Replacing SSB with plain drinking water has become central to health promotion strategies, including those led by the US federal agencies [79]. The whole category of nonalcoholic beverages provides 3.3% of the total energy in the average Polish diet (amounting to 2261 kcal/person/day). High consumption of these drinks is most often combined with the risk of obesity, due to the high content of monosaccharides.
Calcium is the highest among the minerals supplied by nonalcoholic beverages in the average Polish diet. Dietary sources and correlates of sodium and potassium intakes in the French general population. Assessment of mineral bottled water as a source of selected minerals among students (In Polish, abstract in English). No Change in 24-Hour Hydration Status Following a Moderate Increase in Fluid Consumption. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Parsons L., Haque E., Liu H. Subspace clustering for high dimensional data. Cluster 3, constituting 30% of the surveyed households, can be described as the group of young people (40% of people under 40 years of age), families with children at preschool and school age (47% in total), economically active (the highest share of blue-collar workers and white-collar workers: 63% and self-employed: 9%), and living in 24person households (approximately equal share of each group of 24%) (Table 3). In line with this, the Polish Ministry of Health has presented a bill to impose an additional fee on sweetened drinks (PLN 0.7-0.8/item), aiming to combine health and fiscal benefits. Maraver F., Vitoria Miana I., Ferreira-Pgo C., Armijo F., Salas-Salvad J. Magnesio en el agua de consume pblico y aguas minerales naturals en Espaa y su contribucin en cubrir las necesidades nutricionales. 1, 2, 3number of clusters; characteristics of clusters are presented in Table 3. in Poland [8] and the R program v3.0.2 (Copyright 2018, The R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria), constituting the appropriate environment for statistical calculations [49,50,51]. Serrano Iglesias M., de Lourdes Samaniego Vaesken M., Varela Moreiras G. Composition and nutrient information of non-alcoholic beverages in the Spanish market: An update. They have a very important market share with the annual growth rate of the global carbonated beverages market that reached 3.2% in the years 20142018 [24]. Studies show that in the case of calcium and magnesium, mineral and springs waters can provide valuable supplementation to the diet of various population groups in Poland [85,86], and to a small extent, also potassium [86]. Petraccia L., Liberati G., Giuseppe Masciullo S., Grassi M., Fraioli A.
In cluster 1, as in the case of fruit juices, they provided less than 0.5% of most of the nutrients included, exceptions were energy (less than 1%), carbohydrates (over 1.5%), vitamin B6, folates, and vitamin C (around 2% share). We compared our results with those from other countries, including the United States [46], Belgium [56], New Zealand [57], Australia [58], and France [59]. In 2016, 3132 dwellings were surveyed every month (this could have allowed to gather the sample of households inhabiting 37,584 dwellings during this year). In the case of calcium and magnesium, the mineral and spring water subgroup has the largest share, and in the case of potassium, the subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages. World Health Organization Nutrients in Drinking Water Protection of the Human Environment Water, Sanitation and Health Geneva 2005. In this context, it is worth noting that there are studies showing that the increase of the amount of drinking of beverages, regardless of composition and type, has not improved the hydrating status [20,21]. The Effect of Caffeinated, Non-Caffeinated, Caloric and Non-Caloric Beverages on Hydration. This group provided calcium, magnesium, and sodium and their share was 4%, 3%, and 1%, respectively. EFSA Panel on Dietetic Products, Nutrition, and Allergies (NDA) European Food Safety Authority Scientific Opinion on Dietary Reference Values for carbohydrates and dietary fibre. We identified 3 clusters based on 14 variables characterizing the sample of surveyed households: education, income level (quintile group), degree of urbanization of the place of residence, socioeconomic type of household, size of the village, usage of agricultural land, self-assessment of financial situation, number of people in a household, region, family life phase, self-assessment of nutrition in a household, age and sex of the head of household, and month of participation in the survey. This includes free sugars added to beverages and sugars naturally present in other beverage ingredients such as honey, syrups, fruit juices, and concentrates [6]. Dietary guidelines for Americans recommend reducing calories from added sugars and the amount of beverages higher in these components and encourage healthier beverage choices. In the food category fruit and vegetables, vegetables should make up three-fourth and fruit one-fourth of the consumption, including one portion (80 g in a minimum amount of 400 g) of fruit may be juice [10].
