10 Best Alaskan Malamute Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! Their silky coat, slim build, and straight faces contribute to making them, elegant superstars. Basset Hounds are affectionate, devoted, and friendly. Expect some stubbornness though. Because they were bred for running down small game, Italian greyhounds will chase anything that moves, so a firm grip on the leash is required. But they can also be big goofballs, and a beloved addition to the household. (2022 Price Guide), How Much Does a Boxer Dog Cost? In this article, I will share some of the most popular dog breeds with long noses. Dogs are categorized as dolichocephalic based on the cephalic index, a ratio between the skull width and length. 10 Best Dachshund Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! They were so accurate and persistent in the tracking game that they became popular among French aristocrats who loved hunting.
All Rights Reserved. The clever part, at least, is right. (2022 Price Guide), How Much Does a Shiba Inu Cost? They enjoy lots of outdoor activities and are amazing hunting pals, too. Despite being bred as a fighting dog, bull terriers are highly affectionate family dogs who crave human company and tend to shadow their family members. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',162,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')};Youd always recognize this breed by its long, droopy ears and an equally long nose.
A lot of stories and myths surround these beautiful canines.
10 Best Bloodhound Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! They are tall and leggy, allowing them to hunt for a game at incredible speed.
A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Bens former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business. Airedale Terriers are pretty unique-looking pups with their bearded long snouts and triangular, droopy ears.
The Greyhound is another breed known for its speed.
They can cope in different environments if the owner gives them enough exercise. They shed a lot and require a lot of brushing, so youll want to look intoproducts that combat shedding. The link between this breed and royalty is obvious. Check out more calm dog breeds with easygoing personalities. 10 Best Beagle Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! These guys love long walks and run, or a fenced-in area where they can roam free. Because of their ingrained chase instinct, greyhounds, one of the fastest dog breeds, shouldnt be allowed to run off-leash in unfenced areas and should be carefully introduced to smaller dogs and cats.
German Shepherds are sturdy dogs bred for guarding, working, and protecting their families. Their heads are fairly wide between the ears, tapering to a long and powerful muzzle that indicates the strength of their bite. Lets begin! Long nosed dogs usually have a better sense of smell simply because there is more space for scent-detecting cells. While independent and sometimes reserved, it is gentle and desires attention.
These dogs are family-oriented and calm inside the house, as long as theyre given plenty of time to run and exercise outside. This is not the dog you should leave idle unless you want your yard to suffer. It isnt surprising that it was a companion to the Russian upper class. Yes, it is possible for dogs to break their snouts or noses. Can Dogs Break Their Snouts? Popular brachycephalic breeds are English and French Bulldogs, Pugs, Shih Tzus, Pekingese, and Boxers. What Dogs Have Narrow Snouts?
They are sighthounds that excel in hunting rabbits, herding goats and sheep, and retrieving birds. The supermodels of the dog world, Afghan hounds are also one of the worlds oldest dog breedstheyve been around for thousands of years.
Due to this, it faced extinction. Basset Hounds are famous for their long faces with droopy ears. They are upright ears, tricolor coats, and an alert expression in their eyes. A potential owner of one of these long nose dogs must be ready to devote themself to the welfare of this breed. As the name suggests, these dogs originated in ancient Egypt and are one of the oldest domesticated dogs in recorded history. 10 Best Bernese Mountain Dog Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! It all comes with the package. Because of their short and flat noses, they tend to suffer from breathing difficulties. Pharaoh Hounds have existed for as long as 5,000 years and most likely accompanied Pharaohs of old in hunting expeditions. With a long history dating from centuries back as ancient empires, Ibizan Hounds have been around for a while. 10 Best Poodle Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! Originally bred for chasing and cornering large prey, Afghan hounds still have a strong prey instinct, so may not be suitable for homes with smaller animals. Miniature or standard, the Bull Terrier looks pretty much the same, with a head shaped like a football and a long snout. Her long adorable face has gained her over 200,000 followers on Instagram. These pups possess signature features including long snouts, thick, long coats, and triangular ears. Modern Ibizan Hound, however, originated in the Spanish Island of Ibiza. These adorable terriers are also cheery creatures and highly social fellows. Shepherd Dog Breeds: 21 Types of Shepherd Dogs (With Pictures), Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, Pictures, and More. It is sometimes reserved around unfamiliar faces, but it doesnt tend to be aggressive. As an ancient breed, Afghan Hounds are the stuff of legend. The German Shepherd is from Germany and had the job of keeping livestock in line while protecting them.
