16101665), whose paintings depicted Brazilians and the country's animals and plants. In 1610 he participated in the Dutch States Army in the conquest of Jlich. Not to be confused with. Encyclopedia.com. Wilhelm Ludwig von Nassau-Dillenburg (1560, NN von Nassau-Dillenburg (1581-1581)+Maria Amalia von Nassau-Dillenburg (1582-1635)+Cunigonda von Nassau (1583-1584)+NN von Nassau-Dillenburg (1585-1585), Georg Ludwig von Nassau-Dillenburg (1588-1. Firstly, he married on 9 December 1581 with Countess Magdalena of Waldeck, daughter of Count Philipp IV of Waldeck-Wildungen and Jutta of Isenburg. fin Maria von Nassau-Dillenburg, Mathilde von Nassau-Dillenburg, Grfin Amalia von Nassau-Dillenburg, Frst Johann Ludwig von Nassau-Had Nassau-Siegen, Juliana von Nassau-Siegen, Anna Maria von Nassau-Siegen, Wilhelm von Nassau-Siegen, Anna Johanna von Nassau-Siegen, Heinri June 7 1561 - Dillenburg (Hessen) (Duitsland), Sep 27 1623 - Siegen (Nassau) (Duitsland), Magdalena van Waldeck-Wildungen, Margaretha van Holstein Sonderburg. In November 1637, Colonel Sigismund von Schoppe attacked the captaincy of Sergipe del Rey. Geni requires JavaScript! Jos de Anchieta Death: In 1640, he successfully defended Dutch Brazil from the count of Torre's large Spanish-Portuguese armada. Afonso d'Albuquerque, known as "the Great," was born in Alhandra, near Lisbon, Portugal, and, Martim Afonso de Sousa ." John VIII, Count of Nassau-Siegen, Katzenelnbogen, Vianden and Dietz, Marquis of Monte-Caballo, Baron of Ronse and Beilstein, was the second son of John VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen and Countess Magdalene of Waldeck-Wildungen.
u-Dietz, Son Nassau-Dietz, George Lodewijk Nassau-Dietz, Johan Lodewijk van Nassau-Hadamar, Johannetta Elisabeth Nassau-Dietz, Anna Nassa Margaretha of Holstein-Sonderburg, Magdalena van Waldeck. 21 Jun. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. They had the following children:# Prince John Maurice of Nassau (18 June 1604 – December 1679)# Prince George Frederick Louis (23 February 1606 – 2 October 1674) married Mauritia Eleonora of Portugal (1609-1674) daughter of Emilia of Nassau daughter of William the Silent and daughter-in-law of Antnio, Prior of Crato.# William Otto (22 June 1607 – 14 August 1641)# Luise Christiane (8 October 1608 – 19 December 1678), married on 4 July 1627 Marquis Philippe de Conflans# Sophie Margarete (16 April 1610 – May 1665), married on 13 January 1656 to Count Georg Ernst of Limburg Stirum# Henry (9 August 1611 – 17 November 1652)# Marie Juliane (14 August 1612 – 21 January 1665), married on 13 December 1637 to Duke Francis Henry of Saxe-Lauenburg# Amalie (2 September 1613 – 24 August 1669), married:## on 23 April 1636 to Hermann von Wrangell## on 27 March 1649 to Pfalzgraf Christian August of Sulzbach# Bernhard (18 November 1614 – 6 January 1617)# Christian (16 July 1616 – April 1644)# Katharine (1 August 1617 – 21 August 1645)# Johann Ernst (8 November 1618 – 23 November 1639)# Elisabeth Juliane (1 May 1620 – 13 May 1665), married in 1647 to Count Bernhard of Sayn-Wittgenstein, * [http://www.reformiert-online.net/t/eng/bildung/grundkurs/gesch/lek4/lek4_8.jsp The Wetterau Association of Counts (Wittgenstein, Nassau-Dillenburg-Siegen, Wied)], John VI, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg Count John VI of Nassau Dillenburg (November 22, 1535 ndash; October 8, 1606) was a Count of Nassau in Dillenburg. Son of Johan VI (IV), Graf von Nassau-Dillenburg and Gravin Elisabeth Grfin van Nassau- Dillenburg, Grfin zu Nassau-Katzenelnbogen-Diez Spouse / partner (3): Maurits then returned to Recife to restore order and encourage the Portuguese inhabitants to settle down and continue sugar production. "Maurits, Johan (16041679)
Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). On his properties he collected a wide variety of Brazilian flora and fauna. (de); Joo VII, Conde de Nassau-Siegen (pt); Johann VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (en-gb); VII (hy); VII (-) (bg); VII (mk); John VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (sl); 7 (ja); Joo VII, Conde de Nassau-Siegen (pt-br); (zh); (arz); Johann VII av Nassau-Siegen (nb); , - (he); Johan VII van Nassau-Siegen (nl); - (el); Giovanni VII di Nassau-Siegen (it); Jean VII de Nassau-Siegen (ca); VII. All structured data from the file namespace is available under the. van Ravesteijn, Jan van Ravesteijn, Joan van Ravestein, Johan van Ravestein, Johannes Ravestein, Jan Anthonie van Ravesteyn, Jan Anthonisz. Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. 17 June 1604; d. 20 December 1679), governor-general of Dutch Brazil (16371644). Martim Afonso de Sousa (ca.
Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks, 1998. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. Birth of Anna Maria Grfin von Nassau-Siegen, Birth of Johann Albrecht Count Of Nassau-Siegen. Count John VII of Nassau (7 June 1561 27 September 1623) was Count of Nassau in Siegen and Freudenberg as John I. von Nassau-Dillenburg, Philip von Nassau-Dillenburg, Mathilda von Nassau-Dillenburg, Ludwig Gunther von Nassau-Dillenburg, Wilhelm Ludwi Margarete von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg, George Friedrich von Nassau-Siegen, Amalie von Nassau-Siegen, Heinrich von Nassau-Siegen, Johann van Nassau Dillenburg, Elisabeth van Leuchtenberg. E. Van Den Boogaart, ed., Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, 16041679: A Humanist Prince in Europe and Brazil (1979). 1 June 1586 Berleburg In 1631, he was in charge of the Spanish-Flemish Fleet defeated by the Dutch and Scots and English mercenaries, at the Battle of the Slaak, fighting on behalf of the Spanish Governor Francisco de Moncada, 3rd Marquis of Aitona, (15861635). At the same time, he improved fortifications, formed alliances with the neighboring Indians, and tried to encourage more northern European immigration.
Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps, Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Herkenhoff, Paulo, and Evaldo Cabral de Mello. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. He married Johannetta von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1561-1622) 1 June 1586 in Bad Berleburg. Johan Maurits (John Maurice, Count of Nassau-Siegen; b. They had six children together: "Jan VIII" redirects here. beth Countess of Nassau-Dillenburg, Juliane Grfin von Nassau-Dillenburg, Philipp Count of Nassau-Dillenburg, Maria Countess of Nassau-Di Princess Margaretha Wolstein Sonderburg, Margarethe von Schnburg, Magdalena von Waldeck-Wildungen, Johann Vi von Nassau-Dillenburg, Elizabeth von Leuchtenberg. He was one of the most important military theorists of his time, who introduced many innovations and inventions. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Retrieved June 21, 2022 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/maurits-johan-1604-1679. Johann was the principal author of the Union of Utrecht. Place of Birth: Dillenburg, Hesse, Germany, date QS:P,+1572-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902, date QS:P,+1500-00-00T00:00:00Z/6,P580,+1597-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1657-00-00T00:00:00Z/9, Jan Antonisz. Other raids were made along the Brazilian coast, but not all were successful. van Nassau-Dillenburg, Maria van Nassau-Dillenburg, Mathilde van Nassau-Dillenburg, Ernst Casimir van Nassau-Dietz, Amalia van Nassau-Di Magdalena von Waldeck, Margarete von Holstein-Sonderburg von Oldenburg. However, the date of retrieval is often important.
As incentive, he allowed both Catholics and Jews to worship publicly and promised them good treatment. Only in the late sixteenth century did Dutch merchants become involved in ship, Albuquerque, Afonso de van NASSAU-SIEGEN, Juliane von Nassau-Dillenburg van NASSAU-SIEGEN, Anna Maria van NASSAU-SIEGEN, Wilhelm van NASSAU-SIEGEN, Anna Johann Jan Vi van Nassau-Dillenburg, Elisabeth van Leuchtenberg. von Nassau-Dillenburg, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg, Stadtholder of Gelderland, was born 22 November 1535 in Wiesbaden to Wilhelm von Nassau-Dillenburg (1487-1559) and Juliana zu Stolberg (1506-1580) and died 8 October 1606 Dillenburg of unspecified causes. Prince George Frederick Louis (23 February 1606 2 October 1674) married Mauritia Eleonora of Portugal, daughter of Emilia of Nassau, daughter of William the Silent and daughter-in-law of Antnio, Prior of Crato. John VIII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (Jan or Johan; Dillenburg, 29 September 1583 Ronse, 27 July 1638) was a German nobleman and militarist of the 17th century. In 1625 he participated in the Siege of Breda. His reputation reached far beyond the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. Peter J. P. Whitehead and Marinus Boeseman, A Portrait of Dutch 17th Century Brazil: Animals, Plants, and People by the Artists of Johan Maurits of Nassau (1989). Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Maurits brought with him to America a large entourage of scholars, artists, and craftsmen. Familysearch afn: In reprisal for the damage done by Portuguese troops to plantations in Dutch Brazil, Maurits sent another expedition under Lichthart to attack Portuguese sugar mills in the region around Bahia, and twenty-seven of them were destroyed. John was married in Brussels on 13 August 1618 to the Catholic princess Ernestine Yolande de Ligne d'Amblise (15941668), daughter of Lamoral de Ligne, Prince d'Espinoy.