Updated (2017) Appendix 3 of the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 20132020. Soft drinks contain some useful compounds with antioxidant properties, but it is necessary, however, to consider some of their drawbacks related to their composition [1]. Beverages that contain free sugars, including 100% fruit juice, have been associated with a higher risk of dental decay in children [73] and an increased risk of weight gain, overweight and obesity, and type 2 diabetes [74,75]. This food category provided 5.25.7% of energy (depending on gender), including fruit and vegetable juices and drinks, which had a higher share (2.12.4%) than in the Polish diet, while soft drinks, flavored mineral waters and electrolyte drinks had a similar share (2.03.0%) as a subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages in the Polish diet. Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Appendix E-2.7: Major Categories and Subcategories used in DGAC Analyses of WWEIA Food Categories Part E. Section 2: Supplementary Documentation to the 2015 DGAC Report Scie. However, the results of our analysis also showed that the share of this subgroup of beverages in households of young, working people with children (cluster 3, Figure 3) increases to 10% in the supply of energy and carbohydrates. Rhodes D.G., Adler M.E., Clemens J.C., Moshfegh A.J. The supplementary role of mineral and spring waters in the average Polish diet is increasing, as juice consumption is decreasing. The share of the subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages (Figure 3) in the supply of energy and nutrients in the diet in individual clusters was the most varied. Laskowski W., Grska-Warsewicz H., Rejman K. How Important are Cereals and Cereal Products in the Average Polish Diet ? government site. These are older people, and older marriages, which are retired (28%) or still working (26%), mostly over 50 years of age (71%), pensioners (40%), and employees (20% in worker positions and 19% in nonworker positions), living in a 2-person (39%) and 1-person households (26%). The share of nonalcoholic beverages category in the supply of other minerals is very small, with 2.6% for iron and manganese and even less for the others, from 1.58% for sodium to 1.03% for phosphorus and zinc. Approximately one-third of the daily average water intake is thought to be derived from food [7], providing on average of 500900 mL of water [3]. So far, we have analyzed the food sources of protein and amino acids [37] and potassium [38] in the average Polish diet as well as the role of four food categories in energy and nutrients supplied to the diet (meat, seafood, and their products [39], milk and dairy products [40], cereal products [41], and fats and oils [42]). Our results show that in order to reduce the intake of free sugars and increase the intake of deficient minerals, which is crucial in preventing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), it is necessary to encourage consumers to replace sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) with water and eat fruits instead of drinking juice. Studies show that in Poland, older boys and young men consume sweetened carbonated beverages in the highest amounts; also, among older girls and young women consumption of sweetened carbonated beverages is relatively high. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride and Sulfate. Laskowski W., Grska-Warsewicz H., Kulykovets O. Braun H., von Andrian-Werburg J., Malisova O., Athanasatou A., Kapsokefalou M., Ortega J.F., Mora-Rodriguez R., Thevis M. Differing Water Intake and Hydration Status in Three European Countries-A Day-to-Day Analysis. Januszko O., Madej D., Postaleniec E., Brzozowska A., Pietruszka B., Kauza J. The monthly rotation of households assumes that in every month of the year, a different group of households participates in the survey. Sarlio-Lhteenkorva S., Winkler J.T. Khaksar G., Assatarakul K., Sirikantaramas S. Effect of cold-pressed and normal centrifugal juicing on quality attributes of fresh juices: Do cold-pressed juices harbor a superior nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity? About half of these minerals are mainly derived from the subgroup of other beverages. In order to analyze the impact of sociodemographic and economic characteristics of households on the consumption of the discussed subgroups of nonalcoholic beverages, three clusters were distinguished. In the years 20062016, the consumption of mineral and spring waters increased on average in households by 87%, and the growth, in particular, in socioeconomic groups depended on the initial level of the consumption. Gtarska A., Ciborska J., Toska E. Natural mineral bottled waters availabel on the Polish market as a source of minerals for the consumers. The remaining water requirement (even more than half) must be met by the consumption of liquids [7]. In Mexico, evidence of sustained consumer response two years after implementing a sugar-sweetened beverage tax. Growing up Unequal: Gender and Socioeconomic Differences in Young Peoples Health and Well-Being. Additionally, data from Australian survey show that the intake of sugar from nonalcoholic beverages in the average Australian diet was 20.426.0%, divided into fruit and vegetable juices and drinks (10.110.4%) and soft drinks, flavored mineral waters, and electrolyte drinks (9.315.5%) [58]. Individual body requirements for water vary according to climate and ambient temperature, physical activity, and composition of the diet [3,9,10]. The share of nonalcoholic beverages in the supply of potassium (4.5%) and copper (3.5%) can also be indicated. Vieux F., Maillot M., Rehm C.D., Barrios P., Drewnowski A. Siro I., Kpolna E., Kpolna B., Lugasi A. Functional food. To maintain the bodys waterelectrolyte balance, the excretion of water and electrolytes must be balanced by their adequate supply [18,36]. Each household participating in the survey kept a special diary for a month, recording their expenditures, quantitative consumption, and incomes. K.R. [(accessed on 26 March 2020)]; Baszczyk-Bbenek E., Jagielski P., Schlegel-Zawadzka M. Characteristics of energy drink consumption among adolescents from southern Poland. Profilaktyka i Rehabilitacja.
We used the cluster analysis to assess the impact of sociodemographic and economic characteristics of the households on the structure of supplying energy and nutrients from each subgroup of the nonalcoholic beverages.
