However, you could hear it from some people living in South Italy, especially in Sicily and Campania. In English you need to look at the expression be able to in order to make a proper translation. potre (first-person singular present psso, first-person singular past historic poti or (less common) pottti or (ditto, traditional) pottti, past participle potto, first-person singular future potr, no imperative, auxiliary avre or (as an auxiliary, with main verbs taking essere) ssere). As you can see, potere translates both the modal verb can and the expression to be able to. His main passion? Se serve, posso aiutarti io questo weekend con gli esercizi di matematica. If you need, I can help you with math exercises this weekend. Non hanno potuto visitare il museo perch era chiuso. Non ha potuto fare i compiti perch ha dimenticato il libro a scuola.He wasnt able to / couldnt do her homework because she forgot her book at school. Vorrei che poteste partecipare anche voi alla serata di beneficenza.
Non ho potuto fare niente per aiutarlo. She told me she couldnt trust anyone even her best friend! Se potessi smetterla di preoccuparti, te ne sarei grato.If you could stop worrying, I would really appreciate it. If we had been able to stay / could have stayed longer, we could have played still for a while. After he hadnt been able to sleep for so long, he fell asleep at last. Non potuta venire al cinema con noi ieri pomeriggio perch aveva molte cose da fare.She wasnt able to / couldnt come to the cinema with us yesterday afternoon because she had a lot of things to do. For a proper construction of sentences with Futuro semplice in English, you are suggested to apply the expression be able to with will in the present tense. uno degli uomini pi ricchi e potenti di San Francisco.Hes one of the richest and most powerful men in San Francisco. They werent able to / couldnt visit the museum because it was closed. Potevate aspettarci prima di andare a parlare con il preside!You could wait for us before going to talk to the principal! Sono felice che abbiano potuto salutarlo prima della sua partenza.Im glad they were able to / could greet him before he left. We wont be able to eat until its dinner time. Lets see how to conjugate it in Presente: Possono venire al cinema con noi anche Giancarlo e Anna questa sera? Futuro Anteriore is also very simply to form. Being able to leave work early, I went to the supermarket. Essendo potuti arrivare prima del previsto, hanno fatto colazione. After they had been able to sit, they felt much better. Foreign languages! Could you please give me some sugar? Non avevo potuto dirgli la verit perch non voleva ascoltarmi in quel momento. Mum said you will be able to go to the park after washing all those dishes. Si sarebbero potuti mascherare per Carnevale ma alla fine hanno deciso di non farlo. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary,, Italian terms inherited from Vulgar Latin, Italian verbs with irregular present indicative, Italian verbs with irregular past historic, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Also in this case, you are asked to use the expression be able to. If you want to practice Italian Grammar and tenses here is a list of useful books for you: Born and raised in Italy, he is an Italian professional translator and a tireless traveler. Im really sorry! The Potere Conjugation is one of the most important in Italian language. He couldnt come back home because he had missed the bus. So, its time to say what you can or cannot do using potere in the right conjugation! Se fossimo potuti rimanere di pi, avremmo giocato ancora un po. Dopo larresto pagarono la cauzione e poterono uscire di prigione. The Congiuntivo Presente, Congiuntivo Passato, Congiuntivo Imperfetto and Congiuntivo Trapassato can be translated with the tenses of present and past simple. After being arrested, they paid the bail and they could get out of prison. I hadnt been able to tell him the truth because he didnt want to listen to me in that moment. She seems to have this strange power over people. I hope you can be happy with your new family. Mi dispiace davvero tanto!I wasnt able to do anything to help him. I wish you could take part in the charity evening, too. Al momento non pu lavorare perch a letto con linfluenza. In some cases, especially in the negative, it is used to indicate an impediment or a forbiddance. As for the Trapassato Prossimo, you are able to create sentences with Trapassato Remoto by using the past tense of auxiliary verbs and the past participle of potere. Non potremo mangiare fino a quando non sar pronto a tavola. Potrebbero tardare perch oggi c lo sciopero dei mezzi pubblici.They could be late because today theres a public transport strike. Sar potuta uscire? Potendo uscire prima da lavoro, sono andato al supermercato. Hai potuto dire tutta la verit soltanto perch in quel momento cera tuo padre l con te.You were able to / could tell the truth only because your father was there with you in that moment. They are andare (to go), venire (to come) and reflexive verbs like lavarsi (to shower), vestirsi (to get dressed). Shes been looking for you for days! Non pot tornare a casa perch aveva perso lautobus. Its main feature is the presence of the conjunction che preceding the conjugated verb. Even if Italian Gerundio is widely common, we generally find it in the written language and in a few cases when people talk to each other, for example in case of present progressive. We generally use potere to express capacity to do something. I couldnt understand how they had been able to cheat / could have cheated on my sister all these years. Dont forget that these rules must be applied to all compound tenses (Trapassato Prossimo, Trapassato Remoto, Futuro Anteriore, etc.). They could have dressed up for Carnival but they decided not to do that at last. Quella ragazza riesce sempre ad ottenere ci che vuole.,, Potere Conjugation Conjugate Potere in all tenses, Copyright 2021- Learn Italian Go - 73 Church Street, Guilford, CT 06437, Movies in Italian The Top 10 Recent Italian Movies, Italian phrases for travelers Essential vocabulary.
