The peatlands of the Colchis mire region, which are closely interlinked with lowland Colchic rainforests, also reflect the mild and extremely humid conditions there. Kobuleti Protected Areas, Ispani 2 mire.08/2003 Photographer & Copyright: Zurab Manvelidze, CNF supported with partners elements of the evaluation; it also funds Kintrishi Protected Areas and Mtirala National Park that are part of it as well as critical research on threatened species of fauna and flora in the framework of the UNDP GEF6 project, Kolkheti National Park. These are relict forests, which have survived the glacial cycles of the ice ages, and at the same time the most humid nemoral broad-leaved rainforests globally (up to 4,500 mm precipitation/yr).
River Pichori.09/2016 Photographer: Paata Vardanashvili / Copyright: Agency of Protected Areas, Kolkheti National Park. The hydrological integrity of the Colchic mires is ensured by their dependence on atmospheric precipitation, high mire oscillation capacity, the stabilizing effect of the nearby sea, and extensive upstream buffer zones.
Churia district: visitor center and bird-watching There are 149 species of plants with a restricted range and almost one third of mammals, amphibians and reptiles are endemic. Furthermore, at the end of the mission, an extended conference with the active engagement of various stakeholders has been conducted to discuss and summarize the implemented activities within the evaluation mission. Este sitio consta de siete componentes situados en un amplio corredor de 80 kilmetros de longitud extendido a lo largo de la costa oriental del Mar Negro, cuyo clima es clido templado y muy hmedo.
These allow for the existence of percolation bogs, the simplest functional type of mires, which is fundamental to the understanding of mires and peatlands in general, and only occurs there. These are either strictly protected areas (IUCN Protected Area category Ia), or those zones of National Parks (IUCN Protected Area category II) that afford the highest levels of protection. . The component parts of the property are effectively protected against local anthropogenic threats. The property also harbors sturgeon species, including the Colchic Sturgeon, and serves as a key stopover for many globally threatened birds that migrate through the Batumi bottleneck. The contribution of endemic species to amphibians, reptiles and mammals of the region is at 28%. [3], Pichori river in the Kolkheti National Park, "Georgia's Colchic Rainforests, Wetlands Granted World Heritage Status", Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands: Nomination Dossier, "UNESCO announced Georgian Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands as world heritage",, World Heritage Sites in Georgia (country), Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 7 May 2022, at 13:37. The Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands are relict forests, which have survived the glacial cycles of the ice age.
Granting the status of the World Heritage Site will enhance the recognition of protected areas of Georgia on national, as well as on international level, which will ensure better conservation of these areas, development of eco-tourism on selected areas which, as a result will be beneficial for improving social-economic conditions of local people living adjacent to protected areas. Protections by other conservation instruments, Kolkheti National Park. 7 Votes Fresh $ 14 million for new National Parks in Georgia from the Wyss Foundation and Caucasus Nature Fund, Caucasus Nature Funds Annual Report: 2020 a year of crisis management for animals and plants, Georgias Agency of Protected Areas (APA) performs the critical function of managing its precious Protected Areas (PAs) system. This is the result of millions of years of uninterrupted evolution and speciation processes within the Colchic Pliocene refugium. The road was also under construction and took an extra hour to drive around. I visited Kolkheti on my way to northwest Georgia (Abkhazia and Svaneti). An integrated management framework of the property has been developed and requires finalization. The main ecosystems are ancient deciduous Colchic rainforests and wetlands, percolation bogs and other mire types of the distinct Colchic mire region. Ces lments constituent une srie altitudinale quasi complte des cosystmes les plus typiques de la Colchide, du niveau de la mer plus de 2 500 m daltitude. 19 . 19 .
[2] They are administered in Georgia as parts of the Kolkheti National Park, Kintrishi Strict Nature Reserve, Kobuleti Protected Areas, and Mtirala National Park. [2][4] In addition, it provides habitat for many wetland bird species, including the Great crested grebe. Together with the Hyrcanian forests, they are the most important relicts of Arcto-Tertiary forests in western Eurasia. Trautv. , , . Currently, 87 Protected Areas of six different IUCN categories exist on the national level, comprising 667 000 ha in total.
