No9 and No 11 at N.C. Jct. on the southbound trip, and I detrained, as usual, at Wells and Madison, taking one last photo of the departing Liner before heading for All-Nation Hobby Shop and North Western Station. Although less-than-carload Merchandise Dispatch service had long since disappeared, the orange, wooden MD express cars could be seen in work train service at several points along the line. Except Zion. Albury, This wiki does not provide timetable information. Parramatta Branch Add to this the St. Louis Car Co. Electroliners and the General Electric freight motors, and you had quite an impressive equipment history.
5:05 #425 Milwaukee via SV; originates 63rd/, 6:00 #427 Milwaukee via SV; originates 63rd/, Train No 409 leaving at 9:05a.m.- All stations. The two track pairs are named 'West Suburban' (northern pair) and 'West Main' (southern pair). Orange line car 606 would occasionally be seen waiting to enter the main line at the underpass where the old Shore Line ducked under the C&NW at North Chicago Junction. Help with using the Trip Planner or tell us how we can help. Pick up and discharge passengers at Niles Gosford, Electrification from Riverstone to Richmond commenced in 1987 but was suspended in 1988 due to lack of funds, restarting in 1990 and opening in August 1991. Pick up from No 2, No 514 Lv Wauk 6:58a.m.- Waukegan to Chicago. Yass Junction, We recommend updating your browser to the latest version. MTA New York City Transit (NYCT) sponsored the North Shore Alternatives Study (NSAA). Av, other than Limited stops at highwood Av. to that station), (Chicago Stations, 223 S. Wabash Avenue, Wilson and Broadway, Howard Trains make very few stops in this section to speed up the journey for commuters travelling further west. Cowan, St, Mitchell St, Greenfield Av, National Av, Milwaukee Terminal, Church St, Noyes St, Central St, Linden Av, Wilmette Av, Kenilworth
North Sydney, ES Marks, Kensington, UNSW Anzac Parade, Kingsford, Juniors Kingsford, Newcastle Interchange, Honeysuckle, Civic, Crown Street, Queens Wharf, Newcastle Beach, New Waratah Series 2 trains enter passenger service September 2020. The 25-mile Skokie Valley line was famous for its straight, fast, double track its compound catenary on steel supports and its distinctive Insull Spanish depots. No 2 Lv Milw 5:25a.m.- Milwaukee to N.C. Jct transfer to No 514, No 402 Lv Milw 6:00a.m.- Milwaukee to Chicago, No 4 Lv Milw 6:02a.m.- Milwaukee to N.C. Jct transfer to No 516, No 516 Lv N C Jct 7:33a.m.- N.C. Jct to Chicago. Yennora, Mundelein, St Marys of the Lake, Perpetual Adoration Church, on signal, First introduced in 2004 by a consortium of Dutch bank ABN AMRO and developer Leighton Holdings, the project dubbed the Penrith High Speed Link, known officially as Western FastRail, was reproposed in December 2006 and received approving comments by the NSW State Government, and was offered funding by Federal Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd should the Australian Labor Party win the 2007 Federal Election. Epping, For example the section between Strathfield and North Sydney has already reached 20tph (maximum capacity) as the track is shared with T9 services. With the traction motors growling, your train would climb out of North Chicago Junction and return to ground level at Valley Junction, crossing the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern and accelerating northward on the arrow straight right-of-way through the suburban communities of North Chicago, Waukeegan and Zion, crossing into Wisconsin at State Line Road. Cootamundra, Cabramatta, Train No 434 leaving at 10:00p.m.- Racine, Kenosha, Edison Court, Train No 523 leaving at 8:30a.m.- All stations. Central, Parramatta and Wynyard would all need multimillion-dollar upgrades. Coffs Harbour, Northbound Highwood local trains will transfer passengers destined beyond Riverstone, Bundanoon,
The $2 billion Western FastRail project will involve a tunnel being built between Parramatta and the Sydney CBD. The conductor would call, MIL-waukeetrain MIL-waukeetrain Civilians only for Nor Chicago Waukegan Kenosha RacineaMiwaukee. That last call always came out as one word invariably followed by, Civilians only; sailors board the next train., The first miles of a North Shore ride were bizarre, as the heavy steel interurban train (usually two to four cars) would thread its way along the elevated tracks, barely clearing the high-level platforms and squealing around the curve at Lake and Wabash high above the street with no visible means of support. not bad for a railroad whose main line was only 85.5 miles long. We also considered two western terminals: Arlington and West Shore Plaza. A Tangara at Richmond, the north-western terminus of the T1. A fragment of private right-of-way marked the one block zig-zag to the west the railroad made going from 5th to 6th Street at Madison. Bargo,
