SIDE NOTE: You do not have to use the cement forms; if you decide not to, dig the hole one foot wide by 2 feet deep. You post has started my wheels turning. Now I had to locate an area on the porch where this 18 shade sail square could fit.
When we consult with a client, we always look for the most economical configuration while checking all of the other boxes on the must-have list. While shade sails can be purchased from a variety of sources, not all fabrics are created equal. Hmm maybe there would be workaround for that . The back of the house looks more stylish than before. I stumbled across ahand drill pumpfor $1. Our DIY shade sail installation was now completed at this point. Including planning. Now that you have shade in your backyard, make this easyDIY water and sand tablefor the kiddos with this easy tutorial! Thats is why we at, backed by our Tensile Architectural Parent Company The Airsculpt Group, have been designing bespoke shading and all weather tensile solutions for commercial and domestic clients alike for over 15-years, taking into account the many factors as outlined above. I was finally able to start the process of installing the summer shade sail. So using a combination of two car jacks (resting on pieces of scrap wood for support) and a crow bar, I was able to move the 500 lb rock. When most of us think about having an icon shading solution such as a shade sail installed in our gardens, be it a commerical or domestic setting, we instantly think of exotic destinations bathed in sun. What a creative idea. Unfortunately, my ideal location for the shade sail had a little snag. Thats why Ive really been considering getting a shade sail. The sail we installed is a rectangle, but they also come in a triangle. But, looking out our back windows from inside the house, the shade sail obstructs the view of the backyard especially the gorgeous sunsets. Thats a great idea! Their big ole shade tree fell down last year. Hey Dani, So happy to hear you are inspired! This way, you can make sure the shade sails will cast shade on the patio or window areas that are currently too hot. everything you want to know about shade sails, hanging hardware shade sail installation kit, 6 creative DIY projects are perfect for any outdoor space,,, but also add a beautiful, modern design element to your yard. They are known for bright colors in fancy arrangements. Terry suggests starting the process by running string along the areas where youre considering a shade sail, to see where the shadow falls. Signup for TwoFeetFirst's newsletter to recieve emails packed full of DIY home ideas and inspiration. Thanks. Using it as a shade for your goats sounds great , Wao that is a great job you guys did. Have your posts bent at all? Submit the form afterwards to make an appointment with us to obtain an exact quote. Ive read in other places that posts should be slightly angled away from the sail, but would prefer to have my posts vertical (like yours are) Have you had any issues with bending of your posts? Lesser threads and sewing techniques are available and will reflect in the pricehowever, again, you get what you pay for. They just fall to pieces, he says. I totally laughed outloud on a few places. We didnt want a screened in porch but we werent ready to spend for an awning. And I am going to share how you can install a shade sail to your outdoor space. Yes we are the shade sail makes the heat much more bearable . Welded Connections: (when applicable) There was a giant landscaping rock right in the middle of where I wanted to install one of the wooden posts for the sun shade sail.
We love having shade in our backyard at any time of the day now. Although I spent most of the time scratching my head over relocating the 500 lb rock and waiting for the concrete to dry. For our DIY shade sail installation, I planned on attaching one side of the sun shade sail to the house, and the other side of the shade sail to two wooden poles. And, extreme gusts of wind could put unnecessary stress on the supports. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Thank you for posting this. All in house welding is done by certified welders in accordance with the UBC/IBC. Such a great post, thank you! Thats not to say that a carefully-chosen palette cant work, but since quality shade sails are guaranteed for 10 years and last for 20, make sure you wont tire of the theme. This is a great way to add some shade to a patio for a fraction of the cost of building something. i didnt know that about the rain, tho, so thats something to think about for me. Our one and only shade tree for our yard will be getting cut down soon (its dying and my husband has left it as long as he can because I want the shade).