In the average American diet, compared to the Polish one, the share of soft drinks in carbohydrate and energy supply was substantially higher (which is not surprising given the habit of high consumption of soft drinks) and amounted to 11.4% and 5.4%, respectively [46]. Grska-Warsewicz H., Rejman K., Laskowski W., Kowalcze K. Food sources of potassium in the average Polish diet. Our analyses also show that among households of young employees and families with children (cluster 3), these subgroups of beverages provide vitamin C twice as much (fruit juices 15% and the subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages 13%) as in the other clusters. [(accessed on 6 March 2019)]; Azas-Braesco V., Sluik D., Maillot M., Kok F., Moreno L.A. A review of total & added sugar intakes and dietary sources in Europe. The second highest mineral is magnesium, but the share of each mineral is less than 6%. Food consumption reported by households comprises three sources of food procurement: purchases of food, self-supply (products taken from the farm, plot, or own food business), and food received free of charge, e.g., as a gift, from the family, from other people with surplus food, etc. Careers, Department of Food Market and Consumer Research, Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 07-787 Warsaw, Poland. The new PMC design is here! However, the results of the analysis showed the importance of fruit juices as the first source among subgroups of nonalcoholic beverages of four vitamins. These results suggest that social stratification of American population affects environmental awareness and attitudes towards acceptance of sustainable consumption patterns. Our results also showed that the impact of income is the smallest (13th factor), but it is worth pointing that juice consumption in the households with the lowest income group (1st quintile group) is 2.1 times lower than in the households with the highest income group (5th quintile group) (in 2016), and 10 years ago (in 2006), it was even 4.2 times lower (in 2006) [82]. More than half (51%) of vitamin C provided by nonalcoholic beverages comes from fruit juices and the remaining 6% comes from other juices (vegetable and mixed). Malik V.S., Pan A., Willett W.C., Hu F.B. The aim of the study was to analyze the sources of energy, carbohydrates, 10 minerals, and 9 vitamins from nonalcoholic beverages in the average Polish diet. was involved in introduction, results description, literature review, and discussion; H.G.-W. contributed to article design, food grouping, and data analysis; M.C. Diuresis can be increased by ingestion of caffeine and alcoholic beverages [12,13,14,15]. Fruit juices in cluster 1 provided less than 0.5% of energy and all nutrients included, except for vitamin C, for which they provided almost 2% of this vitamin. The primary sampling units were statistical regions covering the whole territory of Poland and those for the second stage are dwellings. Processing and Impact on Antioxidants in Beverages. In our analysis, we combined them into 13 main categories, i.e., meat and meat products; cereal and grain products; milk and dairy products; sugar and sweets; snacks; vegetables and vegetable products; fruits and fruit products; eggs; seafood; coffee, tea, and cacao; nonalcoholic beverages; alcoholic beverages; and fats and oils. Zhang Y., Coca A., Casa D.J., Antonio J., Green J.M., Bishop P.A. Definition and Classification of Commodities.
The course of our calculations and analyses included: The quantitative data on the consumption of nonalcoholic beverages were converted into energy and nutrients they provide, using the most recent official version of the Nutritive Value Tables for Foods and Meals (4th ed.) As the conditional recommendation, WHO suggests a further reduction of the intake of free sugars to below 5% of total energy intake, which will bring additional health benefits [80]. In the groups of blue-collar employees and pensioners, it remained at the same level, close to the current average (0.88 L). For this reason, the dietary guidelines of many countries no longer promote the drinking of fruit juices, which are an alternative to fruit, pleasant to the senses, and convenient to consume. Four factors determined the consumption of these products and the supply of energy and nutrients to the greatest extent: family life phase, age, socioeconomic type of households, and number of people in the household (Table 2). World Health Organization Best Buys and Other Recommended Interventions for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (. In Europe, the tax has been imposed in Great Britain, Isle of Man, Ireland, France, Hungary, and Portugal. In Spain, the consumption of drinking water and natural mineral water can be also regarded as an important supplementary source of calcium [88] and magnesium [89]. Water intake, water balance, and the elusive daily water requirement. Tucker M.A., Ganio M.S., Adams J.D., Brown L.A., Ridings C.B., Burchfield J.M., Robinson F.B., McDermott J.L., Schreiber B.A., Moyen N.E., et al. Although there is an increasing supply and number of options of lower sugar and sugar-free beverages [90], it is worth considering their environmental footprint, including packaging, when making a purchase decision for any type of beverage. 1, 2, 3number of clusters; characteristics of clusters are presented in Table 3. In Mexico, purchases of taxed beverages decreased by 5.5% in 2014 and 9.7% in 2015, yielding an average reduction of 7.6%. A review of the evidence. Cluster 2, including one-fifth of the surveyed population, with approximately equal share of six groups of households distinguished in terms of family life cycle phase, mainly those of three age groups between 30 and 70 years of age (almost 80% in total), employees (2627% of the two types each), and living in 2-person (30%) and 3-person (23%) households. 1, 2, 3number of clusters; characteristics of clusters are presented in Table 3. The factors describing the most numerous groups of households were presented as cluster 1, constituting more than half of the surveyed sample (51.3%). Grska-Warsewicz H., Rejman K., Laskowski W., Czeczotko M. Milk and Dairy Products and Their Nutritional Contribution to the Average Polish Diet. Canadian Healthy Eating Recommendations advise consumers to make water as your drink of choice and replace sugary drinks with water [77]. Our analyses have shown that nonalcoholic beverages are primarily important in providing several nutrients: vitamin C (15.9% of the total vitamin C supply), vitamin B6 (8.9% of vitamin B supply), folates (8.5% of folate supply), carbohydrates (6.8% of carbohydrate supply), calcium (5.9% of calcium supply), and magnesium (5.5% of magnesium supply). Associations between energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods and BMI z-score in 29-year-old European children. It is also likely to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes [62]. What we eat in America food categories and changes between survey cycles. Vegetable juices have a very small share in suppling of nutrients, providing to the diet less than 1% for each nutrient except for vitamin A (2.3%). Received 2020 Mar 26; Accepted 2020 Apr 22. This is partly due to the presence of juices and other beverages