Im redoing my wardrobe as I return to the corporate world after doing volunteer work for a non profit and being a mom for years. If you were a Spring before, you are a Spring now as well just with lighter and softer contrasts. We know that someone who loves a neat fit and classic cut, for example, is unlikely to feel their best in the looser, laid back tropical feel of our new feather print top. ), here at Kettlewell we have tried to do the next best thing. I have always been a spring but now my hair has turned silver and my eyes have faded to a very light blue.
What the hell I am? I think I am rather soft autumn . Ive also tried and I dont know whats the problem, it worked well a couple of days ago. Once we know the style of clothes that suit you best, take your consultant through your wardrobe and they can see what you've got that works. 1. I either come out too yellow or too pink. I have totally same problem. Bring on the lipstick and foundation! Natural hair color: medium brown (ends are blonde now) I feel that there should have been way more inclusion. If you send me one or two photos about your make-up free face to I will check it. Most seem to say Warm Spring and Warm Autumn. Hi! Usually, these colors compliment your hair color. I do like to wear greys in all shades, navy and royal blue and some medium shades, dark purples. I have dark brown (almost black) hair with golden undertones, very pale skin with yellow undertone and hazel eyes. My cheeks are often naturally pink so they always try to give me cool foundations at the makeup counter, but it makes me look ill. And for me, giving a totally honest answer to the first 3 questions, I'd be assigned to 3 different "dominant theory" groups: light & cool to nr 1 (hair colour), light & warm to nr 2 (eyes), and deep & warm to nr 3 (skin). We know that someone who loves a neat fit and classic cut, for example, is unlikely to feel their best in the looser, laid back tropical feel of our new feather print top. I have naturally ash light/medium brown hair and then hazel(olive green with brown) eyes. Colours that are mostly low contrast. Of course, we cant promise to get it right every single time, and thats why this quiz is designed for fun and information, rather than promising laser precision every time. Also Soft Summer could be right because it's between the Light and Cool Summer palettes. We dont have such a thing like hazel, dark hazel, kinds os brown and stuff. Dark olive green eyes with flecks of blue and brown ring around the pupil. I know that there are ladies with red hair or lighter eyes who has tan or deeper skin tones, but they are exceptions. I found your site when I was going through seasonal complexion quizes. What we are confident of is that when you complete the quiz and browse the different style personalities, youll find one that feels right for you, and youll be inspired by new style possibilities. So, i have these kind of brown eyes with freckles at the same brown, either light, either very, very dark, with a dark grey ring around de iris. I can wear black mascara. My skin is a dusky brown when I go out in the sun with all that in mind, I have been personally to get my colours done and they always veer between toned winter or dusky, warm, deep. Our amazing in-house stylists spend weeks plotting and planning these looks, so you can guarantee each outfit combination will work perfectly. As it stated, this is a free and fun quiz to find your dominant characteristic (light, deep, soft, clear, cool, or warm). Thank for this quiz, it was interesting to try it out. Do you think I am a Deep Winter or a Cool/True Winter? Thank you! I was told in the 90s I was a Winter but my mother always said I was a Summer. Yet, when I did my wardrobe to those colours I was so bored and didn't have the slightest desire to wear them or get dressed even! Yet, I have redness in my skin since its sensitive. So who the heck in this system of pay and get analysed continually am I? Based on my experience, with tan, bronze or darker skin tones, they most likely have Deep Winter or Deep Autumn, maybe one of the Soft seasonal palettes, in a rare case, the Warm Autumn season. Eye color: medium brown Your consultant can also put together personalised Pinterest boards for you to give you some more inspiration. I will be purchasing some things in your shop when I have it narrowed down : ).
