(For Spanish only. The Open University Student Budget Accounts Ltd (OUSBA) offers a convenient 'pay as you go' option to pay your OU fees, which is a secure, quick and easy way to pay. Please note that The Open University works exclusively with OUSBA and is not able to offer you credit facilities from any other provider. This subject gives you the opportunity to study the language, literature and culture of ancient Rome. Students must earn a g.p.a. Approximately half of your study time will be spent reading this literature in translation, and studying its historical and cultural contexts. You will develop your ability to think logically and to communicate effectively in written English, and develop your digital and information literacy skills through a range of online activities and through assessed work. Anti Bullying Victimisation and Harassment, What To Expect If You Are Joining Us In September 2022, During the course you will: gain an understanding about how language works which will help you in English and modern languages as well as Latin. Learn how we're exchanging real-time ideas and insights for real-world impact. The Nominati. The availability of courses that satisfy requirements for the certificate may change from semester to semester. LAS:2700 Introduction to Latin American Studies For further information regarding Latin please contact Nina Rinke. Although you dont require any knowledge of the Latin language, this module does demand consistent work and commitment from the beginning, and an awareness of what is required in order to successfully study a language would be an advantage. Some will be part of your print materials, while others will be accessed through our suite of online language learning tools which include interactive grammar quizzes, vocabulary testers and a Story Explorer. All our classes are developed in accordance with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). After laying down some foundations in Block 1, which focuses primarily on Livy, Blocks 2 and 3 will explore this theme in more depth. Note: if the student has sufficient background in Greek and Roman history and culture, appropriate courses from other disciplines such as Art History, English and History may be substituted. This page describes the module that will start in October 2022. This course introduces you to the basic principles of Classical Latin. Learn more about Advanced Graduate Certificate in Classics at Columbia University School of Professional Studies. Classics and Religious Studies Department, Home Academics College of Liberal Arts Classics and Religious Studies Department Latin and Classical Humanities, MA Certificate in Latin and Classical Humanities. Supported by careful explanations of the grammar and vocabulary, they will gradually increasein complexity. The program is designed to supplement a major with broad regional, cultural, and language training appropriate for graduate work or a Latin America-related career in business, government or teaching. Intermediate Spanish: A trip across Latin America Syllabus: Basic English Grammar For Learning Latin Part I. Latin and Its Indo-European Language Family. We expect it to start for the last time in October 2026. 21 credits with Latin American content (completed with a minimum grade of C), distributed as follows: Students must demonstrate high-intermediate proficiency in Spanish, Portuguese, or Haitian Creole. Classical Latin: the language of ancient Rome starts once a year in October. Alongside the language you will explore further aspects of Augustan literature and culture in depth.
If you have any doubt about the suitability of the module, please speak to an adviser. Are you curious about how we know the pronunciation of Ancient Latin?. Youll be provided with three printed module books, each covering one block of study, along with a Readings and Resources Book, and a Language Reference Book. Coursework: Successful completion of SPN 2240, POR 3242 or 3243, or HAI 2201. The assessment details for this module can be found in the facts box above. You then repay OUSBA interest-free and in full just before your module starts. In orderto make it easier for interested students to find these courses, included below is a list of available courses by semester. All students develop an individual certificate plan of study in close cooperation with a LASadvisor. and Ph.D. programs at institutions including: Part-time students can complete the program in four or more semesters. We accept American Express, Mastercard, Visaand Visa Electron. Site Development: Digital Strategies (Division of Communications) Apply the skills and values of narrative understanding to improve outcomes for both patients and caregivers. module materials, including online versions of theprinted books, audio materials, from interviews with experts in the field to audio versions of the Latin texts that youll be reading, innovative interactive online resources designed to support your language learning, including vocabulary and grammar tests andquizzes, a Story Explorer to help you navigate the texts that you'll translate. Independent Project in Latin American Studies, Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Required LAS Courses (LAS:2700 and LAS:4700), Additional Courses (excluding Spanish or Portuguese courses). Contact us if you want to know more about study with The Open University before you register. You will read and study excerpts from a diverse range of Augustan texts including Virgils Aeneid, Ovids Metamorphoses, Suetonius Lives of the Caesars, and the poetry of Horace and Propertius alongside key examples of Augustan visual culture. * International students are responsible for ensuring they have read and understand the Universitys, In the Global Network you join as a Columbia grad, Yilin Liu: Bringing Ancient Greece into the Digital Age with the Help of an SPS Research Grant, Keep Learning and Keep Connecting This Spring at SPS.