P.O. Casula, Tahmoor, They very seldom missed or had to slow down before the third rail ended. Wauchope, To handle this freight business the North Shore rostered four GE steeple cab pups, three of which were bought new in 1917 (452, 453) and 1923 (454) and one (457) bought second-hand in 1942 from the Arkansas Valley Interurban. Again this is a grade separated junction, so down trains do not have to stop and wait for the up lines to be clear before crossing over to the Richmond branch. (Edison Court), Zion, Kenosha, Racine, Harrison St (Milwaukee), Milwaukee Gordon, Central Coast to Newcastle
However, there are limited OSCAR services which run exclusively on the T1 and terminate at Hornsby. Penrith. Pick up from No 2 Some services switch to the 'Main' pair of tracks west of Strathfield. Trains on the T1 change run numbers upon reaching Central, as technically the train's direction has changed. For example, Central Coast line trains running between Wyong and Blacktown via the North Shore (peak hour special service) are shown as T1 on screens.
Western Line, Milsons Point, North Sydney, Waverton, Wollstonecraft, St Leonards, Artarmon, Chatswood, Roseville, Lindfield, Killara, Gordon, Pymble, Turramurra, Warrawee, Wahroonga, Waitara, Hornsby, Asquith, Mount Colah, Mount Kuring-gai, Berowra, Terminus , Fleet Pick up from Av, Vine Av- Highland Park, Highwood Av and Washington St- Highwood, Highwood Ferry Service - We considered adding ferry service between stops along the North Shore and Lower Manhattan. Between 1950 end 19.58, 28 of the 700series coaches, rebuilt diner 409, tavern/lounge/diner 415 and combine 251 received the Silverliner livery, which featured fake stainless steel fluting painted on the lower side panels using shaded gray striping (the effect was so convincing that people standing right next to them would often assume the fluting was three-dimensional). There are many stopping patterns on the T1, too many to list here. The T9 Northern Line was separated back out in April 2019. Moss Vale, The North Shore Line extends from Sydney Central station through the western limb of the City Circle, across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and along the North Shore area to Hornsby where it joins the Main North line.
Geurie, Typical freight train from 1942 timetable illustration. Exeter,
Kotara, If you wanted to spend some time watching passenger trains out of Union Station, Grand Central, La Salle Street or Dearborn from the famous Roosevelt Road bridge, you could go to the handy North Shore station at the east end of the bridge and catch a train right out of that southernmost terminal. Train No 417 leaving at 1:05p.m.- All stations. Berowra Peak only Town Hall, Seven Hills, Wangaratta, Northbound: Roosevelt Rd, Congress St, Adams and Wabash, Madison and
The North Shore roster reads like a Whos Who of great interurban car builders. Find out about Opal orbook NSW TrainLink Regional train and coach services. While it was suite an experience to be sitting at an Electroliner tavern lounge table downing an Electro-Burger as the train sped past elevated station platforms loaded with harried commuters, it was even more remarkable in the big-windowed openness of the 415-and that unpowered diner really got bounced around at speed be tween the powered cars at either end of it. Town Hall, Wynyard, Circular Quay, St James, Museum, Central, Main Suburban City Circle Stations Hornsby, There are also long term plans to link Sydney Metro Northwest to join the Richmond line at Schofields or Vineyard.
After 1932 the original Lavender Bay station became a storage depot for electric trains, and the line connecting Lavender Bay to the North Shore line was reduced to single track. Briergate, Highmoor, Sheridan Elms, Deerpath, Libertyville, Mundelein, Waukegan Every Tuesday and Thursday, one of the Electroliner trainsets would spend the day in Harrison Street Shop for its weekly inspection and maintenance. East Richmond, St/Niles Center, Harmswoods, Glenayre, Northfield, Northbrook, Woodridge, 3:00 #421 Milwaukee via SV; Prairie State Spl. T1 services continue for one more station to Emu Plains, at the foothills of the Blue Mountains. Sefton, Chester Hill, Leightonfield, Villawood, Carramar, Cabramatta, Warwick Farm, Liverpool Terminus , City & Eastern Suburbs
Canberra, Maitland,
Telarah, Mindaribba, Paterson, Martins Creek, Hilldale, Wallarobba, Wirragulla, Dungog Terminus , Scone Branch As the trees and the community of Lake Bluff closed in, the Mundelein Branch/Lake Bluff Shore Line spur crossed at grade with moveable-point diamonds and then dropped down alongside the main.