Father of Elisabeth von Nassau-Siegen, Grfin von Waldeck-Wildungen; Adolf von Nassau-Siegen, Graf; Julianne von Nassau-Siegen, Landgrfin zu Hessen-Kassel; Anna Maria Grfin von Nassau-Siegen; Wilhelm von Nassau-Siegen, Graf von Nassau-Hilchenbach and 22 others; Anna Johanne Grfin von Nassau-Siegen; Magdalena, Grfin von Nassau-Siegen; Johann VIII, Graf von Nassau; John Ernest of Nassau-Siegen, General; Johann Albrecht Count Of Nassau-Siegen; Friedrich Ludwig Count Of Nassau-Siegen; Johann Friedrich von Nassau-Siegen, count; Johann Moritz, Frst von Nassau-Siegen; Georg Friederich Ludwig 'fritz' von Nassau-Siegen, Frst; Wilhelm Otto van Nassau-Siegen, prins; Louise Christiana von Nassau-Siegen; Heinrich Graf von Nassau-Siegen; Marie Juliane von Nassau-Siegen, Herzogin zu Sachsen-Lauenburg; Amalia Magdalena von Nassau-Siegen, Pfalzgrfin und Herzogin zu Pfalz-Sulzbach; Bernhard Prinz von Nassau Siegen; Christian Prinz von Nassau-Siegen; Catharina Prinzessin von Nassau-Siegen; Johann Ernst II von Nassau-Siegen, Prinz; Maria von Nassau-Siegen, Prinzessin; Unknown Von Nassau-Siegen; Elisabeth Juliane von Nassau-Siegen, Grfin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and Sophie Margarete von Nassau-Siegen less
By the end of Maurits's first year in Brazil, the northern captaincy of Cear was also in Dutch hands. 2022. Johann VI. Spouse / partner: Birth: After more than seven years of rule, Maurits, greatly beloved by the populace of Dutch Brazil, was recalled by the directors of the Dutch West India Company. Johann von Nassau-Dillenburg He was the second son of Count John VI of Nassau-Dillenburg and his wife Elisabeth of Leuchtenberg. 8CKM-H0 van Nassau-Katzenelnbogen-Dietz, Juliana van Nassau-Dillenburg, Filips van Nassau, Maria van Nassau-Dillenburg, Anna Sibylla van Nassau-D Magdalena van Waldeck, Margaretha van Sleeswijk-Holstein-Sonderburg, n Nassau - Siegen, Juliana van Nassau - Dillenburg, Wilhelm van Nassau - Hilchenbach, Heinrich van Nassau-Siegen, Amalie van Nassau - Siegen, June 7 1561 - Dillenburg, Lahn-Dill-Kreis, Hessen, Germany, Sep 27 1623 - Siegen, Siegen-Wittgenstein, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, Johann von Nassau Und Dillenburg, Elisabeth Countess of Leuchtenberg X. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Encyclopedia.com. This category contains only the following page. Hermann Wtjen, Das Hollandische Kolonialreich in Brasilien (1921). He left for Europe in May of 1644. German count and military theorist (15611623), Johann Graf zu Nassau, Katzenelnbogen, Vianden und Diez, Herr zu Beilstein, Margaret of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg. BiographyEmilia is named after Amalia of Neuenahr, who was in charge of her mother s Wikipedia, Maurice of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel), Count Palatine Joseph Charles of Sulzbach. Reign 13101346 Born August 10, 1296 Wikipedia, Countess Juliane of Nassau-Dillenburg Juliane of Nassau Dillenburg Princess Juliane of Nassau Dillenburg, later landgravine of Hesse Kassel Spouse(s) Maurice, Landgrave of Hesse Kassel Noble Wikipedia, Countess Emilia of Nassau Emilia of Nassau Titiular Queen consort of Portugal Princess of Portugal Spouse Manuel de Portugal Issue Maria Belgica, Baroness de Prangins Manuel de Portugal, duque de Beja Wikipedia, Emilia of Nassau Countess Emilia of Nassau (Cologne, April 101569 Geneva, March 161629) was the youngest daughter of William the Silent and his second wife Anna of Saxony. Kunigunde Jakoba von Pfalz (1556-1586) (June 21, 2022).
Georg Ludwig von Nassau-Dillenburg (1588-1588), Johanetta Elisabeth von Nassau (1593-1654), Wilhelm Ludwig von Nassau-Dillenburg (1560-1620)+Johann VII. Johann Ernst (21 October 1582 27 September 1617), a general in the Venetian army, involved in the Uskok War; Count John VIII of Nassau in Siegen (29 September 1583 27 July 1638), Elisabeth (8 November 1584 26 July 1661), married on 26 July 1604 to Count Christian of Waldeck, Adolf (8 August 1586 7 November 1608), Juliane (3 September 1587 15 February 1643), married on 22 May 1603 to Landgrave Maurice of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel), Anna Maria (3 March 1589 27 February 1620), married on 3 February 1611 to Count John Adolf of Daun, Count William of Nassau in Hilchenbach (13 August 1592 18 July 1642), Anna Johanna (2 March 1594 7 December 1636), married on 14 June 1619 Johann Wolfart von Brederode, Frederick Louis (2 February 1595 22 April 1600). From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, Juan VII de Nassau-Siegen (es); Jean VII de Nassau-Siegen (fr); Johann VII (et); VII - (ru); VII (uk); Johann VII. Elisabeth van Nassau-Katzenelnbogen-Dietz, Juliana van Nassau-Dillenburg, Filips van Nassau-Dillenburg, Maria van Nassau-Dillenburg, Anna Margaretha van Sleeswijk-Holstein-Sonderburg, Elisabeth van Nassau-Siegen, Amalia van Nassau-Siegen, June 7 1561 - Dillenburg, Hessen, Germany, Sep 27 1623 - Siegen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, Graf Johann Vi von Nassau-Dillenburg, Landgrfin Elisabeth von Leuchtenberg. von Nassau-Saarbrcken (1542-1602), Wolfgang Ernst I. von Isenburg-Bdingen (1560-1633), Johann Ludwig I. von Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein (c1567-1596), Wilhelm V. von Mansfeld-Arnstein (1555-1615), Ernst Casimir van Nassau-Dietz (1573-1632), Sophie Hedwig von Braunschweig-Wolfenbttel (1592-1642), Maria Amalia von Nassau-Dillenburg (1582-1635), Wilhelm I. zu Solms-Braunfels (1570-1635), Johann Ludwig von Nassau-Hadamar (1590-1653), Magdalena von Nassau-Dillenburg (1595-1633), Georg Albrecht I. von Erbach-Erbach (1597-1647), Anna Amalia von Nassau-Dillenburg (1599-1667), Wilhelm Otto von Isenburg-Birstein (1597-1667), wikipedia:de:Johann VI. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Wedding (3):
