Declare a minor by meeting with an advisor in the department offering it.
The four-year BSN program consists of prerequisite courses and two specific introductory nursing courses the first year followed by three years of nursing curriculum and practicum experiences. International Business Minor (Only available to LSBE students), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Studies Minor, Physical Education Outdoor Education Minor. Earth & Space, Life, and Physical Sciences (Chemistry or Physics)), Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Teaching Sciences (Earth & Space, Life, and Physical Sciences (Chemistry or Physics)), Master of Arts in Communication Sciences Disorders, Boulder Lake Environmental Learning Center, Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies, Ruth A. Myers Center for Indigenous Education, Teaching World Languages (French, German, or Spanish), Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Multilingual Education, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) undergraduate certificate, Community College Teaching Post Baccalaureate Certificate, Environmental Education Post Baccalaureate Certificate, Master of Arts in Communication Sciences Disorders (MA), Master of Arts in Psychological Science (MA), Environmental & Outdoor Education Faculty, Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences Faculty, Developmental Adapted Physical Education Minor, Physical EducationOutdoorEducation Minor, Integrated Elementary & Special Education, Community College Teaching Graduate Certificate, TESOL & Multilingual Education Minor and TEFL Certificate, Related Majors to the TESOL & Multilingual Education Minor. Communication studies is a window through which we understand ourselves, our interactions with others, and our life experiences. Regardless of your major, we are committed to educational excellence and hands-on learning. Environmental Health and Safety M.Env.Hlth.Sa. CSCL and SCMC majors have the opportunity to graduate with Latin Honors through the University Honors Program (UHP).
Tolearn about our requirements for pursuing Latin Honors, please visit the University Honors Program website. Because coursework in the BA programs is flexible,these programs are excellent choices for students looking to double major in areas outside of music. We want you to emerge from our program having studied and experienced the broad umbrella of communicationsand delved deep into the area within it that you are passionate about.Such breadth and depthis essential for you to be both an effective citizenand successful in the workplace., 224 Church St SE
Health, Sport, and Wellness: Use leisure and wellness to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities. African and African American Studies Minor. If a student receives a grade of 90/100 or more on a paper written for an Economics Writing Intensive course (ECON 4331W, 4431W, and 4432W) the student can submit the original paper to the capstone instructor for review. Dean's Office
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certificate, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) & Multilingual Education Minor. Ask yourself, "Where do I want to be five years after graduation?" All rights reserved. MN 55455, Minor in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. 2022 Regents of the University of Minnesota. 2106 4th St S Explore campus and discover your path as a Golden Gopher this summer at an on-campus Sneak Preview event. 55455.
Communication Sciences and Disorders B.A.Sc. A unifying theme throughout the department is that careful theoretical and empirical reasoning underlies all research and teaching. The goal of the College of Liberal Arts is to have every student produce a significant piece of written work in the subject matter of the major.