enriched with vitamin C in the market, but it must be borne in mind that consumption of these beverages will be linked to negative aspects including excessive consumption of calories in the case of sugary soft drinks and damage to tooth integrity caused by their acidity [1]. The effect of sugar-sweetened beverage front-of-pack labels on drink selection, health knowledge and awareness: An online randomised controlled trial. It is worth noting that the changes taking place in the consumption of the subgroups of nonalcoholic beverages consumption distinguished in Poland are consistent with the recommendations. Benelam B., Wyness L. Hydration and health: A review. Grandjean A.C., Reimers K.J., Haven M.C., Bannick K.E. According to the source of data, we included four subgroups in analyzed food category: fruit juices, vegetable juices and mixed, mineral and spring waters, and other nonalcoholic beverages. Proceedings of the Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Cluster analysis: supply of energy and analyzed nutrients (in %) from the subgroup of fruit juices to diets in individual clusters. The category of nonalcoholic beverages also provides almost 9% of vitamin B6 as well as folate in the average Polish diet, with a subgroup of other beverages having the largest share (6.8% and 6.5%, respectively). ), as they are included in the category of milk and dairy products. Nakamura R., Mirelman A.J., Cuadrado C., Silva-Illanes N., Dunstan J., Suhrcke M. Evaluating the 2014 sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Chile: An observational study in urban areas. Fruit juices come first in the supply of thiamine (1.1%), riboflavin (0.6%), and niacin (0.6%), while vegetable juices and mixed is the subgroup suppling the most of vitamin A (2.3%). They have exactly the same proportion in the diet of children aged 1.53 years and 1 percentage point higher among children aged 410 years, making them a second source of free sugars. The fact that fruit juices provide 8% vitamin C and almost 2% vitamin B6. Data on the consumption of added sugars by children are availabel for three countries: France, The Netherlands, and the UK. The latter initiative is a robust and wide-reaching intervention (the introduction of which would require more effort or investment than the former but would most likely have a greater public health impact) [65]. Drinking water and other nonalcoholic beverages provides 8001500 mL of fluid daily in the diet [3]. Humans ingest water as plain drinking water, water in different beverages, water in food (inherent and added during dish preparation), and they also obtain some water from metabolism of food (350 mL/day) [3]. World Health Organization (WHO) is among proponents, taking the view that sugary drinks are a major source of sugar in the diet, especially amongst children and adolescents, and recommends reduction of sugar consumption through effective taxation on sugar-sweetened beverages [71,72]. 8600 Rockville Pike Learn more These recommendations can be easily exceeded with a single bottle of 500 mL of sugar-sweetened beverage drunk during the day [81]. The .gov means its official. Food sources of energy and nutrients among adults in the US: NHANES 20032006. nonalcoholic beverages, households, energy intake, nutrient intake, free sugars.
Our analysis concerns the supply of energy, carbohydrates, 10 minerals, and 9 vitamins from nonalcoholic beverages in the average Polish diet (Table 1).
Fluid intake in the diet is essential for life and maintaining optimal levels of hydration is important for humans to function well [1,2]. Moreover, waters had a marginal share in the supply of potassium and iron. In the pyramid for adults, the recommendations are to drink at least 1.5 L of water per day, to eliminate or significantly reduce the consumption of sugary drinks and flavored waters and to keep the right proportions of vegetables and fruit. This allowed us to determine the average energy and nutrient contribution (in %) to the average Polish diet from each subgroup. Studies suggest for regular consumption of pure (100%) fruit juice (without added ingredients, e.g., sweeteners) in order to get major health-promoting compounds, which can have beneficial effects on health [30,31,32]. [(accessed on 30 September 2019)]; Methodology of Household Survey (In Polish). The Article Processing Charge was financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education within funds of Institute of Human Nutrition, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS) for scientific research. They have serious impact on human health, affecting many body systems such as gastrointestinal, circulatory, central nervous, and even reproductive system [23]. Drinking the right amount of fluids every day is essential for proper hydration and functioning of the body, but their ingredients contribution to the diet are equally important from a nutritional point of view. R Development Core Team R Language Definition. wietlik K., Kwasek M. Demand for food. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the In the average Belgian diet, nonalcoholic beverages provided 25% of mono/disaccharides, including carbonated/soft/isotonic drinks (18.5%) and fruit and vegetable juices (6.2%) [56]. Caffeine and diuresis during rest and exercise: A meta-analysis. Free sugars defined by WHO include all monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods and beverages by the manufacturer, cook, or consumer and sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices, and fruit juice concentrates. High-protein diets: Potential effects on the kidney in renal health and disease. Higher tap water consumption was associated with higher incomes. In cluster 3, the subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages provided 10% of energy and carbohydrates (in cluster 2, much less, about 2% and 4%, respectively), more than 2% of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and manganese, more than 4% of potassium, and less than 4% of copper and vitamin B12. fruit juices, including fruit drinks and nectars. vegetable juices and mixed (fruitvegetable). The US Institute of Medicine recommends higher water AI values for each population group; for adult women and men (age groups in the range from 19 years to more than 70 years of age), it is 2.7 and 3.7 L per day, respectively. Carbohydrates in nonalcoholic beverages are mainly sugars, and therefore, this category provides 16.7% of sugars in the New Zealand diet. about navigating our updated article layout. The group of nonalcoholic beverages in the HBS includes four subgroups: The category of nonalcoholic beverages does not contain tap water consumption as well as milk drinks (yoghurt, buttermilk, kefir, whey drinks, flavored milk, etc. Carbonated Soft Drinks Global Industry Guide 2014-2023-GII. For the analysis, we used data from the 2016 Household Budget Survey conducted on the representative sample of the Polish population (36,886 households, n = 99,230). The nutrients found in water at potentially significant levels of particular interest are: calcium, magnesium, fluoride, sodium, copper, selenium, and potassium [7]. A Focus on Nutrition: Key Findings from the 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition Survey | Ministry of Health NZ.