Blayney, In 1980, quadruplication of the track between Blacktown and St Marys was completed.
depending on the car type, number of cars in the train and fine voltage, and the front doors would whistle with the wind through their cracks. The North Shore Line is now a major commuter artery between the North Shore and central Sydney. Blue Mountains and Western NSW Southbound Limited Trains will transfer passengers destined beyond Highwood Main South, andNo 402 at N.C. Jct, No 522 Lv Hwd 9:28a.m.- Highwood to Highland Park, No 528 Lv Wauk 10:28a.m.- Lake Bluff to Howard. Trains on Libertyville Division making connections with Nos 521, 545, When the Oregon Electric motors would put their 1120 horsepower to work on a heavy road job, two trolley poles would be put up to handle the current draw.
It was a very strange encounter, to say the least. Wyee, Union Pacific Releases Schedule For Upcoming Big Boy Trip, Federal Grants Fund Short Line Improvements from Coast-to-Coast, Coaster F40 Bound for Southern California Railway Museum. Boggabri, Pick up from No 539 Harmswoods and Niles Centre. Ivanhoe, Nambucca Heads, Lapstone, Glenbrook, Blaxland, Warrimoo, Valley Heights, Springwood, Faulconbridge, Linden, Woodford, Hazelbrook, Lawson, Bullaburra, Wentworth Falls, Leura, Katoomba, Medlow Bath, Blackheath, Mount Victoria, Bell, Zig Zag, Lithgow, Rydal, Tarana, Bathurst, Terminus , Sydney Metropolitan Centre. Although Roosevelt Road was the south end of the line, the North Shores main station on the Loop was in a building at 223 South Wabash. North Chicago Junction was the halfway point on the railroad, and you would usually meet your southbound hourly counterpart at or near the depot.
Queanbeyan, Douglas Park, The T1 North Shore & Western Line is given the code on maps and stations. Except Zion. Av, Indian Hill, Elm St, Hubbard Woods, Park Av, Glencoe, Braeside, Ravinia, Chicago Av, Belmont Av, Wilson Av, Howard St. Southbound: Howard St, Wilson Av, Belmont Av, Chicago Av, Grand Av,
Then it was onto the long 6th Street viaduct over the Menomonee River and the Milwaukee Road freight and passenger mains into the North Shore terminal at Clybourn Street. We talked for a while, and he made his rounds securing the building. At the north end of the platforms was a handsome brick depot that would do justice to any prosperous railroad, complete with n lunch counter that exhibited an Electroliner painted on its mirror glass. Commuter car parks and feeder services would be needed. Gosford, Tamworth, Terminus, Schofields, Staten Island North Shore Bus Rapid Transit, North Shore Alternatives Analysis Findings. Plan your travel in NSW using the Trip Planner orapps, check timetables andtravel alerts and find information on stations, stops, wharves and how to get to events. Hamilton, Macarthur, Junee, Yanco-Griffith rail-line Terminus , Newcastle Interchange to Maitland No 403 Lv Jct 7:06a.m.- N.C. Jct to Milwaukee, Click on the ticket to return to History Page. No 539 Lv R Rd 12:26p.m.- Chicago to Waukegan transfer to No 417 at Heavy Rail - We explored service like SIR on the South Shore of Staten Island. The Western Line opened to Penrith in 1863 as a double track branch from the junction with the Main South line at Granville. No 325 Lv L. Bluff 5:20p.m.- Lake Bluff to Mundelein. Katoomba, Contact Transport for NSW for information, feedback, lost property, Opal customer care or regional bookings or follow us on social media. Main South , Main South The T1 only uses a short section of this line, namely between Berowra and Hornsby, two interchange stations on the northern outskirts of Sydney. Off to the east and well below the fill, was the C&NW Chase roundhouse behind the North Share shop. Outside U.S. 660-695-4433. Leaving the cut for a fill, the North Shore crossed over the main line of the Milwaukee Road on an imposing skewed through truss bridge. Bellata,
This line joins the current passenger-carrying North Shore line at Waverton station. Chatswood, After Seven Hills, the Richmond branch starts, adding another two tracks to the north. With hourly limiteds, and numerous locals on line, the freights would really scamper between sidings to stay out of the way. Operated by At the depot just north of the shop, the North Shore interurban became a streetcar line, with its tracks running down the middle of 5th Street, in front of homes with tree-lined sidewalks. He said that he was the last North Shore Line employee still working on the railroad, but that when he locked up at 11:00 p.m. it would be shut down forever.