BMus degrees are offered in the following areas, all of which require formal admission to the School of Music: Learn more about theapplication and audition process. CLA offers over 60 majors. If the paper is accepted, the student is exempt from writing the senior project paper. Africa and the African Diaspora, Graduate Minor, African American & African Studies, Undergraduate Minor, American Indian Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Asian American Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Asian Literatures, Cultures and Media, Graduate Minor, Asian Literatures, Cultures and Media, MA, Asian Literatures, Cultures and Media, PhD, Austrian & Central European Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Career Readiness, Undergraduate Certificate, Chicano-Latino Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Chinese Language Advanced-Level, Undergraduate Certificate, Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures, PhD, Classical Civilization, Undergraduate Minor, Communication Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society, Graduate Minor, Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society, PhD, Comparative US Race & Ethnicity, Undergraduate Minor, Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature, BA, Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature, Undergraduate Minor, Dakota Language Teaching, Undergraduate Certificate, Development Studies and Social Change, Graduate Minor, Developmental Psychology, Undergraduate Minor, Digital Media Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Editing & Publishing, Undergraduate Certificate, Environmental Geosciences, Undergraduate Minor, French Advanced-Level Proficiency, Undergraduate Certificate, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Undergraduate Minor, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Geographic Information Science, Graduate Minor, Geographic Information Science, Undergraduate Minor, Heritage Studies & Public History, Graduate Minor, Hispanic & Lusophone Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics, PhD, History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, Undergraduate Minor, Individually Designed Interdepartmental Major, BA, Literacy and Rhetorical Studies, Graduate Minor, Museum & Curatorial Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Race, Indigeneity, Disability, Gender, and Sexuality, Graduate Minor, Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication, Graduate Minor, Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication, MA, Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication, PhD, Science and Technology Studies, Graduate Minor, Scientific & Technical Communication, Graduate Minor, Sociology & Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, Graduate Minor, Sociology & Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, MA, Sociology & Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, PhD, Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, BA, Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, BS, Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, Undergraduate Minor, Spanish Language Advanced-Level Proficiency, Undergraduate Certificate, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Graduate Minor, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Undergraduate Minor, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Speech-Language Pathology, Graduate Minor, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Speech-Language Pathology, MA, Strategic Communication: Advertising & Public Relations, BA, Studies in Cinema & Media Culture, Undergraduate Minor, Technical Communication, Graduate Certificate, Technical Writing & Communication, Undergraduate Minor. CLA is a community of scholars. The College of Liberal Arts(CLA) connects undergraduate students to prestigious faculty and to real-world, real-time innovation. Labovitz School of Business and Economics. Geographic Information Science Certificate, Indigenous Environmental Systems and Resource Management Graduate Certificate. The BA gives you a solid background in all facets of economics but without the quantitative emphasis of the BS option. They can be between 40-80 credits, depending on the college and requirements. Minneapolis, MN 55455, Departmental Contacts Think of your major as your academic specialty. We believe thatcommunication competence and critical literacyprovide a strong core within a liberal arts education. Admission to the School of Nursing is highly competitive.
The School of Music offers two minors: a traditional music minor that requires an entrance audition and includes one-on-one lessons on a primary instrument, and a world music minor that requires no audition and focuses on ensembles and music from all cultures. Students pursuing a major outside of musicare invited to add a music minor to their studies. This poises students well for personal development in a complex world and professional growth in a rapidly evolvingworkplace.Beyond its practical value, the study of communication provides a strong and nuanced platform for understandingsocial interaction.
*Pre-requisite courses for admission to the major The majors strong quantitative component stresses multivariate calculus, linear algebra, and econometricsessentials to economics graduate training. You must make some contribution to the field of study.
Professional Studies in Multidisciplinary Research and Creativity, M.P.S. Human Services: Focus your desire to help others into a rewarding career. Minneapolis,
Organizational Leadership and Development: Prepare for leadership, sales and marketing, or administrative positions by developing the skills you will need for a career in a variety of organizations. In fact, the majority of students change their major at least one time while they are attending college, even when the enter college with a declared major. World-class faculty and research provide academic excellence, and exceptional student services prepares students for technical and scientific career opportunities. TheUniversity Catalogoutlines all of the requirements for each of the majors and minors offered on campus. While not a freshman-admitting college, CCAPS offers bachelor's degrees to upper division students in the following areas: Additionally, CCAPS offers evening and online and distance-education courses, as well as certificate programs and numerous professional development and personal enrichment non-credit courses..
Making a difference in the lives of others.
Students must receive a grade of A or B. Unless otherwise noted, most CLA majors are also offered as minors. 55455.
This degree is particularly suitable for those considering graduate work in business administration or those considering work in places that require data and statistical work. Minneapolis, All of the college's majors provide a strong foundation in math, chemistry, physics and general biology, as well as more advanced courses in biochemistry, genetics, and ecology. If you enter UMD as an undeclared major, advisors in your college will guide you to find the right path. It is the only dental hygiene program in Minnesota that grants a Bachelor of Science degree and is affiliated with a School of Dentistry. CLA is committed to making its digital resources accessible.