Your understanding of the literary and cultural elements of the module are tested by short essays and close reading questions requiring you to comment on short extracts of Latin prose and poetry (in translation). Undergraduate certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas. By exploring a range of Latin texts in translation you will gain skills in close reading and critical analysis, alongside an understanding of the historical and cultural context. New Latin Grammar (Part-1): The, Join us in the course Doing Business in Latin America. However, as you may be asked to install additional software or use certain applications, youll also require a desktop or laptop as described above. These define a hierarchy of levels and describe the achievement expected at each level. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. One credit represents about 10 hours of study over the duration of the course. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you. As additional affordability checks are required when processing joint loan applications, unfortunately, an instant decision cannot be given. For more information, contact Study Abroad Services in the UF International Center or visit here for a list of programs offered by the Center for Latin American Studies. In this course, you will learn about the characteristics of the biggest multilatinas, how they have built their domestic and international competitive advantage, and you will identify which are the c, Il corso offre testimonianze dirette della circolazione della lingua e della letteratura latina nella pars Orientis dellImpero. On average the processing time for a joint loan application is five working days from receipt of the required documentation.
Applications are accepted for both September and January admission, with deadlines of June 1st and November 1st respectively. The tasks will be set by your tutor and can be completed at any time during your course of study. No application is required. The specially prepared interactive website, Introducing Classical Latinis recommended as preparatory work for this module. HIST:1016 The History That Made Our World -- Latin American Food History
You will have a tutor who will help you with the study material and mark and comment on your written work, and whom you can ask for advice and guidance. Learn more about the application process, deadlines, and requirements. Youll be carefully guided to look at bits of real Latin from an early stage in the module, showing what can be gained from an awareness of the original language. This course continues to introduce the basic principles of Classical Latin. International Students:Qualifies students on anF1 Visa to apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT)upon completion of the certificate. SPAN:2500 Readings in Spanish American Literature This is an OU level 2 module, which builds on the OU level 1 moduleDiscovering the arts and humanities (A111), or The arts past and present (AA100) and Voices, texts and material culture (A105). Examination: An Advanced Placement score of 45, with approval, or a SAT II score of 700. OUcourses are recognised and respected by employers for their excellence and the commitment they take tocomplete. Our rigorous programs meet students where they are and take them where they want to go - on their terms and throughout their lives. Syllabus: 001 Advanced Latin Vocabulary with Pexenfelder's Apparatus Eruditionis. Advance knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin and prepare for graduate-level study or a career change. Site Development: Digital Strategies (Division of Communications). Columbia will continue to require the wearing of non-cloth masks in instructional spaces for Summer sessions. Find your personal contacts including your tutor and student support Youll have access to a module website, which includes: Youll need broadband internet access and a desktop or laptop computer with an up-to-date version of Windows (10 or 11), or macOS (10.15 or higher). ), Individual oral examination to be conducted by language faculty. Listed below are the general categories of coursework required to earn the degree; for more specific information oncourses, curriculum, and requirements of the Certificate in Latin American studies, visit the UI General Catalog. team: Help with the Universitys computing systems: Help with accessing the online library, referencing and using libraries near you: Please tell us where you live so that we can provide you with the most relevant information as you use this website. Class Central aggregates courses from many providers to help you find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. This module is expected to start for the last time in October 2026. Registration closes 08/09/22 (places subject to availability). If you are at a BFPO address please choose the country or region in which you would ordinarily be resident. Potential applicants with fewer than four semesters of study may be invited to take intermediate level courses before being accepted into the program. Study free online Latin language courses and MOOCs from top universities and colleges. The rest of your time will be devoted to studying Latin so that you can start to appreciate these texts in their original language.