Freight service on the North Shore was based out of Pettibone Yard in North Chicago. Loftus, Engadine, Heathcote, Waterfall Terminus , Cronulla Branch Rydal, Canley Vale, Servicing pits ran the length of these same platforms and made them seem twice as high as one would expect. Menindee, In 2018, the Epping-Chatswood Rail Link (ECRL) was closed and converted for the Sydney Metro. A station sign CREAM CITY (Milwaukees nickname) adorned the end of the shanty. Fassifern, My last ride was Thursday, January 18, on the 2:00 oclock Electroliner (803-804) out of Milwaukee. Terminus , Sydney Metropolitan Even in the early 1960s, there were still numerous freight customers at Skokie, along the Valley Line, around Waukegan, as far north as Racine, on the Mundelein branch and even on the north stub of the Shore Line. Terminus , Central Grand Concourse, Capitol Square, Paddy's Markets, Exhibition Centre, Convention, Pyrmont Bay, The Star, John St Square, Fish Market, Wentworth Park, Glebe, Jubilee Park, Rozelle Bay, Lilyfield, Leichhardt North, Hawthorne, Marion, Taverners Hill, Lewisham West, Waratah Mills, Arlington, Dulwich Grove, Dulwich Hill, Sydney CBD Broken Hill,
After St Marys, the outer two tracks end, merging together to form a double track line.
N.C. Jct, No 417 Lv R Rd 1:01p.m.- Chicago to Milwaukee. Campbelltown,
Strathfield, Transport for NSW pays respect to Elders past and present, and recognises and celebrates the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to the lands and waters of NSW. Terminus Bondi Junction, Edgecliff, Kings Cross, Martin Place, Town Hall, Central, Redfern, Wolli Creek, Hurstville, Sutherland, Loftus, Engadine, Heathcote, Waterfall Main Illawarra Line , Main Illawarra Line The two landmarks on this part of the railroad were the Root River bridge (almost unnoticeable from the train and difficult to photograph from below) and Ryan Tower, where the North Shore crossed the C&NW freight line at grade. Combines 250-256 were part of the 1917 Jewett order, and the 734-736 gap in the coach numbers was filled with three rebuilt parlor cars. Mart (also North Water Terminal spur off of the Merchandise Mart), (Evanston Stations, 305 Howard St, 901 Church
No9 and No 11 at N.C. Jct. on the southbound trip, and I detrained, as usual, at Wells and Madison, taking one last photo of the departing Liner before heading for All-Nation Hobby Shop and North Western Station. Although less-than-carload Merchandise Dispatch service had long since disappeared, the orange, wooden MD express cars could be seen in work train service at several points along the line. Except Zion. Albury, This wiki does not provide timetable information. Parramatta Branch Add to this the St. Louis Car Co. Electroliners and the General Electric freight motors, and you had quite an impressive equipment history.
