domain driven design criticism

As each table class contains a $fieldspec array which identifies all the columns which belong to that particular table, along with their specifications, a competent programmer should be able to create a standard routine which validates that each piece of user input matches the database definition before any attempt is made to add it to the database. In this article, you'll learn approaches for handling aggregates on Aggregates in Domain-Driven Design. The application was an excellent example of a technology called OSGi, which separates the application into different concerns. That's why you don't see other "business domain" logic in a DBMS--it's not its domain in the first place. Condemning an approach without providing an alternative isn't constructive. My goal then became to write code in such a way that it was easy to identify that which was similar from that which was different so that I could minimise the changes necessary to make the code work with a different table and its different set of columns. You don't need rules, cerimonies, other peoples' best practices. Well there is no cook-book of recipes for that. However, an experienced developer who has worked on several domains will be able to recognise that each domain will contain a mixture of code which is totally unique as well as other code which is similar if not identical to that which appears in other domains. Knowledge Transfer, Coaching and Trainings, socreatory The Software Creators Academy. We need services which are both universal and well defined. Generic concepts and types? Both of these ideas strike me as being utterly ridiculous as they completely obliterate certain ways in which code can be reused. You may say this is done only once and can be reused but even these foundational features could have special domain needs. In the introduction I identified the various components which are supposedly "required" when implementing DDD, but I have found a use for only some of them: Note that in my application the only "grouping" I perform with database tables is to have a separate database for each domain. Like trying to tighten a lug nut with a banana. I converted my library into a framework while working on a project in 1985. And this already exists in the largesse of ERP systems today where the runtime logic is abstracted to concepts like workflow, jobs, and tasks. Up until that point the practice had been to hard-code each of the menu screens so that the user could see a list of options and choose one to be executed. As a heretic I do the worst thing possible by avoiding aggregate objects completely in favour of having a separate class for each individual component.>. After building the database I import each table's structure into the, I do not have to spend time in defining the logic which handles the basic input/output operations for each table class as all this common code is inherited from a standard, I do not have to spend time in writing code to validate user input before its gets written to the database as that is handled by a, I do not have to spend time in designing mechanisms to handle domain-specific logic as the methods inherited from the, I do not have to spend time in designing custom Controllers which call methods which are specific to individual Model classes as the framework provides a series of reusable Controllers each of which calls generic public methods which are defined in the, Each event/task within the application performs a series of operations on a database table, and as there are different tasks which perform identical operations on different database tables I have managed to encapsulate the common code into a series of reusable, I do not have any Model names hard-coded into any Controller as these are passed down by each task's component script using a form of, I do not have to spend time in designing and building individual View components for each domain object (Model) as each HTML page is constructed from a standard. Once unpublished, all posts by cheetah100 will become hidden and only accessible to themselves. They want to write software that is designed from the ground up to do a specific narrowly defined job. This makes me more productive than most other developers and my software more cost-effective. To be clear, I cannot say that in all situations that a solution consisting of generalized software is bad; and nor can I say that in all situations DDD is good. you have to write your own code in order to call a library routine, whereas a framework contains components which call your code by following the Inversion of Control (IoC) principle which is implemented using the Template Method Pattern. and only accessible to Peter Harrison. In DDDs strategic dimension, the tool used most often is the concept of a Bounded Context the idea that a given model can, and often should, be subdivided into smaller units that each assign their own, context-specific meaning to certain concepts. Once I have designed the database for a new domain I do not have to go through a separate exercise to design the software for that domain as I can use my Data Dictionary to create a separate Model class for each table in the database. What do these similarities tell us? An aggregate object is one which contains other objects. I therefore have a separate class for each table as each one has its own structure and its own business rules. An experienced programmer should be able to see the similarities as well as the differences. Alternatively you look at the main areas of each task (use case) and identify what sort of code is required to handle each of those areas: In the front end you have code which deals with HTML in order to receive requests and return responses. According to some people my implementation of these principles is totally wrong, but their arguments are futile when you consider that my results are superior to theirs. Everything has a circumstance where it will flourish it just may not be one you are facing today. In the past this was necessary because of the way databases were static. Each subsystem/domain in my ERP application has one important characteristic which is shared with all the other subsystems/domains - they are all database applications. When you look at the four types of component in Figure 1 you should now be able to see how I provide them in my code: Each user transaction - and there may be hundreds, or even thousands - will therefore contain a mixture of code which falls into one of the following categories: I have been building enterprise applications for nearly 4 decades, and my approach has always been to start building the components around the domain-agnostic logic and insert the domain-specific logic later. This led to the series of tables described above which means that all access control is handled by the framework and requires no application code to be written by the developer. Design Patterns are dead! I've learned the secrets." Are you