Jos Antnio Gonsalves de Mello, Tempo dos flamengos: Influencia da ocupaao Holandesa na vida e na cultura do norte do Brasil (1947). Other names he had were Jan VI or Jan de Oude .John VI was second son of Count William I of Nassau Dillenburg and his second wife Wikipedia, John VII may refer to:* Pope John VII, Pope from 705 to his death in 707 * Patriarch John VII of Constantinople (died prior to 867), Patriarch from 837 to 943 * John VII Palaiologos (13701408), Byzantine Emperor for five months in 1390 * Johann V VII, Wikipedia, John Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Siegen John Maurice of Nassau (Dutch: Johan Maurits , German: Johann Moritz , 17 June 1604 20 December 1679) was count and (from 1674) prince of Nassau Siegen. On 25 December 1613, much to the horror of his family, he openly converted to Catholicism and entered in the service of the army of Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy. William was born in Dillenburg as the younger son of Count John V of Nassau Wikipedia, John of Bohemia King of Bohemia John I, as Count of Luxemburg. der Mittlere Graf von Nassau-Siegen, official titles: Graf zu Nassau, Katzenelnbogen, Vianden und Diez, Herr zu Beilstein, was since 1606 Count of Nassau-Siegen, a part of the County of Nassau, and the progenitor of the House of Nassau-Siegen, a cadet branch of the Ottonian Line of the House of Nassau. In 1632, Nassau-Siegen was conquered by the Swedes, after which his half-brother John Maurice of Nassau-Siegen re-introduced Protestantism. Mello, Evaldo Cabral de.
This page was last edited on 20 November 2020, at 10:54. The Dutch were late entrants in the Atlantic.
American politician; 46th president of the United States, Puerto Rican actor, singer and songwriter, American football player, defensive tackle. He was called William the Rich. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. In August 1636, Maurits formally accepted an offer from the Dutch West India Company to be governor-general of Netherlands Brazil. ." Rio de Janeiro: Sextante Artes, 1999. Edit Facts. von Nassau-Dillenburg (1535-1606). Contents 1 Life 2 Marriage 3 Ancestry 4 Wikipedia, William I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg William of Nassau ( nl. Pieter J. Bouman, Johan Maurits van Nassau, de Braziliaan (1947). Johannetta von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1561-1622) On 17-18 May 1638, Maurits attempted to capture the Brazilian capital of Bahia, but failed even though he had a force of 3,600 Europeans and 1,000 Indians.
He was married twice. Magdalena (23 February 1596 6 December 1662), married: in August 1631 to Bernhard Moritz von Oeynhausen; on 25 August 1642 Philipp Wilhelm zu Inn und Knyphausen, Prince John Maurice of Nassau (18 June 1604 December 1679). Johann, Nassau-Siegen Kontu (tr); John VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (en); Johann VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (en-ca); Jan VII. Maurits served with distinction in a number of campaigns in the Thirty Years' War with the army of the Dutch States-General. The following 25 files are in this category, out of 25 total. John served in the Dutch States Army, was colonel general of the Palatinate and commander-in-chief of the Swedish army. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Brother of Willem Lodewijk, graaf van Nassau-Dillenburg; George "the Old" of Nassau-Beilstein, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg; Elisabeth von Nassau, Grfin zu Isenburg-Bdingen; Juliana von Nassau-Dillenburg, Grfin zu Solms-Braunfels, und zu Salm; Philipp, Graf von Nassau and 7 others; Maria von Nassau-Dillenburg, Grfin zu Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein; Anna Sybilla von Nassau; Mathilde von Nassau-Dillenburg, Grfin zu Mansfeld-Arnstein; Albrecht von Nassau-Dietz, Prinz; Ernst Casimir I, Graf von Nassau-Dietz; Ludwig Gnther, Graf von Nassau and Son Count Of Nassau less In 1624 he became a Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece. After the death of his elder brother, John Ernest in September 1617, he claimed his rights, but his father chose a Protestant successor. His father was John VII of Nassau; his grandfather John VI of Wikipedia, John VI may refer to: * Pope John VI, Pope from 701 to his death in 705 * Ecumenical Patriarch John VI of Constantinople, Patriarch from 712 to 715 * John VI of Naples, Duke from c. 1097 to c. 1120 * John VI Kantakouzenos (12921383), Byzantine Emperor Wikipedia, Count Palatine Joseph Charles of Sulzbach Joseph Charles, Count Palatine of Sulzbach (German: Joseph Karl) (Sulzbach, November 2, 1694 Oggersheim, July 18, 1729) was the eldest son of Theodore Eustace, Count Palatine of Sulzbach. His Kriegsbuch contained all the