In summary, the book of Revelation describes Babylon the Great as the dominant superpower in the world of the end timesso dominant, that it actually shapes the culture and economy of the world as it exists at the start of the tribulation period. Certainly the UK is following the US in the LGBTQ+ agenda, which is driving persecution of Christians. Im feeling like time is about up! Right now Canada has 37% believers, the USA still at least 56%, but those numbers have been dropping steadily and fast, so the projections are by 2031 or so, the USA will have risen to the top of the list with the most atheists other than China (which by virtue of its large population and history, wed expect) After that Id say were all in a whole heap of trouble, but its all down to Gods timing, not ours. Thanks. (3) Babylon the Great has the greatest political power of any entity in the end times. It is bound to the US in many ways. The un is the super power who controls the United States corporation. Romans 13 is the prescription for the believer; and all the more for the American believer! It is commonly held that Babylon the Great is destroyed at the end of the tribulation period, either at or just prior to the second coming of Christ, due to the placement of Revelation 17:119:5 in the narrative and the mention of Babylon the Great in the description of the seventh bowl (Rev 16:19). The entire world will be judges not just the USA? Support for this work is appreciated; visit my Buy me a coffee page to make a donation. Babylon the Great is a world hegemon, a superpower that dominates world politics, economics, and culture in the last days. It is done no matter where you live. Further, the text of Revelation indicates that it is a unique entity in the world, the great polis. What do the seven thunders in Revelation 10:1-7 mean. That verse is best translated, and upon her forehead a name written, a mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of the Harlots and of the Abominations of the Earth. Although some translations attempt to alleviate this difficulty by making the word , mystrion (mystery) the beginning of the harlots name, this is an extremely improbable interpretation. Ancient Babylon was a profoundly religious city, known for its use of spiritistic spells and sorceries. (Isaiah 47:1, 12, 13; Jeremiah 50:1, 2, 38) In fact, false religion in opposition to the true God, Jehovah, was practiced there. Certainly you are right that Revelation 17-18 is prophesy about the United States. Babylon the Great is never called Mystery elsewhere, as would be expected if this word were part of its name. I dont have Twitter or FB and wondered if there might be another way to contact you and if you might be willing to share your thoughts on Panama? I hope I can stay on this road because I really feel my eternal soul is at stake.I used to think America was blessed because it was founded by Christians,and most of the constitution was taken from the Bible,but I no longer believe this. Would you recommend citizens (well subjects) of the UK leave too? For exegetical details, see the larger paper. The process of moving overseas is very complex from a legal and logistical perspective, and radical events can happen quickly (e.g., passing a constitutional amendment or even rewriting the Constitution, as the leftists in Chile is currently doing). This greatly concerns me. The following facts emerge from an analysis of this section of the book of Revelation: (1) Babylon the Great has the largest economy of any entity in the world. It uniquely makes all the nations of the world wealthy, reigns over the nations of the world, imposes its culture on all the nations, and leads them in a massive downward spiral of materialistic depravity that culminates in worldwide worship of Satan and the antichrist during the second half of the tribulation period.
The only other occurrence of , mystrion in Revelation 17:119:5 is in 17:7, in which the angel tells John that he will reveal the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carries her. Thus, it is the womans identity that is a mystery; mystery is not part of her character, as if she represents a mystery religion (i.e., a religion with occultic secrets). On the other hand, if Babylon the Great is destroyed at any time before the second coming, and especially if it is destroyed before the midpoint of the tribulation period, it could not be identified with the antichrists kingdom, since the antichrist remains in power until Armageddon (cf. Another reason that the United States is Babylon is because our language, English, has now become the worlds dominate language. We would really have no defense if they sent multiple nukes at us. Hence, the Revelator chose to use a metaphor and state that the real name was a mystery (Rev 17:5). It is hard to think of a better term that the angel could have used to describe the United States than , the great polis. The term (nation) generally denotes a racial or ethnic group, and there is no American race. The name of Antiochus IV was not given in his descriptions in Daniel 8 and 11. Could they betray Israel? She is called the great city that has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. (Revelation 17:18) Thus, she has international scope and influence. (2) Babylon the Great has shaped global culture in the end times, in a directly antichristian manner.