- , , . The main ecosystems are ancient deciduous Colchic rainforests and wetlands particularly percolation bogs and other mire types of the Colchic mire region, a distinct mire region within Europe and Eurasia. Los frondosos bosques pluviales de hoja ancha, extremadamente hmedos, albergan una flora y una fauna muy diversas que se caracterizan por la alta densidad de sus especies vivas endmicas y arcaicas, supervivientes de los ciclos glaciares del Periodo Terciario. In early October of this year, within the frames of the nomination procedures, two IUCN experts have visited all the seven component areas to assess the unique biodiversity and management efficiency of nominated property. This is particularly important in view of existing and potential developments in proximity of the property and along the Black Sea coast. The protected areas that cover the property are managed by the Agency of Protected Areas of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, through its local Protected Area Administration. Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands represent the main habitats for relict and endemic species of the Red List. In addition to percolation bogs, there is a complete series of other succession stages of mire development in the Colchic wetlands. 2.710 Average These allow for the existence of percolation bogs, the simplest functional type of mires, only occurring in the Colchis mire region. Only a very small part of the property belongs to a protected landscape (IUCN Protected Area category V). These allow for the existence of percolation bogs, the simplest functional type of mires, only occurring in the Colchis mire region. Churia district: visitor Center and bird-watching tower.02/2016 Photographer: Paata Vardanashvili / Copyrigt: Agency of Protected Areas. Content from this site must be hyperlinked when used. Kolkheti lowland is the shelter of important species that survived the glacial period. View from Mtirala Mountain.09/2017 Photographer: Paata VardanashviliCopyright: Agency of Protected Areas, Mtirala National Park. There are 149 species of plants with a restricted range and almost one third of mammals, amphibians and reptiles are endemic. All rights reserved. Some of the Caucasian relict species, such as Nordmanns fir and Caucasian Salamander, have been isolated for over 14-15 millions of years from their closest relatives elsewhere. The site is home to nearly 1,100 species of vascular and non-vascular plants, including 44 threatened species. The main ecosystems are ancient deciduous Colchic rainforests and wetlands particularly percolation bogs and other mire types of the Colchic mire region, a distinct mire region within Europe and Eurasia. They provide a series of the most typical Colchic ecosystems at altitudes ranging from sea level to more than 2,500 metres above it. & Balansa) Kasapligil in bloom07/2005 Photographer & Copyright: Shalva Sikharulidze, Mtirala National Park. Of particular global importance are the percolation bogs, which exist nowhere else in the World and can be considered the simplest and hence ideal mire type, due to almost permanent water supply exclusively by precipitation. The boundaries of component parts incorporate attributes necessary to convey the Outstanding Universal Value, mostly following natural features such as mountain ridges. El sitio cuenta con unas 1.100 especies de plantas de todas clases, entre las que figuran 44 plantas vasculares en peligro de extincin, y adems es el hbitat de casi 500 especies de animales vertebrados y de poblaciones muy numerosas de invertebrados. The property also harbors sturgeon species, including the Colchic Sturgeon, and serves as a key stopover for many globally threatened birds that migrate through the Batumi bottleneck. 2022 AZERTAC. Georgia is looking forward to the final decision of UNESCO World Heritage Committee which will be officially published in the upcoming year 2020. [2] The Colchic rainforests are some of the oldest broad-leafed forests in western Eurasia. (Syn. Any development projects need to be subject to rigorous Environmental Impact Assessment procedures, and should not go ahead in case of potential negative impacts on the propertys Outstanding Universal Value. Our Partners The property includes more than 90% of the altitudinal range at which Colchic rainforests occur, and the great majority of typical forest associations. Located in the EuxineColchic deciduous forests ecoregion, the site contains relict forests which survived the glacial cycles during the Quaternary ice ages. Please enter the letters as they are shown in the image above. In contrast, the forests and mires inside the property have remained fully intact both structurally and functionally, as shown by their community structure and ecological processes. By visited I more or less mean taking a stroll next to lake Paliastomi that borders it. The four protected areas are all managed by the Agency of Protected Areas of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Agriculture of Georgia, through its local PA administrations.
The component parts of the Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands have been selected based on a careful regional analysis. World Heritage partnerships for conservation. Nomination of protected areas as a World Heritage Site has the utmost importance for the country. They include more than 90% of the altitudinal range at which Colchic rainforests occur, and the great majority of typical forest associations.
2500 . All the component parts of the property, and all but 208 ha of the buffer zone, are situated on state-owned land within legally designated protected areas. There is actually no way to just walk into the park at the moment which is great for protection but surely a blow for anyone wanting to visit it as the only way to visit is via a boating tour that last around 2 hours. The area around the park is rather dirty and poor, with Poti being a major port and lots of trucks coming and going (it reminds me of the Bangladesh entry point of the Sundarbans - you will know what I mean if you see it). While they are distinguished from other temperate forests by their rich evergreen understoreys, they also display a remarkably dense mosaic of forest types, with 23 forest associations co-existing within an area of only about 200 km2. This peculiar and diverse community, which has survived the Pleistocene glacial cycles, includes a multitude of relict and endemic species. They are a series of seven component areas, which are located along the warm-temperate and extremely humid eastern coast of the Black Sea. The Agency of Protected Areas and its partners are working on improving the capacity of the administrations involved, in cooperation with local stakeholders, municipalities, and international partners. Criterion (ix): The property comprises ancient Colchic rainforests with their characteristic vertical zoning and ecological succession, and wetlands, particularly Colchic mires, with their supporting processes and succession. For the first time in Georgian history, some of the countrys Protected Areas have been nominated as a UNESCO World Natural Heritage Site. Only small parts of some of the buffer zones are slightly affected by an acceptable level of traditional natural resource use. The component areas of the Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands cover most of the existing mires of the Colchis mire region, and the best preserved and most representative rainforests. 2500 . While some of the Colchic mires were slightly degraded by nearby draining in the past, their current hydrological intactness and resilience is ensured by their dependence on atmospheric precipitation, high mire oscillation capacity, the stabilizing effect of the nearby sea, and extensive upstream buffer zones. Coordination of component areas is enabled as all are managed by the Agency of Protected Areas. Le bien abrite environ 1 100 espces de plantes vasculaires et non vasculaires, dont 44 espces de plantes non vasculaires menaces, ainsi que prs de 500 espces de vertbrs et un grand nombre despces dinvertbrs. Only a very small part of the nominated property belongs to a protected landscape (IUCN PA category V).