10 Best Anatolian Shepherd Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks!, How Much Does a Yorkshire Terrier Cost? Dachshunds also have a long nose to complement their structure. A breed as popular as the Labrador and Golden Retrievers, the German Shepherd is your typical workaholic dog breed. Their jaws are described as long and punishing, with an ideal level mouth. With their long snouts and long legs, Salukis arent just made for hunting but also for running, making them the fastest dog breed to date. All dogs have a keen sense of smell, but dog breeds with long snouts have more than others. As such, too much exercise may pose a risk to brachycephalic dogs. Outside the house, these dogs might instinctively want to run and chase. 10 Best American Bulldog Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! Borzois are sensitive pooches who love company. Thats not a surprise since this pooch is a combination of that breed plus the German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute. While still fighters, their courteous trait endeared them to English gentlemen. Aside from their tight curls, Poodles are known for their long, adorable noses. And its no wonder, as their bodies are built for speed! With a few exceptions (were looking at you, Dachshunds), long-nose dogs were bred for hunting. In fact, they are even trained for races in some parts of the world. In 1979, the American Kennel Club recognized this breed. These dogs are also a bit of a challenge to train. Last on our list is a breed of dog with big nose, droopy face, and a very strong sense of smell.
Dogs with narrow or thin snouts include the Saluki and the Borzoi, just to name a few. Greyhounds are also known as the 45 mph couch potatoes!, READ NEXT: Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, Pictures, and More. Its first entry into the Western world was through Europe in the dark ages. Watch a Saluki training for a race in this video: German Shepherd Dogs (GSD) are among the most popular working dogs in the world. Beagles have a bit of a stubborn streak, so training can be a challenge. One look at the Doberman Pinscher and its enough to intimidate the average person.
Grace, speed, and power are all apparent in the looks of a Pharaoh Hound. When theyre not making you laugh, they will be on the next prank.
Airedales are hard workers who love having activities to keep them busy.
Dolichocephalic dogs are canines with a narrow skull base and elongated muzzle, like the breeds mentioned above. With their inherent loyalty, Dobies make an excellent guard dog. They are quite intelligent and obedient with a knack for search and rescue work. Dachs means badger and hund stands for a dog. My passion for animals started at a very young age as I grow up on a farm with several horses, cows, cats, chickens, and dogs on our property.
They are very social with humans and other pets, making them great family dogs. The Afghan Hound is a dog with long snout and long hair, which adds to their elegance. Their athleticism, size, and independence make them not suitable for everyone, but they make loyal guardians to families who can handle them.
If you prefer a quiet pooch that doesnt bark a lot and is willing to give you plenty of love and kisses, the Whippet is what youre looking for. Beagles are funny and mischievous dogs.
And last but not least, weve got the Saluki long-snouted pups with a superb knack for speed.
