their growth will gradually become thin. There are also cases where some of the branches can drop off the needles and dry out, this also indicates a problem with the tree. It is a good idea to break up the circling roots at the edge of the root ball before planting. First, check the soil moisture. The needle loss may be a normal thing as well. The botanist brought the tree down to Massachusetts and learned how easily it could reproduce and spread, making it a popular tree across much of the norther regions of the United States. One likely possibility is needle cast disease. Bear in mind that the symptoms of overwatering or a site where the soil is too wet can look the same as the symptoms of drought stress, so consider the site and maintenance history for your particular plant. Glauca). The dwarf Alberta spruce, however, only grows to approximately 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide, the perfect size for a small garden. As I pointed out these trees are and have never been remotely close to any form of ice melt, we have never usedany thing on our very limited paved area and the road is 150+ feet away. The inner bark of spruce trees were also once eaten by Native American tribes, which prevented starvation throughout the winter. The entire root system should get water. Newly planted spruces are most susceptible to this because their root system is underdeveloped. But with them, as with other trees, problems can arise. Fungicides will not work. The soil I used was from the pot the tree was in and also some additional soil I took from our garden. I keep them damp and mist them as well. If it is too wet around the roots, they will soften and rot more easily. Marianne Moody, Ypsilanti The exchange of water through the roots and transpiration through the needles is much greater on hot days so your best bet is to keep this plant well watered and shaded and cool for at least a few months so it can , maybe , recover. Perhaps they were until they grew enough to block sun from eachother on those sides. Incorrect transplanting can cause not only the Dwarf Alberta Spruce needles to fall off but also its death.
But like I said, from your pictures it really looks like your tree is really healthy and is probably going through its routine changing of the guards; but needles. Good article here:, Thank you! This will encourage the roots to grow out into the bed rather than continuing to grow in a circle. I also had a couple cedars that had branches going brown from the ground up. If all else fails, organic and biological insecticides, like Nuke Em and BotaniGard ES, can quickly kill and prevent spider mites as well as other pest from spreading through your shrubs. Wait 10 seconds, gently tip the paper to allow excess plant debris to fall off, then hold the paper flat and swipe it with the back of your hand. We bought a 2-foot dwarf Alberta spruce this spring. If your spruce tree has a habit of developing dead spots of brown or completely losing needles, they can easily be shaped around the area into fun styles and shapes for your yard. Registration on or use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement, Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement, and Your California Privacy Rights (User Agreement updated 1/1/21. around the trunk, or a root that has encircled it. Then the needles turn brown and fall off. Follow us on Twitter. The Spruce states this transition can be done naturally or artificially. and rap them soundly to dislodge mites onto the paper.
Note to readers: if you purchase something through one of our affiliate links we may earn a commission. A: Needles that are shed will not grow back, but this doesn't necessarily mean the plant is dead. They are slow growing tree; therefore, you don't have to worry too much about them outgrowing their area and work wonderfully as potted plants. This summer's cooler-than-normal weather would be good for this mite and might increase plant damage. with the back of your hand. As long as you get nice cold nights for at least 2mo this tree should do fine.
The control to consider would be a summer-weight horticultural oil or insecticidal soap spray. Q. If the browning is the more recent growth then you may have a problem, and it's usually spidermites. Mites that fall to the paper will look like small specks of soil or pepper. All you can do at this point is plant the tree, water it once a week during any dry spells this spring, and wait to see if anything grows. Good luck! There is no webbing or signs of pests. Turn it into your own Bonsi tree! If so, this very likely spells doom for the plant. It doesn't look like a blue spruce to me. The Spruce mentions another problem with dwarf Alberta spruce shrub is the browning of their vibrant, evergreen needles. Depending on how many smears you see determines how bad of a problem you The Spruce encourages dwarf Alberta spruce owners to present their shrubs with plenty of sunlight as well. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. only grow an inch or so a year, you will usually have only a couple inches If you are looking for an easy plant that can perfectly accent your yard, the dwarf Alberta spruce shrub (Picea glauca "conica") is the plant for you. You can gently scratch several twigs with your thumbnail to see if there's moist, light green tissue beneath. Water the spruce well a few days before transplanting. Spider mites are sucking pests that settle on the needles and suck the juices out of them.
