Jalal's Mane Coldkill Axe of Fechmar Gull Wall of the Eyeless Crossbows Tearhaunch, Exceptional: 25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Venom +5% To Maximum Cold Resist King's Grace Rogue's Bow Eth Bonehew Clvl Required: 57, Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped (varies) Blackleach Blade Ohm The Ward, Exceptional: Normal: Bloodmoon Peace Bloodraven's Charge Insight (L) Zakarum's Hand Dream (L) Axes Humongous, Exceptional, two-handed: Spike Thorn Eschuta's Temper, Angelic Raiment
Grim's Burning Dead, Elite: Treachery Bul-Kathos' Wedding Band
Bloodletter M'avina's Battle Hymn, Naj's Ancient Vestige Malice The Atlantean, Exceptional, 2H: Famine Normal, one-handed: Ironstone, Exceptional, 1H: Rift (L) Kelpie Snare Freezes Target Hellfire Torch, All Unique Axes Grief (L), Hand of Justice Corpsemourn, Elite: Nokozan Relic Bverrit Keep White Thunderstroke (L) Head Hunter's Glory Manald Heal Medusa's Gaze Peasant Crown Leviathan (L) Dragonscale, Sorceress Orbs Highlord's Wrath Bloodtree Stump Maces Potions It is one of the best shields for a Paladin, as it gives high physical defense due to its Defiance Aura. Helms The Fetid Sprinkler Silkweave Dream (L) The Mahim-Oak Curio Earthshaker, Exceptional, 2H: Cow King's Leathers Staves Infernal Tools Swordback Hold Rockstopper Sigon's Complete Steel Treasure Classes Normal: Magefist Farming High Runes: Out of all locations in the game one stands above the rest for farming specifically High Runes, the Countess during Act 1. Crescent Moon Elite: Carin Shard The Dragon Chang Messerschmidt's Reaver, All Unique Bows Ondal's Wisdom, All Unique Throwing Weapons Normal: Biggin's Bonnet Suffixes Verdungo's Hearty Cord, All Unique Armor
Guardian Naga, Elite, one-handed: Shael The Eye of Etlich Stormchaser
Orphan's Call Spirit Keeper, Necromancer Totems Ral Pelta Lunata Lycander's Aim Druid Helms Soulfeast Tine Rings, Weapons Metalgrid (L), All Unique Rings Undead Crown Required Runes: Vex -- Ohm -- Ist -- Dol
The Face of Horror, Exceptional: The Jade Tan Do Nosferatu's Coil Dragon String of Ears Skull, Crafted Items The Spirit Shroud Call to Arms Skystrike Zod, All Unique Belts Cranebeak Spirit Brainhew Sander's Folly Asn Claws Normal: The Tannr Gorerod, Exceptional: Ribcracker Ichorsting
Steel Carapace Vex (26) + Ohm (27) + Ist (24) + Dol (14) Bing Sz Wang Vidala's Rig, Aldur's Watchtower Alma Negra Twitchthroe Witherstring Thul Diamond Ort Tal Steelshade Polearms Gloves Endlesshail Trang-Oul's Avatar, Bone Que-Hegan's Wisdom Fury
© Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. Atma's Scarab Death (L) Kuko Shakaku The Salamander Harlequin Crest Windforce, All Unique Crossbows Herald of Zakarum Blackhorn's Face, Elite: Merman's Sprocket It's also possible to 'ebug' a piece of Ethereal Armor that you find which will increase the Defense bonuses by 50%, check out my Ebugging Guide for more information. This Rune Word is one of few that you can put into an Ethereal base since it comes with "Repairs 1 Durability Every 4 Seconds" as an affix, making your Ethereal item unbreakable. Stealth Spirit Ward, Class Shields: Normal, 1H:
Exile Boneflame Item Generation Tutorial Greyform Stoneraven (L), Assassin Claws Skewer of Krintiz Blinkbat's Form Nagelring
Pul Lance Guard Tyrael's Might (L), All Unique Gloves Io Um, Mal Normal: Stone of Jordan Firelizard's Talons Tarnhelm Iratha's Finery Leaf Cham Other Req: Paladin Shields Only VexOhmIstDol Heaven's Brethren Snowclash Guardian Angel Jah Stormguild Thundergod's Vigor, Elite: Heaven's Light (L) Lo Nord's Tenderizer Death's Fathom (L) Pierre Tombale Couant Hellclap Deathspade Normal: Mara's Kaleidoscope Exile is a Paladin only Rune Word that you can Socket into any Shield with 4 open slots. Dimoak's Hew Astreon's Iron Ward Iron Pelt Jade Talon Wands, Class Items Milabrega's Regalia Valkyrie Wing The Battlebranch Duskdeep Bladebuckle, Exceptional:
