Should compose your first line of heavy infantry. The Socii (literally "allies") were the tribes and city-states of the Italian peninsula which retained their autonomy in return for their service to Rome. This can allow an army to emerge victorious over another army that is larger or nominally stronger if it has higher morale or is otherwise more effective at inflicting morale damage, and can be particularly decisive in the early game. If you have different army compositions based upon different tech, that's fine too. It looks like that. Certain military traditions, distinctions, and a few other modifiers give a combat bonus for a certain terrain type, which can be either a country or commander/army modifier and apply to either all cohorts or only cohorts of a specific unit type. In the mean-time your army is taking attritional damage, your generals are getting older (and you go through them fast enough as it is), and stopping to siege a city for six years tends to put a significant hamper on whatever military campaign you're currently engaged in. The positive modifier applies only to certain. What follows are some more elements to make your Roman Republican military closer represent its real-life counter-part. So you know what to recruit and how to command your troops on the field but maybe your looking for a little more historical flavor? A retreat ends once the retreating army has reached its chosen destination - note that if there is an enemy army at that destination, it will immediately engage the army. Each century had six squads; a squad, aptly namedcontubernium(tenting-together) in Latin, shared a tent when the Legion went on campaigns. Because of this chance element, the exact outcome of every battle is to some extent unpredictable, though there is a limit to how much impact luck can have (if the difference in power is large enough, the stronger army will always triumph over the weaker one). During a battle, the army with the higher martial commander gets a +1 bonus to the dice roll for every 2 points of difference in martial skill, rounded down. What is a good one for Rome II? Can be deployed to a flank or to fill holes in the Hastati line if the battle isn't looking so great and/or your Hastati cannot break off from the enemy. Every cohort in an army has an individual morale value, which can range from 0 to a base maximum of 3 (adjusted by the Morale of Armies modifier), which is then averaged over all the cohorts to give the army's overall morale. The negative modifier applies fully regardless of army's composition. Included also is some historical side notes and some basic tips for how to command your army on the field of battle. Sources say that the Hastati were no more than three men deep, the Principes twelve, and the Triarii stood at a depth of ten men. The final three lines known as thetriplex acieswere made up of the infantry, a line each for the hastati, principes and triarii. Normally the defender is the army that arrived the territory first, but this is inverted if the army that is already in the territory is currently besieging an enemy fort - in this case, the army that is arriving in the territory is considered the defender, and the army that is currently undertaking the siege will take any attacker penalties. If overwhelmed have them pull back behind the ranks. Every army always has a combat tactic chosen from the available list, with the default being. SEGA and the SEGA logo are either Certain countrywide discipline modifiers, particularly those from military traditions and trade goods, are applied only to a specific unit type. Manipular Legions were supported by ten thirty-man squadrons (turmae) ofequites, light cavalry, and the more loosely organizedvelites, skirmishing troops. After a cohort is raised, one of the main way it accumulates experience is through fighting battles. Legions contained ten cohorts. All discipline modifiers that are currently applied country-wide can be viewed in the Cohorts tab of the ledger, and the total discipline modifier of any individual cohort can be viewed by hovering over its name in the unit view. For instance, a cohort with 30% experience will have a base experience decay of 4.50% 30 = 1.35, and assuming no other changes will have its experience reduced to 28.65% at the beginning of the next month. In the Mid-Republican era - roughly around the time that the game's campaign begins - Rome's military had abadoned it's long-standing Etruscan hoplite model (578 BC - 315 BC) and had begun using the Manipular one. Equites. We can assume however that the Roman Legion of the time was quite aware of and used the typical siege engines of the ancient world when they assaulted a walled settlement: galleries, siege towers, ladders, and battering rams or other variations of these. Note that while discipline increases the damage done by a cohort against other cohorts, it does not decrease the damage that the cohort takes from the enemy army. The centurion who commanded the first century of each cohort also commanded that cohort; this senior centurion was given the titlepilus prior. Land combat in Imperator occurs when at least two armies of states currently at war (or otherwise hostile) with each other are in the same territory, and forms one of the main pillars of warfare in the game. These are subject to a random dice roll from 1-6 every 5 days, which is then combined by a large variety of other modifiers to determine