Instead, Revelation 17:5 indicates that the name refers to some future entity whose identity was entirely unknown in AD 96, which was therefore represented symbolicallyas with other eschatological entities in the book of Revelation. America has promoted around the world, lifestyles of money worshiping, adultery and drug use. The antichrists ten-nation confederation is represented by the Roman Empire (Dan 2:40-43; 7:23-24). (Isaiah 14:4, 13, 14; Daniel 5:2-4, 23) Likewise, Babylon the Great is known for her spiritistic practices. That shows her to be a religious organization.Revelation 18:23. Just found this today after looking for others with this same thought. The term (king) would create confusion as to whether a nation or a its leader is in view, and is not the normal term for a political entity in Greek. However, an examination of the occurrences of this name in Revelation reveals that John never follows this practice. But even though none of those names is given, there has been and will be no doubt as to the identification of these persons or nations when they come, for the Bible gives identifying information that is far more specific than a name. its all over the grocery stores contaminated food would this be drinking the wine of the wrath of her fornication.? America has spread idolatry around the earth with its many celebrities and fictional characters. This accounts for the US in general as the genesis of the internet, and more specifically as the epicenter of the Internets greatest merchandise: pornography. This is in the Bible. What Is Babylon the Great? So what should Christians of the United States do then as it says to Come out of her my people. I recently heard Gods calling again after years of drifting away from him,I believe this was a sign that his coming is near. (LogOut/ More insights from your Bible study - Get Started with Logos Bible Software for Free! You pose a good question. The Bible describes her as a woman and a great prostitute, having a name that is a mystery: Babylon the Great. (Revelation 17:1,3,5) The book of Revelation is presented in signs, so it is reasonable to conclude that Babylon the Great is a symbol, not a literal woman. If Babylon the Great were a reference to the rebuilt city of Babylon in Iraq, its name would be no mystery. The introduction of Babylon the Great and the description of its fall are dramatically placed just before the final judgment. But the Bible tells us: They have eyes, but cannot see and ears, but cannot hear. Americans, in particular, are so Hell yeah, USA ! that they are brainwashed against the TRUTH spelled out PLAINLY in the Bible ! No, 50% of Jews live in the USA. Most commentators assume, based on the use of the Greek word , polis with reference to Babylon the Great, that Babylon the Great is a city, not a large nation-state composed of many cities, towns, and villages. America even created an industry of prosperity gospel. This view is based almost exclusively on the use of the name Babylon. However, the assertion that this name must refer to a rebuilt city of Babylon in Iraq falls apart quickly upon analysis.
Traditionally pretribulationists have held one of two major views of the identity of the political Babylon the Great, which all acknowledge is described at least in Revelation 18. We have become indifferent and turned a blind eye to this instead of standing against it,in fear of ridicule or angering someone.Add to that Putins recent nuclear threats,which would leave you to believe he is confident in his ability to wage and win a war against us. Therefore, it is wise to make preparations to go somewhere else. | The name of the antichrist is never given, only the number of his name (Rev 13:18). In short, yes, I believe that Christians should leave the United States.
The first seal judgment pictures the antichrist conquering through war (Rev 6:1-2), and it is entirely in accord with Revelation 17 to understand this to signify his destruction of Babylon the Great. What Is Babylon the Great? The main difference between the Revelation 17 and Revelation 18 is this: Revelation 17 portrays Babylon the Great and its fall by means of heavenly signs and symbols, whereas Revelation 18 portrays the impact of Babylon the Greats fall on the earth in a largely non-symbolic fashion. Never before in history has a single country dominated all the other countries of the world and enjoyed such preeminence in comparison to all the others. (4) Babylon the Great is considered to have the strongest military in the world of the end times. These religions also blend their worship with love for the world. And then the Rapture could not be close. A number of reasons will be presented in favor of the latter position. I know I came to a very firm opinion Anderson was simply wrong, wrong, wrong and that his theory has been wrongly accepted by a lot of people who thought he was right. If this view is correct, then Babylon the Great would have to stand for the antichrists kingdom or base of power, since the antichrist dominates the world economic system throughout the second half of the tribulation period (Rev 13:16-17) and is the most powerful ruler on earth (Rev 13:7). One problem with this idea is that the New Testament is written to Christians. Even if one does not accept that the book of Revelation is organized chronologically, it should be noted that the sequence of angelic announcements in Revelation 14:6-11 is very specific. Jesus is the only way. But they fail to realize that it would take many years for any other place to build up into what America is today. On the other hand, there is no direct statement of any kind in Revelation 17:119:5 to the effect that the harlot is an apostate church or other ecclesiastical entity, rather than a political entity with ungodly spiritual values and practices. The book of Revelation gives more attention to an entity called Babylon the Great than to any other single subject, with more than two chapters (17:119:5) dedicated to a discussion of this entity. Sir Anderson was wrong and several very competent and thorough scholars have demonstrably proven he was wrong. However, at present pretribulational dispensationalists are badly divided as to the interpretation of these chapters, and commentators who do not follow a strictly futuristic view of Revelation 422 add even more interpretations to the mix. Conversely, in the Old Testament, Babylon is only called great Babylon (= Babylon the Great) once, in Daniel 4:30, and there in a speech by a pagan king. Those who participate in this system incur guilt which brings Gods wrath.
Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Certainly the fact that Babylon the Great is destroyed by the antichrists militaries, rather than directly from heaven, argues strongly for its fall occurring before the second advent. God bless us all. Thats right. God bless. However, an analysis of Revelation 1718 shows that both chapters refer to the same entity, and that this is a political entity, not an apostate church. What are the seven seals and seven trumpets in the Book of Revelation? First, it is striking that in Revelation 17:5, John says the name of the harlot is a mystery, even though he reads it plainly. Thanks for a couple of great articles! Who/what is the Lion of the tribe of Judah? Therefore the call to leave Babylon the Great must be a call for a literal physical departure from Babylon the Great. I intend to follow your work closely. What does it mean that Babylon the Great has fallen (Revelation 18:2)? Rather than teaching people how to draw closer to the true God, Jehovah, false religion actually leads them to worship other gods. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! According to Daniel 11:38, the antichrist will invest heavily in military technology and weapons. I have not found all that many who agree with this, but it seemed pretty clear to me. * (Revelation 14:8; 17:5; 18:21) Although those religions differ in many respects, in one way or another they all lead people away from the worship of the true God, Jehovah.Deuteronomy 4:35. But they seem to think of America as Gods favorite, after Israel. Would you like to read this article in %%? These are things that can only be done once, and the United States is now doing them. Meaning, stop with the worldly ways!!! I also have always thought that the United States is Mystery Babylon. Dan 2:42; 7:7-8, 24; Rev 13:1). Likewise, while individuals are sometimes said to figuratively play the harlot (Exod 34:15-16) or to be adulterers (Isa 57:3; Jer 9:2; Heb 12:16; James 4:4), and the figure of a harlot may be applied to nations or cities, it is never applied to a false church or religion. Others have mentioned to me that they dont agree with the pretribulational rapture, so I published an article explaining why I hold that view. Audio download options If the UK is part of the antichrists kingdom, then it is likely that the spiritual darkness in the UK will continue to increase. Period. Hi Jennifer, my husband and I are considering Panama as well. America created industries that are devoted to tempting people with sin. Thanks! I dont recommend Christians to make long-term plans for life and retirement in the United States. (LogOut/ What is the whore of Babylon / mystery Babylon? See, for instance the article printed in Nature by Humphreys and Waddington or, (though I dont vouch for this source) What Are the Keys to Understanding the Bible? Thank you for a most enlightening explanation. I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive her plagues; Revelation 18:4 Instead, the consistent use of the descriptive adjective great accompanied by the definite article indicates that a different entity is in view in the book of Revelation. Almost no one agrees with me on that, but I cant find a solid argument to make me believe otherwise. Babylon the Great is a symbol. Within the narrative context of the book of Revelation, this proclamation is issued at the midpoint of the tribulation period. Your article on the rapture is refreshing too,, its in the WORD when the rapture is and its definitely not at the beginning of the tribulation. I think it is possible that after the mainland U.S. is destroyed, the U.S. Navy ships that are at sea when the attack happens will sail to Russia and join the Russian Navy, since Russia is the European Unions greatest enemy. All rights reserved. If one believes that John was prophesying of an eschatological entity, and that the Roman Catholic Church is not the primary source of evil in the world, then there is virtually no basis whatsoever for the identification of Babylon the Great with Rome; thus, few pretribulational dispensationalists now hold this view. And as weve seen, the republicans have many RINOs who side with democrats. All of these characteristics uniquely and definitively match the United States of America. We too got this warning, way back in the late 1990s and it took a while, but we moved our family to Panama in 2006. The harlot image is used of Jerusalem (Isa 1:21; Ezek 16), of Israel and Judah (Jer 3:1-10; Ezek 23; Hos 2:1-13), of Tyre (Isa 23:15-18), and of Nineveh (Nah 3:4).