In turn, minimal differences between clusters were found in the case of mineral and spring waters as a source of nutrients (Figure 4).
HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Within the nonalcoholic beverages group fruit juices contributed 10% to free sugar intake [31]. Folates and potassium to the Polish diet can be somewhat downplayed because less processed food and fresh fruit can be the source of these nutrients. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Minerals intake from drinking water by young women. Dubes R., Jain A.K. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal The importance of mineral and spring waters as a source of nutrients concerns only minerals, and in the average Polish diet, these are mainly calcium (3.9%), magnesium (3.0%) as well as a small amount of sodium (1.3%) and potassium (0.1%).
Drinking fruit and mixed juices is also considered in terms of sugar content [29]. More than three-fourth of this energy and carbohydrates consumption comes from the other nonalcoholic beverages subgroup and less than one-fifth from the fruit juices subgroup.

Updated (2017) Appendix 3 of the Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases 20132020. Soft drinks contain some useful compounds with antioxidant properties, but it is necessary, however, to consider some of their drawbacks related to their composition [1]. Beverages that contain free sugars, including 100% fruit juice, have been associated with a higher risk of dental decay in children [73] and an increased risk of weight gain, overweight and obesity, and type 2 diabetes [74,75]. This food category provided 5.25.7% of energy (depending on gender), including fruit and vegetable juices and drinks, which had a higher share (2.12.4%) than in the Polish diet, while soft drinks, flavored mineral waters and electrolyte drinks had a similar share (2.03.0%) as a subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages in the Polish diet. Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee Appendix E-2.7: Major Categories and Subcategories used in DGAC Analyses of WWEIA Food Categories Part E. Section 2: Supplementary Documentation to the 2015 DGAC Report Scie. However, the results of our analysis also showed that the share of this subgroup of beverages in households of young, working people with children (cluster 3, Figure 3) increases to 10% in the supply of energy and carbohydrates. Rhodes D.G., Adler M.E., Clemens J.C., Moshfegh A.J. The supplementary role of mineral and spring waters in the average Polish diet is increasing, as juice consumption is decreasing. The share of the subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages (Figure 3) in the supply of energy and nutrients in the diet in individual clusters was the most varied. Laskowski W., Grska-Warsewicz H., Rejman K. How Important are Cereals and Cereal Products in the Average Polish Diet ? government site. These are older people, and older marriages, which are retired (28%) or still working (26%), mostly over 50 years of age (71%), pensioners (40%), and employees (20% in worker positions and 19% in nonworker positions), living in a 2-person (39%) and 1-person households (26%). The share of nonalcoholic beverages category in the supply of other minerals is very small, with 2.6% for iron and manganese and even less for the others, from 1.58% for sodium to 1.03% for phosphorus and zinc. Approximately one-third of the daily average water intake is thought to be derived from food [7], providing on average of 500900 mL of water [3]. So far, we have analyzed the food sources of protein and amino acids [37] and potassium [38] in the average Polish diet as well as the role of four food categories in energy and nutrients supplied to the diet (meat, seafood, and their products [39], milk and dairy products [40], cereal products [41], and fats and oils [42]). Our results show that in order to reduce the intake of free sugars and increase the intake of deficient minerals, which is crucial in preventing noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), it is necessary to encourage consumers to replace sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) with water and eat fruits instead of drinking juice. Studies show that in Poland, older boys and young men consume sweetened carbonated beverages in the highest amounts; also, among older girls and young women consumption of sweetened carbonated beverages is relatively high. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride and Sulfate. Laskowski W., Grska-Warsewicz H., Kulykovets O. Braun H., von Andrian-Werburg J., Malisova O., Athanasatou A., Kapsokefalou M., Ortega J.F., Mora-Rodriguez R., Thevis M. Differing Water Intake and Hydration Status in Three European Countries-A Day-to-Day Analysis. Januszko O., Madej D., Postaleniec E., Brzozowska A., Pietruszka B., Kauza J. The monthly rotation of households assumes that in every month of the year, a different group of households participates in the survey. Sarlio-Lhteenkorva S., Winkler J.T. Khaksar G., Assatarakul K., Sirikantaramas S. Effect of cold-pressed and normal centrifugal juicing on quality attributes of fresh juices: Do cold-pressed juices harbor a superior nutritional quality and antioxidant capacity? About half of these minerals are mainly derived from the subgroup of other beverages. In order to analyze the impact of sociodemographic and economic characteristics