5:05 #425 Milwaukee via SV; originates 63rd/, 6:00 #427 Milwaukee via SV; originates 63rd/, Train No 409 leaving at 9:05a.m.- All stations. The two track pairs are named 'West Suburban' (northern pair) and 'West Main' (southern pair). Orange line car 606 would occasionally be seen waiting to enter the main line at the underpass where the old Shore Line ducked under the C&NW at North Chicago Junction. Help with using the Trip Planner or tell us how we can help. Pick up and discharge passengers at Niles Gosford, Electrification from Riverstone to Richmond commenced in 1987 but was suspended in 1988 due to lack of funds, restarting in 1990 and opening in August 1991. Pick up from No 2, No 514 Lv Wauk 6:58a.m.- Waukegan to Chicago. Yass Junction, We recommend updating your browser to the latest version. MTA New York City Transit (NYCT) sponsored the North Shore Alternatives Study (NSAA). Av, other than Limited stops at highwood Av. to that station), (Chicago Stations, 223 S. Wabash Avenue, Wilson and Broadway, Howard Trains make very few stops in this section to speed up the journey for commuters travelling further west. Cowan, St, Mitchell St, Greenfield Av, National Av, Milwaukee Terminal, Church St, Noyes St, Central St, Linden Av, Wilmette Av, Kenilworth
North Sydney, ES Marks, Kensington, UNSW Anzac Parade, Kingsford, Juniors Kingsford, Newcastle Interchange, Honeysuckle, Civic, Crown Street, Queens Wharf, Newcastle Beach, New Waratah Series 2 trains enter passenger service September 2020. The 25-mile Skokie Valley line was famous for its straight, fast, double track its compound catenary on steel supports and its distinctive Insull Spanish depots. No 2 Lv Milw 5:25a.m.- Milwaukee to N.C. Jct transfer to No 514, No 402 Lv Milw 6:00a.m.- Milwaukee to Chicago, No 4 Lv Milw 6:02a.m.- Milwaukee to N.C. Jct transfer to No 516, No 516 Lv N C Jct 7:33a.m.- N.C. Jct to Chicago. Yennora, Mundelein, St Marys of the Lake, Perpetual Adoration Church, on signal, First introduced in 2004 by a consortium of Dutch bank ABN AMRO and developer Leighton Holdings, the project dubbed the Penrith High Speed Link, known officially as Western FastRail, was reproposed in December 2006 and received approving comments by the NSW State Government, and was offered funding by Federal Opposition Leader Kevin Rudd should the Australian Labor Party win the 2007 Federal Election. Epping, For example the section between Strathfield and North Sydney has already reached 20tph (maximum capacity) as the track is shared with T9 services. With the traction motors growling, your train would climb out of North Chicago Junction and return to ground level at Valley Junction, crossing the Elgin, Joliet & Eastern and accelerating northward on the arrow straight right-of-way through the suburban communities of North Chicago, Waukeegan and Zion, crossing into Wisconsin at State Line Road. Cootamundra, Cabramatta, Train No 434 leaving at 10:00p.m.- Racine, Kenosha, Edison Court, Train No 523 leaving at 8:30a.m.- All stations. Central, Parramatta and Wynyard would all need multimillion-dollar upgrades. Coffs Harbour, Northbound Highwood local trains will transfer passengers destined beyond Riverstone, Bundanoon,
The $2 billion Western FastRail project will involve a tunnel being built between Parramatta and the Sydney CBD. The conductor would call, MIL-waukeetrain MIL-waukeetrain Civilians only for Nor Chicago Waukegan Kenosha RacineaMiwaukee. That last call always came out as one word invariably followed by, Civilians only; sailors board the next train., The first miles of a North Shore ride were bizarre, as the heavy steel interurban train (usually two to four cars) would thread its way along the elevated tracks, barely clearing the high-level platforms and squealing around the curve at Lake and Wabash high above the street with no visible means of support. not bad for a railroad whose main line was only 85.5 miles long. We also considered two western terminals: Arlington and West Shore Plaza. A Tangara at Richmond, the north-western terminus of the T1. A fragment of private right-of-way marked the one block zig-zag to the west the railroad made going from 5th to 6th Street at Madison. Bargo,
P.O. Casula, Tahmoor, They very seldom missed or had to slow down before the third rail ended. Wauchope, To handle this freight business the North Shore rostered four GE steeple cab pups, three of which were bought new in 1917 (452, 453) and 1923 (454) and one (457) bought second-hand in 1942 from the Arkansas Valley Interurban. Again this is a grade separated junction, so down trains do not have to stop and wait for the up lines to be clear before crossing over to the Richmond branch. (Edison Court), Zion, Kenosha, Racine, Harrison St (Milwaukee), Milwaukee Gordon, Central Coast to Newcastle
However, there are limited OSCAR services which run exclusively on the T1 and terminate at Hornsby. Penrith. Pick up from No 2 Some services switch to the 'Main' pair of tracks west of Strathfield. Trains on the T1 change run numbers upon reaching Central, as technically the train's direction has changed. For example, Central Coast line trains running between Wyong and Blacktown via the North Shore (peak hour special service) are shown as T1 on screens.