I was raised in what used to be called Fundamental Church background and definitely appreciate what I was taught. However, some of the details are beginning to be understood and one of those very, very important details is that the United States is Babylon the Great. Your study of that is, in my opinion, very accurate and very, very important. Stela of Babylonian KingNabonidus with symbols of the triad of gods Sin, Ishtar, and Shamash. That is an interesting idea, but I dont think it quite works. The characterization of the name Babylon the Great as a mystery shows that it is consistent with the literal hermeneutic to understand the name as referring to something other than a rebuilt city of Babylon in Iraq. Many American Christians know America is getting worse and worse. Should we leave the United States? However, the question as to when to leave will have different answers for different people. I pray that all of us arent here when it happens,that we are taken in the Rapture to spend 1,000 years of peace with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Weve done some preliminary research but would really welcome personal recommendations. (Genesis 10:8,9; 11:2-4, 8) The rulers of Babylon arrogantly exalted themselves above Jehovah and his worship. God seems to really get upset when nations Hes blessed so much, turn away from him. Babylon the Great is clearly Washington DC, is it not? First, Revelation 17:18 directly states that the harlot of Revelation 17 is the great city (more accurately, the great polis, or state) of Revelation 18: And the woman whom you saw is the great state, which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:18 clearly establishes that the harlot is a political entity, not a religious one. Well put together, and I agree that the spiritual powers exerting ever increasing (democratic) control over the US indeed comprise the mystery of Babylon the Great (or the greatest Babylon out of them all). ^ See the article How Can I Find the True Religion?. Change). TERMS OF USE document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Revelation 8-22: An Exegetical Commentary by Robert Thomas. The entire world spoke one language (Gen.11:1) and an early group decided to build a city with a tower that would reach to heaven. The United States finds itself in the historically unique position of monopolizing every significant power source in the worlda position it began to occupy since the end of World War II, and which was greatly enhanced by the end of the Cold War. Babylon the Great is a world hegemon, a country which dominates world politics, economics, and culture in the end times. If Babylon the Great is destroyed before the midpoint of the tribulation period, this raises the question of how this momentous event is related to the judgments of the first half the tribulation, namely, the seal judgments and the first six trumpet judgments. The mark of the beast is implemented after the midpoint of the tribulation period, which marks the time of these angelic announcements as the midpoint. Exactly. Daniel 11:40 speaks of the king of the north (Russia) attacking the antichrist with many ships, and it is possible that this large fleet includes the elements of the U.S. Navy that survived the nuclear attack on the United States mainland. I also believe that since the USA is the financial giant of the world, it will be destroyed before the Anti-Christ goes into power. Similar naming conventions are used in the Bible for other future entities: Russia is called Gog, and many of the modern countries mentioned with it in Ezekiel 38:1-6 are called by other now-defunct names. Many dont seem willing to face the possibility that America is really, the Devils great tool he has used to corrupt the earth. In many ways, the USA is the British Empires successor state in global affairs. Revelation 17:16-17 states that the antichrist and the ten kings of Europe who are associated with him will destroy Babylon the Great, so it wont be Russia that launches the attack. Its worked out well for all of us, but I can understand why so many people would resist taking such a giant leap of faith. If we recall what he did to Israel, who Hed blessed so much, when they turned away from him, we get an idea of whats coming for the whole of the North American continent, Canada too will suffer the same fate, its totally dependent on the USA. The people who drink the wine of her wrath are judged by God What is this wine would it be the eating of her contaminated food could this be what it means? Rev 13:5-7). These are the proposals that Babylon the Great is Rome and that it is old city of Babylon in Iraq. I do believe that Hoehners adaptation of Sir Robert Andersons calculation only has a few minor errors, which can easily be corrected. This mystery is predominantly female in expression, and as Revelation predicts, is both hated, preternaturally stripped naked, and eternally doomed to destruction and consummation by (hell) fire from within. After the confusion of the language, the city they had built was named Babel. Nearly all scholars believe that Babel was where Babylon, Iraq now sits. While Washington, D.C. could represent the entire country, it is better to see Babylon the Great as a reference to the entire United States. Babylon the Great must refer to some other entity that is even more powerful than the antichrists kingdom at the start of the tribulation period. America spread the idea that abortion is not murder. The Book of RevelationWhat Does It Mean. However, once I started reading more and more myself, I believe we will be here until Christs return at the end of the Tribulation time period (or death, actually during that time for most of us, probably.) Back then there were way more believers than there are now. Babylon the Great represents an international entity. IT IS SO CLEAR, only the blind cannot see ! I dont see any specific command in Scripture to leave the UK, but it may be a prudent thing to do if the religious freedom of Bible-believing Christians is being lost. I also came to the conclusion that end time studies in general have been built on several foundations that are just false foundations and most of the huge bank of understanding we have about the end times is just really not understood yet. Babylon the Great is a religious entity, not a political or commercial one. Clearly some sort of serious rift will develop between the U.S. and Europe. For good reason, those who want to please God must get out of her, separating themselves from false religion.Revelation 18:4; 2Corinthians 6:14-17. Prior to this time, Babylon the Great has dominated world politics and has controlled the world economy. Yet while the final judgment is universal, the destruction of Babylon the Great is a targeted judgment which occurs at an early stage of the tribulation period. According to Revelation 17:16-17, Babylon the Great is destroyed by the antichrist and the ten kings in the European alliance that comprise his base of power (cf. To use the terminology of the book of Revelation, Babylon the Great caused all the nations to drink of the wrath-bringing wine of her fornication (Rev 14:8; 18:3; cf. The American government has caused many wars, funded wars and caused millions to die around the world. The world military power could be Russia or China. However, a study of references in Scripture to committing fornication in a figurative sense shows that this figure is used of a nation (Ezek 16:26; Jer 2:20; Mic 1:7) and individuals (Jer 5:7; Matt 12:39), but nowhere in Scripture is a false religion or apostate church said to commit fornication. And another thing, if they rose to such power, they would be simply retracing what America has already done. Your article has pretty much removed any doubts.