how much damage each cohort gives and takes. Finally, there are army-specific modifiers from commander traits, distinctions, and army modifiers more generally that may modify the discipline of all the cohorts in the army or only those of a certain unit type. Chief among these changes was the division of the heavy infantry classes. Unfortunately there aren't too many sources out there that give vivid accounts of the siege tactics of the Mid-Republican Legion. The first was a solid line made up of the skirmishing velites,who would hurl missiles at the approaching enemy to inflict casualties and disrupt their formations. Use to engage enemy skirmishers or their front ranks. The maximum possible warscore from all battles (including both land and naval battles) is 25. If overwhelmed have them fall back behind the ranks. 11 skill general vs 1 skill general) can increase the base damage by as much as 100%, while harsh terrain can reduce an attacker's damage by as much as 80%. A cohort's discipline represents how well organized its soldiers are and how well it can hold its formation against enemy attack. All non-legionary troops in the period following the Marian Reforms were referred to asauxilia. If so, then like me you've probably wondered how you can create the most historically accurate virtual representation of the Roman military within the confines of the game. Thus, the maximum possible penalty is -4 (e.g. The Cohort Starting Experience and Starting Experience modifiers increase the experience that newly raised levies and newly recruited legion cohorts start with (with the starting experience modifier also increasing the experience of newly built ships), and when focused on can add up to a substantial amount of experience. Ready for Three Kingdom's TW: I5-6600k, EVGA Geforce GTX 1070SC, 16Gigs RAM, WD Blue PC SSD @ 500GB. A combat bonus acts as a multiplier on the damage done by cohorts against enemy cohorts when engaged in battle in a territory that has that terrain type - for instance, a +15% combat bonus on hills terrain will multiply the damage done by the cohort by 1.15 whenever fighting in a battle on a hills terrain territory. On the next day, other units or reserves fill in the ranks to take their place. Prolonged sieges however are not your best choice in Rome 2. First cohorts contained five centuries, rather than the typical six, but each century was double strength; this led to a cohort of 800 legionnaires, rather than the standard 480. There is no extra experience decay when cohorts are reinforcing. Each day, each cohort in the first battle row of each side will attack one other cohort within its range. Triarii. The first cohort of each Legion held that Legions silver eagle standard and accordingly became a position of great honor. "Whoever desires is always poor" - Claudian, Interestingly though in spite of that potential oversight they have included two Extraordinarii ("special troops") units. Note that unlike the monthly experience gain modifier, which is a flat increase or decrease in experience points per month, experience decay reduces cohort experience by a certain percentage of its current experience per month. When retreating, an army will not respond to any commands and cannot be diverted from moving to its target retreat destination, but will not engage any enemy armies (even if it passes through the same territory as one). in early games i like this composition 3 triarii one of them is general 2 equites 3 velites 2 levies 4 hastatis and 2 princeps. Questions, Paradox
The width of the rows depends on the territory's combat width, with a base value ranging from 16 to 40 depending on the territory's terrain type that can be reduced by permanent, pre-placed gate and mountain pass territory modifiers as well as Earthworks buildings that can be built in cities. Since sources seem to assume that the alae used the same tactics as the Legion you could choose to set them up in the quincunx formation mentioned below (in "More Historical Flavor"). During and after the Punic Wars the Roman military realized that from time to time it required soldiers of different types than they had at their disposal (slingers, archers, light cavalry). 1 General and 19 of veteran Legionaries. Thesignifierwas the centurys standard-bearer, anoptiowas a centurion-in-training and second-in-command of the century, and thetesserariusmaintained the daily obligations of the century, especially the daily password and operation of the night watch when the Legion campaigned. Heavily countering unit types.
This is particularly relevant when fighting in an alliance where multiple allied armies need to join together to engage the enemy armies, or for larger countries with multiple levy and legion armies that cannot be merged together. Levies are raised at full morale, but legions and mercenaries start at 0 morale when raised and will take some time before they are ready for battle. When in battle, cohorts inflict damage to both morale and strength. Your most powerful heavy infantry units but only used in dire circumstances.
In fact the earliest that such detailed siege descriptions tend to turn up within the historical record is in Gaius Julius Caesar's memoirs concerning his conquest of Gaul in the 50s BC. En del geografisk data p denna hemsida tillhandahlls av, Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanska - Latinamerika), Portugus - Brasil (Portugisiska - Brasilien).