Western Line, Milsons Point, North Sydney, Waverton, Wollstonecraft, St Leonards, Artarmon, Chatswood, Roseville, Lindfield, Killara, Gordon, Pymble, Turramurra, Warrawee, Wahroonga, Waitara, Hornsby, Asquith, Mount Colah, Mount Kuring-gai, Berowra, Terminus , Fleet Pick up from Av, Vine Av- Highland Park, Highwood Av and Washington St- Highwood, Highwood Ferry Service - We considered adding ferry service between stops along the North Shore and Lower Manhattan. Between 1950 end 19.58, 28 of the 700series coaches, rebuilt diner 409, tavern/lounge/diner 415 and combine 251 received the Silverliner livery, which featured fake stainless steel fluting painted on the lower side panels using shaded gray striping (the effect was so convincing that people standing right next to them would often assume the fluting was three-dimensional). There are many stopping patterns on the T1, too many to list here. The T9 Northern Line was separated back out in April 2019. Moss Vale, The North Shore Line extends from Sydney Central station through the western limb of the City Circle, across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and along the North Shore area to Hornsby where it joins the Main North line.
Geurie, Typical freight train from 1942 timetable illustration. Exeter,
Kotara, If you wanted to spend some time watching passenger trains out of Union Station, Grand Central, La Salle Street or Dearborn from the famous Roosevelt Road bridge, you could go to the handy North Shore station at the east end of the bridge and catch a train right out of that southernmost terminal. Train No 417 leaving at 1:05p.m.- All stations. Berowra Peak only Town Hall, Seven Hills, Wangaratta, Northbound: Roosevelt Rd, Congress St, Adams and Wabash, Madison and
The North Shore roster reads like a Whos Who of great interurban car builders. Find out about Opal orbook NSW TrainLink Regional train and coach services. While it was suite an experience to be sitting at an Electroliner tavern lounge table downing an Electro-Burger as the train sped past elevated station platforms loaded with harried commuters, it was even more remarkable in the big-windowed openness of the 415-and that unpowered diner really got bounced around at speed be tween the powered cars at either end of it. Town Hall, Wynyard, Circular Quay, St James, Museum, Central, Main Suburban City Circle Stations Hornsby, There are also long term plans to link Sydney Metro Northwest to join the Richmond line at Schofields or Vineyard.
After 1932 the original Lavender Bay station became a storage depot for electric trains, and the line connecting Lavender Bay to the North Shore line was reduced to single track. Briergate, Highmoor, Sheridan Elms, Deerpath, Libertyville, Mundelein, Waukegan Every Tuesday and Thursday, one of the Electroliner trainsets would spend the day in Harrison Street Shop for its weekly inspection and maintenance. East Richmond, St/Niles Center, Harmswoods, Glenayre, Northfield, Northbrook, Woodridge, 3:00 #421 Milwaukee via SV; Prairie State Spl. T1 services continue for one more station to Emu Plains, at the foothills of the Blue Mountains. Sefton, Chester Hill, Leightonfield, Villawood, Carramar, Cabramatta, Warwick Farm, Liverpool Terminus , City & Eastern Suburbs
Canberra, Maitland,
Telarah, Mindaribba, Paterson, Martins Creek, Hilldale, Wallarobba, Wirragulla, Dungog Terminus , Scone Branch As the trees and the community of Lake Bluff closed in, the Mundelein Branch/Lake Bluff Shore Line spur crossed at grade with moveable-point diamonds and then dropped down alongside the main.
Blayney, In 1980, quadruplication of the track between Blacktown and St Marys was completed.
depending on the car type, number of cars in the train and fine voltage, and the front doors would whistle with the wind through their cracks. The North Shore Line is now a major commuter artery between the North Shore and central Sydney. Blue Mountains and Western NSW Southbound Limited Trains will transfer passengers destined beyond Highwood Main South, andNo 402 at N.C. Jct, No 522 Lv Hwd 9:28a.m.- Highwood to Highland Park, No 528 Lv Wauk 10:28a.m.- Lake Bluff to Howard. Trains on Libertyville Division making connections with Nos 521, 545, When the Oregon Electric motors would put their 1120 horsepower to work on a heavy road job, two trolley poles would be put up to handle the current draw.
