Every new password and changes to old passwords will need to be at least 8 characters.
The password must not be identical to one of the last 6 passwords
Setting up "Favourite" Events so you can quickly enter new data, access history, reports and even excel reports for Event Forms you use daily, Tables in Event Form Enhancements: including a new position for the "Add Row" button, Reports: The capability to search Text boxes (single line of text, paragraph of text etc.)
These can be used to pull out date to match a specific query such as the date a personal best was achieved. Coaches: Access Account Data from the main application via the Profile Pages, Site Admin: Edit Athlete Accounts System Permission, How to add or remove athletes from a Scheduled Entry for a Group of Athletes, Copy and Paste data from one Event Form entry to another entry; for use across the same or different athletes, Advanced Form Properties: Enabling the Copy and Paste functionality for an Event Form, Group Entry Editing: Date and Time, and Delete Access changes, Download and/or Subscribe to an athlete's iCal, WARNING FOR MOBILE FORMS REGARDING SECTION VISIBILITY SET UP ISSUES, Date and Time of Entry now appear within the first section, not as a separate section, The My Resources Module is available on the Mobile applications (iOS and m.html) to download images and videos, Screen Locking to ensure data is protected: This is now set to a minimum of 12 hours, A timeout session expiry length can also be set for any Role in the application, Admin Site: Separate "Reports - Send Email" System Permission to enable users to Email PDF's generated from the Athlete History and Reports.
He has researched, tested, and written hundreds of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps. ?/).
Version 4.790 upwards (March 2016), Translation Enhancements for version 4.774 and above (December 2015 onwards), Enhancements for version 4.774 and above (December 2015 onwards), Upcoming Date Field Enhancements-including linking, group by and matching to.
An uppercase password contains capital letters.
Receive an e-mail to confirm that a resave or a migration has been completed. a minimum of 1 special character: ~`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\;:"<>,./? long. files you upload to a Medical Record or Travel Form) that have been set up to treat Event Form Attachments as Resources as well, Coaches: You can add Attachments or Attachment-Resources to an Event Form during Group Entry, Administrators: Important Information you need to know about the new Attachment-Resources Security Measures, Administrators: Important Information you need to know about the new My Resources Security Measures, Administration Site: The Categories Module.
Passwords should not contain any personal information.
It will be enabled on a case-by-case basis, Important Builder Site Parent Child-Linking Considerations, An example of setting up an Event Form so it LINKS DATA between the Parent-Child Site, Parent-Child Linked Event Forms that have In Form Reports or In Form Charts pulling data from other Event Forms, Parent-Child Linked Event Forms that have Linked Event Form Fields and/or Linked Profile Form Fields, Parent-Child Linked Event Forms that have Related Event Forms, Parent-Child Deleting a Linked Event Form or Profile Form removes the form, and wipes all of the data stored across any site/s the Form was linked to, Parent-Child Linked Events or Profile Forms that have Database Fields in them, Landscape or Portrait is now available on Athlete History and Reports for the PDF (form) feature, Changes have been made to the Paragraph of Text fields regarding the way html code is handled, The Custom Page Layout background images were not updating correctly based on Group or Roles. Click OK and retype in the old password just as the previous steps had outlined.
Search User enables you to see a complete history of data entered for a user, by a user, and roles and permissions. Department of Computer Science Computing Guide. New Table Text Calculation to pull through data into a summary without a comma separating the data. This is only for customers who have purchased it.
at least 1 upper case, numeric, and special character must be EMBEDDED somewhere in the middle of the password, and not just be the first or the last character of the password string.
Please revert ALL Smartsaves back to the original Smartsaves time of triggering on the same day. the day you view the report), Databases not autofilling glitch has been resolved, Important enhancements for safely Migrating Fields and Options, Changes to the Next and Previous Buttons and the "Save" buttons, Enhancements to Date Selection for Date fields, The OSICS Body Diagram and OSICS Medical Diagram Code updates, Complete Translation of all fields, options and descriptions for the Mobile Applications. This restriction does not apply if the password is more than 10 characters longer than 10 characters.
