GREAT SERVICE. I ordered a heat exchanger on 11-11 and received it on 11-13. if (r.toLowerCase().search('thank you') != -1) {
(631) 722-5700 templates: {
Visit Website }).then(function (r) {
Email $.ajax({
limit: Infinity,
MNI.ITEM_ID = 233; var $form = $modal.find('form');
var quickLinkId = $('#qlId').val();
Engines and Fuel Systems },
When it comes to exhaust manifolds, risers, heat exchangers, water pumps, starters, alternators, tune up parts and other maintenance items Lighthouse Marine Supply is the industry expert. In-season amenities include a waterfront bar & grill, solar heated pool, climate controlled showers, laundry facilities, picnic areas, valet fuel dock, and lastly our ships store. suggestion: function (data) { return '
MNI.openNewWindow : MNI.redirectTo; (function ($) {
You can use this tool to change your cookie settings. } Community running store located in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. // Initializing the typeahead using the Bloodhound remote dataset. Our friend Captain Red from North Shore Yacht Sales in #Mattituck, shared a public serv, Have you started checking your Spring #Boating Checklist?! } MNI.Path.MemberKeywordSearch(item.Name) : MNI.Path.Member(item.SlugWithID); }); $('#contactform-repid').val(id); q += "&qlid=" + encodeURIComponent(quickLinkId); $('#catgId').val(categoryId); Lighthouse Marine Supply We can help var categoryId = $('#category-select option:selected').val(); Some merchandise may be limited in supply or available only by special order.
$modal.removeClass('isLoading'); Get your favorite team's gear.
We encourage transient dockers to visit our resort-like atmosphere. var id = $(this).attr('repid') });
var doAction = openInNewWindow ?
Outboard Fuel Line Assemblies & Components, Racor Gasoline Filters & Water Separators, Marine Flooded Maintenance Free Batteries, Paints, Varnishes, Epoxies, Sealants & Supplies, Perko 8511DP0USA Dual Battery Selector Switch, Sea-Dog Line 405321-3 LED Cockpit Spreader Light, Orion 547 Electronic SOS Beacon Locator Kit, Lewmar 6656211967-310 Pro-Fish 700, 6mm-7mm-1/4" Kit. }); Thanks for your great service. }
$('#gz-info-subscribe .send-btn').show();
.html($.parseHTML(r.Html)); $('#gz-info-subscribe .send-btn').click(function () { });
Our location also provides easy access to the Long Island Aquarium and Exhibit Center, Tanger Shopping Outlets, the North Fork Vineyards and many more local attractions. remote: { Contact us today: if ($modal[0]) { var $gzns = $('#gzns'); Hopefully I will receive it midweek. } if ($gzns.width() > 950) { case 3: // AutocompleteSearchResultType.Member $('.calendarLink').click(function (e) { Case Sensitive usage. Our well trained and professional staff is devoted to assuring your boating experience is memorable and enjoyable so give us a call or stop by for an unforgettable adventure. A Lighthouse Marine Company.Serving Boaters for 40+ Years. break; } datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, $('#gz-directory-contactform').submit(); Mail-in rebate app, #Pettit Hydrocoat Rebate!! Facebook Case sensitive. url: $form.attr('action'), }); templates: { $('.member-typeahead').typeahead({ 11901 }); url: MNI.BaseUrl + '/list/find?q=%searchTerm', var q = MNI.BaseUrl + '/list/find?q=' + encodeURIComponent($('.gz-search-keyword').val()); $('#gz-info-calendarformat').on('', function (e) { if (categoryId) { }); case 1: // AutocompleteSearchResultType.Category Unfortunately I need another one as my other one went today. Not responsible for typographical errors. }); $('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-backdrop').addClass('in');
$modal.addClass('isLoading'); if (r.Success) $('#gz-info-contactfriend').modal('hide'); $('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-backdrop').remove(); GREAT SERVICE. q += "&catgId=" + encodeURIComponent(categoryId);
$.ajax({ (function ($modal) { To control third party cookies, you can also adjust your browser settingsopens in a new tab/window . Send RequestCancel We also use some non-essential cookies to collect information for making reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form. (function ($modal) { // Don't rely on prior locally cached data when the category is changed. } We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. if ($modal[0]) { MNI.Path.MemberKeywordSearch(item.Name) : MNI.Path.Member(item.SlugWithID); }); Yes, they cost more but I have to believe that Greg was more interested in me getting the right head gaskets than the extra $20 they cost. (function ($) { }
})($('#gz-info-contactfriend .modal-content')); When you purchase one of the Cobra items we stock on our websi, Boaters all over the world depend on Lighthouse Marine Supply and for their boating needs, RT @BoatUS: Quite the emotional roller coaster.