sure you want to hide this comment? Feel free to utilize or even contribute back. Well one of the API will go totally offline. Transaction Patterns for Web Applications, Get your feet wet with domain-driven design: 3 guiding principles, list, add, read, update, delete and search, Prototype Classroom Scheduling Application, Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software. While highly influential and transformational for developers new to software design, I believe there exists a time to abandon the DDD ceremony to develop your own style. All that I knew was that Object Oriented Programming (OOP) was a programming technique that was similar to procedural programming but with the addition of encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism which could be used to increase code reuse and decrease code maintenance. As far back as 1985 I built my first development framework in COBOL to provide as much domain-agnostic and sharable code as possible. the generalized software was next to useless. As this resulted in a huge amount of duplicated code I then went through a refactoring exercise in order to put as much common code as possible into reusable modules. Each has its own set of events/tasks which can be chosen by the user to perform different operations on different tables and create different outputs. What could possibly be more efficient than that? When I was finished I had nothing left in each table class except the constructor which did nothing but supply the table name and its structure. With my technique I can build a raw user transaction from a template and add in the domain-specific logic afterwards at a faster rate than you can by starting with the domain-specific logic and adding in the domain-agnostic logic later. He could not understand what he had done wrong. An example of a service is an XSL Transformation which, after having transformed an XML document into an HTML web page, simply dies as there is nothing else left to do. With each rewrite the additional capabilities of each new language allowed me to build additional features into my development framework and also to provide more reusable components as well as shorter development times. That we're close to some ineffable truths or laws of design. I have also been in other situations where DDD did not bring value either. As COBOL was a language designed for business applications, and all these applications used some sort of database, there was a great deal of code which moved the data from the database to the screen and from the screen to the database by constructing and executing queries. I recognised decades ago that in a database application each event/task will interact with one or more database tables and that the only operations which can be performed on a database table are Create, Read, Update and Delete. This is why my productivity is higher than my rivals both for new development and subsequent maintenance. And in other organizations I have dealt with software that strived to be as general (universal) as possible. This domain independence would inform my later experiences. This is the basis on which I developed my series of development frameworks. I do not have a separate class method for each task (. Therefore video editor software cannot be created from a forms and data type application because it is dealing with video functionally. We would not hack it to address an immediate need with no thought for adaptability or flexibility. I have encountered many of these rules in the past, and I have found that I can write better software by ignoring them. So we developed a plan for another system which would address the architectural shortfalls of the first attempt. "99% of fresh CS grads don't know the basics of software design". If cheetah100 is not suspended, they can still re-publish their posts from their dashboard. The only purpose of a DBMS is the efficient storage and retrieval of data. It is *NOT* to follow a set of arbitrary or artificial rules created by fellow developers to promote their idea of "purity" or "perfection". Because of the "freedom" such systems enable to administrative users, over time the system can rot into a convoluted mess of determining how all the ad hoc rules interact. No. Then I turned my attention to the Controllers. None of the core modules were related to health at all. It takes a year or more to configure it for one customer), One thing I noticed with DDD. But in this day we live? As anyone who's been around long enough comes to know, the answer is always "It depends." And if you have multiple interdependent services I can't even begin to imagine the mess you will get into. Originally I was brought in to complete a project that had been developed in a way that was tightly coupled with the domain. Or at least a little further into our discovery of the mystery that is software design. This database structure was carried forward when I redeveloped the framework in each new language, first UNIFACE in the 1990s and then PHP in 2003. All the tactical patterns, techniques, approaches you've already absorbed the wisdom. You can design good systems even if youre not a DDD expert. Spreadsheet users are not banging down the door of IT every week requesting that new features be added to Excel so they can get their job done. This produces a separate class for each database table, but I use a framework which generates these classes for me. Databases do not need to be rebuilt and redeployed simply because you added a column. Imagine that there is a head crash on one of the database servers. Create a separate Controller for each Model. I never inherit from one concrete class to create another concrete class. JavaScript and TypeScript? Use object composition instead of inheritance. In my framework this functionality is provided by my validation class, so it is an example of more code which does not have to be written by the developer. This is a similar concept to encapsulation with classes, in that every class has a well defined contract and that only the contract is visible to the outside. "Each of these web servers are connected to a database server to store the data for that service. If you read this Wikipedia article you will see that it talks about DDD consisting of a number of high-level concepts and practices. PS: Also, the need for domain experts goes beyond contributing to the business logic but to all composition of the idea including the architecture or any function that was suggested to be abstracted. Objects in the Presentation or Data Access layers which perform standard operations on the data obtained from business objects are called Services. Unsubscribe anytime. In this way I can use my framework to both build and run any database application. The challenge with PHP was that it was the first language I had used which had Object Oriented (OO) capabilities, so I had to learn how to use these things called Encapsulation, Inheritance and Polymorphism to maximum