an interface can implement a class

How many interfaces can extends interface in java? Why would you ever pollute your codebase with meaningless cruft just to satisfy some testing framework? . Data Imbalance: what would be an ideal number(ratio) of newly added class's data?

@Jules You can mock a concrete class including its constructor in Java.

If you declare a subtype in Java implementing an interface is our current focus then you must ensure that the subtypes spec is at least as strong as the supertypes. If we avoid constructors in favor of static factory methods, clients will only see the interface. As I noted in my response to Yanni's answer, I don't think you can ever have a hard and fast rule about interfaces.

Java Tutorials section on interfaces I haven't run into problems with mocking classes, but I have been frustrated by IDE navigation not working as expected.

The answer could be all of them, or none of them - depending on your design.

There is not always a need to define an interface for a class.

implementations of

Interfaces are better suited to situations in which your applications require many possibly unrelated object types to provide certain functionality.

*/, /** Create a string representation of b, either "true" or "false".

As I originally stated, it depends on your design. Lets consider as an example one of the ADTs from the Java collections library,

Does that help?

In conclusion, an interface hides implementation details from its users.

types to enforce that separation.

So even if the Interface is implemented by a million classes there is no rule that says you have to create one. It is not strictly speaking an interface, but it can be used exactly in the same way. If you are doing unit testing, you will have another class implementing that interface.


In your class, you'll certainly need a UI layer. Can a timeseries with a clear trend be considered stationary? What purpose are these openings on the roof? Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! I mean seriously, I'm just a self-taught JavaScript client-side guy trying to sort out WTF is wrong with C# and Java developer OOD implementations I keep encountering in my pursuit of becoming more of a well-rounded generalist but why don't they slap the IDE out of your hands and not let you have it back until you learn how to write clean, legible code when they catch you doing that sort of thing in college?

Javas static type checking allows the compiler to catch many mistakes in implementing an ADTs contract. rev2022.7.21.42635.

No, you don't need them, and I consider it an anti-pattern to automatically make interfaces for every class reference. 465). List And notice the private empty constructors we use to make new instances in

was a single class. What's inside the SPIKE Essential small angular motor? Why does a mock for a class that didn't need an interface, need an interface?


One reason you still might want to introduce an interface in this case is to follow the Dependency Inversion Principle. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy.

(in Java). You could have an interface that looked like this: At that point, the behavior of those classes becomes part of the ICabin Interface/API. : constructors. Since code generation tools make adding it after the fact even cheaper, I see even less of a reason to create the interface before you have an explicit need for it. this

If you define interfaces at the key points of your application, you give careful thought to the methods that they should support and which they should not, and you comment the interfaces clearly to describe how an implementation is supposed to behave (and how not), your application will be a lot easier to understand because these commented interfaces will provide a sort of specification of the applicationa description of how it's intended to behave.

and the compiler will understand that the new Set An ADT is defined by its operations, and interfaces do just that. does that for


This can be manifested by the dependency inversion principle.

Compare these classes to the

ArrayList JMock, etc) that utilise interfaces can actually save you time.

Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! But there are case where you may want to do it anyway. interface above. Set

But wait, there's more.

There was no IMatrix or MatrixImpl required to prove that point. LinkedList valueOf I'm still not sure I'm following your reasoning. The ignition switch is completely ignorant of the gas pedal in every way.

If the class is only performing one role (ie would only have one interface defined for it), then why not do this via public/private methods?



No (YAGNI), unless you are planning to write tests for other classes using this interface, and those tests would benefit from mocking the interface. @assylias how do you prevent the constructor running? Was there a Russian safe haven city for politicians and scientists?

Recall that a

Another advantage is that multiple different representations of the abstract data type can co-exist in the same program, as different classes implementing the interface.

operation is implemented as a static factory method.

You're not firing off the tests in production.

Consider a utility class where there are only public static methods and a private constructor - perfectly acceptable and promoted by authors like Joshua Bloch et al.,,,,, How APIs can take the pain out of legacy system headaches (Ep.

If, however, the behavior(s) is(are) intrinsic to the concept embodied by the class, then you likely do not want an interface at all.

What's the difference between @Component, @Repository & @Service annotations in Spring? A class type is defined by an interface.

(Actually it means I need to rethink and redesign my system).

When we declare a class that implements an interface, the Java compiler enforces part of this requirement automatically: for example, it ensures that every method in A appears in B, with a compatible type signature.

My rule on interfaces is that an interface should be used anywhere you're creating an API.

Mocking classes rather than interfaces (at least in Java and C#) should be considered deprecated, as there is no way to prevent the superclass constructor running, which may cause your mock object to interact with the environment in unintended ways.

Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA.

What happens if I accidentally ground the output of an LDO regulator?

In this example the classes (if there are some) are probably simple, with a few properties, and a function or two.

your class can implement unlimited no of Interfaces and one Interface can extend unlimited no of Interfaces but best practice is to don't implement so many interfaces .


However, if you really want to nitpick, you can say that the number of interfaces a class can implement is bound by the maximum value the interface id can be in java bytecode, or the amount of code memory you have to implement these interfaces, or the amount of hard drive space to store your bytecode. That is, the module which uses the class will depend on an abstraction of it (i.e. That is the only limitation.

String Note that with a class you get an interface for free. Is it patent infringement to produce patented goods but take no compensation?


as a static factory method in the interface

Today, you usually don't need it.



In Java, interfaces used to be a requirement for dynamic proxies, pre-CGLIB.

Not every class is associated with an interface, but there are a few good reasons to bring an interface into the picture.

*/, /** Modifies this set by adding e to the set.

Not always, you can use interface in one class if that class is a generic class. Modeling a special case of conservation of flow. How should I deal with coworkers not respecting my blocking off time in my calendar for work?

