I belong to St. Ambrose Parish. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, shopping, and watching the St. Louis Blues and the St. Louis Cardinals. Bryce Rausch, Parish Finance Council | rausch.bryce@gmail.com Deacon Ian Kelly 330.460.7300 | IKelly@StAmbrose.us I have two sons and daughter-in-laws as well as four grandchildren. He has extensive maintenance experience, with the majority of his career being spent at St. Anthony's Hospital. Teens and Technology: How to Safely Navigate the Tech Culture, Saint Ambrose students win Scholastic Achievement. I live in Alton with my wife Jennifer and our son, who attends school here at St. Ambrose. Lyla Wooten, Financial Deposits Administrator |330.460.7332 | LWooten@StAmbrose.us, Janet Majka, PSR Coordinator| 330.460.7321 | JMajka@StAmbrose.us I went to college on a baseball scholarship, and later played two seasons of Minor League Baseball. When I am not at school, I enjoy spending time with my husband. St. Ambrose faculty and staff play an important role in the growth, development and faith formation of your child. I am in my 9th year of teaching, including two years at St. Peter & Paul in Waterloo, five years at St. Peter & Paul in Alton, and the last two years here at St. Ambrose. In my previous years of teaching, I taught at St. John Neumann in Maryville, Il. All of our teachers and staff must submit themselves through a rigorous background check prior to being employed such as FBI fingerprinting, as well as, training in recognizing and preventing child abuse. I believe in hands on education and making learning as exciting and fun as possible.
Father Andrew Hoover, Parochial Vicar |330.460.7311 |AHoover@StAmbrose.us From Greenville I earned a Bachelors Degree in Science in Elementary Education with endorsements in Math, Science, Social Science, and Language Arts. I love my job and teaching middle school. I enjoy forming lasting relationships with my students and love getting them excited about learning! In my free time, I love to spend time with my family, cook, and read. I finished College with a B.S. Our students have been recognized in local and national art contests, such as the St. Louis Symphony Orchestras Picture and Express the Music contests (2-year Maestro Award winner) and the MCA Christmas Card Contest. Helen Lanzarotta, Parish Life Coordinator/Music Ministry/Weddings|330.460.7343 | HLanzarotta@StAmbrose.us -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_00aa445b", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_9300745e", 1); Robert Baird (Principal/Social Studies) -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_8e47b2eb", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_b3552e3e", 1); Jean Connoyer (Secretary) -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_88d1847e", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_b91db384", 1); Emily Kribs (Office Assistant) -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_606e31a4", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_adba6d6e", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_106f7ce1", 1); Tim Douglas (Maintenance) -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_1abb6123", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_feea20a0", 1); Phyllis Erwin (Before/Aftercare )-emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_bca2d8d5", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_b396ab1b", 1); LISA JACOBS ~ I am a graduate of St. Ambrose Catholic School (1995), Marquette Catholic High School (1999), and from Greenville College (2011). Breanne Logue, Institutional Advancement, Director| 330.460.7318 | BLogue@StaSchool.us St. Ambrose Catholic Elementary School Saint Ambrose School and Littlest Angels Preschool are integral facets of Saint Ambrose Parish. Deb Houdek, PSR Secretary| 330.460.7326 |DHoudek@StAmbrose.us During my college days I received awards as a Scholar-Athlete. Gayle Oboy, Future Full of Hope and Spiritual Life Coordinator|330.460.7322 | GOboy@StAmbrose.us, Chrissy Balentine, Parish Events | CBalentine@StAmbrose.us I serve on both the Girl Scout Service Unit as recording secretary and the board of the Goshen Theatre Project. St. Ambrose School admits students of any race, color, and national origin. I currently live in Godfrey with my husband and our new little guy, Logan. MARCY FESSLER - I have been teaching for 27 years and 23 of those years have been at St. Ambrose. I am blessed to be able to share my gifts and love of Music and Fine Arts with all of my students! We play every Tuesday and Thursday night from [], Patriot Party July 22 | 6:00 pm | Campus Fire pit Its July, you know what that means - Its [], Tai Chi Saturday | 9:00 am | Hilkert Hall Gym This is a wonderful practice with many benefits. ALLISON TUCKER - I am a graduate of St. Ambrose and have been a parishioner for all my life. My husband and I, along with our two daughters, are lifelong members of the parish. My daughter is currently a 7th grader at St. Ambrose. I spent a year subbing in Alton and at many local Catholic Schools. We are parishioners at St. Ambrose. This is my 4th year at St. Ambrose, and I enjoy teaching here immensely. I have two grandchildren and I love reading, hiking, and spending time with my family. I currently reside in Wood River, with my husband, daughter Elisabeth, 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a pet rabbit. Bob Downs, Parish Finance Council | BobDowns32@yahoo.com The St. Ambrose faculty is both dedicated and accomplished. I attended St. Marys grade school and Marquette Catholic High School. I am a graduate of SIUE with a BS Degree in Elementary Education (K-9). CATHY ROSE - I teach third grade at St. Ambrose. We welcome you to join our parish community, to grow in a family of faith, and experience the wonderful things at Saint Ambrose Parish! 