military knowledge of his time, but also many new ideas, which made an essential contribution to the reform of the Dutch States Army by his cousin Maurice. He also built two country houses (Vrijburg and Boa Vista) on the island. Wedding (2): Tupi s, Jos de Anchieta They had the following children:# Johann Ernst (21 October 1582 – 1 September 1617), a general in the Venetian army# Count John VIII of Nassau in Siegen (29 September 1583 – 27 July 1638)# Elizabeth (8 November 1584 – 26 July 1661), married on 26 July 1604 to Count Christian of Waldeck# Adolf (8 August 1586 – 7 November 1608)# Juliane (3 September 1587 – 15 February 1643), married on 22 may 1603 to Landgrave Maurice of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel)# Anna Maria (3 march 1589 – 27 February 1620), married on 3 February 1611 to Count John Adolf of Daun# Johann Albrecht, born and died in 1590# Count William of Nassau in Hilchenbach (13 August 1592 – 18 July 1642)# Anna (2 march 1594 – 7 December 1636), married on 14 June 1619 Johann Wolfart von Brederode# Frederick Louis (2 February 1595 – 22 April 1600)# Magdalena (23 February 1596 – 6 December 1662), married:## in August 1631 to Bernhard Moritz von Oeynhausen;## on 25 August 1642 Philipp Wilhelm zu Inn und Knyphausen# John Frederick, born and died in 1597, Secondly, he married on 27 August 1603 with Princass Margaretha of Holstein-Sonderburg-Pln. He was educated in Herborn, Kassel and Geneva. 8 October 1606 Dillenburg en, Johan Viii "de Jongste" von Nassau-Siegen, Elisabeth von Nassau-Siegen, Adolf von Nassau-Siegen, Juliana van Nassau-Siegen, Anna Mari June 7 1561 - Dillenburg, Hessen, Deutschland, Sep 27 1623 - Siegen, Wittgenstein, Rijnland-Westfalen, Duitsland, Jan Johan Vi de Oude van Nassau-Dillenburg, Elisabeth von Leuchtenberg. Wedding: In November 1641, So Luis do Maranho was captured, giving the Dutch control over more than a thousand miles of Brazilian coastline. Soon after his arrival in Recife on 23 January 1637, he successfully ousted the Portuguese military forces from the region north of the Rio So Francisco and forced them to retreat across the river to the captaincy of Sergipe del Rey.
u-Dietz, Son Nassau-Dietz, George Lodewijk Nassau-Dietz, Johan Lodewijk van Nassau-Hadamar, Johannetta Elisabeth Nassau-Dietz, Anna Nassa Margaretha of Holstein-Sonderburg, Magdalena van Waldeck. 21 Jun. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. They had the following children:# Prince John Maurice of Nassau (18 June 1604 – December 1679)# Prince George Frederick Louis (23 February 1606 – 2 October 1674) married Mauritia Eleonora of Portugal (1609-1674) daughter of Emilia of Nassau daughter of William the Silent and daughter-in-law of Antnio, Prior of Crato.# William Otto (22 June 1607 – 14 August 1641)# Luise Christiane (8 October 1608 – 19 December 1678), married on 4 July 1627 Marquis Philippe de Conflans# Sophie Margarete (16 April 1610 – May 1665), married on 13 January 1656 to Count Georg Ernst of Limburg Stirum# Henry (9 August 1611 – 17 November 1652)# Marie Juliane (14 August 1612 – 21 January 1665), married on 13 December 1637 to Duke Francis Henry of Saxe-Lauenburg# Amalie (2 September 1613 – 24 August 1669), married:## on 23 April 1636 to Hermann von Wrangell## on 27 March 1649 to Pfalzgraf Christian August of Sulzbach# Bernhard (18 November 1614 – 6 January 1617)# Christian (16 July 1616 – April 1644)# Katharine (1 August 1617 – 21 August 1645)# Johann Ernst (8 November 1618 – 23 November 1639)# Elisabeth Juliane (1 May 1620 – 13 May 1665), married in 1647 to Count Bernhard of Sayn-Wittgenstein, * [http://www.reformiert-online.net/t/eng/bildung/grundkurs/gesch/lek4/lek4_8.jsp The Wetterau Association of Counts (Wittgenstein, Nassau-Dillenburg-Siegen, Wied)], John VI, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg Count John VI of Nassau Dillenburg (November 22, 1535 ndash; October 8, 1606) was a Count of Nassau in Dillenburg. Son of Johan VI (IV), Graf von Nassau-Dillenburg and Gravin Elisabeth Grfin van Nassau- Dillenburg, Grfin zu Nassau-Katzenelnbogen-Diez Spouse / partner (3): Maurits then returned to Recife to restore order and encourage the Portuguese inhabitants to settle down and continue sugar production. "Maurits, Johan (16041679)
Unreliable citations may be challenged or deleted. Encyclopedia.com gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). On his properties he collected a wide variety of Brazilian flora and fauna. (de); Joo VII, Conde de Nassau-Siegen (pt); Johann VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (en-gb); VII (hy); VII (-) (bg); VII (mk); John VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (sl); 7 (ja); Joo VII, Conde de Nassau-Siegen (pt-br); (zh); (arz); Johann VII av Nassau-Siegen (nb); , - (he); Johan VII van Nassau-Siegen (nl); - (el); Giovanni VII di Nassau-Siegen (it); Jean VII de Nassau-Siegen (ca); VII. All structured data from the file namespace is available under the. van Ravesteijn, Jan van Ravesteijn, Joan van Ravestein, Johan van Ravestein, Johannes Ravestein, Jan Anthonie van Ravesteyn, Jan Anthonisz. Familypedia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. 17 June 1604; d. 20 December 1679), governor-general of Dutch Brazil (16371644). Martim Afonso de Sousa (ca.
