Before your child can return to our school for in person school, they will need to take a test through LAUSD. ACS Athens President Dr. Peggy Pelonis at the Pedagogical Forum in Albena, Bulgaria, The water bottle challenge from the Middle School GAIA Environment Club, End-of-Year Part-time Youth-to-Youth Celebration, A Celebration of Endings and New Beginnings. The inclusion or exclusion of a school in this locator does NOT constitute an endorsement of the school and should NOT be used in any way to infer the accreditation status of the school. Asegrese de que todos los estudiantes comiencen el da con una comida nutritiva. These are the only locations which are open. Neighborhood Back to School Rallies, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Once they are back in school, they will be tested at the school. [ ] indicates that the data do not meet NCES data quality standards. Click the flyers below to make an appointment: 1110 West 119th Street Email:
Data provided on student membership and staffing are from the official school level data for 2020-2021. The Academy's diverse offerings are unparalleled in Greece at the secondary school ACS Athens produces a wealth of publications, articles, academic papers each year. Links to Additional Online Learning Activities, NTI 2DL: Differentiated Distance Learning, Tyson Steelman is Named the Next ACE Principal, Academy for Leadership at Millcreek Elementary, Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP), Comprehensive School Improvement Planning (CSIP), Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). Team FCPS Employee Convocation, Special programs application window opens. Los estudiantes reciben desayuno cada tarde para llevar a casa. Through excellence in teaching and diverse educational experiences, ACS Athens challenges all students to realize their unique potential: academically, intellectually, socially and ethically to thrive as responsible global citizens. [ ] indicates that the data are not applicable. Make changes to the header and footer on the "Edit Header and Footer" tab on the left. Community of Schools, EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM-ENGLISH.pdf (PDF), EMERGENCY INFORMATION FORM-SPANISH.pdf (PDF). ACS Athens has received a Sustaining Excellence stamp of approval until 2022 and was one of seven schools worldwide, and the only international school to have achieved this level of accreditation. Copyright 2002-2022 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. The ACS Athens Academy is a comprehensive four-year high school enrolling 400 students in grades 9 through 12. The ACS Athens Elementary School team of educators consists of dedicated professionals who bring unique experiences and expertise to the field of education. For example, the enrollment and staff characteristics for schools that opened in the 2021-2022 school year will not be available until the full 2021-2022 file is released. Join us in welcoming him to his new role. 9:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Explore the Institute of Education Sciences, National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), Program for the International Assessment of Adult Competencies (PIAAC), Early Childhood Longitudinal Study (ECLS), National Household Education Survey (NHES), Education Demographic and Geographic Estimates (EDGE), National Teacher and Principal Survey (NTPS), Career/Technical Education Statistics (CTES), Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS), National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS), Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems Grant Program - (SLDS), National Postsecondary Education Cooperative (NPEC), NAEP State Profiles (, Public School District Finance Peer Search, * denotes a column with data from 2020-2021. The 2022 ACS Athens Grand Reunion may be over but the memories will stay forever! ACS Athens is accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools.
When you open the Survey Link in the guide, on the top right you can change the survey to Spanish. Students receive Breakfast each afternoon to take home. The directory information on school name, address, and phone number are preliminary data from initial submissions of school level data for 2021-2022. 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM [ ] indicates that the data are missing. Los Angeles, California 90044 (323) 756-9114 Phone | (323) 418-8467 Fax, Accessibility | Non-Discrimination | Title IX, 333 S. Beaudry Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90017, Family and Student Handbook(A Guide to Support Learning at Home), Take Home BREAKFAST After-school/DESAYUNO A CASA DESPUS DE CLASES, Link to Black History Program Video:, Family Guide 11.13.2020_ENGLISH.pdf (PDF), West Athens is in the H.E.E.T. ACS Athens is a student-centered international school, embracing American educational philosophy, principles and values. From the Ethos Magazine, published since 2006, to the school Handbooks. West Athens ES COVID-19 Testing for Students Each Thursday, Pruebas COVID-19 de West Athens ES para estudiantes todos los jueves. We are a community of excellence where high achievement is the standard; students are motivated and challenged in a safe, fun environment that nurtures lasting memories; and families, staff, and students unite to build a safe community that contributes to a lifetime of learning. The mission of the Athens City Schools System, in partnership with the community, is to provide opportunities for all students to develop intellectually, socially, physically and morally in order to live as a contributing member of an ever-changing, multi-cultural society. Please ensure all students start the day off with a nutritions meal. Stuff the Bus! 129 Aghias Paraskevis Ave. & KazantzakiStreet, Halandri, Athens GR 15234, Copyright ACS Athens. Board Meeting Schedule/Agendas/Minutes/Packets, Approved Foundational Literacy Skills Plan, TN Statutory Rights of Students and Parents, TN Department of Children Services Family Resource Guide, EmployeeHandbook/ Annual Required Trainings, School Supply Lists for 2022-2023 School Year, Summer Registration Day for NEW Students to Athens City Schools- July 20, A message from Mr. Mike Bevins- School Board Chairman. All Rights Reserved, Incubator of Students' Creative Ideas (ISCI), The Learning Commons Summer Scholars Program, 2021-22: A year of productions in the Media Studio, 3 hours in 12 minutes: The legacy of the 2022 Academy Commencement. Questions, please contact TJ Jones, registrar at ACE. The administration, faculty, staff, students, and community of the ACS Athens Middle School are devoted to academic achievement and individual growth for every child.