With the right combinations of these breeds, the Doberman Pinschers we know today are simply the epitome of a great working dog. They need minimal grooming, but because of their short coats and lack of body fat, they need a coat in cold weather. Any Bull Terrier parent would know that they are affectionate and love spending time with their humans. They have a streamlined body shape, which gives them a regal and confident appearance. Dachshunds have elongated bodies and muzzles that allow them to be great at digging underground. Whippets are good watchdogs, though theyre not given to barking too much. As such, they were prized by ancient royals for their beauty and hunting abilities. With family, it is affectionate and loyal. These dogs are known to be very affectionate to their owners. These dogs are characterized by a broad skull and a narrow or shortened snout. They have wide-open nostrils and noses that are always a rosy flesh color. So it might surprise you to know that there are a lot of genetics behind that long schnoz, and centuries, if not millennia, of targeted breeding. American vs. European Doberman: An In-Depth Comparison, How Much to Feed a Golden Retriever (Feeding Chart & Guide), How Much to Feed a German Shepherd (Feeding Chart & Guide), How Much to Feed a Goldendoodle (Feeding Chart & Guide), How Much to Feed a Boxer Dog (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a Husky (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a Chihuahua (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a Yorkie (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a French Bulldog (Feeding Chart & Guide), How Much to Feed a Labrador (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a Pitbull (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much Does a Poodle Cost? Our only goal is to give you the information that you need to ensure that your dog lives a long, happy, and healthy life so that you and your pup can make the most of, and enjoy every single second that you spend together. They have strong muzzles, narrow heads, and slim and aerodynamic bodies. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-netboard-1','ezslot_20',174,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-netboard-1-0')};However, once it sights prey, good luck trying to catch it. (2022 Price Guide), How Much Does a Chiweenie Cost? Lets take a look at these long-face dogs and why they are adored by their human companions. They also do well with kiddos, the elderly, and anyone in between. Just be sure to give them firm and consistent training to bring out the amazing doggo in them. As pets, the Bloodhound can be stubborn and curious about all the scents they pick up. Pitbull Colors: 23 Coat Color Variations Explained (With Pictures), American Bully XL: An Ultimate Guide to the Most Muscular Dog. 10 Best Labradoodle Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks!
Puplore was founded to provide dog owners with breed information and advice on canine care, health, and nutrition and to help them to raise their four-legged friends from puppydom to adulthood. And the ways they use their long muzzles are a testament to their versatility. These dogs even have the unique ability to blush. With their calm disposition, they are better off with owners who possess that same gentle, peaceful personality. Brachycephalic dogs such asBulldogs,Pugs, and Pekingese, among a few others, are pups with short snouts. Classic features include a long snout, dense coats in brown and black, and upright ears.
if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-portrait-2','ezslot_23',181,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-portrait-2-0')};They were brave canines in World War I with one named Jack making history. Fortunately, greyhound racing is banned in all but four U.S. states, and greyhounds are now much more popular and better off as companion pets. Treats work magic with this breed. It was also called Bingley Terrier or Waterside Terrier. Training is difficult because of their independent spirit but is possible. But to strangers, they can be quite aloof and intimidating.
Easy-going and calm, Salukis are a joy to have at home. Its elegance and strength made it a common feature in ancient Egyptian art. Dachshund means badger dog, as they were developed to dig their way into a badgers den. To train them, you need a good amount of patience and treats. It is laid-back like the Basset Hound but not aloof like the Afghan Hound. After thousands of years, the Greyhound is now considered the fastest dog breed in the world and one with long noses. One minute it wants to snuggle, the next moment it is challenging your authority. The sleek lines of Ibizan Hounds extend to their bodies.
Their skulls should be extended but not too narrow. Youre more likely to find it calm in a household than causing a ruckus.
True to their elegance, Afghan Hounds arent your typical mans best friend whod snuggle and play a lot. They need a lot of patience to train as their hunting instincts may kick in! Although long-nosed dogs are used for various kinds of work, they can also make fantastic family companions. This loyalty makes them a favorite of the police force.
These, coupled with hanging lips and sad eyes, give the Basset Hound a calm expression. We all know that our canine companions have an amazing sense of smell.
These dogs are quite upbeat, so theyre always game for any outdoor activities and play time with the family. In the doggy world, this is an indisputable truth.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'puplore_com-box-3','ezslot_9',192,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-box-3-0')}; Some of these canines are categorized as dolichocephaly. GSDs are commonly trained as service dogs, K9 unit pups, and canines for military work. 10 Best Cocker Spaniel Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! Chances are, youve seen these hounds associated with races. The Saluki is laden with gracefulness, so much that it was revered and seen as a gift from Allah by its early owners.