When crafting it, use an Ethereal item, as the runeword has a bonus of self-repair. Books & Scrolls, El Goblin Toe Doom Demonhorn's Edge (L) Razorswitch Steel Pillar Buriza-Do Kyanon Soul Harvest Death's Disguise, Hsaru's Defense Nightwing's Veil Sur +30% Faster Block Rate Viscerataunt Baezil's Vortex Hellplague Sparking Mail Sazabi's Grand Tribute Bartuc's Cut-Throat Fortitude (L) Venom Grip Passion Spire of Honor, Elite: Ith Natalya's Odium Rune hunting Cloudcrack Marrowwalk Silks of the Victor, Exceptional: Rhyme Ice (L) Melody Eternity Hellslayer Chromatic Ire Shadow Killer (L), Barbarian Helms Wolfhowl, Druid Helms Lacerator Ko Unique Paladin Shields Gore Rider, Elite: Arkaine's Valor The Disciple Moser's Blessed Circle Lava Gout The Iron Jang Bong, Exceptional: Bladebone Lionheart, Myth Prefixes Saracen's Chance Athena's Wrath Andariel's Visage (L)
Fal Blood Crescent The Scalper, Elite: Normal: Dracul's Grasp Sanctuary Repairs 1 Durability every 4 seconds, Armor Steelclash Lightsabre, Elite, 2H: Stormspire, All Unique Scepters Viperfork, All Unique Staves Plague Bearer
The Grim Reaper, Exceptional:
Boots Nature's Peace (L) Suicide Branch
Husoldal Evo Lum Holy Thunder Chance Guards Circlets Warshrike (L), All Unique Javelins Razor's Edge Lidless Wall Griswold's Legacy Chaos Radament's Sphere, Elite: Hone Sundan Wizendraw Hellcast The General's Tan Do Li Ga Stormshield Riphook Unique Necro Totems, All Unique Charms Exile is a runeword consisting of Vex-Ohm-Ist-Dol for four-socketed Paladin Shields in Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Doomslinger, Exceptional: Skullder's Ire Exceptional: Gravenspine Azurewrath Stormrider Fleshripper Amulets Body Armor Ber Honor Baranar's Star Spectral Shard, Exceptional: Darksight Helm Dragon (L)
The Patriarch, Exceptional, 1H: The Gladiator's Bane Venom Ward Ormus' Robes Boneflesh The Cat's Eye Blackoak Shield Razortail Ethereal Edge Skull Collector, Elite: Kinemil's Awl
Knell Striker Paladin Shields {4} Magic Find Swordguard, Elite, 1H: 25% Better Chance Of Getting Magic Items Warpspear War Traveler If you find a 'Superior' piece of armor with +Enhanced Defense, a Superior Weapon with +Enhanced Damage or a Helm/Weapon that has +Skill bonuses for a certain class, all of these will remain on the final Rune Word that is created. Phoenix (L)
Arctic Gear Safety Recipes, Calculations Spellsteel Sureshrill Frost The Meat Scraper Ghostflame Heart of the Oak
Iceblink Flamebellow Demon Machine, All Unique Daggers Umbral Disk Skin of the Flayed One Demon's Arch Nadir Blastbark, Exceptional: Vex (26) + Ohm (27) + Ist (24) + Dol (14), Diablo II: Lord of Destruction Expansion Set, Quality of Life Changes for Diablo II: Lord of Destruction, Diablo III: Eternal Collection - Game Guide, Bloodborne: Complete Edition - Game Guide, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild - Game Guide, Child of Light: Ultimate Edition - Game Guide, Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition - Game Guide, Diablo II: Lord of Destruction - Game Guide, Diablo II: How to Increase the Stash Size, Diablo II: How to Increase the Horadric Cube Size, Diablo II: New Cube Recipe to Unsocket and Preserve Items, Diablo II: Unlimited Socketing with Larzuk, 15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking, Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped (varies). The Centurion Horizon's Tornado Wizardspike, All Unique Polearms Deathbit All rights reserved. Blacktongue Gloom Blackbog's Sharp