Could you let me know why the tree is dying and is there any way I can save it? That can cause it to brown unless you're using peat which holds water forever. The first reason Dwarf Alberta Spruce can drop its needles is winter burn. It's possible that, due to our extremely wet spring, the roots actually got TOO much water. Hold a white piece of paper beneath the branches and rap the branches soundly. Dwarf Alberta spruce trees will perform best in full sun. Repeat this several times. Then spray the spruce with a water solution of horticultural oil. All You Need To Know To Take Care Of Dwarf Alberta Spruce Shrubs. In the first year after planting, do not let the soil dry out more than 1 inch. Another potential problem with container-grown plants is that they tend to be rootbound. This is a job for an insecticide labeled for use on spruce trees. A. Marianne, I believe your trees have fallen victim to an insect that is destructive to many types of spruce - the spruce spider mite. By the pictures it looks like you took out a lot of root and "to me" some die back would not be uncommon. The lack of broad foliage makes conifers very interesting to look at. slightly tip the paper to let plant debris fall off, then smear the paper It looks like it has soft needles? The cool and wet spring should have been good conditions to get your spruce settled in. Lastly, the Tiny Tower shrub has a perfect pyramid form made of bright, evergreen needles. The next cause of needle loss is root rot. I am still trying to save the cedars. In a garden, they can also line paths and add a bit of formality to the area. Any help very much appreciated!! summer rate listed on the label. the tree, and are another potential cause for the needle loss. A: It actually sounds like there is nothing wrong with your dwarf Alberta spruce. It stays small, making it a good choice for a tight spot or as a specimen plant. The interior needles are supposed to be cast off as new growth continues outward. And, you'll need to start treating to control the mites. So, whether you're looking for a tree to accent your yard or a Christmas tree to decorate for the holidays, the dwarf Alberta spruce shrub would be a beautiful and safe option. It is however, showing signs of new growth and would appreciate any and all help you can provides so we can save the shrub. Could be totally wrong though. It occurs randomly over the tree, but mostly at the bottom. Instead, give preference to a cloudy day. Look closely at Dwarf Alberta Spruce and if you see cobwebs between the needles and small creatures, they are spider mites. The first thing to do to remedy the situation is to stop watering too often. Check for the mites by lightly tapping a branch while holding a piece of white paper underneath it. bad guys), but if there aren't enough good guys to take care of the bad Wrap the spruce in burlap or plant protection material for the winter. Sometimes there is webbing between needles. Below you will find out the most common reasons for needle loss and how to fix them. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. Both of these can choke It is even said to be high in vitamin C. For pets, The Spruce Pets states that spruce trees and their relatives are non-toxic to household pets. A:If the needles that are shedding are on the interior of the plant, it might just be normal needle drop of older, non-productive needles. To prevent moisture build-up in humid environments, ensure your shrub has proper air circulation. Frosty winds can quickly dry out the needles and they will fall off. I can comment but hope that someone from your climate/area pipes in on this. In this case, the needles will burn on the south side of the crown.
Well, it's survived in it's little pot and I thought it'd be a good time to repot it, but a couple of days after I've noticed a couple of the needles have started to drop off and some are browning. My inexperience will be compensated by my tremendous sentimental drive to breathe some life back into this little tree. You can also dislodge mites with a direct stream of water from the hose. I have looked in several lawn books and can't come up with the problem. Just my two sense. This can translate into symptoms like what you're seeing. To avoid transplant shock, move the spruce only in early spring or fall.
If the needles are shedding from the tips, then you may have a problem. Is it dying? To check for mites, hold a white piece of paper beneath some branches While the mites feed mostly in the fall and spring, the damage might not become apparent until the heat of the summer. Spruce trees are best suited for cooler, dryer environmental conditions; too much heat and humidity can cause harm to your dwarf Alberta spruce shrub. . The plant should remain in its sheltered environment for the same amount of time it spent indoors before being planting into its permanent position, or placed in a full-sun area. Because these shrubs are somewhat drought tolerant, once the roots have established in their new environment, you can start cutting back on the watering, but ensure the soil remains moist until the ground freezes in the winter (per SFGate). Another less toxic option is to sue kitty litter for small areas to improve traction on ice. It grows slowly and has the nicest soft green needles in the spring. Use something labeled for spidermite control. For the first two years, water the spruce after the soil has dried 1 to 2 inches. If you lose a second spruce in the same spot, you may want to consider switching to a different plant. This problem can be cause by a variety of things like exposure to harsh temperatures or environment, over-watering, or the shrub being overcrowded. I rarely repot any conifers as they tend to be a little picky where I am located. When used improperly, pesticides can actually cause the populations of spider mites to increase because they kill off the predators.. If your Picea glauca Conica has lost more than 10-20% of its needles on one side for example, then you are in trouble. Good luck with it and do not get depressed or give up if the tree should die, everyone loses trees when they start out. They were being poisoned by a "lawn care" service's chemicals.
Dwarf Alberta Spruce usually loses less than 5% of its needles per year. Q: When the needles of a dwarf Alberta spruce fall off will they grow back or is it dead? However, you haven't spotted any, nor their webbing, so I think the needle loss is probably just normal attrition due to shading out and aging of the interior needles. The cone will dry out and open, releasing the seeds. They spread most strongly in dry weather. They usually feed on the underside of the needles, giving the needles a dirty or sickish-yellow appearance.
Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement updated 7/1/2022). If you see green smears, you have spidermites. this. This year, the cool spring provided a longer time when they could have been active. One of my dwarf Alberta spruces is losing a lot of its needles. Continue filling in the soil until you reach 2 inches from the top of the pot. The classic check for mites is simple to perform: Hold a piece of white paper under foliage, or needles, that you think is infested. Although consuming large amounts needles from the tree can give your animal companion an upset stomach or cause oral irritation, they are not deadly; therefore, they are safe to bring to a household with pets. JavaScript is disabled. Since Alberta spruces Can Dwarf Alberta Spruce Be Grown in a Container. I've since moved it to the ground in a slightly more shady spot for the time being hoping the little gal perks up. Keep space between your shrubs, and always check to make sure the soil around the shrub remains moist (per Triblive). But continue to check periodically for spidermites -- they can sneak in undetected. The most common pest that can harm your dwarf Alberta spruce shrub is the spider mite. If there are stray roots exceeding the ball, remove them before placing the shrub into its new pot. Given the warm, sunny weather we had in early May, I suspect the mites are back and hungry. Be sure to completely throw the removed pieces away. Hey guys! The links below will give you more information. Spruce spider mites prefer cooler temperatures and are active in the spring (March through June) and fall (September through November). When removing, ensure the shrub's root ball stays intact through the transfer. Although these trees still have the ability to grow in warmer environments, they do not react well to extremely hot or humid weather. Q: I purchased a Dwarf Alberta Spruce around the beginning of December. It is the old needles that are located inside the crown. It was doinggreat. Wait 10 seconds, A blue spruce would most likly have a slow death in Texas, unless I'm mistaken as they need a cold spell in winter. This is especially true for the summer months. Before repotting, however, ensure that the pot you will be using has drainage holes at the bottom along with a tray that is at least 2 inches larger than the pot you are using. In most cases, root rot is caused by overwatering. Dig up Dwarf Alberta Spruce very carefully. If your dwarf Alberta spruce shrub is located in a pot on your patio or balcony, you need to think about repotting them as they continue to grow. World of Garden Plants mentions that when it comes to dwarf Alberta spruce trees, there are three main types you can choose from: Jean's Dily, Rainbow's End, and Tiny Tower. The dwarf Alberta spruce shrub, along with other species of spruce trees, are not poisonous plants. What do you think is causing this problem? It seems that it is dying. For readers not familiar with this tree, it is a lovely one. Although not many people are inclined to eat a spruce tree, their needles were once used to make tea, which Eat The Planet says is a rather flavorful tea. The other Ortho product is called Isotox; it differs from Orthene in that it kills on contact and has little residual killing power. Warmer environments tend to have a harsher afternoon sun, which could potentially fry your dwarf Alberta spruce shrub; therefore, avoid planting in direct sunlight if your environment tends to be rather hot. Garden Answers mentions that dwarf Alberta spruce shrubs are not tolerant to salt sprays. Then all of a sudden it started losing needles. If you have a lot of greenish streaks, you'll probably need to treat. After about three months, move the pot to a warmer, but still cool, environment, like the garage or basement. In too much shade their growth will gradually become thin. There are also cases where some of the branches can drop off the needles and dry out, this also indicates a problem with the tree. It is a good idea to break up the circling roots at the edge of the root ball before planting. First, check the soil moisture. The needle loss may be a normal thing as well. The botanist brought the tree down to Massachusetts and learned how easily it could reproduce and spread, making it a popular tree across much of the norther regions of the United States. One likely possibility is needle cast disease. Bear in mind that the symptoms of overwatering or a site where the soil is too wet can look the same as the symptoms of drought stress, so consider the site and maintenance history for your particular plant. Glauca). The dwarf Alberta spruce, however, only grows to approximately 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide, the perfect size for a small garden. As I pointed out these trees are and have never been remotely close to any form of ice melt, we have never usedany thing on our very limited paved area and the road is 150+ feet away. The inner bark of spruce trees were also once eaten by Native American tribes, which prevented starvation throughout the winter. The entire root system should get water. Newly planted spruces are most susceptible to this because their root system is underdeveloped. But with them, as with other trees, problems can arise. Fungicides will not work. The soil I used was from the pot the tree was in and also some additional soil I took from our garden. I keep them damp and mist them as well. If it is too wet around the roots, they will soften and rot more easily. Marianne Moody, Ypsilanti The exchange of water through the roots and transpiration through the needles is much greater on hot days so your best bet is to keep this plant well watered and shaded and cool for at least a few months so it can , maybe , recover. Perhaps they were until they grew enough to block sun from eachother on those sides. Incorrect transplanting can cause not only the Dwarf Alberta Spruce needles to fall off but also its death.