Rio de Janeiro: Topbooks, 1998. Therefore, its best to use Encyclopedia.com citations as a starting point before checking the style against your school or publications requirements and the most-recent information available at these sites: http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/tools_citationguide.html. Birth of Anna Maria Grfin von Nassau-Siegen, Birth of Johann Albrecht Count Of Nassau-Siegen. Count John VII of Nassau (7 June 1561 27 September 1623) was Count of Nassau in Siegen and Freudenberg as John I. von Nassau-Dillenburg, Philip von Nassau-Dillenburg, Mathilda von Nassau-Dillenburg, Ludwig Gunther von Nassau-Dillenburg, Wilhelm Ludwi Margarete von Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg, George Friedrich von Nassau-Siegen, Amalie von Nassau-Siegen, Heinrich von Nassau-Siegen, Johann van Nassau Dillenburg, Elisabeth van Leuchtenberg. E. Van Den Boogaart, ed., Johan Maurits van Nassau-Siegen, 16041679: A Humanist Prince in Europe and Brazil (1979). 1 June 1586 Berleburg In 1631, he was in charge of the Spanish-Flemish Fleet defeated by the Dutch and Scots and English mercenaries, at the Battle of the Slaak, fighting on behalf of the Spanish Governor Francisco de Moncada, 3rd Marquis of Aitona, (15861635). At the same time, he improved fortifications, formed alliances with the neighboring Indians, and tried to encourage more northern European immigration.
Encyclopedias almanacs transcripts and maps, Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Herkenhoff, Paulo, and Evaldo Cabral de Mello. Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. He married Johannetta von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1561-1622) 1 June 1586 in Bad Berleburg. Johan Maurits (John Maurice, Count of Nassau-Siegen; b. They had six children together: "Jan VIII" redirects here. beth Countess of Nassau-Dillenburg, Juliane Grfin von Nassau-Dillenburg, Philipp Count of Nassau-Dillenburg, Maria Countess of Nassau-Di Princess Margaretha Wolstein Sonderburg, Margarethe von Schnburg, Magdalena von Waldeck-Wildungen, Johann Vi von Nassau-Dillenburg, Elizabeth von Leuchtenberg. He was one of the most important military theorists of his time, who introduced many innovations and inventions. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. Retrieved June 21, 2022 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/humanities/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/maurits-johan-1604-1679. Johann was the principal author of the Union of Utrecht. Place of Birth: Dillenburg, Hesse, Germany, date QS:P,+1572-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P1480,Q5727902, date QS:P,+1500-00-00T00:00:00Z/6,P580,+1597-00-00T00:00:00Z/9,P582,+1657-00-00T00:00:00Z/9, Jan Antonisz. Other raids were made along the Brazilian coast, but not all were successful. van Nassau-Dillenburg, Maria van Nassau-Dillenburg, Mathilde van Nassau-Dillenburg, Ernst Casimir van Nassau-Dietz, Amalia van Nassau-Di Magdalena von Waldeck, Margarete von Holstein-Sonderburg von Oldenburg. However, the date of retrieval is often important.
As incentive, he allowed both Catholics and Jews to worship publicly and promised them good treatment. Only in the late sixteenth century did Dutch merchants become involved in ship, Albuquerque, Afonso de van NASSAU-SIEGEN, Juliane von Nassau-Dillenburg van NASSAU-SIEGEN, Anna Maria van NASSAU-SIEGEN, Wilhelm van NASSAU-SIEGEN, Anna Johann Jan Vi van Nassau-Dillenburg, Elisabeth van Leuchtenberg. von Nassau-Dillenburg, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg, Stadtholder of Gelderland, was born 22 November 1535 in Wiesbaden to Wilhelm von Nassau-Dillenburg (1487-1559) and Juliana zu Stolberg (1506-1580) and died 8 October 1606 Dillenburg of unspecified causes. Prince George Frederick Louis (23 February 1606 2 October 1674) married Mauritia Eleonora of Portugal, daughter of Emilia of Nassau, daughter of William the Silent and daughter-in-law of Antnio, Prior of Crato. John VIII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (Jan or Johan; Dillenburg, 29 September 1583 Ronse, 27 July 1638) was a German nobleman and militarist of the 17th century. In 1625 he participated in the Siege of Breda. His reputation reached far beyond the borders of the Holy Roman Empire. Peter J. P. Whitehead and Marinus Boeseman, A Portrait of Dutch 17th Century Brazil: Animals, Plants, and People by the Artists of Johan Maurits of Nassau (1989). Encyclopedia of Latin American History and Culture. Maurits brought with him to America a large entourage of scholars, artists, and craftsmen. Familysearch afn: In reprisal for the damage done by Portuguese troops to plantations in Dutch Brazil, Maurits sent another expedition under Lichthart to attack Portuguese sugar mills in the region around Bahia, and twenty-seven of them were destroyed. John was married in Brussels on 13 August 1618 to the Catholic princess Ernestine Yolande de Ligne d'Amblise (15941668), daughter of Lamoral de Ligne, Prince d'Espinoy.