Explore education and human service majors. CLA is committed to making its digital resources accessible. Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences B.A.Sc. Guided by faculty advisors, our BA majors bring an astonishingly diverse range of interests and perspectivesto our vibrant student community.
Many of our faculty hold U of M system level distinctions and campus awards in testament to their ongoing commitment to students and academic excellence. The Program in Dental Hygiene was established at the University of Minnesota in 1919 and is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation.
Students may pursue either a BA or a minor in SCMC if they would like to examine cinema and its connection to our culture today and throughout history. Whether students major or minor with us, we offer highly flexible coursework options. 101 Pleasant St. S.E. Our majors and minors can study European literature and philosophy, contemporary romance novels and film, experimental art cinema, avant-garde poetry, Bollywood and postcolonial literature, punk rock, reggae and salsa, and even gaming (or ludology, if you prefer the Latin nomenclature).
In fact, the majority of students change their major at least one time while they are attending college, even when the enter college with a declared major. 1207 Ordean Court You are not alone! CLA also offers a number of freestanding minors (minors that do not have corresponding majors). The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Additionally, students also pursue this degree as a starting point for graduate work in fields including medicine, psychology, sociology, theology, education, and forensic science. If a student completes an Honors Thesis (3 credits or more) it does not need to be submitted for further review. This can give you a good idea of the types of courses and a large number of electives offered in each program. Students choosing this option need to register for Econ 3951 if the instructor is going to help them write a paper to fulfill the Capstone requirement.
Privacy Statement | Report Web Disability-Related Issue | Title IX. Your liberal arts major is just one of the building blocks of your future.
If you would like to pursue a BA in SCMC, you will take core courses in cinema and art history, as well as several courses exploring the context, practice, difference, and analysis of cinema and media culture. When you earn a liberal arts degree, you are preparing yourself for the careers of today and tomorrow; our 145,000 alums are a testimony to the value of skills in critical thinking, communication, and languages and global cultures. MN The University of Minnesota is a proud member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), which values and is committed to practicing ethical behavior in college admissions. Located at the heart of one of the most vibrant metropolitan centers in the nation, the University of Minnesota School of Music is home to a learning community of 550 music majorsand an internationally renowned faculty whose creative, educational, and scholarlyendeavors are supported by the College of Liberal Arts and the wider resources and opportunities of Minnesota'sflagshipuniversity. For a full sense of the opportunities we offer, discoverwhat it is we do by exploring the exciting careers pursued by our alumni and the research interests of our award-winning faculty. TheCenter for Academic Planning & Exploration(CAPE) can help youexplore majorsor learn more about what majors are and how your interests and values can help you choose one or more. The MLS Program admits students to Year 3, Year 4, or Certificate.
individually designed interdepartmental major (IDIM), Individually Designed Interdepartmental Major/Bachelor of Individualized Studies (IDIM/BIS). Minneapolis, You might choose a minor to complement your major, pursue a second area of interest, or gain skills related to your chosen career. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
420 Washington Ave. S.E.
They can be connected to a similar major or freestanding, which means they exist on their own. Cultivating critical thinking,persuasive speaking,and clear writingand delving into their development overhistory are essential to understanding our world as we experience it today. Resilient Precast Concrete Undergraduate Certificate, Sustainable Business and Organizations Minor (Only available to LSBE students). Students are located in the Twin Cities and Rochester and connect through interactive technology. You must declare your major by the time you complete 60 credits.
United States. SNEAK PREVIEW:Calling all rising seniors! The program length varies depending on the subject area you are interested in teaching..
MN The Department of Communication Studies offers a bachelor of arts, a minor, and if you are in an individual degree program, such as individually designed interdepartmental major (IDIM), bachelor of individualized studies (BIS)orInter-College Program (ICP),a concentration in communication studies. Others also pursue employment as researchers at universities, biomedical and biotechnology companies, or in public service at non-profit or government agencies.
