It's still enormously gratifying to clear an entire area with a single burn sticky. u/Sendthalot Damage to target out of cover stacks will all your status effects. 1P Golan will help both the Vile Ticks AND your Status effect damage and duration (equating to more damage). i think they just nerfed the spread distance. I'll give these a go tonight. In Div 1 there was a build using sticky and seekers that absolutely obliterated everything except named enemies, and the skill recharged time was within the 10 seconds or less range. That thing slaps with ANY build, but being able to spread the sickness is especially dope. Players still not realized to do not even cross the line of sight of an EP player ever (or get additional job to revive him). Its a 4/2/0 build using the stinger hive and mender seeker (Survivalist). I am starting to like the Bluescreen now that I actually understand how it works. Knocked out the manhunt stuff and took the target down. Tomorrow?
I've accidentally activated my Firestarter on myself a few times, and I can't even survive the initial explosion lol. No. Foam chem + fire sticky works very well or for invaded missions, fire chem + disrupt (for dogs mostly). Congrats to needle for getting through his first legendary last night, as Grom, Cowher and I walked him through it. I love the incendiary grenades and the x-bow bolts, and that little healer seeker does an acceptable job for a fast heal. I did not hang around to run a second legendary to see if they completed DUA to get more white tusk apparel for needle.
20% burn duration in one uncompleted/unoptimalized build (assembling to an alt) displays duration raised from 11.7s to 13.2s, which exactly 2 more ticks. Still not sure what works. More bad news, I'll be out of town the weekend of July 2nd as well, so expect another delay. Run now I run 4pc EP, 1 Golan, and 1 random skill armor that good rolls on Skill Effects+Skill Haste. I finished it on Heroic, it just took some attempts. 10% multiplicative damage for self should be a huge boost, and Survivalist would be BIS and only spec for fire-only builds). And, strangely, the icons that pop up make it a lot easier to see enemies for me. I use the build yesterday and it was fun, lots of damage, i`m just try to find new ideias of weapons to use, What is that build site O_o??? Dont get tunnel visioned on Vile Damage. Status (bleed, burn) tick damage is a skill damage. One free skill tier and 10% free skill damage. Spray 'em down, mark as many as you can, then drop the hive on any that are advancing on you. Really fun. I use a drone to mop up any Elites that survived. If increased range isnt a big factor, can also swap the chest. But also that said, there is some builds that super stack Bleed effects, with Vile mask etc for some savage DoT. Recommend Golan over China. Welcome. Another with Yaahl holster, status effect and hazard protection (until 90% total), and mods are 3 different hazard type: burn, shock and distrupt protection., I use e.p with vile mask and scorpio, secondary weapon the grudge. I tend to use the sticky as a free shot when approaching a group of enemies, try to target the weakest one and hit them with it so they die then it spreads, and the hive use useful for spreading bleed, especially if you put it in the doorway where the NPCs all come out of. Vile is extra easy damage, since it gives you that damage whether or not your skill does damage, but its not absolutely everything. Ofc run firstarter skill, other slot I alternated between emp sticky and stinger hive with occasional shock traps. Run a firewall with spec for assault rifles. Slow-firing, accurate AR modded for stability is a pretty good choice. I finished off the last enemy on a resource convoy, so I sprinted forward to grab the supplies and a lag hit caused my RL to reload and fire off its last missile as I ran forward. Weapon is any AR with Vindictive or any AR with In-sync depend on situation. But they have almost no health anyways. So you can mow them down with the shotty spreading the burn quicker. While China Light will help the Vile Tick slightly more than the Golan, the cumulative effect of Golan (more status) on everything adds up to more damage/benefit. i made a build using eclipse protocol gear, i liked a lot playng with it , and I would like to know some advice about which weapons and talents to use with it. Its extra/free damage, but no need to focus on that. New player just trying out EP build. Always best to use them outdoors to give you a distance advantage, but it also helped a lot that Grom was taking aggro out the wazoo while Needle had them flailing about on fire too. The +Haste from 1P Hana-U isnt bad either, since it helps your frequency of usage. It's still legit. Something to add to all the info here. Some builds benefit from the increased spread range however small, but some dont. Alternatively a fun MM build would be great as well. SIX12 is great choice because it has fast reloads and good damage. All rights reserved This is impossible since legendary reds have ~5.4M health in a full group, so cannot deal with more damage. Like Shock Traps, Foam/Ensnare Chem, Blinder Firefly (but seriously no one uses