Theyll bark when theyre bored or lonely, so apartment dwellers take note. Notwithstanding the fighting past, the Bull Terrier is a dog breed with a big heart. As the smaller version of the Rough Collie (more on that breed in a minute), the Shetland Sheepdog or Sheltie is another one of those dog breeds with long snouts. Her writing on travel and sustainability appears in national and international publications and she is the author of several guidebooks. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',171,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0')};The breed got into the United States before the 1st World War but made its mark during actual battles. From there, it got into America and got AKC recognition in 1885. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-netboard-2','ezslot_21',180,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-netboard-2-0')};Greyhounds are friendly with family members and are not known to be aggressive, but are withdrawn from strangers. It was used to hunt at a point, but quickly got sidetracked in favor of bigger hounds. Among their unique features include long legs, triangular floppy ears, short and sheer coats, and amber or gray-colored eyes. These dogs excel in short distance racing, thanks to their bodies built with superb aerodynamics. It got recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1885.
Salukis have a sleek and symmetrical build, making them swift and agile hunters. Related:24 Worlds Strongest Dog Breeds (Pound for Pound). Their heads are flat in between the ears and gently curve down to the tip of the nose. Prized for their acute sense of smell, bloodhounds have long aided law enforcement in sniffing out wrongdoers or missing persons.
In real life, a Beagles nose is probably not as big as Snoopys, but they make our list of adorable long nose dogs! In 1967, it made its first entry into the United States.
However, this doesnt make it easy to train. This dog breed is a native of Germany in the 19th century and started as protector of a man named Dobermann. Eris from Virginia soon became an internet sensation, garnering over 250,000 followers on Instagram. Which Dog Has The Shortest Snout? Beezers, as they are fondly called, are exceptional hunting pups.
Did you know that Snoopy is an AKC-registered Beagle? A German Shepherd dog does great in search and rescue, police and detection work, and tracking. These sighthounds were originally developed in England for racing and hunting, so they have a slim but sturdy build similar to Greyhounds. Its easy to see why! Its appearance is considered stylish with its narrow head and long snout.
The Airedale Terrier originated in Yorkshire in 1853. The Beagle has a blurry origin, but early sightings of the breed as we know it today were in England. Lassie, one of the first canine stars of TV and film, was an all-around heroic farm dog. It is an old breed and has been used to chase down and corner animals like leopards. Thats right, no hands should be raised. Their heads are pretty broad between the ears, narrowing to a strong muzzle.
They are at turns affectionate and aloof, and will seek cuddles or playtime only when theyre in the mood for it. Sociable and mild-tempered, you should never have any problem with getting your Poodle acquainted with the rest of the family and household pets. Being one ofthe fastest dog breeds, Salukis can run up to 42.8 miles per hour, so its hard to beat these pooches in a sprinting competition. When it is not hunting, the Whippet is introverted. Because they still retain a strong prey instinct, Whippets arent recommended for homes with cats and other small animals. An ancient dog breed with a long snout, Pharaoh Hounds were bred to hunt rabbits and rodents. If youve seen the classic TV show, Lassie, then youll have a better idea of what Rough Collies are like. If youre an experienced owner in search of a pooch pet, the Airedale Terrier is a fine choice. They thrive well in an environment thats peaceful and with lots of space to run around.
The dog breed originated in Germany and was known for its ability to take on the ferocious badger.
Italian Greyhounds are highly suited to apartment living, but not to being left alone for long periods of time. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',169,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-leader-4-0')};You dont need a genie to hint that the Saluki has Arabic roots. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_18',172,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-narrow-sky-1-0')};Their reserved nature notwithstanding, they love company. But this unique feature is not just for cuteness purposes a long snout actually adds to a canines hunting ability. 10 Best Border Collie Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks!
It is energetic, so it needs an active owner who can meet its high exercise need. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a7c6a2243bf13194c40aa243cc76f728" );document.getElementById("c82db2eba3").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); This Arabian Dog is Fast Enough to Catch a Gazelle Amazing Dogs | Smithsonian Channel, Doxin, Doxen, Doxie, or Dachshund? As a member of the terrier group, these dogs also have boundless energy and an instinct to hunt.