The destruction of this entity is therefore necessary to facilitate the antichrists rise to power. Virtually all writers refer to Babylon the Great as Babylon, which tends to leave the impression that Babylon the Great is the old city of Babylon, rebuilt. The wine refers to the materialism, the commercialism, and the whole anti-Christian value system of Babylon the Great. Babylon the Great is responsible for the deaths of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth. (Revelation 18:24) Throughout history, false religion has not only fomented wars and fueled acts of terrorism but has also failed to teach people the truth about Jehovah, the God of love. Steven Anderson, your right on the money, ill buy that, absolutely correct! Babylon the Great, described in the book of Revelation, is the worlds collective body of false religions, which God rejects. Could this be the rapture being spoken of? I agree that the true believers will be raptured. (1John 4:8) This failure has contributed to much bloodshed. Many claim the Rapture is close, but they also claim Rome or ancient Babylon or even large cities in Saudi Arabi will be Babylon The Great. Since Revelation 13:3-7 presents the antichrists kingdom as the dominant world power during the second half of the tribulation period, and Revelation 13:16-17 shows that he controls the world economic system throughout the second half of the tribulation period, Babylon the Great must be destroyed before the midpoint of the tribulation period. (Revelation 1:1) In addition, she sits on many waters, which represent peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. (Revelation 17:1, 15) A literal woman could not do that. False religions wealth and showy display of it match the picture that the Bible paints of Babylon the Great, who is clothed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. (Revelation 17:4) Babylon the Great is the source of the disgusting things of the earth, or the teachings and actions that actually dishonor God.
The lexicon LSJ gives country, state, and community as other possible meanings, with numerous examples from Classical Greek. The democrats are already anti-Israel. At a minimum, Christians should recognize that unthinkable events are indeed happening in the world today, and we cannot plan to live freely in the United States for decades to come. Traditionally, most (not all) pretribulationist interpreters have differentiated the Babylon the Great of Revelation 17 from the Babylon the Great in Revelation 18, arguing that Revelation 17 speaks of an apostate church symbolically as a harlot, and that Revelation 18 describes a literal city. So, yes, if I lived in the UK I would be looking at my options for moving to a neutral or conservative country. We were living in Canada in 2005, and considered moving to one of our properties in the USA, but God made it very clear than neither of those countries would escape his judgement and wrath. Come out of her MY PEOPLE. Okay. This article is excellent. (Revelation 17:5) The members of false religion are the peoples and crowds and nations and tongues who support Babylon the Great.Revelation 17:15. It doesnt matter where you live in my opinion. While three of the ten governments of the antichrists confederation will attempt to block the coup in which he seizes dictatorial power (Dan 7:8, 24), it seems that all ten governments would have to be bereft of Christian values in order to support the antichrists initial rise to power (prior to his demand for full dictatorial powers). I have not kept up with all this for some time but am just now looking it all over again. 17:2). America has created social media where people became worshippers of themselves and built altars about themselves. Copyright 2022 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. I pray for all. I studied eschatology a great deal in the 70s and 80s, went to many of the seminars put on by professors and graduates of the Dallas Theological Seminary and read ten or more of their books. A second issue is that the warning against participation in her sins seems to imply that Christians should flee before the sins of Babylon the Great reach their full fruition.