this anymore since the nerf), EMP Jammer, etc. They're communicating at least, which is more then can be said about a few companies with Game as a Service releases that are much more recent. Skill damage effects the damage the skill does, not the damage the status does. I personally use firewall though, for longer burns. Kard custom NOT apply for skill damage/duration, if you holding the skill (chem, sticky) in your hand (and not the Kard in your hand). Pulse the entire room and instantly kill all reds and purples without firing a shot. It really is. If I don't have Vile yet, what's a good alternative? Before I switched to firewall, I ran with Survivalist, for the additional fire souce. And the grenades>flame thrower all day, which also leave you with the crossbow to use on heavies. Dammit. Focus a target that's burning and squash them, then watch the burning reset on everyone. I recommend you do not run Stinger Hive or EMP Jammer with this build. This build is best suited for indoor areas and spawn traps. Of course, if you use Foam, it does not deal with damage (Vile DoT is a joke even in a maxed build), the 10% damage boost absolutely worth it. Creeping death and eclipse can mostly balance out each other's cooldown so you can just keep resetting the fire once you get used to the AoE circles for triggering. I have 2 EP builds: One with Status effect everywhere, yellow golan with status effect and skill haste (mods), and Vile. Because even in legendaries, everyone will always be on fire. Alrighty, imma Share my "kill it with all the fire build".
Currently rocking two piece wyvern/4 piece EP all rolled to status effect with burn sticky and riot foam, Any advice is welcomed and again sorry to OP . But in my case, the continuous result is " Russian, why is the entire screen always on fire?". Rumors that Heartland got delayed to add another PvE mode, which sounds kind of like Survival. Ok cool and in terms of mods should I be going all skill haste? You can have a red or blue core then on any piece. Thursday? Ideas and tips welcome please. Burn ticks are full automatic, any burning enemy get this 700k damage. It was my go to build for a loooong time. Question for Grom (our resident HB expert) - is a dual ACS-12 pairing of weapons acceptable for HB ? I ran over 80% of the mission (all but the very last area) using an AFK build with a Glass Cannon vest (I would NEVER have thought that was a smart move a year ago).I switched to a 4pc Future Initiative with a sniper turret and BTSU gloves and a healing hive. Bank HQ. I've been told it drops from the Loot Goblin, but that is obviously not a guarantee, as I ran into him last night and didn't get it. To be honest, the Chill out with its extra mod slot is probably a better mask than the Catharsis for many builds.Finished off my Ubi challenge for the mini-gunner with 250 kills last night, so I switched to the Technician's missile launcher, the last of the spec weapon challenges. So Vile mask damage can be increased by either Status Effect or Explosive attribute. Stop using imperial dynasty, it's a horrible and useless item. Im personally more of a group player and for a build, i got all but 2 secondary attributes rolled towards skill haste, mods included. I run three skill two weapon damage and one armor.
Banshee pulse and riot foam launcher.
Golan or China also depends on the skills you're using. Just like with Storm, players need to loot up, survive, and extract to your Base of Operations (BOO). OD fills the Bluescreen mag with explosive ammo, and once you have your bleed/CC loop started, you can just continue to get explosive ammo and disrupt. If need be, I can log in on my main account and if we complete it, pass him the exotic. I have not entered into downed state, it was insta-kill in less than a partial second. I will be switching my status build to firewall asap. Nightfall is a little different though with added layers to increase the difficulty of the mode have been added. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division and The Division 2; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. If you already have your 4, or I'm a little late, please don't wait I have never attempted a Legendary before. Should I be going straight status effects on my attributes or throw in some skill damage as well, also I was going to use technician spec and reroll a piece to a blue core. I had to try that final mission like 5 times because I kept getting over excited and getting mobbed. As this weapon can bump your Skill Damage up to 60%, and the decay is slow, allowing you time to shoot the skills etc after buildup. First build is used by generic purpose, second is when I play with randoms at least for first few areas: there are many DPS player with shield and rifles who stay at the area entrace/door and chicken dance in front of me, result faceshot myself. Not world-beating damage, even with Vile, but it feels freaking great. Press J to jump to the feed. Forgot we had relatives in town right after my trip - when do I need to finish the second Manhunt by? Sep 12 '21. Use of this Site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 1/1/20) and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 