All Rights Reserved. The clever part, at least, is right. (2022 Price Guide), How Much Does a Shiba Inu Cost? They enjoy lots of outdoor activities and are amazing hunting pals, too. Despite being bred as a fighting dog, bull terriers are highly affectionate family dogs who crave human company and tend to shadow their family members. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',162,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-large-leaderboard-2-0')};Youd always recognize this breed by its long, droopy ears and an equally long nose.
A lot of stories and myths surround these beautiful canines.
10 Best Bloodhound Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! They are tall and leggy, allowing them to hunt for a game at incredible speed.
A firm believer in treating all animals with kindness and compassion, and that positive discipline is paramount in achieving a harmonious canine-human relationship, Bens former and present careers have enabled him to become a leading light in his chosen profession and business. Airedale Terriers are pretty unique-looking pups with their bearded long snouts and triangular, droopy ears.
The Greyhound is another breed known for its speed.
They can cope in different environments if the owner gives them enough exercise. They shed a lot and require a lot of brushing, so youll want to look intoproducts that combat shedding. The link between this breed and royalty is obvious. Check out more calm dog breeds with easygoing personalities. 10 Best Beagle Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! These guys love long walks and run, or a fenced-in area where they can roam free. Because of their ingrained chase instinct, greyhounds, one of the fastest dog breeds, shouldnt be allowed to run off-leash in unfenced areas and should be carefully introduced to smaller dogs and cats.
German Shepherds are sturdy dogs bred for guarding, working, and protecting their families. Their heads are fairly wide between the ears, tapering to a long and powerful muzzle that indicates the strength of their bite. Lets begin! Long nosed dogs usually have a better sense of smell simply because there is more space for scent-detecting cells. While independent and sometimes reserved, it is gentle and desires attention.
These dogs are family-oriented and calm inside the house, as long as theyre given plenty of time to run and exercise outside. This is not the dog you should leave idle unless you want your yard to suffer. It isnt surprising that it was a companion to the Russian upper class. Yes, it is possible for dogs to break their snouts or noses. Can Dogs Break Their Snouts? Popular brachycephalic breeds are English and French Bulldogs, Pugs, Shih Tzus, Pekingese, and Boxers. What Dogs Have Narrow Snouts?
They are sighthounds that excel in hunting rabbits, herding goats and sheep, and retrieving birds. The supermodels of the dog world, Afghan hounds are also one of the worlds oldest dog breedstheyve been around for thousands of years.
Due to this, it faced extinction. Basset Hounds are famous for their long faces with droopy ears. They are upright ears, tricolor coats, and an alert expression in their eyes. A potential owner of one of these long nose dogs must be ready to devote themself to the welfare of this breed. As the name suggests, these dogs originated in ancient Egypt and are one of the oldest domesticated dogs in recorded history. 10 Best Bernese Mountain Dog Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! It all comes with the package. Because of their short and flat noses, they tend to suffer from breathing difficulties. Pharaoh Hounds have existed for as long as 5,000 years and most likely accompanied Pharaohs of old in hunting expeditions. With a long history dating from centuries back as ancient empires, Ibizan Hounds have been around for a while. 10 Best Poodle Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! Originally bred for chasing and cornering large prey, Afghan hounds still have a strong prey instinct, so may not be suitable for homes with smaller animals. Miniature or standard, the Bull Terrier looks pretty much the same, with a head shaped like a football and a long snout. Her long adorable face has gained her over 200,000 followers on Instagram. These pups possess signature features including long snouts, thick, long coats, and triangular ears. Modern Ibizan Hound, however, originated in the Spanish Island of Ibiza. These adorable terriers are also cheery creatures and highly social fellows. Shepherd Dog Breeds: 21 Types of Shepherd Dogs (With Pictures), Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, Pictures, and More. It is sometimes reserved around unfamiliar faces, but it doesnt tend to be aggressive. As an ancient breed, Afghan Hounds are the stuff of legend. The German Shepherd is from Germany and had the job of keeping livestock in line while protecting them.