I worked with concrete to erect ourrebuilt mailboxlast year, so I was confident in my concreting skills. Save yourself some time: measure your space and decide on the amount of shade you want before purchasing a sail. In the long run, quality fabric will pay for itself. The shade sail stays up all summer, and then we take it down and store it in the shed during the winter months. SIDE NOTE: I stained all the 44 posts to match our fence before installing them, using Ready Seal in Natural Cedar. I also wanted to leave an unsheltered part of the patio for the BBQ grill. I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks: And that is how we installed a shade sail in our backyard.
I started with just 2 bags at a time in my wheelbarrow. But if you are ready to learn how to install your shade sail, then keep reading. Simply enter your data and the calculator will produce an approximate quote. As for color, Terry suggests sticking with neutral tones. Research online suggested a distance for the fixtures to be 10% larger than the sun shade sail itself. Mainly the wooden posts? Then I experimented with ahydraulic trolley floor car jack. Weve even had a few readers who have installed the shade sails over kids sandboxes and over a chicken coop, too! Be the first to know about our promotions and new products. So this meant approximately 18 for me. Phew talk about hot out there in summer. Sewing & Thread: Looking for some creative ideas for outdoor spaces? I have a day-time job and had to work around the rain, so I completed this when I could. There are some variations in UV absorption depending on the shade materials weight color and the tightness of the weave, but the differences are typically less than five percent. Youre welcome They are a really great solution! How did you attach to your house? After, we took the rope and tied a loop knot on one end; this loop knot will be attached to one end of the shade sail with a carabiner. Even though 48 hours was the recommended dry time, a few extra days couldnt hurt. Yes, those umbrellas never last too long before they become unsafe! Next, I screwed in several galvanized lag bolts into the bottom of the posts to serve as anchors into the concrete. Now, let me show you how you can install your sun shade sail. I love the idea of a pergola and the shade sail. It is super durable and is ideal for fabrication of shade sails, awning covers, and other outdoor applications. b, Yes, its not quite like a tent just a sun blocker , Shade sails are used EVERYWHERE here in sunny Perth (Australia). I always try to get my toddler to play in the shade but he usually just runs everywhere , Great post with lots of specifics to accomplish the installation, Ouch Ash, we have some of those huge rocks aka boulders in our garden too that we havent been able to move. If we ever want to install one again, Ill definitely refer back to this post. I wonder if you could have multiple places where it attaches to the post so you can angle it to block the sun at different times of the day. They also makeshade sails that are waterproof. Helpers are billed out at $25.00 per hour based on an 8 hour work day Monday Through Friday. Next up, it was was time to install the shade sail. If you are wanting to learn more about shade sails, check out this post which will tell youeverything you want to know about shade sails. This was an excellent tutorial and timely, might use some of ideas to install shade cloth doubled. It looks nice, saves money and works great. As you turn the middle adjustment piece, the hooks extend or retract, depending on the direction you turn. Thats what we love about being able to take the shade sail down. Thanks Beverly! When choosing a shade sail, you will want to know if the vendor offers a warranty. Heres a picture of the concrete being mixed in the wheelbarrow. Its most effective when the sun is directly above. Then, we just store it until the warmer months. In addition to this, I had to contend with obstacles on the post side, like awooden walkwayI built last year.
Required fields are marked *, DIY Shade Sail Installation Materials And Cost, Determining The Location For The Shade Sail, Preparing For The Concrete For The Shade Sail Posts, Mixing The Concrete For The Shade Sail Posts, Pouring The Concrete For The Shade Sail Posts, Turning The Wooden Posts Into Solar Power Lights. Yes, sometimes you need an interim plan before the big ones The shade sail has been working out great. I could start installing the hanging hardware and secure the shade sail fabric. Its really a great blog to read about. We recommend our users to update the browser. Use all appropriate and proper safety precautions when attempting projects. Shade sails not only block the sun (and UV rays!) The shade sail posts have held up perfectly. Here are some pictures of the completedsummer shade sail on the patio: The shade sail works great and has been keeping our patio nice and cool. All steel reinforcement of the concrete is designed by a licensed structural engineer and is engineered to resist horizontal and lateral bearing loads. It was 20 lbs of solid steel, 5 long providing all the leverage I needed. A great project. But awnings are so expensive! Shade sails are a way of providing comfortable shade in modern landscapes.
