Breathable fabric allows air flow, substantially reducing temperatures and saving on energy costs. 30%,
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Aluminum head rail for added strength and durability. text-align: left;
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If the product is altered or modified in any way unless such modification has been approved in writing by Gale Pacific. paginationQuestionsShownInitially: 5, padding: 0; font-weight: 400;
Get yours today and start enjoying your outdoor spaces! + clazzNam); margin: 0;
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We are tracking prices from more than 20 most popular shops to give you the best deals. '
width: 100%; font-size: 11px; Copyright @ 2022 } To the extent that the terms set out in this document are inconsistent with any Specific Product Warranty in respect of a product, the Specific Product Warranty (in respect of that product) will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. animation-name: tada; -webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 5deg); The information provided above is for reference purposes only. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Capacity - Proudly Made in The USA - Patented Heavy-Duty Suspension Swing Hangers and Springs for Hammock Chairs or Ceiling Mount Porch Swings - (Chrome), Coolaroo 301385 20Pc Butterfly Clips, 20-Pack, Black, Coolaroo 460037 Exterior, Natural Fabric, Protection, (6' X 6') with No Valance, Ses OUTBACK 80% UV PPROTECTION CORDLESS ROLLER SHADE, Sesame, Coolaroo Exterior Roller Shade, Cordless Roller Shade with 90% UV Protection, No Valance, (4' W X 6' L), Mocha, Coolaroo Exterior Roller Shade, Cordless Roller Shade with 80% UV Protection, No Valance, (8' W X 6' L), Sesame, Coolaroo Exterior Roller Shade, Cordless Roller Shade with 90% UV Protection, No Valance, (6' X 6'), Southern Sunset, Coolaroo Exterior Cordless Roller Shade 6ft x 8ft Pebble ..#G4E435T1 34452-3T233048, Windscreen4less Exterior Roller Shade Blinds Outdoor Roll Up Shade for Deck Back Yard Pergola Balcony Patio Porch 8'W x 10'L Hollow Out Brown. background-repeat: no-repeat; font-size: 32px; input.sfba-form-fields:-ms-input-placeholder { / Internet Explorer 10-11 / var rating = Math.round(( + 0.25) * 100.0) / 100.0; ga('create', 'UA-15696520-1', '');
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fabric for laboratory testing and proof of place and date of purchase of
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-webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 15deg); Thank you. opacity: 0; Start saving your time and money with us! Use the narrowest measurement. .sfba-form-credit a { width: 100%; Unique knitted 'breathable' Fabric. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. reviewsSetupType: "staticEmbed", document.getElementById('ProductNewQA').style.borderBottom = '1px solid #000'; display: flex; 15% { margin: 0 auto; } var pool_width = parseFloat(document.getElementById("pool_width").value); transform: translate3d(-25%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -5deg); .sfba-attention-effect-wobble.animation-start #sfba-form2-button { /** : 'S') + ')' + Will this product block mosquitos from getting in? .sfba-main-form-container .sfba-conset-field-error { Enable registration in settings - general. #sfba-form2-button { color: #ffffff;
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Price: $98.98(as of Jul 22,2022 04:52:25 UTC Details), Blocking up to 90% of harmful UV rays, these sun shades ensure optimal protection of your family while improving energy efficiencyThese roller blinds are made of breathable knitted fabric promoting constant airflow, while reducing heat and improving your privacyWand Crank mechanism makes it easy to raise and lower roller shades with no cording or chain required; Certified Safe for KidsEasy to clean with fast drying capabilities simply wash with water or hosepipe and air dry use mild cleanser for deep cleaningEasy to install on the wall or ceiling, these versatile shades are made with heavy duty aluminum head rails and fade resistant fabricPerfect for any indoor or outdoor space, including windows, porches, decks, patios, pergolas, and gazebos, #sfba_subscribe_form_372 #sfba-form2-container{