10 Best Anatolian Shepherd Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks!, How Much Does a Yorkshire Terrier Cost? Dachshunds also have a long nose to complement their structure. A breed as popular as the Labrador and Golden Retrievers, the German Shepherd is your typical workaholic dog breed. Their jaws are described as long and punishing, with an ideal level mouth. With their long snouts and long legs, Salukis arent just made for hunting but also for running, making them the fastest dog breed to date. All dogs have a keen sense of smell, but dog breeds with long snouts have more than others. As such, too much exercise may pose a risk to brachycephalic dogs. Outside the house, these dogs might instinctively want to run and chase. 10 Best American Bulldog Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! Borzois are sensitive pooches who love company. Thats not a surprise since this pooch is a combination of that breed plus the German Shepherd and Alaskan Malamute. While still fighters, their courteous trait endeared them to English gentlemen. Aside from their tight curls, Poodles are known for their long, adorable noses. And its no wonder, as their bodies are built for speed! With a few exceptions (were looking at you, Dachshunds), long-nose dogs were bred for hunting. In fact, they are even trained for races in some parts of the world. In 1979, the American Kennel Club recognized this breed. These dogs are also a bit of a challenge to train. Last on our list is a breed of dog with big nose, droopy face, and a very strong sense of smell.
Dogs with narrow or thin snouts include the Saluki and the Borzoi, just to name a few. Greyhounds are also known as the 45 mph couch potatoes!, READ NEXT: Greybull Pit (Pit Bull & Greyhound Mix): Info, Facts, Pictures, and More. Its first entry into the Western world was through Europe in the dark ages. Watch a Saluki training for a race in this video: German Shepherd Dogs (GSD) are among the most popular working dogs in the world. Beagles have a bit of a stubborn streak, so training can be a challenge. One look at the Doberman Pinscher and its enough to intimidate the average person.
Grace, speed, and power are all apparent in the looks of a Pharaoh Hound. When theyre not making you laugh, they will be on the next prank.
Airedales are hard workers who love having activities to keep them busy.
Dolichocephalic dogs are canines with a narrow skull base and elongated muzzle, like the breeds mentioned above. With their inherent loyalty, Dobies make an excellent guard dog. They are quite intelligent and obedient with a knack for search and rescue work. Dachs means badger and hund stands for a dog. My passion for animals started at a very young age as I grow up on a farm with several horses, cows, cats, chickens, and dogs on our property.
They are very social with humans and other pets, making them great family dogs. The Afghan Hound is a dog with long snout and long hair, which adds to their elegance. Their athleticism, size, and independence make them not suitable for everyone, but they make loyal guardians to families who can handle them.
If you prefer a quiet pooch that doesnt bark a lot and is willing to give you plenty of love and kisses, the Whippet is what youre looking for. Beagles are funny and mischievous dogs.

And last but not least, weve got the Saluki long-snouted pups with a superb knack for speed.