Se me lo avessi chiesto, avrei potuto aiutarti. This page was last edited on 12 July 2022, at 08:42. Dopo che non ebbe potuto dormire per tanto tempo, finalmente si addorment. As you may have noticed, the present tense of Participio is mostly used as an adjective or a noun, while the past tense has only an auxiliary function. Italian Congiuntivo is not very used in English. Le ragazze non si sono potute lavare stamattina perch la caldaia era rotta. First of all, you should know that potere follows an irregular conjugation. Spero che potrete rivedere presto vostra madre. I hope you will be able to see your mother again.
He cant work at the moment because he is in bed with the flu. When they will have been able to read their favorite novels, they will surely be happier. But you can also use it to ask for permission to do something. This means that you need to learn its conjugation in all tenses by heart. In the Passato Prossimo, the verb potere usually requires the auxiliary have. Non eravate potuti uscire perch stava piovendo.You hadnt been able to go out because it was raining. Sometimes, you are compelled to employ the auxiliary be. Dopo che si furono potute sedere, si sentirono molto meglio. Non riuscivo a capire come avessero potuto ingannare mia sorella per tutti questi anni. As regards the Condizionale Passato, you build it by resorting to the future tense of auxiliaries, combined with the past participle potuto, properly agreed with the subject of the sentence. Now you are ready to communicate your abilities and capacities to everyone you are talking to. Probably, you already know that in this tense the consonant v always occurs in all persons of the verb. Could she have gone out? The girls werent able to / couldnt shower this morning because the boiler was broken. You can easily form the Trapassato Prossimo by using the simple past of auxiliary verbs essere and avere and the past participle of the verb potere. Spero che tu possa essere felice con la tua nuova famiglia. future tense, present perfect, etc.). In English its equivalent form is could. Having been able to arrive ahead of schedule, they had breakfast. He had been able to think a lot about what had happened. Vi cerca da giorni! La mamma ha detto che potrai andare al parco dopo aver lavato tutti quei piatti. Aveva potuto riflettere molto su quello che era successo. As you can see, the past form could has been employed for the conjugation of the Italian Imperfetto. Potresti darmi dello zucchero, per piacere? Credo che possiamo farcela anche da soli senza il vostro aiuto. Can Giancarlo and Anna come with us to the cinema this evening, too? This happen with the so called verbs of motion. From Vulgar Latin potre, regularization of Latin posse. Aver potuto incontrare il mio cantante preferito mi ha rallegrato la giornata.Having been able to meet my favorite singer made my day. This verb is omitted when translating verbs relating to the senses: 1As an auxiliary, with main verbs taking essere.2With syntactic gemination after the verb.3Less common.4Traditional. Seen as can has only two forms, can (for the present tense) and could (for the past and conditional tenses), the expression be able to is required to conjugate the verb in the lacking tenses (e.g. I think we can do it ourselves, even without your help. Mi ha detto che non poteva fidarsi di nessuno nemmeno del suo migliore amico! Sembra avere uno strano potere sulle persone!That girl is always able to get what she wants. una gioia poterti vedere di nuovo sorridere dopo tanto tempo.Its a joy to be able to see you smiling again after all this time. Also in this case, you must employ be able to with will in the past tense. As for the Imperfetto and Passato Remoto, the equivalent form of Condizionale Presente is could in English. dispiaciuta del fatto che non siate potuti venire al suo matrimonio.She is sorry you werent able to / couldnt come to her wedding.
Probably, you will never use the Passato Remoto because it mainly occurs in literature, history books or novels. A thing to remember is that the present tense of Italian Infinito is mainly used as a noun, il potere, which translates the word power in English. In this case, the past participle of potere always agrees with the subject of the sentence. This is usually the only way to recognize it easily. Use auxiliary verbs in the future tense, followed by the past participle of potere. Quando avranno potuto leggere i loro romanzi preferiti, saranno sicuramente pi felici. If you had asked me that, I could have helped you.