You MAY need to resave your Event Forms or Individual Events that have been affected, RESOLVED in Version 4.880 and above: SMARTFLOW WARNING: Historical calculations will NOT run if a user does not have read access to the Target Form. Table Rows can be set to be Printed (PDF), Duplicated, and newly entered Rows can be Deleted. Password contains a single English common word ("apple").
SMS Message Counts may be out at certain times during the current month.
Log in to access additional content. Limiting scrolling on the booking calendar for Schedule and Appointment forms to a specific day limit (e.g., 7 days).
Excel Reports: Set up additional data filters when you run an existing report, New License Audit button to generate a list of all active licenses on the system, Critical Update Regarding the Performance Alerts Notifications and Set Up, Important changes to the way Profile and Account Data links into Event Forms, Administrators can Export Out Documents and Images Uploaded into an Event Form and Re-Import them into the system, Account: Before you can update your information you must now enter in your password, Users Login Fail: Unexpected error message appearing, Issue with Text Messages not being sent to US numbers, Layout of text in a table or Athlete History/Reports in a PDF, Glitch with Yearly Plans "Additional Rows" calculations using the same field, Glitch with an athlete accessing Coach only visible fields has been resolved, Tables Glitches Resolved: Tables in a Related Event Form were collapsed, Hidden sections and fields in Profile Form were not being hidden on the Profile Preview Pages, The Username and First Character of the Last Name were not pulling through correctly, Site name is included with registration details for newly registered users, How to use a database field in an If/Then equation, How to calculate out "Year" in an Event Form, How to pull a string of digits from a Text field using a substring Text Calculation, Using nthmax and nthmin with historical calculations to calculate the 2nd, 3rd or 4th best results, The Daily Reminders Module: How to set up a recurring e-mail or text reminder to be sent on a specific day and time to an athlete/s, Examples of Daily Reminders sent via E-mail, Text or Internal Mail, The Daily Reminders Module: How to stop a reminder for an athlete or remove it from the system, The Daily Reminders Module is NOT for critical communication, There is an Android Application for use on Android Phones Online, Access the Android Application, Bookmark it and/or save the link to your Home Screen, You can now import in Event and Profile data for over 1000 athletes, or have files with over 1000 fields, online, installed online and installed offline, A Database field was not able to be removed in an Event Form or a Profile Form, Loading the App in a horizontal position no longer causes an issue with the key board, In Form Charts appear in the Mobile applications, In Form Report Forms MUST also be set as Mobile Enabled, Use a Mobile CSS, Mobile Background and Mobile Header Image, New Icons now appear on the My Schedule, Enter Data, Athlete History Pages and Logout Button, Enabling Icons to appear on the Enter Data page for Event Forms on the Apple and Android version, Important iPad and iPhone Enhancement: Set Sections to appear together and not as a separate section on the iPad/iPhone App, Section Visibility WILL NOT work on the Mobile App if you set the section as Enable Mobile Page Break = No, The Language settings on your account will appear on the Mobile Application, Resolved Issues: Body Diagram, Multiple Selection Fields and Single Selection Fields with a default value, You can now limit database fields using the "Group By" on the Mobile Application, The Related Events Body Diagram has been disabled on the Mobile Application, Import Databases into Profile Event Forms, Excel Report Enhancements: Running a report when there is no data for an event type, Excel Report Enhancements: Setting up filters for each Data Type, Excel Report Enhancements: Profile Form Field selection to include in Reports, Username has been added as a Linked Personal Field, Training Blocks- Improve Calendar View by turning off the Training Block Details, Linked Fields: limiting the values that pull through by date range, Linked Fields: setting the system to ignore blank records and pull through a previous record, A work around to access Profile Data for an entire group of athletes, How to clear any scores and 0's from options fields that have scores applied to them, You cannot delete the Main Site Administrator from the admin tool, There is currently an issue on iOS6 when you load the Smartabase App in a horizontal (landscape) position, New "Double Spaces Error" on the Form Builder because a double space cause issues in some modules, Week Start Calculation: Convert a date into a weekly number based on a specific start day during the Year, Group Entry: How to enable Sections to appear as Tabs during Group Entry, Use linked values with a unit in calculations, Returning the "option" in a Table Option Calculation that references a Table Option field with scores, All Images attached to an Image Field Types now appear as a Thumbnail in the Event Form. Logging in 5 times with an incorrect password or username will stop you from being able to login for 10 minutes, How the Custom Page Layouts are proritised to show, Setting up the Small Links on a Page Layout, Setting up the Sections for a Page Layout, Upload you own custom CSS styling file, Background Image and Header Image, Excel Reports can be edited once they are created, Import in OSICS codes that are exported from the system, Importing Data: How to Trigger or Skip sending Performance Alerts, Builder's Guide to setting up Form Access for the iPad and iPhone software, Access the iPhone and iPad application through the Apple App Store, Important Points that you need to know about the Mobile applications before you login, Once the application has finished installing you can Login.
