The instance may continue operating, although you will have to shut it down and restart it after restoring the server parameter file. The following example illustrates a RUN command that restores a server parameter file from an autobackup on tape: Restart the database instance with the restored file. After the CONTROL_FILES parameter references only present, intact copies of the control file, you can restart your database. Determine the status of the database by executing the following SQL query: If the status is OPEN, then the database is open. You are restoring the database to a new Linux host with the same directory structure as the old host. Start the target database instance without mounting the database. The following example deletes the database files: Because you did not perform the restore and recovery when connected to the recovery catalog, the recovery catalog contains no records for any of the restored files or the procedures performed during the test. The RMAN metadata missing from the backup control file is available from the recovery catalog. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. For example: Set the database identifier for the target database with SET DBID. Only temporary tablespaces that are missing are re-created. The following example of the RUN command shows the same scenario except with new filenames for the restored datafiles: If your goal is to perform a test run of your disaster recovery procedures, or to permanently move a database to a new host, then you can use the procedure in this section. Otherwise, they are re-created at their previous locations. After restoring the control file to a new location, you can then update the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter to include the new location. Locate this file, and then refer to "Configuring the Control File Autobackup Format" to determine where the DBID appears in the filename. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Loss of some but not all copies of your control file does not require you to restore a control file from backup. Is there a way to generate energy using a planet's angular momentum. Run the following query in SQL*Plus: Write the RMAN restore and recovery script. To determine whether datafiles require media recovery: Start SQL*Plus and connect to the target database instance with administrator privileges. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. On 3/12 I created a new tablespace/datafile. Which Terry Pratchett book starts with "Zoom in"? There is a flaw in your process though, and the above issue is its side effect: Restore the control file from the 3/9 backup. Sum of Convergent Series for Problem Like Schrdingers Cat. If the test database will use a flash recovery area that is physically the same as the recovery area used by the production database, then set DB_UNIQUE_NAME in the test database instance to a different name from the production database. If you restore the control file from backup, then you must perform media recovery of the whole database and then open it with the OPEN RESETLOGS option, even if no datafiles need to be restored. Catalog the datafile copies that you copied in "Restoring Disk Backups to a New Host", using their new filenames or CATALOG START WITH (if you know all the files are in directories with a common prefix easily addressed with a CATALOG START WITH).
You have tape backups of datafiles, control files, archived redo logs, and the server parameter file on a media manager accessible by both hosts. To switch to a database copy and perform recovery: Enter the following command to point the control file to the latest image copy of the database: Recover the database with the RECOVER DATABASE command. For example, enter the following command: If you lose the server parameter file, then RMAN can restore it to its default location or to a location of your choice. For example, enter the following command to view datafile copies: For example, enter the following command to view control file backups: The piece name of the autobackup must use the %F substitution variable, so the autobackup piece name will include the string c-IIIIIIIIII-YYYYMMDD-QQ, where IIIIIIIIII stands for the DBID, YYYYMMDD is a time stamp in the Gregorian calendar of the day the backup is generated, and QQ is the sequence in hexadecimal. Your database is using the current server parameter file. Restore the datafiles to their original locations. At this stage, no initialization parameter file exists.
If the tempfiles were originally created as Oracle managed files, then they are re-created in the current DB_CREATE_FILE_DEST location. This technique is described in "Performing Recovery with a Backup Control File". Offsite backups are marked as AVAILABLE in the RMAN repository even though the media must be retrieved from storage before the backup can be restored. The ORACLE_SID for the trgta database is trgta and will not change for the restored database. See Oracle Database Administrator's Guide to learn about encrypted tablespaces. If the online redo logs are unusable, then perform DBPITR as described in "Performing Database Point-in-Time Recovery". If one is found, RMAN restores the control file to all control file locations listed in the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter.