1/1/20) and Ars Technica Addendum (effective 8/21/2018). Plus, if you're shooting your LMG enough to get any meaningful number of stacks then you're doing an extremely poor job playing a status-effect centric build. if your goal is damage, get a red core with technician. I rarely run these types of builds, but EVERY single time I run them, I am summarily impressed with how they punish an enemy that exposes any body part, ESPECIALLY the head. Flamethrower, when you out of fire skill, you can use it to ignite enemies, deal damage and apply burn. Run a 4pc eclipse (chest, hands,mask, knees), Have a backpack with creeping death. On the topic of masks, I had taken a break from mid-December until a few weeks ago, so I missed out on the Chill Out mask. So using Skills that do damage and scale for status is good - like the above mentioned FireStarter Chem, Incendiary Seeker, Burn Sticky Bomb, etc. r/thedivision You can just run 1P Wyvern; The +10 Skill Damage will affect your damage from your skills also. Striker got to listen to the play by play over TS as we faced our trials and tribulations. Vile tic damage depends on status and explosive damage. G2G now though. Weapons with Perpetuation are also very nice in some circumstances (eg, need to CC a heavy). Outta the loop a bit as I've been out of town the last few days, head back home tomorrow. Ok interesting, so golan over a China light, are all the mods skill haste? Vile mask, 4pc Eclipse (chest, bag, holster and knees), Firm Handshakes. If you calculate reverse, 13/11 ticks = 18+% total damage loss on burn (which is the primary damage for fire builds) for an exchange of can throw a short burn duration nade which hit or not, depend on how atletic the enemies, for a crossbow which is pretty rare compared to another enemy types, and for team buff which not compensate damage loss, and only apply when all grupmates priorize burning enemies first (which is opposite of experience, since burning enemies are not shooting, while non-burning still dangerous, so priority is the reverse). Vile mask, EP backpack and chest, glove and knee pad. Think I am going to try the Catharsis first, then try Nightwatcher. It's a massive increase in damage and duration. Their all blue tank builds were the only thing that allowed them to facetank the numerous enemies while we kept the fatties and dogs occupied with our dinky potshots. If your goal is to burn everything with 1 status proc, the eclipse doesn't help with that, but golan with active tech support or shock will.
Curious if the apparel event kicked off today as planned. Currently at 206 kills with that - including myself twice. Fire Chem for fire damage with stun locking. Everything rolled for status effect and skill haste mods. Recommend Demo over Technician. You can make an argument for dropping the Vile for Eclipse and swapping the backpack for something with Creeping Death in this case, since you're not doing any meaningful DPS. Even you can blindfire with flamethrower, its range is 15m!! I gotta remember on those final bounty missions, STOP RUNNING INTO THE DAMN ROOM. For anyone interested, we'd like to do a heroic manhunt run on Bank tonight. Today I spent a good deal of time on account 2, grinding away to properly unlock the manhunt on all 3 of my lvl 40 chars.
( W/e brand you like as long as it's got the yellow core). I use a capacitor or similar, and a Pyro maniac. As far as skills to use, it depends on what your intention is. I'll be around Friday-Saturday but outta the loop for a few days after Saturday night. Also you don't want china, you want a Golan Backpack with tech support/shock and awe, or any other golan piece if you don't have that. Status Effect (and Haste*) on everything. So Im putting together an EP build and just wanted to nail down the details, Ive got 4 piece EP, Vile and a China Light. Surely the talent on the EP backpack is too good not to use. If the Skills you are using do damage (like Firestarter Chem Launcher) then use Capacitor. Also, if you would like to add some sustain to your setup you could use 1P Belstone for the 1% Armour Regen, or Named .511 Gloves with 10% Armour on Kill if you have them. I assume if I want DPS to be better, Vile is almost necessary. For larger ticks - get an LMG with max DtTOoC and use that perpetuation talent. This is it right here. Run a shotgun as primary with In Sync talent. Or Galvanize on bag if its some kind of Hybrid support/enfeebler build. My concern on this build is always going to be ammo. This could also just be me hoping to see this franchise continue with The Division 3. I've tried the EP build, and while that is hilarious, some of the enemies can be a real problem after your initial attacks. Ad Choices. 