(Note, however, that our password rules differ from OIT's password rules.). They cant be used to start a sentence or mention a noun.
Administration Site: Users who have access to "Manage Resources" can upload, edit, delete, and assign a Resource to specific User/s, Resources and Attachments can now be securely shared with the correct users: Access to Resources and specially set up Event Form Attachments is now limited by Category, The My Resources Module is now Available on the Android application and will be available through the iOS Apple Smartabase Applications, Section and Field Visibility will NOT work on the main application or the mobile application if it references an option calculation that is scored, Conditional Options are available on the Mobile application, and in Group Entry on the Main application, Multiple Selection Fields can be set to have conditional visibility based on a single selection field's option, Chrome is accessible if you are using Chrome version 32 or above, Mobile Application Enhancements: In Form Report/Chart visibility and filter settings, Mobile Application Enhancements: Calculation speed has improved, calculations based on a prior calculation appear and Performance Standards appear for calculations, Mobile Application Athlete head shots (photos), and Injury Status appear, Mobile Application: Default to Last and Default values are now available, Mobile Application: the Default number of Table rows appear, CRITICAL WARNING: COACH ONLY AND ATHLETE ONLY FIELD VISIBILITY REMINDER (copied), Mobile Application: The My Resources Module, Parent-Child Sites can only be set up on self hosted sites. Smartsaves "Trigger at End of Day" is working as expected. (copied).
An example of a password containing both lowercase and uppercase letters is fRuits. Additionally, each css background image should be named uniquely, All of the Icons have been updated.
a minimum of 1 lower case letter [a-z] and, a minimum of 1 upper case letter [A-Z] and, a minimum of 1 numeric character [0-9] and. When a character using each case is added (e.g., 8987657yZ), the error will be resolved.
Password page, the new password must meet history and complexity Chart Styling Template- select the default colours for the charts.
The Duplicate Button on the Sidebar now duplicates the entire record, Application Glitches that have been resolved: Import time out, attachment ownership logout and required fields not showing, In Form Reports can now be sorted by a field used in the report, Application Enhancements to the Performance Summary Dashboards, In Form Report Body Diagram, Group Entry Alphabetical Order and html in Profile Pages, Setting up a Report to only include data entered on "Today" (e.g. Linked Calculation Advanced Form Property: used to recalculate state on a specific date, and should ONLY be enabled on forms that link state and need to calculate it retrospectively, during an import, or resave. If youre required to use lowercase letters in your password, you can use these letters a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. Zoom: The database will be rebuilt, enabling the new password to be used to access the installed software.
New Calendar Date Picker functionality on the My Schedule module on the mobile app. Exporting and Importing in any of the OSICS or Body Diagram Fields. Save and Print for Related Events, In Form Reports and Manual Update for Linked Fields, Filter using Entered By in the Reports Page, Fix for time being entered incorrectly if entered past 11:00pm, Ability for a URL to open in a blank web page on the m.html and iOS systems, Entered By has been changed to First Name Last Name, IOS fix for In form Report tables with filters, Profile Forms can now be accessed in the Reports Module, Advanced Form and Field Properties to optimise iCal Event Name (Subject), Location and Description, Parent-Child Form Uploads, Attachments, Attachment Resources and Assigned Categories, Multiple Group Selection in Group Entry Mode, Last Custom 1 Month Date Restriction Issue, New Password Security Criteria: 8 characters with at least 1 Upper Case, 1 lower case, and 1 numeric character.
Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. Password contain a single English common word ("apple") but is For example, a password of 8987657yz or 8987657YZ has both numbers and letter, but at least one upper and lower case letter need to be used.
Databases are now available. Password changes on the Main Application and the Installed Version are now linking to the Apple Application. Click OK.
List of Instagram Accounts that Follow Back, Binance Learn & Trade Biswap Quiz Answers, How to Switch Between Binance Lite and Binance Pro. Using the ICD 10 Database.
Computing Groups and Unix Groups management, How To Delete a Computing Group (or Merge Two Groups). This will prevent others from accessing your account using a brute-force attack. Password contains only two character categories: digits and lowercase characters. Some platforms require you to add numbers or symbols to your password as well.
Special characters (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.
An example of a lowercase password is apple. Athlete Sidebar Change Notification Warnings, Additional Video functionality for external video fields, Additional PDF enhancements: hide a Section, an In Form Report or an In Form Chart in a PDF, A saving spinner has been added when Saving Schedule and Appointment entries, Performance Alerts now fire from both parent or child entered data, Category access for an Administrator Licence-important updates, Event data with a multiple athlete field can be imported into the system, Changes to the Multiple Athlete Field when used in an Event Form, Run Historical Calculations to Match By Options (e.g., to run a historical calculation for all events matching a specific option), Having a Group By filter on In Form Reports.
You may need to move them around in your Event Form to minimise the number of Sections, Linked Profile Fields now show in Event Forms on the iPad/iPhone version, Linked Event Form Fields now pull through from one Event Form into Another, Doctors and Physiotherapists: How to update existing medical records using the Athlete History Module on the iPad/iPhone system, You can access Related Events on the iPhone/iPad system, If you have 25 or more athletes in the group that you are accessing on the iPad/iPhone the athletes will be condensed and appear in last name groupings, A List of Recent Athletes you have been entering/reviewing information for now appears at the top of the Athlete Selection Page, The status appears in the Athlete History page for the Event Form/s that are used to generate an Athlete's status, Locking is enabled on all Event Forms with a Lock and all Table Rows that are set to Lock. The password must not contain a single common English or French word. Password contains two common words ("pear" and "apple").
Version 4.801 and upwards (4 April 2016), Appointments and Scheduling Enhancements, and changes to iOS functionality, iOS Version 2.0.7 and m.html enhancements, Upcoming Bug Fixes and Enhancements.
Passwords must not be based on a dictionary word or have been previously cracked.
Databases MUST also be set up for Mobile Access. Access the list of all new releases and software updates by Version number, Zoom: If you changed the password online and you use the installed version, please ensure you load the installed version to update the password to the local desktop database.
Historical Date Calculations have been added to the system. part of its name.
Password does not contain the login or part of the name of the account. If you updated your password on the installed version of the software, you will still need to retype in your old password the next time you load it, Version 5.377 and above: 18-3 ULTRA (April 2018), IOS Enhancements (compatible with Version 5.117 and above), Upcoming Enhancements.
For version 4.774 and above (December 2015 and onwards), Enhancements in the Build for 4.550 and above, Performance Enhancements for Speed and Server load: Build 4.665 and above 12/08/2015, Enhancements for Version 4.595 and above (15th June 2015), Enhancements for Version 4.564 and above (4th June 2015), New Release Enhancements for Smartabase App for iOS and m.html, Security Enhancements and other fixes for Version 3.992 and above, System Updates for Version 3.920 and above, Version 3.810 and above: The Document Management Module: Changes to Resources, and Event Form Attachments, System Updates for Version 3.810 and above, Version 3.810 and above: Parent-Child linked sites for customers who self host and need to link data between sites, Software Updates for Version 3.711 and above, System Updates for Version 3.695 and above, System Updates for Version 3.676 and above, System Updates for Version 3.635 and above, Software Updates for Version 3.580 30th October 2013, 3/10/2013 Application Enhancements for Version 3.550 and Upwards, 27/08/2013 Application Enhancements for Version 3.504 and Upwards, 01/08/2013 Application Enhancements for Version 3.468, 26/07/2013 iPad and iPhone Updates in the new Smartabase App.