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You are encouraged to refer to the Specific Product Warranty in relation to your product before making a claim on your warranty. By signing up you indicate that you agree to the terms of our. background-color: #102341;
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desertcart delivers the most unique and largest selection of products from across the world especially from the US, UK and India at best prices and the fastest delivery time. }
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You need to have a site The Warranty is valid in respect of your Coolaroo Product purchased after 1 June 2015, for the term specified in your Specific Product Warranty (Warranty Period). ' + Pool Supply was great with they're prompt shipping. .sfba-form-credit {
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width: 100%; font-size: 11px; Copyright @ 2022 } To the extent that the terms set out in this document are inconsistent with any Specific Product Warranty in respect of a product, the Specific Product Warranty (in respect of that product) will prevail to the extent of the inconsistency. animation-name: tada; -webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 5deg); The information provided above is for reference purposes only. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Capacity - Proudly Made in The USA - Patented Heavy-Duty Suspension Swing Hangers and Springs for Hammock Chairs or Ceiling Mount Porch Swings - (Chrome), Coolaroo 301385 20Pc Butterfly Clips, 20-Pack, Black, Coolaroo 460037 Exterior, Natural Fabric, Protection, (6' X 6') with No Valance, Ses OUTBACK 80% UV PPROTECTION CORDLESS ROLLER SHADE, Sesame, Coolaroo Exterior Roller Shade, Cordless Roller Shade with 90% UV Protection, No Valance, (4' W X 6' L), Mocha, Coolaroo Exterior Roller Shade, Cordless Roller Shade with 80% UV Protection, No Valance, (8' W X 6' L), Sesame, Coolaroo Exterior Roller Shade, Cordless Roller Shade with 90% UV Protection, No Valance, (6' X 6'), Southern Sunset, Coolaroo Exterior Cordless Roller Shade 6ft x 8ft Pebble ..#G4E435T1 34452-3T233048, Windscreen4less Exterior Roller Shade Blinds Outdoor Roll Up Shade for Deck Back Yard Pergola Balcony Patio Porch 8'W x 10'L Hollow Out Brown. background-repeat: no-repeat; font-size: 32px; input.sfba-form-fields:-ms-input-placeholder { / Internet Explorer 10-11 / var rating = Math.round(( + 0.25) * 100.0) / 100.0; ga('create', 'UA-15696520-1', '');
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-webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 15deg); Thank you. opacity: 0; Start saving your time and money with us! Use the narrowest measurement. .sfba-form-credit a { width: 100%; Unique knitted 'breathable' Fabric. Download Adobe Acrobat Reader. reviewsSetupType: "staticEmbed", document.getElementById('ProductNewQA').style.borderBottom = '1px solid #000'; display: flex; 15% { margin: 0 auto; } var pool_width = parseFloat(document.getElementById("pool_width").value); transform: translate3d(-25%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -5deg); .sfba-attention-effect-wobble.animation-start #sfba-form2-button { /** : 'S') + ')' + Will this product block mosquitos from getting in? .sfba-main-form-container .sfba-conset-field-error { Enable registration in settings - general. #sfba-form2-button { color: #ffffff;
@-webkit-keyframes tada { be excluded may be limited, Gale Pacifics liability is limited to the line-height: 1; } Use the narrowest dimension. var iteasers = TurnTojQuery("." } Pool Supply Unlimited is an e-commerce company that loves water. } '
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We can deliver the Coolaroo 474829 Outdoor Roller Shade 6 W X 8 L Pebble speedily without the hassle of shipping, customs or duties. a.TTwriteReview:visited {color: #0990ba; text-decoration:none;} the product. margin: 0 0 10px;
-webkit-transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -5deg); Gale Pacific will not be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any -webkit-animation-duration: 1.3s; This warranty is subject to the following conditions It immediately cut down on the heat.