student visa application eligibility and requirements. As well as being exciting and inspiring, this course helps you develop analytical skills which will be useful in progressing in further study. Register now, pay later OUSBA pays your module fee direct to the OU. Augustan authors regularly used stories of Romes origins and early history to exemplify, and question, ideal models of Roman behaviour. It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout. Syllabus: Beginning Latin: Lesson 01. All credit is subject to status and proof that you can afford the repayments. and support, Student
0. Students who would like to prepare for graduate-level study or careers in classics or related disciplines such as ancient history, art and archaeology, philosophy, religion, or medieval studies. Oxford University Department for Continuing Education - Facebook, Oxford University Department for Continuing Education - Twitter, "Oxford University Department for Continuing Education - Facebook, "Oxford University Department for Continuing Education - Twitter, "Oxford University Department for Continuing Education - YouTube, "Oxford University Department for Continuing Education - linkedIn, Information for students, staff, and tutors regarding Coronavirus, Literature, creative writing and film studies, Advanced Pre-sessional Course for Graduate Students (nine weeks, full-time), Foundations of Diplomacy Pre-Master's Course (six months, full-time), Oxford University Summer School for Adults, International Wildlife Conservation Practice, Qualitative Health Research Methods (PGCert), Teaching Evidence-based Health Care (PGCert), Evidence-Based Health Care Medical Statistics, Evidence-Based Health Care Systematic Reviews, Evidence-Based Health Care Teaching and Education, Experimental and Translational Therapeutics, Nanotechnology for Medicine and Health Care.
Worcester Sixth Form CollegeSpetchley RoadWorcesterWR5 2LU01905 362600enquiries@wsfc.ac.uk, Contact ListMake a PaymentOfsted ReportsPerformance TablesPrivacy PolicySchools Financial Benchmarking. Two letters of recommendation from college or university instructors familiar with the applicants academic work, particularly in Latin and/or ancient Greek courses. The certificate may be earned by any student admitted to the University of Iowa who is not concurrently enrolled in a UI graduate or professional degree program.However, a student earning the certificate in Latin American studies may not earn the minor in Latin American studies and may not earn an undergraduate major in international studies with the Latin American studies track.
This module combines a beginners course in Latin with the study of Roman culture and literature in translation. Through special arrangements, students in other colleges also may obtain the certificate. Vanderbilt University does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of their race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, military service, or genetic information in its administration of educational policies, programs, or activities; admissions policies; scholarship and loan programs; athletic or other University-administered programs; or employment.Accessibility information. The first meeting will provide an introduction to the online platform (Microsoft Teams), followed by ten classes of language learning. Latin online classes are taught atbeginners level. You are awarded credits after you have successfully completed a module. What are these types of courses?
Site Accessibility: Undergraduate prospectus, Open University Student Budget Accounts (OUSBA), Open University Student Budget Account (OUSBA), OpenLearn: free
SPAN:3060 Introductory Workshop on Creative Writing in Spanish Short and online courses are normally open to the public and can be booked through our website. On the Latin Language, Book VIII, Paragraphs 1-12. All trademarks, service marks and trade names (e.g., the UMass Boston name, the lighthouse, and B insignia) are owned, registered and/or licensed by the University of Massachusetts Boston. There are two tests that have to be taken: It provides a firm basis of grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary of the language, through which you will be able to read and translate Roman drama in adaptation. Language-testing TMAs help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses: these combine short-answer questions with the translation of simple Latin stories into English, testing the skills you are taught in the module. As admissions to our program are highly competitive, we encourage you to apply as soon as possible. The information provided shows how OU module levels correspond to these frameworks. In this course, you will learn Latin, correct Latin pronunciations, and Ecclesiatical vs Classical pronunciation. Component 1: Latin Language is tested through an externally set examination.