The password must not be identical to one of the last 6 passwords
Setting up "Favourite" Events so you can quickly enter new data, access history, reports and even excel reports for Event Forms you use daily, Tables in Event Form Enhancements: including a new position for the "Add Row" button, Reports: The capability to search Text boxes (single line of text, paragraph of text etc.)
These can be used to pull out date to match a specific query such as the date a personal best was achieved. Coaches: Access Account Data from the main application via the Profile Pages, Site Admin: Edit Athlete Accounts System Permission, How to add or remove athletes from a Scheduled Entry for a Group of Athletes, Copy and Paste data from one Event Form entry to another entry; for use across the same or different athletes, Advanced Form Properties: Enabling the Copy and Paste functionality for an Event Form, Group Entry Editing: Date and Time, and Delete Access changes, Download and/or Subscribe to an athlete's iCal, WARNING FOR MOBILE FORMS REGARDING SECTION VISIBILITY SET UP ISSUES, Date and Time of Entry now appear within the first section, not as a separate section, The My Resources Module is available on the Mobile applications (iOS and m.html) to download images and videos, Screen Locking to ensure data is protected: This is now set to a minimum of 12 hours, A timeout session expiry length can also be set for any Role in the application, Admin Site: Separate "Reports - Send Email" System Permission to enable users to Email PDF's generated from the Athlete History and Reports.
He has researched, tested, and written hundreds of articles ranging from social media platforms to messaging apps. ?/).
Version 4.790 upwards (March 2016), Translation Enhancements for version 4.774 and above (December 2015 onwards), Enhancements for version 4.774 and above (December 2015 onwards), Upcoming Date Field Enhancements-including linking, group by and matching to.
An uppercase password contains capital letters.
Receive an e-mail to confirm that a resave or a migration has been completed. a minimum of 1 special character: ~`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\;:"<>,./? long. files you upload to a Medical Record or Travel Form) that have been set up to treat Event Form Attachments as Resources as well, Coaches: You can add Attachments or Attachment-Resources to an Event Form during Group Entry, Administrators: Important Information you need to know about the new Attachment-Resources Security Measures, Administrators: Important Information you need to know about the new My Resources Security Measures, Administration Site: The Categories Module.
Passwords should not contain any personal information.
It will be enabled on a case-by-case basis, Important Builder Site Parent Child-Linking Considerations, An example of setting up an Event Form so it LINKS DATA between the Parent-Child Site, Parent-Child Linked Event Forms that have In Form Reports or In Form Charts pulling data from other Event Forms, Parent-Child Linked Event Forms that have Linked Event Form Fields and/or Linked Profile Form Fields, Parent-Child Linked Event Forms that have Related Event Forms, Parent-Child Deleting a Linked Event Form or Profile Form removes the form, and wipes all of the data stored across any site/s the Form was linked to, Parent-Child Linked Events or Profile Forms that have Database Fields in them, Landscape or Portrait is now available on Athlete History and Reports for the PDF (form) feature, Changes have been made to the Paragraph of Text fields regarding the way html code is handled, The Custom Page Layout background images were not updating correctly based on Group or Roles. Click OK and retype in the old password just as the previous steps had outlined.
Search User enables you to see a complete history of data entered for a user, by a user, and roles and permissions. Department of Computer Science Computing Guide. New Table Text Calculation to pull through data into a summary without a comma separating the data. This is only for customers who have purchased it.
at least 1 upper case, numeric, and special character must be EMBEDDED somewhere in the middle of the password, and not just be the first or the last character of the password string.
Please revert ALL Smartsaves back to the original Smartsaves time of triggering on the same day. the day you view the report), Databases not autofilling glitch has been resolved, Important enhancements for safely Migrating Fields and Options, Changes to the Next and Previous Buttons and the "Save" buttons, Enhancements to Date Selection for Date fields, The OSICS Body Diagram and OSICS Medical Diagram Code updates, Complete Translation of all fields, options and descriptions for the Mobile Applications. This restriction does not apply if the password is more than 10 characters longer than 10 characters.
You MAY need to resave your Event Forms or Individual Events that have been affected, RESOLVED in Version 4.880 and above: SMARTFLOW WARNING: Historical calculations will NOT run if a user does not have read access to the Target Form. Table Rows can be set to be Printed (PDF), Duplicated, and newly entered Rows can be Deleted. Password contains a single English common word ("apple").