The four-year BSN program consists of prerequisite courses and two specific introductory nursing courses the first year followed by three years of nursing curriculum and practicum experiences. International Business Minor (Only available to LSBE students), Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Studies Minor, Physical Education Outdoor Education Minor. Earth & Space, Life, and Physical Sciences (Chemistry or Physics)), Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program, National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR), Teaching Sciences (Earth & Space, Life, and Physical Sciences (Chemistry or Physics)), Master of Arts in Communication Sciences Disorders, Boulder Lake Environmental Learning Center, Center for Regional and Tribal Child Welfare Studies, Ruth A. Myers Center for Indigenous Education, Teaching World Languages (French, German, or Spanish), Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and Multilingual Education, Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) undergraduate certificate, Community College Teaching Post Baccalaureate Certificate, Environmental Education Post Baccalaureate Certificate, Master of Arts in Communication Sciences Disorders (MA), Master of Arts in Psychological Science (MA), Environmental & Outdoor Education Faculty, Exercise & Rehabilitation Sciences Faculty, Developmental Adapted Physical Education Minor, Physical EducationOutdoorEducation Minor, Integrated Elementary & Special Education, Community College Teaching Graduate Certificate, TESOL & Multilingual Education Minor and TEFL Certificate, Related Majors to the TESOL & Multilingual Education Minor. Communication studies is a window through which we understand ourselves, our interactions with others, and our life experiences. Regardless of your major, we are committed to educational excellence and hands-on learning. Environmental Health and Safety M.Env.Hlth.Sa. CSCL and SCMC majors have the opportunity to graduate with Latin Honors through the University Honors Program (UHP).
Tolearn about our requirements for pursuing Latin Honors, please visit the University Honors Program website. Because coursework in the BA programs is flexible,these programs are excellent choices for students looking to double major in areas outside of music. We want you to emerge from our program having studied and experienced the broad umbrella of communicationsand delved deep into the area within it that you are passionate about.Such breadth and depthis essential for you to be both an effective citizenand successful in the workplace., 224 Church St SE
Health, Sport, and Wellness: Use leisure and wellness to improve the quality of life for individuals and communities. African and African American Studies Minor. If a student receives a grade of 90/100 or more on a paper written for an Economics Writing Intensive course (ECON 4331W, 4431W, and 4432W) the student can submit the original paper to the capstone instructor for review. Dean's Office
Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) Certificate, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) & Multilingual Education Minor. Ask yourself, "Where do I want to be five years after graduation?" All rights reserved. MN 55455, Minor in History of Science, Technology, and Medicine. 2022 Regents of the University of Minnesota. 2106 4th St S Explore campus and discover your path as a Golden Gopher this summer at an on-campus Sneak Preview event. 55455.
Communication Sciences and Disorders B.A.Sc. A unifying theme throughout the department is that careful theoretical and empirical reasoning underlies all research and teaching. The goal of the College of Liberal Arts is to have every student produce a significant piece of written work in the subject matter of the major.