of households on the consumption of the discussed subgroups of nonalcoholic beverages, three clusters were distinguished. In the years 20062016, the consumption of mineral and spring waters increased on average in households by 87%, and the growth, in particular, in socioeconomic groups depended on the initial level of the consumption. Gtarska A., Ciborska J., Toska E. Natural mineral bottled waters availabel on the Polish market as a source of minerals for the consumers. The remaining water requirement (even more than half) must be met by the consumption of liquids [7]. In Mexico, evidence of sustained consumer response two years after implementing a sugar-sweetened beverage tax. Growing up Unequal: Gender and Socioeconomic Differences in Young Peoples Health and Well-Being. Additionally, data from Australian survey show that the intake of sugar from nonalcoholic beverages in the average Australian diet was 20.426.0%, divided into fruit and vegetable juices and drinks (10.110.4%) and soft drinks, flavored mineral waters, and electrolyte drinks (9.315.5%) [58]. Individual body requirements for water vary according to climate and ambient temperature, physical activity, and composition of the diet [3,9,10]. The share of nonalcoholic beverages in the supply of potassium (4.5%) and copper (3.5%) can also be indicated. Vieux F., Maillot M., Rehm C.D., Barrios P., Drewnowski A. Siro I., Kpolna E., Kpolna B., Lugasi A. Functional food. To maintain the bodys waterelectrolyte balance, the excretion of water and electrolytes must be balanced by their adequate supply [18,36]. Each household participating in the survey kept a special diary for a month, recording their expenditures, quantitative consumption, and incomes. K.R. [(accessed on 26 March 2020)]; Baszczyk-Bbenek E., Jagielski P., Schlegel-Zawadzka M. Characteristics of energy drink consumption among adolescents from southern Poland. Profilaktyka i Rehabilitacja.

In the average American diet, compared to the Polish one, the share of soft drinks in carbohydrate and energy supply was substantially higher (which is not surprising given the habit of high consumption of soft drinks) and amounted to 11.4% and 5.4%, respectively [46]. Grska-Warsewicz H., Rejman K., Laskowski W., Kowalcze K. Food sources of potassium in the average Polish diet. Our analyses also show that among households of young employees and families with children (cluster 3), these subgroups of beverages provide vitamin C twice as much (fruit juices 15% and the subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages 13%) as in the other clusters. [(accessed on 6 March 2019)]; Azas-Braesco V., Sluik D., Maillot M., Kok F., Moreno L.A. A review of total & added sugar intakes and dietary sources in Europe. The second highest mineral is magnesium, but the share of each mineral is less than 6%. Food consumption reported by households comprises three sources of food procurement: purchases of food, self-supply (products taken from the farm, plot, or own food business), and food received free of charge, e.g., as a gift, from the family, from other people with surplus food, etc. Careers, Department of Food Market and Consumer Research, Institute of Human Nutrition Sciences, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, 07-787 Warsaw, Poland. The new PMC design is here! However, the results of the analysis showed the importance of fruit juices as the first source among subgroups of nonalcoholic beverages of four vitamins. These results suggest that social stratification of American population affects environmental awareness and attitudes towards acceptance of sustainable consumption patterns. Our results also showed that the impact of income is the smallest (13th factor), but it is worth pointing that juice consumption in the households with the lowest income group (1st quintile group) is 2.1 times lower than in the households with the highest income group (5th quintile group) (in 2016), and 10 years ago (in 2006), it was even 4.2 times lower (in 2006) [82]. More than half (51%) of vitamin C provided by nonalcoholic beverages comes from fruit juices and the remaining 6% comes from other juices (vegetable and mixed). Malik V.S., Pan A., Willett W.C., Hu F.B. The aim of the study was to analyze the sources of energy, carbohydrates, 10 minerals, and 9 vitamins from nonalcoholic beverages in the average Polish diet. was involved in introduction, results description, literature review, and discussion; H.G.-W. contributed to article design, food grouping, and data analysis; M.C. Diuresis can be increased by ingestion of caffeine and alcoholic beverages [12,13,14,15]. Fruit juices in cluster 1 provided less than 0.5% of energy and all nutrients included, except for vitamin C, for which they provided almost 2% of this vitamin. The primary sampling units were statistical regions covering the whole territory of Poland and those for the second stage are dwellings. Processing and Impact on Antioxidants in Beverages. In our analysis, we combined them into 13 main categories, i.e., meat and meat products; cereal and grain products; milk and dairy products; sugar and sweets; snacks; vegetables and vegetable products; fruits and fruit products; eggs; seafood; coffee, tea, and cacao; nonalcoholic beverages; alcoholic beverages; and fats and oils. Zhang Y., Coca A., Casa D.J., Antonio J., Green J.M., Bishop P.A. Definition and Classification of Commodities.