In addtion, the Hastati and Principes replaced their spears with gladii and now carried two pila (heavy javalins) which they threw into the enemy ranks moments before charging in with swords drawn.
The early Roman Manipular Legion, used from the fourth century B.C. This practice continued well into the 3rd century BC and standing military forces wouldn't begin to appear until after the Punic Wars. Note that terrain effects are at best zero and cannot be positive, and that the defender can never suffer terrain penalties. All that being said this, or something close to this, would be what your Roman Legion should look like on the field (with, naturally, proper spacing between the ranks and maniples). This means that it is possible for an army to be trapped on small islands or behind forts and be unable to retreat more than a short distance, which leaves them vulnerable to being hunted down by nearby armies and destroyed right after their retreat ends, as they will be weakened from the battle and not have enough time to regain much strength or morale. A maniple was further subdivided into twocenturiaeof sixty eachhastatiandprincipes, and thirtytriarii.
Many unit types are stronger or weaker against certain other unit types, which is represented by a multiplier to damage inflicted by all cohorts of that unit type to all cohorts of the other unit type (represented ingame by the Vs [unit type] modifier); for instance, all heavy infantry cohorts get a +20% modifier to damage against all cohorts regardless of circumstance. Workshop, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated Total manpower is greater than 10x of the enemy manpower. Alla rttigheter frbehllna. While most of the other modifiers described here apply equally to both morale and strength damage, certain unit types have modifiers that affect the amount of damage they take that apply to only one or the other, through the Morale Damage Taken and Strength Damage Taken modifiers respectively. preatorians are better but they also cost more in upkeep. Low manpower. Sources suggest that when the Roman Legion was in the field the three ranks of heavy infantry were deployed in a way so that the Principes covered the gaps between the Hastati maniples and the Triarii covered the gaps between the Principes maniples. Combined, these three ranks would add up to three-thousand men with the Velites numbering one thousand two-hundred and Equites being three hundred. Because of this possibility it might prove advantageous to group archers (+25% morale damage) or light infantry (-25% morale damage) into armies of their own and have them retreat prematurely. Ordering the army to move will force it to retreat to that territory - even if it is very far away (but still accessible) - while using the order full retreat unit ability will cause the army retreat to an automatically chosen location (similar to if it was forced to retreat from lack of morale) and will additionally cause the retreating army to lose 50% of its current strength. The Polybian system continued to be used, with occastional adjustments, until the Marian reforms of 107 BC. Every month, cohort experience also decays according to the cohort's total Experience Decay modifier, with a base of +4.50% experience decay per month. If you're an existing user, your forum details will be merged with Total War Access if you register with the same email or username. General skill and terrain.
Total War: Rome II - Emperor Edition - Resource Locations Map (Rise Of The Republic DLC), Total War: Rome II - Emperor Edition - Guide to Politics, Total War: Rome II - Emperor Edition - Comprehensive Faction Guide. Unlike most other cohort damage modifiers, the modifier to the damage a unit type inflicts or takes against other unit types is fixed and cannot be changed by any country or army modifiers. No commander with power equivalent to that of the tribune is known to exist in the Cohortal Legion. In general, most of these multipliers can be simply thought of as increasing or decreasing a cohort's effectiveness in battle, with the distinctions between these modifiers being largely about which cohorts and circumstances they are applicable in and how a country or army can acquire them. The charge is what makes them effective, don't have them flank an enemy and then sit and fight for long periods of time. This penalty is applied directly to the dice roll that determines the base amount of damage that the attacking army inflicts. After the assassinations of their greatest Roman supporters (Gracchus in 133 BC and Marcus Livius Drusus in 91 BC) and the passing of the Lex Licinia Mucia (a law cracking down on illegal means of earning citizenship) in 95 BC the socii gathered together and created a league of their own to fight against the Romans. Leves were javalin-armed skirmishers attached to the Hastati who would run to the front of the line and throw their weapons before retreating back to safety. The most senior among the primi ordines, the commander of the first cohort and thus all other centurions, cohorts, and centuries, was theprimus pilus, most prestigious position held by a Legionary soldier. Discipline has a base value of 100%, which is adjusted by the sum of all discipline modifiers that apply to that cohort before being applied to the damage calculation - for instance, a cohort with a +20% discipline will have an overall discipline of 120%, and the amount of damage that it inflicts in battle will be