BMus degrees are offered in the following areas, all of which require formal admission to the School of Music: Learn more about theapplication and audition process. CLA offers over 60 majors. If the paper is accepted, the student is exempt from writing the senior project paper. Africa and the African Diaspora, Graduate Minor, African American & African Studies, Undergraduate Minor, American Indian Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Asian & Middle Eastern Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Asian American Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Asian Literatures, Cultures and Media, Graduate Minor, Asian Literatures, Cultures and Media, MA, Asian Literatures, Cultures and Media, PhD, Austrian & Central European Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Career Readiness, Undergraduate Certificate, Chicano-Latino Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Chinese Language Advanced-Level, Undergraduate Certificate, Classical and Near Eastern Religions and Cultures, PhD, Classical Civilization, Undergraduate Minor, Communication Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society, Graduate Minor, Comparative Studies in Discourse and Society, PhD, Comparative US Race & Ethnicity, Undergraduate Minor, Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature, BA, Cultural Studies & Comparative Literature, Undergraduate Minor, Dakota Language Teaching, Undergraduate Certificate, Development Studies and Social Change, Graduate Minor, Developmental Psychology, Undergraduate Minor, Digital Media Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Editing & Publishing, Undergraduate Certificate, Environmental Geosciences, Undergraduate Minor, French Advanced-Level Proficiency, Undergraduate Certificate, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Undergraduate Minor, Gender, Women & Sexuality Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Geographic Information Science, Graduate Minor, Geographic Information Science, Undergraduate Minor, Heritage Studies & Public History, Graduate Minor, Hispanic & Lusophone Literatures, Cultures & Linguistics, PhD, History of Science, Technology, and Medicine, Undergraduate Minor, Individually Designed Interdepartmental Major, BA, Literacy and Rhetorical Studies, Graduate Minor, Museum & Curatorial Studies, Undergraduate Minor, Race, Indigeneity, Disability, Gender, and Sexuality, Graduate Minor, Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication, Graduate Minor, Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication, MA, Rhetoric and Scientific & Technical Communication, PhD, Science and Technology Studies, Graduate Minor, Scientific & Technical Communication, Graduate Minor, Sociology & Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, Graduate Minor, Sociology & Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, MA, Sociology & Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, PhD, Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, BA, Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, BS, Sociology of Law, Criminology, and Justice, Undergraduate Minor, Spanish Language Advanced-Level Proficiency, Undergraduate Certificate, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Graduate Minor, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Undergraduate Minor, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Speech-Language Pathology, Graduate Minor, Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences, Speech-Language Pathology, MA, Strategic Communication: Advertising & Public Relations, BA, Studies in Cinema & Media Culture, Undergraduate Minor, Technical Communication, Graduate Certificate, Technical Writing & Communication, Undergraduate Minor. CLA is a community of scholars. The College of Liberal Arts(CLA) connects undergraduate students to prestigious faculty and to real-world, real-time innovation. Labovitz School of Business and Economics. Geographic Information Science Certificate, Indigenous Environmental Systems and Resource Management Graduate Certificate. The BA gives you a solid background in all facets of economics but without the quantitative emphasis of the BS option. They can be between 40-80 credits, depending on the college and requirements. Minneapolis, MN 55455, Departmental Contacts Think of your major as your academic specialty. We believe thatcommunication competence and critical literacyprovide a strong core within a liberal arts education. Admission to the School of Nursing is highly competitive.
The School of Music offers two minors: a traditional music minor that requires an entrance audition and includes one-on-one lessons on a primary instrument, and a world music minor that requires no audition and focuses on ensembles and music from all cultures. Students pursuing a major outside of musicare invited to add a music minor to their studies. This poises students well for personal development in a complex world and professional growth in a rapidly evolvingworkplace.Beyond its practical value, the study of communication provides a strong and nuanced platform for understandingsocial interaction.
*Pre-requisite courses for admission to the major The majors strong quantitative component stresses multivariate calculus, linear algebra, and econometricsessentials to economics graduate training. You must make some contribution to the field of study.
Professional Studies in Multidisciplinary Research and Creativity, M.P.S. Human Services: Focus your desire to help others into a rewarding career. Minneapolis,
Organizational Leadership and Development: Prepare for leadership, sales and marketing, or administrative positions by developing the skills you will need for a career in a variety of organizations. In fact, the majority of students change their major at least one time while they are attending college, even when the enter college with a declared major. World-class faculty and research provide academic excellence, and exceptional student services prepares students for technical and scientific career opportunities. TheUniversity Catalogoutlines all of the requirements for each of the majors and minors offered on campus. While not a freshman-admitting college, CCAPS offers bachelor's degrees to upper division students in the following areas: Additionally, CCAPS offers evening and online and distance-education courses, as well as certificate programs and numerous professional development and personal enrichment non-credit courses..
Making a difference in the lives of others.

This degree is particularly suitable for those considering graduate work in business administration or those considering work in places that require data and statistical work. Minneapolis, All of the college's majors provide a strong foundation in math, chemistry, physics and general biology, as well as more advanced courses in biochemistry, genetics, and ecology. If you enter UMD as an undeclared major, advisors in your college will guide you to find the right path. It is the only dental hygiene program in Minnesota that grants a Bachelor of Science degree and is affiliated with a School of Dentistry. CLA is committed to making its digital resources accessible.