SMS Message Counts may be out at certain times during the current month.
Log in to access additional content. Limiting scrolling on the booking calendar for Schedule and Appointment forms to a specific day limit (e.g., 7 days).
Excel Reports: Set up additional data filters when you run an existing report, New License Audit button to generate a list of all active licenses on the system, Critical Update Regarding the Performance Alerts Notifications and Set Up, Important changes to the way Profile and Account Data links into Event Forms, Administrators can Export Out Documents and Images Uploaded into an Event Form and Re-Import them into the system, Account: Before you can update your information you must now enter in your password, Users Login Fail: Unexpected error message appearing, Issue with Text Messages not being sent to US numbers, Layout of text in a table or Athlete History/Reports in a PDF, Glitch with Yearly Plans "Additional Rows" calculations using the same field, Glitch with an athlete accessing Coach only visible fields has been resolved, Tables Glitches Resolved: Tables in a Related Event Form were collapsed, Hidden sections and fields in Profile Form were not being hidden on the Profile Preview Pages, The Username and First Character of the Last Name were not pulling through correctly, Site name is included with registration details for newly registered users, How to use a database field in an If/Then equation, How to calculate out "Year" in an Event Form, How to pull a string of digits from a Text field using a substring Text Calculation, Using nthmax and nthmin with historical calculations to calculate the 2nd, 3rd or 4th best results, The Daily Reminders Module: How to set up a recurring e-mail or text reminder to be sent on a specific day and time to an athlete/s, Examples of Daily Reminders sent via E-mail, Text or Internal Mail, The Daily Reminders Module: How to stop a reminder for an athlete or remove it from the system, The Daily Reminders Module is NOT for critical communication, There is an Android Application for use on Android Phones Online, Access the Android Application, Bookmark it and/or save the link to your Home Screen, You can now import in Event and Profile data for over 1000 athletes, or have files with over 1000 fields, online, installed online and installed offline, A Database field was not able to be removed in an Event Form or a Profile Form, Loading the App in a horizontal position no longer causes an issue with the key board, In Form Charts appear in the Mobile applications, In Form Report Forms MUST also be set as Mobile Enabled, Use a Mobile CSS, Mobile Background and Mobile Header Image, New Icons now appear on the My Schedule, Enter Data, Athlete History Pages and Logout Button, Enabling Icons to appear on the Enter Data page for Event Forms on the Apple and Android version, Important iPad and iPhone Enhancement: Set Sections to appear together and not as a separate section on the iPad/iPhone App, Section Visibility WILL NOT work on the Mobile App if you set the section as Enable Mobile Page Break = No, The Language settings on your account will appear on the Mobile Application, Resolved Issues: Body Diagram, Multiple Selection Fields and Single Selection Fields with a default value, You can now limit database fields using the "Group By" on the Mobile Application, The Related Events Body Diagram has been disabled on the Mobile Application, Import Databases into Profile Event Forms, Excel Report Enhancements: Running a report when there is no data for an event type, Excel Report Enhancements: Setting up filters for each Data Type, Excel Report Enhancements: Profile Form Field selection to include in Reports, Username has been added as a Linked Personal Field, Training Blocks- Improve Calendar View by turning off the Training Block Details, Linked Fields: limiting the values that pull through by date range, Linked Fields: setting the system to ignore blank records and pull through a previous record, A work around to access Profile Data for an entire group of athletes, How to clear any scores and 0's from options fields that have scores applied to them, You cannot delete the Main Site Administrator from the admin tool, There is currently an issue on iOS6 when you load the Smartabase App in a horizontal (landscape) position, New "Double Spaces Error" on the Form Builder because a double space cause issues in some modules, Week Start Calculation: Convert a date into a weekly number based on a specific start day during the Year, Group Entry: How to enable Sections to appear as Tabs during Group Entry, Use linked values with a unit in calculations, Returning the "option" in a Table Option Calculation that references a Table Option field with scores, All Images attached to an Image Field Types now appear as a Thumbnail in the Event Form. Logging in 5 times with an incorrect password or username will stop you from being able to login for 10 minutes, How the Custom Page Layouts are proritised to show, Setting up the Small Links on a Page Layout, Setting up the Sections for a Page Layout, Upload you own custom CSS styling file, Background Image and Header Image, Excel Reports can be edited once they are created, Import in OSICS codes that are exported from the system, Importing Data: How to Trigger or Skip sending Performance Alerts, Builder's Guide to setting up Form Access for the iPad and iPhone software, Access the iPhone and iPad application through the Apple App Store, Important Points that you need to know about the Mobile applications before you login, Once the application has finished installing you can Login.