1340137472, 6387545090, 9808162816, 2371357696,, MF47tvyiXz, rel-event/. Best AFK build is a TipS build rolled Skill Core - lots of Crossbow Bolts. It also helps you find random guys at the end of a wave that are creeping around by igniting them in your AOE. intention), you can also flip out the eclipse bag (30% multiplicative is big, so purpose gotta be worth the swap), or chest for talents that suit those purposes for the build better sometimes. It absolutely slays alone or in groups and it's sooooo much easier to play. G2G now though. I'm usually home by about 4:30pm PST, so I should be able to make it. I recommend carrying a Scorpio and a weapon with a Perpetuation talent. An interesting pairing that I wanna try is one guy running HB with Coyote while the other in close proximity to him uses Catharsis with his HB build, so one benefits the other for CHC/CHD, and the second can heal the first when the Catharsis heal pool dumps on the ground. The +10% damage is sounds very well, and if anyone's brain locked to "more damage", that's enough and don't think forward. Someday. It have extreme long duration compared to another burn skills/sources, in some area, I just start the burn with it and no need to touch the fire chem, whole area burning until cleared. I got tired to get downed by they jump in the line of sight and block the shot.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Skill Builds List: Obviously it's hurting DPS overall, but considering it runs through heroics easy enough, shit I can even clear through without picking up the Kill Confirms, I'm pretty happy using it. Technician is the way to go as well. And i use flame thrower. This let you escape, or can kill while enemy burning. And i ditched China light for golan. 15% Explosive damage applies to Vile mask. The mode requires players to complete objectives throughout the playthrough; some of these objectives include deploying beacons, tracking down targets, and collecting agent data. My best EP build consist of Vile Mask + 4 pcs EP include bagpack and chestpiece + Golan roll to skill tier(Status effect + skill damage - hardest part to get). And Pestilence damage is not a status effect. Outta the loop a bit as I've been out of town the last few days, head back home tomorrow. Skill damage and status affects on your golan piece. This is Eclipses optimal setup for both damage and status transfer. That forces me to go through my loadouts and adapt my playstyle - had a good run with a 6/0/0 all red 3pc Airaldi (Pristine Example vest), 2pc W&H and Foxes kneepads with a Dread Edict MMR. 4 piece ep with chest piece, vile mask, and Hana u bp with creeping death. You get incendiary grenades which work quite well with EP, and if grouped, your entire team will enjoy 10% extra damage to your burning foes. I use Disrupt and Fire Chem. One tick without non-constant buff (ex Capacitor or In-Sync) is about 350k, total 700k with increased burn duration, and its much more with fully stacked Capacitor. No need skill damage at all: Status effect increase both status effect duration and status effect damage, while skill damage increase effect damage only. doesn't do anything for the initial DOT, just makes your bullets hit more. Now that build was fun. Use at your own discretion, YMMV. Completed with a Striker/Memento with an AR and LMG loadout.
I've accidentally activated my Firestarter on myself a few times, and I can't even survive the initial explosion lol. No. Foam chem + fire sticky works very well or for invaded missions, fire chem + disrupt (for dogs mostly). Congrats to needle for getting through his first legendary last night, as Grom, Cowher and I walked him through it. I love the incendiary grenades and the x-bow bolts, and that little healer seeker does an acceptable job for a fast heal. I did not hang around to run a second legendary to see if they completed DUA to get more white tusk apparel for needle.

Currently rocking two piece wyvern/4 piece EP all rolled to status effect with burn sticky and riot foam, Any advice is welcomed and again sorry to OP . But in my case, the continuous result is " Russian, why is the entire screen always on fire?". Rumors that Heartland got delayed to add another PvE mode, which sounds kind of like Survival. Ok cool and in terms of mods should I be going all skill haste? You can have a red or blue core then on any piece. Thursday? Ideas and tips welcome please. Burn ticks are full automatic, any burning enemy get this 700k damage. It was my go to build for a loooong time. Question for Grom (our resident HB expert) - is a dual ACS-12 pairing of weapons acceptable for HB ? I ran over 80% of the mission (all but the very last area) using an AFK build with a Glass Cannon vest (I would NEVER have thought that was a smart move a year ago).I switched to a 4pc Future Initiative with a sniper turret and BTSU gloves and a healing hive. Bank HQ. I've been told it drops from the Loot Goblin, but that is obviously not a guarantee, as I ran into him last night and didn't get it. To be honest, the Chill out with its extra mod slot is probably a better mask than the Catharsis for many builds.Finished off my Ubi challenge for the mini-gunner with 250 kills last night, so I switched to the Technician's missile launcher, the last of the spec weapon challenges. So Vile mask damage can be increased by either Status Effect or Explosive attribute. Stop using imperial dynasty, it's a horrible and useless item. Im personally more of a group player and for a build, i got all but 2 secondary attributes rolled towards skill haste, mods included. I run three skill two weapon damage and one armor.