I filled my wardrobe with peachy coral colors with rave reviews. And you could try to load it on your computer, it might not appear on tablet or mobile phone. I am very grateful. If you want to really find your very own magic stylist fairy, take a look at our consultants page to find a stylist near you and book in for a full personal style analysis. Hi Kaitte,thanks for trying out my quiz. To be more certain, send me a couple of photos about your make-up free face to and I will check your color palette. Thats literally what I was thinking! Some of my veins are blue, some are green. Ill add the neutral skin tone to the descriptions but I suggested the muted lipstick shades under the SOFT category just not that one you mentioned. Hello, I am very flattered by brassy hair colors such as orange and very golden. I couldnt even finish the quiz . The other was a mish mash and I was on the cusp of completely neutral and was just warm with high contrast like Princess Mary apparently. Based on your description, you are most likely a Deep Winter. I give three options at the end because it could show the differences. So, the basic gist is that one cannot tell by a quiz who they are. Hi LinLin, thanks for trying out my quiz. Problem is Im a stylish 76 year old with white hair ( used to be ash blond). Please, try it on your computer/laptop for me its working on these devices. You may also like to browse ourShop The Look page which will give you even more colour and style inspiration and will be updated with new looks throughout the season. We also know, however, that sometimes it might not be immediately apparent which styles belong together, so we wanted a simple and fun way of guiding you to the clothes you'll love and that will love you right back. Ive read that both cool winter and summer gray beautifully. Im trying to figure out if I am Cool Summer or Cool Winter. Could I be a soft summer type ? (I know I'm far from obvious to classify, and that's one reason I do subscribe to the Sci/Art colour theory, as I find it most accurate as it's not based on any one dominant feature. Totally! Confusion. What we are confident of is that when you complete the quiz and browse the different style personalities, you'll find one that feels right for you, and you'll be inspired by new style possibilities. On the contrary, with cool colors, my skin tone looks better. As a Latina, you probably have the deeper traits so the moderately bright and rich colors flatter your look. I think you were very assertive. I have taken many quizzes, yours too, yet I keep getting different results so it makes me uncertain I love your new quiz and it was spot on for me as The Adventurer. FREE Quiz! Colors that are too deep and rusty can make me look dull and muddy but I can wear a rust red shirt just not as a lipstick. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You'll be guided through a full understanding of your body shape, clothing personality and lifestyle, and the various aspects of your personal style will be put together into a blueprint which you can use to help you shop confidently for life. The emails are heavy duty and no matter how much you try to ask a few questions you always get cant tell until you are draped Yet I have been draped 5 times and no one can tell. My skin is light, when I put a white sheet next to it it's orangey, with red undertone. ????. I call it Toxic Wardrobe Syndrome! If you have gray hair, please think about your natural hair color in your 20s. Thanks! Its a natural follow on from our hugely successful Colour Quiz, the essential next step to help you find the styles most likely to suit you. I think this is well-done. I can imagine you as a Shaded Soft Autumn or a Deep Autumn because of your hairs darker color. One of the best ways to decide if you are warm or cool is to try on an orange and a purple top/scarf. It is a warm gray. If you send me one or two photos about your make-up free face to I will check it. Although, every time the first 3 options were partly different, depending on the slightly different answers to some of the questions, as for most of them different answers are possible, e.g. Now that I've done this quiz I can't seem to do it again I wanted to figure out what my 3 year old is (I took her into the garden this afternoon and draped my gold and silver jewellery over her, she loved it!) Hi Sharon, thank you for your comment and trying out my quiz. You could share the same season palette with a fair person, it has less to do with the color of your skin and more to do with the warmth/coolness levels and intensity.
I am a winter with secondary autumn, although confusing because I am not that deep and almost everywhere on the internet they call the type deep winter autumn. Pretty nice post. I like military green, khaki, marsala, powdery pink, body color, brown, banana yellow, navy blue, beige, animal prints leopard, zebra in any case. Too bright is clownish and too muted is drab and plain and makes me seem to disappear and look tired. Or maybe something else? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. . Based on my experience, with tan, bronze or darker skin tones, you are most likely a Deep Winter or a Deep Autumn, maybe one of the Soft seasonal palettes, in a rare case, a Warm Autumn. Most of my best colors and the colors I am instinctively drawn to are darker Summer colors, but a few fall into Cool Winter. For an accurate result, please try to use similar traits light or warm or soft, etc.
My hair is naturally very dark (black brown, with no redness or golden highlights) and I also have very dark brown eyes, with a big contrast between the iris and the white part. Can I be a soft summer? So, how can one know if this is an exact science that can be relied upon to buy clothes that cost money?I was told in a boutique that I was a spring and we often wear black.In antoher boutique I was told I am warm but should stick to reds, muted oranges, true corals and the warmer, brighter colours nothing deep or dowdy like khaki. I contacted my developer and I hope he will help me solve the issues as soon as possible. Its confusing because I dont know if Im being completely biased. About your description you could be an Autumn woman and yes, navy is a kind of universal color that means every seasonal color women can wear it well.