Many of our faculty hold U of M system level distinctions and campus awards in testament to their ongoing commitment to students and academic excellence. The Program in Dental Hygiene was established at the University of Minnesota in 1919 and is fully accredited by the Commission on Dental Accreditation.
Students may pursue either a BA or a minor in SCMC if they would like to examine cinema and its connection to our culture today and throughout history. Whether students major or minor with us, we offer highly flexible coursework options. 101 Pleasant St. S.E. Our majors and minors can study European literature and philosophy, contemporary romance novels and film, experimental art cinema, avant-garde poetry, Bollywood and postcolonial literature, punk rock, reggae and salsa, and even gaming (or ludology, if you prefer the Latin nomenclature).
In fact, the majority of students change their major at least one time while they are attending college, even when the enter college with a declared major. 1207 Ordean Court You are not alone! CLA also offers a number of freestanding minors (minors that do not have corresponding majors). The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. Additionally, students also pursue this degree as a starting point for graduate work in fields including medicine, psychology, sociology, theology, education, and forensic science. If a student completes an Honors Thesis (3 credits or more) it does not need to be submitted for further review. This can give you a good idea of the types of courses and a large number of electives offered in each program. Students choosing this option need to register for Econ 3951 if the instructor is going to help them write a paper to fulfill the Capstone requirement.
Privacy Statement | Report Web Disability-Related Issue | Title IX. Your liberal arts major is just one of the building blocks of your future.
If you would like to pursue a BA in SCMC, you will take core courses in cinema and art history, as well as several courses exploring the context, practice, difference, and analysis of cinema and media culture. When you earn a liberal arts degree, you are preparing yourself for the careers of today and tomorrow; our 145,000 alums are a testimony to the value of skills in critical thinking, communication, and languages and global cultures. MN The University of Minnesota is a proud member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), which values and is committed to practicing ethical behavior in college admissions. Located at the heart of one of the most vibrant metropolitan centers in the nation, the University of Minnesota School of Music is home to a learning community of 550 music majorsand an internationally renowned faculty whose creative, educational, and scholarlyendeavors are supported by the College of Liberal Arts and the wider resources and opportunities of Minnesota'sflagshipuniversity. For a full sense of the opportunities we offer, discoverwhat it is we do by exploring the exciting careers pursued by our alumni and the research interests of our award-winning faculty. TheCenter for Academic Planning & Exploration(CAPE) can help youexplore majorsor learn more about what majors are and how your interests and values can help you choose one or more. The MLS Program admits students to Year 3, Year 4, or Certificate.
individually designed interdepartmental major (IDIM), Individually Designed Interdepartmental Major/Bachelor of Individualized Studies (IDIM/BIS). Minneapolis, You might choose a minor to complement your major, pursue a second area of interest, or gain skills related to your chosen career. The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer.
420 Washington Ave. S.E.
They can be connected to a similar major or freestanding, which means they exist on their own. Cultivating critical thinking,persuasive speaking,and clear writingand delving into their development overhistory are essential to understanding our world as we experience it today. Resilient Precast Concrete Undergraduate Certificate, Sustainable Business and Organizations Minor (Only available to LSBE students). Students are located in the Twin Cities and Rochester and connect through interactive technology. You must declare your major by the time you complete 60 credits.
United States. SNEAK PREVIEW:Calling all rising seniors! The program length varies depending on the subject area you are interested in teaching..
MN The Department of Communication Studies offers a bachelor of arts, a minor, and if you are in an individual degree program, such as individually designed interdepartmental major (IDIM), bachelor of individualized studies (BIS)orInter-College Program (ICP),a concentration in communication studies. Others also pursue employment as researchers at universities, biomedical and biotechnology companies, or in public service at non-profit or government agencies.