(Note, however, that our password rules differ from OIT's password rules.). They cant be used to start a sentence or mention a noun.
Administration Site: Users who have access to "Manage Resources" can upload, edit, delete, and assign a Resource to specific User/s, Resources and Attachments can now be securely shared with the correct users: Access to Resources and specially set up Event Form Attachments is now limited by Category, The My Resources Module is now Available on the Android application and will be available through the iOS Apple Smartabase Applications, Section and Field Visibility will NOT work on the main application or the mobile application if it references an option calculation that is scored, Conditional Options are available on the Mobile application, and in Group Entry on the Main application, Multiple Selection Fields can be set to have conditional visibility based on a single selection field's option, Chrome is accessible if you are using Chrome version 32 or above, Mobile Application Enhancements: In Form Report/Chart visibility and filter settings, Mobile Application Enhancements: Calculation speed has improved, calculations based on a prior calculation appear and Performance Standards appear for calculations, Mobile Application Athlete head shots (photos), and Injury Status appear, Mobile Application: Default to Last and Default values are now available, Mobile Application: the Default number of Table rows appear, CRITICAL WARNING: COACH ONLY AND ATHLETE ONLY FIELD VISIBILITY REMINDER (copied), Mobile Application: The My Resources Module, Parent-Child Sites can only be set up on self hosted sites. Smartsaves "Trigger at End of Day" is working as expected. (copied).
An example of a password containing both lowercase and uppercase letters is fRuits. Additionally, each css background image should be named uniquely, All of the Icons have been updated.
a minimum of 1 lower case letter [a-z] and, a minimum of 1 upper case letter [A-Z] and, a minimum of 1 numeric character [0-9] and. When a character using each case is added (e.g., 8987657yZ), the error will be resolved.
Password page, the new password must meet history and complexity Chart Styling Template- select the default colours for the charts.
The Duplicate Button on the Sidebar now duplicates the entire record, Application Glitches that have been resolved: Import time out, attachment ownership logout and required fields not showing, In Form Reports can now be sorted by a field used in the report, Application Enhancements to the Performance Summary Dashboards, In Form Report Body Diagram, Group Entry Alphabetical Order and html in Profile Pages, Setting up a Report to only include data entered on "Today" (e.g. Linked Calculation Advanced Form Property: used to recalculate state on a specific date, and should ONLY be enabled on forms that link state and need to calculate it retrospectively, during an import, or resave. If youre required to use lowercase letters in your password, you can use these letters a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z. Zoom: The database will be rebuilt, enabling the new password to be used to access the installed software.
New Calendar Date Picker functionality on the My Schedule module on the mobile app. Exporting and Importing in any of the OSICS or Body Diagram Fields. Save and Print for Related Events, In Form Reports and Manual Update for Linked Fields, Filter using Entered By in the Reports Page, Fix for time being entered incorrectly if entered past 11:00pm, Ability for a URL to open in a blank web page on the m.html and iOS systems, Entered By has been changed to First Name Last Name, IOS fix for In form Report tables with filters, Profile Forms can now be accessed in the Reports Module, Advanced Form and Field Properties to optimise iCal Event Name (Subject), Location and Description, Parent-Child Form Uploads, Attachments, Attachment Resources and Assigned Categories, Multiple Group Selection in Group Entry Mode, Last Custom 1 Month Date Restriction Issue, New Password Security Criteria: 8 characters with at least 1 Upper Case, 1 lower case, and 1 numeric character.