We've assessed all of our styles according to fit, length, print scale, prettiness, and a whole host of other criteria to decide which belongs with each of five core style personalities. Great quiz - as a Minimalist I now appreciate why a couple of styles haven't worked for me!
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What is my season? When I dyed my hair Winter dark I was told by coworkers that I looked washed out. I also have dark eyebrows and eyelashes. thank you so much for taking my quiz. I have no idea what colors look good now. Do you have any questions about my blog and its topics, your seasonal color palette or just would you like to get in touch? I'm just as lost as I was before, it says i could be deep winter or deep autumn. Light: fair or porcelain with a peachy or rosy undertone ~ FS I. burns easily, doesn't tan, Warm: golden ivory, fair or beige usually with freckles and peachy, golden undertone ~ FS. My skin is nothing fine or delicate, it never got burn because of the sun and I dont blush easily, but I do get very pale in winter, I get tan very slowly (you cant even tell at the end of summer) and I look paler than most people I know; also, my natural lip colour is purple, rotten meat purple. Seems like warm, right? My hair is dark ash brown (almost black) with no highlights and no red. Weve assessed all of our styles according to fit, length, print scale, prettiness, and a whole host of other criteria to decide which belongs with each of five core style personalities. So, you mostly fall into the Deep dominant trait category. Many MANY people "like" colors that are horrible on them and do not reflect their true season. Gold makes me look yellower, silver makes me look paler. I also demonstrate the dominant characteristics with real-life women in the last question instead of celebrities. I feel like a mix of every season! Hello there Agnes! It.. Sorry if thats too much information! Based on your description, I think you are probably one of the warm seasons. Youll be guided through a full understanding of your body shape, clothing personality and lifestyle, and the various aspects of your personal style will be put together into a blueprint which you can use to help you shop confidently for life. I ticked raspberry and cool pink but didnt get redirected to any page, please how does one get involved in this awesome quizzes Mrs. Agnes? Do you think I sound like I am a Warm Spring or a Warm Autumn or maybe something else? Yet the hairdresser tells me her hair is called ash grey and I see it as a mousy neutral brown, however, it looked quite different on me, because I had deep dark eyes and deep skin. I do seem to favor pink very well even barbie pinks or light carnation pink, I can wear deep red and burgundy colors. I have warm skin tones, no freckles, don't burn, warm light/med brown hair, gray blue eyes with no warm flecks or radiating white lines. I have freckles. So maybe best to leave out the "which of these celebrities you look like" section, for better accuracy; just a suggestion . . Hello Mariah, I think Im more like Judy Dench. But anyway, your season is more about your undertone. I know that does not suit me normal orange, I am not wear.
I think I could be a Warm Spring, Warm Autumn, or possibly a Clear Spring. I was told by someone that I could be a Clear Spring, but to me the colors seem a little loud and overpowering, but perhaps my eye is not used to them? For greens, forest green, army green, mint, or lime. I think I am a winter now ( very tan as I live in florida) but have no clue which of the three types of winter. You are probably a Winter (cool) or Autumn (warm), and your intensity could vary between bright, clear, or soft (more to do with your eye color and overall contrast). This quiz claims I am a "Soft Summer". any additional sections of the site that address the aging woman.