5110 Wilson Avenue I have been an active member of St. Marys Church in Alton all of my life. Our choir students have participated in the districts solo and ensemble contest and have been invited to sing at various events, such as Wreaths Across America. This is my seventh year at St. Ambrose. Prior to coming here two years ago, I taught for many years at St. Peter and Paul in Alton. For the last 20 years I have been teaching at St. Ambrose Catholic School. I received my Bachelors Degree in Education from Illinois State University and I received my Masters Degree in Education Administration from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. I am a graduate of St. Ambrose and my family has been a part of the parish since I began school here in Kindergarten. After spending a few years at LCCC, I attended Greenville College. I have taught many grades, but the majority of my teaching career has been in 4th grade. I discovered that teaching was my calling after having children and getting involved in coaching. Be the first to know about latest news, read about the wonderful things you do at our parish, and have the perfect reminder for this weekend events. I graduated with a Bachelors in Science in 2014. ), and baking. I have a B.S. I enjoy riding my bike on the River Road and the MCT trails in Edwardsville. Kathy Pearl, Front Office (Calendar & Scheduling) | 330.460.7300 | KPearl@StAmbrose.us My husband and I met in college and were married in 2016. He is just the sweetest. I have four children that graduated from St. Ambrose. Travis Jurgens, Music Ministry| 330.460.7337 | TJurgens@StAmbrose.us I graduated in 1989 from Marquette and continued my education at SIUE. As a child I was a member of St. Thomas Apostle Parrish. All of our teachers carry a degree related to their educational specialty, this includes degrees in art and music as well as specialized Masters degrees. While there, I met and worked with my future coworker, Mrs. Blevins. I am so excited for the upcoming school year and look forward to meeting all the new students and their parents! STEPHANIE MURPHY - Since graduating from SIUE with a Bachelor of Science Degree in elementary education, I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach at St. Ambrose Catholic School. Maryellen Newrones, Administrative Assistant, Coordinator| 330.460.7353 | MNewrones@StaSchool.us CHRIS BACHMAN - I grew up in Godfrey and was baptized at St. Ambrose Parish and have been a member ever since. I was soon asked to assist Mrs. Bachman in the Kindergarten classroom and became the substitute teacher for the whole-school, including the PK3s and PK4s. St. Ambrose School is led by our Pastor, the Rev. Carol Maline, Bookkeeping |330.460.7336 | CMaline@StAmbrose.us La misin de la Comunidad Catlica de San Ambrosio es crecer en fe y espiritualidad a medida que buscamos proclamar y vivir el Evangelio a travs de nuestra liturgia, oraciones y obras de caridad para todo el pueblo de Dios. Get to know the faces your children see every day. Read our newsletter, The Knightly News, to find out what's happening in our school community. I worked at MCHS for eight years. Debbie McCready Front Office |330.460.7300 | DMccready@StAmbrose.us ALLISON BLEVINS (Religion) - I grew up in Godfrey, Illinois. Rebecca Kaaikaula, Marketing & Communications Specialist & Stewardship Coordinator| 330.460.7334 | RKaaikaula@StAmbrose.us My husband and I were married in 2018 and I gained 3 bonus stepchildren. I received my Bachelors Degree from SIUE and a Master of Arts in Education from Greenville College. I attended SIUE where I majored in Elementary Education with endorsements in Language Arts and Social Studies. Over the summer, I am usually at the farm picking peaches or working in the garden. A full directory of our staff is below. Visit the Meet our Staff page to see bios and photos to put a face to the name! ROBERT BAIRD (Principal / Social Studies) - I grew up in Alton and am a graduate of Marquette Catholic High School. Gabby Yatson, CARES Team |330.460.7323 | GYatson@StAmbrose.us, Kailey Baca, 330-460-7300 | KBaca@StAmbrose.us, Lisa Cinadr,Principal, Head of Schools| 330.460.7350 | LCinadr@StaSchool.us Bridgit Castrigano, PSR/Baptism Assistant |330.460.7325 | BCastrigano@StAmbrose.us Ryan Harrington, Athletic Director |413.320.3472 | ryanh@sales-team.biz Tim has belonged to St. Ambrose for most of his life. I went back to school and received my