Banshee pulse and riot foam launcher.
Golan or China also depends on the skills you're using. Just like with Storm, players need to loot up, survive, and extract to your Base of Operations (BOO). OD fills the Bluescreen mag with explosive ammo, and once you have your bleed/CC loop started, you can just continue to get explosive ammo and disrupt. If need be, I can log in on my main account and if we complete it, pass him the exotic. I have not entered into downed state, it was insta-kill in less than a partial second. I will be switching my status build to firewall asap. Nightfall is a little different though with added layers to increase the difficulty of the mode have been added. The unofficial home for discussing Tom Clancy's The Division and The Division 2; online RPGs from Ubisoft and Massive Entertainment. If you already have your 4, or I'm a little late, please don't wait I have never attempted a Legendary before. Should I be going straight status effects on my attributes or throw in some skill damage as well, also I was going to use technician spec and reroll a piece to a blue core. I had to try that final mission like 5 times because I kept getting over excited and getting mobbed. As this weapon can bump your Skill Damage up to 60%, and the decay is slow, allowing you time to shoot the skills etc after buildup. First build is used by generic purpose, second is when I play with randoms at least for first few areas: there are many DPS player with shield and rifles who stay at the area entrace/door and chicken dance in front of me, result faceshot myself. Not world-beating damage, even with Vile, but it feels freaking great. Press J to jump to the feed. Forgot we had relatives in town right after my trip - when do I need to finish the second Manhunt by? Sep 12 '21. Use of this Site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement (updated 1/1/20) and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement (updated 1/1/20) and Ars Technica Addendum (effective 8/21/2018). Plus, if you're shooting your LMG enough to get any meaningful number of stacks then you're doing an extremely poor job playing a status-effect centric build. if your goal is damage, get a red core with technician. I rarely run these types of builds, but EVERY single time I run them, I am summarily impressed with how they punish an enemy that exposes any body part, ESPECIALLY the head. Flamethrower, when you out of fire skill, you can use it to ignite enemies, deal damage and apply burn. Run a 4pc eclipse (chest, hands,mask, knees), Have a backpack with creeping death. On the topic of masks, I had taken a break from mid-December until a few weeks ago, so I missed out on the Chill Out mask. So using Skills that do damage and scale for status is good - like the above mentioned FireStarter Chem, Incendiary Seeker, Burn Sticky Bomb, etc. r/thedivision You can just run 1P Wyvern; The +10 Skill Damage will affect your damage from your skills also. Striker got to listen to the play by play over TS as we faced our trials and tribulations. Vile tic damage depends on status and explosive damage. G2G now though. Weapons with Perpetuation are also very nice in some circumstances (eg, need to CC a heavy). Outta the loop a bit as I've been out of town the last few days, head back home tomorrow. Ok interesting, so golan over a China light, are all the mods skill haste? Vile mask, 4pc Eclipse (chest, bag, holster and knees), Firm Handshakes. If you calculate reverse, 13/11 ticks = 18+% total damage loss on burn (which is the primary damage for fire builds) for an exchange of can throw a short burn duration nade which hit or not, depend on how atletic the enemies, for a crossbow which is pretty rare compared to another enemy types, and for team buff which not compensate damage loss, and only apply when all grupmates priorize burning enemies first (which is opposite of experience, since burning enemies are not shooting, while non-burning still dangerous, so priority is the reverse). Vile mask, EP backpack and chest, glove and knee pad. Think I am going to try the Catharsis first, then try Nightwatcher. It's a massive increase in damage and duration. Their all blue tank builds were the only thing that allowed them to facetank the numerous enemies while we kept the fatties and dogs occupied with our dinky potshots. If your goal is to burn everything with 1 status proc, the eclipse doesn't help with that, but golan with active tech support or shock will.
Curious if the apparel event kicked off today as planned. Currently at 206 kills with that - including myself twice. Fire Chem for fire damage with stun locking. Everything rolled for status effect and skill haste mods. Recommend Demo over Technician. You can make an argument for dropping the Vile for Eclipse and swapping the backpack for something with Creeping Death in this case, since you're not doing any meaningful DPS. Even you can blindfire with flamethrower, its range is 15m!! I gotta remember on those final bounty missions, STOP RUNNING INTO THE DAMN ROOM. For anyone interested, we'd like to do a heroic manhunt run on Bank tonight. Today I spent a good deal of time on account 2, grinding away to properly unlock the manhunt on all 3 of my lvl 40 chars.