LAS:4700 Latin American Studies Seminar: Buenos Aires and the Arts NOTICE: The University of Iowa Center for Advancement is an operational name for the State University of Iowa Foundation, an independent, Iowa nonprofit corporation organized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, publicly supported charitable entity working to advance the University of Iowa. If your income is not more than 25,000 or you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit, you might be eligible for help with some of these costs after your module has started. 003 Advanced Latin Vocabulary with Pexenfelder's Apparatus Eruditionis. If you have not studied at university level before, you are strongly advised to study at OU level 1 before progressing to OU level 2 study. You pay the OU through OUSBA in one of the following ways: If you feel you would be unable to obtain an OUSBA loan on your own due to credit history or affordability issues, OUSBA offers the option to apply for a joint loan application with a third party. The programs flexible schedule allows students to advance their education at their preferred pace. You can pay part or all of your tuition fees upfront with a debit or credit card when you register for each module. Your assignment booklet will tell you which method of submission you should use for each assignment. Throughout the module youll also be encouraged to make connections between this literature and your study of the language. Privacy Policy. The undergraduate Certificate in Latin Americanstudies (LAS) requires a minimum of 18 s.h., including at least 12 s.h. Your tutor will use a blend of methods that may include online tutorials and moderated online discussion forums. These texts will introduce you to some of the most fascinating and famous episodes of early Roman myth and history, from the story of Romulus and Remus to the war with Hannibal. New York, NY, 10027, Copyright 2019 Columbia University School of Professional Studies. The TMAs for this module test your progress with the Latin language and your understanding of literary and cultural topics (which you study in translation). Find out more about our postgraduate courses. Participate in five extracurricular activities sponsored by CLACX and submit a reflection paper for each event. SPAN:2500 Readings in Spanish American Literature HIST:3508 Disease and Health in Latin America Access to a world-renowned system of libraries, Membership in a network of Columbia students, faculty and alumni. To find out more about what kind of support and adjustments might be available, contact us or visit ourDisability support website. This free course, Continuing classical Latin, gives you the opportunity to hear a discussion of the development of the Latin language. They will also help you to develop some of the skills which will be important for A276, such as logical thinking, clear expression, and the ability to construct an argument. Component 2: Roman Culture is tested through either one question to be answered by an extended piece of writing of approximately 400 words or two questions to be answered by pieces of writing of approximately 200 words each. There are two components for this qualification. Only courses at 2000 level or above will count toward the certificate, with a maximum of nine credits at the 2000 level allowed. completed at the University of Iowa. In this free course you will embark on a journey off the beaten track, to see the natural wonders of Latin America and some of its people. More than one in ten OU students are sponsored by their employer, and over 30,000 employers have used the OU to develop staff so far. Facebook, OU Students on DANC:2150 Brazilian Social Dance: The Samba The language requirement may be met in one of three ways: Language courses at the 3000 level or taken on study abroad programs in Latin America/Caribbean may count as core courses with approval from the Undergraduate Advisor at the Center for Latin American Studies. 004 Advanced Latin Vocabular. There may be extra costs on top of the tuition fee, such as set books, a computer and internet access. They also value the skills that students learn and can apply in the workplace. Shop (including exam papers), OU Students on Our Graduate School exists to provide a stimulating and enriching environment for postgraduate students. Any additional software will be provided or is generally freely available. Applicants admitted to the program have generally completed prior coursework in ancient Greek or Latin.
Association, OU Students It provides a firm basis of grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary of the language, through which you will be able to read and translate into English Roman drama in adaptation. From short courses and training to flexible postgraduate programmes; update your skills, change career, or earn a qualification. Its also possible to access some module materials on a mobile phone, tablet device or Chromebook. You may also find it useful to work through the Discovering Ancient Greek and Latin course on OpenLearn. At the same time, youll have the opportunity to reflect on the different challenges and opportunities faced by modern translators of Latin, and to think about the role that the Latin language continues to play in the modern world. Its not available on Kindle. The OU strives to make all aspects of study accessible to everyone and thisAccessibility Statementoutlines what studying A276 involves. The graduate school exists to provide a stimulating and enriching environment for postgraduate students. Alongside the language, you'll explore a range of Latin texts in translation (including Livy, Virgil, Ovid, and Horace) from literary, cultural, and historical angles. Providing comprehensive training in the classical languages, the program is designed primarily for students who would like to prepare for graduate-level study or careers in classics or related disciplines such as ancient history, art and archaeology, philosophy, religion, and medieval studies. learning, OU Students Demonstrate conversational or reading proficiency at the intermediate-mid level in either Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian or an indigenous Latin American language. In such cases, OUSBA will be required to carry out additional affordability checks separately and/or collectively for both joint applicants who will be jointly and severally liable for loan repayments. Upon completing your certificate requirements, you must request your certificate by submitting a Certificate Request Form. (both now discontinued). Studying with The Open University can boost your employability. Do you want to learn Classical Latin? Why not try this unique, free online immersion course?. Learning Outcomes for Degree Tracks in Latin and Classical Humanities: Two Classics Courses (300 level or higher), A comprehensive exam: Latin translation and Roman culture, Grades of B or better in all courses; an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher. Complete 12 credit hours of related graduate-level coursework on Latin America, with at least 6 credit hours coming from outside the primary field of focus. Please check ourlanguage level guideif you are uncertain of what level you are. Organize and share your learning with Class Central Lists. On occasion, the program has admitted students with different academic backgrounds. This blend of methods is designed to help you benefit from tuition whatever your circumstances. Students can complete the required coursework in two or three semesters of full-time study. Overseas study credits can count as core or elective courses pending review of the undergraduate advisor at the Center for Latin American Studies. UF sponsors study abroad programs in several countries. To join in spoken conversations in tutorials, we recommend a wired headset (headphones/earphones with a built-in microphone). The module assumes no prior knowledge of Latin and will start from beginners level.