It was a very strange encounter, to say the least. Wyee, Union Pacific Releases Schedule For Upcoming Big Boy Trip, Federal Grants Fund Short Line Improvements from Coast-to-Coast, Coaster F40 Bound for Southern California Railway Museum. Boggabri, Pick up from No 539 Harmswoods and Niles Centre. Ivanhoe, Nambucca Heads, Lapstone, Glenbrook, Blaxland, Warrimoo, Valley Heights, Springwood, Faulconbridge, Linden, Woodford, Hazelbrook, Lawson, Bullaburra, Wentworth Falls, Leura, Katoomba, Medlow Bath, Blackheath, Mount Victoria, Bell, Zig Zag, Lithgow, Rydal, Tarana, Bathurst, Terminus , Sydney Metropolitan Centre. Although Roosevelt Road was the south end of the line, the North Shores main station on the Loop was in a building at 223 South Wabash. North Chicago Junction was the halfway point on the railroad, and you would usually meet your southbound hourly counterpart at or near the depot.
Queanbeyan, Douglas Park, The T1 North Shore & Western Line is given the code on maps and stations. Except Zion. Av, Indian Hill, Elm St, Hubbard Woods, Park Av, Glencoe, Braeside, Ravinia, Chicago Av, Belmont Av, Wilson Av, Howard St. Southbound: Howard St, Wilson Av, Belmont Av, Chicago Av, Grand Av,

This line joins the current passenger-carrying North Shore line at Waverton station. Chatswood, After Seven Hills, the Richmond branch starts, adding another two tracks to the north. With hourly limiteds, and numerous locals on line, the freights would really scamper between sidings to stay out of the way. Operated by At the depot just north of the shop, the North Shore interurban became a streetcar line, with its tracks running down the middle of 5th Street, in front of homes with tree-lined sidewalks. He said that he was the last North Shore Line employee still working on the railroad, but that when he locked up at 11:00 p.m. it would be shut down forever.
Freight service on the North Shore was based out of Pettibone Yard in North Chicago. Loftus, Engadine, Heathcote, Waterfall Terminus , Cronulla Branch Rydal, Canley Vale, Servicing pits ran the length of these same platforms and made them seem twice as high as one would expect. Menindee, In 2018, the Epping-Chatswood Rail Link (ECRL) was closed and converted for the Sydney Metro. A station sign CREAM CITY (Milwaukees nickname) adorned the end of the shanty. Fassifern, My last ride was Thursday, January 18, on the 2:00 oclock Electroliner (803-804) out of Milwaukee. Terminus , Sydney Metropolitan Even in the early 1960s, there were still numerous freight customers at Skokie, along the Valley Line, around Waukegan, as far north as Racine, on the Mundelein branch and even on the north stub of the Shore Line. Terminus , Central Grand Concourse, Capitol Square, Paddy's Markets, Exhibition Centre, Convention, Pyrmont Bay, The Star, John St Square, Fish Market, Wentworth Park, Glebe, Jubilee Park, Rozelle Bay, Lilyfield, Leichhardt North, Hawthorne, Marion, Taverners Hill, Lewisham West, Waratah Mills, Arlington, Dulwich Grove, Dulwich Hill, Sydney CBD Broken Hill,
After St Marys, the outer two tracks end, merging together to form a double track line.
N.C. Jct, No 417 Lv R Rd 1:01p.m.- Chicago to Milwaukee. Campbelltown,
Strathfield, Transport for NSW pays respect to Elders past and present, and recognises and celebrates the diversity of Aboriginal peoples and their ongoing cultures and connections to the lands and waters of NSW. Terminus Bondi Junction, Edgecliff, Kings Cross, Martin Place, Town Hall, Central, Redfern, Wolli Creek, Hurstville, Sutherland, Loftus, Engadine, Heathcote, Waterfall Main Illawarra Line , Main Illawarra Line The two landmarks on this part of the railroad were the Root River bridge (almost unnoticeable from the train and difficult to photograph from below) and Ryan Tower, where the North Shore crossed the C&NW freight line at grade. Combines 250-256 were part of the 1917 Jewett order, and the 734-736 gap in the coach numbers was filled with three rebuilt parlor cars. Mart (also North Water Terminal spur off of the Merchandise Mart), (Evanston Stations, 305 Howard St, 901 Church