Pinned, Youre welcome Debra! , Love it! We do take it down before the winter though Hope you get some shade soon! You can print the material list and instructions below. See how to install a sun shade sail in your yard, including how to erect the shade sail posts with this easy tutorial. Helpers Weekend Travel Rates are based on work outside California and are billed on a 24 hour continuance with an 8 hour work day at time and or $37.50 per hour and 16 hours away time at $10.00 per hour. In a heavy downpour, water will drip through the shade because its made from breathable woven fabric, which allows air to pass through and keep the shaded area cool. However, that can increase or decrease dramatically depending on the weather in your area. This project cost about $12,000. These turnbuckles provide two hooks on either end. Install the shade sail posts into the ground with concrete. I hope you guys are able to get yours relocated too Have a wonderful week . Shade sails have gotten a bad name because homeowners purchase these cheap sails and attach them to wooden posts, says Berger. We turned them into solar power outdoor lights! #coffeeandconversation. The cost of installing a shade sail will depend on the size of the shade you purchase. Then you fold up the sail:). Rain was predicted for the next couple days, and I wanted at least a few days of hot sun to allow the concrete to dry properly. A light sprinkle will roll off the shade, so its important to install it at an angle. Just being protected from the sun makes an outdoor space so much cooler. Made entirely from 2x4s, this easy project is always a hit with the kids! The shade sail posts were going to be subjected to large forces once the fabric was tensioned down. Really helpful instructions! Yes you will love all the shade And the price! The rope is then tightened to make the shade tight. I could get a 16 x 16 shade setup for under $150.
So when the weather finally cleared up, I went outside to continue the sun shade sail project. These 6 x 6 posts were 10 long. Its been so helpful to have more shade:). Keep posting! I had never heard of shade sails prior to Ashs research. So, I shoveled the mixture into the hole, which actually gave me a more even fill. We just installed some at our local baseball park and the parents love them, Just curious how this has held up? Continuous Inspection by a Registered Building Inspector is required for ALL Field welding. This estimate may vary slightly in material costs and pricing based on a completed engineered set of specs. Hi Jeannie, thats great to hear they make waterproof ones too!! Ratings and prices are accurate and items are in stock as of time of publication. As you would expect, the size of a project has a huge effect on the final price. The rock started moving! Size of Project and Structure: DIY shade sail installations do not take this into account. Ash was so proud of himself when he finally got that rock moved haha! My wife was somewhat keen on the idea of a retractable awning. I attached lights to the top of both wooden posts and added a little birdhouse-like box to house the battery and controller. The turnbuckle looks like this when installed: For the other two sides, we decided to make a loop in the middle of the rope, then weave the end of the rope through the eye pad hardware and back to the loop. Thanks so much We love the shade we are getting! Its what helped me the most with moving the rock out of the way of where I wanted the shade sail poles to go. With the posts resting in the holes, stationary with the temporary supports, I could mix and pour the concrete. But if you want maximum sun protection, know that heavier fabric, a tighter weave and darker colors generally block the most UV rays. I didnt feel like wheeling out my large wet/dry shop vac for this. You are too sweet! Heres a picture of the car loaded up with the 6 x 6 shade sail posts, concrete, and paver base. Notice that I had to use some carabiners to increase the length a little: The turnbuckles were all tightened to roughly the same settings, and the shade sail fabric felt well tensioned. We get crazy wind where we are so would probably have to take it down quite often, Hi Andrea It is actually very easy to take down! Most outdoor umbrellas cost about that, but they dont offer such a large amount of shade! Thanks for the suggestion on the concrete , Perfect timing with this post, were thinking up ways we can shade our back deck which faces due West. The one I got said it was water proofso hoping it will be ok! Thank you. And thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. It is natural to want to know the cost of a shade sail before you get too far into your project. However, as the party crept up, I began to veer from the retractable awning idea. Your email address will not be published. This summer, we took on the project weve been wanting to complete since installing this shade sail canopy. Any shade on a warm summer day is a welcome treat. I have never done this before and am wondering how you find a stud to secure the attachments? Weekend Travel Rates Travel rates are based on work outside California and are billed on a 24 hour continuance with an 8 hour work day at time and or $1156.00 per hour and 16 hours away time at $45.00 per hour. This posts is great. The shade sail installation was certainly moving along. I will note though that the effectiveness of the shade sail changes during the day as the angle of the sun changes.