The course of our calculations and analyses included: The quantitative data on the consumption of nonalcoholic beverages were converted into energy and nutrients they provide, using the most recent official version of the Nutritive Value Tables for Foods and Meals (4th ed.) As the conditional recommendation, WHO suggests a further reduction of the intake of free sugars to below 5% of total energy intake, which will bring additional health benefits [80]. In the groups of blue-collar employees and pensioners, it remained at the same level, close to the current average (0.88 L). For this reason, the dietary guidelines of many countries no longer promote the drinking of fruit juices, which are an alternative to fruit, pleasant to the senses, and convenient to consume. Four factors determined the consumption of these products and the supply of energy and nutrients to the greatest extent: family life phase, age, socioeconomic type of households, and number of people in the household (Table 2). World Health Organization Best Buys and Other Recommended Interventions for the Prevention and Control of Noncommunicable Diseases Control of Noncommunicable Diseases. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (. In Europe, the tax has been imposed in Great Britain, Isle of Man, Ireland, France, Hungary, and Portugal. In Spain, the consumption of drinking water and natural mineral water can be also regarded as an important supplementary source of calcium [88] and magnesium [89]. Water intake, water balance, and the elusive daily water requirement. Tucker M.A., Ganio M.S., Adams J.D., Brown L.A., Ridings C.B., Burchfield J.M., Robinson F.B., McDermott J.L., Schreiber B.A., Moyen N.E., et al. Although there is an increasing supply and number of options of lower sugar and sugar-free beverages [90], it is worth considering their environmental footprint, including packaging, when making a purchase decision for any type of beverage. 1, 2, 3number of clusters; characteristics of clusters are presented in Table 3. In Mexico, purchases of taxed beverages decreased by 5.5% in 2014 and 9.7% in 2015, yielding an average reduction of 7.6%. A review of the evidence. Cluster 2, including one-fifth of the surveyed population, with approximately equal share of six groups of households distinguished in terms of family life cycle phase, mainly those of three age groups between 30 and 70 years of age (almost 80% in total), employees (2627% of the two types each), and living in 2-person (30%) and 3-person (23%) households. 1, 2, 3number of clusters; characteristics of clusters are presented in Table 3. The factors describing the most numerous groups of households were presented as cluster 1, constituting more than half of the surveyed sample (51.3%). Grska-Warsewicz H., Rejman K., Laskowski W., Czeczotko M. Milk and Dairy Products and Their Nutritional Contribution to the Average Polish Diet. Canadian Healthy Eating Recommendations advise consumers to make water as your drink of choice and replace sugary drinks with water [77]. Our analyses have shown that nonalcoholic beverages are primarily important in providing several nutrients: vitamin C (15.9% of the total vitamin C supply), vitamin B6 (8.9% of vitamin B supply), folates (8.5% of folate supply), carbohydrates (6.8% of carbohydrate supply), calcium (5.9% of calcium supply), and magnesium (5.5% of magnesium supply). Associations between energy intake, daily food intake and energy density of foods and BMI z-score in 29-year-old European children. It is also likely to increase the risk of type 2 diabetes [62]. What we eat in America food categories and changes between survey cycles. Vegetable juices have a very small share in suppling of nutrients, providing to the diet less than 1% for each nutrient except for vitamin A (2.3%). Received 2020 Mar 26; Accepted 2020 Apr 22. This is partly due to the presence of juices and other beverages enriched with vitamin C in the market, but it must be borne in mind that consumption of these beverages will be linked to negative aspects including excessive consumption of calories in the case of sugary soft drinks and damage to tooth integrity caused by their acidity [1]. The effect of sugar-sweetened beverage front-of-pack labels on drink selection, health knowledge and awareness: An online randomised controlled trial. It is worth noting that the changes taking place in the consumption of the subgroups of nonalcoholic beverages consumption distinguished in Poland are consistent with the recommendations. Benelam B., Wyness L. Hydration and health: A review. Grandjean A.C., Reimers K.J., Haven M.C., Bannick K.E. According to the source of data, we included four subgroups in analyzed food category: fruit juices, vegetable juices and mixed, mineral and spring waters, and other nonalcoholic beverages. Proceedings of the Clinical Medicine, Journal of the Royal College of Physicians of London. Cluster analysis: supply of energy and analyzed nutrients (in %) from the subgroup of fruit juices to diets in individual clusters. The category of nonalcoholic beverages also provides almost 9% of vitamin B6 as well as folate in the average Polish diet, with a subgroup of other beverages having the largest share (6.8% and 6.5%, respectively). ), as they are included in the category of milk and dairy products. Nakamura R., Mirelman A.J., Cuadrado C., Silva-Illanes N., Dunstan J., Suhrcke M. Evaluating the 2014 sugar-sweetened beverage tax in Chile: An observational study in urban areas. Fruit juices come first in the supply of thiamine (1.1%), riboflavin (0.6%), and niacin (0.6%), while vegetable juices and mixed is the subgroup suppling the most of vitamin A (2.3%). They have exactly the same proportion in the diet of children aged 1.53 years and 1 percentage point higher among children aged 410 years, making them a second source of free sugars. The fact that fruit juices provide 8% vitamin C and almost 2% vitamin B6. Data on the consumption of added sugars by children are availabel for three countries: France, The Netherlands, and the UK. The latter initiative is a robust and wide-reaching intervention (the introduction of which would require more effort or investment than the former but would most likely have a greater public health impact) [65]. Drinking water and other nonalcoholic beverages provides 8001500 mL of fluid daily in the diet [3]. Humans ingest water as plain drinking water, water in different beverages, water in food (inherent and added during dish preparation), and they also obtain some water from metabolism of food (350 mL/day) [3]. World Health Organization (WHO) is among proponents, taking the view that sugary drinks are a major source of sugar in the diet, especially amongst children and adolescents, and recommends reduction of sugar consumption through effective taxation on sugar-sweetened beverages [71,72]. 8600 Rockville Pike Learn more These recommendations can be easily exceeded with a single bottle of 500 mL of sugar-sweetened beverage drunk during the day [81]. The .gov means its official. Food sources of energy and nutrients among adults in the US: NHANES 20032006. nonalcoholic beverages, households, energy intake, nutrient intake, free sugars.