We can easily add new implementations of a type by adding classes that implement interface.

Java language specification != JVM specification.

*, /* Create an uninitialized SimpleMyString.

And what you are implicitly stating with your design is that these classes exist solely to support whatever concrete implementation of ICabin you have, and they cannot exist on their own, or they are meaningless outside of the ICabin context. with

Ready for change. interface

The implementation is kept well and truly separated, in a different class altogether.

A Avner Shahar-Kashtan's answer expands on this point. For example: The representations used by implements relies on methods that every type in Java is required to implement and only on those methods, because it cant rely on methods declared in any specific type.


For example, structures cannot inherit from classes, but they can implement interfaces. Having gone down the road of creating interfaces for just about everything it is easy to end up with 'chopped-up spaghetti' code.

The Java

For (a horribly contrived) example, let's say you're building a Car class.

In university, the canonical example was something like a Matrix or Polynomial class -- consumers have a public API to create matrixes, add them etc.

I would answer that whether you need an interface or not does not depend on how many classes will implement it. Remember that creating an interface has a cost.

allowed to contain static methods, so we can implement the creator operation That's what the public/private keywords are for.

In the terms of my example - let's consider the IgnitionSwitch. Cranking an interface from a classes public methods is trivial after the fact, as is replacing CFoo with IFoo in consuming classes. The spec of that constructor wont appear anywhere in the interface, so theres no static guarantee that different implementations will even provide the same constructors.

, but we couldnt have both representations for the ADT in the same program. Modeling a special case of conservation of flow, Blondie's Heart of Glass shimmering cascade effect. implements

/ Interfaces are a tool for defining contracts between multiple subsystems of your application; so what really matters is how your application is divided into subsystems. The unit testing others mentioned is a planned use of polymorphism.

E are not suited for representing sets of arbitrary-type elements.

Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. After todays class, you should be able to define ADTs with interfaces, and write classes that implement interfaces. You don't need an extra element to work to that contract.

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1. values, none of them are

And an API should be created anywhere you're crossing the boundary from one domain of responsibility into another.


The rule needs to be, by definition, flexible.

Clients will write code like: It's the same reason that you don't unit-test private members - they exist only to support the public API, and thus their behavior should be tested by testing the API.

Public fields and methods are an "interface" in their own right.

What's inside the SPIKE Essential small angular motor? Since interfaces are trivial to compile and have fewer dependencies than their implementations, it means that if you write class Foo to use an interface Bar, you can usually recompile BarImpl without needing to recompile Foo. If we think about all possible

Existence of a negative eigenvalues for a certain symmetric matrix. Interfaces are used pervasively in real Java code.

. Given most large projects have less than 10K classes, so it is hard to imagine why you would want to implement that many interfaces in one class. Scientifically plausible way to sink a landmass.

Instead of writing separate specifications and implementations for

CharSet1 Whenever you start writing mocks, you'll find that extracting interfaces makes sense.

The real role of an interface is that it defines a contract stating what service should be provided instead of how it should be implemented. example from

and Safe from bugs.

List Generally in the case of a single class, it will not be necessary to implement an interface, but considering the future of your project, it could be useful to formally define necessary behavior of classes.


Programming to interface helps to write more documents because contract must be defined, to write more modular software, to promote unit tests and to accelerate development speed.


@Deco: good mocking frameworks (JMock among them) don't even need interfaces. You create one so that when you, or anyone else who uses your code, wants to change something it percolates to all implementations.

Using mock objects in testing means creating alternative implementations to your interfaces, by definition. Now that we know good ADTs scrupulously However, the necessity to have an interface or not doesn't depend on the number of its implementations.


Trending is based off of the highest score sort and falls back to it if no posts are trending. That means we can switch which implementation class clients are using without changing their code at all.

is the ADT of finite sets of elements of some other type So I don't think it is necessary to recreate an interface that already exists under the name of the class. Add method to interface for only one implementation.


Also, another sign is that your interface only has one real consumer (its own application). The class use a specific technology that shouldn't leak trough

Because interfaces in Java cannot contain constructors, they must directly call one of the concrete class constructors. Character

Interfaces to support frameworks are legacy.

Also used figuratively. objects, or objects of another class that implements


The first question to ask is what is the nature of the thing or process that you are trying to represent.

We can match Java interfaces with our classification of ADT operations, starting with a creator: The To answer the question: There is more to it than that. type

for a There is no real reason to do anything.

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And it was beautiful. LinkedList Using .NET's WCF communication stack, for instance, generates a proxy to a remote service, which, again, implements the interface. It's analogous to setting foo.method = mockImplementation in a dynamic language where methods can be assigned. Creating an interface will aide you in all future cases where you might want to create another class that implements it.

So I would define interfaces only for higher level classes, where you want an abstraction from the implementation. The topic of todays class is interfaces: separating the interface of an abstract data type from its implementation, and using Java

, which represents a set of characters.

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I defer to the greater wisdom of Ayende Rahien who has posted some very wise words on the subject: the possessions of a sovereign or commonwealth, or the How many interfaces can a Java class have? But the compiler cannot check that we havent weakened the specification in other ways: strengthening the precondition on some inputs to a method, weakening a postcondition, weakening a guarantee that the interface abstract type advertises to clients. ,

and substring(..) Only a subset of the method should be available to most object

weve worked so hard to build between the abstract type and its concrete representations.

. / Authenticating(not identifying) the user (they need the correct key), Providing current to the starter so it can actually start the car, Providing current to the ignition system so it can continue to operate.

reps, for example, cannot represent a

I've had classes that subclassed more than one class.

implementations replace

declare: When the interface mentions placeholder type . Besides the implementation, a class defines an interface from the set of public methods.