multiplied by 120% (i.e. This means that generally, cohort experience will decay much faster at higher values than lower values. For more information please read our FAQs here. Legionnaires advanced in experience and centurions advanced in seniority in each cohort, with the first cohort consisting of the Legions most experienced and prestigious soldiers. The most common way to increase cohort experience this way is to use the Drill Army action for legions, which gives a +2.50% monthly experience gain bonus (at the cost of increased army maintenance and cohort loyalty gain chance). Lastly the Camillan legion also included Equites, cavalry, who were used to flank and/or run down retreating enemies. In particular, it means that a stackwipe with zero losses on one side will give that side +3 warscore, while a battle where both sides are nearly wiped out will give up to +6 warscore. Similarly, the Morale Damage Done and Strength Damage Done modifiers affect the amount of morale and strength damage a cohort inflicts, respectively. This is checked at start and also at end of the battle. This page was last edited on 20 December 2021, at 03:25. After each battle, every cohort involved will gain experience based on the number of casualties their side took, giving the following formula: Cohorts can also passively gain experience through the Monthly Experience Gain modifier, which gives a flat modifier to the change in experience per month. One cohort fills one square, so the combat width of the territory controls how many cohorts can actually engage at a given time. Depends who i'm fighting, against the barbarians up north and west, war dogs are a must for the slingers and cavalry for their oathsworn nonsense. One (1) Roman General w/Equites Bodyguard. The taking of Syracuse (214 - 212 BC) and the fall of Carthage (149 BC) in the Punic Wars are probably the most prominent but records of these sieges offer little on the specifics.
Roman Republican Era Army Composition (Historical), How to Attack in Siege/City Assualt Multiplayer. Now armed with your knowledge of the Republican Legion go forth and conqueror the known world dear Romans! Any remaining armies continue fighting and deploying reserves to fill in abandoned positions. The main three kinds most used by the Republican Legions at this time were the Numidian cavalry, Cretan archers, and the Balaeric slingers.
This formation was called the quincux. In summary, the variables that impact the combat the most are: In addition to the random dice roll for each side, there are a large number of modifiers that affect the damage that each cohort inflicts and takes in battle. Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, GW, Games As with the Leves, the Velites did not form their own units but were attached to all three of the heavy infantry types and acted as skirmishers who screened the advance of the Hastati. Certain terrain types always have combat penalties for the attacker: The following penalties stack on top of any terrain effect: Note that the river and strait crossing penalties can be negated if the attacking army has at least 1 engineer cohort for every 10 cohorts in the army. In a nutshell, this reform redistributed Republican state-owned land. Morale represents the willingness of an army's soldiers to fight. It was not unsual however for Legions to remain levied if a campaign or war continued for longer than the season but when it concluded the armies were disbanded. The day after the last available unit from either side disengages, combat ends and the defeated army is forced into a shattered retreat, unless it has been completely destroyed. How to make vanilla Rome 2 a much better and more authentic experience! At that point, the battle is considered lost with a corresponding loss of warscore and commander popularity. If you'd like to use this historical feature I'd suggest creating one Legion and one alae towards the beginning of the campaign and expanding when your economy grows stronger. As well, an army will recover morale while retreating, but will not reinforce any lost strength. The exact rules are: If both sides would stack wipe then only the defender stack wipes.
In the entire Consular army extraordinarii made up one-third of the cavalry and one-fifth of the infantry - roughly six-hundred and eighteen-hundred men respectively. On the field however there doesn't seem to be any evidence that they were positioned differently from the other socii. If one of the armies has more cohorts than can fit into the combat width, then they will have to wait in reserve, unable to participate in battle unless a spot opens up (from a cohort breaking and retreating or being destroyed); this means that battles in territories with a smaller combat width will have more limited opportunities for flanking and somewhat blunt the advantages of having a larger army. Besides the damage inflicted on each army, battles also have direct political and personal consequences for army's commanders and the war as a whole. Attaching armies to a leading allied or owned armies, which will make the attached army following the leader as closely as possible (though this may not work perfectly if the two armies have a different movement speed), can be a helpful aid in this. A Consul was now given command of two Legions and was supported by two alae (Italian allied forces) - bringing the total number of armies that the Republic could field to eight (four Legions, four alae).