transform: translate3d(-5%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -1deg); sTrack.initialise(); -webkit-animation-name: tada; 30% { width: 350px; .sfba-attention-effect-swing.animation-start #sfba-form2-button { #sfba_subscribe_form_372 .sfba-form2-consent-fields-main { font-family: 'PSU_Standard', Arial; 40%, ' ' +
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Use the narrowest dimension. Be the first to know the latest news, deals & special events! } or arising from the product or its use (including loss or damage arising } 60% { } } #sfba_thanks_image img { manner that is inconsistent with, instructions or warnings furnished by Height: Measure from top to bottom of casing in two different places. Disclaimer: The information is all provided as-is, with no guarantees on availability or accuracy of the results. function customReviewsTeaser(clazz, data) { Perfect for any outdoor area such patios, porches, decks, gazebos, as well as windows. window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
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By installing Coolaroo Sun Shades on the exterior, they reduce the amount of UV, heat and glare that enters your home, effectively keeping you cooler and more comfortable. Any damage to the product caused or contributed to by exposing the .sfba_subscribe_form__fields_wrap { position: absolute; position: fixed; var PGDesc2 = 'Choice1'; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto 10px; 90% {
padding-left: 15px; transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); Quickloots is an online shopping community that gives an exhilarating shopping experience to shoppers by providing crazy promotions, offers & deals. var pool_length = parseFloat(document.getElementById("pool_length").value); Vacuum or rinse with hose and allow to air dry, Excellent pre-sale and after-sale service, Provides regular training on product line, Includes retail websites in their dealer locator. opacity: 1; Start typing your question and we'll check if it was already asked and answered. transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 0deg); line-height: 1.2; font-family: inherit; } animation-duration: 1.3s; break; Light filtering and helps improve energy efficiency. We'll certainly do our best to make the service highly-available though, and the results accurate. -webkit-transform: scale(1.3); if (e.which == 13) { text-align: center; }
circumstances: If the defect is contributed to or caused by any improper use of the (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ clickReviewsTab(); transform: scale(1.3); g1Test = PGDesc2; max-height: 100%; -webkit-transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); color: #7E7E7E; Yes, it is absolutely safe to buy Coolaroo 474829 Outdoor Roller Shade 6 W X 8 L Pebble from desertcart, which is a 100% legitimate site operating in 164 countries. -webkit-transform: translate3d(-5%, 0, 0) rotate3d(0, 0, 1, -1deg); 60%, overflow: hidden; transform: scale3d(1, 1, 1); iteasers.html(html); } // Please note: these examples will not work on your site. ' ' + clickReviewsTabFromTeaser(); from { document.getElementById('ProductNewQAContent').style.display = 'none'; transform: scale(1); padding: 3px; All Rights Reserved. animation-name: shake; function customItemInputTeaserFunc0(clazz, data) { Light filtering knit reduces glare without darkening a room's interior. -webkit-animation-name: wobble; font-family: 'Poppins'; max-width: 100px; pool_shape = pool_shape_radio[i].value; } : "s") + ' and ' + data.counts.a + ' answer' + (data.counts.a == 1 ? "" 75% { 70%, g1Test = PGDesc1; -webkit-animation-name: flash;
Child safe Cordless operation No cords, no chains.
var decimal = parseInt(rating.substring(2, 3)) font-family: inherit; input.sfba-form-fields::-ms-input-placeholder { / Microsoft Edge / == 10) { order: 1; View cart for details. reviewsTeaserFunc: customReviewsTeaser } margin: 12px auto 5px; GALE Pacific shall be under no liability whatsoever, except for the express conditions as detailed and stipulated in the manufacturers warranty. border-radius: 0 0 0.5em 0.5em; var iteasers = TurnTojQuery("." 20% { })(); } case "ProductNewParts": function rrqp(LayerName) { // example 2: } var tt = document.createElement('script'); tt.type = 'text/javascript'; tt.async = true; input.sfba-form-fields::placeholder { / Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari 10.1+ / .sfba-attention-effect-shake.animation-start #sfba-form2-button { @-webkit-keyframes wobble { } function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} document.getElementById('ProductNewReviews').style.borderBottom = '1px solid #D9D9D9'; } font-size: 2em; } #sfba-form2-container #sfba-form2-heading:after{ case "ProductNewQA": } Is there a logo printed on this? /* Animated Buttons */ opacity: 1; var PGDesc5 = 'Choice1'; All rights reserved. 50%, transform: scale(1); } transform: rotate3d(0, 0, 1, 5deg); document.getElementById('GallonsNeeded').innerHTML=xmlHttp2.responseText; @media only screen and (max-width: 600px) { '