teaching credentials to teach high school Business and middle school science. I taught for a few years in the Ferguson - Florissant - Berkley school district before moving to Illinois. I have taught second, third, and fourth grades. Luci Stack, Front Office| 330.460.7300 | LStack@StAmbrose.us I taught for one year at Jerseyville Community High School and five years at St. John Neumann Catholic Elementary School. John Taylor, Housekeeping| 330.460.7300 | JTaylor@StAmbrose.us, Gail Eichman, CARES Team Service |330.460.7331 | GEichman@StAmbrose.us My husband and I just welcomed our one year old, Rowan, on December 20, 2019. I attended Millikin University & Greenville University, earning a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education. KARIE PRESTON (Dean of Students/Fine Arts) - I grew up in Bethalto, Illinois, graduating from Civic Memorial High School. All teachers work in teams of two, and are not responsiblee for classrooms alone. After Evangelical, I attended Alton High School and graduated in 2009. l received an Associates in Science and an Associates in General Studies from Lewis and Clark Community College. I have had the pleasure now of teaching PK3, PK4, Kindergarten and 2nd grade. Chris Gibson, Maintenance| 330.460.7300 | CGibson@StAmbrose.us BRANDY SMITH ~ I grew up in Kinmundy, IL. Father Steven (Pastor) -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_3b29f6a8", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_6a4c76a1", 1); Deacon Jay Wackerly -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_e5543cd6", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_5c9f5c51", 1); Deacon Bill Kessler -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_566a4628", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_1925bcf5", 1); Deacon Tom Wilkinson -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_ab482349", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_30521d5b", 1); Michelle Pulask i-emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_2ed1ef4b", 1); Mary Jo Zykan -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_27f27bfb", 1); Mel Bechtold -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_82271b46", 1); Brandy Smith -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_d06e6ea8", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_1dd22f9f", 1); Lisa Jacobs -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_3482a35a", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_5192c8e6", 1); Chris Bachman -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_c7654788", 1); Kate Hoefert -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_6582389b", 1); Allison Tucker -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_f0e05461", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_96d7631e", 1); Kim Wackerly -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_2dd29936", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_aba12741", 1); Marcy Wendle -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_996b7bf2", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_4accaec9", 1); Stephanie Murphy -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_ffcb0428", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_1ed4da4d", 1); Jennifer Baird -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_afd7b97b", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_c3f9927b", 1); Marcy Fessler -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_483bb5db", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_ebed090b", 1); Allison Kane -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_638b03e2", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_4a2807b8", 1); AlexandraStilwell -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_6607ed4f", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_35f78b69", 1); Allison Blevins (Religion )-emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_5dfc8409", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_e47589d5", 1); Abby Wielgus (Language Arts) -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_4daec4ef", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_9f89fe39", 1); Anna Leeds (Math )-emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_f8fc4987", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_8328eaa2", 1); Robert Frost (Science) -emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_c84e6354", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_56d8bcc5", 1); Karie Preston (Fine Arts/Dean of Students) emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_83cdd221", 1);emailProtector.addCloakedMailto("ep_37be4ca5", 1); Donna Pantone (Fitness/P.E.) MAGGIE MONAHAN ~ My husband, Scott, and I have two sons, William and Jack. I am a parishioner of St. Ambrose Church, where I serve as a cantor, lector, and Eucharistic minister. 