You wont need to get your employer to complete the form until after youve chosen your module. The Latin and Classical Humanities Certificate is for those intending to teach Latin or to pursue graduate work in areas such as medieval or Renaissance studies. Nine credits of additional courses with Latin American content, including courses in the student's major; courses may be either core (with 100% Latin American content, designated by a C in the LAS course guide) or electives (with at least 25% Latin American content designated by an E in the LAS course guide). The Latin Alphabet - Consonant Pronunciation. All of these areas will also be assessed in the exam at the end of the module. You will also have the opportunity to reflect upon how translation affects our interpretation of ancient literature and culture. A personal statement, explaining the applicants prior experience with Latin and/or Greek and an explanation of how this program will meet the applicants professional goals. This module provides an in-depth study of the Latin language, and of Roman culture and literature, focusing on the Augustan period (mid-first century BCE to early first century CE) and the works of authors such as Livy, Virgil, Ovid and Horace.
Please review its full disclosure statement. SPAN:3350 Contemporary Spanish American Literature Advanced Placement credits do not count. The module provides you with resources that cover all the key principles of Latin grammar, so that by the end of the module you should be able to read fairly complex texts. The free course, Discovering Ancient Greek and Latin, gives a taste of what it is like to learn two ancient languages. Class sizes are limited to ensureyou get the attention you deserve. HIST:3501 Rebel Island: A History of Cuba SPAN:3225 Latin American Women Writers The module focuses on the theme of Roman identity and exemplarity, considering Augustan cultures preoccupation with identity, Romes origins, and exemplary stories from the past. of at least 2.00 in all certificate coursework. You will also be set a variety of exercises and quizzes which will allow you to develop and test your understanding of Latin grammar and syntax. Test 2: Comprehension and Translation Skills. More than 35 part-time graduate certificates, diplomas, masters programmes and doctorates are available. Applicants should have at least 4 semesters of study in Latin for the Latin and Classical Humanities certificate and at least 4 semesters of study in Latin and Greek for the Classical Languages certificate.
Our Latin online languageclasses combine pre-recorded lectures with weekly liveonline meetings, where discussion and debate take place between you and the tutor over an 11-week term.
If you have any doubt about the suitability of the module, please speak to an adviser. Are you curious about how we know the pronunciation of Ancient Latin?. Youll be provided with three printed module books, each covering one block of study, along with a Readings and Resources Book, and a Language Reference Book. Coursework: Successful completion of SPN 2240, POR 3242 or 3243, or HAI 2201. The assessment details for this module can be found in the facts box above. You then repay OUSBA interest-free and in full just before your module starts. In orderto make it easier for interested students to find these courses, included below is a list of available courses by semester. All students develop an individual certificate plan of study in close cooperation with a LASadvisor. and Ph.D. programs at institutions including: Part-time students can complete the program in four or more semesters. We accept American Express, Mastercard, Visaand Visa Electron. Site Development: Digital Strategies (Division of Communications) Apply the skills and values of narrative understanding to improve outcomes for both patients and caregivers. module materials, including online versions of theprinted books, audio materials, from interviews with experts in the field to audio versions of the Latin texts that youll be reading, innovative interactive online resources designed to support your language learning, including vocabulary and grammar tests andquizzes, a Story Explorer to help you navigate the texts that you'll translate. Independent Project in Latin American Studies, Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, Required LAS Courses (LAS:2700 and LAS:4700), Additional Courses (excluding Spanish or Portuguese courses). Contact us if you want to know more about study with The Open University before you register. You will read and study excerpts from a diverse range of Augustan texts including Virgils Aeneid, Ovids Metamorphoses, Suetonius Lives of the Caesars, and the poetry of Horace and Propertius alongside key examples of Augustan visual culture. * International students are responsible for ensuring they have read and understand the Universitys, In the Global Network you join as a Columbia grad, Yilin Liu: Bringing Ancient Greece into the Digital Age with the Help of an SPS Research Grant, Keep Learning and Keep Connecting This Spring at SPS.