Just curious what everyone out there uses as the "standard" 20-stack army composition and why. Additionally, in battle each alae would personify their name by deploying on the left (sinistra) and right (dextra) flanks of the Legion. 2019, Land units#Unit type combat effectiveness,, Play Requires the Barbarian military tradition "Ambush". Please register for Total War Access to use the forums. Hastati. Chances are if you're playing Total War: Rome II you're probably somewhat interested in the history of the Roman Empire or have a general liking of the subject.
An army's commander is considered personally responsible for the outcome of any battles, and will gain or lose popularity depending on the outcome of battles they are involved in. The base number of days before a retreat can be ordered is 5, which can be reduced by the Retreat Delay modifier (given by the Tactical Withdrawal martial invention and wonders with the Retaliation Procedures effect) to a capped minimum of 1 day.
Thus it was during this time that the hiring of mercenary forces to provide support when and where needed became somewhat commonplace. Five (5) Triarii or four (4) with General attached to Triarii bodyguard, Three (3) Equites or two (2) with General attached to Equites bodyguard. The estimated outcome will give one out of five possible predictions: Note that while the imminent battle alert takes into account all armies that are currently in or moving into the territory, it does not take into account any other nearby armies that are not currently moving into the territory but are close enough to realistically intervene. Each cohort has separate base values for strength-damage and morale-damage. For instance, if the enemy has a large army in the area that might join the battle, engaging could be more risky than the alert indicates. Soon the Polybian system would take its place making both large and small adjustments. Most sources of discipline stack additively - for instance, two sources of +10% discipline will give a final modifier of +20% discipline. The total maximum army strength is calculated as how large the country's army would be (not including mercenaries or other special armies) if all of its legions and levies were at full strength, which is equivalent to the following formula: Note that the total levy strength is equal to how many levy cohorts the country would have if they were all raised at that moment. The Camillan, the first to be adopted, introduced three distinct types of heavy infantry: the Hastati, Principes, and Triarii. PDXCON Deployment may also happen during the battle when cohorts retreat and are replaced by reserves or new armies join the battle (often referred as reinforcement). Superiority wargoals will also give additional ticking warscore to the side that has a net total of at least +10 warscore from battles.
Archers have a slightly increased damage reduction because of extra morale damage taken. Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence.
The combat tactic can be changed at any time prior to a battle at no cost or cooldown. A general country-level discipline modifiers apply to all of a country's cohorts, and these come primarily from inventions, deity modifiers, and omens, as well as various more specific script modifiers. As the Punic Wars began (264 BC - 146 BC) the Camillan system started to shows signs of ineffectiveness - namely due to its large amount of light skirmisher infantry. Accensi were slingers situated at the rear with the Triarii to provide support, and the Rorarii's role is somewhat lost to history however the best guess is that they were reserve troops who stood with the Accensi and Triarii - providing support where they were needed. A 5 pip advantage (e.g. As far as the actual fighting goes here are some basic tactics to follow: Should be placed at the very front of the legion and used to screen the Hastati. As well, levies that have been raised for at least 8 months will grant 0.015 military experience per point of cohort experience for each disbanded cohort. The first to engage the enemy, and most likely will do the majority of the fighting. This a bit challenging to effectively pull off in Total War: Rome 2 due to the fact that raising a full Legion usually takes anywhere from three to five turns - the equivalent of three to five years (whereas it would take much less than that to raise one in reality). Specific details pertaining to the composition and order of battle of these alae is lost to time but most historians believe that it's more than likely they were outfitted similarly to the Roman Legions and fought in the same manner. Starvation and betrayal from within (or the threat of) was usually enough to drive a sieged populace mad over time. This setup will allow you to create three lines of infantry just like you would with the Republican Legion. Once a battle concludes, each side takes war exhaustion based on their number of casualties as a proportion of their total maximum army strength. Obviously you won't want to create an entirely mercenary army as this would A) have an incredibly high upkeep and B) be historically unrealistic for the time. Used to engage enemy cavalry units, flank the enemy infantry engaged with yours, and/or run down retreating hostile soldiers. These five tactics are available to all countries at all times. Undermining the walls was also another tactic used by Roman military engineers however this is no longer a feature in Rome 2.