Traditionally pretribulationists have held one of two major views of the identity of the political Babylon the Great, which all acknowledge is described at least in Revelation 18. We have become indifferent and turned a blind eye to this instead of standing against it,in fear of ridicule or angering someone.Add to that Putins recent nuclear threats,which would leave you to believe he is confident in his ability to wage and win a war against us. Therefore, it is wise to make preparations to go somewhere else. | The name of the antichrist is never given, only the number of his name (Rev 13:18). In short, yes, I believe that Christians should leave the United States.

Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Certainly the fact that Babylon the Great is destroyed by the antichrists militaries, rather than directly from heaven, argues strongly for its fall occurring before the second advent. God bless us all. Thats right. God bless. However, an analysis of Revelation 1718 shows that both chapters refer to the same entity, and that this is a political entity, not an apostate church. What are the seven seals and seven trumpets in the Book of Revelation? First, it is striking that in Revelation 17:5, John says the name of the harlot is a mystery, even though he reads it plainly. Thanks for a couple of great articles! Who/what is the Lion of the tribe of Judah? Therefore the call to leave Babylon the Great must be a call for a literal physical departure from Babylon the Great. I intend to follow your work closely. What does it mean that Babylon the Great has fallen (Revelation 18:2)? Rather than teaching people how to draw closer to the true God, Jehovah, false religion actually leads them to worship other gods. Get our Question of the Week delivered right to your inbox! According to Daniel 11:38, the antichrist will invest heavily in military technology and weapons. I have not found all that many who agree with this, but it seemed pretty clear to me. * (Revelation 14:8; 17:5; 18:21) Although those religions differ in many respects, in one way or another they all lead people away from the worship of the true God, Jehovah.Deuteronomy 4:35. But they seem to think of America as Gods favorite, after Israel. Would you like to read this article in %%? These are things that can only be done once, and the United States is now doing them. Meaning, stop with the worldly ways!!! I also have always thought that the United States is Mystery Babylon. Dan 2:42; 7:7-8, 24; Rev 13:1). Likewise, while individuals are sometimes said to figuratively play the harlot (Exod 34:15-16) or to be adulterers (Isa 57:3; Jer 9:2; Heb 12:16; James 4:4), and the figure of a harlot may be applied to nations or cities, it is never applied to a false church or religion. Others have mentioned to me that they dont agree with the pretribulational rapture, so I published an article explaining why I hold that view. Audio download options If the UK is part of the antichrists kingdom, then it is likely that the spiritual darkness in the UK will continue to increase. Period. Hi Jennifer, my husband and I are considering Panama as well. America created industries that are devoted to tempting people with sin. Thanks! I dont recommend Christians to make long-term plans for life and retirement in the United States. (LogOut/ What is the whore of Babylon / mystery Babylon? See, for instance the article printed in Nature by Humphreys and Waddington or, (though I dont vouch for this source) What Are the Keys to Understanding the Bible? Thank you for a most enlightening explanation. I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive her plagues; Revelation 18:4 Instead, the consistent use of the descriptive adjective great accompanied by the definite article indicates that a different entity is in view in the book of Revelation. Almost no one agrees with me on that, but I cant find a solid argument to make me believe otherwise. Babylon the Great is a symbol. Within the narrative context of the book of Revelation, this proclamation is issued at the midpoint of the tribulation period. Your article on the rapture is refreshing too,, its in the WORD when the rapture is and its definitely not at the beginning of the tribulation. I think it is possible that after the mainland U.S. is destroyed, the U.S. Navy ships that are at sea when the attack happens will sail to Russia and join the Russian Navy, since Russia is the European Unions greatest enemy. All rights reserved. If one believes that John was prophesying of an eschatological entity, and that the Roman Catholic Church is not the primary source of evil in the world, then there is virtually no basis whatsoever for the identification of Babylon the Great with Rome; thus, few pretribulational dispensationalists now hold this view. And as weve seen, the republicans have many RINOs who side with democrats. All of these characteristics uniquely and definitively match the United States of America. We too got this warning, way back in the late 1990s and it took a while, but we moved our family to Panama in 2006. The harlot image is used of Jerusalem (Isa 1:21; Ezek 16), of Israel and Judah (Jer 3:1-10; Ezek 23; Hos 2:1-13), of Tyre (Isa 23:15-18), and of Nineveh (Nah 3:4).