[1] The total area of the site is 31,253 ha, with the buffer zone of 26,850 ha.[2]. Comprehensive management plans for them are in place. They also comprise a complete successional series of the mires characteristic of the Colchis mire region. Les principaux cosystmes sont des forts pluviales anciennes et dcidues de Colchide et des zones humides, des tourbires de percolation et autres types de milieux tourbeux de la rgion de Colchide. In addition to percolation bogs, there is a complete series of other succession stages of mire development in the Colchic wetlands. The peatlands of the Colchis mire region, which are closely interlinked with lowland Colchic rainforests, also reflect the mild and extremely humid conditions there.
. Therefore, the city of Batumi is a great base for exploring the area on day trips or overnight camping excursions. 1100 44 500 . The boundaries of these protected areas are known and accepted by the local population. The year 2019 has started with some significant events for the Agency of Protected Areas, which is the main responsible body for managing and preserving Protected Areas in the country. For more information, visit National Parks of Georgia and their Facebook page. Percolation bogs are essential for the functional understanding of all mires, and hence of terrestrial carbon storage in general. Donate. The extensive paludified areas along the Black Sea coast are a result of evolutionary and ecological processes related to climate variability in an ancient warm-temperate ecoregion continuously vegetated since the Tertiary period. Amphibian species observed at the site include the vulnerable Caucasian salamander and the Caucasian parsley frog, and 4 species of the lizard genus Darevskia have been found within the constituent protected areas.
It reflects exceptionally constant climatic conditions and is an invaluable example of the manifold long-term evolutionary processes of forest biota over at least 10-15 million years. The exceptional character of the mires has led to the recognition of a distinct Colchis mire region. Of outstanding importance are also the gene pool and species which dispersed after the glaciations from the Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands to pan-Europe and northern Eurasia. 1100 44 500 . While some of the Colchic rainforests and mires were lost until the late 20th Century, their representatives inside the series are intact, structurally and functionally. The content of this website does not reflect the official opinion of the European Union. El sitio constituye, adems, un rea de escala esencial para muchas especies de aves migratorias en peligro de extincin a nivel mundial que transitan por la zona de Batumi, uno de loslugares del mundo con mayor concentracin de paso de esta clase de aves. Mtirala National Park. Percolation bogs are essential for the functional understanding of all mires, and hence of terrestrial carbon storage in general.
Unique biodiversity, various ecosystems and landscapes with majestic mountains, green hills and rocky beaches, that is Georgia a beautiful country full of contrasts in the Caucasus region, on a strategic crossroads of Europe and Asia. If this were not on the nominated list I would not drive down to Poti. Le bien comprend sept lments constitutifs dans un corridor de 80 km de long bordant le littoral oriental tempr chaud et extrmement humide de la mer Noire. Within the appraisal mission, various field trips, workshops and meetings with the local communities have been arranged.
80- - . 80 . Their astonishingly diverse flora and fauna, with impressive densities of endemic and relict species, is the result of millions of years of uninterrupted evolution and speciation processes within the Colchic Pliocene refugium. Report a mistake by marking it and pressing ctrl + enter. These landscapes share a common topography of Ancient broadleaf Colchic rainforests, wetlands and mire bogs. There are also many globally threatened species of flora and fauna. The Colchic rainforests are highly humid temperate deciduous rainforests, and among the oldest nemoral broad-leaved forests globally. It hosts an extremely high for a non-tropical, non-island region proportion of endemic species. The peatlands of the Colchis mire region, which are closely interlinked with lowland Colchic rainforests, also reflect the mild and extremely humid conditions there. The property as a whole holds the great majority of the Colchic flora and fauna, and an even greater proportion of the endemic plant species found in the wider region is concentrated here. N. Busch)04/2005 Photographer & Copyright: Shalva Sikharulidze. 22 connections. Their percolation bogs are of particular global importance as they do not exist anywhere else in the world.
Le site constitue galement lhabitat de 19 espces animales menaces, notamment lesturgeon, et en particulier lesturgeon du Danube, en danger critique.
Georgian people are very proud of their natural heritage and especially of the Protected Areas, which undoubtedly represent the distinctive natural treasure of the country. , , , , . Forty-four globally threatened or near-threatened species of vascular plants, 50 of vertebrates, and 8 of invertebrates have been recorded in the Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands. It belongs to one of the two most important refuge areas of Arcto-Tertiary geoflora in western Eurasia. Of Epimedium pinnatum subsp.
[1] The site contains a wide array of ancient rainforest and wetland ecosystems, harboring many threatened and endangered species.