Knowing what shapes flatter your body and styles that capture your personality. from easily burns to tans gradually, Deep: bronze, rich brown, mahogany, dark brown with golden, neutral or blue undertone ~ FS V-VI. I think pink or fuschia or light more subdued red or warm pinkish-red lipcolors like watermelon, berry pink, sunset reddish pink, as well as peach, coral, salmon, melon, and some slightly orange reds (but not overly bright or it can be clownish) lipcolors are best on me, if the color has brown in it it looks bad as well as if it is too clear of a red that is cool but not obviously pink or orange, oxblood is ok and some deep reds. I look good in Light Spring colors except the neutrals. Hi, thank you for taking my quiz and sharing your results. Now lipstick is not a good sign because as we age (50 in November) our lipstick needs to soften. Maybe you can help me please? I took the quiz and got a spring pallete since I have honey golden blonde hair and baby blue eyes, but my skin is very pale with some red undertones. Over the years, weve listened to you, and weve realised that both our customers and the clothes that fit and flatter them fall into distinct style categories. It doesnt work.It doesnt work Im using Edge, and I tried it with mobile firefox and internet explorer as well. This season has lovely muted colors; maybe you will like these yellows and oranges more. I dont freckle on my face .My eyes are green/blue with yellow around pupil .. people say I look warm like autumn but when analysised I came out clear spring .. I have ashy medium brown hair with gold highlights naturally in summer but hair turns Chestnut in winter /autumn. This quiz doesn't really lead you to your true color type. I just took this quiz, the results have all my features wrong..I'm not an ash brown or anything ash.I used be a dark Auburn, now I'm silver light pepperMy skin tone is porcelain, ivoryMy eyes are hazel green, grey, brownI chose these answers as close as it would let me, all of them on your answers were wrong.. Agnes,I am sorry to be a bother but I have been struggling with trying to determine if Im a clear winter or cool winter. You can't miss me when I am out and about despite my petite frame as I am a riot of Kettlewell Spring colour! I think sometimes we forget, because of Hollywood, advertising, etc., that whites are, whether this is PC or not, about 65%-to% of the population, and of course, white is a global category that stretches from Scandinavian blond to Italian and Jewish heritage and, of course, Hispanics, too, in our census system, are all colors from fair to olive to dark and from many regions of the world. It is physically impossible to jump from a light and warm season, like the Spring, to a high contrast, cool and vivid palette like the Winter. text it should appear and load after a few seconds -now it works for me Maybe you will need to add an extension to your browser like flash player. What were the others?You can retake the quiz anytime you want if you wish. While we cant provide you with a magic stylist fairy (wed love to! It is interesting that you have red hair, but you feel yellow, and orange shades dont suit you. But there is quite a bit of difference between them. sigh. Yet peachy corals dont suit me. Hi Agnes, I am wondering what season I am and the more I delve into it the more uncertain I am. If your foundations are too yellow or pink, I would try to find a neutral shade. As a result, your main suggested seasonal palette is one of the cool seasons with ashy characteristics.At the end of the test, it suggests you 3 possible options.
We absolutely love our personal style quiz, but there is no way that any quiz can take the place of a fully qualified stylist. I dont know. Thank you. My hair was dishwater blonde naturally, though I have colored it much of adult life. I did do a professional colour analysis 10 years ago (brown eyes, auburn hair) but she only listed the 4 seasons, I didn't know of these combo/blended individual palettes so that you're actually one of 12 palettes (not just 4). 3. Blue-greens and aqua looks good, and robins egg blue etc. Okay can you help me then I was told I was a soft summer but the features dont match. My hair is curly and mousy medium ash brown, although some people consider it dark brown, with no highlights I have a soft of reddish-blondish halo because the curls tips gets lighter and spolied by the sunlight as they get very long, but that has nothing to do with highlights as my hair doesnt shine at all. Change). I saw the other commenters voicing the same concern at the top, but found the responses to not be helpful or understanding to their points of view. Orange shirts make me look really yellow and light blue shirts make me look pale. Wear it now, wear it later saleedition! Hi Sara, Again, I tested Cool Winter. The quiz returned that im autumn/deep autumn/and deep winter. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account.
Order your professional Color Palette with 50 lovely shades, 10 color combinations, 10 pattern ideas, and useful tips. So if you love a particular style, we know there's a good chance you'll feel the same about others from that same style category. Stress in life can send you grey or lose hair colour. So I think this quiz is very likely right on and I am indeed a Cool Summer. My undertone is pink, but my skin has a very light golden cast. Now Im more confused about what my seasonal pallete is and can anyone help me out please?