Non ho potuto fare niente per aiutarlo. She told me she couldnt trust anyone even her best friend! Se potessi smetterla di preoccuparti, te ne sarei grato.If you could stop worrying, I would really appreciate it. If we had been able to stay / could have stayed longer, we could have played still for a while. After he hadnt been able to sleep for so long, he fell asleep at last. Non potuta venire al cinema con noi ieri pomeriggio perch aveva molte cose da fare.She wasnt able to / couldnt come to the cinema with us yesterday afternoon because she had a lot of things to do. For a proper construction of sentences with Futuro semplice in English, you are suggested to apply the expression be able to with will in the present tense. uno degli uomini pi ricchi e potenti di San Francisco.Hes one of the richest and most powerful men in San Francisco. They werent able to / couldnt visit the museum because it was closed. Potevate aspettarci prima di andare a parlare con il preside!You could wait for us before going to talk to the principal! Sono felice che abbiano potuto salutarlo prima della sua partenza.Im glad they were able to / could greet him before he left. We wont be able to eat until its dinner time. Lets see how to conjugate it in Presente: Possono venire al cinema con noi anche Giancarlo e Anna questa sera? Futuro Anteriore is also very simply to form. Being able to leave work early, I went to the supermarket. Essendo potuti arrivare prima del previsto, hanno fatto colazione. After they had been able to sit, they felt much better. Foreign languages! Could you please give me some sugar? Non avevo potuto dirgli la verit perch non voleva ascoltarmi in quel momento. Mum said you will be able to go to the park after washing all those dishes. Si sarebbero potuti mascherare per Carnevale ma alla fine hanno deciso di non farlo. Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary,, Italian terms inherited from Vulgar Latin, Italian verbs with irregular present indicative, Italian verbs with irregular past historic, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Also in this case, you are asked to use the expression be able to. If you want to practice Italian Grammar and tenses here is a list of useful books for you: Born and raised in Italy, he is an Italian professional translator and a tireless traveler. Im really sorry! The Potere Conjugation is one of the most important in Italian language. He couldnt come back home because he had missed the bus. So, its time to say what you can or cannot do using potere in the right conjugation! Se fossimo potuti rimanere di pi, avremmo giocato ancora un po. Dopo larresto pagarono la cauzione e poterono uscire di prigione. The Congiuntivo Presente, Congiuntivo Passato, Congiuntivo Imperfetto and Congiuntivo Trapassato can be translated with the tenses of present and past simple. After being arrested, they paid the bail and they could get out of prison. I hadnt been able to tell him the truth because he didnt want to listen to me in that moment. She seems to have this strange power over people. I hope you can be happy with your new family. Mi dispiace davvero tanto!I wasnt able to do anything to help him. I wish you could take part in the charity evening, too. Al momento non pu lavorare perch a letto con linfluenza. In some cases, especially in the negative, it is used to indicate an impediment or a forbiddance. As for the Trapassato Prossimo, you are able to create sentences with Trapassato Remoto by using the past tense of auxiliary verbs and the past participle of potere. Non potremo mangiare fino a quando non sar pronto a tavola. Potrebbero tardare perch oggi c lo sciopero dei mezzi pubblici.They could be late because today theres a public transport strike. Sar potuta uscire? Potendo uscire prima da lavoro, sono andato al supermercato. Hai potuto dire tutta la verit soltanto perch in quel momento cera tuo padre l con te.You were able to / could tell the truth only because your father was there with you in that moment. They are andare (to go), venire (to come) and reflexive verbs like lavarsi (to shower), vestirsi (to get dressed). Shes been looking for you for days! Non pot tornare a casa perch aveva perso lautobus. Its main feature is the presence of the conjunction che preceding the conjugated verb. Even if Italian Gerundio is widely common, we generally find it in the written language and in a few cases when people talk to each other, for example in case of present progressive. We generally use potere to express capacity to do something. I couldnt understand how they had been able to cheat / could have cheated on my sister all these years. Dont forget that these rules must be applied to all compound tenses (Trapassato Prossimo, Trapassato Remoto, Futuro Anteriore, etc.). They could have dressed up for Carnival but they decided not to do that at last. Quella ragazza riesce sempre ad ottenere ci che vuole.,, Potere Conjugation Conjugate Potere in all tenses, Copyright 2021- Learn Italian Go - 73 Church Street, Guilford, CT 06437, Movies in Italian The Top 10 Recent Italian Movies, Italian phrases for travelers Essential vocabulary.
Se me lo avessi chiesto, avrei potuto aiutarti. This page was last edited on 12 July 2022, at 08:42. Dopo che non ebbe potuto dormire per tanto tempo, finalmente si addorment. As you may have noticed, the present tense of Participio is mostly used as an adjective or a noun, while the past tense has only an auxiliary function. Italian Congiuntivo is not very used in English. Le ragazze non si sono potute lavare stamattina perch la caldaia era rotta. First of all, you should know that potere follows an irregular conjugation. Spero che potrete rivedere presto vostra madre. I hope you will be able to see your mother again.

Probably, you will never use the Passato Remoto because it mainly occurs in literature, history books or novels. A thing to remember is that the present tense of Italian Infinito is mainly used as a noun, il potere, which translates the word power in English. In this case, the past participle of potere always agrees with the subject of the sentence. This is usually the only way to recognize it easily. Use auxiliary verbs in the future tense, followed by the past participle of potere. Quando avranno potuto leggere i loro romanzi preferiti, saranno sicuramente pi felici. If you had asked me that, I could have helped you.