Sum of Convergent Series for Problem Like Schrdingers Cat. "Updating a Backup to Status AVAILABLE or UNAVAILABLE" explains how to perform this task. Your database runs in a single-instance configuration. Should I remove older low level jobs/education from my CV at this point? To preview backups to be used in a restore operation: Run a RESTORE command with the PREVIEW option. How should we do boxplots with small samples? If recovery was successful, then open the database and reset the online logs: Disaster recovery includes the restore of and recovery of the target database after the loss of the entire target database, the recovery catalog database, all current control files, all online redo log files, and all parameter files. PREVIEW RECALL to instruct the media manager to make offsite backups available. The techniques for determining which files require restore or recovery depend upon the type of file that is lost. If you know that RMAN never produces more than n autobackups each day, then you can set the RESTORE SPFILE FROM AUTOBACKUP MAXSEQ parameter to n to speed up the search on tape. If RMAN attempts to restore a offsite backup, then the restore job fails.
In the US, how do we make tax withholding less if we lost our job for a few months? When a datafile is lost, the possible cases can be classified as follows: The control file knows about the datafile, that is, you backed up the control file after datafile creation, but the datafile itself is not backed up. RMAN restores the control file to whatever locations you specified in the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter. This file need not be accessible directly from the host running the instance. From the RMAN prompt, open the database with the RESETLOGS option: Optionally, delete the test database with all of its files. This chapter makes the following assumptions: You have lost some or all datafiles and your goal is to recover all changes, but you have not lost all current control files or an entire online redo log group. This section assumes that you have already performed the tasks in "Preparing for Complete Database Recovery". Change any location-specific parameters, for example, those ending in _DEST, to reflect the new directory structure. The DUPLICATE command assigns a new DBID to the database it creates, enabling it to be registered in the same recovery catalog as the original database.
You need to repair this file, but cannot afford the time to do a restore and recovery from a backup. You can also use more sophisticated restore and recovery techniques such as point-in-time recovery and database flashback, which allow for efficient repair of media failures and user errors. This scenario assumes that you want to start the RMAN client on hostb and authenticate yourself through the operating system. (You cannot, however specify multiple destinations simultaneously to produce multiple copies of the same log during the restore operation.)
This example restores 300 archived redo logs from backup, distributing them across the directories /fs1/tmp, /fs2/tmp, and /fs3/tmp: When you issue a RECOVER command, RMAN finds the needed restored archived logs automatically across the destinations to which they were restored, and applies them to the datafiles. Use the SET NEWNAME to rename datafiles, as described in "Restoring Datafiles to a Nondefault Location".
Revelation 21:5 - Behold, I am making all things new?. PREVIEW to any RESTORE operation to create a detailed list of every backup to be used in the requested RESTORE operation, as well as the necessary target SCN for recovery after the RESTORE operation is complete. Perform a SET UNTIL to limit recovery to the end of the archived redo logs. In situations requiring the recovery of your server parameter file or control file from autobackup, you need to know the DBID. To prepare for the restore of the database to a new host, take the following steps: Record the DBID for your source database. You have the following validation options: RESTORE VALIDATE tests whether RMAN can restore a specific object from a backup. Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, RMAN backup restore in a different node with datafiles and redolog files to a different directory, Design patterns for asynchronous API communication. If restoring from disk, then RMAN uses the default disk channel. RMAN will automatically use the correct password with each backup set. The default location is platform-specific, for example, ?/dbs/spfile.ora on Linux. During the course of the day, a datafile goes missing due to storage failure. PREVIEW or RESTORE VALIDATE HEADER to ensure that all required backups are available or to identify situations in which you may want to direct RMAN to use or avoid specific backups.