Scepters Spineripper Lore Normal: Exile - From Vex + Ohm + Ist + Dol in shields. Headstriker +2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) Toothrow Slots: Shields, 15% Chance To Cast Level 5 Life Tap On Striking Raven's Claw Chains of Honor Stoutnail Normal, 1H: Goldstrike Arch, Elite: Fleshrender Black Hades Crescent Moon Witchwild String Seraph's Hymn (L)
Wealth, Delirium Tancred's Battlegear Experience
Crown of Thieves Heavenly Garb The Diggler Executioner's Justice (L) Treads of Cthon Arreat's Face Butcher's Pupil Bows
Ravenlore Kingslayer Rockfleece Infernostride Freezes Target The Impaler Soul Drainer Runewords, Gems Langer Briser Gimmershred Culwen's Point, Normal, 2H: Fortitude Ghoulhide Spirit Forge Lawbringer (L) Pride (L) Strength Felloak The Minotaur, Elite, two-handed:
Doombringer Normal: Dol Emerald Gloom's Trap Amn, Sol Wrath (L) Daggers Gleamscythe Torch of Iro Serpent Lord Darkglow Eld Arioc's Needle The Gavel of Pain, Elite, 1H: Bul-Kathos' Children Enigma Hellmouth, Elite: Veil of Steel, Circlets: Templar's Might (L) Leadcrow Steel Blood Recipes Vampire Gaze Arachnid Mesh
Special Modifiers, Gambling Bloodrise Todesfaelle Flamme Rakescar, Exceptional, one-handed: Soulflay Gorefoot Maelstrom Griswold's Edge Zephyr, https://diablo2.diablowiki.net/index.php?title=Exile&oldid=28452, Last edited on 23 September 2021, at 20:54. Hotspur Berserker's Arsenal Howltusk Pluckeye Atma's Wail Black Crown of Ages Bloodfist Dark Clan Crusher It's strongly recommended that you find a Paladin Shield with +30 or more All Resistance on it since the one thing this shield is lacking is protection against spells. The Redeemer, All Unique Spears Stone Memory, Oath (L) Enlightenment Blackhand Key, All Unique Maces Ume's Lament, Exceptional: Woestave The Reaper's Toll (L) Principle Rattlecage Rune FAQ Ruby Tal Rasha's Wrappings Boneslayer Blade Radiance, Ancient's Pledge The Vile Husk Waterwalk +30% Faster Block Rate Darkforce Spawn (L), Paladin Shields Shields Frostwind Pus Spitter Stormspike, Elite: Silence Frostburn, Exceptional: The Gnasher Ama Weapons Crushflange Last Wish (L) Gargoyle's Bite, All Unique Wands Lycander's Flank Bloodthief Eaglehorn Belts Check out my The Countess Farming Guide for more information. Level 13-16 Defiance Aura When Equipped (varies) Normal: Immortal King Nightsmoke Frostwind Stormstrike Halaberd's Reign Elite Paladin Shields: random Sacred Targe, Sacred Rondache, Kurast Shield, Zakarum Shield, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Elite Paladin Shield - Ethereal - 35-39 Resist All - 600+ Defense, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Elite Paladin Shield - Ethereal - 40-44 Resist All - 600+ Defense, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Elite Paladin Shield - Ethereal - 45 Resist All - 600+ Defense, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Vortex Shield - Ethereal - 35-39 Resist All - 873-1212 Defense, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Vortex Shield - Ethereal - 40-44 Resist All - 873-1212 Defense, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Elite Paladin Shield - Ethereal - 50-59% ED - 100-121 AR - 600+ Defense, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Elite Paladin Shield - Ethereal - 60-64% ED - 100-121 AR - 600+ Defense, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Vortex Shield - Ethereal - 50-59%ED - 100-121AR - 873-1212 Defense, [D2R Non-Ladder] Exile Vortex Shield - Ethereal - 60-64%ED - 100-121AR - 873-1212 Defense.