330-460-7300 | 929 Pearl Road, Brunswick, Ohio. I graduated from St. Marys Elementary School, Marquette Catholic High School and Greenville College. Geneva Chrysanthus, Youth Ministry & Virtus | GChrysanthus@StAmbrose.us EMILY KRIBS (Office Assistant) - I have worked in the office at St. Ambrose for 5 years. I was included in the 1993 edition of Whos Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges. Substitute teachers go through the same background check procedures and trained on-site for at least 24 hours before substituting for any regular staff member. Saint Louis, MO 63110. I also enjoy scrapbooking and shopping for decorations for my house. This August will be my 10th year at St. Ambrose. I have worked at St. Ambrose for 6 years all at the 1st grade level. I was hired as a full-time 5th Grade teacher for the 2015-2016 school year and have never looked back. Currently teaching 2nd grade, I enjoy teaching the children cursive handwriting skills, how to count money, and tell time. Catherine Mitchell, Littlest Angels Preschool, Director |330.460.7361| CMitchell@StaSchool.us Amy Morgan, Technology Director | AMorgan@StaSchool.us ACCW (Arch-Diocese Council of Catholic Women), Ministerios Extraordinarios de Eucaristia. My husband and I live in Godfrey, and we met while I was teaching PE in Chicago. I am a Girl Scout leader and a recognized Volunteer of Excellence. While attending Greenville, I worked at St. Ambrose in the PK4 Classroom as an aide and completely fell in love with the school. St. Ambrose is committed to providing a certified and dedicated staff to nurture and challenge each and every St. Ambrose student. I thoroughly enjoy working with the 1st graders here at St. Ambrose. I have coached everything from college baseball to 5 year old softball. I am a graduate of St. Ambrose Catholic School (2000) and of Marquette Catholic High School (2004). Come and spend some time in prayer during Eucharistic Adoration as we watch and wait," remaining silent in His loving Presence. In my spare time I loves reading, attending and performing in musicals, making crafts, puzzles, all things Disney, and spending time with my family. Jeff Trush, Catholic Works of Mercy | 330.460.7303 I am the proud mom of two amazing sons. The primary []. I attended Evangelical for grades 5-8, where I had some of the most amazing teachers. Over the years, I have built the Fine Arts program from a small general music program to a full-fledged Fine Arts program that includes music, art, dance, and theater. Maria Crookston, Pastoral Ministry 330.460.7300 |MCrookston@StAmbrose.us In addition to teaching, I also direct the St. Ambrose Middle School Choir and lead the Drama Club. My husband Ryan and I have been married for 10 years. I was born in Alton and still live here today with my husband, Chris and our yellow lab, Sadie. TIM DOUGLAS (Maintenance) - Tim joins our staff at St. Ambrose as our new maintenance specialist. I have been at St. Ambrose for four years. Caitlin Arbogast, Youth Ministry & Journey to Emmaus / RCIA|330.460.7387 | CArbogast@StAmbrose.us Christie Cereshko, Graphic Design and Website| 440-341-1760 | cdenk@cmdgraphicsllc.com Jim Rauschenbach, Faithful After 50 / Rt. We welcome you to learn more! Andrew Fisher and by our Principal, Mrs. Maria Tejada. Melissa Levine, Parish Events | 330.460.7300 | MLevine@StAmbrose.us Deacon Matt Harley 330.460.7300 | MHarley@StAmbrose.us Tom Serafin| tom.serafin1@msn.com I have a BS in Education from McKendree University. We just became members this year. Encouraging students to enjoy reading books, as much as I do, is one of my main goals each year. All rights reserved. Later I received a Master of Arts Degree in Education. Diane Heilman, Adult Faith Formation |330.460.7300 | DHeilman@StAmbrose.us I dreamed of one day becoming a teacher here. Science has always been a passion of mine. Then I continued my education at Marquette Catholic High School and graduated in 2006. Laura Cole, Faculty Liaison | LCole@StaSchool.us, Luda Galinas, Business Office| LGalinas@StAmbrose.us JEAN CONNOYER (Secretary) - I have been the office manager at St. Ambrose School for 10 years, stepping into the job when my mother retired from it after many years. ABBY WIEGLUS (Language Arts) - I was born in Urbana and grew up in Blue Mound (a tiny town about two hours north of here.) Tim grew up in the area and is a graduate of Alton High School. JENNIFER BAIRD - I teach third grade here at St. Ambrose Catholic School. Deacon Thomas Sheridan330.460.7300 | TSheridan@StAmbrose.us After raising my children, I began teaching at St. Ambrose and this is my 13th year. From there I went on to Illinois College and received a BA in Music Education. 