I was raised in what used to be called Fundamental Church background and definitely appreciate what I was taught. However, some of the details are beginning to be understood and one of those very, very important details is that the United States is Babylon the Great. Your study of that is, in my opinion, very accurate and very, very important. Stela of Babylonian KingNabonidus with symbols of the triad of gods Sin, Ishtar, and Shamash. That is an interesting idea, but I dont think it quite works. The characterization of the name Babylon the Great as a mystery shows that it is consistent with the literal hermeneutic to understand the name as referring to something other than a rebuilt city of Babylon in Iraq. Many American Christians know America is getting worse and worse. Should we leave the United States? However, the question as to when to leave will have different answers for different people. I pray that all of us arent here when it happens,that we are taken in the Rapture to spend 1,000 years of peace with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Weve done some preliminary research but would really welcome personal recommendations. (Genesis 10:8,9; 11:2-4, 8) The rulers of Babylon arrogantly exalted themselves above Jehovah and his worship. God seems to really get upset when nations Hes blessed so much, turn away from him. Babylon the Great is clearly Washington DC, is it not? First, Revelation 17:18 directly states that the harlot of Revelation 17 is the great city (more accurately, the great polis, or state) of Revelation 18: And the woman whom you saw is the great state, which has a kingdom over the kings of the earth. Revelation 17:18 clearly establishes that the harlot is a political entity, not a religious one. Well put together, and I agree that the spiritual powers exerting ever increasing (democratic) control over the US indeed comprise the mystery of Babylon the Great (or the greatest Babylon out of them all). ^ See the article How Can I Find the True Religion?. Change). TERMS OF USE document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Revelation 8-22: An Exegetical Commentary by Robert Thomas. The entire world spoke one language (Gen.11:1) and an early group decided to build a city with a tower that would reach to heaven. The United States finds itself in the historically unique position of monopolizing every significant power source in the worlda position it began to occupy since the end of World War II, and which was greatly enhanced by the end of the Cold War. Babylon the Great is a world hegemon, a country which dominates world politics, economics, and culture in the end times. If Babylon the Great is destroyed before the midpoint of the tribulation period, this raises the question of how this momentous event is related to the judgments of the first half the tribulation, namely, the seal judgments and the first six trumpet judgments. The mark of the beast is implemented after the midpoint of the tribulation period, which marks the time of these angelic announcements as the midpoint. Exactly. Daniel 11:40 speaks of the king of the north (Russia) attacking the antichrist with many ships, and it is possible that this large fleet includes the elements of the U.S. Navy that survived the nuclear attack on the United States mainland. I also believe that since the USA is the financial giant of the world, it will be destroyed before the Anti-Christ goes into power. Similar naming conventions are used in the Bible for other future entities: Russia is called Gog, and many of the modern countries mentioned with it in Ezekiel 38:1-6 are called by other now-defunct names. Many dont seem willing to face the possibility that America is really, the Devils great tool he has used to corrupt the earth. In many ways, the USA is the British Empires successor state in global affairs. Revelation 17:16-17 states that the antichrist and the ten kings of Europe who are associated with him will destroy Babylon the Great, so it wont be Russia that launches the attack. Its worked out well for all of us, but I can understand why so many people would resist taking such a giant leap of faith. If we recall what he did to Israel, who Hed blessed so much, when they turned away from him, we get an idea of whats coming for the whole of the North American continent, Canada too will suffer the same fate, its totally dependent on the USA. The people who drink the wine of her wrath are judged by God What is this wine would it be the eating of her contaminated food could this be what it means? Rev 13:5-7). These are the proposals that Babylon the Great is Rome and that it is old city of Babylon in Iraq. I do believe that Hoehners adaptation of Sir Robert Andersons calculation only has a few minor errors, which can easily be corrected. This mystery is predominantly female in expression, and as Revelation predicts, is both hated, preternaturally stripped naked, and eternally doomed to destruction and consummation by (hell) fire from within. After the confusion of the language, the city they had built was named Babel. Nearly all scholars believe that Babel was where Babylon, Iraq now sits. While Washington, D.C. could represent the entire country, it is better to see Babylon the Great as a reference to the entire United States. Babylon the Great must refer to some other entity that is even more powerful than the antichrists kingdom at the start of the tribulation period. America spread the idea that abortion is not murder. The Book of RevelationWhat Does It Mean. However, once I started reading more and more myself, I believe we will be here until Christs return at the end of the Tribulation time period (or death, actually during that time for most of us, probably.) Back then there were way more believers than there are now. Babylon the Great represents an international entity. IT IS SO CLEAR, only the blind cannot see ! I dont see any specific command in Scripture to leave the UK, but it may be a prudent thing to do if the religious freedom of Bible-believing Christians is being lost. I also came to the conclusion that end time studies in general have been built on several foundations that are just false foundations and most of the huge bank of understanding we have about the end times is just really not understood yet. Babylon the Great is a religious entity, not a political or commercial one. Clearly some sort of serious rift will develop between the U.S. and Europe. For good reason, those who want to please God must get out of her, separating themselves from false religion.Revelation 18:4; 2Corinthians 6:14-17. Prior to this time, Babylon the Great has dominated world politics and has controlled the world economy. Yet while the final judgment is universal, the destruction of Babylon the Great is a targeted judgment which occurs at an early stage of the tribulation period. According to Revelation 17:16-17, Babylon the Great is destroyed by the antichrist and the ten kings in the European alliance that comprise his base of power (cf. To use the terminology of the book of Revelation, Babylon the Great caused all the nations to drink of the wrath-bringing wine of her fornication (Rev 14:8; 18:3; cf. The American government has caused many wars, funded wars and caused millions to die around the world. The world military power could be Russia or China. However, a study of references in Scripture to committing fornication in a figurative sense shows that this figure is used of a nation (Ezek 16:26; Jer 2:20; Mic 1:7) and individuals (Jer 5:7; Matt 12:39), but nowhere in Scripture is a false religion or apostate church said to commit fornication. And another thing, if they rose to such power, they would be simply retracing what America has already done. Your article has pretty much removed any doubts.