In addtion, the Hastati and Principes replaced their spears with gladii and now carried two pila (heavy javalins) which they threw into the enemy ranks moments before charging in with swords drawn.
The early Roman Manipular Legion, used from the fourth century B.C. This practice continued well into the 3rd century BC and standing military forces wouldn't begin to appear until after the Punic Wars. Note that terrain effects are at best zero and cannot be positive, and that the defender can never suffer terrain penalties. All that being said this, or something close to this, would be what your Roman Legion should look like on the field (with, naturally, proper spacing between the ranks and maniples). This means that it is possible for an army to be trapped on small islands or behind forts and be unable to retreat more than a short distance, which leaves them vulnerable to being hunted down by nearby armies and destroyed right after their retreat ends, as they will be weakened from the battle and not have enough time to regain much strength or morale. A maniple was further subdivided into twocenturiaeof sixty eachhastatiandprincipes, and thirtytriarii.
Many unit types are stronger or weaker against certain other unit types, which is represented by a multiplier to damage inflicted by all cohorts of that unit type to all cohorts of the other unit type (represented ingame by the Vs [unit type] modifier); for instance, all heavy infantry cohorts get a +20% modifier to damage against all cohorts regardless of circumstance. Workshop, The Game of Fantasy Battles, the twin-tailed comet logo, and all associated Total manpower is greater than 10x of the enemy manpower. Alla rttigheter frbehllna. While most of the other modifiers described here apply equally to both morale and strength damage, certain unit types have modifiers that affect the amount of damage they take that apply to only one or the other, through the Morale Damage Taken and Strength Damage Taken modifiers respectively. preatorians are better but they also cost more in upkeep. Low manpower. Sources suggest that when the Roman Legion was in the field the three ranks of heavy infantry were deployed in a way so that the Principes covered the gaps between the Hastati maniples and the Triarii covered the gaps between the Principes maniples. Combined, these three ranks would add up to three-thousand men with the Velites numbering one thousand two-hundred and Equites being three hundred. Because of this possibility it might prove advantageous to group archers (+25% morale damage) or light infantry (-25% morale damage) into armies of their own and have them retreat prematurely. Ordering the army to move will force it to retreat to that territory - even if it is very far away (but still accessible) - while using the order full retreat unit ability will cause the army retreat to an automatically chosen location (similar to if it was forced to retreat from lack of morale) and will additionally cause the retreating army to lose 50% of its current strength. The Polybian system continued to be used, with occastional adjustments, until the Marian reforms of 107 BC. Every month, cohort experience also decays according to the cohort's total Experience Decay modifier, with a base of +4.50% experience decay per month. If you're an existing user, your forum details will be merged with Total War Access if you register with the same email or username. General skill and terrain.
Total War: Rome II - Emperor Edition - Resource Locations Map (Rise Of The Republic DLC), Total War: Rome II - Emperor Edition - Guide to Politics, Total War: Rome II - Emperor Edition - Comprehensive Faction Guide. Unlike most other cohort damage modifiers, the modifier to the damage a unit type inflicts or takes against other unit types is fixed and cannot be changed by any country or army modifiers. No commander with power equivalent to that of the tribune is known to exist in the Cohortal Legion. In general, most of these multipliers can be simply thought of as increasing or decreasing a cohort's effectiveness in battle, with the distinctions between these modifiers being largely about which cohorts and circumstances they are applicable in and how a country or army can acquire them. The charge is what makes them effective, don't have them flank an enemy and then sit and fight for long periods of time. This penalty is applied directly to the dice roll that determines the base amount of damage that the attacking army inflicts. After the assassinations of their greatest Roman supporters (Gracchus in 133 BC and Marcus Livius Drusus in 91 BC) and the passing of the Lex Licinia Mucia (a law cracking down on illegal means of earning citizenship) in 95 BC the socii gathered together and created a league of their own to fight against the Romans. Leves were javalin-armed skirmishers attached to the Hastati who would run to the front of the line and throw their weapons before retreating back to safety. The most senior among the primi ordines, the commander of the first cohort and thus all other centurions, cohorts, and centuries, was theprimus pilus, most prestigious position held by a Legionary soldier. Discipline has a base value of 100%, which is adjusted by the sum of all discipline modifiers that apply to that cohort before being applied to the damage calculation - for instance, a cohort with a +20% discipline will have an overall discipline of 120%, and the amount of damage that it inflicts