2004-2022 Saint Ambrose Parish. This is my second year of teaching and I am so excited to be part of the team at St. Ambrose. In my free time I enjoy officiating and coaching high school and youth sports as well as being outdoors and fishing. I live in Alton with husband, Robert, and our son, who is in 1st grade here at St. Ambrose. In my free time, I enjoy doing lots of crafts with my husband. Father Bob Stec, Pastor |330.460.7333 | BStec@StAmbrose.us Frank Gati, School Advisory Board |SAB@StASchool.us Megan Sawyer, PSR Office | MSawyer@StAmbrose.us Robyn Vavrek, PSR Office | RVavrek@StAmbrose.us, Linda Cebula, Parish Pastoral Council | seapines8@aol.com From SJN I moved to Little Flower Catholic School (Richmond Heights, MO) and served as Principal there for three years. In my spare time, I like to read, cook, and travel. I love hiking, mycology, and traveling. Over the course of many years, I have had the opportunity to teach 6th, 4th, and 2nd grade students. Jake Bihari, Parish Life and Development | JBihari@StAmbrose.us The mission of the Catholic Community of St. Ambrose is to grow in faith and spirituality as we seek to proclaim and live the Gospel through our liturgy, prayers, and charitable works for all Gods people. I conduct two all school musical programs (Christmas and Spring), as well as choir concerts, drama productions, and art shows. degree from Fontbonne University, with a double major in Special Education and Elementary Education. We are blessed with one daughter who is a graduate of St. Ambrose and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My hobbies include jigsaw puzzles, binge watching TV shows, attending sporting events (GO BLUES! After three wonderful years at Little Flower, I returned to my alma mater, Marquette Catholic High School to serve as Assistant Principal. I also helped in our After-Care program. ROB FROST (Science) - I grew up in Florissant MO, where I attended McCluer North High. I love nurturing my students creativity and helping them to find their inner artists. ALEXANDRA STILWELL - I was born in Alton and I went to school in the Alton Public School District until 5th Grade. We live in Troy with our baby Miles and our furbaby, Cooper. I graduated in 1993 with a Bachelor's of Science degree in Education. I have been married for 19 years and have one son in high school. Kevin Yaugher | kyaugher@gmail.com, Faith, fellowship, and basketball All men are welcome; including all skill levels. 66 Senior Ministry |330.460.7341 | JOsowski@StAmbrose.us Kathy Jake, Parish Pastoral Council | kathleenjake@hotmail.com Since enrolling William in St. Ambrose, we absolutely fell in love with the school and all of the teachers and staff. Over 60% of the teachers hold post-graduate degrees. The students make teaching fun each and every day! ALLISON KANE - I am a teacher here at St. Ambrose. From there, I went to SIUE and earned my Bachelors Degree in 2012, majoring in Elementary Education. ANNA LEEDS (Math) - I was born and raised in Alton, IL. I went to Marquette Catholic High School, and I graduated from Illinois College in Jacksonville with a BA in Art. Joyce Osowki, Faithful After 50 / Rt. We have two wonderful and very energetic daughters, Kayli, who is 9 and Brianne Bree who is 5. Lisa Homady, Care and Compassion/Service| 330.460.7315 | LHomady@StAmbrose.us In my free time I enjoy spending time with my family. 66 Senior Ministry |216.272.1166 | JRauschenbach@StAmbrose.us I have directed many plays and musicals, including Once on This Island Jr., Little Mermaid Jr., Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and James and the Giant Peach Jr. DONNA PANTONE (Fitness/PE) - I have worked at St. Ambrose as the PE teacher for four and a half years. I started as the computer teacher for one year and moved to middle school my second year. I went to St. Ambrose in elementary school and graduated in 2002. I also enjoy gardening, cooking, and reading. KATE HOEFERT - I was born and raised in Sterling, IL where I attended St. Marys Catholic grade school and middle school and was very active in my church throughout high school. I have taught the grade levels of 3rd, and 5th 8th. Jennie Porco, CARES Team Care and Compassion |330.460.7317 | JPorco@StAmbrose.us I enjoy hiking, camping, and spending time outdoors with my family. I also enjoy photography. I am a graduate of St. Ambrose and Marquette Catholic High School. Deacon Frank Weglicki 330.460.7300 | secesh1246@wowway.com I was born and raised here in Godfrey. Angelo Gasparro, Discipline | AGasparro@StaSchool.us Joanne Bartinelli, Front Office| 330.460.7300 | JBartinelli@StAmbrose.us In Business Administration and worked in sales and Marketing. Teachers are expected to have a minimum of one year experience of working with young children prior to employment. In order to facilitate learning, teaching assistants are assigned to each of the primary classrooms. I have been fortunate to have taught here at St. Ambrose for the last 10 years. I have been teaching for 9 years and my career as a teacher has all been at St. Ambrose Catholic School. I graduated from SIUE in 2020 with my BA in Elementary Education. Two of my grandchildren attend St. Ambrose in the second and fourth grades. The screening is done by both the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston and the Texas Department of Health & Human Services. I graduated from Augustana College in 2009 and was hired as a third grade teacher at Lincoln Elementary School in Sterling. I started working here as a teachers aide in the PK4 room with Mrs. Merkle (my 2nd grade teacher). I took a break from teaching to raise our two children, Sophie (1st grade) and Marlie (PreK-4), and I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to return to the classroom and work with your children. I went to Meridian High School and graduated in 2006.