Father of Elisabeth von Nassau-Siegen, Grfin von Waldeck-Wildungen; Adolf von Nassau-Siegen, Graf; Julianne von Nassau-Siegen, Landgrfin zu Hessen-Kassel; Anna Maria Grfin von Nassau-Siegen; Wilhelm von Nassau-Siegen, Graf von Nassau-Hilchenbach and 22 others; Anna Johanne Grfin von Nassau-Siegen; Magdalena, Grfin von Nassau-Siegen; Johann VIII, Graf von Nassau; John Ernest of Nassau-Siegen, General; Johann Albrecht Count Of Nassau-Siegen; Friedrich Ludwig Count Of Nassau-Siegen; Johann Friedrich von Nassau-Siegen, count; Johann Moritz, Frst von Nassau-Siegen; Georg Friederich Ludwig 'fritz' von Nassau-Siegen, Frst; Wilhelm Otto van Nassau-Siegen, prins; Louise Christiana von Nassau-Siegen; Heinrich Graf von Nassau-Siegen; Marie Juliane von Nassau-Siegen, Herzogin zu Sachsen-Lauenburg; Amalia Magdalena von Nassau-Siegen, Pfalzgrfin und Herzogin zu Pfalz-Sulzbach; Bernhard Prinz von Nassau Siegen; Christian Prinz von Nassau-Siegen; Catharina Prinzessin von Nassau-Siegen; Johann Ernst II von Nassau-Siegen, Prinz; Maria von Nassau-Siegen, Prinzessin; Unknown Von Nassau-Siegen; Elisabeth Juliane von Nassau-Siegen, Grfin zu Sayn-Wittgenstein and Sophie Margarete von Nassau-Siegen less
By the end of Maurits's first year in Brazil, the northern captaincy of Cear was also in Dutch hands. 2022
Georg Ludwig von Nassau-Dillenburg (1588-1588), Johanetta Elisabeth von Nassau (1593-1654), Wilhelm Ludwig von Nassau-Dillenburg (1560-1620)+Johann VII. Johann Ernst (21 October 1582 27 September 1617), a general in the Venetian army, involved in the Uskok War; Count John VIII of Nassau in Siegen (29 September 1583 27 July 1638), Elisabeth (8 November 1584 26 July 1661), married on 26 July 1604 to Count Christian of Waldeck, Adolf (8 August 1586 7 November 1608), Juliane (3 September 1587 15 February 1643), married on 22 May 1603 to Landgrave Maurice of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel), Anna Maria (3 March 1589 27 February 1620), married on 3 February 1611 to Count John Adolf of Daun, Count William of Nassau in Hilchenbach (13 August 1592 18 July 1642), Anna Johanna (2 March 1594 7 December 1636), married on 14 June 1619 Johann Wolfart von Brederode, Frederick Louis (2 February 1595 22 April 1600). From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository, Juan VII de Nassau-Siegen (es); Jean VII de Nassau-Siegen (fr); Johann VII (et); VII - (ru); VII (uk); Johann VII. Elisabeth van Nassau-Katzenelnbogen-Dietz, Juliana van Nassau-Dillenburg, Filips van Nassau-Dillenburg, Maria van Nassau-Dillenburg, Anna Margaretha van Sleeswijk-Holstein-Sonderburg, Elisabeth van Nassau-Siegen, Amalia van Nassau-Siegen, June 7 1561 - Dillenburg, Hessen, Germany, Sep 27 1623 - Siegen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany, Graf Johann Vi von Nassau-Dillenburg, Landgrfin Elisabeth von Leuchtenberg. von Nassau-Saarbrcken (1542-1602), Wolfgang Ernst I. von Isenburg-Bdingen (1560-1633), Johann Ludwig I. von Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein (c1567-1596), Wilhelm V. von Mansfeld-Arnstein (1555-1615), Ernst Casimir van Nassau-Dietz (1573-1632), Sophie Hedwig von Braunschweig-Wolfenbttel (1592-1642), Maria Amalia von Nassau-Dillenburg (1582-1635), Wilhelm I. zu Solms-Braunfels (1570-1635), Johann Ludwig von Nassau-Hadamar (1590-1653), Magdalena von Nassau-Dillenburg (1595-1633), Georg Albrecht I. von Erbach-Erbach (1597-1647), Anna Amalia von Nassau-Dillenburg (1599-1667), Wilhelm Otto von Isenburg-Birstein (1597-1667), wikipedia:de:Johann VI. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Wedding (3):
Jos Antnio Gonsalves de Mello, Tempo dos flamengos: Influencia da ocupaao Holandesa na vida e na cultura do norte do Brasil (1947). Other names he had were Jan VI or Jan de Oude .John VI was second son of Count William I of Nassau Dillenburg and his second wife Wikipedia, John VII may refer to:* Pope John VII, Pope from 705 to his death in 707 * Patriarch John VII of Constantinople (died prior to 867), Patriarch from 837 to 943 * John VII Palaiologos (13701408), Byzantine Emperor for five months in 1390 * Johann V VII, Wikipedia, John Maurice, Prince of Nassau-Siegen John Maurice of Nassau (Dutch: Johan Maurits , German: Johann Moritz , 17 June 1604 20 December 1679) was count and (from 1674) prince of Nassau Siegen. On 25 December 1613, much to the horror of his family, he openly converted to Catholicism and entered in the service of the army of Charles Emmanuel I, Duke of Savoy. William was born in Dillenburg as the younger son of Count John V of Nassau Wikipedia, John of Bohemia King of Bohemia John I, as Count of Luxemburg. der Mittlere Graf von Nassau-Siegen, official titles: Graf zu Nassau, Katzenelnbogen, Vianden und Diez, Herr zu Beilstein, was since 1606 Count of Nassau-Siegen, a part of the County of Nassau, and the progenitor of the House of Nassau-Siegen, a cadet branch of the Ottonian Line of the House of Nassau. In 1632, Nassau-Siegen was conquered by the Swedes, after which his half-brother John Maurice of Nassau-Siegen re-introduced Protestantism. Mello, Evaldo Cabral de.
This page was last edited on 20 November 2020, at 10:54. The Dutch were late entrants in the Atlantic.