The scenario assumes that you have two networked Linux hosts, hosta and hostb. What are good particle dynamics ODEs for an introductory scientific computing course? It also assumes that you enabled the control file autobackup feature for the target database and can restore an autobackup of the control file. The commands for restoring a control file are the same whether or not the database uses a flash recovery area. These wizards lead you through a variety of recovery procedures based on an analysis of your database, your available backups, and your data recovery objectives. Enterprise Manager provides access to RMAN through a set of wizards. An UNTIL clause is required to specify a target time, SCN or log sequence number for the recovery prior to the first SCN of the online redo logs (otherwise, RMAN issues the RMAN-6054 error). When doing the restore today my general process has been: Finally I run this RMAN command to restore/recover the database (getting the SCN from LIST BACKUPSET): So this process generally has been working fine; datafiles present in the 3/9 backup restore to their new location. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. The target database is located in /net/hosta/dev3/oracle/dbs, but you want to restore the database to /net/hostb/oracle/oradata/test. How does a tailplane provide downforce if it has the same AoA as the main wing? Allocate a channel to the media manager, then restore the server parameter file as a client-side parameter file and use the SET command to indicate the location of the autobackup (in this example, the autobackup is in /tmp): Edit the restored initialization parameter file. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Do one of the following: If you are restoring all datafiles to their original locations, then execute RESTORE DATABASE and RECOVER DATABASE sequentially at the RMAN prompt. Will I have to restore controlfile in RMAN level 1 backupset before recover database? This example shows how to restore the control file autobackup and recover through the latest log. Allrightsreserved. You can run RMAN commands to test the availability of usable backups for any RESTORE operation, or test the contents of a specific backup for use in RESTORE operations. "Performing Recovery with a Backup Control File" explains how to recover the database when all control files are lost.
Using sqlplus I rename the redo logs to their new location. In the basic scenario, the database is open, and some but not all of the datafiles are damaged. You have the complete set of archived redo logs and incremental backups needed for recovery of your datafile backups. To recover the database with a control file autobackup in NOCATALOG mode: Start RMAN and connect to a target database.
If needed, use the CHANGE command to set the backup status of any temporarily unavailable backups to UNAVAILABLE. If the autobackups were not produced with the default format (%F), then use the SET CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FOR DEVICE TYPE command to specify the format in effect when the autobackup was performed. For example, edit the following parameters: Restart the instance with the edited initialization parameter file. The main differences are: Only consistent backups can be used in restoring a database in NOARCHIVELOG mode. Do one of the following: If you are restoring datafiles to their original locations, then run the RESTORE TABLESPACE and RECOVER TABLESPACE commands at the RMAN prompt. How did this note help previous owner of this old film camera? These rules are described in Oracle Database SQL Language Reference in the description of the CREATE CONTROLFILE statement. PREVIEW to identify offsite backups. Execute the script created in the previous step. This chapter explain how to use complete recovery to fix the most common database problems. Perform the following operations within a RUN command: Specify the new location for the restored archived redo logs using SET ARCHIVELOG DESTINATION. After restore and recovery of a whole database, when the database is open, missing temporary tablespaces that were recorded in the control file are re-created with their previous creation size, AUTOEXTEND, and MAXSIZE attributes. Examine the output to see if recovery was successful. Install Oracle software only, no initial database. By default, RMAN restores archived redo logs with names constructed using the LOG_ARCHIVE_FORMAT and the highest LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameters of the target database. How to generate java class files in a project? The scenario assumes the following: Oracle Database is already installed on the new host. During recovery, RMAN knows where to find the newly restored archived logs; it does not require them to be in the location specified in the initialization parameter file. When RMAN is connected to a recovery catalog, the recovery procedure with a backup control file is identical to recovery with a current control file.
Perform a complete restore and recovery as described in "Performing Complete Database Recovery". I can't restore the datafiles and redolog files from backup. Note that OPEN RESETLOGS is always required after recovery with a backup control file, regardless of whether logs are available. Did Sauron suspect that the Ring would be destroyed? Use the SET NEWNAME to rename datafiles, as described in "Restoring Datafiles to a Nondefault Location". If the datafile record is in the control file, then RESTORE creates the datafile in the original location or in a user-specified location. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. We do a full backup of all the datafiles on Sunday (last one being Mar 9th) and then only backup the archivelogs every night during the week. Datafiles had been renamed and switched before the recovery started. In addition to listing the files needed for restore and recovery, the RESTORE VALIDATE HEADER command validates the backup file headers to determine whether the files on disk or in the media management catalog correspond to the metadata in the RMAN repository. If restoring password-protected encrypted backups, then specify the password. Likewise, the control file of the trgta database is completely unaffected by the test. Restore of a database running in NOARCHIVELOG mode is similar to restore of a database in ARCHIVELOG mode. A recovery catalog simplifies the recovery procedure because you can avoid the step of having to record and remember the DBID. Thus, you must configure the media management software so that hostb is a media manager client and can read the backup sets created on hosta. If the autobackup is in a nondefault format, then first use the SET CONTROLFILE AUTOBACKUP FORMAT command to specify the format.
If you do not care about using configured channels from your control file, then you can simply mount the database.
You must then run the RECOVER command, even if no datafiles have been restored, and open the database with the RESETLOGS option. Mount the database. This scenario assumes that database trgt has lost most or all of its datafiles. If you do not set the CONTROL_FILES initialization parameter, then the database uses the same rules to determine the destination for the restored control file that it uses when creating a control file if the CONTROL_FILES parameter is not set. If you are using disk copies, then use the procedure in the following section. To restore the server parameter file from autobackup: If the database instance is started at the time of the loss of the server parameter file, then connect to the target database. This command manually stages archived logs to different locations while a database restore is occurring. For example, start RMAN as follows: Specify the DBID for the target database with the SET DBID command, as described in "Restoring the Server Parameter File". Make the source database initialization parameter file accessible on the new host. Run SWITCH DATAFILE ALL so that the control file recognizes the new path names as the official new names of the datafiles. Then, restart the instance with the client-side initialization parameter file. Note that recovery stops with an error if no SET UNTIL is specified. Enter the following command to take datafile 4 offline: Switch the offline datafile to the latest copy. To restore a backup server parameter file, see "Restoring the Server Parameter File". For example, enter the following commands if automatic channels are configured (sample output included): If you manually allocate channels, then you must issue the RESTORE and RECOVER commands together within a RUN block as shown in the following example: If you are restoring some datafiles to new locations, then execute RESTORE DATABASE and RECOVER DATABASE sequentially in a RUN command. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. If you have image copies of the inaccessible datafiles in the fast recovery area, then you can use the SWITCH DATAFILE TO COPY command to point the control file at the datafile copy and then use RECOVER to recover lost changes. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Check for a temporary hardware or operating system problem causing the error. These parameters are combined in a platform-specific fashion to form the name of the restored archived log. You can then run the REPORT SCHEMA command to obtain the tablespace name and filename for datafile 7 as follows (sample output included): Although VALIDATE DATABASE is a good technique for determining whether files are inaccessible, you may want to use SQL queries to obtain more detailed information. This scenario assumes that database trgt has lost tablespace users. This step is unnecessary if you use the latest controlfile.
If there is no such problem, you must restore the file or switch to a copy. If the file systems on the destination system are set up to have the same paths as the source host, then do not use ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE for those files restored to the same path as on the source host. By using Enterprise Manager, you can perform the simpler restore and recovery scenarios outlined in this chapter. If a control file autobackup is found, then RMAN restores the server parameter file from that backup to its default location. You can also restore the control file to any location you choose other than the CONTROL_FILES locations, by using the form RESTORE CONTROLFILE TO 'filename' [FROM AUTOBACKUP]: You can perform this operation with the database in NOMOUNT, MOUNT or OPEN states, because you are not overwriting any of the control files currently in use. You can also restore the server parameter file as a client-side initialization parameter file with the TO PFILE 'filename' clause. SET NEWNAME works for RESTORE and SWITCH, but not for RECOVER. You can query V$ views to obtain this information. RMAN restores archived redo log files from backup automatically as needed to perform recovery. If at least one control file remains intact, then you can either copy an intact copy of the control file over the damaged or missing control file, or update the initialization parameter file so that it does not refer to the damaged or missing control file. If you use the procedure in this section, then the DBID for the restored database will be the same as the DBID for the original database. RMAN does not automatically crosscheck tape backups after restoring a control file. If so, open the database. Example 19-1 Restoring the Server Parameter File from a Control File Autobackup. This command accesses the RMAN repository to query the backup metadata, but does not actually read the backup files to ensure that they can be restored. For example, enter the following command to take users offline: Restore and recover the tablespace. If so, bring the recovered datafile back online. RMAN uses the autobackup format and DBID to determine where to hunt for the control file autobackup. Because you are not connected to a recovery catalog, the RMAN repository contains only information about available backups at the time of the control file backup. When the server parameter file is not available, RMAN attempts to start the instance with a dummy server parameter file. Run a LIST command to see a listing of backups of the datafile and control file autobackups. How much gasoline does there need to be to ignite and cause a fire in a small shed? Otherwise, the recovery catalog considers the restored database as the current target database. While RMAN simplifies most database restore and recovery tasks, you must still plan your database restore and recovery strategy based on which database files have been lost and your recovery goal.
Run the following SQL statements to check the datafile headers: Each row returned represents a datafile that either requires media recovery or has an error requiring a restore. Restore and recover the database. To perform a disaster recovery, you must have the following: All archived redo logs generated after the creation time of the oldest backup that you intend to restore. Otherwise, you can use the DELETE ARCHIVELOG command to delete restored archived redo logs from disk when they are no longer needed for recovery. Because no recovery catalog is available, you cannot use preconfigured channels. In the basic scenario, the database is open, and some but not all of the datafiles are damaged. How would electric weapons used by mermaids function, if feasible? The following example restores the datafiles in tablespaces users to a new location, then performs recovery. If you are using tape backups, then you can restore and mount the control file, and optionally crosscheck the backups on tape, as shown in the following example: This section assumes that you have RMAN backups of the control file, but do not use a recovery catalog. Note the following considerations: If restoring from tape, then use ALLOCATE CHANNEL to allocate an SBT channel manually. Every datafile either has a backup, or a complete set of online and archived redo logs goes back to the creation of a datafile with no backup.
You want to restore and recover the damaged tablespace while leaving the database open so that the rest of the database remains available. Check the RECOVER and ERROR columns. If you do not perform either of the preceding actions, then RMAN assumes that you are restoring the production database and deletes flashback logs from flash recovery area because they are considered unusable. For each online redo log that is to be created at a different location than it had on the source host, use SQL ALTER DATABASE RENAME FILE commands to specify the pathname on the destination host. How is TouchID more secure than a simple password? error while backing up oracle database using rman, Oracle: cannot start DB becuase DB name in control file came from restored source DB, Oracle RAC RMAN Backup not writing to NFS Share, Create new oracle database: ORA-65008: missing or invalid SEED clause, JavaScript front end for Odin Project book library database. Enter the following command to open the database: Scripting on this page enhances content navigation, but does not change the content in any way. Example 19-1 sets the DBID and restores the server parameter file from a control file autobackup in a nondefault location. Make sure backups used for the restore are accessible on the restore host. Is it possible on TGV INOUI to book a second leg of a ticket to extend my journey on the train? Enter the following command to bring datafile 4 online: In this scenario, the database is shut down, and all of the datafiles are damaged. Why had climate change not been proven beyond doubt for so long? To move the database to a new host by means of datafile copies or backup sets on disk, you must transfer the files manually to the new host. You are using the RMAN client rather than Oracle Enterprise Manager. During the recovery, RMAN automatically restores backups of any needed archived redo logs.
Example 19-3 shows the RMAN script reco_test.rman that can perform the restore and recovery. If you do not know the DBID for your database, then see "Determining the DBID of the Database" to learn how to determine the DBID. This metadata interferes with future attempts to restore and recover the primary database. Examine the output to see if recovery was successful. When the server parameter file is not available, RMAN starts the instance with a dummy parameter file. Assume that the old datafiles were stored in the /disk1 path and the new ones will be stored in the /disk2 path. If you want to restore the server parameter file to a nondefault location, then specify the TO clause or TO PFILE clause on the RESTORE SPFILE command. PREVIEW again to confirm that the restore will not attempt to use unavailable backups. Recover the datafiles. If the most recent autobackup was not created today, then use SET UNTIL to specify the date from which to start the search. You can also use the SWITCH DATABASE TO COPY command to point the control file at a copy of the whole database. Allocate a channel to the media manager and then restore the server parameter file from autobackup. An offsite backup is stored in a remote location, such as a secure storage facility, and cannot be restored unless the media manager retrieves the media.