doAction(MNI.Path.Category(item.SlugWithID)); suggestion: function (data) { return '
Tokenizes on the Name item in the remote return object. })(MNI.jQuery); Mailing Address125 East Main St. Riverhead NY 11901. I just wanted to congratulate you folks for some really good service. #BoatUS, DONT let this happen to your boat!! });
Anything you plan or save automagically syncs with the apps, ready for you to hit the road! $modal.addClass('isLoading'); })(MNI.jQuery); } ($('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-backdrop').length)) { e.preventDefault(); } $modal.find('.modal-body') If you enjoy dockside dining our strategic location is near popular restaurants reachable by boat such as Cowfish, Salt, Legends, Portobello and Duryeas. $.ajax({ url: MNI.SUBSCRIBE_URL }) 29 Edgar Avenue var location = item.WebParticipation < 10 ? $('#gz-info-contactfriend').on('', function (e) { store.setItem(key, true); var backdropElem = ""; $('.gz-list-card-wrapper').addClass('col-sm-6 col-md-4').removeClass('gz-list-col'); .then(function (r) { }); var $form = $modal.find('form'); We pride ourselves on attention to detail and provide our customers with a spotless facility and unparalleled service. (function ($modal) { case 2: // AutocompleteSearchResultType.QuickLink }); Be the first to add a review to the Lighthouse Marine Supply "Home Of Partman". MNI.LayoutResolution(); type: 'POST', is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lighthouse Marine Distributors, Inc 2022. replace: function () { break; Riverhead LinkedIn } }, hint: false, A few minutes after I received a confirmation, Greg called me to discuss my order for a particular head gasket set. } When you buy 2 Gallons of our Pettit Hydrocoat Paint - you can get $10 cash back PER, Check out this great membership for items! }
' + data.Name + '' + data.Type + '
' }
data: $form.serialize()
source: members,
Otherwise, well assume youre OK to continue. Tall tales, trip guides, & the world's weird & wonderful. store.setItem(printKey, isListView);
$('#gz-directory-contactmember').click(function (e) { else {
Close Unlike many sites we have the item in stock at all times in our 2 warehouses. We are a Major Stocking Warehouse for Barr, Sierra, Teleflex, Bennett, Lenco, Perko, Arco, Edelbrock and Holley products, plus the knowledge to make your job easier. $modal.find('.modal-body')
else {
Check out our latest post on Facebook or Instagram to find out what You need to be looki, Offer Your Bilge an Upgrade That Smell isnt just a Skynyrd song its often what boat owners think about when t, Receive a manufacturers mail-in-rebate for up to 2 gallons or 2 quarts of Interlux products. });
MNI.openNewWindow : MNI.redirectTo; (function ($) {
You can use this tool to change your cookie settings. } Community running store located in the Williamsburg neighborhood of Brooklyn. // Initializing the typeahead using the Bloodhound remote dataset. Our friend Captain Red from North Shore Yacht Sales in #Mattituck, shared a public serv, Have you started checking your Spring #Boating Checklist?! } MNI.Path.MemberKeywordSearch(item.Name) : MNI.Path.Member(item.SlugWithID); }); $('#contactform-repid').val(id); q += "&qlid=" + encodeURIComponent(quickLinkId); $('#catgId').val(categoryId); Lighthouse Marine Supply We can help var categoryId = $('#category-select option:selected').val(); Some merchandise may be limited in supply or available only by special order.
$modal.removeClass('isLoading'); Get your favorite team's gear.