Your understanding of the literary and cultural elements of the module are tested by short essays and close reading questions requiring you to comment on short extracts of Latin prose and poetry (in translation). Undergraduate certificates, diplomas and advanced diplomas. By exploring a range of Latin texts in translation you will gain skills in close reading and critical analysis, alongside an understanding of the historical and cultural context. New Latin Grammar (Part-1): The, Join us in the course Doing Business in Latin America. However, as you may be asked to install additional software or use certain applications, youll also require a desktop or laptop as described above. These define a hierarchy of levels and describe the achievement expected at each level. The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has a more-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using 'Content here, content here', making it look like readable English. One credit represents about 10 hours of study over the duration of the course. Read reviews to decide if a class is right for you. As additional affordability checks are required when processing joint loan applications, unfortunately, an instant decision cannot be given. For more information, contact Study Abroad Services in the UF International Center or visit here for a list of programs offered by the Center for Latin American Studies. In this course, you will learn about the characteristics of the biggest multilatinas, how they have built their domestic and international competitive advantage, and you will identify which are the c, Il corso offre testimonianze dirette della circolazione della lingua e della letteratura latina nella pars Orientis dellImpero. On average the processing time for a joint loan application is five working days from receipt of the required documentation.
Applications are accepted for both September and January admission, with deadlines of June 1st and November 1st respectively. The tasks will be set by your tutor and can be completed at any time during your course of study. No application is required. The specially prepared interactive website, Introducing Classical Latinis recommended as preparatory work for this module. HIST:1016 The History That Made Our World -- Latin American Food History
You will have a tutor who will help you with the study material and mark and comment on your written work, and whom you can ask for advice and guidance. Learn more about the application process, deadlines, and requirements. Youll be carefully guided to look at bits of real Latin from an early stage in the module, showing what can be gained from an awareness of the original language. This course continues to introduce the basic principles of Classical Latin. International Students:Qualifies students on anF1 Visa to apply for Optional Practical Training (OPT)upon completion of the certificate. SPAN:2500 Readings in Spanish American Literature This is an OU level 2 module, which builds on the OU level 1 moduleDiscovering the arts and humanities (A111), or The arts past and present (AA100) and Voices, texts and material culture (A105). Examination: An Advanced Placement score of 45, with approval, or a SAT II score of 700. OUcourses are recognised and respected by employers for their excellence and the commitment they take tocomplete. Our rigorous programs meet students where they are and take them where they want to go - on their terms and throughout their lives. Syllabus: 001 Advanced Latin Vocabulary with Pexenfelder's Apparatus Eruditionis. Advance knowledge of ancient Greek and Latin and prepare for graduate-level study or a career change. Site Development: Digital Strategies (Division of Communications). Columbia will continue to require the wearing of non-cloth masks in instructional spaces for Summer sessions. Find your personal contacts including your tutor and student support Youll have access to a module website, which includes: Youll need broadband internet access and a desktop or laptop computer with an up-to-date version of Windows (10 or 11), or macOS (10.15 or higher). ), Individual oral examination to be conducted by language faculty. Listed below are the general categories of coursework required to earn the degree; for more specific information oncourses, curriculum, and requirements of the Certificate in Latin American studies, visit the UI General Catalog. team: Help with the Universitys computing systems: Help with accessing the online library, referencing and using libraries near you: Please tell us where you live so that we can provide you with the most relevant information as you use this website. Class Central aggregates courses from many providers to help you find the best courses on almost any subject, wherever they exist. This module is expected to start for the last time in October 2026. Registration closes 08/09/22 (places subject to availability). If you are at a BFPO address please choose the country or region in which you would ordinarily be resident. Potential applicants with fewer than four semesters of study may be invited to take intermediate level courses before being accepted into the program. Study free online Latin language courses and MOOCs from top universities and colleges. The rest of your time will be devoted to studying Latin so that you can start to appreciate these texts in their original language.