When we consult with a client, we always look for the most economical configuration while checking all of the other boxes on the must-have list. While shade sails can be purchased from a variety of sources, not all fabrics are created equal. Hmm maybe there would be workaround for that . The back of the house looks more stylish than before. I stumbled across ahand drill pumpfor $1. Our DIY shade sail installation was now completed at this point. Including planning. Now that you have shade in your backyard, make this easyDIY water and sand tablefor the kiddos with this easy tutorial! Thats is why we at, backed by our Tensile Architectural Parent Company The Airsculpt Group, have been designing bespoke shading and all weather tensile solutions for commercial and domestic clients alike for over 15-years, taking into account the many factors as outlined above. I was finally able to start the process of installing the summer shade sail. So using a combination of two car jacks (resting on pieces of scrap wood for support) and a crow bar, I was able to move the 500 lb rock. When most of us think about having an icon shading solution such as a shade sail installed in our gardens, be it a commerical or domestic setting, we instantly think of exotic destinations bathed in sun. What a creative idea. Unfortunately, my ideal location for the shade sail had a little snag. Thats why Ive really been considering getting a shade sail. The sail we installed is a rectangle, but they also come in a triangle. But, looking out our back windows from inside the house, the shade sail obstructs the view of the backyard especially the gorgeous sunsets. Thats a great idea! Their big ole shade tree fell down last year. Hey Dani, So happy to hear you are inspired! This way, you can make sure the shade sails will cast shade on the patio or window areas that are currently too hot. everything you want to know about shade sails, hanging hardware shade sail installation kit, 6 creative DIY projects are perfect for any outdoor space,,, but also add a beautiful, modern design element to your yard. They are known for bright colors in fancy arrangements. Terry suggests starting the process by running string along the areas where youre considering a shade sail, to see where the shadow falls. Signup for TwoFeetFirst's newsletter to recieve emails packed full of DIY home ideas and inspiration. Thanks. Using it as a shade for your goats sounds great , Wao that is a great job you guys did. Have your posts bent at all? Submit the form afterwards to make an appointment with us to obtain an exact quote. Ive read in other places that posts should be slightly angled away from the sail, but would prefer to have my posts vertical (like yours are) Have you had any issues with bending of your posts? Lesser threads and sewing techniques are available and will reflect in the pricehowever, again, you get what you pay for. They just fall to pieces, he says. I totally laughed outloud on a few places. We didnt want a screened in porch but we werent ready to spend for an awning. And I am going to share how you can install a shade sail to your outdoor space. Yes we are the shade sail makes the heat much more bearable . Welded Connections: (when applicable) There was a giant landscaping rock right in the middle of where I wanted to install one of the wooden posts for the sun shade sail.
We love having shade in our backyard at any time of the day now. Although I spent most of the time scratching my head over relocating the 500 lb rock and waiting for the concrete to dry. For our DIY shade sail installation, I planned on attaching one side of the sun shade sail to the house, and the other side of the shade sail to two wooden poles. And, extreme gusts of wind could put unnecessary stress on the supports. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. Thank you for posting this. All in house welding is done by certified welders in accordance with the UBC/IBC. Such a great post, thank you! Thats not to say that a carefully-chosen palette cant work, but since quality shade sails are guaranteed for 10 years and last for 20, make sure you wont tire of the theme. This is a great way to add some shade to a patio for a fraction of the cost of building something. i didnt know that about the rain, tho, so thats something to think about for me. Our one and only shade tree for our yard will be getting cut down soon (its dying and my husband has left it as long as he can because I want the shade).