.html($.parseHTML(r.Html)); $('#gz-info-subscribe .send-btn').click(function () { });
Our location also provides easy access to the Long Island Aquarium and Exhibit Center, Tanger Shopping Outlets, the North Fork Vineyards and many more local attractions. remote: { Contact us today: if ($modal[0]) { var $gzns = $('#gzns'); Hopefully I will receive it midweek. } if ($gzns.width() > 950) { case 3: // AutocompleteSearchResultType.Member $('.calendarLink').click(function (e) { Case Sensitive usage. Our well trained and professional staff is devoted to assuring your boating experience is memorable and enjoyable so give us a call or stop by for an unforgettable adventure. A Lighthouse Marine Company.Serving Boaters for 40+ Years. break; } datumTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace, $('#gz-directory-contactform').submit(); Mail-in rebate app, #Pettit Hydrocoat Rebate!! Facebook Case sensitive. url: $form.attr('action'), }); templates: { $('.member-typeahead').typeahead({ 11901 }); url: MNI.BaseUrl + '/list/find?q=%searchTerm', var q = MNI.BaseUrl + '/list/find?q=' + encodeURIComponent($('.gz-search-keyword').val()); $('#gz-info-calendarformat').on('', function (e) { if (categoryId) { }); case 1: // AutocompleteSearchResultType.Category Unfortunately I need another one as my other one went today. Not responsible for typographical errors. }); $('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-backdrop').addClass('in');
$modal.addClass('isLoading'); if (r.Success) $('#gz-info-contactfriend').modal('hide'); $('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-backdrop').remove(); GREAT SERVICE. q += "&catgId=" + encodeURIComponent(categoryId);
$.ajax({ (function ($modal) { To control third party cookies, you can also adjust your browser settingsopens in a new tab/window . Send RequestCancel We also use some non-essential cookies to collect information for making reports and to help us improve the site. The cookies collect information in an anonymous form. (function ($modal) { // Don't rely on prior locally cached data when the category is changed. } We have placed cookies on your device to help make this website better. if ($modal[0]) { MNI.Path.MemberKeywordSearch(item.Name) : MNI.Path.Member(item.SlugWithID); }); Yes, they cost more but I have to believe that Greg was more interested in me getting the right head gaskets than the extra $20 they cost. (function ($) { }
})($('#gz-info-contactfriend .modal-content')); When you purchase one of the Cobra items we stock on our websi, Boaters all over the world depend on Lighthouse Marine Supply and for their boating needs, RT @BoatUS: Quite the emotional roller coaster.
doAction(MNI.Path.Category(item.SlugWithID)); suggestion: function (data) { return '
' + data.Name + '' + data.Type + '
' }
})($('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-content'));
Send Email Tokenizes on the Name item in the remote return object. })(MNI.jQuery); Mailing Address125 East Main St. Riverhead NY 11901. I just wanted to congratulate you folks for some really good service. #BoatUS, DONT let this happen to your boat!! });
Anything you plan or save automagically syncs with the apps, ready for you to hit the road! $modal.addClass('isLoading'); })(MNI.jQuery); } ($('#gz-info-calendarformat .modal-backdrop').length)) { e.preventDefault(); } $modal.find('.modal-body') If you enjoy dockside dining our strategic location is near popular restaurants reachable by boat such as Cowfish, Salt, Legends, Portobello and Duryeas. $.ajax({ url: MNI.SUBSCRIBE_URL }) 29 Edgar Avenue var location = item.WebParticipation < 10 ? $('#gz-info-contactfriend').on('', function (e) { store.setItem(key, true); var backdropElem = ""; $('.gz-list-card-wrapper').addClass('col-sm-6 col-md-4').removeClass('gz-list-col'); .then(function (r) { }); var $form = $modal.find('form'); We pride ourselves on attention to detail and provide our customers with a spotless facility and unparalleled service. (function ($modal) { case 2: // AutocompleteSearchResultType.QuickLink }); Be the first to add a review to the Lighthouse Marine Supply "Home Of Partman". MNI.LayoutResolution(); type: 'POST', is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Lighthouse Marine Distributors, Inc 2022. replace: function () { break; Riverhead LinkedIn } }, hint: false, A few minutes after I received a confirmation, Greg called me to discuss my order for a particular head gasket set. } When you buy 2 Gallons of our Pettit Hydrocoat Paint - you can get $10 cash back PER, Check out this great membership for items! }