Possible in 1.11 and 1.10. Swords Gravepalm Sorc Orbs, Rune list Rain Death Cleaver (L) Brand (L) Shadow Dancer (L), All Unique Amulets Spire of Lazarus Ist Giant Skull Steelgoad Skin of the Vipermagi Gul +2 To Offensive Auras (Paladin Only) Titan's Revenge Raven Frost Hand of Blessed Light, Elite: Smoke Duriel's Shell The Oculus Amethyst Cleglaw's Brace Infinity (L) Warlord's Trust Goldskin Rixot's Keen Mang Song's Lesson (L) Normal: Barb Helms +5% To Maximum Fire Resist Homunculus Vex Crow Caw The Cranium Basher, All Unique Swords Faith (L) Voice of Reason (L) +220-260% Enhanced Defense (varies) The Rising Sun Sapphire Gold Find, Modifiers +5% To Maximum Cold Resist Gerke's Sanctuary Magewrath Normal:
Schaefer's Hammer, Elite, 2H: Caster Recipes Tir Steelrend, All Unique Helms Repairs 1 Durability Every 4 Seconds. Arcanna's Tricks Cathan's Traps Hexfire Normal: Hitpower Recipes Edge (L) Wisp Projector, All Unique Shields Throwing Lenymo Replenish Life +7
Bramble Stormlash Bane Ash Rusthandle Hawkmail Topaz Splendor, Beast Duress Djinn Slayer (L) Prudence Crainte Vomir Harmony (L) Skull Splitter Heart Carver Widowmaker (L) Level Req: 57 Replenish Life +7 Coif of Glory Cerebus' Bite (L) Arm of King Leoric Pal Shields Stone Crusher Dwarf Star The Chieftain Spirit (L) Hel Keep in mind that all Rune Words you create will retain any pre-existing bonuses found on the item. Tiamat's Rebuke Isenhart's Armory Nef Gheed's Fortune Typically players that want an Exile typically do so for the Defiance Aura that it grants as well as the +2 Skill bonus to Offensive Auras. Phoenix Griffon's Eye (L), All Unique Boots Hwanin's Majesty Windhammer Earth Shifter Rune Master (L), Normal, two-handed: Wind Javelins Annihilus Tomb Reaver (L) Wraith Flight (L) Pompeii's Wrath The Grandfather, Amazon Weapons Spears Obedience (L) Breath of the Dying Islestrike Shaftstop Ripsaw Shadowfang Normal: Necro Totems The Countess has a guaranteed chance to always drop a High Rune and can even drop more than one. Carrion Wind Wormskull Blade of Ali Baba Cliffkiller Goldwrap Lance of Yaggai The Hand of Broc Quest Items Kira's Guardian (L) Razortine Civerb's Vestments Sandstorm Trek Goreshovel Destruction (L) Ginther's Rift Coldsteel Eye Demon Limb +220-260% Enhanced Defense (varies) Snakecord +5% To Maximum Fire Resist Stealskull Stormeye, Exceptional: