Do individuals enjoy personal social freedoms, including choice of marriage partner and size of family, protection from domestic violence, and control over appearance? UN human rights experts said the ruling violates Polands human rights obligations, and has effectively slammed the door shut on legal and safe abortions in the country. Unlike PiS, Confederation is unambiguously Eurosceptic and would not shy away from initiating steps for the country to leave the EU. A report by the NIK found that in many, especially rural, parts of Poland, gynecologists are rare. In February 2021, a Warsaw district court ordered two Holocaust scholars to apologize to a woman who claimed they defamed her uncle in their book on wartime Poland; the book contained the testimony of a Holocaust survivor who accused the womans unclethe mayor of a small Polish town during World War IIof collaboration with the Nazis. LGBT+ people continue to face discrimination. The president of Poland is directly elected for up to two five-year terms. Our coalition partners are trying to push themselves beyond their limits. So far, its been widely understood that the Polish governments strong anti-Russian feelings are one of the main obstacles to the creation of this new right-wing alliance in the European Parliament. His need for alliances with hardliners and extremists means he has to remain open to all options. Voters and politicians are generally free from undue interference by outside groups, though there are some concerns that personnel changes associated with the PiS governments assertion of control over various state institutions could be exploited to mobilize political support among public employees ahead of future local and national elections. In March 2021, a popular Polish writer, Jakub ulczyk, was charged with insulting the president on social media, for which he could face up to three years in prison; his trial began in November. Incidentally, despite polls indicating a majority supporting PiSs tough measures to solve the border crisis, this has not in turn led to any increase in support for PiS in the polls. While the company has pledged to safeguard editorial independence, more than a dozen editors-in-chief had quit or been dismissed by July 2021. Defendants generally enjoy due process protections in Poland, though the law allows for extended pretrial detention, and there is a large backlog of cases. Despite delays in late 2020, the ruling went into effect in January 2021. The constitution places marriage, as a union of a man and a woman, under the care and protection of the state. Civilians are largely free from extralegal violence, though some incidents of abuse by police have been alleged in the context of antigovernment demonstrations. For example, it would definitely not apply those that directly seek to block PiSs reforms aimed at establishing political control over the countrys judiciary. By logging in, you confirm acceptance of ourPOLITICO Privacy Policy. Ethnic, religious, and other minority groups enjoy full political rights and electoral opportunities. However, the right to pursue academic research has been upheld by courts.
Andrzej Duda, the candidate of the national-conservative PiS party, was reelected in July 2020 in the second round of Polands presidential election with 51 percent of the vote.
However, the opposition faces obstacles including propaganda by PiS-controlled public media and legal changes related to electoral administration. The 2020 presidential campaign of proEuropean Union (EU) Warsaw mayor Rafa Trzaskowski was one of the most significant challenges to PiSs grip on power since 2015. The second, which came into force in 2018, mandated that 15 of the 25 members of the KRS, which is responsible for nominating judges, be appointed by the parliament instead of elected by the judiciary.
Are the electoral laws and framework fair, and are they implemented impartially by the relevant election management bodies? More critical outlets have suffered a corresponding drop in advertising revenue, as well as a sharp decline in subscriptions from government ministries. Authorities attempted to obstruct these events, including on grounds of safety, but in each case courts prevented authorities from stopping the organizers, arguing that freedom of assembly cannot be denied on the basis of potential violence by opponents. In May 2021, the countrys Supreme Audit Office (NIK) blamed high-ranking officials for seeking to organize the mail-in vote without a legal basis and at a cost of almost $20 million to taxpayers. Four other parties or coalitions passed the threshold to enter parliament, including left-wing and far-right parties that had been absent during the previous term. The right to public information is guaranteed by the constitution and by the 2001 Act on Access to Public Information, but obtaining records and data from public institutions can be slow and difficult.
An OSCE mission concluded that the 2019 elections were generally conducted in a professional and transparent manner. Minority faiths are generally able to obtain registration in practice. Yet the Polish opposition has been having this debate for years: will going it it alone or running together bring more success at the polls? Earlier that year, a Polish musician was convicted of blasphemy for posting a photo of a foot stepping on an image of the Virgin Mary.
1999 - 2022 | Efficacit et Transparence des Acteurs Europens. On the other hand, not that much has changed on the Polish political scene since the ruling party returned to power in 2015: PiS continues to poll above 30 per cent, while the opposition remains fragmented and lacks a charismatic leader. Do the people have the right to organize in different political parties or other competitive political groupings of their choice, and is the system free of undue obstacles to the rise and fall of these competing parties or groupings? The Civic Platform (PO) party finished second in 2019, with 134 seats. While that level of support is not enough for the party to govern alone, if it joins ranks with the far-right Confederation, it seems likely it will be able to hold on to power in the future. In his article, Szczerbiuk argued that its still bread and butter issues that are most important for Polish voters, and particularly those of PiS who more often come from lower income categories and, at least partly, have voted for the party because of its promises to help the poorest. Is there freedom for trade unions and similar professional or labor organizations? Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICOs editors and guest writers on the continent. The recent experiences of the opposition in the Czech Republic and Hungary would appear to indicate that unity amongst the opposition is crucial to defeating the regions powerful illiberal forces. But lacking that, its doubtful whether Polands opposition has what it takes to defeat even a mildly weakened PiS. So far, at least, the opposition parties do not appear to have decided which approach to take. However, a 2016 law imposed onerous restrictions on sale and ownership of agricultural land, ostensibly to protect small-scale farmers.
In April, amid political conflict over whether to hold voting during the COVID-19 pandemic, the government drafted plans to hold the vote as scheduled in May, but with mail-in ballots, transferring the elections administration to the post office instead of the constitutionally legitimate National Electoral Commission (PKW). Text messages stolen from his phone were used in negative reports about him on PiS-controlled public TV news during the campaign. The migration crisis at Polands borders, orchestrated by the Belarusian regime with what is believed to be Russian President Vladimir Putins consent, has certainly not helped improve Warsaws feelings towards Moscow. Legislation introduced in 2016 gave law enforcement agencies broad authority to monitor citizens communications activity, including the ability to access metadata without a court order, monitor the movements of foreign citizens without prior court approval, and hold terrorism suspects without charge for up to two weeks. Observers noted that the government had failed to meet its constitutional obligations by abandoning the May vote without any formal procedure, and in September 2020, an administrative court ruled that the prime minister had broken the law in attempting to transfer the election administration to the post office. Cronyism, a problem under all previous Polish governments, is widespread under PiS, as it has altered, lowered, or removed many criteria for staffing of public institutions, allowing for appointments based on party loyalty and personal connections. In 2007, early elections ended the short two-year term of PiS then-government. Homophobic rhetoric by government figures, including President Duda, is common; PiS and its media allies have frequently used homophobic rhetoric warning of the alleged dangers of LGBT+ rights. State-owned entities have been expanding their already considerable presence in various sectors, such as banking, often by buying out foreign owners, as the government effectively renationalizes parts of the economy. The election was originally scheduled for May 2020. Rapid economic growth and other societal changes have benefited some segments of the population more than others, contributing to a deep divide between liberal, pro-European parties and those purporting to defend national interests and traditional Polish Catholic values.
The government has repeatedly defended the legality of its actions. EU membership doesnt have to be a binary choice, governed by the one-size-fits-all strictures of previous enlargements. Explore the live extension of our journalism, The wonk's survival guide to the EU Green Deal, September 29 Future of Food and Farming Summit, November 29-December 1 Sustainable Future Week, Seize Macrons idea of a European Political Community, Germanys Scholz urges EU to deepen unity in the face of Russian threat. In August 2021, the Sejm passed a bill preventing companies registered outside the European Economic Area (EEA) from majority ownership of Polish media companies. Public demonstrations are held with some regularity, though local authorities can limit demonstrations in their districts on grounds of maintaining public order.
In July 2021, PiS adopted a resolution prohibiting family members of politicians from taking jobs in state-owned companies. Warsaws tough stance in its rule-of-law conflict with Brussels is thought to be primarily driven by hardliners within the government coalescing around Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. Alongside Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen, Kaczynski signed what seemed like a pretty toothless declaration of cooperation.
The situation, apparently engineered by Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, has trapped thousands of migrants between the two countries; approximately 20 migrants are believed to have died in the border zone in 2021.
However, in 2021, the Polish government asked local authorities to repeal their anti-LGBT+ resolutions after the EU threatened to withdraw millions of euros in funding from towns that had adopted such declarations. The implication of that, legal experts explain, is that PiS wants to be able to pick and choose which CJEU rulings it wants to implement.
Latest news, analysis and comment on the French election in 2022 and beyond. The head of the PKW and international democracy watchdogs said such a votewhich was ultimately abandonedwould have been neither fully free nor fair.
No one is panicking yet in Poland about a possible Polexit. This law was passed in response to the political and humanitarian crisis taking place along the Polish-Belarusian border, where Belarusian security forces were stranding migrants who then illegally crossed the border into Poland.
Were the current national legislative representatives elected through free and fair elections? As political scientist Aleks Szczerbiak pointed out in an article for Notes from Poland, the escalation of the Belarusian border crisis should have increased support for Polands right-wing ruling party given the tendency of citizens to rally around governments when their country appears to face an external threat. But it hasnt. In July, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ordered the immediate suspension of Polands Disciplinary Chamber of the Supreme Court, citing concerns about the potential for political interference by both the legislature and executive in its functioning. Was the current head of government or other chief national authority elected through free and fair elections? Freely elected officials generally determine and implement laws and policies without interference, though PiS chair Jarosaw Kaczyskiwho was appointed deputy prime minister in September 2020, and had previously played a dominant role in the government despite not holding any official executive positionretains significant influence on government affairs. The decision by the PiS government to merge the roles of justice minister and prosecutor general creates potential for misuses and political manipulation of the justice system, according to the Venice Commission. Poles are preparing for elections scheduled in 2023, but there are reports of a possible early vote due to tensions between the parties in the right-wing coalition. Are the peoples political choices free from domination by forces that are external to the political sphere, or by political forces that employ extrapolitical means?
Andrzej Duda, the candidate of the national-conservative PiS party, was reelected in July 2020 in the second round of Polands presidential election with 51 percent of the vote.
However, the opposition faces obstacles including propaganda by PiS-controlled public media and legal changes related to electoral administration. The 2020 presidential campaign of proEuropean Union (EU) Warsaw mayor Rafa Trzaskowski was one of the most significant challenges to PiSs grip on power since 2015. The second, which came into force in 2018, mandated that 15 of the 25 members of the KRS, which is responsible for nominating judges, be appointed by the parliament instead of elected by the judiciary.
Are the electoral laws and framework fair, and are they implemented impartially by the relevant election management bodies? More critical outlets have suffered a corresponding drop in advertising revenue, as well as a sharp decline in subscriptions from government ministries. Authorities attempted to obstruct these events, including on grounds of safety, but in each case courts prevented authorities from stopping the organizers, arguing that freedom of assembly cannot be denied on the basis of potential violence by opponents. In May 2021, the countrys Supreme Audit Office (NIK) blamed high-ranking officials for seeking to organize the mail-in vote without a legal basis and at a cost of almost $20 million to taxpayers. Four other parties or coalitions passed the threshold to enter parliament, including left-wing and far-right parties that had been absent during the previous term. The right to public information is guaranteed by the constitution and by the 2001 Act on Access to Public Information, but obtaining records and data from public institutions can be slow and difficult.
An OSCE mission concluded that the 2019 elections were generally conducted in a professional and transparent manner. Minority faiths are generally able to obtain registration in practice. Yet the Polish opposition has been having this debate for years: will going it it alone or running together bring more success at the polls? Earlier that year, a Polish musician was convicted of blasphemy for posting a photo of a foot stepping on an image of the Virgin Mary.
1999 - 2022 | Efficacit et Transparence des Acteurs Europens. On the other hand, not that much has changed on the Polish political scene since the ruling party returned to power in 2015: PiS continues to poll above 30 per cent, while the opposition remains fragmented and lacks a charismatic leader. Do the people have the right to organize in different political parties or other competitive political groupings of their choice, and is the system free of undue obstacles to the rise and fall of these competing parties or groupings? The Civic Platform (PO) party finished second in 2019, with 134 seats. While that level of support is not enough for the party to govern alone, if it joins ranks with the far-right Confederation, it seems likely it will be able to hold on to power in the future. In his article, Szczerbiuk argued that its still bread and butter issues that are most important for Polish voters, and particularly those of PiS who more often come from lower income categories and, at least partly, have voted for the party because of its promises to help the poorest. Is there freedom for trade unions and similar professional or labor organizations? Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICOs editors and guest writers on the continent. The recent experiences of the opposition in the Czech Republic and Hungary would appear to indicate that unity amongst the opposition is crucial to defeating the regions powerful illiberal forces. But lacking that, its doubtful whether Polands opposition has what it takes to defeat even a mildly weakened PiS. So far, at least, the opposition parties do not appear to have decided which approach to take. However, a 2016 law imposed onerous restrictions on sale and ownership of agricultural land, ostensibly to protect small-scale farmers.
In April, amid political conflict over whether to hold voting during the COVID-19 pandemic, the government drafted plans to hold the vote as scheduled in May, but with mail-in ballots, transferring the elections administration to the post office instead of the constitutionally legitimate National Electoral Commission (PKW). Text messages stolen from his phone were used in negative reports about him on PiS-controlled public TV news during the campaign. The migration crisis at Polands borders, orchestrated by the Belarusian regime with what is believed to be Russian President Vladimir Putins consent, has certainly not helped improve Warsaws feelings towards Moscow. Legislation introduced in 2016 gave law enforcement agencies broad authority to monitor citizens communications activity, including the ability to access metadata without a court order, monitor the movements of foreign citizens without prior court approval, and hold terrorism suspects without charge for up to two weeks. Observers noted that the government had failed to meet its constitutional obligations by abandoning the May vote without any formal procedure, and in September 2020, an administrative court ruled that the prime minister had broken the law in attempting to transfer the election administration to the post office. Cronyism, a problem under all previous Polish governments, is widespread under PiS, as it has altered, lowered, or removed many criteria for staffing of public institutions, allowing for appointments based on party loyalty and personal connections. In 2007, early elections ended the short two-year term of PiS then-government. Homophobic rhetoric by government figures, including President Duda, is common; PiS and its media allies have frequently used homophobic rhetoric warning of the alleged dangers of LGBT+ rights. State-owned entities have been expanding their already considerable presence in various sectors, such as banking, often by buying out foreign owners, as the government effectively renationalizes parts of the economy. The election was originally scheduled for May 2020. Rapid economic growth and other societal changes have benefited some segments of the population more than others, contributing to a deep divide between liberal, pro-European parties and those purporting to defend national interests and traditional Polish Catholic values.
The government has repeatedly defended the legality of its actions. EU membership doesnt have to be a binary choice, governed by the one-size-fits-all strictures of previous enlargements. Explore the live extension of our journalism, The wonk's survival guide to the EU Green Deal, September 29 Future of Food and Farming Summit, November 29-December 1 Sustainable Future Week, Seize Macrons idea of a European Political Community, Germanys Scholz urges EU to deepen unity in the face of Russian threat. In August 2021, the Sejm passed a bill preventing companies registered outside the European Economic Area (EEA) from majority ownership of Polish media companies. Public demonstrations are held with some regularity, though local authorities can limit demonstrations in their districts on grounds of maintaining public order.
In July 2021, PiS adopted a resolution prohibiting family members of politicians from taking jobs in state-owned companies. Warsaws tough stance in its rule-of-law conflict with Brussels is thought to be primarily driven by hardliners within the government coalescing around Justice Minister Zbigniew Ziobro. Alongside Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban and French presidential hopeful Marine Le Pen, Kaczynski signed what seemed like a pretty toothless declaration of cooperation.
The situation, apparently engineered by Belarusian President Alyaksandr Lukashenka, has trapped thousands of migrants between the two countries; approximately 20 migrants are believed to have died in the border zone in 2021.
However, in 2021, the Polish government asked local authorities to repeal their anti-LGBT+ resolutions after the EU threatened to withdraw millions of euros in funding from towns that had adopted such declarations. The implication of that, legal experts explain, is that PiS wants to be able to pick and choose which CJEU rulings it wants to implement.
Latest news, analysis and comment on the French election in 2022 and beyond. The head of the PKW and international democracy watchdogs said such a votewhich was ultimately abandonedwould have been neither fully free nor fair.
No one is panicking yet in Poland about a possible Polexit. This law was passed in response to the political and humanitarian crisis taking place along the Polish-Belarusian border, where Belarusian security forces were stranding migrants who then illegally crossed the border into Poland.