American politician; 46th president of the United States, Puerto Rican actor, singer and songwriter, American football player, defensive tackle. He was called William the Rich. In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. In August 1636, Maurits formally accepted an offer from the Dutch West India Company to be governor-general of Netherlands Brazil. ." Rio de Janeiro: Sextante Artes, 1999. Edit Facts. von Nassau-Dillenburg (1535-1606). Contents 1 Life 2 Marriage 3 Ancestry 4 Wikipedia, William I, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg William of Nassau ( nl. Pieter J. Bouman, Johan Maurits van Nassau, de Braziliaan (1947). Johannetta von Sayn-Wittgenstein (1561-1622) On 17-18 May 1638, Maurits attempted to capture the Brazilian capital of Bahia, but failed even though he had a force of 3,600 Europeans and 1,000 Indians.
He was married twice. Magdalena (23 February 1596 6 December 1662), married: in August 1631 to Bernhard Moritz von Oeynhausen; on 25 August 1642 Philipp Wilhelm zu Inn und Knyphausen, Prince John Maurice of Nassau (18 June 1604 December 1679). Johann, Nassau-Siegen Kontu (tr); John VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (en); Johann VII, Count of Nassau-Siegen (en-ca); Jan VII. Maurits served with distinction in a number of campaigns in the Thirty Years' War with the army of the Dutch States-General. The following 25 files are in this category, out of 25 total. John served in the Dutch States Army, was colonel general of the Palatinate and commander-in-chief of the Swedish army. Therefore, be sure to refer to those guidelines when editing your bibliography or works cited list. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Brother of Willem Lodewijk, graaf van Nassau-Dillenburg; George "the Old" of Nassau-Beilstein, Count of Nassau-Dillenburg; Elisabeth von Nassau, Grfin zu Isenburg-Bdingen; Juliana von Nassau-Dillenburg, Grfin zu Solms-Braunfels, und zu Salm; Philipp, Graf von Nassau and 7 others; Maria von Nassau-Dillenburg, Grfin zu Nassau-Wiesbaden-Idstein; Anna Sybilla von Nassau; Mathilde von Nassau-Dillenburg, Grfin zu Mansfeld-Arnstein; Albrecht von Nassau-Dietz, Prinz; Ernst Casimir I, Graf von Nassau-Dietz; Ludwig Gnther, Graf von Nassau and Son Count Of Nassau less In 1624 he became a Knight in the Order of the Golden Fleece. After the death of his elder brother, John Ernest in September 1617, he claimed his rights, but his father chose a Protestant successor. His father was John VII of Nassau; his grandfather John VI of Wikipedia, John VI may refer to: * Pope John VI, Pope from 701 to his death in 705 * Ecumenical Patriarch John VI of Constantinople, Patriarch from 712 to 715 * John VI of Naples, Duke from c. 1097 to c. 1120 * John VI Kantakouzenos (12921383), Byzantine Emperor Wikipedia, Count Palatine Joseph Charles of Sulzbach Joseph Charles, Count Palatine of Sulzbach (German: Joseph Karl) (Sulzbach, November 2, 1694 Oggersheim, July 18, 1729) was the eldest son of Theodore Eustace, Count Palatine of Sulzbach. His Kriegsbuch contained all the military knowledge of his time, but also many new ideas, which made an essential contribution to the reform of the Dutch States Army by his cousin Maurice. He also built two country houses (Vrijburg and Boa Vista) on the island. Wedding (2): Tupi s, Jos de Anchieta They had the following children:# Johann Ernst (21 October 1582 – 1 September 1617), a general in the Venetian army# Count John VIII of Nassau in Siegen (29 September 1583 – 27 July 1638)# Elizabeth (8 November 1584 – 26 July 1661), married on 26 July 1604 to Count Christian of Waldeck# Adolf (8 August 1586 – 7 November 1608)# Juliane (3 September 1587 – 15 February 1643), married on 22 may 1603 to Landgrave Maurice of Hesse-Kassel (or Hesse-Cassel)# Anna Maria (3 march 1589 – 27 February 1620), married on 3 February 1611 to Count John Adolf of Daun# Johann Albrecht, born and died in 1590# Count William of Nassau in Hilchenbach (13 August 1592 – 18 July 1642)# Anna (2 march 1594 – 7 December 1636), married on 14 June 1619 Johann Wolfart von Brederode# Frederick Louis (2 February 1595 – 22 April 1600)# Magdalena (23 February 1596 – 6 December 1662), married:## in August 1631 to Bernhard Moritz von Oeynhausen;## on 25 August 1642 Philipp Wilhelm zu Inn und Knyphausen# John Frederick, born and died in 1597, Secondly, he married on 27 August 1603 with Princass Margaretha of Holstein-Sonderburg-Pln. He was educated in Herborn, Kassel and Geneva. 8 October 1606 Dillenburg en, Johan Viii "de Jongste" von Nassau-Siegen, Elisabeth von Nassau-Siegen, Adolf von Nassau-Siegen, Juliana van Nassau-Siegen, Anna Mari June 7 1561 - Dillenburg, Hessen, Deutschland, Sep 27 1623 - Siegen, Wittgenstein, Rijnland-Westfalen, Duitsland, Jan Johan Vi de Oude van Nassau-Dillenburg, Elisabeth von Leuchtenberg. Wedding: In November 1641, So Luis do Maranho was captured, giving the Dutch control over more than a thousand miles of Brazilian coastline. Soon after his arrival in Recife on 23 January 1637, he successfully ousted the Portuguese military forces from the region north of the Rio So Francisco and forced them to retreat across the river to the captaincy of Sergipe del Rey.