( W/e brand you like as long as it's got the yellow core). I use a capacitor or similar, and a Pyro maniac. As far as skills to use, it depends on what your intention is. I'll be around Friday-Saturday but outta the loop for a few days after Saturday night. Also you don't want china, you want a Golan Backpack with tech support/shock and awe, or any other golan piece if you don't have that. Status Effect (and Haste*) on everything. So Im putting together an EP build and just wanted to nail down the details, Ive got 4 piece EP, Vile and a China Light. Surely the talent on the EP backpack is too good not to use. If the Skills you are using do damage (like Firestarter Chem Launcher) then use Capacitor. Also, if you would like to add some sustain to your setup you could use 1P Belstone for the 1% Armour Regen, or Named .511 Gloves with 10% Armour on Kill if you have them. I assume if I want DPS to be better, Vile is almost necessary. For larger ticks - get an LMG with max DtTOoC and use that perpetuation talent. This is it right here. Run a shotgun as primary with In Sync talent. Or Galvanize on bag if its some kind of Hybrid support/enfeebler build. My concern on this build is always going to be ammo. This could also just be me hoping to see this franchise continue with The Division 3. I've tried the EP build, and while that is hilarious, some of the enemies can be a real problem after your initial attacks. Ad Choices. 1340137472, 6387545090, 9808162816, 2371357696,, MF47tvyiXz, rel-event/. Best AFK build is a TipS build rolled Skill Core - lots of Crossbow Bolts. It also helps you find random guys at the end of a wave that are creeping around by igniting them in your AOE. intention), you can also flip out the eclipse bag (30% multiplicative is big, so purpose gotta be worth the swap), or chest for talents that suit those purposes for the build better sometimes. It absolutely slays alone or in groups and it's sooooo much easier to play. G2G now though. I'm usually home by about 4:30pm PST, so I should be able to make it. I recommend carrying a Scorpio and a weapon with a Perpetuation talent. An interesting pairing that I wanna try is one guy running HB with Coyote while the other in close proximity to him uses Catharsis with his HB build, so one benefits the other for CHC/CHD, and the second can heal the first when the Catharsis heal pool dumps on the ground. The +10% damage is sounds very well, and if anyone's brain locked to "more damage", that's enough and don't think forward. Someday. It have extreme long duration compared to another burn skills/sources, in some area, I just start the burn with it and no need to touch the fire chem, whole area burning until cleared. I got tired to get downed by they jump in the line of sight and block the shot.
Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, Skill Builds List: Obviously it's hurting DPS overall, but considering it runs through heroics easy enough, shit I can even clear through without picking up the Kill Confirms, I'm pretty happy using it. Technician is the way to go as well. And i use flame thrower. This let you escape, or can kill while enemy burning. And i ditched China light for golan. 15% Explosive damage applies to Vile mask. The mode requires players to complete objectives throughout the playthrough; some of these objectives include deploying beacons, tracking down targets, and collecting agent data. My best EP build consist of Vile Mask + 4 pcs EP include bagpack and chestpiece + Golan roll to skill tier(Status effect + skill damage - hardest part to get). And Pestilence damage is not a status effect. Outta the loop a bit as I've been out of town the last few days, head back home tomorrow. Skill damage and status affects on your golan piece. This is Eclipses optimal setup for both damage and status transfer. That forces me to go through my loadouts and adapt my playstyle - had a good run with a 6/0/0 all red 3pc Airaldi (Pristine Example vest), 2pc W&H and Foxes kneepads with a Dread Edict MMR. 4 piece ep with chest piece, vile mask, and Hana u bp with creeping death. You get incendiary grenades which work quite well with EP, and if grouped, your entire team will enjoy 10% extra damage to your burning foes. I use Disrupt and Fire Chem. One tick without non-constant buff (ex Capacitor or In-Sync) is about 350k, total 700k with increased burn duration, and its much more with fully stacked Capacitor. No need skill damage at all: Status effect increase both status effect duration and status effect damage, while skill damage increase effect damage only. doesn't do anything for the initial DOT, just makes your bullets hit more. Now that build was fun. Use at your own discretion, YMMV. Completed with a Striker/Memento with an AR and LMG loadout.