Our analysis concerns the supply of energy, carbohydrates, 10 minerals, and 9 vitamins from nonalcoholic beverages in the average Polish diet (Table 1).
Fluid intake in the diet is essential for life and maintaining optimal levels of hydration is important for humans to function well [1,2]. Moreover, waters had a marginal share in the supply of potassium and iron. In the pyramid for adults, the recommendations are to drink at least 1.5 L of water per day, to eliminate or significantly reduce the consumption of sugary drinks and flavored waters and to keep the right proportions of vegetables and fruit. This allowed us to determine the average energy and nutrient contribution (in %) to the average Polish diet from each subgroup. Studies suggest for regular consumption of pure (100%) fruit juice (without added ingredients, e.g., sweeteners) in order to get major health-promoting compounds, which can have beneficial effects on health [30,31,32]. [(accessed on 30 September 2019)]; Methodology of Household Survey (In Polish). The Article Processing Charge was financed by the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education within funds of Institute of Human Nutrition, Warsaw University of Life Sciences (WULS) for scientific research. They have serious impact on human health, affecting many body systems such as gastrointestinal, circulatory, central nervous, and even reproductive system [23]. Drinking the right amount of fluids every day is essential for proper hydration and functioning of the body, but their ingredients contribution to the diet are equally important from a nutritional point of view. R Development Core Team R Language Definition. wietlik K., Kwasek M. Demand for food. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the In the average Belgian diet, nonalcoholic beverages provided 25% of mono/disaccharides, including carbonated/soft/isotonic drinks (18.5%) and fruit and vegetable juices (6.2%) [56]. Caffeine and diuresis during rest and exercise: A meta-analysis. Free sugars defined by WHO include all monosaccharides and disaccharides added to foods and beverages by the manufacturer, cook, or consumer and sugars naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices, and fruit juice concentrates. High-protein diets: Potential effects on the kidney in renal health and disease. Higher tap water consumption was associated with higher incomes. In cluster 3, the subgroup of other nonalcoholic beverages provided 10% of energy and carbohydrates (in cluster 2, much less, about 2% and 4%, respectively), more than 2% of phosphorus, iron, magnesium, and manganese, more than 4% of potassium, and less than 4% of copper and vitamin B12. fruit juices, including fruit drinks and nectars. vegetable juices and mixed (fruitvegetable). The US Institute of Medicine recommends higher water AI values for each population group; for adult women and men (age groups in the range from 19 years to more than 70 years of age), it is 2.7 and 3.7 L per day, respectively. Carbohydrates in nonalcoholic beverages are mainly sugars, and therefore, this category provides 16.7% of sugars in the New Zealand diet. about navigating our updated article layout. The group of nonalcoholic beverages in the HBS includes four subgroups: The category of nonalcoholic beverages does not contain tap water consumption as well as milk drinks (yoghurt, buttermilk, kefir, whey drinks, flavored milk, etc. Carbonated Soft Drinks Global Industry Guide 2014-2023-GII. For the analysis, we used data from the 2016 Household Budget Survey conducted on the representative sample of the Polish population (36,886 households, n = 99,230). The nutrients found in water at potentially significant levels of particular interest are: calcium, magnesium, fluoride, sodium, copper, selenium, and potassium [7]. A Focus on Nutrition: Key Findings from the 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition Survey | Ministry of Health NZ.

HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help Within the nonalcoholic beverages group fruit juices contributed 10% to free sugar intake [31]. Folates and potassium to the Polish diet can be somewhat downplayed because less processed food and fresh fruit can be the source of these nutrients. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Minerals intake from drinking water by young women. Dubes R., Jain A.K. sharing sensitive information, make sure youre on a federal The importance of mineral and spring waters as a source of nutrients concerns only minerals, and in the average Polish diet, these are mainly calcium (3.9%), magnesium (3.0%) as well as a small amount of sodium (1.3%) and potassium (0.1%).
Drinking fruit and mixed juices is also considered in terms of sugar content [29]. More than three-fourth of this energy and carbohydrates consumption comes from the other nonalcoholic beverages subgroup and less than one-fifth from the fruit juices subgroup.