Lim How Wei is the founder of followchain.org, with 8+ years of experience in Social Media Marketing and 4+ years of experience as an active investor in stocks and cryptocurrencies. Password contain a single English common word ("apple") but is For example, a password of 8987657yz or 8987657YZ has both numbers and letter, but at least one upper and lower case letter need to be used.
Databases are now available. Password changes on the Main Application and the Installed Version are now linking to the Apple Application. Click OK.
List of Instagram Accounts that Follow Back, Binance Learn & Trade Biswap Quiz Answers, How to Switch Between Binance Lite and Binance Pro. Using the ICD 10 Database.
Computing Groups and Unix Groups management, How To Delete a Computing Group (or Merge Two Groups). This will prevent others from accessing your account using a brute-force attack. Password contains only two character categories: digits and lowercase characters. Some platforms require you to add numbers or symbols to your password as well.
Special characters (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;"'<>,.
An example of a lowercase password is apple. Athlete Sidebar Change Notification Warnings, Additional Video functionality for external video fields, Additional PDF enhancements: hide a Section, an In Form Report or an In Form Chart in a PDF, A saving spinner has been added when Saving Schedule and Appointment entries, Performance Alerts now fire from both parent or child entered data, Category access for an Administrator Licence-important updates, Event data with a multiple athlete field can be imported into the system, Changes to the Multiple Athlete Field when used in an Event Form, Run Historical Calculations to Match By Options (e.g., to run a historical calculation for all events matching a specific option), Having a Group By filter on In Form Reports.
You may need to move them around in your Event Form to minimise the number of Sections, Linked Profile Fields now show in Event Forms on the iPad/iPhone version, Linked Event Form Fields now pull through from one Event Form into Another, Doctors and Physiotherapists: How to update existing medical records using the Athlete History Module on the iPad/iPhone system, You can access Related Events on the iPhone/iPad system, If you have 25 or more athletes in the group that you are accessing on the iPad/iPhone the athletes will be condensed and appear in last name groupings, A List of Recent Athletes you have been entering/reviewing information for now appears at the top of the Athlete Selection Page, The status appears in the Athlete History page for the Event Form/s that are used to generate an Athlete's status, Locking is enabled on all Event Forms with a Lock and all Table Rows that are set to Lock. The password must not contain a single common English or French word. Password contains two common words ("pear" and "apple").
Version 4.801 and upwards (4 April 2016), Appointments and Scheduling Enhancements, and changes to iOS functionality, iOS Version 2.0.7 and m.html enhancements, Upcoming Bug Fixes and Enhancements.
Passwords must not be based on a dictionary word or have been previously cracked.

Databases MUST also be set up for Mobile Access. Access the list of all new releases and software updates by Version number, Zoom: If you changed the password online and you use the installed version, please ensure you load the installed version to update the password to the local desktop database.
Historical Date Calculations have been added to the system. part of its name.
Password does not contain the login or part of the name of the account. If you updated your password on the installed version of the software, you will still need to retype in your old password the next time you load it, Version 5.377 and above: 18-3 ULTRA (April 2018), IOS Enhancements (compatible with Version 5.117 and above), Upcoming Enhancements.
For version 4.774 and above (December 2015 and onwards), Enhancements in the Build for 4.550 and above, Performance Enhancements for Speed and Server load: Build 4.665 and above 12/08/2015, Enhancements for Version 4.595 and above (15th June 2015), Enhancements for Version 4.564 and above (4th June 2015), New Release Enhancements for Smartabase App for iOS and m.html, Security Enhancements and other fixes for Version 3.992 and above, System Updates for Version 3.920 and above, Version 3.810 and above: The Document Management Module: Changes to Resources, and Event Form Attachments, System Updates for Version 3.810 and above, Version 3.810 and above: Parent-Child linked sites for customers who self host and need to link data between sites, Software Updates for Version 3.711 and above, System Updates for Version 3.695 and above, System Updates for Version 3.676 and above, System Updates for Version 3.635 and above, Software Updates for Version 3.580 30th October 2013, 3/10/2013 Application Enhancements for Version 3.550 and Upwards, 27/08/2013 Application Enhancements for Version 3.504 and Upwards, 01/08/2013 Application Enhancements for Version 3.468, 26/07/2013 iPad and iPhone Updates in the new Smartabase App.