Worcester Sixth Form CollegeSpetchley RoadWorcesterWR5 2LU01905 362600enquiries@wsfc.ac.uk, Contact ListMake a PaymentOfsted ReportsPerformance TablesPrivacy PolicySchools Financial Benchmarking. Two letters of recommendation from college or university instructors familiar with the applicants academic work, particularly in Latin and/or ancient Greek courses. The certificate may be earned by any student admitted to the University of Iowa who is not concurrently enrolled in a UI graduate or professional degree program.However, a student earning the certificate in Latin American studies may not earn the minor in Latin American studies and may not earn an undergraduate major in international studies with the Latin American studies track.
This module combines a beginners course in Latin with the study of Roman culture and literature in translation. Through special arrangements, students in other colleges also may obtain the certificate. Vanderbilt University does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of their race, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, military service, or genetic information in its administration of educational policies, programs, or activities; admissions policies; scholarship and loan programs; athletic or other University-administered programs; or employment.Accessibility information. The first meeting will provide an introduction to the online platform (Microsoft Teams), followed by ten classes of language learning. Latin online classes are taught atbeginners level. You are awarded credits after you have successfully completed a module. What are these types of courses?

LAS:4700 Latin American Studies Seminar: Buenos Aires and the Arts NOTICE: The University of Iowa Center for Advancement is an operational name for the State University of Iowa Foundation, an independent, Iowa nonprofit corporation organized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, publicly supported charitable entity working to advance the University of Iowa. If your income is not more than 25,000 or you are in receipt of a qualifying benefit, you might be eligible for help with some of these costs after your module has started. 003 Advanced Latin Vocabulary with Pexenfelder's Apparatus Eruditionis. If you have not studied at university level before, you are strongly advised to study at OU level 1 before progressing to OU level 2 study. You pay the OU through OUSBA in one of the following ways: If you feel you would be unable to obtain an OUSBA loan on your own due to credit history or affordability issues, OUSBA offers the option to apply for a joint loan application with a third party. The programs flexible schedule allows students to advance their education at their preferred pace. You can pay part or all of your tuition fees upfront with a debit or credit card when you register for each module. Your assignment booklet will tell you which method of submission you should use for each assignment. Throughout the module youll also be encouraged to make connections between this literature and your study of the language. Privacy Policy. The undergraduate Certificate in Latin Americanstudies (LAS) requires a minimum of 18 s.h., including at least 12 s.h. Your tutor will use a blend of methods that may include online tutorials and moderated online discussion forums. These texts will introduce you to some of the most fascinating and famous episodes of early Roman myth and history, from the story of Romulus and Remus to the war with Hannibal. New York, NY, 10027, Copyright 2019 Columbia University School of Professional Studies. The TMAs for this module test your progress with the Latin language and your understanding of literary and cultural topics (which you study in translation). Find out more about our postgraduate courses. Participate in five extracurricular activities sponsored by CLACX and submit a reflection paper for each event. SPAN:2500 Readings in Spanish American Literature HIST:3508 Disease and Health in Latin America Access to a world-renowned system of libraries, Membership in a network of Columbia students, faculty and alumni. To find out more about what kind of support and adjustments might be available, contact us or visit ourDisability support website. This free course, Continuing classical Latin, gives you the opportunity to hear a discussion of the development of the Latin language. They will also help you to develop some of the skills which will be important for A276, such as logical thinking, clear expression, and the ability to construct an argument. Component 2: Roman Culture is tested through either one question to be answered by an extended piece of writing of approximately 400 words or two questions to be answered by pieces of writing of approximately 200 words each. There are two components for this qualification. Only courses at 2000 level or above will count toward the certificate, with a maximum of nine credits at the 2000 level allowed. completed at the University of Iowa. In this free course you will embark on a journey off the beaten track, to see the natural wonders of Latin America and some of its people. More than one in ten OU students are sponsored by their employer, and over 30,000 employers have used the OU to develop staff so far. Facebook, OU Students on DANC:2150 Brazilian Social Dance: The Samba The language requirement may be met in one of three ways: Language courses at the 3000 level or taken on study abroad programs in Latin America/Caribbean may count as core courses with approval from the Undergraduate Advisor at the Center for Latin American Studies. 004 Advanced Latin Vocabular. There may be extra costs on top of the tuition fee, such as set books, a computer and internet access. They also value the skills that students learn and can apply in the workplace. Shop (including exam papers), OU Students on Our Graduate School exists to provide a stimulating and enriching environment for postgraduate students. Any additional software will be provided or is generally freely available. Applicants admitted to the program have generally completed prior coursework in ancient Greek or Latin.