I worked with concrete to erect ourrebuilt mailboxlast year, so I was confident in my concreting skills. Save yourself some time: measure your space and decide on the amount of shade you want before purchasing a sail. In the long run, quality fabric will pay for itself. The shade sail stays up all summer, and then we take it down and store it in the shed during the winter months. SIDE NOTE: I stained all the 44 posts to match our fence before installing them, using Ready Seal in Natural Cedar. I also wanted to leave an unsheltered part of the patio for the BBQ grill. I would love for you to share this with my Facebook Group for recipes, crafts, tips, and tricks: And that is how we installed a shade sail in our backyard.
I started with just 2 bags at a time in my wheelbarrow. But if you are ready to learn how to install your shade sail, then keep reading. Simply enter your data and the calculator will produce an approximate quote. As for color, Terry suggests sticking with neutral tones. Research online suggested a distance for the fixtures to be 10% larger than the sun shade sail itself. Mainly the wooden posts? Then I experimented with ahydraulic trolley floor car jack. Weve even had a few readers who have installed the shade sails over kids sandboxes and over a chicken coop, too! Be the first to know about our promotions and new products. So this meant approximately 18 for me. Phew talk about hot out there in summer. Sewing & Thread: Looking for some creative ideas for outdoor spaces? I have a day-time job and had to work around the rain, so I completed this when I could. There are some variations in UV absorption depending on the shade materials weight color and the tightness of the weave, but the differences are typically less than five percent. Youre welcome They are a really great solution! How did you attach to your house? After, we took the rope and tied a loop knot on one end; this loop knot will be attached to one end of the shade sail with a carabiner. Even though 48 hours was the recommended dry time, a few extra days couldnt hurt. Yes, those umbrellas never last too long before they become unsafe! Next, I screwed in several galvanized lag bolts into the bottom of the posts to serve as anchors into the concrete. Now, let me show you how you can install your sun shade sail. I love the idea of a pergola and the shade sail. It is super durable and is ideal for fabrication of shade sails, awning covers, and other outdoor applications. b, Yes, its not quite like a tent just a sun blocker , Shade sails are used EVERYWHERE here in sunny Perth (Australia). I always try to get my toddler to play in the shade but he usually just runs everywhere , Great post with lots of specifics to accomplish the installation, Ouch Ash, we have some of those huge rocks aka boulders in our garden too that we havent been able to move. If we ever want to install one again, Ill definitely refer back to this post. I wonder if you could have multiple places where it attaches to the post so you can angle it to block the sun at different times of the day. They also makeshade sails that are waterproof. Helpers are billed out at $25.00 per hour based on an 8 hour work day Monday Through Friday. Next up, it was was time to install the shade sail. If you are wanting to learn more about shade sails, check out this post which will tell youeverything you want to know about shade sails. This was an excellent tutorial and timely, might use some of ideas to install shade cloth doubled. It looks nice, saves money and works great. As you turn the middle adjustment piece, the hooks extend or retract, depending on the direction you turn. Thats what we love about being able to take the shade sail down. Thanks Beverly! When choosing a shade sail, you will want to know if the vendor offers a warranty. Heres a picture of the concrete being mixed in the wheelbarrow. Its most effective when the sun is directly above. Then, we just store it until the warmer months. In addition to this, I had to contend with obstacles on the post side, like awooden walkwayI built last year.