Bright Teal Breton Stripe Boat Neck | Grass Green Roxy Shirt Jacket | Victoria Blue Reiko Chinos | Silver Superga MetallicTrainers. The test I find not so bad, and I am not surprised that I am a soft summer according to it. Colours that are soft, friendly and in a low contrast. Lately I have gone to brighter colours and at last feel like I love my clothes again and WANT to get dressed. Ill update the foundation photos, however you can find names of deeper skin tone in the descriptions. I have light, rosy beige skin (with pink undertones and blue veins) and I do tan easily. Too light does seem to wash me out and I look best with medium blonde or dark blonde in caramel, strawberry blonde, a violet base, or copper red, but not brown which is too dark and plain. To be honest, the examples shown with lighter people are so because the varieties are found more on fair to medium groups. Right, I know what my personal style is; I am a minimalistic adventurer, a princess movie star with a penchant for the pixie look. Hello! As a color and image consultant, I know that people can like and wear a color that doesnt suit them but in my experience many women feel their right colors even thought they dont brave enough to wear them. My skin is neutral, but sometimes in the winter I have to go to a lighter cool porcelain foundation. Your description sounds like you're one of the Soft seasons and according to the colors that suit you, rather a Soft Summer. This problem is typical for Soft Summer because that is an often misdiagnosed seasonal palette: it has a medium and neutral look that can be seen, sometimes warmer and sometimes cooler depending on the color you are wearing. We want you to be able to shop with confidence, knowing that you're less likely to need to go through the time and hassle of returning items once you've found the group of styles that works best for you. The test described me as pale and light toned all over, so I knew that was wrong. Im seem to be a hybrid of different seasons. Hello Martha, I originally thought I was a Deep Winter, because I have naturally dark hair and eyes, with a high contrast between skin tone, eyes and hair color. Its a bit sad that some still see fellow citizens as victims who need to be stuck up for by others. Im sorry that you werent satisfied with my test. I took this quiz and came out Cool Summer primarily with secondary Cool Winter. I feel like I look good in bright lipsticks, but not bright clothing. I look nasty in khaki and burnt colors, great in Most winter colors like bright pink, royal blue however..I think fushias, many lavenders or grey all notorious cool tones don't do much for me. I just stumbled upon your blog and wished to say that I have really enjoyed browsing your blog posts. I have let my hair go gray. I honestly dont know the percentage of us are Hispanics or Asians in this country. I have pale skin, more pink than yellow. Im aware of the beautiful range of deeper skin tones, and I truly admire them.
Ive read a lot on the sci-fi theory and the 12 blueprints. but can't get the Quiz to 'start again'.
What the hell I am? I think I am rather soft autumn . Ive also tried and I dont know whats the problem, it worked well a couple of days ago. Once we know the style of clothes that suit you best, take your consultant through your wardrobe and they can see what you've got that works. 1. I either come out too yellow or too pink. I have totally same problem. Bring on the lipstick and foundation! Natural hair color: medium brown (ends are blonde now) I feel that there should have been way more inclusion. If you send me one or two photos about your make-up free face to I will check it. Most seem to say Warm Spring and Warm Autumn. Hi! Usually, these colors compliment your hair color. I do like to wear greys in all shades, navy and royal blue and some medium shades, dark purples. I have dark brown (almost black) hair with golden undertones, very pale skin with yellow undertone and hazel eyes. My cheeks are often naturally pink so they always try to give me cool foundations at the makeup counter, but it makes me look ill. And for me, giving a totally honest answer to the first 3 questions, I'd be assigned to 3 different "dominant theory" groups: light & cool to nr 1 (hair colour), light & warm to nr 2 (eyes), and deep & warm to nr 3 (skin). We know that someone who loves a neat fit and classic cut, for example, is unlikely to feel their best in the looser, laid back tropical feel of our new feather print top. I have naturally ash light/medium brown hair and then hazel(olive green with brown) eyes. Colours that are mostly low contrast. Of course, we cant promise to get it right every single time, and thats why this quiz is designed for fun and information, rather than promising laser precision every time. Also Soft Summer could be right because it's between the Light and Cool Summer palettes. We dont have such a thing like hazel, dark hazel, kinds os brown and stuff. Dark olive green eyes with flecks of blue and brown ring around the pupil. I know that there are ladies with red hair or lighter eyes who has tan or deeper skin tones, but they are exceptions. I found your site when I was going through seasonal complexion quizes. What we are confident of is that when you complete the quiz and browse the different style personalities, youll find one that feels right for you, and youll be inspired by new style possibilities. So, i have these kind of brown eyes with freckles at the same brown, either light, either very, very dark, with a dark grey ring around de iris. I can wear black mascara. My skin is a dusky brown when I go out in the sun with all that in mind, I have been personally to get my colours done and they always veer between toned winter or dusky, warm, deep. Our amazing in-house stylists spend weeks plotting and planning these looks, so you can guarantee each outfit combination will work perfectly. As it stated, this is a free and fun quiz to find your dominant characteristic (light, deep, soft, clear, cool, or warm). Thank for this quiz, it was interesting to try it out. Do you think I am a Deep Winter or a Cool/True Winter? Thank you! I was told in the 90s I was a Winter but my mother always said I was a Summer. Yet, when I did my wardrobe to those colours I was so bored and didn't have the slightest desire to wear them or get dressed even! Yet, I have redness in my skin since its sensitive. So who the heck in this system of pay and get analysed continually am I? Based on my experience, with tan, bronze or darker skin tones, they most likely have Deep Winter or Deep Autumn, maybe one of the Soft seasonal palettes, in a rare case, the Warm Autumn season. Eye color: medium brown Your consultant can also put together personalised Pinterest boards for you to give you some more inspiration. I will be purchasing some things in your shop when I have it narrowed down : ).
I filled my wardrobe with peachy coral colors with rave reviews. And you could try to load it on your computer, it might not appear on tablet or mobile phone. I am very grateful. If you want to really find your very own magic stylist fairy, take a look at our consultants page to find a stylist near you and book in for a full personal style analysis. Hi Kaitte,thanks for trying out my quiz. To be more certain, send me a couple of photos about your make-up free face to and I will check your color palette. Thats literally what I was thinking! Some of my veins are blue, some are green. Ill add the neutral skin tone to the descriptions but I suggested the muted lipstick shades under the SOFT category just not that one you mentioned. Hello, I am very flattered by brassy hair colors such as orange and very golden. I couldnt even finish the quiz . The other was a mish mash and I was on the cusp of completely neutral and was just warm with high contrast like Princess Mary apparently. Based on your description, you are most likely a Deep Winter. I give three options at the end because it could show the differences. So, the basic gist is that one cannot tell by a quiz who they are. Hi LinLin, thanks for trying out my quiz. Problem is Im a stylish 76 year old with white hair ( used to be ash blond). Please, try it on your computer/laptop for me its working on these devices. You may also like to browse ourShop The Look page which will give you even more colour and style inspiration and will be updated with new looks throughout the season. We also know, however, that sometimes it might not be immediately apparent which styles belong together, so we wanted a simple and fun way of guiding you to the clothes you'll love and that will love you right back. Ive read that both cool winter and summer gray beautifully. Im trying to figure out if I am Cool Summer or Cool Winter. Could I be a soft summer type ? (I know I'm far from obvious to classify, and that's one reason I do subscribe to the Sci/Art colour theory, as I find it most accurate as it's not based on any one dominant feature. Totally! Confusion. What we are confident of is that when you complete the quiz and browse the different style personalities, you'll find one that feels right for you, and you'll be inspired by new style possibilities. On the contrary, with cool colors, my skin tone looks better. As a Latina, you probably have the deeper traits so the moderately bright and rich colors flatter your look. I think you were very assertive. I have taken many quizzes, yours too, yet I keep getting different results so it makes me uncertain I love your new quiz and it was spot on for me as The Adventurer. FREE Quiz! Colors that are too deep and rusty can make me look dull and muddy but I can wear a rust red shirt just not as a lipstick. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. You'll be guided through a full understanding of your body shape, clothing personality and lifestyle, and the various aspects of your personal style will be put together into a blueprint which you can use to help you shop confidently for life. The emails are heavy duty and no matter how much you try to ask a few questions you always get cant tell until you are draped Yet I have been draped 5 times and no one can tell. My skin is light, when I put a white sheet next to it it's orangey, with red undertone. ????. I call it Toxic Wardrobe Syndrome! If you have gray hair, please think about your natural hair color in your 20s. Thanks! Its a natural follow on from our hugely successful Colour Quiz, the essential next step to help you find the styles most likely to suit you. I think this is well-done. I can imagine you as a Shaded Soft Autumn or a Deep Autumn because of your hairs darker color. One of the best ways to decide if you are warm or cool is to try on an orange and a purple top/scarf. It is a warm gray. If you send me one or two photos about your make-up free face to I will check it. Although, every time the first 3 options were partly different, depending on the slightly different answers to some of the questions, as for most of them different answers are possible, e.g. Now that I've done this quiz I can't seem to do it again I wanted to figure out what my 3 year old is (I took her into the garden this afternoon and draped my gold and silver jewellery over her, she loved it!) Hi Sharon, thank you for your comment and trying out my quiz. You could share the same season palette with a fair person, it has less to do with the color of your skin and more to do with the warmth/coolness levels and intensity.
I am a winter with secondary autumn, although confusing because I am not that deep and almost everywhere on the internet they call the type deep winter autumn. Pretty nice post. I like military green, khaki, marsala, powdery pink, body color, brown, banana yellow, navy blue, beige, animal prints leopard, zebra in any case. Too bright is clownish and too muted is drab and plain and makes me seem to disappear and look tired. Or maybe something else? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. . Based on my experience, with tan, bronze or darker skin tones, you are most likely a Deep Winter or a Deep Autumn, maybe one of the Soft seasonal palettes, in a rare case, a Warm Autumn. Most of my best colors and the colors I am instinctively drawn to are darker Summer colors, but a few fall into Cool Winter. For an accurate result, please try to use similar traits light or warm or soft, etc.

We've assessed all of our styles according to fit, length, print scale, prettiness, and a whole host of other criteria to decide which belongs with each of five core style personalities. Great quiz - as a Minimalist I now appreciate why a couple of styles haven't worked for me!
document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. What is my season? When I dyed my hair Winter dark I was told by coworkers that I looked washed out. I also have dark eyebrows and eyelashes. thank you so much for taking my quiz. I have no idea what colors look good now. Do you have any questions about my blog and its topics, your seasonal color palette or just would you like to get in touch? I'm just as lost as I was before, it says i could be deep winter or deep autumn. Light: fair or porcelain with a peachy or rosy undertone ~ FS I. burns easily, doesn't tan, Warm: golden ivory, fair or beige usually with freckles and peachy, golden undertone ~ FS. My skin is nothing fine or delicate, it never got burn because of the sun and I dont blush easily, but I do get very pale in winter, I get tan very slowly (you cant even tell at the end of summer) and I look paler than most people I know; also, my natural lip colour is purple, rotten meat purple. Seems like warm, right? My hair is dark ash brown (almost black) with no highlights and no red. Weve assessed all of our styles according to fit, length, print scale, prettiness, and a whole host of other criteria to decide which belongs with each of five core style personalities. So, you mostly fall into the Deep dominant trait category. Many MANY people "like" colors that are horrible on them and do not reflect their true season. Gold makes me look yellower, silver makes me look paler. I also demonstrate the dominant characteristics with real-life women in the last question instead of celebrities. I feel like a mix of every season! Hello there Agnes! It.. Sorry if thats too much information! Based on your description, I think you are probably one of the warm seasons. Youll be guided through a full understanding of your body shape, clothing personality and lifestyle, and the various aspects of your personal style will be put together into a blueprint which you can use to help you shop confidently for life. I ticked raspberry and cool pink but didnt get redirected to any page, please how does one get involved in this awesome quizzes Mrs. Agnes? Do you think I sound like I am a Warm Spring or a Warm Autumn or maybe something else? Yet the hairdresser tells me her hair is called ash grey and I see it as a mousy neutral brown, however, it looked quite different on me, because I had deep dark eyes and deep skin. I do seem to favor pink very well even barbie pinks or light carnation pink, I can wear deep red and burgundy colors. I have warm skin tones, no freckles, don't burn, warm light/med brown hair, gray blue eyes with no warm flecks or radiating white lines. I have freckles. So maybe best to leave out the "which of these celebrities you look like" section, for better accuracy; just a suggestion . . Hello Mariah, I think Im more like Judy Dench. But anyway, your season is more about your undertone. I know that does not suit me normal orange, I am not wear.