Association, OU Students It provides a firm basis of grammar, sentence structure and vocabulary of the language, through which you will be able to read and translate into English Roman drama in adaptation. From short courses and training to flexible postgraduate programmes; update your skills, change career, or earn a qualification. Its also possible to access some module materials on a mobile phone, tablet device or Chromebook. You may also find it useful to work through the Discovering Ancient Greek and Latin course on OpenLearn. At the same time, youll have the opportunity to reflect on the different challenges and opportunities faced by modern translators of Latin, and to think about the role that the Latin language continues to play in the modern world. Its not available on Kindle. The OU strives to make all aspects of study accessible to everyone and thisAccessibility Statementoutlines what studying A276 involves. The graduate school exists to provide a stimulating and enriching environment for postgraduate students. Alongside the language, you'll explore a range of Latin texts in translation (including Livy, Virgil, Ovid, and Horace) from literary, cultural, and historical angles. Providing comprehensive training in the classical languages, the program is designed primarily for students who would like to prepare for graduate-level study or careers in classics or related disciplines such as ancient history, art and archaeology, philosophy, religion, and medieval studies. learning, OU Students Demonstrate conversational or reading proficiency at the intermediate-mid level in either Spanish, Portuguese, Haitian or an indigenous Latin American language. In such cases, OUSBA will be required to carry out additional affordability checks separately and/or collectively for both joint applicants who will be jointly and severally liable for loan repayments. Upon completing your certificate requirements, you must request your certificate by submitting a Certificate Request Form. (both now discontinued). Studying with The Open University can boost your employability. Do you want to learn Classical Latin? Why not try this unique, free online immersion course?. Learning Outcomes for Degree Tracks in Latin and Classical Humanities: Two Classics Courses (300 level or higher), A comprehensive exam: Latin translation and Roman culture, Grades of B or better in all courses; an overall GPA of 3.5 or higher. Complete 12 credit hours of related graduate-level coursework on Latin America, with at least 6 credit hours coming from outside the primary field of focus. Please check ourlanguage level guideif you are uncertain of what level you are. Organize and share your learning with Class Central Lists. On occasion, the program has admitted students with different academic backgrounds. This blend of methods is designed to help you benefit from tuition whatever your circumstances. Students can complete the required coursework in two or three semesters of full-time study. Overseas study credits can count as core or elective courses pending review of the undergraduate advisor at the Center for Latin American Studies. UF sponsors study abroad programs in several countries. To join in spoken conversations in tutorials, we recommend a wired headset (headphones/earphones with a built-in microphone). The module assumes no prior knowledge of Latin and will start from beginners level.

Please review its full disclosure statement. SPAN:3350 Contemporary Spanish American Literature Advanced Placement credits do not count. The module provides you with resources that cover all the key principles of Latin grammar, so that by the end of the module you should be able to read fairly complex texts. The free course, Discovering Ancient Greek and Latin, gives a taste of what it is like to learn two ancient languages. Class sizes are limited to ensureyou get the attention you deserve. HIST:3501 Rebel Island: A History of Cuba SPAN:3225 Latin American Women Writers The module focuses on the theme of Roman identity and exemplarity, considering Augustan cultures preoccupation with identity, Romes origins, and exemplary stories from the past. of at least 2.00 in all certificate coursework. You will also be set a variety of exercises and quizzes which will allow you to develop and test your understanding of Latin grammar and syntax. Test 2: Comprehension and Translation Skills. More than 35 part-time graduate certificates, diplomas, masters programmes and doctorates are available. Applicants should have at least 4 semesters of study in Latin for the Latin and Classical Humanities certificate and at least 4 semesters of study in Latin and Greek for the Classical Languages certificate.
Our Latin online languageclasses combine pre-recorded lectures with weekly liveonline meetings, where discussion and debate take place between you and the tutor over an 11-week term.