advantage. Think of accountants saying this is the kind of "excel" we want. One of the key architectural principles that we adopted for the new project was universality. With you every step of your journey. Not all users had access to all components, so there was a primitive mechanism which identified who could access what. This means that instead of custom method names I use custom component scripts which reference pre-built and reusable controller scripts which, in turn, use the generic methods which are defined in the abstract table class which is inherited by every concrete table class. It could be said that an abstract class provides a basic pattern while a concrete class provides a particular implementation of that pattern. Objects in the Business/Domain layer are centered around entities (database tables) which have properties (data) and methods (operations). Khalil is a software developer, writer, and musician. Not every good design needs to be Domain-driven (though I can accept it should always be driven by the domain, just not necessarily in the DDD sense). If any code is inserted into the method in the concrete class then this code will be executed when that method is called. --- maybe you should acknowledge some scope here because this is literally what many of us are paid to do. This is a slightly expanded version, incorporating some of the feedback I received both internally as well as on social media (e.g. In the domain architecture we have a router which routes API calls to different web servers depending on the required service. Controls were included in each screen which allowed the user to switch from one mode to another. Khalil Stemmler, Developer Advocate @ Apollo GraphQL . Rock . No. Each table has its own name and collection of columns, so I specify these particulars in the class constructor which loads data from the table structure file and turns it into a specific concrete class. Each of these is a separate object with a separate structure and business rules, so each deserves its own separate table class in the software. What is Domain Driven Design (DDD)? Stefan is a founder and principal consultant at INNOQ, where he spends his time alternating between advising customers on new technologies and taking the blame from his co-workers for doing so. In the 1990s I rewrote this in the UNIFACE language, and in 2003 I rewrote it again specifically for PHP. I particularly avoid the idea of object aggregation where a single object in the software is responsible for multiple objects (tables) in the database. Building user transactions is as simple as selecting a database table then joining it with one of the Transaction Patterns which is also built into the framework. This is to allow the same script to be used for different tasks where the behaviour of the script can be altered by using any of the task parameters. Which has priority, the software or the database? While databases themselves are cleverly universal they did at the same time expect a static schema to be defined, which in reality was just as inflexible as any binary. A monolithic architecture attempts to include all the domain specific rules within itself. Imagine there were different databases for each industry rather than a standard which allowed all kinds of different systems to be built on top of them. This also removed the need to have any security checking within any subprograms as such checking was now performed by the framework before the subprogram was called instead of within the subprogram after it was called. I then change that task's component script to point to this subclass. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. All such objects have already been built and come supplied with the framework. In that case, the statement that building business logic into the software is a bad thing is patently absurd. Each Model (table class) inherits the same set of public methods from a single.

But while Ive been a fan of the approach for a long time, Ive recently become annoyed by the way its treated by some poeple. It does not matter that the data and business rules for each business domain are totally different when the common factor across all domains is that the data is stored in the database as tables and columns which are manipulated with SQL queries using just 4 basic operations - Create, Read Update and Delete. In this article, we'll walk through the process of using Domain Events to clean up how we decouple complex domain logic across the Should we utilize Domain-Driven Design principles and patterns in front-end applications? You must have context to understand whether a particular design methodology and/or architecture will result in realizing the expected business value. Create objects to deal with domain events. I remember years ago reading a post in a newsgroup where a novice programmer complained that his software, even after having been built using all the "proper" methods, as he had been taught, was running very slow. I also agree with most of everything else said in the comment with respect to how all that external configuration can lead to problems. To me the reverse is true - the design of the database takes preference for the following reasons: This approach falls into line with the following statement: Eric S. Raymond, "The Cathedral and the Bazaar". It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. I agree with your points, Peter. Neither is your own - but I know you agree with that. Once unpublished, this post will become invisible to the public Each has its own database with its own collection of tables, and each table has a unique arrangement of column names. The task identity is in the format ppp_()sss where: Note that the script_id which is run when a task is executed is not the same as the task_id. But business software developers have been indoctrinated into using the fixed schema static domain model. The analysis and design phase identifies the database design, the tasks and the business rules. I can describe anything as a model. The first reason domain driven development is a bad idea is that it encourages you to build business logic into the application. This means that to deal with a new domain with a new database all I need do is follow these steps: I do not need to build any Controllers or Views as these are provided by the framework as pre-built and reusable components. However, many software projects begin with requirements tightly coupled with the domain. I have been writing database applications for over 30 years, and I have learned to start with the database design and build my software around the structure of that database. The reality is that they are used even at the highest levels in multinational companies. Possible different products at a higher cost. Instead of having a separate Controller which contained hard-coded references to a particular Model class I found a way to make them work with a class name that was not supplied until run-time.