in battle will be multiplied by 120% (i.e. This means that generally, cohort experience will decay much faster at higher values than lower values. For more information please read our FAQs here. Legionnaires advanced in experience and centurions advanced in seniority in each cohort, with the first cohort consisting of the Legions most experienced and prestigious soldiers. The most common way to increase cohort experience this way is to use the Drill Army action for legions, which gives a +2.50% monthly experience gain bonus (at the cost of increased army maintenance and cohort loyalty gain chance). Lastly the Camillan legion also included Equites, cavalry, who were used to flank and/or run down retreating enemies. In particular, it means that a stackwipe with zero losses on one side will give that side +3 warscore, while a battle where both sides are nearly wiped out will give up to +6 warscore. Similarly, the Morale Damage Done and Strength Damage Done modifiers affect the amount of morale and strength damage a cohort inflicts, respectively. This is checked at start and also at end of the battle. This page was last edited on 20 December 2021, at 03:25. After each battle, every cohort involved will gain experience based on the number of casualties their side took, giving the following formula: Cohorts can also passively gain experience through the Monthly Experience Gain modifier, which gives a flat modifier to the change in experience per month. One cohort fills one square, so the combat width of the territory controls how many cohorts can actually engage at a given time. Depends who i'm fighting, against the barbarians up north and west, war dogs are a must for the slingers and cavalry for their oathsworn nonsense. One (1) Roman General w/Equites Bodyguard. The taking of Syracuse (214 - 212 BC) and the fall of Carthage (149 BC) in the Punic Wars are probably the most prominent but records of these sieges offer little on the specifics.
Roman Republican Era Army Composition (Historical), How to Attack in Siege/City Assualt Multiplayer. Now armed with your knowledge of the Republican Legion go forth and conqueror the known world dear Romans! Any remaining armies continue fighting and deploying reserves to fill in abandoned positions. The main three kinds most used by the Republican Legions at this time were the Numidian cavalry, Cretan archers, and the Balaeric slingers.
This formation was called the quincux. In summary, the variables that impact the combat the most are: In addition to the random dice roll for each side, there are a large number of modifiers that affect the damage that each cohort inflicts and takes in battle. Warhammer, the Warhammer logo, GW, Games As with the Leves, the Velites did not form their own units but were attached to all three of the heavy infantry types and acted as skirmishers who screened the advance of the Hastati. Certain terrain types always have combat penalties for the attacker: The following penalties stack on top of any terrain effect: Note that the river and strait crossing penalties can be negated if the attacking army has at least 1 engineer cohort for every 10 cohorts in the army. In a nutshell, this reform redistributed Republican state-owned land. Morale represents the willingness of an army's soldiers to fight. It was not unsual however for Legions to remain levied if a campaign or war continued for longer than the season but when it concluded the armies were disbanded. The day after the last available unit from either side disengages, combat ends and the defeated army is forced into a shattered retreat, unless it has been completely destroyed. How to make vanilla Rome 2 a much better and more authentic experience! At that point, the battle is considered lost with a corresponding loss of warscore and commander popularity. If you'd like to use this historical feature I'd suggest creating one Legion and one alae towards the beginning of the campaign and expanding when your economy grows stronger. As well, an army will recover morale while retreating, but will not reinforce any lost strength. The exact rules are: If both sides would stack wipe then only the defender stack wipes.
In the entire Consular army extraordinarii made up one-third of the cavalry and one-fifth of the infantry - roughly six-hundred and eighteen-hundred men respectively. On the field however there doesn't seem to be any evidence that they were positioned differently from the other socii. If one of the armies has more cohorts than can fit into the combat width, then they will have to wait in reserve, unable to participate in battle unless a spot opens up (from a cohort breaking and retreating or being destroyed); this means that battles in territories with a smaller combat width will have more limited opportunities for flanking and somewhat blunt the advantages of having a larger army. Besides the damage inflicted on each army, battles also have direct political and personal consequences for army's commanders and the war as a whole. Attaching armies to a leading allied or owned armies, which will make the attached army following the leader as closely as possible (though this may not work perfectly if the two armies have a different movement speed), can be a helpful aid in this. A Consul was now given command of two Legions and was supported by two alae (Italian allied forces) - bringing the total number of armies that the Republic could field to eight (four Legions, four alae).