Knowing what shapes flatter your body and styles that capture your personality. from easily burns to tans gradually, Deep: bronze, rich brown, mahogany, dark brown with golden, neutral or blue undertone ~ FS V-VI. I think pink or fuschia or light more subdued red or warm pinkish-red lipcolors like watermelon, berry pink, sunset reddish pink, as well as peach, coral, salmon, melon, and some slightly orange reds (but not overly bright or it can be clownish) lipcolors are best on me, if the color has brown in it it looks bad as well as if it is too clear of a red that is cool but not obviously pink or orange, oxblood is ok and some deep reds. I look good in Light Spring colors except the neutrals. Hi, thank you for taking my quiz and sharing your results. Now lipstick is not a good sign because as we age (50 in November) our lipstick needs to soften. Maybe you can help me please? I took the quiz and got a spring pallete since I have honey golden blonde hair and baby blue eyes, but my skin is very pale with some red undertones. Over the years, weve listened to you, and weve realised that both our customers and the clothes that fit and flatter them fall into distinct style categories. It doesnt work.It doesnt work Im using Edge, and I tried it with mobile firefox and internet explorer as well. This season has lovely muted colors; maybe you will like these yellows and oranges more. I dont freckle on my face .My eyes are green/blue with yellow around pupil .. people say I look warm like autumn but when analysised I came out clear spring .. I have ashy medium brown hair with gold highlights naturally in summer but hair turns Chestnut in winter /autumn. This quiz doesn't really lead you to your true color type. I just took this quiz, the results have all my features wrong..I'm not an ash brown or anything ash.I used be a dark Auburn, now I'm silver light pepperMy skin tone is porcelain, ivoryMy eyes are hazel green, grey, brownI chose these answers as close as it would let me, all of them on your answers were wrong.. Agnes,I am sorry to be a bother but I have been struggling with trying to determine if Im a clear winter or cool winter. You can't miss me when I am out and about despite my petite frame as I am a riot of Kettlewell Spring colour! I think sometimes we forget, because of Hollywood, advertising, etc., that whites are, whether this is PC or not, about 65%-to% of the population, and of course, white is a global category that stretches from Scandinavian blond to Italian and Jewish heritage and, of course, Hispanics, too, in our census system, are all colors from fair to olive to dark and from many regions of the world. It is physically impossible to jump from a light and warm season, like the Spring, to a high contrast, cool and vivid palette like the Winter. text it should appear and load after a few seconds -now it works for me Maybe you will need to add an extension to your browser like flash player. What were the others?You can retake the quiz anytime you want if you wish. While we cant provide you with a magic stylist fairy (wed love to! It is interesting that you have red hair, but you feel yellow, and orange shades dont suit you. But there is quite a bit of difference between them. sigh. Yet peachy corals dont suit me. Hi Agnes, I am wondering what season I am and the more I delve into it the more uncertain I am. If your foundations are too yellow or pink, I would try to find a neutral shade. As a result, your main suggested seasonal palette is one of the cool seasons with ashy characteristics.At the end of the test, it suggests you 3 possible options.
We absolutely love our personal style quiz, but there is no way that any quiz can take the place of a fully qualified stylist. I dont know. Thank you. My hair was dishwater blonde naturally, though I have colored it much of adult life. I did do a professional colour analysis 10 years ago (brown eyes, auburn hair) but she only listed the 4 seasons, I didn't know of these combo/blended individual palettes so that you're actually one of 12 palettes (not just 4). 3. Blue-greens and aqua looks good, and robins egg blue etc. Okay can you help me then I was told I was a soft summer but the features dont match. My hair is curly and mousy medium ash brown, although some people consider it dark brown, with no highlights I have a soft of reddish-blondish halo because the curls tips gets lighter and spolied by the sunlight as they get very long, but that has nothing to do with highlights as my hair doesnt shine at all. Change). I saw the other commenters voicing the same concern at the top, but found the responses to not be helpful or understanding to their points of view. Orange shirts make me look really yellow and light blue shirts make me look pale. Wear it now, wear it later saleedition! Hi Sara, Again, I tested Cool Winter. The quiz returned that im autumn/deep autumn/and deep winter. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account.
Order your professional Color Palette with 50 lovely shades, 10 color combinations, 10 pattern ideas, and useful tips. So if you love a particular style, we know there's a good chance you'll feel the same about others from that same style category. Stress in life can send you grey or lose hair colour. So I think this quiz is very likely right on and I am indeed a Cool Summer. My undertone is pink, but my skin has a very light golden cast. Now Im more confused about what my seasonal pallete is and can anyone help me out please?

Ive read a lot on the sci-fi theory and the 12 blueprints. but can't get the Quiz to 'start again'.