With the right combinations of these breeds, the Doberman Pinschers we know today are simply the epitome of a great working dog. They need minimal grooming, but because of their short coats and lack of body fat, they need a coat in cold weather. Any Bull Terrier parent would know that they are affectionate and love spending time with their humans. They have a streamlined body shape, which gives them a regal and confident appearance. Dachshunds have elongated bodies and muzzles that allow them to be great at digging underground. Whippets are good watchdogs, though theyre not given to barking too much. As such, they were prized by ancient royals for their beauty and hunting abilities. With family, it is affectionate and loyal. These dogs are known to be very affectionate to their owners. These dogs are characterized by a broad skull and a narrow or shortened snout. They have wide-open nostrils and noses that are always a rosy flesh color. So it might surprise you to know that there are a lot of genetics behind that long schnoz, and centuries, if not millennia, of targeted breeding. American vs. European Doberman: An In-Depth Comparison, How Much to Feed a Golden Retriever (Feeding Chart & Guide), How Much to Feed a German Shepherd (Feeding Chart & Guide), How Much to Feed a Goldendoodle (Feeding Chart & Guide), How Much to Feed a Boxer Dog (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a Husky (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a Chihuahua (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a Yorkie (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a French Bulldog (Feeding Chart & Guide), How Much to Feed a Labrador (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much to Feed a Pitbull (Puppy & Adult Feeding Chart), How Much Does a Poodle Cost? Our only goal is to give you the information that you need to ensure that your dog lives a long, happy, and healthy life so that you and your pup can make the most of, and enjoy every single second that you spend together. They have strong muzzles, narrow heads, and slim and aerodynamic bodies. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-netboard-1','ezslot_20',174,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-netboard-1-0')};However, once it sights prey, good luck trying to catch it. (2022 Price Guide), How Much Does a Chiweenie Cost? Lets take a look at these long-face dogs and why they are adored by their human companions. They also do well with kiddos, the elderly, and anyone in between. Just be sure to give them firm and consistent training to bring out the amazing doggo in them. As pets, the Bloodhound can be stubborn and curious about all the scents they pick up. Pitbull Colors: 23 Coat Color Variations Explained (With Pictures), American Bully XL: An Ultimate Guide to the Most Muscular Dog. 10 Best Labradoodle Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks!
Puplore was founded to provide dog owners with breed information and advice on canine care, health, and nutrition and to help them to raise their four-legged friends from puppydom to adulthood. And the ways they use their long muzzles are a testament to their versatility. These dogs even have the unique ability to blush. With their calm disposition, they are better off with owners who possess that same gentle, peaceful personality. Brachycephalic dogs such asBulldogs,Pugs, and Pekingese, among a few others, are pups with short snouts. Classic features include a long snout, dense coats in brown and black, and upright ears.
if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-portrait-2','ezslot_23',181,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-portrait-2-0')};They were brave canines in World War I with one named Jack making history. Fortunately, greyhound racing is banned in all but four U.S. states, and greyhounds are now much more popular and better off as companion pets. Treats work magic with this breed. It was also called Bingley Terrier or Waterside Terrier. Training is difficult because of their independent spirit but is possible. But to strangers, they can be quite aloof and intimidating.
Easy-going and calm, Salukis are a joy to have at home. Its elegance and strength made it a common feature in ancient Egyptian art. Dachshund means badger dog, as they were developed to dig their way into a badgers den. To train them, you need a good amount of patience and treats. It is laid-back like the Basset Hound but not aloof like the Afghan Hound. After thousands of years, the Greyhound is now considered the fastest dog breed in the world and one with long noses. One minute it wants to snuggle, the next moment it is challenging your authority. The sleek lines of Ibizan Hounds extend to their bodies.
Their skulls should be extended but not too narrow. Youre more likely to find it calm in a household than causing a ruckus.
True to their elegance, Afghan Hounds arent your typical mans best friend whod snuggle and play a lot. They need a lot of patience to train as their hunting instincts may kick in! Although long-nosed dogs are used for various kinds of work, they can also make fantastic family companions. This loyalty makes them a favorite of the police force.
These, coupled with hanging lips and sad eyes, give the Basset Hound a calm expression. We all know that our canine companions have an amazing sense of smell.
These dogs are quite upbeat, so theyre always game for any outdoor activities and play time with the family. In the doggy world, this is an indisputable truth.if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[468,60],'puplore_com-box-3','ezslot_9',192,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-box-3-0')}; Some of these canines are categorized as dolichocephaly. GSDs are commonly trained as service dogs, K9 unit pups, and canines for military work. 10 Best Cocker Spaniel Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks! Chances are, youve seen these hounds associated with races. The Saluki is laden with gracefulness, so much that it was revered and seen as a gift from Allah by its early owners.
Theyll bark when theyre bored or lonely, so apartment dwellers take note. Notwithstanding the fighting past, the Bull Terrier is a dog breed with a big heart. As the smaller version of the Rough Collie (more on that breed in a minute), the Shetland Sheepdog or Sheltie is another one of those dog breeds with long snouts. Her writing on travel and sustainability appears in national and international publications and she is the author of several guidebooks. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_16',171,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0')};The breed got into the United States before the 1st World War but made its mark during actual battles. From there, it got into America and got AKC recognition in 1885. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-netboard-2','ezslot_21',180,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-netboard-2-0')};Greyhounds are friendly with family members and are not known to be aggressive, but are withdrawn from strangers. It was used to hunt at a point, but quickly got sidetracked in favor of bigger hounds. Among their unique features include long legs, triangular floppy ears, short and sheer coats, and amber or gray-colored eyes. These dogs excel in short distance racing, thanks to their bodies built with superb aerodynamics. It got recognized by the American Kennel Club in 1885.
Salukis have a sleek and symmetrical build, making them swift and agile hunters. Related:24 Worlds Strongest Dog Breeds (Pound for Pound). Their heads are flat in between the ears and gently curve down to the tip of the nose. Prized for their acute sense of smell, bloodhounds have long aided law enforcement in sniffing out wrongdoers or missing persons.
In real life, a Beagles nose is probably not as big as Snoopys, but they make our list of adorable long nose dogs! In 1967, it made its first entry into the United States.
However, this doesnt make it easy to train. This dog breed is a native of Germany in the 19th century and started as protector of a man named Dobermann. Eris from Virginia soon became an internet sensation, garnering over 250,000 followers on Instagram. Which Dog Has The Shortest Snout? Beezers, as they are fondly called, are exceptional hunting pups.
Did you know that Snoopy is an AKC-registered Beagle? A German Shepherd dog does great in search and rescue, police and detection work, and tracking. These sighthounds were originally developed in England for racing and hunting, so they have a slim but sturdy build similar to Greyhounds. Its easy to see why! Its appearance is considered stylish with its narrow head and long snout.
The Airedale Terrier originated in Yorkshire in 1853. The Beagle has a blurry origin, but early sightings of the breed as we know it today were in England. Lassie, one of the first canine stars of TV and film, was an all-around heroic farm dog. It is an old breed and has been used to chase down and corner animals like leopards. Thats right, no hands should be raised. Their heads are pretty broad between the ears, narrowing to a strong muzzle.
They are at turns affectionate and aloof, and will seek cuddles or playtime only when theyre in the mood for it. Sociable and mild-tempered, you should never have any problem with getting your Poodle acquainted with the rest of the family and household pets. Being one ofthe fastest dog breeds, Salukis can run up to 42.8 miles per hour, so its hard to beat these pooches in a sprinting competition. When it is not hunting, the Whippet is introverted. Because they still retain a strong prey instinct, Whippets arent recommended for homes with cats and other small animals. An ancient dog breed with a long snout, Pharaoh Hounds were bred to hunt rabbits and rodents. If youve seen the classic TV show, Lassie, then youll have a better idea of what Rough Collies are like. If youre an experienced owner in search of a pooch pet, the Airedale Terrier is a fine choice. They thrive well in an environment thats peaceful and with lots of space to run around.
The dog breed originated in Germany and was known for its ability to take on the ferocious badger.
Italian Greyhounds are highly suited to apartment living, but not to being left alone for long periods of time. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-leader-4','ezslot_14',169,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-leader-4-0')};You dont need a genie to hint that the Saluki has Arabic roots. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'puplore_com-narrow-sky-1','ezslot_18',172,'0','0'])};if(typeof __ez_fad_position != 'undefined'){__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-puplore_com-narrow-sky-1-0')};Their reserved nature notwithstanding, they love company. But this unique feature is not just for cuteness purposes a long snout actually adds to a canines hunting ability. 10 Best Border Collie Breeders (2022): Our Top 10 Picks!
It is energetic, so it needs an active owner who can meet its high exercise need. document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a7c6a2243bf13194c40aa243cc76f728" );document.getElementById("c82db2eba3").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); This Arabian Dog is Fast Enough to Catch a Gazelle Amazing Dogs | Smithsonian Channel, Doxin, Doxen, Doxie, or Dachshund? As a member of the terrier group, these dogs also have boundless energy and an instinct to hunt.