Just curious what everyone out there uses as the "standard" 20-stack army composition and why. Additionally, in battle each alae would personify their name by deploying on the left (sinistra) and right (dextra) flanks of the Legion. 2019, Land units#Unit type combat effectiveness,, Play Requires the Barbarian military tradition "Ambush". Please register for Total War Access to use the forums. Hastati. Chances are if you're playing Total War: Rome II you're probably somewhat interested in the history of the Roman Empire or have a general liking of the subject.
An army's commander is considered personally responsible for the outcome of any battles, and will gain or lose popularity depending on the outcome of battles they are involved in. The base number of days before a retreat can be ordered is 5, which can be reduced by the Retreat Delay modifier (given by the Tactical Withdrawal martial invention and wonders with the Retaliation Procedures effect) to a capped minimum of 1 day.
Thus it was during this time that the hiring of mercenary forces to provide support when and where needed became somewhat commonplace. Five (5) Triarii or four (4) with General attached to Triarii bodyguard, Three (3) Equites or two (2) with General attached to Equites bodyguard. The estimated outcome will give one out of five possible predictions: Note that while the imminent battle alert takes into account all armies that are currently in or moving into the territory, it does not take into account any other nearby armies that are not currently moving into the territory but are close enough to realistically intervene. Each cohort has separate base values for strength-damage and morale-damage. For instance, if the enemy has a large army in the area that might join the battle, engaging could be more risky than the alert indicates. Soon the Polybian system would take its place making both large and small adjustments. Most sources of discipline stack additively - for instance, two sources of +10% discipline will give a final modifier of +20% discipline. The total maximum army strength is calculated as how large the country's army would be (not including mercenaries or other special armies) if all of its legions and levies were at full strength, which is equivalent to the following formula: Note that the total levy strength is equal to how many levy cohorts the country would have if they were all raised at that moment. The Camillan, the first to be adopted, introduced three distinct types of heavy infantry: the Hastati, Principes, and Triarii. PDXCON Deployment may also happen during the battle when cohorts retreat and are replaced by reserves or new armies join the battle (often referred as reinforcement). Superiority wargoals will also give additional ticking warscore to the side that has a net total of at least +10 warscore from battles.
Archers have a slightly increased damage reduction because of extra morale damage taken. Workshop Limited, variably registered around the world, and used under licence.
The combat tactic can be changed at any time prior to a battle at no cost or cooldown. A general country-level discipline modifiers apply to all of a country's cohorts, and these come primarily from inventions, deity modifiers, and omens, as well as various more specific script modifiers. As the Punic Wars began (264 BC - 146 BC) the Camillan system started to shows signs of ineffectiveness - namely due to its large amount of light skirmisher infantry. Accensi were slingers situated at the rear with the Triarii to provide support, and the Rorarii's role is somewhat lost to history however the best guess is that they were reserve troops who stood with the Accensi and Triarii - providing support where they were needed. A 5 pip advantage (e.g. As far as the actual fighting goes here are some basic tactics to follow: Should be placed at the very front of the legion and used to screen the Hastati. As well, levies that have been raised for at least 8 months will grant 0.015 military experience per point of cohort experience for each disbanded cohort. The first to engage the enemy, and most likely will do the majority of the fighting. This a bit challenging to effectively pull off in Total War: Rome 2 due to the fact that raising a full Legion usually takes anywhere from three to five turns - the equivalent of three to five years (whereas it would take much less than that to raise one in reality). Specific details pertaining to the composition and order of battle of these alae is lost to time but most historians believe that it's more than likely they were outfitted similarly to the Roman Legions and fought in the same manner. Starvation and betrayal from within (or the threat of) was usually enough to drive a sieged populace mad over time. This setup will allow you to create three lines of infantry just like you would with the Republican Legion. Once a battle concludes, each side takes war exhaustion based on their number of casualties as a proportion of their total maximum army strength. Obviously you won't want to create an entirely mercenary army as this would A) have an incredibly high upkeep and B) be historically unrealistic for the time. Used to engage enemy cavalry units, flank the enemy infantry engaged with yours, and/or run down retreating hostile soldiers. These five tactics are available to all countries at all times. Undermining the walls was also another tactic used by Roman military engineers however this is no longer a feature in Rome 2.