The destruction of this entity is therefore necessary to facilitate the antichrists rise to power. Virtually all writers refer to Babylon the Great as Babylon, which tends to leave the impression that Babylon the Great is the old city of Babylon, rebuilt. The wine refers to the materialism, the commercialism, and the whole anti-Christian value system of Babylon the Great. Babylon the Great is responsible for the deaths of all those who have been slaughtered on the earth. (Revelation 18:24) Throughout history, false religion has not only fomented wars and fueled acts of terrorism but has also failed to teach people the truth about Jehovah, the God of love. Steven Anderson, your right on the money, ill buy that, absolutely correct! Babylon the Great, described in the book of Revelation, is the worlds collective body of false religions, which God rejects. Could this be the rapture being spoken of? I agree that the true believers will be raptured. (1John 4:8) This failure has contributed to much bloodshed. Many claim the Rapture is close, but they also claim Rome or ancient Babylon or even large cities in Saudi Arabi will be Babylon The Great. Since Revelation 13:3-7 presents the antichrists kingdom as the dominant world power during the second half of the tribulation period, and Revelation 13:16-17 shows that he controls the world economic system throughout the second half of the tribulation period, Babylon the Great must be destroyed before the midpoint of the tribulation period. (Revelation 1:1) In addition, she sits on many waters, which represent peoples and crowds and nations and tongues. (Revelation 17:1, 15) A literal woman could not do that. False religions wealth and showy display of it match the picture that the Bible paints of Babylon the Great, who is clothed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. (Revelation 17:4) Babylon the Great is the source of the disgusting things of the earth, or the teachings and actions that actually dishonor God.
The lexicon LSJ gives country, state, and community as other possible meanings, with numerous examples from Classical Greek. The democrats are already anti-Israel. At a minimum, Christians should recognize that unthinkable events are indeed happening in the world today, and we cannot plan to live freely in the United States for decades to come. Traditionally, most (not all) pretribulationist interpreters have differentiated the Babylon the Great of Revelation 17 from the Babylon the Great in Revelation 18, arguing that Revelation 17 speaks of an apostate church symbolically as a harlot, and that Revelation 18 describes a literal city. So, yes, if I lived in the UK I would be looking at my options for moving to a neutral or conservative country. We were living in Canada in 2005, and considered moving to one of our properties in the USA, but God made it very clear than neither of those countries would escape his judgement and wrath. Come out of her MY PEOPLE. Okay. This article is excellent. (Revelation 17:5) The members of false religion are the peoples and crowds and nations and tongues who support Babylon the Great.Revelation 17:15. It doesnt matter where you live in my opinion. While three of the ten governments of the antichrists confederation will attempt to block the coup in which he seizes dictatorial power (Dan 7:8, 24), it seems that all ten governments would have to be bereft of Christian values in order to support the antichrists initial rise to power (prior to his demand for full dictatorial powers). I have not kept up with all this for some time but am just now looking it all over again. 17:2). America has created social media where people became worshippers of themselves and built altars about themselves. Copyright 2022 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. I pray for all. I studied eschatology a great deal in the 70s and 80s, went to many of the seminars put on by professors and graduates of the Dallas Theological Seminary and read ten or more of their books. A second issue is that the warning against participation in her sins seems to imply that Christians should flee before the sins of Babylon the Great reach their full fruition.