Pinned, Youre welcome Debra! , Love it! We do take it down before the winter though Hope you get some shade soon! You can print the material list and instructions below. See how to install a sun shade sail in your yard, including how to erect the shade sail posts with this easy tutorial. Helpers Weekend Travel Rates are based on work outside California and are billed on a 24 hour continuance with an 8 hour work day at time and or $37.50 per hour and 16 hours away time at $10.00 per hour. In a heavy downpour, water will drip through the shade because its made from breathable woven fabric, which allows air to pass through and keep the shaded area cool. However, that can increase or decrease dramatically depending on the weather in your area. This project cost about $12,000. These turnbuckles provide two hooks on either end. Install the shade sail posts into the ground with concrete. I hope you guys are able to get yours relocated too Have a wonderful week . Shade sails have gotten a bad name because homeowners purchase these cheap sails and attach them to wooden posts, says Berger. We turned them into solar power outdoor lights! #coffeeandconversation. The cost of installing a shade sail will depend on the size of the shade you purchase. Then you fold up the sail:). Rain was predicted for the next couple days, and I wanted at least a few days of hot sun to allow the concrete to dry properly. A light sprinkle will roll off the shade, so its important to install it at an angle. Just being protected from the sun makes an outdoor space so much cooler. Made entirely from 2x4s, this easy project is always a hit with the kids! The shade sail posts were going to be subjected to large forces once the fabric was tensioned down. Really helpful instructions! Yes you will love all the shade And the price! The rope is then tightened to make the shade tight. I could get a 16 x 16 shade setup for under $150.
So when the weather finally cleared up, I went outside to continue the sun shade sail project. These 6 x 6 posts were 10 long. Its been so helpful to have more shade:). Keep posting! I had never heard of shade sails prior to Ashs research. So, I shoveled the mixture into the hole, which actually gave me a more even fill. We just installed some at our local baseball park and the parents love them, Just curious how this has held up? Continuous Inspection by a Registered Building Inspector is required for ALL Field welding. This estimate may vary slightly in material costs and pricing based on a completed engineered set of specs. Hi Jeannie, thats great to hear they make waterproof ones too!! Ratings and prices are accurate and items are in stock as of time of publication. As you would expect, the size of a project has a huge effect on the final price. The rock started moving! Size of Project and Structure: DIY shade sail installations do not take this into account. Ash was so proud of himself when he finally got that rock moved haha! My wife was somewhat keen on the idea of a retractable awning. I attached lights to the top of both wooden posts and added a little birdhouse-like box to house the battery and controller. The turnbuckle looks like this when installed: For the other two sides, we decided to make a loop in the middle of the rope, then weave the end of the rope through the eye pad hardware and back to the loop. Thanks so much We love the shade we are getting! Its what helped me the most with moving the rock out of the way of where I wanted the shade sail poles to go. With the posts resting in the holes, stationary with the temporary supports, I could mix and pour the concrete. But if you want maximum sun protection, know that heavier fabric, a tighter weave and darker colors generally block the most UV rays. I didnt feel like wheeling out my large wet/dry shop vac for this. You are too sweet! Heres a picture of the car loaded up with the 6 x 6 shade sail posts, concrete, and paver base. Notice that I had to use some carabiners to increase the length a little: The turnbuckles were all tightened to roughly the same settings, and the shade sail fabric felt well tensioned. We get crazy wind where we are so would probably have to take it down quite often, Hi Andrea It is actually very easy to take down! Most outdoor umbrellas cost about that, but they dont offer such a large amount of shade! Thanks for the suggestion on the concrete , Perfect timing with this post, were thinking up ways we can shade our back deck which faces due West. The one I got said it was water proofso hoping it will be ok! Thank you. And thanks so much for joining the Grace at Home party at Imparting Grace. It is natural to want to know the cost of a shade sail before you get too far into your project. However, as the party crept up, I began to veer from the retractable awning idea. Your email address will not be published. This summer, we took on the project weve been wanting to complete since installing this shade sail canopy. Any shade on a warm summer day is a welcome treat. I have never done this before and am wondering how you find a stud to secure the attachments? Weekend Travel Rates Travel rates are based on work outside California and are billed on a 24 hour continuance with an 8 hour work day at time and or $1156.00 per hour and 16 hours away time at $45.00 per hour. This posts is great. The shade sail installation was certainly moving along. I will note though that the effectiveness of the shade sail changes during the day as the angle of the sun changes.