what happened to the church at colossae

121.) (4) There is almost no reference to the reconciliation of Jews and Gentiles that is found in Ephesians, though one might compare 3:11 and 4:11. The Gnostics were the people who were in the know when it came to the deep things of God. with Col. 4:12), but surely also for instruction and encouragement from Paul. A.D. 150) recognized the epistle as a genuine letter of Paul. Some of these Paul filled with biblical content and used them against the heresy itself showing that in reality such ideas can only be found in Jesus Christ because of who He is (His person) and what He has accomplished (His work). From a study of Colossians and from information derived historically, the features of the Colossian heresy fell into at least the following characteristics: 1. It was critical to him that this church know God in His greatness and glory, rather than in the deficient view given them by the false teachers (Colossians 1:25; 2:12). Epaphras traveled to Rome to visit Paul during his first Roman imprisonment where he was under house arrest. It is true to say that the Christology of Colossians is an advance on anything in the earlier letters of Paul; but that is far from saying that Paul did not write it, unless we are willing to argue that Pauls thought remained forever static, and never developed to meet a new situation. And in face of a new set of circumstances Paul thought out new implications of Christ. Christian believers must beware of mixing their Christian faith with such alluring things as yoga, transcendental meditation, Oriental mysticism, and the like. Do we have any of this heresy today? Practical: The Practice of the Believer in Christ (3:4b4:6), C. In Servant/Master Relationships (3:224:1), IV. As an illustration, Groothius also points out that John Randolph Price is a New Age writer who teaches that everyone should affirm, I and the Father are one, and all the Father has is mine. But the idea of two worlds, the idea of the evil of matter, the idea that the body is a tomb, and that the flesh is evil, are ideas which are deeply woven into both Jewish and Greek thought. 1. In this little book, we see Pauls full-length portrait of Christ.21 Christ is the object of the Christians faith (1:4), but why? It contained ascetic elements designed to control the flesh (2:20-23). This points to a pagan and mystical element in this heresy. Attention has been called to a bitter Talmudist comment, The wines and baths of Phrygia have separated the ten tribes from Israel. Luke bears further testimony to the presence of Jews in the tricities area when he specifically mentions that Phrygians were present in Jerusalem at the time of Pentecost, presumably worshiping Jews (cf. James S. Stewart has put it this way: Paul was always flinging out scouting parties into unexplored theological territory (Lecture in New College, Edinburgh, January 19, 1961). There was also a full knowledge, a spiritual depth, that only the initiated could enjoy. It contained certain Jewish or Judaistic elements as circumcision (cf. Philemon 2 with Col. 4:16) and are mentioned in Colossians (cf. It is a cosmic book, presenting the cosmic Christ: the Creator/Sustainer who is also the one and only Redeemer/Reconciler of the universe. The early church rejected all forms of syncretism because they were convinced that Jesus alone was God and the only way of salvation. Some scholars believe angels werent actually worshiped but were simply thought of as guiding spirits and intermediators by which men thought they could worship or contact God.16 Whatever the case, there seems little doubt that in some way, they were advocating occult experiences with these angelic beings or guiding spirits or ascended masters as they are sometimes called in the New Age movement. When we make Jesus Christ and the Christian revelation only part of a total religious system or philosophy, we cease to give Him the preeminence. As its name would indicate, Gnosticismthe word is related to gnosis, knowledgetaught that salvation is obtained not through faith but through knowledge. Personal: The Private Plans and Affairs of the Apostle (4:7-18). The report came from Epaphras, likely the leader of the church at Colossae and a convert of Pauls from his more than two-year ministry in Ephesus. onesimus philemon st This new god is our one absolute, the one flag still deemed worthy of our honor. The problem of different vocabulary: There are those who maintain there are words and phrases that do not occur in the rest of Pauls letters, but does this really proves anything? 5. As A. M. Hunter puts it; To all who would improve Christianity by admixing it with spiritualism or Sabbatarianism or occultism or any such extra, it utters its warning: What Christ is and has done for us is enough for salvation. Others allowed that He was the Master of Masters, the one who shows us the way; the one who is to be loved and followed. Since Gods concern for His own is never based on human distinctions like size, the Colossian church was still close to the heart of God. Acts 2:10).5. Out of this naturally comes another idea. To piece out the gospel with the rags and tatters of alien cults is not to enrich but to corrupt it. 4. The product of this is some from of idolatry, mysticism, agnosticism, pantheism, monism, atheism, or dialectical materialism. This philosophy included a Greek form of dualism that believed all matter was evil and that only pure spirit was good. That this is so is illustrated in the following ways. ), and (3) to counteract both the theological heresy and its practice within the church at Colossae (2:4-23). He may be prominent, but He is definitely not preeminent. The problem of the Gnostic thought in Colossians: It has been advocated that the nature of the heresy facing the Colossians with its Gnostic bent could not have existed until much later. So it may have been an incipient form of Gnosticism combined with elements of Judaism. Some illustrations are mystery (1:27), fullness (2:9), knowledge and wisdom (2:3), elementary principles or rudiments (2:8), delighting in humility and the worship of angels (2:18), and self-imposed worship (2:23). This is an age of syncretism. People are trying to harmonize and unite many different schools of thought and come up with a superior religion. This is tolerance only for those who march in step with the tolerant crowd. Paul does not subordinate, he extends. Your browser does not support JavaScript. Nevertheless, it was a product of his ministry and beautifully illustrates his commitment to impart his vision of reaching others with the powerful message of the gospel. In light of biblical revelation, these angels turn out to be fallen angels or demonic spirits. We live in a day when religious toleration is interpreted to mean one religion is just as good as another. Some people try to take the best from various religious systems and manufacture their own private religion. Human pride was tickled, and it jumped.2, The New Age movement promotes a belief in monism. 4. 13 Peter T. OBrien, Word Biblical Commentary, Colossians, Philemon, gen. All rights reserved. Colossians presents the all-supremacy, the all-sufficiency, the uniqueness, and the fullness of the person and work of Jesus Christ as the God-man Savior, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe and the total solution for mans needs both for time and eternity. 2. Colossae was about ten miles from Laodicea and thirteen miles from Hierapolis. It was noted that in our day He is overshadowed by others but that He should be admired for being the man for His times. But, and this is very important for today, the heresy confronting the Colossians seems also to have included the worship of angels (2:18). As with all heresy, it detracted from the person and work of Christ. New and fresh insights into Gods truth on every page are the rule, not the exception, in the letters of Paul.10. First, Paul spent three years ministering the word in Ephesus from the lecture room of the School of Tyrannus. Scholars are divided concerning the exact identity of the heresy that faced the Colossians since Paul does not identify the heresy or spell out its exact tenets. 2. We must live in peace with all men and women, even with those of divergent faiths, or those who have no faith at all. Several years after the church was established, around A.D. 61-62.

1. In that phrase is the essence of all that Paul says in Colossians. Except for one or two speakers (one said of Him, He didnt even know the world was round), Christ was thus revered for His contribution in the history of religion. 1. All the features found in this cult at Colossae would later be found in full-blown Gnosticism. 6 Murray J. Harris, Exegetical Guide to the Greek New Testament, Colossians & Philemon (William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, 1991), 3. The Supremacy of the Person of Christ (1:15-18), C. The Supremacy of the Work of Christ (1:192:3), 2. As far as we know Paul never visited Colossae, at least not at the time he wrote this epistle; he had only heard about the church at Colossae (1:4, 9; 2:1). He has no equal or anyone who even comes close. False theology always leads to wrong behavior and there are at least two main reasons for this: (1) it is futile to deal with mans condition in sin (cf. He advanced, but he advanced while still abiding in the doctrine of Christ (cf. Ephesus had three great attractions that brought people into the city from all parts of Asia. This means it was eclectic or syncretistic. ed., Glenn W. Barker, NT. The people who live next door and your associates at work most likely believe that it doesnt matter what god you pray to because every deity is ultimately the same deity shrouded in a different name. 3. The bait on this pagan hook is Satans great delusion from the Garden of Eden, the promise of godhood. We must also beware of deeper life teachers who offer a system for victory and fullness that bypasses devotion to Jesus Christ. redeemer In Colosse a new situation met Paul, and out of these unsearchable riches Paul drew new answers to meet it. View Chuck Swindoll's chart of Colossians, which divides the book into major sections and highlights themes and key verses. Paul is clearly the author of Colossians and there is really no reasonable argument against it. Related Topics: Introductions, Arguments, Outlines, J. Hampton Keathley III, Th.M. This wisdom would release them from earthly things and put them in touch with heavenly things.18. Though Paul had never been to the church itself, he addressed these issues head-on. It was a seaport town, a center of commerce, and, with the temple of Diana, it was also a center for idol worship. was nonnegotiable, so Paul wrote to them that he might bring his wisdom to bear on this difficult and trying situation. Mysticism, legalism, Eastern religions, asceticism, and man-made philosophies are secretly creeping into churches. As Groothius accurately points out, Angels are the messengers of God sent to do his will, usually behind the scenes. He obviously thought it important enough to lay it on the heart of the apostle Paul. In I Corinthians 8:6 he writes of one Lord Jesus Christ by whom are all things and we by him. What was the church of Colossae up against? To counter this, the apostle stresses the divine person and finished nature of the creative and redemptive work of Christ (1:14-22; 2:8-15). laodicea colossae reason believe gates into main